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Songs of Conquest 1.0 is out. How do we like it?
Didn't know about it being full release, gonna do it right now. Thanks anon.
Is there no way to know how much retaliation from attacking you will suffer?
It's probably a good HoMM clone, but I just don't feel like that genre works any more. I refunded it after playing it for a bit because I knew it just be the same:
>Run around map collecting and building army
>Meet enemy AI army
>If you win you win the game
>If you lose, you lose the game

The way recruitment works in this game, it just means that there's really no way to come back from a loss. Other games get around this by tying recruitment to production, so if you have built a stronger economy than your enemy, you can eventually catch back up to them with your army size. In this you have to wait til the unit restocks before you buy it.
The frist campaign bored me to tears.
Is it true that it's basically one huge tutorial and the others ones are interesting?
I still struggle with the art-direction.
It's "pixel-art" but there's no consistency in pixel size. They basically took models and ran them through a filter. The model animations also suffer from an abysmal frame-rate, yes, I get it's part of the style but they went too low especially when you consider they made every model much larger than it needed to be to show of their art. Larger models need a higher framerate to avoid looking janky.

If they had made the models smaller and kept to a consistent pixel size across the world it would have worked, but it's clear someone wanted to show-off the art. Which tells you the game if style over substance.
That's my main complaint as well
How the fuck do i counter fucking swordsmen?!
What faction are you playing?
Slow melee units really struggle you can repel them, and shoot them at range.
If you hover your mouse over the enemy for a few seconds, you will see it
I feel like unless you can get into the making ridiculous builds and breaking the game, the genre is somewhat outdated.

Yep. The biggest issue with the first campaign is that you don't even get to play around with the magic as Cecilia only really has order magic.
The art style seems to be the game's most controversial aspect. Basically everyone I see either loathes it, or adores it.
limits on how many wielders you can deploy are a serious problem. early game is the time when scouts are most important, and songs of conquest handicaps your scouting and makes it almost luck-based. depending on which way you decide to explore early, you could end up missing out on important resources, which in turn keeps you from expanding more quickly because your economy takes longer to get going.
there's also not enough done to balance ranged attackers, especially for barya. reloading and max ranges don't matter much when rapid fire and onslaught can give you 3 or 4 attacks. and there are easy ways to push your opponents back or choke points with spells if you're playing arleon or rana and don't have rapid fire. even in the most range-oriented homm town, tower, your enemy will be able to engage you in melee in a round or two no matter what you do. but once you get hellbreaths and sufficient order and destruction sources as barya, it's almost a win button.
woke game
Incel comment.
game has so many woke red flags its not even funny. call arts everywhere combined with cheap chinese android game aesthetics. hard pass....
Such as?
It is a fantasy world, female warriors are a staple of the genre, if that's what's tingling your /pol/ sensibilities
NTA. The only thing that kinda bugged me was Cecelia being an idiot and the tutorial campaign ending without any growth or repercussions. It's not really woke though, it's just bad writing.

Honestly the overall lore of this game is interesting, but the executions by writing (especially the character's dialogue and actions) are quite shit.
For me it's League of Angels.
africans being lords in medieval europesque faction
the ones in barya are ok
What is the strongest faction? I tried playing Arleon on one those pre-made conquest maps and got my ass handed to me. This was against worthy AI.
>once you get hellbreaths and sufficient order and destruction sources as barya, it's almost a win button.
Meanwhile rats already ate you 50 turns ago.
Anon there's like literally intercontinental warp gates in the setting that was build by a world spanning empire.
I mean if this was LOTR and human migrations were limited as IRL, yeah sure valid point. However, for this it's just nit-picking for wokeness' sake.
Dont try to get one of each creature in your army like HoMM, make up a build for an army and stick with it and stack bonuses.
Like say a simple one is militia+rangers+footmen and stack range damage
Kinda disappoint with arleon having fey instead of angels desu.
That would have made them much more generic though. The alliance with the furries is at least unique.

Well, I'm probably not an authority here, since the only factions that I like are Loth and Barya.
I hope more lore and campaigns are coming. I'd definitely like to find out what the deal is with the specific undead lords for Loth.
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>what the deal is with the specific undead lords for Loth.
He is Merkoth.
He is Her Chosen Sword.
He burned the Tree Mothers.
He killed the dragons.
He conquered Patriam.
Bound to Serve.
The interesting thing about those fey. They're actually artificial creatures created by the Empress to serve her, and not like the traditional spirits of nature thing.
Blacks in every human faction
For me, it's the blaster caster negress, Marjatta.
You can easily get up to like +120% spell damage with her.

I do like merkoth though, his overworld sprite looks like a gigachad.
Come on, the only uncool one is the Arleon baroness cunt.
Huh, interesting. Must have missed that. Is Aurelia responsible for all of the world's... everything?
Why is Bihgli so based
> Is Aurelia responsible for all of the world's... everything?
Probably not everything, she was just the most recent winner for world domination. It's implied that Rana/Dragons were an earlier civilization that were tyrants that Aurelia destroyed (after her son and hence heir got killed by them) and everyone helped.
> Come on, the only uncool one is the Arleon baroness cunt.
No, they are all uncool
I'd be okay with a black faction, but sprinkling blacks in the feudal Europe and Arabian factions is clearly wrong
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>indirectly causes the Rana and dragon invasion
>bit more directly causes the whole undead mess and gets a fancy tatoo
>gets his bro Silkpool killed by a mad cunt
>gets his bro Everthink to fix the big bad beacons
>murders everyone in a swath of arleon land that doesnt even belong to his contractor (that he almost (and should have) killed in the first place)
>tells the whiny ghost to piss off and nukes everything
Thanks that's helpful
Better than any HoMM after 5.
>Better than any HoMM after 5.
Woah that's forgiving, as most will end in 4 or even 3. 5 still had great music though.
The fey should have had their own forest faction with the two subfactions being furries and the little shit fairies desu
I dunno, from what I see of Heroes 3 fans and their opinions about this game, it seems to me like these oldfags bitch and moan any and all changes to their sacred formula.
It gets tiresome, SoC not being taken at face value
on 4chan it's called a post
Im a slav that played homm2 as a kid, I never got why some people have such a hateboner for 5 desu. As far as I'm concerned it was the last good HoMM, basically a 3D homm3 with some issues fixed and some more introduced.
My main gripe was the skill system and mostly because it wasnt explained well (or at all) inside the game itself.
I liked 4 as a standalone game even if it didnt really fit in with the rest of the series.
SoC is better than the low effort shit that was 6 and 7 and has some interesting takes on homm mechanics, certainly not a direct clone.
The only good thing about 6 and 7 was that they had some cute monstergirls.
Well, /vst/? What would you like to see as the DLC factions? We know that the devs like mixing ideas, like with generic humans + furries for Arleon
-elves and dwarfs faction (if you have units of different subfactions stand next to eachother they lose defense but gain damage to outdo eachother)
-priests and angels faction
-mermaids/octopusgirls and sharkmen faction
-tigermen and anime catgirls faction
-orcs and harpies faction
-wizards and elementals faction
Sengoku Jidai themed eastern faction with gunpowder
or ideally Sengoku Jidai Japan vs Legalist China
Why is Cecilia such a retard tho
Partially because the writers needed some reason for the four factions to kill each other. Rana vs Barya & Loth vs Everyone is natural, but everything else requires some event of escalation.
The poor writing part is that it's mostly focused to Cecilia being a retard. I'm guessing the writer wanted her to be like young and rash, but it went over that and she just looks like a retard. To be fair, some of it could be lost in translation from French to English, but still...
It's kind of funny how evil Loth is considered by other factions. I played theirs, Arleon's and Barya's campaigns and they really don't seem that bad? We don't get any accounts of them specifically doing any atrocities.

In random events in skirmish, they really seem alright. They include sending oathbound to help the peasants with the harvests or to slay some troublemakers, toxicologists helping out with the health problems, cultists dealing with some mystical threats to your people. It all seems pretty alright. It is especially glaring when compared to how Arleon is described, with them crushing popular rebellions and executing peasants every other day.
Is it just about the necromancy?
>Is it just about the necromancy?
Pretty much, and probably the older races like the fey don't want the empress (their former master) back. Although granted it's implied that probably Necormancy does have some negative effect on the land (that's why you see Loth towns all the vegetation dead).
>and they really don't seem that bad?
They are all literally brainwashed by undead lich/empress
If you dont mind not having any free will then i guess Loth isnt so bad
either the rising or the presence of undead sucks life out of surrounding land leaving it desolate
also theyre kinda automatically genocidal against anyone not under Oath
>negative effect on the land
Yeah, I suppose. Still, it doesn't seem like it causes issues for Loth's survival.
>automatically genocidal
Are they, though? In one of the events it's said that the people are seeing more benefits to worshipping Aurelia, and are converting. Meaning that you really don't need to take the Oath to just live in her lands. Add to that the fact that Aurelia wanted Hillar to recruit Everthink and the harima. Really, they are only genocidal towards the frogmen.
>all literally brainwashed
You could say that about the undead serving her, but not the living. Aldus, Roderick, Magnolia, Hillar all have good reasons to take the oath, and show a great deal of independence while serving Ms. Lich.
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>a black hero in high fantasy? reeeeeeeeee
generic fantasy is american creation and has little to do with medieval europe. for that, play kingdom come
>generic fantasy is american creation
You can tell because they keep stuffing niggers into it
>Aldus, Roderick, Magnolia, Hillar all have good reasons to take the oath
You didnt notice how they all started behaving very differently trough the campaign and after taking the oath?
HoMM too is okay for there to be various melanin levels. As their lore is actually a post-apocalypse of an intergalactic empire.
If they're so dangerous why weren't Rana outright removed instead of kept as slave stock with steadily growing animosity?
I don't think they were actively kept as a slave stock, but rather their remnants hid in the swamps and were actively hunted by their enemies. Over time the knowledge of their atrocities were forgotten and their enemies' genocide institutions switched to slavery for profit as the empire fell.
This game has some bullshit op dragons damn.
and the most brutal counter with the judgement spell aswell
Just the Barya campaign, second or third mission against Arleon. Figured range just isn't a good time against them and restarted the whole mission to push spells and more Artificer, Pikeneer focused forces. Worked out well after all.
Please post some android games with SoC aesthetics.
Doesn't mean much, but i took the same conclusion from the campaign. Indebted needed more money than caring about a subtle problem seemingly far away.
>Second Wind makes a review
>combat is boring
>magic is meaningless
>I only played the campaign (guess which one)
>so bad they pulled the video
Granted cecilia really isnt a great introduction. For all but last mission youre stuck with just the human arleon units of militia, footmen and archers and order magic which is all buffs. If youre not spamming archers and or minstrels you wont even get any hybrid spells.

Meanwhile in barya campaign having fun bullying enemies by pushing them around while shooting and nuking them with meteors and teleporting the hyenas in the middle of their ranged guys from the start
Even in Beta Arelon sucked, Order/Blue in general sucked. You get to spam fungal mines in Rana.
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Witness the peak of Arleon campaign.
Many of my barya battles were pretty much
>nuke some stacks with musketeers/spells
>push back the ones i cant kill this turn
>plant lines of mines in front of them
>they run through mines to get back to where they were last turn
>musketeers are reloading, push enemy back and plant mines again
>if theyre still alive after running through mines twice the reloaded musketeers finish them off
>>I only played the campaign (guess which one)
>go independant because muh industry standards
>still do the retarded game journo bit of playing like 15 minutes of the game tops before reviewing
At Cecilia gets like Attuned in lv8 (if you like get Chaos Magic), although I just let her become my economic hero most of the time.
I just aimed and opened quad shot second round. Everything that was in range was basically instantly shredded.
Don't like it.
I haven't played many of these games before, but I do like it a lot so far.
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What do you think of trolls and plants?
thought it was a prank desu
Vanir (probably a Norse/Frost theme) were hinted in alpha and the OST, so I can understand... Freaking plants faction err... Underwhelming, as especially with Rana in the jungle/Aztec theme already. Wished for stereotyped Asian + something else (like how Endless Space 2 Hisho were Aztec+Japanese inspired.) Maybe even Slavs or Mongols would of been nice (as we have little Calvary).
What if the plants are slavs on shrubbery horses
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I doubt it from the plant unit shown. Although an army of Leshys would be awesome.
Troll looks good, plant doesn't, more campaign missions would be better.
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accordin to leaks on dev d*scord, weeb faction is probably next on the list
and yes, vanir are the frost faction
disappointed in roots too though
I like how the human units just becomes monsters after the upgrade. Nice design for an otherwise overused cultural theme in fantasy.
Eeh, from the looks of it, it feels stark like Rana but in Nordic..
What leaks though, do we get any new campaign chapters before new factions drop?
>do we get any new campaign chapters before new factions drop?
yes but only as paid dlcs
one per faction, starting with undeads this fall
its in the steam post too
I do find it funny how the undead are created by simping hard enough.
>pixel art
the necromancer faction being archeologists who literally dig up and restore their buildings/troops is insanely cool to me, are there any other games that play with this trope?
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So apparently the Roots are the original version of the fey and their magical forest.
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Wasn't that obvious? Story will probably be some corrupted vs uncorrupted "Hey, we're not Aurelian?!" "You're all the same!!" for the first two missions as well, till Aurelia makes dum-dum-dum entrance.

>big mommy queen enters the field
Imagine not simping for her.
Why is Loth the only one with such a long name? All of the others, including the DLC boys have short, catchy 1-3 syllable names.
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>tfw I realized only now that the expansion is called bleak east and not bleach east
Is there any reason to play through the campaigns in order? I just finished Arleon, and I'm more interested in Loth and would rather play them first, before Rana.
IMO not really. Only if you care enough to know the big picture chronologically, but the story in itself isn't really complicated and honestly kinda stupid on how it escalates. 90% it's people being autistic and not able to communicate
+120% is nothing lmao, today i had +350%. I like that the game lets you do stupidly op stuff. Blessed bones with melee+technologu+positioning+defence+magic shield+the range res całe, have 100% missile res, 125% magic res(caps at 80) so the only real way to deal damage to them is melee, which they have 40% res in and retaliate ad infinitum.
>Elves and dwarfs
Very uninspired
>Priests and Angels
Same thing
>Octopus and sharks
Daring aren't we
>Cats and cats
>Orcs and harpies
Better but i don't imagine there could be a lot going on for harpies
>Wizards and elementals
Also uninspired but cool and could work well
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I don't care about the lore excuses anymore
Is there a curator warning us of such things?
You can play Loth 1-3 to learn about the oath and Aurelia, but final Loth mission then jumps to aftermath of Rana campaign. Rana 3 is pretty much the most important point in all of campaigns and overall Rana maps seem very well made.
What if I don't like the disgusting frogs?
>Better than any HoMM after 5.
Except it's not.
Worse than HoMM VII even, go cry me a river, faggots.
The only objectively good part of it is the background fantasy music.
> what if I don't like the only faction without black lords
Well, you get to play as frog Hitler and see why everyone ganged up on them before.
>our setting and story can be kitchen refuse for all we care, but God forbid, if there are no Niggers or strong women in it. The horror!
With how they write their dialogues, the medieval fantasy is completely redundant.
Could have just drop the pretense and base all their games in modern CA with added supernatural phenomena
>inb4 devs are swenska faggotriske
I know, I know...
Egypt inspired vs Greek inspired.
stfu you're disgusting
The Marsh must expand.
Well theyre technically part of arleon
March = Lebensraum
Ancient Greek monsters + ghosts
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>playing Arleon campaign
>mission three
>doctor something wielder appears leading undead army
>risky but still decide to fight her
>can't even reach her units because her spells instantly delete my 20 stacks
>archers deal fuck all damage to her troops
>only units that can reach the enemy are the big goat men
Am I just better off benching Cicilia and using the deer lady instead and focung on training only the big burly goat dudes?
get spell resist
>fantasy world, female warriors are a staple of the genre
not at all, zoomette
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>blocks your path
Did barya's campaign.
Didn't bother checking out challenge maps.
Probably won't. The game is still all about the first 5-10 turns.
I'll be back in 18-30 months when the next campaigns are on sale.
artifacts and the spell resist skill
Go to sleep, grandpa. It's way past your bedtime
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>melee wielder

I honestly don't remember much of the campaign, so feel free to give examples. Just that the nephew calls her rude for using his essence without permission.

You've been introduced to the game's magic, order only really has Pacify and haste but Loth gets to fuck you hard with arcane/destruction.

You got the roots lineup?
Name some without.
>her spells instantly delete my 20 stacks
Have you got the upgrades to increase number of units per stack? Fast units are probably still better but you should be able to bring larger stacks to the fight. Unless you're using knights or goatmen you shouldn't have only 20 units per stack at the final fight.

Have you also gotten any of the upgrades increasing unit power? +3 health per human unit makes the lower-tier stacks significantly harder to burn through.

>focung on training only the big burly goat dudes
If you're going for fey troops, why not the Fey Ragers (upgraded fey spirits)? They get an ability which gives them 100% magic resist for a round so you can move forward without getting nuked down.

Poor initiative though, so you'll probably eat shit on the first round before you get to move.

Troubador stacks can also give +10% to the army for a round.
I'm pretty sure they're passively immune to magic.
Nah, you definitely have to activate it. I've had a stack of them get cast at before they got a turn and it killed them fine.
So it's pointless then.
If your opponent can kill your army with magic in one turn, sure. But nothing works in that scenario.
>You got the roots lineup?
not much work was done on them yet methinks. vanir got pulled out of current game editor files, theres snow terrain already too iirc
I like the visuals of this game so much better without bloom and depth of field.
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>Rana campaign final level
No offense but I got the feeling during the Loth campaign that Aurelia is an evil schemer putting on a show of good intentions so that her useful idiots keep doing what she wants.
The marsh expands.
It's really pretty, the sprite work is fucking beautiful, but something feels wrong, something almost feels missing if that makes sense. The magic system is more balanced than most games of its kind but it certainly isn't fun so that has been sucked out pretty much, and the faction aesthetics are sorta meh..... really good concept, not the greatest execution so far, it seems well balanced but.... the thing that makes homm likes fun is the fact that they AREN'T balanced
>magic balanced
Human units are disgustingly generic and unoriginal it makes me physically uncomfortable. Compare with humans units from DISCIPLES. This game is literally made by NPCs.
Uh magic becomes ridiculously powerful at high levels.
>sieging an enemy city
>crammed as much initiative as possible to get that phat alpha strike
>start by casting switch to replace your shooter with one of their shooters in the battlements
>now your shooter can instantly delete one of their stacks with a deadly range high ground attack AND their shooter stack is also fucked since it's in the middle of your army
And this is just one example. You can use onslaught or rapid fire with several stacks of Hellroars to massacre their army before they even get a turn. Spam justice on their expensive units which is fairly cheap to do essence wise at higher levels. Magic is really powerful, don't think it's "balanced" just because there's no dimension door or town portal.
Swap needs chaos+creation, so if you're
You can fuck off. Also I demand to see you get the essence for rapid fire before your first hellroar turn (not to mention they count as human so don't get the +initiative faction research which is for hariman troops.)
Besides, by the time you buy research the game is more or less over. You're still more or less deciding your entire game based on the first 10 turns, and specifically to before the first neutral growth.
>You're still more or less deciding your entire game based on the first 10 turns
Uh I'm obviously talking about exaggerated optimal late game scenarios. Magic in HOMM3 isn't exactly broken in the first 10 turns either, the ludicrous things you can do in that game take quite a while to kick in.
I just want them to unfuck the power curve.
Tapped out of campaign on Barya 3. No way I am wasting my precious hours on a mission where you have to watch two AIs fight and cross your fingers that it turns out in your favor.
They got their shit kicked in in my game but it didn't matter because by the time I got up there I had all three magics at levelled so it was just a slaughter.
Any advice for Loth mission 4?
Nevermind, I won it in 54 turns.
I basically took HIllar smashing up the North East (after giving him basically everything from Magnolia and Ambertina) grabbing as many undead on the road as I could and razed little Rana settlements in my path. Magnolia followed up behind with her own army a while later and Ambertina went back to our town to raise her own army. We captured beacons as we encountered them. We ran into the first FrogNIGGER and Magnolia sacrificed her army to weaken it while Hillar finished it off. Then I went east and used Hillar's mega stack of recovered legions to kill the second FrogNIGGER. Then we went East to and we took a Rana city, after which we killed the third FrogNIGGER. Having now buckbroken the Rana we happened to have 5/7 beacons. I noticed Barya finally starting to trundle along in my direction so I had Hillar and Magnolia make a wild rush for the last beacons we needed to win.

I swear every campaign is basically:
>Mission 1 = Easy
>Mission 2 = Easy
>Mission 3 = Easy
>Mission 4 = Difficult
But you dont count on it. The allies always lose, theyre there just to give you time before arleonigger comes knocking to your door instead.
I don't even remember it. I know I had to restart a rana mission, I think the second one, where Loth just comes down to fuck you over while you have to trudge through neutrals with no settlement income to speak of and you don't yet have fuck off skills.
Did anybody play the challenge maps?
Bigly has the best story and theme song in the game and it's not even close. Never thought the old ass man on the Barya hero menu would end up being my second favourite character but here we are.
who is your first fave anon?
It was and is the TRVE Queen of Arleon, Ethylle-Ernaline.
How do I beat Loth 3? I suck at maximizing value from the troops I get.
What's loth 3 again?
The Roderick mission where you go through a maze.
It's kind of tricky. You need to do your best to avoid taking shitty casualties to bullshit. When you level up your lad try to pick skills that give him more magic since you've got to try and blast enemies with spells before too much of your army dies.
this is where i dropped the game
Is it that bad? I remember clearing it by massing dragons and pushing back my enemies into fungal mines, but that was before release... I guess I have to play it again
I beat that mission recently, not too hard if you're patient and mass dragons. One of the Baryan wielders is a tough cookie because she has a huge army including a bunch of hellroars and also has Essence Shield so it's hard to start the battle with some good alpha strikes. I had to use Blind Hatred level 3 to make them attack each other and get rid of the shields.
I mostly remember that you have two paths that are completely divergent -east and south- so I had to ferry my beatstick wielder back and forth a bunch because of how important levels are in this game and how few wielder you get in the campaign, but that was also the case in the Barya campaign, although I played the Rana one in 2022 and 2023 when I played it on hard according to the game.

If I can be arsed I'll do them again with the "new and improved" AI but probably not.
You get 3 wielders in that map so I had a main beatstick, a secondary one that often converted cities after the main sieged them, and the third one was a supply packmule jannie bringing in reinforcements. Also am I retarded or is it literally impossible to recruit elder dragons through a spawning pool? Quite annoying to have to recruit them and then upgrade them at the point of origin.
Yeah you do have to recruit them and then upgrade them at your home base or wherever you built the infrastructure.
Are there any good play throughs of this game on youtube? From what I've seen they're either incredibly dull, or annoying and retarded.
Focusing on mausoleum units with Loth seems pretty good. Seneschals and blessed bones are pretty strong and only cost gold, freeing up resources for upgrades.
Try twitch.tv/turk/videos
Autobattle system needs to be improved, too many trash fights have casualties and I have to redo them manually just to sit still for a turn and delete everything with spells.
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These guys are pretty good for splitting into 1-stacks in empty slots right?
No thank you.
>play through for a turn based games with a decorative story
For what purpose?
NTA but honestly I'm the type of guy who wanted to "collect" all the song cinematics as soon as I realised they were in the game. Maybe he wants to see the cinematics for the levels he couldn't beat.
For story wise, I like to see how they react to and if they enjoy the story. For combat and map stuff I like to see how people handle mechanics and how they play differently than myself, and if I should change things up. Sometimes I learn a lot and use what I've watched, sometimes I question what they're doing. If im better than them, and they're at least an entertaining channel, I'll watch a few more vids. If Im better than them, and their annoying, I'll black their channel.
I already beat the 4 songs. On Fair to be honest, so I have a long way to go to get better. But what I said in >>1779024
What are the odds I Songs of Conquest would feel obsolete to me if the closest thing to a HoMM clone i've played is Hero's Hour? As a game contemporary to HoMM's heyday i also played Lords of Magic a lot..
So just based on appearances, these guys will definitely have chaos, destruction, and arcane essences, right?
Probably? Like 3 combo of 5 colours will at max create 10 sets of different combos, so we still have room for 4 more factions after the new two.

Not taken from the original four main factions:
>Chaos, Destruction, Creation
>Creation, Chaos, Arcana
>Arcana, Creation, Order
>Order, Chaos, Arcana
>Destruction, Creation, Order
>Chaos, Arcana, Destruction
>Creation, Chaos, Arcana
This gives you dimension door, swap and chaos step. Teleport errywhere all the time.
Is multiplayer fun or am I just going to sit there waiting and getting my ass handed to me?
Yeah, there's plenty of options left. I just can't imagine the Vanir having anything to do with creation or order based on those sprites. Battle boar? Weird ethereal hell horse? Giant wielding a tree? A literal bear-serker?

I've only done a few in-house games with some friends who were all similarly new to the game, so I can't speak to the larger multiplayer experience. But unless you've completely misplayed or it's very late game, your opponent shouldn't have such a decisive initiative/troop/spell advantage in the big battles that matter that you end up sitting back and watching while he dismantles your army one step at a time.
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I have an insane question that's driving me nuts, why are there two cities called "Windhaven"?

on the Arleon and Rana campaign mission select screens you can see it best, in the middle north of Arleon there is a city called Windhaven and on the Rana screen it's on the bottom right corner. at first I thought they were the same city and that meant that the marsh was north of Arleon but that doesn't make sense based on pic related they are on different continents.

boy I sure hope someone gets fired for this blunder
That just makes the fantasy world more realistic since different cities with the same name also exist IRL.
Probably just 2 cities built in a sheltered nook in 2 otherwise very windy areas. There's several dozen cities and towns in the US named Greenville after a revolutionary war hero Nathanael Greene.
But creation is exactly what they'll get. Creation is fey and rana, the nature units.
Also, its not like these cities are in the same country either.
They’re ok, I think their ability stacks so it’s not to bad if you have no other options but I find their essence gen too lacking on their own to be able to fully take advantage of their ability, I prefer to single stack the ranged priest guys(I forget their names) so you can build up the essence to just spam spells
Finally a campaign walkthrough. Took fucking years.
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That's just sad.
Glass cannon units blow. You walk to a siege and they just get one shot for free because lmao double high ground.

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