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How does it hold up compared to Heroes of Might and Magic games (post IV)?

I've had it on my GOG backlog for a long time, and I've known about the game series for at least a decade prior to that. I always thought it was just Heroes with waifu simulator or something.
It's fingerlicking so good. I think I prefer it over the HoMM games. It's just a more RPG take on the formula.
I remember that The Legend was somewhat imbalanced in terms of classes, with the mage being massively OP in late game. Classes in Armored Princess/Crossworlds were a bit more equalized.
It's fantastic here's some tips:
Pick either Mage or Warrior but NOT paladin
Mage with some levels can use 2 spells pro turn this is fantastic to say the least but mage does not have a giant army(not that need it)
Warrior is fine not terribly interesting but he is fine with warrior you will be felding a massive army to go full unga bunga
Paladin is fucking useless no really his skills are trash and the devs knew...of his 'special" skill is to give him points to use in magic and fighter tree because the "mind" skill tree is garbage
Item charges well think twice before "suppressing" one some of the hardest fights in the game are in the upgrading/suppressing items
Wives:Feanora(frog princess) gives you flat 3 int that is always welcomed and Neoka(elf princess) for mage because these 2 can give you "magic" children and one of them is "Gandalf" which increases your int by 20%,and for warrior Xeona(succubus princes) she has 2 weapon slots and warrior makes good use of them.
Remeber the game is very rogue-like what you find in 1 game you can find something else in a 2nd run
>Item charges well think twice before "suppressing" one some of the hardest fights in the game are in the upgrading/suppressing items
And it doesn't really pay off until you fully unlock the item, meaning a series of ever-tougher fights.
I liked KB over HoMM. It was a shame that you had to play as the princess in the sequels. Reviews seem pretty good though. Don't play KB2
But she's hot.
Every time I try to play I get to a certain point where the enemy has doomstacks and I can't afford to lose units because there aren't enough to recruit either through lack of funds or lack of available troops.
That's because you lost too many troops. The game is deceptive, in that you can easily softlock yourself from advancing. You don't have any source of constant income, so avoiding losing troops is vital. And using those cheap infinite troops is a trap, since you lose tons of them in later battles, leading to more money spent replacing them. You should also try alternate means of obtaining troops, like the Sacrifice spell (kills X amount of units from a stack, adds the equivalent amount of HP to another one, effectively adding units).
OBTW, the difficulty settings are typical slav-wacky (you can check the multiplier descriptions if you hover over them). Easy is very easy, normal is a bit difficult at times, while hard and very hard are CBT.
I played a Paladin on Hard my first playthrough and then tried a Warrior on Normal where I did better, I will try to use the Sacrifice spell and do better to keep my troops alive. You have to really pick and choose your battles it seems.
I think in terms of combat it's better, but since you don't have a city it's more of a puzzle game in working out what you can take out with your current army and so on. Pretty fun in its way.
I remember having this problem when fighting that undead general. Had to backtrack quite a bit to recruit troops. Even then my army was mostly destroyed after I won
But I don't like playing as a woman
>But I don't like playing as a woman
Yeah but she's hot.
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Paladin kinda sucks in The Legend, quite poorly balanced compared to warrior and mage.
It's quite a bit better in (not-very-)Armored Princess/Crossworlds, due to rearranged skills.
>Early Game
Royal Griffins, royal Thorns, horsemen, whatever t5 unit you can get
>After you reach elf island
Royal Thorns, Dryads, green dragons, red dragons, giants? or whatever t5 you want and synergizes
>no mention of snek army buffed by frog princess (in frog mode)
I are sadge.
Does it have the same quick flow as Homam though
Divorced her after she pestered me into having four kids.

AP has an even better variety of viable units. Even though orcs feel overpowered to fight against. The Darkness has great army compositions and building that up feels super rewarding.
If you keep her in frog mode, she doesn't talk much (outside the occasional "Ribbit").
You keep an ugly frog wife if you are an ugly toad looking wizard. Warrior chads marry the any woman they come across, fill her inventory up with children and then chug her for the next.
Oh, don't get me wrong, I eventually got Xeona. But, during the mid-game, I kept Feanora in frog mode, since I had an ample supply of all 3 snake types. And I also had that special item which boosted them further.
How much do later games outshine "The Legend" in terms of features and refined mechanics?
armored princess and it's expansion are a straight upgrade, everything else after that is kinda well worse. I would rather play the legend than warriors of the north or dark side
>call himself a warrior
>shits on his mage bothers
You will never be a warrior
Played a bit of armored princess. It's good but you have to play as the princess. Warriors of the north is pretty meh. It's good if you want more of the same but there's some dumb valkyrie collecting main quest. Dark side is shit. Writing especially. Got bored so I dropped it
>but you have to play as the princess
>It's good but you have to play as the princess.
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The entire franchise, aesthetically, is giga slop, distinctly late 2000s cheap looking Russian slop, specifically. But basically nothing can mess up a HoMM combat system. It's just too fool-proof. So basically the story is painfully generic, the world is very ugly, but you'll still have that addictive HoMM fun. There is also something charming about cliche absurdity of the setting, that makes it memorable.
Most based post ITT
Cringe. KB is good precisely because it captures the generic fantasy trope well
Why the fuck was the new one so fucking bad
King's Bounty 2 is so boring
but I've played Crossworlds, Warriors of the North and Dark Side so many fucking times. Well, and Legends, too, but its a bit old.
Play Crossworlds. Its just better in every way.
Dark Side is probably the best King's Bounty game.
Nah. Writing is iffy as fuck, some areas are straight-up incomplete, and combat difficulty is even more all over the place than usual.
But it has the best mechanics, the best creatures, the most balanced skill trees, the most interesting quests and funnest bossfights.
No, Might and Magic captures the generic fantasy trope. It's dragons, elves, dwarves, etc. but it does it well and competently. King's Bounty has more of a "exhausted chinese mobile game sweatshop worker has a feverdream" aesthetic. Everything is a bit uncanny.
But the uncanny-feeling graphics is a Russian fantasy classic, dating back to the first Rage of Mages.
See also Evil Islands, Etherlords and Heroes 5.
Might and magic is slavjank where you press on end turn until you get raped by necropolis. You're a nostalgia goggled fagtard who can't get the slav cock out your ass and appreciate the superior game with deeper mechanics and better graphics
Anon, I understand you're retarded but this is quite something. Not only is Might and Magic from America, but King's Bounty is Russian, so not only are you wrong, your opinion is the exact opposite of reality. Very retarded! Also I never played M&M as a kid I only discovered it recently, so nostalgia must be a projection for you
Kinda weird that they made a remake of King's Bounty in Russia... when they also played Homam so much in Russia and then made Heroes 5 in Russia (wasn't that before King's Bounty?)
I loved Evil Islands! I should play that again.
I love the game, there is no waifu simulator, it's more like an RPG with HOMM as the battle system. Instead of a strategy game you have an adventure and a world to explore with quests and stuff. If that sounds interesting at all you'll like it.
Might and Magic is a first person dungeon crawling game.
Imagine how incredibly well this game would sell if it was anime, literally everything the same except the girls you marry are anime waivus.
why has nobody made this
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>kb1: you are a knight on a quest to save the kingdom
>kb2: you are a princess on a quest to save the kingdom
>kb3: you are a Viking on a quest to save your kingdom
>kb4: you are a creature of darkness who kidnaps innocent women and beats them up with a stick and mutilate their loved ones. Turn people into zombies. Recruit school children into hell’s legion. Sacrifice human to the devil. And turn a church into a brothel

What were the creators smoking when they decided to make the darkside? Did they go through a divorce or something?
IIRC it was made by a different team.
It gets good once it stops railroading you.

To even start the game you have to

Fight a seriesof battles to escape to the dwarves
Fight a few more battles to get to the Spirit of Darkness
Fight even more battles in the spirits sanctuary
Fight three more battles on a frozen island, just because

All of that without any interesting items to find, in unfinished, half empty areas with no side quests.

After that though the game gets really good.
My interpretation is that the earlier draft of the story was much higher on whole "bad guys aren't bad they were defamed after losing" thing popular in Russian fiction at the time no they aren't salty about losing the Cold War what makes you say that? but the development of the game was a complete shitshow leaving us with this mess
Russia had a pretty lively and unique gamedev industry before the 2010s so not exactly weird really.
1C, Akella, Nival made some great if janky games. Hopefully we'll see some more Russian jank eventually. I've been seeing an uptick of indie gamedev activity these past couple of years. Government giving money to make games too. Which they weren't doing before.
True, once you finish the crappy railroaded quests, the game opens up. However some of the later quests still have some bugs or ways to screw up their resolution.
I've started playing with Neoline (the demoness); the Blood Priestess sacrifice ability is very useful for unit economy purposes. However, unlike in the earlier titles, out of control units can and will attack their former comrades.
>it gets good
Can you give me an example?
They have this weird racism subplot where the lights oppress the darks. The main character suffers from MPD as he goes out of his way to be a good guy and help grant one kid’s dream to become a captain then the next scene he enslaves hundreds of chealdren to feed them to orcs and demons because they are evil humans who killed said orcs and humans who only attacked the humans? wtf is this some joke? The dark creatures? As in niggers? It all makes sence now best game ever. Based russians
Why doesn't this have scenarios? Jesus christ
Probably because there is zero overlap between

>People who make good Heroes-like TBS games

>People who draw anime (preferably also H scenes)

This is a huge gap in the market, people are intimidated because they thing Heroes is only played by East European boomers. But if you go to rule34, you see how desperate even they are for their huge untapped gooning potential market.
Middle aged men would have to pirate it so that they're not shamed by their middle aged men friends when they see "Heroes of Hentai Magic" in their GOG/Steam profile
Why can't I undress my wife
anon is smoking crack, I LOVE this aesthetic and always have.
Cause that's what we all need right? More porn? Please go crawl back under the rock out came out from.
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Someone ever played the OGs?
Tips and tricks to not get stuck?

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