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Endless Legend is currently free on Steam.
Also, talk about the game. Do you wish for a sequel?

>only base game no dlc
meh i will stick to my pirate version
10/10 soundtrack
10/10 art style
If we get a sequel it will be worse. Amplitude studios is incapable of making a good new game since 2017
which is fine, all the DLC is terrible
The ocean one was nice.
One of the best soundtracks i ever heard in a western game.
Also, the game is ok i guess.
thanks anonbro, downloading.
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thanks anonbro, downloading.
It was nice to have quick access to a lot of resources, but kinda broken for that Deep One inspired race. Also the boat units were kinda underwhelming overall (granted this already had a mediocre combat system, but still).
>Amplitude studios is incapable of making a good new game since 2017.
EL is definitely better than Humankind that's for sure.
Thanks anon!
Amplitude is about due for a new game announcement I reckon. I wonder if we'll get one at the PCGamer show or whatever. I'd be up for an EL2 game with more fleshed out unit rosters and the combat from Humankind. That'd pretty much be the perfect Amplitude game. Really not hard for them to do either.
The other anon is right, dlcs are really underwhelming
One of my favourite 4X even though it has many flaws, hope Amplitude either makes a sequel or another fantasy 4X
I also want a better research system.
Current one discourages you from researching niche techs, but that's all the dlcs introduced...
I don't think they're terrible up until Tempest - after that they outsourced DLC and it resulted in lackluster content of Inferno at best to downright broken bullshit of Symbiosis at worst.
That being said Amplitude DLC has always been somewhat hit and miss. To commend them, the DLC of EL doesn't ever feel like something that they cut from the base game to sell it later, but it also means that they feel like they're just stacked on the original vision.
Yeah that could be refined for sure as well. There's plenty of flaws for them to work on.
The only dlcs that added a mechanic I enjoy are tempest and shifters, all the others add an annoying or impractical mechanic and an interesting new race
This vs Space of Endless 2, who wins?
They're both quite different, basically boils down to do you like Sci-fi or fantasy.
ES2 is a better game mechanically I think. But they are different enough that I'd play both.
>>1758429 is right, ES2 has better mechanics
I still like EL more
This why I still have hope for Amplitude. All their games have been mechanically better than the last. Humankind suffered from trying to separate itself from Civ by going for a Civless faction system, but I feel like if it had dedicated and well thought out asymmetrical factions, it would have been better than civ, or at least on par. Its other mechanics were good. If they haven't been completely gutted by Sega because of that failure and the failure of Endless Dungeon, their next 4x will be their best.
Any balance mods needed for this
there was leak in some nvidia drivers about endless legend 2, i wouldnt keep my hopes up, they havent released a single good game in years and it doesnt look like anything has changed.
yes theres massive community patch which fixes their shit game
> they havent released a single good game in years
Humankind has good game mechanics, I still have hopes the retarded decisions were made by sega
Between then and now they released Endless Dungeon (which is a diffrent game from dungeon of the endless, fuck sake), and that game also sucks.
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We are so back.
Made me look at Humankinds steam stats. It didn't even have an all-time peak larger than endless legend. How the fuck did that happen. A civ competitor with a Sega backed marketing budget and it couldn't even crack the all time peak of one of their smaller games. You'd think the release player count would at least be 100k
january is the anomaly, i guess that was the winter sale, even though it was $5 that's a big bump so maybe something else was going on, it's free right now which is why it's topping steam's trending at the moment
>Activating a Luxury Booster when that Booster is already active now only resets the time instead of adding it on top

Inferno faction seems pretty cool, is dlc worth it

this game is so fucking bland and boring compared to fall from heaven 2 which it tries to ape.
>which it tries to ape.
>I still have hopes the retarded decisions were made by sega
Eh, more likely that women and trannies took over and ruined the studio like they've done to so many others
French are already the most degenerate people, the studio makeup wouldn't make it any worse.
i was in love with the first endless space. It was the first original game i ever bought but i can't get into the sequels or mankind... They add too many complications for something simple.
humankind is shitty. I liked the way cities were handled but that's it. Game is boring and nations changing at random was a really retarded idea it created some "meta" buildings.
Yeah we all know that. But I'm surprised the peak isn't bigger from people just buying it on release without looking because it was a marketed as a big budget civ clone. Also the combat in it is leagues better than Endless Legend's. I like the start of the game as well where you're exploring your local area before settling. It's got some good ideas.
if i not wrong they let streamers and youtubers to play it weeks before the release. Plenty of time to see that the games wasn't that good... I remember someone playing it and i was like "meh, maybe when 85%"
There is no chance for a good sequel since the last few DLCs for this game and ES2 were pure SHIT!
No one wants a Civ clone, just like no one wants a Starcraft clone.
Is there a general start you go for Broken Lords? They don't use food so I figure I just go all in on dust production?
i really wish the combat was just like in homm3 where you set attack order and it gets executed immediately instead of convoluted bullshit they went with, game would actually be much better that way.
What Amplitude Studios games are worth playing!?>
Anyone wanna do a match? Im new to the game
Kinda agree, but it's good that they tried to innovate and took risks
Endless space 2 (without the last dlc) and endless legend
Endless space 1 was good too, but 2 is better imo
there was no reason to go for that weird system, its like trying to reinvent a wheel and now combat is one of the most complained things about EL
i still prefer ES1 they had gone a bit full retard with 2
Tempest is the last decent DLC. Inferno is when they started handed their dlc off to some third arty studio.
by being a 4x with fantasy races that each play vastly different? by having "quests" and the theme of the world getting continuously getting worse with each turn? except it feels like an extremely cheap version, like how ffh1 felt compared to ffh2. they got the budget for graphics, art, music but the lore is pretty bad, the fantasy races are pretty damn uninteresting and "safe" as opposed to the dark fantasy and lore of ffh2.
sure, you might say they both originate in master of magic/age of wonders but then again, endless legend lacks any noticeable depth or grit.
none of them
play scions of patria in ffh2 ashes of erebus instead
I dislike the fact that most of the factions are different species, makes the game feel like artificial generic fantasy slop.
yeah which is why i think it's safe and boring. why would a race of rats be at the same progress as space vikings? not eveybody needs to playable. you could have primitive barbarian races and city states that each act differently. yet the ai plays everything the same. there is just no flavor. the more races you add the more you have to explain and defend their existence. you could have emerging civilizations, too, but but this game just spawns everyone at the same time. there is no "our research has opened a portal and our city was overrun was mindflayers" events that allow you to change factions. nothing, just bland "civ but fantasy" shit.
>you might say they both originate in master of magic/age of wonders
I might and probably will.
That's part of the lore though. It's basically a lab planet where the researchers peaced out.
except you don't know how many factions look like carbon copies, not that I condemn it but they're just worse. also, they hired the creator of ffh2. they know what they're aping.
>they hired the creator of ffh2
Wait did they? I'll accept your claim if that's true. I thought that guy went on to make Fallen Enchantress for Stardock and then just disappeared into the ether.
this was very recently
Interesting, well that probably confirms they are working on EL2 then and his influence is usually pretty good.
it's 2024. you can bet it's going to be dlc hell with esg
>you can bet it's going to be dlc hell
Maybe, 4x games tend to only have a lifespan of 3-4 DLCs. Unless it sells really well and the DLC also sells well, I can't see them making more than that. Unless it's very cheap to make like it seemed to be for EL1.
>they hired the creator of ffh2. they know what they're aping.
Giving someone money as a reward for all their hard work?
make your own thread nigga
I've heard the creator of FFH2 has a wild ego and he's a modder(autistic), so it could just be him.
the cover art for that game filtered me, and then nobody said anything good about it, so I assumed it was shit

anyway, downloading EL now
hoping it scratches my master of magic itch
>the cover art for that game filtered me
I'd bully you for being filtered by having to see a black person, but the game was shit, so you didn't miss anything anyway.
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it was so much more than just that though, anon. it viscerally repulsed me to the point that I instantly overlooked it despite being a fan of 4x.
everything in that image amalgamated together gave me a bad feeling, as if it wasn't really a celebration of humanity despite calling itself humankind.
there were so many things that didn't make sense to me, and who greenlit it? i would have preferred starfield's cover art on it instead.
I mean to be fair, it is basically every forced checkbox that comes shitty with modern media
>Blue hair
>Aggressive woman
>Passive man
>Interracial couple
I know that marketing and development are 2 different teams though so that sort of shit doesn't bother me, especially for something as abstracted as a 4x. Again though, game was shit and soulless in the end anyway.
>>Blue hair
>>Aggressive woman
Remember when this was just being punk
I guess it is still kind of punk. They think they're counter culture, but rather than wanting to not be accepted, now they think you're a bigot if you don't accept them.
>now they think you're a bigot if you don't accept them
What, just like punks?
>They think
>they think
You do know a lot about some culture you refuse to collaborate with huh, /polturd?
I'm the one that doesn't care about that sort of shit in my games. I'm definitely not from /pol/. I'm just talking about stuff because that's what we do here.
That's weird for a non-pol citizen to talk /pol propaganda, whatever dude.
>Again though, game was shit and soulless in the end anyway.
This. At least the Endless series had some vision the player can see and get interested it in. In the end Humankind is just a bland game using the FIDSI system, and the check boxes aren't even that political in a sense for the general public.
It's just aggressively corporate to be non-offensive that ironically became kinda offensive (i.e. The culture shuffle).
They didn't have to write it like that, though. They could have had all the factions be humans on an abandoned research planet.
Why would you want every faction in a fantasy strategy game to be humans? That's the least interesting option.
NTA but i always play humans in my first runs when i learn new scifi 4X
Nta, but that's not audience they were going for. Clearly this game is inspired by 80's~90's sci-fantasy space opera like HoMM, Star Wars, etc. (with a bit of older shit like Dune when the two genres were less separated). It's not really something to be enjoyed for realism like hard sci-fi.
Yeah but humans are only fun to play in these games when you have some weird shit to contrast them with. They can be great, but if it's just all humans, that's pretty boring.
Thus we came back to the blandness and failure of Humankind.
Well the draw of a historical 4x is playing historical nations. That's different from generic fantasy humans. But Humankind didn't really have that either.
i'm giving the superior advice by suggesting to play the superior game. scions are exactly the same as the dust lords.
hating soulless corporate ESGpunk Finkcore Equityslop doesn't equal being a /pol/cuck. even normies started pick up on stinky babies and mandatory negresses.
kael is the least egoistic modder/developer which is probably why he produced nothing remarkable under an actual studio. he's nothing but helpful and tells you to donate to a charity instead of his bank account. you can fuck yourself for slandering one of the only good guys in this rotten business and times of paid, drm mods, and corporate bootlickers.
Sounds like something he would say.
That's too expensive considering how poor quality the game itself is
it wasn’t just the cover art, the trailer was niggers too
>if you pirate, you must be one of the creamapi retards
Not sure what's worse: the people who can't pirate and bitch, or people who can pirate, but are stupid enough to buy base game anyway
The base game is free you absolute retard
Tempest and Guardians were average. Shadows were good.
retarded goyslopper
The spy, ocean, and moth dlc's were the best and only ones anyone should have active.
Honest question... Was this game supposed to be this boring? Like, god it's so mind-numbing boring
>Honest question
No it's not. Games aren't designed to be boring, you fucking know this.
unless the community patch fixed it the naval race was super broken, all the dlc follows the formula of new mechanic+new race that’s busted at that mechanic
i just asking because this game was so overhyped to me for years and now that it's free i finally tried and by god, it's boring as fuck and i had fun playing victoria 3. Judge me.
No, fuck off. People don't care if you don't like something.
why baby is so angry?
damn I would play a historical mythology based civ by firaxis tho so bad
any tips for the kapaku? is it as simple as just shit on ground to make it habitable for your cities on newly colonized regions and then do your quest until you can spam golems?
I think it was like do until quest 6, because it's easy, and accumulate resources while focusing on a science or supremacy victory. The sentinels have no upkeep so you can just spam them to defend or to conquer. Quest 7 and 8 is too tedious so usually you don't go for it, if I remember correctly.
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It's insane what a work of art this game is. The beauty of the map, the soundtrack, the setting design, all absolutely 10/10 stuff. It really should be lauded and appreciated more. Too bad the combat system sucks. Anyway here is a song from it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7HBI4aSzw0E
What's wrong with combat in EL?
Also here is my favorite track: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHyw9agRCZQ
Nta, but it tries to be deep (i.e. time-turn acceleration, battlefield separated from normal map layer, customizable units, etc.), but at the end of the day kinda shallow due to other factors (i.e. Limited amount of faction units, terrain being simple, Not much AoE aside from 1 faction, etc). It works for the game definitely, but you don't play it for that solely and sometimes can feel overly clunky; especially the battlefield and time-acceleration.

A lot people say Humankind's combat was better as you get more unit-types and the terrain is more varied. Although IMO it wasn't too different from EL.
The fact that you give your units commands before the enemy actually makes moves, and so all the strategy is basically useless as you're playing with a delay basically. Very baffling pointless design choice that just makes the game way worse than the average hex-based strategy for no reason. You make 3 units attack 1 unit, but then that unit moves out of range before your units attack, or you move a unit away into a hex but then enemies move into that hex beforehand so now you walk your unit into them, etc. The combat system is basically just crap. Also here's the best song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qm0r-oWRkFo
Ironically, I like the battle music the best.
Damn that sounds like shit.
Is combat different in ES2?
i like all arnaud roy's music, he is single-handedly carrying the whole endlessslop
Play or nay?
Is combat really that bad? Wanted to trey it, butt...
>Do you wish for a sequel?
When Titan quest and Cryptark went freeit was for promotion of the sequel. So good odds of it happening.
a lot of 4x do simultaneous turns
Whenever someone talks about a game with a couple of flaws but says the art-style and music make up for it, I kind of roll my eyes, but EL is exactly that game for me. If 2 was just 1 but with Humankind's combat system and the general "this is a sequel to a 4x game so we've improved the bare minimum things (map generation, balance, etc)" I'd buy it day 1.
It's free, just give it a go.
I forgot Age of wonders 3 and Little nightmares.
Endless Legend combat kinda grew on me.

I like that you can fully customize soilders
Honestly you mainly just need to worried about the initiative order and the occasional times when the unit moves to a very stupid place on the battlefield.
Same, but I really do want an expanded faction roster. I hate using minor faction units and each faction only gets like 4 of their own.
I hope the drakken story isn't just a "lmao brainwash into subservience" plot again.

That was shit and the only reason I never finish their questline.
>Whenever someone talks about a game with a couple of flaws but says the art-style and music make up for it
This but i really don't care about the "beautiful" scenario when everything else is so boring. People praised combat so much but for me combat is just a good way to demonstrate that auto is better
>Titan quest
My favorite ARPG, I am looking forward to play TQ2.
I'm not optimistic, but also not disappointed. It's just some Euro dev that's only done Spellforce 3 games, not the original devs. I mean SF3 was pretty good, so it might be ok, but not sure they have any experience with this sort of game. Grim Dawn really showed that the OG devs know what they are doing.
Idk, I played through GD a couple of times and it was good, but inferior to TQ in so many ways.
Also, Crate aren't all devs of TQ but a few of them.
I am anticipated to see what's TQ2 is going to be.
That's not how you use anticipated. You can anticipate something, but if you are anticipated, it means that something is anticipating you. Also yeah I think I enjoyed TQ more, but mainly for the setting. I enjoy the class building more in GD and the minute to minute gameplay, like the combat and a menus, is much more refined because they've had so much time to work on it.
Thanks you for correcting me, how would you use "anticipated" in terms you wait for something?
Usually "I am anticipating". But even then it's kind of weird to say you are anticipating an object. It's usually more when you're waiting for an action. If you want to say you're eagerly waiting for something, you could say "I'm excited for X". Main problem with "I am anticipated to see X" is that you already have a verb with "am" so you need an adjective or noun there. So like "I am excited to see what TQ2 is going to be like."
How is it least interesting? Compare fantasy settings with non-human races to historical settings, the historical ones are way more interesting.
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Favorite minor faction to assimilate? I'm surprise that, at least unit wise, they're all kinda okay.
I wonder which ones they'll upgrade into major faction and which majors will get relegated to minor in the sequel. I hope there's a medieval Horatio enclave.
So you want a historical game then, not a fantasy game.
Honestly for EL none of them are really that interesting on a lore level. Maybe the Haunts, because they're the actual "survivors" of the virtual endless. From a writing and mechanic level probably not.
>medieval Horatio enclave
Probably not, because ES is like few centuries after EL and Auriga is a frozen hellscape at that point. Although granted they might retcon or do some time-travel shenanigans.
isn't horatio just one guy going mad with a cloning machine?
Yeah, but the timeline when he discovered said machine and created his 'race' is way after EL.
yeah makes no sense indeed
I like eyeless the most for the healing.
Amplitude's DLC formula is inherently flawed because it introduces a mechanic and then uses the mechanic as the main gimmick of a new faction, who do it strictly better than others. This inherently makes the mechanic feel like a bad spinoff version for all the existing factions, despite competing for resources against all the base game mechanics. I wish they focused on introducing more minor factions since they were one of the more interesting elements of the game, since they added new base units that all factions could use.
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>talk about the game.
It was okay as a single player 4X.
Unbalanced. Doesn't direct players to help one another to take down someone ahead before they win.
DLCs are about adding a new dimension, but only the DLC faction is any good at the new dimension, and can't do normal stuff well.
Filled with bugs.
Save files always corrupt, quests are completed on loading, you get resources from DLCs you don't own.
Last time I tried to play the game, clicking on the hero upgrade panel froze the game.
>Do you wish for a sequel?
From DEI Amplitude? No. Endless Legend was made in a different era even with its stronk matriarchal braniac vikings, Le Queen, and Le Black Faction.
I wouldn't mind an RPG that explored its land. It was full of concepts that never asked how any of it would fit together, such as the Broken Lords somehow being murderous vampires that people let lord over them.
>to be optimal
>you must not tech too much
>this is important if you're doing a tech victory
>and if you're not investing into research
>you may have to skip military units to do this

>here is a new DLC
>it includes an entire second army list of technologies to research!
>also all but one faction has the same sea units and even they have to invest too much into boats to get anything worthwhile out of them
>How the fuck did that happen.
"Go ____ Go ____"
Bad game + advertised to a non-binary female mixed race student skin condition gaymer audience... when most people aren't that.
>I'd bully you for being filtered by having to see a black person,
If blacks are being filtered by not seeing a black person, then clearly I'm supposed to be when my race, sex, sexuality, age, and (lack of dis)ability isn't represented front and centre.
>aggressive woman
Punk is about being a middle class """rebel""" consoomer who smokes pot.
Do I want
>"It just works" strategic benefit (Silics/Eyeless)
>minmaxing (Dredge/Haunts/Ogres)
>my units are shit please help me (anything that can kill infantry)
>fucking shitty spawn literally every game useless subfaction (Jotus/Centaurs/Minotaurs)
I only played a pirated version with all the DLCs, so it was a different experience playing only the base game. The faction quests actually makes sense now, because without the dlcs the pacing becomes waaay slower. I realized how much the pearls and their city extensions ramp of the game speed. It's actually more balanced in a way.
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Starting a fight here was a bad idea. Fighting will take some practice.
This is actually okay, as the orcs can only deploy one unit at a time.
>4x game
>let's punish those who expand
bravo todd
enough about civ 5 anon
i played the game a lot over this weekend. game is pretty fun but there is nothing to stop the human player from steamrolling once they get ahead because computer factions aren't very diligent about keeping their units up to date. also the faction quest doesn't make a lot of sense. I was playing as the mezari and suddenly i'm supposed to attack a city that's basically on the other side of the map. and there are little things the game doesn't really teach you very well, like how the mezari can basically teleport units between districts/cities. i had them walk all around for nothing for the forst 130 turns or so.
for me took me 3 games to realize i had to update my units like the hero. In my mind they were being updating with all new tech. I know endless games always has updates but i wasn't finding it. It was hide in a menu under a menu KEK
i just finished the game and wtf, not even a cutscene. that was a letdown.

tutorial should be made to cover some more essential things like unit upgrades and trade imo
>not even a cutscene
To be fair this was when they were poorer, so it's not to the level of Endless Space 2 cinematics... But yeah it's disappointing.
Thinking of Endless Legend with ES2 levels of production and humankind combat makes me hard. God I hope they live long enough to get it out.
Just play multiplayer, with a guy who owns the dlc
I find the best minor faction is the one that rounds out your weaknesses. For example, Broken Lords benefit a lot from a mobile flying unit like the Daemon or Ended, but the Cultists really need a heavy tanking infantry unit like the Harmonite to take hits instead of their Nameless Guard.
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enjoyed playing as broken lords and just insta buying everything i want.
Do you guys think we'll get 2, or with the current state of the industry, is Amplitude fucked?
i hope they drop their nigger fetish and go back to their cool non-euclidian art style
Even if they made it people would shit on it and pretend it was somehow worse than the other shit games Amplitude has made. They will say each DLC is worse than the last and then memoryhole the hate for the previous DLCs so they can say Amplitude went to shit because outsourcing or some other excuse.
They still have 1 or 2 chance, but it's up to SEGA for the final say. Hopefully the staff isn't full of fucking activists like the other french company a la Ubisoft, but honestly the chances for that are grim. So it's going to be a reckoning or a slow death.
On the plus side, the mechanics for the game itself should be easy, as they have both EL1 and Humankind to learn from it and to use as base. As much as Humankind was soulless corpo shit, it did had some good ideas.
I don't mind their nigger fetish in a fantasy/sci fi game, e.g. KANGZ in ES2
>first time playing as the cultists
>first time playing on serious difficulty
>random map turned out to be pangea
>spawn in the middle of everyone
>other factions keep attacking my converted villages
jesus christ how do you even play as the cultists when your spawn isn't isolated? their lategame units also suck ass
You start fucking with a neighbour using minor mercs you get from converted villages. Your economy can't handle the maintenance so it's either sell them or use them.
You need to either defend the vils and get combat experience, or make peace
>'d bully you for being filtered by having to see a black person,
>see something I don't like on cover
>chose not to buy the game
Where's the problem?
>insta buying
thats a reason why i stopped playing, the fact economy breaks and you can just insta buy multiple buildings late game made me realize game designers are retarded.
How is he mad though?
I wish Endless Legend had better difficulty scaling like Endless Space 2 does.
The latter is winnable on legend difficulty, but endless legend is ridiculous.
I found Humankind better than Civ, but both are pretty forgettable 4x.
>difficulty scaling like Endless Space 2 does
In both games, the most reliable way to win Endless difficulty is to piss off out of the AI's way, be passive and farm science.
I Endless Space 2 you can play somewhat defensively until your economy and research eventually catches up with the AI, you still can defend yourself if you play smart.
In Endless Legends the AI on endless are untouchable demigods.
>forgettable 4x
i can't seem to win as the cultists on serious difficulty. no matter what i do i get outscaled and my units die easily. AI sees converted minor factions as free meal. if my starting land doesn't have either titanium or glassteel might as well just restart the game. i can't tell if im not being aggressive enough early on.
endless legend has massive community patch fixing all broken stuff, improving AI which pretty much is mandatory if you want to play seriously in that game
humankind cucks are another level
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I miss circa 2017 /civ4xg/
Honestly I miss 2011 or at least 2015 in general.
Endless Legend is objectively a better game mechanically with more strategic depth
not really... You can snowball here more easily than any 4x i ever played.
Civ was never good your normie cucks(other than the early ones).
You heard it here first.
Yeah, especially with the diplomacy sub-system as currently it's just easy to either turtle for science, or just pick off your rivals one by one. Obviously multiplayer game with all the players knowing the game inside and out is gonna be different, but single player or casual play is kinda easy in vanilla.

It's funny because ES2 kinda tried to make the diplomacy/influence aspect interesting than EL by the senate sub-system and minority populations, but downgraded combat. Humankind upgraded combat, but downgraded everything else. Like why do they go one step forward and three steps back!?
>How the fuck did that happen. A civ competitor with a Sega backed marketing budget and it couldn't even crack the all time peak of one of their smaller games.
Why would you expect a "civ competitor" to do well? Old World was also a flop and the Paradox one I can't remember the name of flopped even worse than Old World or Humankind. No one wants civ clones, there's no market for it.
Vaulters, Ardent Mages, Roving Clans, and Forgotten are all ordinary humans, Broken Lords are undead humans, Cultists and Necrophages are mostly brainwashed/mutated humans. That's half the factions in the game.
necrophages are insects
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Fuck this shit. Shields are useless when archers have so much atk, thank god ai likes to make more melee units.
Technically only Vaulters are human, the devs said(on their forums) that mages, wild walkers, roving clans, and the other humanoids from the planet are at least partially descendants of concrete endless.
>No one wants civ clones
a good spin on civ formula with competent ai and working MP would do well, the problem is neither of the games you listed is that
What happened to Ara? Vaporware?
You basically don't. The faction is just comically bad.
>fills the map with soft targets which take less than a turn to burn down and are exorbitantly expensive to rebuild
>cannot claim or hold territory
>gets no meaningful benefit for winning wars or taking cities
>actual garbage national units
>actual garbage freebie units
One of my favorite nations ever thematically but in terms of game mechanics they're ridiculously weak.
>Ara: History Untold
Not cancelled, at least yet, it seems. It's definitely late though. Worried because the devs looks like your stereotypical incompetent millennials + late Gen-Y that bitches in Califonia.
just won my first game on serious difficulty with broken lords. as expected once the ball starts rolling the AI is still bad at stopping you.
Archer is good and you can equip this on any cultist unit. But yeah, I agree, it's a tall nation that has severe limitations where anyone can go tall. Only if you fiddle with world generation they can be nice to play, ai usually struggles with strong minor armies and keeping hold of the sea.
>don't want to play this game
>EL thread are visible
Worth playing?
It's worth playing solely so you can make cool looking cities.
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What have you got to lose? Time shitposting?
>i missed it
Fuck my ass
game is a hollow piece of shit anyways
i find it fun

finally won as the cultists yesterday but i had to lower the difficulty. game is a lot easier when converted villages don't get immediately crushed in 2 turns. but yeah the faction doesn't seem very viable in higher difficulty settings unless you luck out with initial placements.
Urkhans seriously help cultists since they claim the region they're in.
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i wanna talk about ES2
i really wanna like it, but i'm absolute shit
how do i get good?
how do i solve manpower problems when i build too many ships?
even pirates shit out ships like mad
>game is a hollow piece of shit anyways
It's your standard hex-grid fare with asymmetric factions, if someone is into games like that he'll feel right at home.
It's even hard to imagine what part of it are you referring to as being shit in it.
I'd give them a fifth development level for their cities

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