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Warrior Kings.
It's a game that honestly isn't too bad. Bit janky, but really fun because it's surprisingly deep.
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>never see anyone talk about it
>for ages couldn't even find it on abandonware websites
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>one of my first strategy games
>had SOUL, with the manual almost giving an entire page to one unit to detail their life philosophy, combat style, and role in the village
>is the reason I always try to limit losses in games I play because training new units is such a pain
>remake Zen Edition remaster whatever makes it even better, with accurate tooltips explaining what units are good/weak against
>obscure games thread
>doesn't post the game's name
Because it's not that obscure. You do know it, don't you?
I've recently played this game for a bit for the first time. I like the graphic. It's might be nostalgia kicking in, but I find those early 3d blocky graphic charming. The camera on the other hand is pretty bad. I find it annoying just to look around.

It's Battle Realms. Which might be the most generic name for strategy game out there. Still really fun game.
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I genuinely like it, but it might be because I have a soft spot for strategy games that try new things.
And WHB is really original in a lot of things.
Yeah, I heard about the splinting tech tree where you can go pagan, renaissance or "christian". For sure Warrior Kings is a game that I should give a longer try, although I don't know where I'll get in mood for that with other things on my mind right now.
Well, that, but also training, formations... even having a logistic system with caravans to bring goods to your manor is something I rarely see. Last game I saw that in was Planetside.
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A hood classic
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>logistic system with caravans to bring goods to your manor is something
I might remember it wrong but iirc Stronghold 2 has similar caravan system where you could transport resources between provinces. Not to say that S2 is an obscure strategy game because it's now. Even if it stays in the shadow of Stronghold 1 and Crusader. Just like every other game from the series.
Tell you what, to me the ability to raid and disturb enemy economy is a significant part of strategy game. It's always a plus for me if the game allows it. The worst case is when AI just straight up cheat with resources.
So did Stronghold Legends when you captured a neutral province, but WHB felt more organic, since all ressources were deposited at your villages, then moved to your mansion.
There's also Deadlock 2, a game I really like, that has an even deeper system where every province has its own ressources, so you have to move food and iron to your factories-intensive provinces.

And yeah, the AI is a big issue with these old games.
If you want autistic resource management, Sid Meier's Colonization is always good. You can't really optimise every city to produce the food/lumber/tools/guns/horses you need in order to churn out military units. So sometimes it's easier to have factory cities that are fed by outlying territories, and all this trade needs to be carried by wagon units and such. Which inevitably will get attacked when you declare independence.

On that note, is there a game like Colonization but in space? Where the early game has you dependent on your homeland but the ultimate goal is to become self-sufficient?
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>On that note, is there a game like Colonization but in space? Where the early game has you dependent on your homeland but the ultimate goal is to become self-sufficient?
There is Free Mars, which I think it's a offshot of FreeCol. At least the end goal is the same. Grow your colony interdependent. Of course as the name suggest it takes place only on Mars.
Make your colony independent.*
I don't know how I fuck it up so much.
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>I don't know how I fuck it up so much.
It's OK fren, I know what you meant.
>On that note, is there a game like Colonization but in space? Where the early game has you dependent on your homeland but the ultimate goal is to become self-sufficient?
I can argue that Age of Empires 3 has that. Some factions allow you to go independant by the end.
>Age of Empires 3
Has anyone played Warbreeds? It's one of those games I experience as a kid only thanks to a demo on some magazine's disc. You could customize your troops weapons by changing their limbs which was neat.
Is it grafting?
can anyone explain to me how to minmax the fight mechanics in this game, once this game starts throwing CNC waves at me in the end i cannot micro to save my life and my dudes just cannot resist fighting when i tell them to run no matter what
if i ever try it again and fix the modern performance issues i would recommend this over many RTS games, it just does alot of things right for the time, feature rich with random qol stuff. It feels like a real RTS version of the total war series, theres quite a bit of soldier management flavor thrown in without a whole overbearing system even, and even the supply system is just one step further than the norm without being silly with managing food and arrow supplies.
Depends if it's OG Battle Realms or the Zen Edition, but in any of these, the AI will prioritize your healers, so don't send your healers in while the fight is at its toughest, send them once the enemy start losing ground.
In Zen Edition, the enemy will also make a beeline to your ranged units, so prioritize melee units to try to block them, and have a lot of control groups to engage several disruptors at once.
I don't know. I don't think the nature of the creation of units was explained in the demo. Maybe in the instruction. Gameplay wise you just choose weapons you put on defined bodies.
>remember this game on magazine demo disc
>RTS with base building, a couple of factions that I think were very similar
>good guys were some shade of cyan or teal IIRC
>bad guys were almost salmon
>power armor and a mech with chicken legs
>don't understand anything but love it
>years go by, wonder what the game was
>look in abandonware site multiple times
>finally find it
>forget to save the link and didn't download it right away
>forgot its name again
God damn I feel retarded. Does anyone have any idea what game it could be?
Was it Extreme Tactics?
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> bad guys were almost salmon
who tf wants to play a fish based RTS?
>power armor and a mech with chicken legs
Was it 2D? 3D? It wasn't Space Rangers or something, right?
he means the color
Fish themed rts? Sounds bassed.
I will hurt you.
One of the worst unit AI in strategies I saw, don't play.
So you never played empire earth or seven kingdoms 2, got it
I ahven't yeah.
I'm not exactly sure why you dislike WHB's AI, but between Empire Earth's who literally has unlimited ressources and will build whatever counters you and Seven Kingdoms 2's who never breed new frythans and thus always run out of units... Yeah, WHB's is okay.
Pathfinding is terrible, also if you squad a unit it won't be able to go through anything really because the squad size is too wide.
Oh, that. Yeah, pathfinding is atrocious.
My apologies, I thought you meant AI as in enemy ai.
How does it compare to Metal Fatigue?
Isn't it out?
Out of EA
Oh. Eventually.
What I really want is some synergy between clans. Something a la Age of Empires 2, or maybe the ability to train your peasants at your amlies' structures to get unique units or use their gears.
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>can actually train the healers
No, it wasn't.
The color, anon.
2d, it probably was before 3d RTS even was a thing. It was ground based and had a classic grassland map in the demo.
Don't suppose it's KKND or whatever?
Honestly, colours don't mean much.
No, it was roughly the same period but KKND was a different game. Plus in that it was the classic blue and red. I will really have to try and browse the whole abandonware catalog again, hoping not to miss it. Fuck.
I wonder, maybe you can find "100 old strategy games" on Youtube or something. I used that to find The Unholy War.
I'm browsing the abandonware site hoping in filters as we speak, will report if I find it.
Yeah, sorry. That's just too old for me.
Found it, it was Dominion: Storm Over Gift 3
I remembered the colors wrong or my display at the time was shit, in screens here they look more like green vs red, here's the chicken legs robot.
what in the fuck is that
Looks like a tank blob with a robot chicken.
What do you mean? Can't tell if this is
>male peasant turns to woman
>they actually gave healers to Wolf
>the fact that female units can get an upgrade after Winter of the Wolf (but Druids are not healers)
probably the last one
The last one, yeah.
Peasants don't turn into women, they replace the women. Second is just a misunderstanding.
Druidess got nerfed in Zen Edition anyway, they throw a ball instead of a seeking missile, but I never noticed you could train them in the upgraded town square. That's neat.
Metal Fatigue is the only "make your own unit" RTS where the individual parts actually have a significant impact not only gameplay wise but also visually.
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not even the best for that
>pic rel
Nope, I've seen this also the last time I saw a Metal Fatigue thread on /vst/. The custom units here are the same as in all the other customizable units RTSs.

In Metal Fatigue, all parts have unique combat animations, three different skins, some parts are fundamentally unique, and especially for Mil-Agro vs Neuropa a cut off arm makes a huge difference.
Isn't this the game with 6 factions or something. Does it run on modern hardware?
I have no idea, still have to try on a newer system.
Four factions. Humans, the Scorps, Darkens and Mercs. I wish someone who played the game or G-nome, which takes place on the same planet, would describe what's the differences between these three alien species because there isn't much information out there about it .
If we're talking unit customization, Impossible Creatures has to be mentioned. The hybrid animal editor is no doubt the main if not the only reason the game is still remembered. Personal I've tried it a couple times but I've always lost interest around the third mission of the campaign. I think I just don't find the setting that interesting despite the gimmick.
dispora:ex astris maybe, but its probably too much micromanagement autism for someone from /vst/
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The Conquest of Elysium series seems pretty obscure. It's like the overlooked cousin to the Dominions series; you really have to go looking for people to bring it up and even then threads/reddits about it are pretty dead. It's no-where near as autistic as Dominions and it focuses more on worldbuilding and games being more memorable, which is maybe why the fanbase isn't quite as devoted.

Pic related is the apocalypse that happened because someone panicked about a demon invasion and broke all the seals, leading to the four horsemen showing up and wrecking shit before angels and demons invaded to fight each other and fuck over the factions even more. The terrain there wasn't originally desert, I think either the demon pit slowly killed the surrounding landscape, or maybe the locust demons did it. I ended up turtling in my area and waiting for the angels to finish off the last of my enemies (and hoping they didn't come my way) so I'd win. God sent me some cool helpers but they just roamed around on their own getting into big fights with demons and the more hostile angels.
I remember that game very well.
Because the walls were really unique.

I tried these games often, always got filtered because AI would die instantly, doing anything took 20 turns of saving up...
Just call this thread what it really is - older games that weren't as popular as the big names. No game ever posted in these threads are obscure.
Don't even pretend you know what anal sex is about, loser.
Don't even pretend you know what warrior king is about, loser.
>I tried these games often, always got filtered because AI would die instantly, doing anything took 20 turns of saving up...
Yeah that's true, AI dying early can often happen. You can get around it by having more AI players so it's less likely to end the game, or there are workshop mods that give the AI an immobile commander at their home base so even if they get their main commander killed early on it doesn't wipe the faction. Some factions can be a real slow burn with saving up resources, but a lot of it depends on the faction and the era you choose. If you go dark ages with necro or sacrifice-heavy factions you'll have a bad time because there aren't many settlements to get resources from. But if you go empire with them you'll have lots and lots of settlements to give you both gold and your faction resource.
>workshop mods that give the AI an immobile commander at their home base
That one's probably the most useful QoL mod. The other mods can be an acquired taste, but the static commander one is mandatory IMO.
While trying to find a v1.2 patch that will run for the 1.1 version from muh brandonwear, I've discovered that patches-scrolls still exists. Mind: blown.
It has been years since I played it. Ancient Conquest Quest for the Golden Fleece is an all naval rts with two playable factions: Greeks and Persians, plus unplayable barbarians in the campaign. The only land units are some npc monsters. It's ships all the way. How it differs from having land units? First there is an option to customize unit by putting different soldiers and war machines on the deck. Second is that all units beside attacking in normal fashion can also ram and board enemy ships. Also iirc wind direction has effect on units speed. What's annoying is that you can't interact with ships once the ramming and boarding is playing and many ship types, except for special ones like the greek fire one, look too similar.
My brother in Christ, now THIS is the shit I was hoping to see when I made that thread.
We need more naval RTS.
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I loved Demonworld, I don't know if there was ever an English release.

It was a great game, the combat was somewhat like Total War. I even bought it of ebay, but couldn't get it to run.
What language did it come out in?
Unit graphics look like Warlords Battlecry sprites, quite suspiciously so.
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The same studio also made Submarine Titans which as name implies, takes place underwater. Guess the devs had a thing for sea themed rts games.
Ha, an Anon on /vg/ tried to make me try that game, but it sadly never worked on my PC.
Shame, it looks really fun.
Oh I played that one recently, bought it on GOG. Really underwhelming compared to what I remember as a kid.
I have gog version and it works fine on my machine, same like the other anon. I don't know what version do you have. It appears steam version doesn't have the latest patch 1.1. Have you checked pc gaming wiki?

Unfortunately that's the thing with these obscure games.It would be great to discover hidden gem, but most of them are fine but not amazing or have cool ideas, mechanics or presentation but are weighted down by shortcomings. They can be fun, but you know, nowadays you just have so much option to spend free time, even when we're just talking video games. You're not kid with unlimited free time who doesn't know better anymore. Still I find obscure games an interesting thing to talk about.
Chodźmy na ryby!
great game, never bothered much with the campaign, but the skirmish is awsome and multiplayer was great
For me it's lewa rączka, prawa rączka from Black Moon Chronicles.
Speaking of, this game is 10/10 in term of atmosphere and soundtrack.
Gameplay wise sadly not so amazing. I wouldn't call it bad, but especial AI is pretty dumb.
Is that artwork by Ledroit? Odd that it would show up for some random game.
Well he drew five issues of the original comic this games is based on.
Speaking of Ledroit and strategy games. Far from obscure game, but Ledroit also made concept arts for Heroes of Might and Magic 5. You should look it up. They're great.
Came out in German in 1997. Don't think it ever was translated. It had really cool cutscenes, war diaries, between missions. I was really into the story as well. But I was seven as well.

Nah, just got the iso, mounted it, launched it, didn't work, went "oh well, too busy anyway".

They made a game about these books?
Whisperhill did nothing wrong.
I got filtered hard by the demo mission of this one as a kid, how do you win that scenario when you only have the basic melee unit at your disposal (besides the hero who must stay alive)?
I didn't play the demo so I don't know what mission are you talking about. Do you mean the first mission of the prologue campaign that takes place on a farm? Or maybe the one after it that takes place iirl in a town? Although either way I would say make use of Whisperhill air elementals and fireballs and don't let him get surrounded by enemy units.
My first guess was something like 7th Legion but then I got the feeling you're talking about Dominion. The game was an ambitions attempt but it didn't turn out as good as they wanted it to.

I have finished it once with everyone but if there is any info fleshing them out in-game I no longer remember that. I keep intending to play it again.
If you meant what the gameplay differences are then some of their units and towers are a bit different, aside from the obvious last tier units that are very different.
>cryo interactive
certified cursed shit.
Does anyone recall this one Korean rts that takes place in someone's body? I only saw screenshot of it once. I'm not even sure it came out outside of Korea.
I was today years old when I discovered that Jurassic War is not, in fact, slavjank. It's actually Korean. And they even made a sequel.
Rts that takes place inside a human body. Like the movie Fantastic Voyage or every cartoon that reused its premise for one episode.
If you ever find it, please share it. I'm curious.
I don't know about an RTS but I remember one game from the late 90s which did take place in someone's body, it was super weird, freaked me out as a kid. I think it was 3D though, might be wrong.
Found it. It's Vital Device: Entrapped by the Queen.
What the fuck is that Starcraft-like.
>queencel guard
damn that's rough, why did they have to call it that
Yeah, looks like just a soulless Korean Starcraft rip off pretending to be something different. Probably reverse engineered.
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Considering how popular Starcraft is there it's not a surprise some Korean studio took inspiration from it. Not even the first Korean starcraft knock-off. That would be Atrox. Possible there might be more.
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I'm also aware of Seven Years War (not the European one, the one where Japaneses invaded Koreans, again) but that's more Wacraft 2 clone.

Fuck now I can't stop thinking about this. Does anyone have a clue? Release date had to be between 1996 and 1999, most likely 1997 or 1998 because a demo version of the game came out on the same disk as a demo (or trailer?) for Hopkins FBI.
That looks more like a Warcraft Orcs and Humans clone then 2.
Do you remember what genre it was? I understand it wasn't rts.
I mean, Starcraft was successful, but it was also a lightning in a bottle, that can't be easy to imitate.
Isn't it >>1764900?
No, I think it was 3D, late 90s 3D graphic, camera movement similar to Descent, like you were floating inside a vein or something.
Oh, you're a different guy, okay.
Sorry then can't help.
huh earlier when i googled it out of interest i got a result that reminded me of descent but didn't think much of it because of the genre
try and see if it's this one
7 kingdoms 2
Queencels, when will they learn...
Gotta call Stigma cop.
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Glest. The game was part of my childhood and I'm still fond of it.
Seven kingdoms: Conquest
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Love that game and its sequel. It's a real shame part 2 never got a release outside of Korea. The Japanese were definitely the more fun faction in both games.
Mechanically it's very much WC2.
Dark Planet Battle For Natrolis

By the time I found a copy it was already 8 years past since its release, just didn't even end up playing it as much as I played the demo when I was younger.

There is also a fantasy rts called Strife? I don't remember much of it other than the demi where you were dark Elves with gnoll workers
>There is also a fantasy rts called Strife?
The name sounded familiar and I thought I saw this game once in an old magazine, but it turned out I was thinking about Stranger.
Looks to be rather average rts (iirs it got 3 out of 6 in the magazine), although interestingly enough it made by the studio behind Sudden Strike series.

As for Strife, are you sure it was the title? Only game named Strife I can find is 90's shooter and 2015 moba.
Nah wasn't stranger, it was 2d isometric, almost got Warlords vibes. Each of the resource points you build some structure and all these resource structures have like a metal loop on the top that links to your main structure. All the resources are transferred in blue energy balls to the central structure theough the links. I played this like 20 years ago so I can't recollect everything but those things stood out. I found the demo in a PC gamer magazine I borrowed from the library. I am sure it was something Strife.
Heck is that? There's only one ressource?

I'm interested.
Sounds like Creeper World, except that one is from the top.
>CTRL+F "Original War"
Um, hello?
You mean the game that gets its own thread here every month? Yeah very obscure.
>not unholy war
Finally someone other than me brings it up.
give me your
>favorite nation
>favorite regular soldier
>favorite special unit
>favorite deity (hard mode: no Isis)
>is it just me or are the campaign missions really poorly designed and fluctuate between so easy so as to be barely considered a game and impossible to win without cheese (spawning with a few carts and soldiers at an empty edge of the map of the enemy province, no resources, get rushed by every fryhtan on the map within 5 minutes)
-Japan for architecture.
-Indian/Egyptian for quick range.
-Maybe Deruvid? Or Roman Cavalry.
-Sorry, Isis is the only one I ever use.
>spawning with a few carts and soldiers at an empty edge of the map of the enemy province, no resources, get rushed by every fryhtan on the map within 5 minutes
I really hated that. It's insanely difficult to win such a map start.
Good job not posting the actual name, zoomer faggot.
>still mad 8 days later
You got told the name, quit your bitching, woman.
Earth 2150 has this
Good choices, here's mine
>Rome for cool looking big shields and gladius combo, I think there was a serious ranged damage reduction too
>Persian for cool cloaks and ranged or Chinese for cool spears and ranged
>just the elephants really, usually I don't bother with the others
>same, about Isis that is. The Roman greater being is also good because it increases leadership. The Chinese dragon is also cool looking

Yeah I think if you build a couple of inns and get good mercs you could win, otherwise you're fucked. Inns are really OP in this game, you have to restrain yourself or you'll break the game. I only build one Inn and only use it to get good generals and spies when I feel like fucking with spies.
>if you build a couple of inns and get good mercs you could win
Pretty much, it was extremely RNG. If you got some decent mercs you could pull through; if not, better luck on your next restart.
Nah. WarZone is much better in this regard, and WarZone is not nearly as impactful as MF.
Not to the extent he means by "significant impact".

Chassis-turret combinations in Earth 2150 are more distinct, sorry. Warzone is definitely a good game but I can immediately tell what an Earth 2150 unit is by just looking at it.
This looks neat. Gonna try it out now.
Isn't Impossible Creatures the closest to Metal Fatigue in terms of differences between custom units?
It's quite non-standard and mostly its own thing, at least I've never played anything quite like it. I don't remember how good the tutorials were, so if you have questions, feel free to ask.
Does Perimeter count? I remember reading reviews about it in gaming magazines back in the day and they were like "this is such a revolutionary concept" but to me it looked very unfun and it had to be unpopular because it came out as a "cover game" (full game on the DVDs that used to come with gaming magazines back in the day).
Not that anon, but I played 7 kingdoms 2 for the first time some times ago and I've to say it's the most unintuitive rts to learn on your own. Like you have to play tutorials because this game does things so different your experience from other rts games is useless. It's not necessary a bad thing, in fact I bet the unique gameplay is why the game is still remembered, but at the same time, man. How do I put workers into building? You would think you just need to select workers and click on the building with the mouse but no, it doesn't work that way.
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Funny you mention this game because remastered version called Legate Edition came out just a few days ago.
Yeah I'm not sure that if I hadn't picked it up as a kid with infinite time and mindless enthusiasm, I would have had the patience to learn how it works.

As for workers, are you asking how it works or just giving an example of a mechanic that's confusing?
does it restore cut dialogues and flesh out the story more?
>Like you have to play tutorials

Bitch IO played it as a kid, don't assume are retarded. I definitely was a better player when I was younger.
When I was a kid, I could switch from Perimeter to Praetorian to Seven Kingdoms 2 in a flash.
Now I struggle to remember to take my medication, I get lost in the lobby in Destiny 2, and I constantly speak French on English servers, English on French servers, and Arab on Israelite servers.
It looks like it. And it comes out bundle up with the expansion. On the downside you only get Russian voice-overs with English subtitles, if you care about that.
Gee, I love these Russian voiceovers. So subtle.
cool, i might try it then.
whew, I could figure it out as a 9 year old with a pirated copy and without a manual, and I'm a retard. Whats wrong with you?
Tutorials, especial the ones where you just read text in small windows, are always cancer and I will skip them whenever I can.
Why can't current slop or indiejank look this good nowadays?
>As for workers, are you asking how it works or just giving an example of a mechanic that's confusing?
The latter. Maybe not the best example but I was confused the first time I played.
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Iirc an unusual rts where you convert neutral units and buildings instead of making them yourself.
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this game was my first ever rts
Without looking up anything, based on the graphics of the cover art I predict this is Austrian
Germany actually. I thought at least the studio might lied close to Austria, but according to ModyGames the studio was in Zweibrücken, a city next to the French border, so it's not so close.
Why did you think it's an Austrian game anyway? That's oddly specific
nta but Austrian games had a lot of box art that looked close to claymation. It was oddly specific during some early gaming periods.
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not sure if it was obscure or not, nobody at my school played it though
I actually like that one. It was like a better version of Afterlife.

The buildings are very sexy. Keep posting you slag.
>It was like a better version of Afterlife.
What do you mean? These two aren't alike at all beside pseudo-religious theme. One is city-builder/tycoon set in afterlife and the other is rts about missionaries.

I played the demo. The only thing I remember is Chinese setting and gimmick with playing on two maps at the same time.
me when i forget impossible creatures
I remember this from a video game mag in the 2000s.
Should I buy Impossible Creatures on Steam or is it better on GOG? Or should I wait for the Man*Gaming review?
But there doesn't seem to be difference between Steam and Gog version.
Steam has Steam workshop, huge deal.
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i liked the fact you can only train soldiers by putting workers in barracks, and you can only make cavalry by producing a horse and mounting units on it
I see someone made a thread just for Battle Realms because of this thread.
>only train soldiers by putting workers in barracks, and you can only make cavalry by producing a horse and mounting units on it
damn, speaking of Battle Realms... this is also in Battle Realms
one would think that one or the other got inspired by the first one, but they both came out literally in the same year, impressive
Yeah, I've forgotten about it. You can still download the two big mods from moddb, but extra maps are nice.

Battle Realms mentioned here >>1759470 has similar mechanic with unit training and horses. You can even send already trained warrior to a different barrack type to turn him into higher tier unit.
love sid meier's battle realms
must've been a really good year
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game had really nice siege weapons too, from catapults and ladders to a thing that sends units flying across the wall
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Man, too bad we don't get a lot of wild west rts games. The closest I can think of is Age of Empire 3 with USA and Mexico faction.
I haven't played this game, but I've played No Man's Land which is, well title wise it doesn't sound like prequel, but but it's made by the same studio and it takes place like a century before.
Beside these two games the studio also made Castle Strike before Ubisoft gobbled it up and delegated to making Anno series. I have heard nothing about this game. Looks like Stronghold knock-off, but that's not necessary a bad thing.
Yeah, "someone", h-haha...

Reminds me of American Conquest. On top of Battle Realms too, of course.

Damn I love the buildings.
Remember this one.
How about this one?
Forgot pic.
One of the games that scared me when I read about it in video game magazines when I was a little girl.
Is that a survival strategy? Looks like that Space Hulk thing, except without corridors.
Uhm... this is a action game where you need to "evolve" 4 team members in different ways, moving from mission to mission.
Oh man, while reading this thread I quietly forgot that we are talking only about strategies. Anon, although this game is very obscure, sorry for offtopic.
So kinda like Hogs of War, but real time?

Eh, it's okay. Sacrifice still counts as strategy, so that one probably does too.
>Hogs of War
I think it's rather action, there are minimal tactical/strategies elements. As remotely as possible It can be compared to Republic Commando.
Hah... Yeah, that's stretching the definition as badly as OP's butthole.
spiderfag is that you?
There's an unofficial patch here:
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Speaking of pigs and strategy games. Anyone remembers S.W.I.N.E?
I remember when the box of this game was on the shelf of every CD store. I've never played this.
Same. And then because of shitty sales, the ugly Magyarorszag game was shilled as a "free game" in every computer game magazine in Central/Eastern Europe.
Must be mentioned in every obscure games thread
And I kinda want to give this an honourable mention because I had some good fun with it and it had a nice soundtrack, even if it was more of a shooter than anything.
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Forgot pic.
I bet all but 2-5 of these are all shit though.
That's why they're obscure duh
Not sure if Armageddon Empires counts but I would kill for "Armageddon Empires (Remake)"
>better AI
>faster play (fix the bug where rerolling takes longer and longer as the game takes goes longer, needs restarting Windows to fix)
>comeback mechanics
>opening hand smoother maybe

I know that there are some games similar conceptually to AEmpires but none of them hit the spot the same way Armageddon Empires does. Big bonus if there was some lore/story events, actual interaction between the factions ideologies, maybe potential alliances where possible (i.e. not between the Mechs and Xenos, but maybe between Muties and Humans).
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Horde: Northern Wind is another one of those "played the demo as a kid once" kind of game. Alhought I looked at mobygames page and I found this interesting:
> Unlike other RTS games, there are no missions; the world is divided into 9 large maps (in a 3x3 pattern) and the player's units can traverse between them at any time, given that the path between the two adjacent maps is not obstructed. Once the player's alter ego leader unit moves into a new map, control of the settlement and all remaining units in the previous map is relegated to the AI. There is a vague global goal of slaying the dragon, but as the game progresses, the player has to figure out how to find said dragon and deal with it, introducing a non-linear element to the gameplay.
Sounds interesting, but also sounds like something that could be quite wonky.
MP option would be nice too.
Xenos would be un-allianceable for anyone reasonable since they are fucking parasites.
Mechs are strange, the manual makes them sound like alien robots but they have a ton of human cyborgs as heroes.
Oh man, finally someone made an open-world RTS for that one anon.
I thought they just both used Humans when the war between them spilled over to Earth.

Although it was obviously heavily lopsided towards the Xenos, who created the Mutants and in general need more organic material, I would assume Mechs just used them because they had all the Human Resources lying around and not much to do with it (that's how it feels like sometimes when playing them too). Although recently - as in a few years ago - I saw some video which maybe claimed the Cyborg units are worth it because of the double attachment.
Speaking of Horde: Northern Wind. I'm looking for a game similar to it. That's I think the building architecture was similar, but characters were bigger and more cartoon, kinda like The Settlers 3. The most characteristic was look of villagers heads. You couldn't see their faces but tops of their heads were really round and yellow. I don't know if they were hats or blonde hair. I only played the demo and I don't remember much. I remember there were ships and catapults villagers could mount and that one mission took place in some volcanic looking terrain, but that all.
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The OST is absolute fire btw
That game isn't even obscure, I think you're a faggot for not knowing it.
What is that game?
Darwinia, i can tell from the thumbnail
supposedly coming to steam
This thread gives me so much fucking nostalgia, jesus christ.
i know, it's great
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obscure strategy games? don't mind if i do
Why there's a cum meter on the right?
In Poland, we make new units traditionally from cum
It's milk. They milk cows to victory.
Aren't everyone?
Oh so it's like Tzared.
Yeah i like it.
I remember playing two RTS games back at the time: Armies of Exigo and Kohan 2: Kings of War.
I think I really liked the non-linear Hero progression system in Kohan.
Exigo looked really solid back at the day despite lacking variety (only 3 races, standard strategy, no gimmicks, gameplay got stale really fast).
>Armies of Exigo
I bet this was a Hungarian (90%) or Bulgarian (10%) game. Only they come up with such unmarketable titles.
Bingo, it's Hungarian. Made by Black Hole Entertainment, who also made Warhammer: Mark of Chaos and Heroes of Might & Magic VI (and went bankrupt as a result of dev costs on the latter).
>Mark of Chaos
I liked that one! Pretty impressive of those guys to make at least 3 okay/okay-ish strategy games with different types of gameplay.
>Warhammer: Mark of Chaos
I've never played it. but I always found it interesting how it looked like a proto-total war game years before CA toke it spin with the franchise.
I remember someone suggesting me that one on /vg/. Is it good?

Oh, same dudes? I fucking love Mark of Chaos.

unf, yeeees.
I loved the dueling mechanic. It was awful, but oddly fun.
That and being the first Warhammer game in ages to let you pick what Chaos God you worshipped. There was two choices but it still was more then the usual.
The Humans are stat neutral, the Darken are more expensive units with more health, the Mercs have more expensive units with higher damage, and the Scorp have inferior units but lower costs. Each faction has a unique unit as well
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Arabian Lords
Please explain what the fuck is going on here, I'm very lost about everything.
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Fun fact, Starcraft happened because of this game. It was originally a cheap WC2 clone, but it got BTFO'd at some game show by Dominion's presentation, so they scrapped the whole thing and started working on the version we have today.
Don't forget that the defensive towers and mechs either fire two small missiles or one bigger missile. From what I remember the DPS is about the same.
Sounds like Cвapoг.
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Yes, this is it. Thanks a lot. I don't think I would find it on my own.
Btw here's a part from myabandonware website that I just find bizarre:
>The game has interesting story of releases - originally it was developed by Russian team Alawar Entertainment and released in Russia on Russian language as "Cвapoг", then the game had Eastern release on English language with title "Swarog", and then that Eastern release was translated to Russian by Media-Service 2000 and released in Russia again, this time by title "Cвapoг. Язычecкиe вoйны" (Swarog. Pagan Wars).
Like, what the hell?
There's no true obscure games anymore
Nah, there are at least 5 examples in this thread I could point to just now (i.e. the Polish semen making game).
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Alien Logic - one of the first games I ever played as young lad back in the DOS days
>Like, what the hell?
I am hypothesizing, but
>the Internet not as widespread as today
>a guy working for a localizer company that grew up out of a pirate translator team finds a cool-enough looking RTS game on a Polish fleamarket and brings it to Russia to the company
>they translate and publish it
>learn about another cool RTS game the devs from their country made post-factum

>cool mission briefing talks about fighting demons
>the mission itself is about fighting humans, no justification
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heck is that one?
Maybe the Spore creatura (a blind guess, never played it) getting poked by Ghat (Zeno Clash protag).
that pic is cool. saved. wish i could read vodka runes.
I tried to find it on YouTube, but I forgot who showcased it and thus what it was called
It was a shooter base builder hybrid game. You and the Ai play as two human CEOs with a gun in first person, but you can also go top-down where you can command entire armies of android manned vehicles and infantry and the idea is to launch automaton armies at one another until you bust down the CEOs door and kill him. I think you could control the army units individually like you could the CEO.
You mean this?
Yeah that one. Now I need to find the one where you play as the puppet commander of a squad of puppets in Roman/greek/persian armour and weapons and use basic tactics to Hack and slash your opponents. Not to be confused with exactly the same game, but using cartoony men playing dress up instead of faceless puppets.
Which real time strategies can you name where ranged units have limited ammunition?
Iirc in Swine >>1769539 your vehicles can run out of ammo and fuel. Similar can happen in Cuban Missile Crisis.
It was either Reflux or Earth 2140-60.
You'll have to check one of these "100 RTS in ten minutes" videos.
I did that to find a lot of old Playstation games.
Guys, it already has been found almost a month ago. >>1760950
I wish there was more 2d RTS games besides this and Metal Fatigue where you can design your own units from modules.
Like Warzone?
That's not Metal Fatigue. What is this game on the screenshot?
Looks like Total Annihilation to me but I don't remember unit design there
Maybe it looks a bit on first glance but that definitely isn't Total Annihilation.
Lords of Magic. Love that dino riding elves.
worst game i ever bought based on sseth shilling, that is
Same, it's like Age of Wonders + Heroes of Might and Magic combined but made worse.

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