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/vst/ - Video Games/Strategy

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We Wuz Pharaoh's n shiet
You're a bit late on that one. Need to be quicker if you want people to care.
Huh? I just think it's funny they put a black man as a pharoah.
Looking forward to the next update. Now that generals will die of old age, this is the first real historical title since TOB. It's a fine game too, but it's still sticks too close to the Rome II formula.
It is actually a quite appropriate choice bu CA.
That is Ramessess III, pharaoh during the early bronze age collapse and successful defender against the sea people.
Ramessess III also shares a large part of DNA with sub-saharan africans.

Same, I'm curious what they'll add following the map extension.
This game have have its flaws, but wewuzzing wasn't one of them
What have happened we have a wave of /pol retardation here?
whats with wave of rostera rejects and discord troons here?
leftypol has been raiding /pol/ hard and subverting everything they support by pointing out Jewish involvement in various things which is noticeably changing board culture there, occasionally they filter out to other boards
russoid, go back
swing and a miss, better luck next time faggot
Sure thing zigger:
This wave of /pol citing russia propaganda isn't russian ofc.
spell it "Kyiv" to bait them out every time
What's the catch? I am not a /pol visitor.
>only russians can hate leftypol discord faggots
nice cope, im not even OP you derange nigger
>/pol slur
huh, something bad is happening to russia I guess
>/pol/ lives rent free in his head
go back faggot
>/pol slur
>attempts at sending to /pol
go reddit for bingo ivan
The baiting is so easy; my God. No wonder it keeps happening.
>itt: bunch of random retards screaming at each other over made-up "politics"
>deranged trannoid sees russians everywhere
you people should get locked in mental asylum
That guy looks Egyptian af nigga. Nobodys doing a black pharaoh after the cleopatra shit.
Strategy games are easily the most right wing genre of video games. You don’t even need /pol/ for racism to be present in those communities.
Schizos here believe that egyptians used to look like finns before judeo masonic conspiracy
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anyone who browses /pol/ knows that pol is only ever raided by /v/, never other way around. Only discord trannies say otherwise.
How does this game compare to Troy TW?
Go back to /pol/ Ranjesh and Sukhdeep
Better if you didn't like Troy, worse if you did. I could not get into Troy at all but I found this game very pleasant.
Troy had its issues but I still had fun with it. I prefer the new resource system it introduced over the goldslop focus of every other TW game.
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Not a single reconstruction by people with access to his remains shows him with sub Saharan African features. His skull shape alone is completely different than that of the model, and his hair is straight, not nappy. Reconstructions infer sharper med facial features consistent with the mummified remains.
This wasn't the Nubian dynasty that came hundreds of years later, it was the 20th dynasty. Modern Egyptians don't look like that, either. CA literally used some black model to depict Ramesses III
get in the trenches Mykola, Zelensky needs your legs
its saved
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>25 playable Minor Factions
I am going to play as Achilles.
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The 19th dynasty is white beyond doubt.
The evidence is clear. The mummies look caucasian, their dna test came out as r1b with red hair and fair skin. Their association with the god Set, who is the god of red heads and foreigners. The fact that they hailed from Avaris which was the former Hyksos capital
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here you go anon, now actually play the game
>But dude they have sub-sahran African dna
wow...... he's just like me frfr
funny thing is that germanics are genetically still much much closer to egyptians than sub-saharan africans
>all those jewfros
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I will raise you
>ca used some black model
The dude just looks med as fuck, you're mentally ill.
damn, the romans were good at drawing portraits, i had no idea
That would be because the original Egyptians were Nordic. Nobody believes niggers could make a civilisation like Ancient Egypt when they can't even make a civilisation at least as good as that today.
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Italians are just Jews with lower IQ and better food
the game is fucking awful so there's no point even being mad about it, even though there's a good chace SEGA with it considering how little they actually spent on making it
what's the incentive for converting to judaism during roman times
Women almost always end up adopting the politics, beliefs etc of their men. That's the precise reaso why Islam has it set up so that only men are allowed to marry outside of the faith.
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>what's the incentive for converting to judaism during roman times
You will not be legally killed for subordination against your slave master.
Most European DNA in Ashkenazis comes from them rather fucking their slaves than their own women.
so zionists really are just european colonists larping as ancient hebrews, good to know
>kike cope
Maybe the facial features are not right but the color is pretty spot on
Anon, there are more kinds of people than nordics and subsaharians you know
Right has middle eastern nose and mouth, left has same skin color but more european features

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