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American mechanized infantry is cool and all, but I'm confused as to why the US Elite mech infantry is the National Guard.

Aside from that, I really do like the Battalion system.
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They receive the largest rations and require heavy vehicles for transportation.
Cause a huge chunk of the national guard became part of the army in WW2,and sent several divisions all over the world.
Because the US didn't actually HAVE elite mechanized infantry in WW2. The vast majority of their infantry were motorized in WW2, with the exceptions mainly being special forces like airborne.
Germany and the USSR had elite motorized formations because they suffered chronic shortages of infantry transport through the war and thus had to prioritize which formations got first dibs. Hence those units were "elite"

I guess to keep the rosters symmetrical they just gave the US a high tier half-track squad and pulled a name from a hat.
Maybe it's a cultural thing.
>Ahh Sergei, These Americans have Guard units, just like us!
Most tank decks. I don't really know how to play one because even my heavy tanks get obliterated very fast.
*POST tank decks
i dont like heavy tanks theyre too slow
im a medium tank guy
at the first sign of danger i retreat them and call in another
Hide. If you aren't shooting at something, a tank should be hiding somewhere.
Why are zoomers trying to gaslight me into thinking this game is bad? It literally shits all over GoH in every way. Even Conquest feels better.
Personally the only thing that causes aversion in me is the always online thing where you can literally get booted from your singleplayer game for bad connection/AFK.
Otherwise it's fine. MoW games have been vessels for modding ever since Assault Squad 1. It's success depends on what kinds of mods pop up for it.
Is it true GOH soldiers can't even vault over fences?
i dont think so. fences were just hard to click so it wasnt easy to do.
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Here you go.
Truck-mounted infantry is insanely cost-effective especially with the soviets because their SMGs are drum-fed and they get 3 of them per squad. With 4 full cards of it, you have 80 mid-tier bodies--more than most dedicated infantry decks.
Heavy infantry carry bazookas, being the only infantry-AT available in a tank deck. Save these for lategame when opposing infantry is largely exhausted and you can use them to zone enemy tanks away from a push, especially in urban areas.
T-34s are basically the best medium tanks by a long shot. The 57 can pen anything in 2nd echelon and is tough to kill in a straight fight but its HE is weak. The 85M is probably the best tank in the game. Since you only have 4 of them (it's enough, trust me) you should only ever call in 1 at a time, set it to return fire and keep it largely concealed behind your advancing infantry. When it's safe to do so, use the machinegun to clear enemy infantry, but the main reason for these is to be your dedicated AT, so it's best to keep them concealed and ambush vehicles that come to stop your infantry pushes. For this reason, you should use T-60s for direct infantry support where possible. 20mm autocannons are insane at killing infantry/emplacements in Direct Control and the 35mm frontal armour is enough to resist the Script AT rifles.

In 1st Echelon, take 1 of each tank and a truck. Rush somewhere strategic on the map like a building in the center that you can garrison your squad in. Trucks are fast so you'll always get there first. Use the T-60 to clear any halftracks and dismounts that try to contest it and the BT-7A to clear opposing garrisons. Then you can start creeping forward and use the BT-7A's Shrapnel rounds to clear Script positions. Avoid enemy tanks because you can't really fight them early.

You could sub the BT-7A with one of the 45mm cannon tanks to fight vehicles but losing out on Shrapnel in 1st echelon sucks because it wipes away Script emplacements so easily.
I can't wait for the UK to be added to the game because the lendlease Churchill available to the soviets is fucking wild
>tier 3, so you get it in an awkward slot that nothing else good fits in without losing out on your higher-tier tanks in better slots
>Tiger-tier armour that basically nothing can penetrate at long range
>enough hp to survive 3 max damage pens from a medium and 2 max damage pens from the strongest heavies/TDs
>small calibre cannon has fantastic penetration for its size, outclassing most medium tanks
>absolutely fast as fuck RoF, double an Easy 8 and almost triple a Tiger's. As a result it will win a tank duel vs virtually anything that isn't a higher-tier heavy.
>only 60BR (discounted to 45 in the 88th regiment) so it's easy to fit into a deck, with 3 tanks per card
>9CP, so even in 2nd echelon you can still field a lot of stuff along with it.
The only real downside is that it's slow, but it's so beefy and affordable that you shouldn't care. If you push with one of these things backing up a squad of infantry your opponent is basically forced to answer you with something expensive and limited like a Panther, Tiger, IS-1 etc.
>what does elite mean
uk always get the short straw and ends up a shitty meme faction which can't function without a us teammate in literally every game
Historically accurate.
>always a few points short or over making the decks I want
How does concealment work? What exactly do camouflage, smokes, bushes, etc do?
What do you think they do, tardo?
The federal army was so shit at the beginning of the war that the National Guard was unironically elite. They had the best officers and the most well trained men. You have to remember that the US almost completely demobilized its ground fighting forces after WW1.
Bushes reduce the range at which enemies can see you. So if a guy has a vision range of 55m but you're hiding in a bush, they may have to be like 30m from you before they see you. Going prone also helps infantry hide themselves.

Camouflage reduces how much firing gives away your position. When you fire a shot, you make noise and an icon will appear over your head. Green lightbulb means a little noise, red lightbulb means your opponents will see random muzzle flashes in the general vicinity of where you fired, and past that you get a red eyeball, meaning every enemy on the map can see you and target you. Camouflage makes it so that you progress through these stages more slowly, often giving you 1-2 more shots before you're revealed.

Smoke doesn't conceal you, but inflicts a ~50% firing deviation penalty on everything firing through it. It makes it so that it's nearly impossible to hit anything accurately, so it's ideal for covering infantry as they approach an enemy position or protecting a tank's retreat after it revealed itself.
Ok boys, how the fuck do I properly use grenades? If I click on something, literally everybody who has a grenade tries to get in range to throw it. This has led to several instances of mass casualties.
Simply, you select an individual soldier and tell them individually to throw a grenade. Yes, it's very clicky and micro-intensive. There is no better way.
Personally, I’m getting erect at the mere thought of Japanese artillery or tank battalions
>tons of strange and very fun artillery, like rockets and big mortars
>for tanks, imagine spamming tons of cheap shitboxes in the first phase of the battle, floodong the enemies in Ha-Gos
>tfw 1v5 but win anyways because they can't kill you fast enough to stop the points ticking down.
In hindsight it's funny but god, getting bottled up and shelled for 20 minutes while you continously throw infantry into the grinder is not really fun
You ignore that other anon, who is a retard, and hold shift when giving the command.
I can't fathom why no one plays counter battery. It's always firing at random "juicy" targets anyone else on the team could have killed.
>have infantry in cover in a good position
>They lose a straight shootout to a rifle recruit standing in the open
>Accidentally walk up to readied machinegunner
> Crouch and kill him without getting hit
>Smoke and prone crawl to grenade a trench
>4 shots kill 4 prone soldiers through the smoke with perfect accuracy
>Have a strongpoint in a bunker facing the enemy
>They sprint straight at it through a hail of machinegun fire to throwna grenade in
>Single grenade clears the bunker
>Try the same thing myself
>Soldier gets hit 3x in a row with perfect accuracy and dies before taking a step forward, or makes it and throws the grenade but it doesn't kill anything
I don't understand infantry combat. Half the time it feels like I trade positively when I fuck up or just mindlessly zerg forward, and trade poorly when I actually try to use cover, smoke, grenades etc.
90% of the time your arty player will be afk while watching vtubers in another tab. It's just the nature of support roles in games like these.
The LEAST they could do is get two monitors for that.
>doesn't understand the difference between "what do they do" and "what exactly do they do"
ESL or low IQ?
I understand the difference, but I didn't know they do all that shit.
They can, but they often won't.
If you order one soldier to go over the fence, he most likely will but a whole squad is going to have issues. Sometimes only one of them will vault it.
Tank regiments seem completely helpless against buildings
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Early, tentative tier list made by some top-10 players who were veterans of Men of War Arena and the beta tests. Supposedly there's a pretty high degree of confidence in this list because balance has changed little through the various betas.
Some general things
>Consensus is that air-spam is OP and too many good divisions have good access to air, so availability of AA is a major factor in rating.
>1st Infantry is a better Recon deck than the dedicated Recon deck with fewer tradeoffs. You can have your stealth infantry loot AT grenades out of Ammo crates and turn them into invisible tank-killers
>Elite infantry is almost universally bad because they're too expensive for what they do, which makes every Assault deck weak. Sturmpioneers are the key exception, and make German 5th Engineering the best infantry deck period.
>German SPG deck does literally everything, and most things better than other decks specialized for it. Probably the single best deck in the game. Brummbar and Stummel are standout units
>Soviet 5th tank can bring T28+T28E together at the start, which will just outright beat any other opener by a huge margin.
>german mechanized spams Luchs, but can also uniquely bring Brandenburgers in echelon 2, allowing it to be your team's recon deck while also being a tank deck.
>mine spam is meta, which makes engineering decks automatically useful, but they can also stall forever by spamming bunkers and filling them with endless amounts of 3CP Veteran Sappers that are very difficult to displace
>Motorized battalions are really good because halftracks can just run over the script line and push. US/USSR have better halftracks because the turret has a 50cal and a wider firing arc.
>Heavy Tanks regiments generally just make way too many tradeoffs/sacrifices, 1st Tank is generally a better option to run Heavy Tanks.
Buildings are a little weird but basically if you shoot big enough calibre HE at them you'll steadily kill anything garrisoned in it, but under a specific calibre your HE just does nothing. Generally most of the good tanks from 2nd echelon onwards can blast their way through buildings and bunkers, but some tank regiments also have access to more specialized tools to clear them like the Sherman 105, the soviet artillery tanks, the Char B2 or any of the short-barreled german panzers. You can also bring along a squad of shitty infantry and have them spam grenades to clear the building while your tank's MGs suppress the occupants.
Some additional notes:
Testers have flagged elite infantry being overpriced since very early in betas and the devs never changed it, so it's unlikely Assault regiments will get better anytime soon

Testers also flagged issues about air spam and AA performance for a long time prior to launch but the devs explicitly disagreed so we're stuck with that too.

German tank regiments are generally weak because they were nerfed repeatedly throughout testing. The SPG regiment is so good in part because it's full of units that just missed the nerfs

Some US decks are really bad just because they don't have enough low-tier options so 1st echelon slots become awkward or just have literally nothing to go inside them, completely fucking over your ability to play earlygame.

Germans rely entirely on the flak 88 for AA because all the autocannon AA has extremely short range that's useless for actually killing planes. The soviet ZSU-37 does not have this problem.

American decks struggle with AA because their heavy gun is tier V, meaning most decks can't get it until 3rd echelon, while the german and soviet equivalents generally come in 2nd echelon.

Pathfinder/Jager squads are ridiculously good for their cost in any deck because they carry semi-automatic rifles with corresponding specialist traits. They will typically trade evenly with Veteran Rifles in a shootout, will beat most other non-elite infantry in building assaults, and on top of that have a flare gun that scouts for you and improved stealth detection. They are nuts. Their main downside is that they lack an AT grenade but you can always just inventory transfer from a box or another cheap squad.

The standalone equivalent is only 3 points per body and is also extremely good for its cost. It doesn't capture territory, but like Sappers you can just mix 1 normal infantry into the squad.
>Germans rely entirely on the flak 88 for AA because all the autocannon AA has extremely short range that's useless for actually killing planes. The soviet ZSU-37 does not have this problem.

Aaaand we can safely discard all this as trash. The german AA truck happily mulches planes.
>Supposedly there's a pretty high degree of confidence in this list because balance has changed little through the various betas.
>German tank regiments are generally weak because they were nerfed repeatedly throughout testing. The SPG regiment is so good in part because it's full of units that just missed the nerfs

Which one is it
which one was that again? the wirbelwind? i think it was the only one
>take franchise known for its light simulation and realism aspects
>dumb it down so it's more arcadey than CoH
>tanks with healthbars that handle like toy cars
What were they thinking? Just play Gates of Hell.
Retarded or just pretending? Any aa will kill planes that fly over it. The issue with german autocannon AA is that its range is too short, so planes can complete their strike and evac without coming into its range. In some cases you can directly airstrike a flakpanzer without it being able to shoot your plane. If your opponent is using their planes safely and only dropping strikes near the front where they have vision, a flak truck or wirbelwind has to be dangerously far up to hit it.
US suffers from this as well, but the M16 is fast and cheap (and kills planes a lot faster) so it's a better option for expendable frontline AA. The Soviet one has more range and doesn't need to put itself in harms way to intercept planes.

In echelon 2, soviets and Germans both get heavy flak guns that cover most of the map, rendering other AA obsolete.
Do you uhm...think tanks and infantry didn't have health bars in the older games?
Did you even play them or did you just play some dumbass mod?
>uhhh... actually tanks have always had health bars, silly
You retards keep using that line without even thinking about it, because that's what the company told you. The problem is that HP bars are visible for everyone and that effects the gameplay, making it closer to CoH than MoW.
Not this shit again. Yes at some point down in the code, things will be represented with floats or integers, nobody is impressed that you know the absolute basics of how games are constructed.

You know exactly what is meant with tank healthbars, being pedantic doesn't change anything.
Are you for real? I sure hope you've got a racing wheel for your direct control mode. Good god.

>dumb it down so it's more arcadey than CoH
How was it dumbed down exactly?
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>just win haha
Then turn in the built in realism mode bro, I don't know what else to tell you.

Zoomers are making this huge deal over health bars, like MoW was some indepth simulator and not Slav jank that barely worked.
here is something you may not know about
you can bring FOUR IS3s with the soviet heavy tank regiment
But you can only control 1 at a time.
Something people don't realize about a lot of decks is that if a unit is very hard to kill, you probably don't need a lot of them in your deck. An IS-3 is functionally impervious to all other tanks and TDs and is only ever going to die to artillery, getting swamped by infantry when it's caught out of position, or tracked and bombed. If your IS-3s are dying to artillery, you shouldn't be calling in more IS-3s to replace them, they're just going to die to arty too.
Typically you only need 1 big supertank in a deck and you should just do your best to not lose it--because it's super easy to keep it alive and super hard to kill. Having multiple copies imposes an unreasonable deckbuilding cost for very little benefit since you'll never field 2 at once, and 90% of your games you'll never lose the first one. Those hundred-some points a pop are better spent diversifying your options or bringing more infantry so you can capitalize on the power brought by your supertank to claim territory.

Even medium tank regiments should avoid bringing too many tanks, because if you're genuinely losing good tanks to something on the opposing team, you should probably stop calling in tanks and use something that's not being hard-countered. Or in plainer terms: if you're losing to rock, stop picking scissors.

Infantry are the only thing any deck genuinely wants to have a fuckload of, because they're really easy to kill but their value isn't in their combat ability.
yeah, you make a good point. my issue is when you are in those miserable matches where you dont have anything really you can do about the heavy artillery that is blasting you because your arty player is busy firing 203mm shells at riflemen recruits. i usually bring more than 1 is3 because you are likely to get fucked over by things like this, and losing your 1 is3 wont completely put you out of action.
i agree with the rest of what you said as well.
What I would suggest is taking a card of ISU-152 in your last slot. While it's classified as a TD, it's actually an SU-152 SPG with a more accurate barrel. It fires 150mm HE with the same range and accuracy as end-tier artillery pieces while being absurdly well protected against return fire (taking multiple direct hits from 200mm howitzers to kill).

You can call in one or two of them in echelon 3 and use them to counterbattery until you exhaust all your opponent's heavy howitzers, then retreat them and call in your IS-3s onto a field without anything big enough to stop it.

A solid 3rd echelon might be something like 2x 52-Ks (50pts each), 1x IS-3 (100pts), 2x ISU-152s (100pts each). Then you have CP for an IS-3 (19) + AA (6) + a infantry squad (5) from 1st/2nd echelon for spotting all at once.

And even if you somehow lose your invincible supertank you still have your ISUs for game impact afterwards.
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>lock in air defense regiment
>unit only has one antiair gun and has a ton of mortar spam
>play in a 5v5 match where the enemy team was a 5 man spamming paratroopers
>playing artillery
>check the scoreboard after we got obliterated
>my infantry killed the most enemy infantry
>the person on heavy tanks didnt exist
>there was an arty player i didnt even realize was in our game
felt like a 3v5 honestly, with 1 guy not doing great out of that 3 but he i give him full credit for making a hell of an effort
worst part was that i had a huge amount of plane kills with my high caliber AA guns, but it could reload fast enough to kill their plane spam
As far as I can tell there's no penalty for quitting, so in the average matchmaking game you'll have a lot of folks that just dip at some point and let the AI take over. It sucks being on the team with only 2 or 3 human players, especially if the other team actually sticks it out.
the worst part was that those players didnt leave. they were there the entire game. i think AI would have been more useful
>this kills the gates of hell troon
>he still doesn't get it
Either trolling or retarded
But this is obviously a skill issue. The whole point of AA is luring planes into it. You call in your AA, you camo it, you let the enemy see a nice target and you fuck their shit up. You don't have to be a tactical genius to do something so braindead.

If they are only "hitting the frontline" then move your shit out of there, lmao. Pull back, let them crash into your defense THEN attack. You can literally bait an attack by building a trench like 50 feet behind the line and putting guys in there. It's not rocket science.

Flak guns are garbage because they are static and easy bait for artillery, which is a far bigger problem right now considering most people are far too retarded to counter battery or have units searching for stealthed spotters.
>he still can't explain how it makes the gameplay more like COH because he has no real argument and just wants attention mommy didn't give him
It has been explained many times already.
Quote them
Honestly the game is more lethal than GoH, I'm so sick of YouTubers and their faggot zoomers audience trying to gaslight me.

Those retarded niggers play RobZ exclusively and forget there's a base game too.
None of those faggots arguments stand up to even a little bit of scrutiny. Then in comes they're equally faggoty audience, spamming videos and threads like this, saying obviously retarded shit like "GoH doesn't have hull health.
>pull out tanks
>enemy artillery 2 shots my tanks any time i roll up for what i timed at 5 seconds
>cant actually push because they just blow up my heavy tanks any time i get near the front line
>send some infantry forward
>blasted by enemy artillery
>friendly artillery has spotters afk in the back line while our non-arty players are getting rocked to kingdom come
really not a fun match
kursk fields is my favorite map by far. most people dont notice the random train that is available on both sides of the map on echelon 1 that has 2 tanks, a mortar, and a flak gun on it. i like to use it to create a huge breach in the enemy line. i usually send my mortar or flak gun guys to go take the enemy's tanks after i drive my train straight through their line that early on
i said kursk fields because it gave me a popup for the wrong game. the map i am thinking of is Marl
Find myself in this situation pretty often and I dunno what to do.
Big tanks are particularly vulnerable to arty because they're big and slow. Small tanks are much less vulnerable to arty because they're a smaller target and move faster. Arty sucks at hitting moving targets.
Heavy tanks are often a trap. Their larger gun shoots much slower and so has far less damage output against anything but very hard targets where their big penetration is necessary. Their heavy armour bullies medium tanks and light TDs but doesn't protect them against bazookas, airstrikes or artillery. You use a heavy tank to 'win' tank wars but when you're dealing with anything that isn't enemy tanks, you want faster vehicles. Arty will struggle to hit you and you'll find yourself blowing your way through infantry positions much quicker. A cheap P3 backing up a Luchs is much more useful for breaking through a trenchline than a king tiger.

If you're facing dug-in infantry, credible tanks AND artillery and you're getting no help from your allies then obviously you're fucked. It's 1v5.
i often just try to find something else to do on my side monitor while the game timer runs out when this happens. the match is completely out of my hands and the people who can solve the problem dont care to, so i might as well spend my time doing something interesting while i wait to be able to play the game.
Someone posted a stat on steam forum of top 100 players. Out of those only 5 people use tank deck as their main (1 person use heavy). THAT'S how shit tanks are currently. They're just target practice. US Mechanized is really good if you really want tanks. Chaffes are busted. 20 have airborne and another 20 use arty/ spg decks
The issue is that in solo queue you don't have any control of over what your allies bring. If you're on a team with 4 arty/tank decks and your deck is slim on infantry you just lose on capping.
As a result, top 100 has a selection bias not to optimal decks for victory in a symmetrical competitive context, but the best climbing decks. This is especially true because you can gain rank for a loss as long as your arbitrary score is high enough, which favours artillery decks that farm score via damage dealt, and infantry decks that farm score via capping, meanwhile a win may net you 0 points. A player who consistently gains points on a loss by gaming the score system will climb faster than a player with a higher winrate playing to win.

Also, both all 3 spg decks are played as tank decks. Germans use Brummbars and StuGs as close support with marders, jagdpanthers, ferdinands etc. to fight other vehicles. Soviets use ISU-152s because they're broken anti-everything. US uses 105s with Sluggers because those are basically what all US tank lists use anyways.
i dont really play arty but whenever i see a heavy tank i just make my medium tanks outright avoid it. its so slow. theres no need to face it head-on with anything until it goes forward too deeply and then i just bomb it. at least mediums can run away
Some heavy tanks are genuinely good. The problem is that the 1st tank regiment generally has enough of the best heavies while also having better slots and more flexibility, while the heavy tank regiment shoehorns you into spamming big toys even when they're not a good idea.
Maybe today's patch will buff heavy tanks. It's supposed to increase AP shells' component damage
I hope that it brins tank warfare closer to old balance on regards of component damage. In MoW2, you see red texts about main gun damage etc. all the time, but it’s very rsre to actually break something and usually tanks get hulls crushed before some component actually goes red. Contrast that to old MoW where component damage was much, much easier to inflict and full destructions before breaking some components first were relatively rare unless you had very powerful gun relative to the armor or had a perfect angle.

Personally, that’s far more interesting than tanks being either fully operational or destroyed 90% of time.
i completely agree. at a minimum, i want them to make it to where artillery stops 2-3 shotting very heavy tanks from full health
I'd love to be artillery bait like that but unfortunately my team mates are retarded and never counter battery
yeah, mine also very rarely counter battery. it usually just means im waiting for the game to end when i get 3-6 enemy heavy or very heavy artillery guns lasering in on my tank any time it shows, and im blown up before i can react. not fun
The tank changes are only for Classic mode. It won't have any effect on normal matchmaking. The issue in classic is that tanks are much more fragile and tend to die in 1-2 pens, so it was rare to see a component knocked out before something just died.
Is this game good or what?
Read harder
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is it just me or people suddenly got better? I've just had 2 games where my team mates worked together. Absolute insanity!! It feels really good pushing together and covering each other weakness. pic unrelated
Nope. Just had a game where a gluesniffing tank ally jobbed hard and lost us the game. When his side collapsed because he squandered all his units, the other team stole his abandoned tigers and we had to deal with them in our backline.
Matchmaking is probably improving a little just because now that there are more players populating the mid-tier range, matchmaking has to reach less to 'average' them out, but I still routinely get games where half my team has 1000 rating and the opposing team has nobody under 1400. The nature of matchmaking is that bad games are better than no games.
Just had a really funny game. Opposing team was a 5-man stack and all 5 pushed one side. They almost got to our backline but just ignored the fact that half our team just walked forward everywhere else on the map, because they were all in 1 place. We ended up in taking basically their entire back of the map and ended the game via score before the 10 minute mark.
How many league points are necessary to reach each tier? It doesn't seem to say anywhere in the menu.
I reached "Elite" with about 40 league points, but now I have 74 and I still haven't moved up to the next tier. Does each tier double the previous? Because that would be pretty ridiculous.
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Love these things, Can literally just pull up and drop off a veteran rifle squad and go back to pick up another. That and those double bazooka jeeps.
Trying to make 8th Assault work, come up with this so far
M18 recoilless rifles are godlike. They are the main reason to play this deck.

Marines are really powerful thanks to their double-LMG

Because US Riflemen are already 50% more expensive, the cost difference between Veteran Rifles and Marines are negligible.

Plenty of air power

Earlygame APC to rush a building

Bomb Squad are equivalent to SMG Regulars but much cheaper

Pathfinders are stupidly good for their cost.

no anti-air (very big con)
very limited vehicle support
no indirect fire

Honestly I think this might be one of the stronger infantry decks. You have as much meat as anyone else but yours is tougher. M18s especially are ridiculous.
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Forgot image like an idiot.
im sitting on 92 league points and still havent promoted to elite. i hit elite with 20 or 30 (i think it was around 20-25) league points, so i assumed i would have promoted by now. i assume it is at 100
double bazooka jeeps are the bane of my existence, especially when i play heavy tanks. there is no reacting to those fast enough when you are playing heavy tanks
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im here to BITCH because I AM SHIT. firstly, i cant google anything about this game because for one, no one plays it, and for two, every search result is MoW ASSquad 2 related. secondly, FUCK AI controlled self propelled artillery, constantly shuffling around like fucking bugs. THIIRDLY, i'm tugging on my dick trying to finish this fucking EAST FRONT GERMANY conquest campaign and i'm SICK of these BULLSHIT maps and POSITION placement. now im nearing the end, at the last dual map points before the singular then the HQ, called the OUTPOST, elimination, the fucking AI spawning ENDLESS hordes of tanks and shufflers to FUCK my shit while im limited to a handful of SHIT that gets BLASTED by enemy shufflers and planes and tanks and tank destroyers. INFURIATING skill issue.
Word to the wise, because it's not explained fucking anywhere:
Willys Jeeps as well as various other choice units (Luchs is another, I don't know all of them) aren't automatically spotted when they're behind the frontline. They basically have the vehicle equivalent to stealth, though it's never mentioned anywhere. If you can sneak them past the frontline, you can just hide that shit in enemy territory and ambush them from behind.
That's the discreet crossing of the frontline trait
The Willys AT doesn't have that trait, but does have the stealth. There are also a few units, like paratroopers, that have 'discreet crossing of the frontline' but aren't actually hidden when unspotted in enemy territory.
How di I enter First Person mode for infantry? I distinctly remember using this with a sniper during the beta, for one of the singleplayer missions. But I can't for the life of me figure out how I did it. The direct control hotkeys work fine for vehicles, but not for infantry.
MoWsisters help me build good german assault battalion or show me yours.
My deck going with idea of special units, like grenadiers in second stage and mountain troops in 3 stage. They're kinda fun to play.
Also yesterday was a cool 5v5 match where we we have 1 newbie arty 1 tank and 3 inf vs 3 inf deck + 2 tanks. Was a pretty interesting to play when yours infantry not constantly focused by fucking arty, sadly this part killing part of fun for me.
Frankly I don't think the german Assault deck is any good. The tier Vs are too expensive for what they do, meaning your deck will lack meat compared to other infantry decks and you'll just be bled dry feeding overpriced shitters to artillery fire. The tier 6 Panzergrenadiers are good but have better availability in the Motorized, Mechanized and PGren decks, which are also all just generally better decks period.

If you want to play german elite infantry, try 5th Engineering and use Sturmpioneeres. They're strictly better than the other elites and a lot cheaper, and the deck overall provides stronger and more diverse options.
Hmmm, i liked this idea, thats might be help me more especially vs tanks, thanks, gonna check it. Sturmpioneeres available only in 3 echelon?
Yes, they're 3rd echelon 3.
In the other echelons you do get really good and cheap access to Sappers and Veteran Sappers, which are also very strong. Veteran Sappers especially have the same hp per soldier as elites and have both the Building Defense/Assault Expert traits, meaning that they're even harder to kill when garrisoning a structure (like a bunker) while also being more effective at storming enemy-held buildings. Since the deck also gives you a tonne of slots for engineers you can throw up bunkers everywhere on the map with 1 or 2 Sappers in each and just be a monumental roadbloack. Just be mindful that Sappers don't capture territory on their own, so be sure to bring enough regular infantry to actually control ground.
Uhh, i like this, i'll definitely dig into this. I just wish I had more time in this battalion before I played 30+ games with the assault deck, it was fun but pretty hard. With a mechanized my win rate is much higher
The T20 is better value for cost than the M3 in my opinion and I don't like using airstrikes since one infantry/engine or autistic arty player can just cock block you.
And don't sleep on AI squads.
The M3 is for a very specific thing. Basically you open with a halftrack squad at the start of the game and use it to race to a position in no man's land. Halftracks are fast enough that they'll arrive before anything but another truck or halftrack. So against any other opener you get to take ground and dig in or fortify a building before opposition arrives.

Against infantry, the halftrack will mow them down in the open, or suppress them in cover/buildings. If they're suppressed, you can just walk up and grenade them with your squad. Against tanks, you can garrison your guys in a fortified building and buy time until your bazookas catch up. The result is basically an unbeatable opener.

The problem with the T16 is that it's too slow and will lose the race to another halftrack, meaning your opponent is already in position, fortified and shooting you while you dismount and move to challenge them, and your transport doesn't have any advantage over theirs in a fight to make up for the positional disadvantage. It's easier for infantry to defend than attack, so men in position first with motorized firepower to back them up is really strong.

All motorized and mechanized decks want to open this way since winning the opening scramble basically wins you the earlygame. 8th Assault is unique in that it has access to the 1st echelon transport despite the fact that transports aren't its specialization, so you can use the same opener and then do your normal thing from a position of strength.
This ain't steel division, cuck. Your "fortified" position gets instantly pinned by any machinegun and naded into oblivion by a basic squad
>naw i'd win
what should be changed?
You need some AT in 1st echelon or else you'll just get rolled over by vehicles. I think the last slot is the only one that gets you RPGs, so you'll have to shuffle things around and get your infantry from another slot.
You probably also want some sort of indirect fire just for flexibility. IIRC you can get airstrikes or nebelwerfers somewhere 3rd echelon.
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Comically bad. Do something like this instead. Hide goliaths in bushes. They can destroy any tank.
Put an aid station behind your trenches. Any infantry that dies in its aura won't actually die and you can pick them up with medics.
You can always call in medics/engineers in regardless of what echelon they are in.
Feel free to replace the spotters with something else but chances are your team will be retarded and you will be the one who has to sneak behind the line to find enemy artillery. The grenade that calls artillery lets you stay in stealth, all the other grenades do not.
Forgot to replace the first 5m mortar with regular engineers
5 meter mortar, Zaaamn boi.
I've never played Men of War.

What title should I start with or which one is the best, as MoW2 sucks apparently?
mow2 is a good entry point if you arent used to the big amount of micro required in the previous games. i like the quality of life changes this game has like where the AI automatically has defending troops in parts of the map instead of you having to do like in the previous games where you spend the first few minutes of each match setting all that shit up
MOW2 costs 50 euros, I don't have money and there isn't a cracked version available, while the older titles cost like 5 euros and there are cracked versions.

I don't mind micro. Is MoW1 going to be fine?
>couldn't play all week because of work
>feel too rusty to jump back into ranked right away
>remember artillery exists
>top the scoreboard
I bless the devs and their foresight for adding a deck that even retards like me can play.
just get assault squad 2 if you want to be cheap. if you really want to you can get the old games, but you might as well get assault squad 2 because it wasnt expensive at all the last time i looked
i want to strangle the wrists of arty players when they act like it is entirely out of their capability to push with the infantry they have in their decks. i am playing tanks, which means i also dont have a huge amount of infantry. those retards genuinely dont seem to understand what i mean when i say i am out of infantry because i didnt have a lot of them in the first place
steam reviews lied to me, I'm glad I listened to /vst/ instead
shits pretty good hopefully offline mode is added quickly, always online is gay
oh great, a match where we have 2 inf and 2 tanks vs an enemy team with 1 arty player who flees with his self propelled guns any time he is spotted. the arty faggot is just blasting me any time i move up with infantry, and the tanks players are ignoring the priest in their sights. it almost makes me want to go afk
>make an attempt to push in the last few minutes
>enemy team sends several tanks, several infantry squads, fires their howitzers, uses several airstrikes, and more on me
>teammates just sit still like they are on their phones
this is miserable
The IS tanks have got to be the most ridiculous horseshit in this game
>stat page says their armour is only average but it bounces every shot even on green 99.99% pen chance, side, back and even top
>stat page says their gun is average with bad pen at long range
>perfectly pens 200+ sloped frontal armour across the map every shot
I got the drop on an IS-2 with a Ferdinand and shot down from a hill directly into its turret's top armour with 88mm subcaliber rounds and 4 shots in a row bounced. It rotated and fired into my frontal armour and instantly decrewed me.

I'm sick of slavshit devs pretending these soviet shitboxes were special snowflake supertanks when their pigiron armour couldn't handle 50mm let alone 80.
At this point I've played about a dozen games with this list with a 70% winrate so I'm pretty confident it's genuinely good.
>1st echelon
As outlined >>1769738 you call in the halftrack in 1st echelon and use it to rush a squad somewhere important in the middle of the map. Dump the troops and disperse them through buildings/cover/whatever. Protip: the halftrack has open seats, so you can call in the Bazookas and have them hop in during the deployment phase, then everything arrives on position at the same time.
Call in a bomb squad for some meat if you're facing opposition
Then start calling in mortars. They spawn near their destination so travel time isn't an issue. The mortars enable you to push early by killing any Script positions you spot. Use the Bomb Squad soldiers as chaff to crawl forward and spot for the mortars and steadily make your way forward. Keep 2-4 bazookas at all times, hidden in a good position in case a tank comes after you.
You should have more infantry than you actually need in this echelon. Hold onto the 2nd halftrack because you can use it later in the game to quickly respond to something happening elsewhere on the map, or use it to clear scripts and break through lategame when both sides are low on units.
Bomb Squads outclass most infantry in 1st echelon so with them plus the mortars you should just roll through whatever is blocking you, or disperse across buildings and foxholes and stall if you're outnumbered and being focused.
>2nd echelon
Call in a pair of M18s to work with your zooks. They can fire over hills and small obstacles and have longer range, but they also have frag shots you can manually aim. Use them to clear remaining script defenses or punish infantry blobs for approaching you over open ground. These things are actually broken. Just keep them well back and be sneaky when ambushing enemy tanks. Their AT warheads don't stun tanks for as long as bazookas, which is why mixing both is most effective.
MG squads are your main troops for this echelon. Select the 2 MGers when you call in the squad and hotkey them. Keep them a little behind the other squad members, ideally kneeling in an elevated position with good sight. MGs can engage from further out than other infantry weapons but die just as easily, so keep them behind and use the rest of the squad to move forward. They will slaughter advancing infantry in the open (or suppress them from cover) and basically win every firefight as long as they are in a good position.

Use Pathfinders as meat when you're on the defensive or need to bolster a position in a firefight. They can't cap on their own, but will help normal infantry cap, so you can pair a whole squad of them with 1 regular soldier if needed. They're also great for storming buildings. These are your expendable chaff soldiers to hurl into the meatgrinder.

With Machinegunners in good positions, you're functionally unassailable to enemy infantry. They will just get mowed down as they're spotted, and the combination of Bazookas and M18s make it very hard for vehicles. Just try to keep moving and keep advancing, especially if you've cleared the Scripts, because artillery and airstrikes are your main weaknesses here and sitting still makes you an easy target. Unless you're being focused by multiple players, the mg squads should be enough to get you through this echelon, but you can draw up leftover Bomb Squads of Pathfinders if things go bad. Just keep the MGers safe
I fucking suck at this game. I would like to play infantry, as it feels that it’s what teams always lack the most, but playing as them feels like an insane bloodgrind unless you ace the opening. Emplacements are insanely hard to bust as an infantry player, yet it feels that even if I have 3 artillery players on my side, they don’t care about doing it either.

Only division I have had any major success with is that Soviet BT-7A & KV-2 division because it rapes emplacements and has at least some frontline presence unlike pure artillery, but always when I play it, it feels like the team is lacking artillery. Or AA, which means that you have to fear airstrikes every damn second of your existence.

Also, saboteurs are the bane of my existence, because if there’s not enough infantry on the team (or people don’t bother to spread some lookouts along the whole width of the map), then you will have dynamite shoved up your ass and enemy artillery sees you every second. Seriously, good spotter/saboteur players are the worst thing to go up against, it makes you a nervous wreck.
just play a tanks unit with some rifle recruits attached, or maybe a mechanized unit so you have some armored vehicles to blast through fortifications. those little vehicles with rocket launchers attached are very lethal. im not sure if you are only referring to machine guns or pillboxes as emplacements. if you need to bust a trench vs regular infantry (not something like rangers), try using jaegers/patrolmen/pathfinders. i am specifically referring to the squad version
i feel you about feeling like the team is lacking the unit type you arent playing. back during the betas, i had an issue where i would constantly swap units in an attempt to shore up the issue my team had with a lack of that unit in the previous match or two. it almost always led to me experiencing a serious issue with a lack of the unit type i swapped from, so i eventually ended up sticking to tanks rather than going through a constant rotation of trying to fix the problem in a match im no longer in.
saboteurs/scouts/spotters can be annoying to find if you dont have fast units. the only real way to see if you are near them is if you have a vehicle or artillery gun near them because your units will get a visual indicator for being spotted.
>3rd echelon
Marines function here just as an upgrade to the MG squad. They have more hp and extremely good accuracy. You use them essentially the same way, hotkey the two MGers and keep them slightly back, looking for spots where they have good LoS to cover where you can see. They will do all the killing, the other 3 are just there for sightseeing.
In theory Marines have a bunch of cool grenades but in practice their MGers are so strong those are basically all you'll ever use. Signal grenades can be used to clear building garrisons at low risk.
Don't throw marines forward mindlessly just to cap or they'll just get bombed/die to a vehicle. You should still have plenty of chaff that you can use to cap and draw enemy responses, while the marines can focus on locking down the map and winning fights vs responding infantry.

Rangers are basically here just to be an extra set of zooks that don't die easily. Select the two carrying SMGs and hotkey them. They're the ones with zooks. Typically I just run these guys forwards to cap when I'm deep into the backline and expecting someone's going to come and stop me, since they can fight vehicles unsupported so you don't have to risk overextending your M18s. They lack the MG expert trait so their MGer isn't as good as the Marine ones.

As long as you're able to grind forward, or at least hold your ground, your medics will return a lot of your losses and you'll be able to out-last your opponent longterm. The essence of this deck is that you have a huge quantity of cost-effective, powerful infantry, so you can afford to be aggressive and force the other team to trade with you, and sustain those trades to wear the other side down. Against airstrikes, keep your units dispersed to limit the value. Don't let them bomb all your AT or MGs in a single pass and keep moving so you're not an easy target.
You ain't playing it right. Emplacements are easy to deal with nades or by storming the building, both of which need you to suppress the people inside first. Machineguns and even assault infantry are pretty good at that. Sappers are cheap and have TNT as well for outright blowing up buildings into rubble.
HE is also good at clearing buildings. Look at the unit info and if anything says it is good against emplacements, that can work too. Some units have "hidden" abilities too, like the snub nosed panzer 3E (I think that's it) having access to special shells (mentioned in the unit info) that make it fire like artillery. It's not accurate enough to counter snipe artillery but it shits on buildings.
Goliaths are massively underrated. They cost like 14 points, can wreck any tank, delete trenches and put some hurt on buildings too. Nades and anti tank rifles pop them but they resist regular rifle fire just fine.
Planes are good for dropping big bombs on buildings too.
Don't forget you have medics too. If you are careful not to be retarded and die way back in no man's land, you can recycle like 40% of your soldiers.
>but always when I play it, it feels like the team is lacking artillery
I mean, lacking infantry

Yeah, the ”trying to fix problems of the last game you played only to make new problems for the next one” is a real thing. Alreadt accepted that you just can’t bear the weight of every job in a 5vs5 game like this.

I just feel like I’m doing something seriously wrong with my infantry, because they die so fucking fast if they end up in any firefight situation, I feel like I always lose if I end up facing a similar sized infantry squad in a combat. Are normal riflemen / smg soldiers really so bad, should I try something else? I’m guessing it’s a skill issue, although I remember doing much better in Assault Squad 2 MP.
stop trying to throw your infantry directly in.to assault most of the time. infantry are not supposed to be the main force attacking defended ground unless you are using something that excels at clearing out an area like with jaegers/pathfinders/patrols squads. these particular units are cheap and numerous enough to do it,. and they come in with a default shooting advantage, fire rate advantage, speed advantage, and visibility due to the observer firing his flare gun constantly for visibility ahead of your troops.
i throw cheap shitty units in sometimes to assault, but it is usually when im desperate. those units are meant to take ground and maybe put up a piecemeal defense, but not much else.
can you describe what you are doing or show a clip of it? i would like to see what you are doing. if you are struggling to take ground vs purely infantry, consider trying a mortar or two. even the little 1 CP mortar is fine for this, but it takes longer to do the job
I don’t have clips, but
>in open areas like forests, hills etc. (open fields I obviously avoid)
I try to put mortars / light AA guns etc. in safe positions, some men in a cover for the coming firefight, and then try to creep forward with couple of soldiers set to return fire and then crawl from bush to bush with them using them as spotters. Unfortunately, I feel like I always get spotted first and then enemy infantry massacres my infantry or some bigger gun eviscerates them.

>in city
Try to rush buldings and then grenade enemy positions. I feel like I’m doing something wrong with my guys in buildings (or the enemy is just really good at clearing them) because they die so easily, but generally, urban warfare isn’t as painful as in forests etc. and I seem to make some progress at least

I dunno, if I have to guess, my spotting routine sucks which means that my heavier guns and mortars end up doing too little work while my soldiers need to do too much on themselves. In Assault Squad it felt much easier to use even regular soldiers set to hold fire / return fire as spotters, maybe I need to realize that I should use some special troops for thst purpose now
Soldiers are less visible when lying prone, but bear in mind if both sides are prone then they have the same visibility and same spotting, so you'll typically spot each other at the same time. Thus you should expect that any spotter moving forward to spot infantry is probably going to get shot at by that infantry. The best way to not die is to try and advance using either physical cover, or at very least the natural curvature of the terrain to help occlude your forward units from possible fire. Ideally weaker, more expendable units crawl forward and spot, while stronger units take positions which allow them to engage anything the spotter finds from a position of strength. Studying the terrain and finding where those positions may be is the main trick to playing infantry, and it's an important lesson to learn because it's not something you'll solve with stronger soldiers, a better hotkey setup or more APM. Being present in force in a way that's hard for the enemy to shoot at forces them to do something to counteract you, which you can then respond to.

When playing an infantry deck, you have more and better infantry than any other deck. Your infantry is what's going to fight and kill other infantry. Mortars, AA guns and whatnot are all nice but at the end of the day your indirect fire is dwarfed by an artillery player and your large calibre guns are dwarfed by a tank's. What you have that they don't is infantry.

Also, always bring Bazookas/panzershreks in the first echelon. Every single infantry deck gets them in the last slot. They are your whole deck's main answer to vehicles. They are good at what they do. You need them. Their mere existence forces tanks to respect any part of the frontline where they don't have vision--and you deny them vision by moving the frontline.
>get into match
>3 tanks 1 infantry 1 arty (air defense)
>enemy team: 2 howitzers 3 tanks
>enemy pedophile artillery players fire artillery at my tanks any time i show visibility
>lose barely
>play second match
>happens again but worse with the artillery pedophiles focusing my tanks as soon as they become visible
>lose by 10-15 points out of 2500
>expecting APCR not to bounce
>anytime I show visibility
So don't, retard. All your faggot tanks have a hold fire and camo option for a reason.
yeah, let me just not bother fighting the multiple enemy tanks trying to push us. let me just let our infantry player get rolled over while my gunner keeps missing every other shot like a retard. nah im not going to leave my team out to dry just because someone is playing the braindead unit type
Get good, garbageman. Your tanks should already have been in position to take the first shot at those pushing tanks. Literally every tank lets you fire once from complete concealment.
>b-but muh gunner
Then direct control, bitch. Or better yet, go back to playing games for babies because you are shitting up matchmaking
tank gunners usually miss the first shot that you fire from concealment. after you fire that first shot, the enemy knows where you are if they know what visual indicators to look for because it will flash lights on the map (not the minimap) where you fired from. arty players who pay attention to it can generally pop your units any time they see this because of the splash radius from their rounds.
>direct control
the gunner still misses. have you not played tanks? it gives a general radius, and the gunner will still miss outside of that radius sometimes for god knows what reason

dont reply to me with more bait
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>t-they miss the first shot!
Fucking bullshit. And arty ain't going to be looking for flashes at the frontline, cuck. They are going to be looking at the minimap or flashes in the backline.
>have you not played tanks
Eat shit and die, shitter
i genuinely dont think you play tanks at all hardly with the way you talk, so im going to completely disregard everything you said. i dont care about the winrate for the games you got carried in when you played tanks
Have fun losing, shitter
Why did this game flippity-flopped?
we already own MoW.
It did alright. The negative reviews are mostly from retarded people.
>It did alright.
Idk, MoW 2 has the same amount of players as MoW AS 2 right now and the amount of copies sold seems miserable.
>Brand new full price game has as many players as old, dirt cheap title everyone has
No shit? You do realize that means comparatively more people want to play MoW2, right?
The majority of games are peaking at launch duderino.
>play against the German SPG deck as a regular artillery deck
>they get Wespe in 1st echelon and then it’s Brummbar and Sturmtiger all the way down
>if you stay in a place long enough for the enemy to spot you, your frail guns WILL die
>while Wespe is a slippery fuck that keeps moving all the time without any towing delays
>while the enemy late game armored SPGs are difficult to destroy even when you have an artillery spotter watching them, anything smaller than 18cm barely scratches them
Yeah, it’s pretty fucking annoying to play a game where you can’t make even one mistake, while even if the enemy makes mistakes, you need luck to capitalize on it. At least it should be easier to destroy their tracks.
Wespe isn't even good. Its gun is too small and its accuracy over distance is miserable so it can't counterbattery. Better to take StuGs or marders in 1st echelon.
The Brummbar is genuinely OP but they only get one of it.
Sturmtigers are a noob trap. They fire too slowly for the impact their shot actually has and their accuracy is so bad they can just fucking miss and then do nothing for 2 minutes while reloading.

Armoured spgs generally don't have the accuracy to counterbattery you, so you should focus on having an impact on the game rather than chasing a ghost.
Ideal team comp is either 2inf/2tank/1arty or 3inf/1tank/1arty with the caveat that SPG and AT artillery decks are functionally just tank decks when built properly.

Double howitzer is bad because your team ends up starved for frontliners and can easily lose on capping power even if you're winning fights. Same reason you don't want too many tanks. You can literally never have too many infantry players in a team because infantry can fight anything while also advancing the game's win condition, while tanks and arty really only realize their potential when there are enough infantry players to sustain a stable front for them to play around.

Since arty is really popular to play right now (because it's easy), matchmaking games will typically be forced to make teams with too many arty players, so your winrate will be higher if you play infantry just by virtue of providing matchmaking with a better team composition for your side.
Do devs have plans to release this game on gog? I would play single then, not interested in multiplayer.
my game crashes every time i try to do the infantry tutorial
>queue as any deck that doesn't get a flak 88 equivalent in 2nd echelon
>sky is utterly filled with enemy planes for the entire game wiping entire screens of everyone's units with unpunished rocket strikes
>nobody else on the team ever buys any AA whatsoever
>we lose purely from damage/attrition caused by airstrike spam
The worst part of this game right now is that if your rank is just slightly above the starting point, you'll be put with a team of 4 completely new players every single game, and if you don't play a deck that covers everything your teammates SHOULD be providing but aren't, then you'll just get fucked by what should be easily counterable bullshit.

I'm tired of being forced to play 5th Engineering every game but if I don't play infantry then nobody else will take territory and if I don't take Engineering then nobody else will lay mines or buy AA. Tank decks don't get enough AA to deal with plane spam and artillery decks don't get enough infantry to substitute infantry teammates that won't step out of their trenches.
I've been queing as 5th engineer and wanting to focus on AA, some counterbattery, mine placement.
Then every match I'm having to micro bazookas and infantry squads on assaults cause no one brings infantry at all. All tanks and howitzers.
>queue as artillery
>i'm the 4th artillery player on our team against a balanced inf/tank/arty team that just runs over us from the moment go
>queue as tanks
>he have 0 inf players and nobody else brings AA against double airborne
Though by far the most frustrating:
>queue as 4th motorized or 8th assault
>have tonnes of infantry to push with, but deck has 0 AA slots so I'm at the mercy of teammates
>nobody else on the team brings any AA whatsoever, not even the AA deck
>just get multiple rocket strikes spammed at me whenever I do anything anywhere on the map
>even if I win I barely get to play the game.
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Stop being a whiny bitch and bait the air strikes into your AA.
>Waaaaah I keep getting airstriked
>you know you can just bait planes over your regular, cheap AA, right?
>be me vs AI
>AI planes miraculously fly directly over stealth units and get them killed
>AI self propelled artillery knows exactly when its detected by my stealth units and goes off map or moves constantly

epic, slava ukrani
jesus fucking christ thats hilarious.
Russian name their elite units "Guards"

American name their reserve units "national Guards"

some poorfuck saw a mistranslation and the american reservists are their spec ops
>faggot on the other team has the same battalion as me
>coincidentally we both go to the same area and end up fighting

Woops! Looks like you ran out of troops, lil' bitch. Should have microd more medics instead of le ebin franchise veteran shit you were doing.
>type in chat what im about to do so my teammates are aware
>end up pulling all 5 of the enemy players to my side of the map
>over the course of 5 minutes
>hordes of enemy troops and more vehicles than i can count are slowly overrunning my troops
>type in chat begging the arty player to start firing his artillery guns instead of just staring at me
>beg the other 2 infantry players to advance through the wide open map with zero enemy defenses in front of them
>beg the tanks player to do anything at all
>position gets overrun after 5 minutes
>the arty player fires no rounds
>the tanks player drives forward and moves a few infantry forward 5 feet in 5 minutes
>the infantry players are afk with 30 soldiers defending in foxholes vs absolutely nothing
>we are 2/3 of the way through the game, and those soldiers havent even been attacked
i didnt go afk, but i would have been completely justified in doing so.
I'm fairly certain a bunch of random pintle mounted machienguns are bugged and can't rotate. I noticed a lot of american tanks are weirdly stupid about using their pintle machinegun (ie they almost never fire it) and I noticed the MG crewman on the Jumbo was stuck rotated about 30 degrees from the turret, wiggling and unable to rotate further to track a target. I had to rotate the whole turret to turn the pintle.
to be fair national guard units do get deployed a lot. In fact we got deployed so much instead of regular army units congress had to pass some laws back in the late 2000s saying they actually had to try and send a regular unit before just finding a unused guard unit to throw over seas.
WW2 national guard are a little different from the modern guard. Back then the guard was essentially the only standing US army rather than a reserve force, and raising a proper army required a resolution from congress. The guard also couldn't be deployed outside of America and the constitution had to be amended during the war to get around that. Things were very deliberately set up to make it hard for a president to jump into an unpopular foreign war, as had happened in ww1

The reason the guard were important in ww2 is that they were some of the only soldiers already trained and ready for deployment immediately after Pearl Harbor. Several Guard units were reorganized into regular army units afterwards, and ended up being the first US troops to fight in North Africa and Italy.
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Russian Engineer deck feels so much better than the German one.
Not completely happy with the setup though. The mortars I like but not sure if there could be something better there.
They made the game far less about micro and cheese. Previously you could take down your average noob with nothing but a few grenades and a bazooka, now it's a bit more tricky. Infantry no longer kill themselves due to breaking stone walls while carrying emplacements, as well as with other objects, you don't get memes as much such as copious amounts of sneaking and spawn killing, flamethrower cheese, and far shooting. Pathfinding no longer kills your units either due to shit tipping over and exploding for no reason. Rushing is no longer as effective either since units are better at defending themselves without having to use crazy amounts of micro. Really the health bar system fixed the entire game by single handedly killing cheese, you can't one shot my shit anymore by getting lucky with a Puma or a Panzerfaust sneak, cry about it. They made the game far less about cheese and chance and more about your ability to think about what you need to play. Hell people even use cheats in MOWAS2.

It feels much more like a WW2 strategy game and less like a sweaty microfest. They also made nade spam less viable as well as certain gimmicky units by balancing health bars and increasing ranges and making the maps more balanced too, especially since the game is now about controlling the entire map rather than a few small zones, in every way they have made the game more fair and less about who can click faster. I find myself actually having fun rather than sweating out of my mind. The planes are nice too, they stop camping cheese.

Therefore your average player is of more use, in previous games they were less than useless.
Sounds very fun HOWEVER I will still not play your game because it reeks of free to play and always online bullshit, sorry.
Always online sucks, wait for it to go isn't a bad idea.
It has no free to play freemium money grubbing bullshit. Which unfortunautely is rare for full price video games nowadays.
>It has no free to play freemium money grubbing bullshit.
>No, this 10 dollar Multiplayer premium unit pack isn't money grubbing because... it isn't, okay!
I hate that people's standards have dropped so low they don't bat an eye when games rob them blind anymore.
You could just not buy it. Truth is the prospect of making more money is what pushes a lot of game developers to put more effort into their games, without it, you wouldn't have the extra content to begin with. I understand when it's massive companies like EA being money grabbing, but for third party ones like Best Way, it's excusable.
>There's no freemium money grabbing!!!
>Well yes there actually is but it's okay because it's small Ukrainian family business!!!
I genuinely abhor you spineless faggots, bending over backwards to justify being fucked in the ass raw by companies. There was a time when high quality games people put effort into didn't need all this shit but I guess that was a different time, before all the people who were actually passionate about their craft got replaced by money counting managers and production was outsourced to lowest bidders.
The world has moved on. It's not the same circumstances. You're not entitled to their product. Fact of the matter is, game quality and game standards used to be a lot lower. It's all supply and demand, if you take away their income, you will see a drop in quality and quantity of games, it's as simple as that.
>The world has changed you have to eat shit like the rest of us!!!
You can get all those units for free with 0 effort.
The game has 'collector units' which are unlocked with 'supplies' in multiplayer. Supplies are free and easily available. Collectors units are a minority of the roster.
That pack just contains alternate skins, that are available through the game as collectors units.

Anyone, without even spending supplies, still gets T-34-85s. Just buying on launch, and with that pack you get the skins. Or could just get them with supplies.
I'm sure they'll see your passionate posts on 4chan.org/vst/ and will turn a new leaf.
>"nuh uh"
Weird schizo having an argument with himself.
4th Motorized is the most fun battalion. Change my mind.
You can cram 2 APCs down someone's throat at the very beginning, kill everything short of good light tanks with the .50s on the half track.
The M4 Mortar Half Track is the perfect tool to bully the support of non arty battalion as their counter battery won't do shit.
The Jeep with Zookas stuck to it is the perfect machine to terrify tank players. You can see in real time the surprise turn into panic as this little shit double taps a tank worth bare minimum 4x as much.
And you get soo much fucking infantry for so little resources. It feels you get more manpower than infantry battalions. If you could get AA it would unbelievably broken.
I refuse to queue as a no-aa battalion until randos get good enough to bring their own fucking aa
Just double right click away from the plane nigga.
How can cas be real when you can just run away
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Why are they like this?
Is it good for single player only? Npt interested in multuiplayer at aall.
How did you manage such a low score as artillery with absolutely no counterbattery threat? You had a full 5k damage less than an inf player on the opposing team.
There are a lot of campaigns but I haven't played much of them because you start off the same low tier units with each campaign, need to unlock shit via a tech tree, and the first mission I played was a stealth mission with a small amount of units. I didn't play any other campaign after that.
As for bots, there are a decent amount of settings for custom games. Some retarded issues like always online or you need to completely remake the lobby and do all your settings again after each custom game. IIRC are no MP only game modes.
I've been only playing vs bots. It's fun.
>team with not one but TWO retards who dig a billion trenches and stay there without capping
This is worse than getting cancer in every part of your body
i hate playing against chinese players because i know its usually going to be a gookclick fest where i have to tryhard
the worst part about those players is that they are significantly less relevant than the people who dont know shit about really playing arty. you know, the players who dont shoot the enemy units that are in red lightbulb visibility but not visible on the minimap. the arty players who do absolutely no counter battery fire the entire game. the infantry players who dig in 50 troops and do nothing are worse than them because at least the guy who doesnt know shit about playing arty is still killing AI defenses or something like that, despite how irrelevant those are when compared to targets like the enemy arty or the enemy is3
most single player only players for the previous games tended to stick to modded campaigns. see if there are any you like
is it just me who calls in the german tricycle, dismounts the driver and parks the gunner somewhere as some sort of mobile mg emplacement
Listen buddy, if I'm playing engineers I'm taking a small slice of enemy territory and hunkering down till Armageddon on that.

no excuse for real infantry decks that refuse to push.
>need to unlock shit via a tech tree
Does this game have some meta progression? Where I have to play skirmish with bots to unlock better units or some crap.
Some campaigns have internal progression. And you can unlock some special units but most of those are reskins.
>most of those are reskins
Stop lying. They're essentially what would be premium vehicles in a F2P game (they kinda are as Men of War II is rebranded Men of War: Arena, just without microtransactions), which is why you have lend-lease, captured units, flamethrower tanks and rarer vehicles and cannons like Brummbar, LVT, ZSU-37, Hetzer or uparmored T-34s and KV-1s as unlockables.
>Regular unit M4A3 w/paras
>Special unit M4A1 w/commandoes
Such OP. Many Premium. I also got 2k resources from just playing the German campaign and the dynamic one.
How the fuck do you use the panzerwerfer? Every time you use it, it gets immediately destroyed because it remains visible for a million years.
Retreat after shooting
You can't. The vehicle stays on the edge of the map for a while.
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They are reskins. You are a dumb faggot.
What is the Jagdpanzer IV a reskin of? What is the Churchill III a reskin of? What is the Valentine a reskin of? What is the KV-8 a reskin of? What is the ISU-122 a reskin of? What is the Sd.Kfz.221 a reskin of? LG40? Pz. II H? Hetzer? This isn't even all of them but I can't be arsed to actually look in-game.
Fuck off you disingenuous paid shill.
>What is the Jagdpanzer IV a reskin of
StuG 3G. It has the same gun and armor
>What is the Churchill III a reskin of
It's more armor but worse everything else than a KV-1
>What is the Valentine a reskin of
>What is the KV-8 a reskin of
>What is the ISU-122 a reskin of
Turretless IS-2 for Arty Fags
>Sd.Kfz.221 a reskin of
Who cares?
Of the 75mm field gun
>Pz. II H
Pz 2G
StuG 3
None of your examples are of buying power just variants and not even good ones per say.
> This isn't even all of them but I can't be arsed to actually look in-game.
Just admit you don't own and don't play the game. It's quite telling when you have the worst possible examples of what you could give.
>Fuck off you disingenuous paid shill.
Says the faggot shittying on a game for free to get clout with his tranny cord buddies.
>Flamethrower KV is a reskin of SU-122
Even setting aside retardation like that you're stretching it more than your boyfriend stretches your ass. Completely distinct models of vehicles with different guns and different armour schemes aren't fucking reskins of each other, if you think they are then everything might as well be just a reskin of anything. IS-2 is just a reskin of T-26.
>Just admit you don't own and don't play the game.
Unlike some retards I don't force myself to play an objectively bad game because of some stupid agenda. It really doesn't take long to spot it's an utter piece of shit.
>trannycord buddies
Projecting much?
>Unlike some retards I don't force myself to play an objectively bad game because of some stupid agenda. It really doesn't take long to spot it's an utter piece of shit.
Why is that, all you've done is wine about units that are acquired through ingame means as being too freemium
I never did, you're going around attacking people. I believe people deserve to not be lied to and calling the unlockable units reskins is a lie. If those were just unlockable camouflages (which Men Of War should be perfectly capable of since as far as the engine is concerned you can change them on the fly but that was only ever option in mods and in the editor) then yeah, sure, but you have whole units there.
I don't even hate the idea of unlockable units by itself but many of the choices are really weird.
Answer the question
>Even setting aside retardation like that you're stretching it more than your boyfriend stretches your ass.
>Starts talking about Homosex in the first sentence
Opinion discarded tranny. If you can't see how a vehicle that is vulnerable to the same weapons at the same distances and can destroy the exact same targets then there is no point in talking to you anyway.
Sure thing homofagot. No amount of kvetching and dilation will change your mixed rating on Steam. Only reason it's not negative is because they want 45 dollars for always online piece of shit salvaged from a literal F2P game and some people still have enough self respect to not buy things just because they're made by Ukrainians.
>Starts crying about always online
Right on schedule. It's almost like all you morons are just discord trannies parroting each other.
It was 40% at it's lowest and it's been climbing by 1% each week. In a month it will be positive all your HRT kvetching will be for nothing.
>Comes into a thread for a game he doesn't like
>Starts shitting up the thread
>When someone corners one of his dogshit arguments he just spews something else instead
>Calls others obsessed
Anything else you got to add tranny?
>Failure to argue
>Failure to dismiss the argument
>Failed at acting like he isn't seething
NTA but you've failed at all points. Good luck with your attempts in the future but you may want to practice.
I just wanna know what you hate about the actual game.
Why are people so obsessed with hating this game, and that it has to be bad, when they haven't even played it? And seemingly can't bring up criticisms other than the online.(Which is fair complaint, but doesn't make the game itself bad.)
I saw a lot of such sentiment before launch as well.
Ok buddy friendo.
Honestly not much. Pure gameplay-wise it's pretty fun, especially compared to rest of the series up to this point. There are some changes (pathfinding stands out as a major issue) that should be made but as a whole it's actually the closest it has been to a fun game in multiplayer.
It's UI, it's main menu, it's always online retardation and other stuff like that that's not related to combat are what is most infuriating, especially since most of it seems like breaindead easy things to fix. It's even more infuriating because they held multiple open beta periods where people told them what's up just to be mostly ignored afterward. It seems those were mostly there to garner interest in the game by offering it for free for a bit.
Game has a fight going on over it because the community is split in two - Gates of Hell has been seen as the succesor to Men of War for a long time now and the comparisons are very easy to make - they're the same game with (vastly) different coats of paint and finish.
Of course there is no such thing as civil discussion anymore and people have to be militant supporters of one or the other, so now it's apparently GoH discord trannies vs MoW2 discord trannies.
Also, honestly, I do think the game also suffers a bit unfairly simply becasue people finally got tired of buying the same game over and over again. The first three installments were actual sequels but everything after that was just the same game with new models at best and this rings true both with Gates of Hell and Men of War II - both still use assets from 2004 in places. Gates of Hell still came out first so it's sunk cost for many, although by now it does offer more for less (as long as you buy it on discounts but that's pretty much true with most games nowadays).
I know spergs will sperg out because of this, but just to make a single example - in GoH vehicle pathfinding has finally been fixed to the point where moving vehicles aren't considered static obstacles so ordering vehicles in a column to move somewhere doesn't cause them to veer off to the sides while MoW2 still has that issue.
Also, because I missed it:
>when they haven't even played it?
Again, you forget the beta tests. I figure most people even remotely interested in Men of War as a franchise have played those and it seems they didn't like what they saw.
In the end I think the actual thing that will decide which game will come out on top in long run is modding and faction DLCs.
For first one, MoW was always big with mods so whoever manages to get all the big dick conversions (Warhammer, Star Wars, Halo, the three different Cold War mods, the WW1 mods, the Vietnam mod, the STALKER mod, the modern war mods, Valour and the "realism" mods, etc.) will come out on top. I don't even think GoH has any real headstart in that aspect since apart from Valour I think everyone else stuck with Assault Squad 2.
For second, it really depends on what the pricing and releases are for UK and such in MoW2 and wether they will actually add minor countries or even Japan. GoH has been pretty bad in regards of how much you get for what price at release but at least those DLC go cheaper relatively quickly.
The problem is that the anon here who has been arguing has said he hasn't played it at all.
i played the playtest, liked it a lot, but havent bought it yet. i want to though
Same. If it was half the price I'd consider it.
Always online is also a huge issue because it makes it so I can't just pirate it and play around in singleplayer.
Dear shitters: patrol your backline with a spotting unit.
I swear every single game there's some stealth unit prowling in the back
Why ? To babysit the arty player? Buy your own spotters, faggot.
yes you stupid fucking retard. without your worthless artillery I can't get rid of other arty and AA that I need for my infantry and planes. But try as I might, I can't cover the whole map with my scout vehicles
Thoughts? Im still trying to get this shitty assault regiment work because i love those grenadiers and mountain riflemen. And judging by one game (kek) this deck seems work
Don't use vehicles to patrol, buy a patrol squad(Or any similar squad with enhanced spotting), put them on line formation and stretch them as far as they'll go.
A patrol squad is 4CP, the largest arty you'll need is 7CP.
Echelon 1 you can afford, 1 field howitzer (Like an M-30), 1 AA gun and a patrol squad.(6+5+4) Arguably in echelon 1 you should be holding a patch of the frontline with that squad.
Echelon 2 You can swap the field howitzer for a gun-howitzer and summon a second patrol squad. If your team has AA covered well you can get rid of your AA gun for 1 howitzer 3 squads, or 2 howitzers 1 squad.
Echelon 3 you'll easily afford an AA, 2 howitzers and several squads.

Everytime I see an arty player with 0 infantry out it's rediculously frustrating. They also manage to achieve basically nothing. Best arty players I've played with are active with some infantry helping front line a little, doing all the work of keeping back saboteurs, and focusing most of their micro on their guns hitting targets that get pinged or counterbatterying.

Big howitzers are not necessarily better. The best arty player I've gone against so far only had 2 10.5CM most of the game, but he controlled them well, covered them well from recon, and was constantly shoring up the frontline with bodies to allow his teammates to be more aggressive.
Where are your panzershrecks?
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Didn't ask. Don't even play arty.
I have pzb 41 against light shit, you think better to change those for panzershreck?
What do your PZB 41s do when you face a T-34 or Panzer IV in first echelon?
You kill their tracks. AT rifles have enough of pen to get any 1st echelon tank from the side and will typically kill tracks in 2 shots but can fire a dozen times before revealing themselves. They're ambush units.
Once a vehicle is tracked it's basically dead, since it can't run away you can just sneak around and AT nade it wherever tye turret isn't pointing or just keep shooting it. It's not as flashy as a shrek but it's more effective against light vehicles and will still stop a Sherman or B2
>playing tanks
>holding onto right flank kinda, difficult to do anything vs mass artillery and camod enemy heavy that I cannot ever breach and bombs never critically damage
>well it's fine because left flank is hardcore pushing through
>run out of infantry so cannot cap but we are mostly fine, 2k vs 1500 or something and still gaining
>enemy starts spamming paratroopers literally 3 in a row
>they snipe my light tanks with ease and kill off my remaining inf
>back cap a bunch
>suddenly we have LOST points somehow
>they gain like 600 points in a matter of minute and win
I don't get it
??? points go up or down depending on how much land you have, retard
>nice players in enemy team
>little chatting until map is open
>at the end of the game enemy team clearly is loosing
>my ru teammate start shit talking on them
Man, some people are really weird, i hate to see this shit
It's the only current war they are clearly winning. Please understand.
Scoring is pretty straightforward:
Territory has a base point value that's gained or lost depending on who owns it. By default, there's 1800 points purely in physical space control up for grabs, split evenly 900/900 between both sides at the start. So when you move forward, your team gains points and the enemy team loses them. If you control more than 50% of the available territory, you gain ticking points over time that increase based on how much more territory your side owns. These aren't linear: territory deeper in the other side is worth more than territory near the median, so it's better to go deep rather than wide.

And then a small amount of points is scored for killing enemy units, with different units having point values that as far as I know are related to their cost in the deckbuilder.

The system is set up so that for the most part you score via a grinding tug of war over territory control, but that a team can always stage a comeback late in the game by making a breakthrough and flooding into the backline. This also means that depleting the opposing side of units to set conditions for that breakthrough can be a viable strategy. Even if you end up falling behind on points in the process, you can always make up the deficit in the 11th hour. The meta airborne deck plays around this, spamming airstrikes through the game to drain the other side of their infantry (especially tank/arty players that can't bring much to begin with) and then spamming paratroopers to quickly cap when there's nothing left to contest them.
And how are you supposed to counter this besides not playing tank decks which are already countered by arty, air and other tanks?

By the way what's the best way to root infantry out of buildings, when I played inf it seemed like they got destroyed in 2 hits but hitting it with HEs took like 10+ hits
Also how does direct control aiming work, what do the colors and numbers mean?
you hide aa
Damn ok I guess I hope aa has a huge ass range for the whole ass map then
Flak-36s and 52Ks do.
They can cover half the map easy.
my victories are directly correlated to which team has more infantry
every match where my team is 4-5 infantry players its an easy win
whenever we have 2 or god forbid 1 it's a horrific loss.

Artillery is annoying, even when they're not achieving much.
But tanks feel the most useless, playing 4 infantry 1 artillery into 3 tanks 1 inf 1 artillery was the saddest seal club I've ever seen.
Tigers and panthers desperately trying to hold onto any territory but just getting swamped and slaughtered by bazookas and AT grenades.
>my victories are directly correlated to which team has more infantry
Feels like this yes

I don't even know what tanks are supposed to accomplish in this game, you cannot destroy buildings, you cannot efficiently kill infantry fast enough, you cannot reach arty
You can fight other tanks I guess
I've definitely had matches where tanks caused problems, pushing fronts, or causing roadblocks.
But they need to be used as a supportive unit, but a lot of players think they can summon 2 tigers and use nothing else.
The problem is that the only tank deck available to me had almost nothing but tanks in it
The worst fucking thing are those tank players who call on only one tank at time, micro it as if it was made of gold, and then blame others for having bad k/d ratio. Sure you get a good amount of kills per tank by playing like that, but for fuck’s sake, the maps are so wide that you can’t win like that, you need to either call in infantry to just hold lines or use several tanks as mobile defense positions.
The issue is that tanks without micro are unusable
They will just die in 10 seconds unless you move them after every single shot
So are infantry and field guns.
Players can still manage to micro several squads of infantry and field guns.
>And how are you supposed to counter this
The highest tier of aa covers most of the map and oneshots planes. Most decks get it in 2nd echelon.
>By the way what's the best way to root infantry out of buildings
HE, the bigger the better. Smaller calibres, like 75mm aren't very effective but anything bigger will start killing garrisoned troops after a few shots. Specialized Assault Guns like the StuG get bonuses to clearing garrisons. Alternately, you can just suppress the building and bring in infantry to storm it. Jagers/Pathfinders/Patrolmen will beat anything short of elites in a garrison fight. Sappers can also drop dynamite on a suppressed house to clear it.
Put infantry in a building and they're gonna be effective
No such thing for tanks
Infantry in buildings is still kinda shit. They don't seem to fire at much even when in range.
I usually shove them in buildings but pull them out when enemy infantry approaches.
I think they have a side they sit on that they fire from, you can probably make them move with an attack command (but needs to be tested)
>gets hit by an I-16 strike
Buildings help but they're still very fragile. Especially if you bunch up and put multiple guys in the same building something big will completely wipe them out instantly.
Best soviet decks?
heavy tanks
Should I buy this game for single or wait for spin offs like GoH based on MoW 2?
Asssault deck is fun
All the soviet tank lists are good. The IS-series are overpowered because their main gun will oneshot tanks that normally require 2-shots, and 2 shot tanks that would normally take 3-4. They outclass every other heavy tank by a mile and hard counter mediums. The medium tank list is also good because T-34s are the most cost-effective medium tanks and are just strictly better across the board than P4 and Shermans while being cheaper. It also has a broken opener with the unlockable 1st echelon medium because it costs 1 less CP than the T34 but carries the same gun, letting you bring it in alongside a lower-tier medium ands 2v1 any opposing tank.
The soviet SPG regiment is good, because they get a few hybrid SPG/TDs that have the same broken damage as the IS tanks but also have HE shells accurate enough to counterbattery dedicated arty.
Their AA regiment is really good but it's mainly because of the ZSU vehicles in 1st echelon and you have to unlock those.
Their howitzer regiment is the best of the 3 factions because the B-4 is the strongest heavy gun. But there isn't actually much difference between howitzer decks aside from small stat differences
Their motorized list stands out because they get a heavy armnoured car with an autocannon. It's the best non-tank vehicle in the game. Their mot/mech squads also come with 3 SMG-carrying troops, and their SMGs are much better than US or German ones because they're drum fed, and thus get to shoot way more between reloads. This gives them enough uptime to actually suppress buildings/trenches on their own.

Those are the main standouts.
Huh so what the germans and americans get then
German motorized is notable for having Brandenburgers in echelon 2, which lets it do Recon deck stuff despite not actually having a special forces slot.
Its mechanized deck is amazing because you can spam an ungodly amount of Luchs to bully infantry players while also having enough inf to cap with. Can also get Brandenburgers.
Their SPG deck is one of the strongest decks in the game bar none. It literally does everything. Unlock the Brummbar.
And their Engineer deck is unique for having Sturmpionere as a 3rd echelon elite unit, essentially making them a better 8th Assault deck.

German tanks generally underperform outside of a few exceptions so they don't really stand out.

American infantry decks are all really strong because their riflemen come with M1 Garands and they get some good unique stuff like Willys AT and Recoilless Rifles. Their Tank Destroyer deck is also pretty good because it gets good AA and Hellcats/Sluggers are both really strong.
Their Medium tank deck is also quite good because basically every one of america's good tools are on a Sherman chassis. You get 105 Shermans that function like SPGs, you get Calliopes that can delete a whole screen of enemies, you get Easy 8s that trade very well into more expensive tanks, Jumbos that are literally better than Panthers, flamethrower tanks, and then also the Slugger for killing the really heavy stuff. Their mechanized deck can spam Chaffees, which are hilarious because they have a high-tier gun that can easily kill heavies up close but are super cheap and available in large numbers.
But their main division is Airborne, which is basically broken because of how many airstrikes it can shit out, followed by pressuring with actually good US infantry.

However the US has a couple really bad decks just because of awkward roster gaps, and their artillery decks don't really stand out because they have no unique tools.
I don’t know if it is actually as good as I think, but Jagdtiger is pretty awesome as German antitank deck. Feels like it is pretty much impossible to kill if you have AA coverage and the enemy doesn’t Sturmtiger it away or get exceptionally lucky with artillery otherwise.

I’m probably stuck with other equally shitty players, but it feels like it can lock down half of the map from all enemy armor if the ground is flat enough.
fight an is3 or t28/t95 with it
It’s OP as hell, agree on that. The best armored vehicle in the game bar none, and yeah, it probably can take on Jagdtiger.
I’ve never seen it in the wild, but it seems like it could be pretty painful looking at the paper stats.
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this was such an annoying match. i would go somewhere, kill all the relevant enemy units and vehicles, rotate to another part of the map, kill all the relevant enemy things again, and this cycle repeated most of the game. i would have to rotate as soon as i finished killing units somewhere. my teammates were largely irrelevant other than the arty guy last hitting a few of my kills on bigger enemy tanks. all of my 4 dead tanks were lost to the guy who spammed willys at jeeps all game
>spammed willys jeeps
Based as fuck. Probably should try the same sometimes.
Willys are a little annoying to use. If you right click them on a target they'll miss 50% of their shots for really no good reason. You have to DC them when they fire to actually land hits reliably, but when you do they can be nuts because their 2-shot volley is enough to kill a lot of mediums outright.
they are fun to have, but they are really annoying to have to deal with if you are playing tanks. it doesnt help when everyone else is basically afk in a field or trench while you are doing all the fighting, so 2 tank players can distract your tank so the guy with the willys AT can sneak in on your side to hit your tank. this happened to me several times toward the end of the game. i beat his willy AT jeeps in about half the situations, but he did get me several times.
This shitty meta of waiting until the game is almost over and spamming infantry is getting really boring.
The goal is to drain the other side of infantry and then push late when there's nothing left to countercap. Just hold onto some reserves for the final blitz.
Like a lot of things, it only works because people aren't countering it.
I thought infantry died to everything.
Fuck off with these mental midgetisms. The point is that it is boring, because at that point it stops being a ww2 RTS and becomes a cheesy cat and mouse game.
>nigga gets a tiger
>mess it up with shreks and steal it
>nigga gets a king tiger
>mess it up with shreks, steal it, but it's too in the line of fire to repair so self destruct it
Diversion doesn't seem too bad. Clearly team oriented but you can push behind enemy lines comically easy to nuke all the shit there, hold an area with beefy jagers then bring in some flak to clean the air. Not sure how to best use snipers, however.

Vehicles are a problem. Early goliths then puma helps but it is very fragile.
The problem with diversion is that some people who play it go full ham on engineers and snipers and do basically zero direct frontline combat. And yeah, saboteurs are super powerful, and snipers can also be useful (yet also somehow more finicky about line of sight than in older MoW games), but if your diversion player only microes couple of saboteurs for the entire game, it’s not enough of a contribution for a victory.

At least, everyone should remember to put some defensive infantry around.
>cat and mouse
>the goal is the bleed the enemy of infantry and push with your reserves
You don't know what cat and mouse means.
Yeah tactics and strategy are "cheese". We should just mindlessly send units at each other until the game ends.
The main "problem" with recon is that its main role is accomplished with saboteurs in echelon 2, but other decks get enough saboteurs to do the same job while also having tonnes of other units. So usually if you want to play recon you just play a different deck with saboteurs instead.
i use the diversion recon regiments to breach the enemy lines, then i start using the saboteurs or equivalent units to scout out for whether or not i am able to cut off part of the enemy's map. i usually start swarming recruits in once i confirm. it is about how you use the units. like >>1776703 said, sometimes you just get those really useless players who bunker down in defenses doing absolutely nothing the entire game. the enemy team even ignores that person because of how irrelevant they are. do they really think the enemy gives a shit about their one fortified part of the line where the defenses could be cleared in maybe a minute or two max?
The funniest part are engineers who put in a mini-Maginot line that is nearly impossible to breach… …but too bad that it is located so deep in that team’s territory that you can go beyond the 50% line at that part and just laugh it off at distance, no need to engage it.
is this game actually better than any other MoW game or not
Better is a strong matter of opinion.
It's a decent step towards being more playable than AS2, but if that's good or not with some of the sacrifices that takes is debated.
Easily. I dunno what that other retard is talking about.
Maybe try playing the game before commenting, faggot. Waiting until the last two minutes and splitting a squad into five lone infantry to land grab , several times, all over the map, is videogame bullshit
Yeah completely agreed. I thought it was just ticking points at first, this way is very easy to cheese considering also how easy it is to dismantle defenses on a small part of the front.
You'll still lose if the enemy has a decent amount of ticked up points.
So at a minimum you need to hold the middle ground and then breakthrough late.
Sorry I'm not a friendless faggot so I haven't had the displeasure of playing of gamey faggots.
Also it's quite obvious I wasn't talking about splitting infantry into lone cells to trickle in and cap.
Fortifications are also pretty easy to break through with the right tools. A single flamer haltrack will wipe a whole network of foxholes, bunkers etc in seconds. Ultimately all that time building fortifications and sitting in them ends up no bigger of a speedbump than a machinegunner on a hill and a pair of hidden shreks.
Fucking worthless faggot. I didn't know they installed computers on the shortbus. Did you let your retard handler know that you are playing violent games? Idiot retard. Go put on your padded helmet and jump off a bridge.
Kek this is actually so retarded
I can see why you have no friends.
>comment on the meta
When did I do that? I said you don't know what cat and mouse or cheesing means. Apparently you don't know a lot of things.
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When you replied to a post explicitly talking about the meta, brainlet
>n-no that wasn't me I'm just a random retard

Just end your life
Does single player have a story? Or it's just a dynamic campaign?
Both. Each nation has a narrative campaign and several dynamics.
Keep crying you'll be right eventually
There's 3 story campaigns, 2 historical campaigns and some loose missions and 2 types of dynamic for each faction.
Is it me or is the ussr assault squad really much better when compared with the Sturmpioneers, for example? And does their metal body armor affect the gameplay part of the game? Because sometimes I hear bullets hitting metal when they're under fire. The flamethrower also lasts much longer it seems.
just turn on wemod if some retarded campaign mission mechanic makes you to where you would lose a mission. i dont really care for the way they designed the single player campaigns in mow2, so i just use the free version of wemod to storm through them as fast as possible for the multiplayer rewards
They seem to have the same health, so its not that. May still have some kind of effect.
But yeah, I've had way more luck with USSR assault squads than sturmpioneers.
Yeah the metal armor affects gameplay. It says on some loading screen tip.
They literally have metal body armour. It works like how helmets work, protects their chest from incoming small arms fire. As far as I know, they're the only ones with it, but it comes at the expense of not carrying RPGs like the other faction's top-tier elite squads.

The flamethrowers should all be basically identical, though. They'll fire a continuous stream until they're interrupted (ie taking cover, moving) or their target dies.
Sturmpioneers cost 5CP instead of 10
They also have mine detectors, which assault squads don't have.
Uh oh, that's dope
Assault squad also have, there is literally the same symbol above their heads when they are not fighting
They don't have mine detectors listed as one of their features.
No one in the assault infantry squad has a mine detector.
What mods are you guys most interested in, hoping gets start or moved to Men of War 2?
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I’m starting to feel afraid about playing decks with no dedicated anti-stealth units, I just can’t take any more matches where saboteurs come to buttfuck me 24/7 and I’m stuck with tanks and a small handful of shit infantry that would be desperately needed elsewhere than checking bushes in backline.
There are decks missing patrol squads?
Nah he is just retarded and missed all the light vehicles that spot too.
Why the fuck infantry likes to spaz out when throwing AT grenades? You choose the AT grenade command from the action bar, press on enemy tank, and then soldier just throws it out in opposite direction and it splashes on ground harmlessly.

Doesn’t seem to happen with frag grenades, so it’s probably related to the target’s movement. Annoying anyways.
Haven't seen that happen. I have seen them refuse to fire their shoulder mounted rockets though.
Every deck has dedicated anti-stealth units. Pathfinders/Jagers/Patrol are a tier 2 spotter infantry that's also very strong in combat, and there are several dedicated spotter vehicles like motorcycles, jeeps etc.
How do you use saboteurs? Everyone sucks their dicks but the squad has one bad sniper, one pistol guy and three submachinegunners. It seems like a shitty loadout for a squad of soldiers supposed to be sneaking.
You don't bring them for their small arms. They carry signal flares and tnt to stealthily destroy backline emplacements, and you can have them take AT grenades from an ammo crate or a transport and become a roving hit squad
so do scouts and they are much cheaper
Scouts don't carry dynamite and come with fewer signal grenades. They aren't much cheaper, either. Though the scout troop in a transport is decent because their car comes with AT grenades for them.
GoH vs MoW2 which one?
Arty is a killer of fun, proof me wrong
(especially for infantry dudes)
mow2. i tried goh. goh is enjoyable intially, but that wore off after the initial period. i am still having fun with mow2, unlike goh. goh is for the extreme autist type of crowd who insist on playing mowas2 instead of mow2
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>Leave artilleryfags to me.
This bitch could be regular army I’ve seen Seargent majors this fat
I assume you're gonna be playing mostly SP, in which case MoW 2. The answer is the same for MP and SP honestly, which is why GoH is now trying to copy MoW as much as they can.

Seriously, look at their "Conquest update".
GoH vs AS2, I'd take AS2.
In terms of controls, AI behaviours etc its almost all identical. It includes just as many awkwardnesses and problems.
Conquest mode and slightly prettier graphics are the only 2 benefits.
At the cost of, way higher file size, and missing a ton of the factions. And the unit rosters for the factions they do have are fairly unimpressive. I wouldn't mind as much if Russia and Germany were very fleshed out but they really aren't.

Men of War 2 isn't perfect, needs improvements. However, it has the same number of factions(But all in on launch and for free), yes I'm ignoring Finland they're just Germany 2, takes a quarter of the disk space, has better singleplayer(Conquest is better than GoH's version by quite a lot, there were some mods that fixed GoH's conquest but they're in constant states of dying.), has better multiplayer, and has actual improvements to the core game system.
The last one is the biggest one for me, mods and updates can fix lack of content, or whatever, but if the core unit control and gameplay doesn't feel better than AS2 then what's the point?

Mods are also a decent part of the value of a title, the devs seem to be interested in encouraging modders to move over to Men of War 2, which is good. Time will tell if they actually do. But they never really switched from AS2 to Gates of Hell.
Personally I'm hoping/thinking of working on a Cold War gone hot mod for MoW2. Hot Mod for GoH was fun, but unfortunately the developers of it are severely brain damaged and can't balance to save their lives so US was severely overpowered when I last played it. And the Men Of War gameplay and AI feel like they really break down when you get to late cold war stuff like the VADS.
Arty fags are primarily brainless. You have to respect spacing and be more mobile when playing inf, but it's not the end of the world. Lose a squad to the 252mm? There's more squads where that one came from. Just avoid giving them grouped up targets if they're particularly spammy with it.

Real ball ache is good recon players, especially if you're playing tanks or arty. You have to be hyper attentive to all your stuff, or you'll lose it to dynamite and arty strikes.
And they actually have infantry to win the game with, unlike arty players who will summon 3 202mms and sit in the back of the map tabbed out.
>doing a lot of work on the left half of the map
>have 2-3 enemy players + enemy artillery + enemy airstrikes focusing me down
>ask the arty player to counter battery the enemy arty
>doesnt do shit until i take my eyes off my troops for a bit, go to the back of the map, and spam ping where the lights are flashing until he fires his artillery 3 minutes later
>type out in chat what the lights mean
>my side of the map has been an absolute slugfest to the point that i am almost completely out of troops
>ask the arty players to send some rifle recruits forward to take some ground so we can win by taking some ground
>get told by the aretardillery players that they arent going to send any infantry forward because they are playing artillery
>decide to pull my remaining troops back, and ask the enemy in all chat to push forward where i was
>they roll through all of our arty players in 20-30 seconds
>they are silent in chat other than constantly bitching about me not helping them
>remind them about how they did fuck all the entire game other than last hit the units i got down to 20-30% health
>more bitching and retarded comments follow where they talk about how im not a team player, how im trying to make us lose, and how im the problem with these kinds of games
>ponder leaving
>the enemy team makes me sit there for another 10 minutes while they dont push at all into the completely open ground in front of them
>lose the game
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>another episode of "Lose because your teammates have a collective double-digit IQ"
Might be time to play against bots for a while.
PS if you are any of those people you should do everyone a favor and stop breathing. Not even New Yorkers have to deal with so much garbage.
Show your nickname or at least wich battalion you are. The board must know its heroes
Oh wait, let me guess please. You are playing on a recon?
MoWsisters are ussr assault deck is good? It seems it has not that big difference compare with motorized for example, but maybe a bit worse, no?
I like USSR assault a lot,
>Logistics Timer modifiers
Main ones of note here are Bazookas and Rifle Grenade Grenadiers having 100% reduced timer. This means they don't take up one of your logistic lines when they're deployed. This will generally lead to you being able to have more stuff on the field and recover faster from losses, as it's not a choice between Bazookas or something else, it's Bazookas and something else. The 20% heavy infantry reduction also helps with this.

>20% Heavy Infantry Discount
Heavy infantry is better than seperate infantry, particularly for an infantry deck as being able to micro the individual men increases the capabilities of the squad dramatically. They can take more land, spread out better to avoid artillery, spread 1 man per building throughout a settlement to make an effective speedbump for enemy pushes etc.
So Assault is gonna be fielding more better infantry than motorized.

>Unit Access
Assault has access to rank VI Infantry, while motorized is limited to rank V infantry. Main difference of this is Assault can bring Assault Infantry, Motorized can't. So again, access to higher tier infantry.
Motorized has no access to anti-tank guns. Assault only has access to rank 1 AT guns, but at least in first echelon the 53-K is an extremely capable workhorse. Just 1 of them can easily counter any vehicles which would normally turn your infantry into paste(Luchs, any flak vehicle, T-60s etc), Bazookas need to get close which against a good player can be very very difficult, AT rifles can deal with lighter vehicles but have issue of needing to get close, being slow at it and against heavy vehicles like Panzer 3s will do basically nothing.

8th assault still has access to M3A1s, they're not as good as M2A1s but you'll still be capable of performing a half-track rush in first echelon. And you can back it up with a 52-K to avoid getting rolled by an armoured vehicle.
Motorized on the other hand get more motorized infantry with a similar discount to the Assaults heavy infantry.
Motorized infantry are a bit CP intensive but the halftrack is usually worth it.

BA-11s can fill the hole that lacking a 52-K leaves, but personally I prefer static guns to something like a BA-11 as its much cheaper on CP(2 vs 5) and I generally find it more survivable. Hitching and unhitching is fairly quick so I don't find mobility suffers too much on the 53-K.

Big advantage of Motorized over Assault is getting access to tanks in 3rd echelon. A T-34 lategame can have a good amount of impact supporting and shoring up pushes, it stops something like a wirblewind from just shutting down a push.

Personally I prefer Assault, but it feels like they're a bit more team dependent. Motorized feels more self-suffecient.
If no one on your team is providing support to your pushes, an assault deck can very easily be shutdown by something like a wirblewind or Luchs. (A decent player will never let bazookas in range of it.)
But that might be a problem of me not bringing enough field guns.
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Notable units are the unlockable grenade launcher infantry. They have very good range and absolutely murder infantry. Excellent against buildings and trenches since it basically just lobs a frag grenade in and wipes the whole thing from a safe distance. However, the US Assault Deck gets a better version of them that don't require an unlock anyways.

I think otherwise it's not really impressive. The USSR has really good smg infantry so its elites don't offer much more combat power for their cost compared to SMG vets or motorized squads, and the USSR motorized deck is probably the best infantry slot in their faction and among the top 5 in the game.

Elite infantry in general are a trap because they're too expensive for what they do. I think the main exceptions are the USSR's motorized Red Guard (which means mot. is already doing what 8th assault would do, but better), sturmpioneres (they're super underpriced), and US marines/paratroopers (because their regular infantry are overpriced)
Did they make this gamo offline for single yet?
Assault Infantry will tear twice their number of SMG infantry to pieces.
The armour makes them immune to SMG fire that doesn't hit their head.
Rifles take almost double the shots.
20 SMG infantry will only beat 5 assault infantry if the assault infantry is under no micro and you can catch them with a grenade. In any straight up fight they get wiped and are unlikely to even kill 1.
According to their roadmap it's currently their highest development priority but they couldn't give an ETA more specific than "longer than a month"
I feel the same thing about team support. Remind me when today i was alone on the line with good early push but then in game comes heavy aa, mortars and stationary guns. And they literally shredding my infantry coz i can come close enough same with my air support, can't reach. Thats was really hard. In that's terms motorized especially German wich for me is a top tier battalion with their flamer trucks much easier to deal. Or engi battalion where you build good defence and at the same time can push other lines
See this is the problem: why buy SMG infantry to fight Assault Infantry, when I could instead buy an LMG squad which just pierces their body armour and kills them as easily as riflemen, or grenade-launchers that one shot whatever they catch in their AoE from a safe distance, or mortars that just knock them around, kill anything they hit and suppress anything in cover, or light vehicles with mounted machineguns that kill/suppress them immediately, or tanks they can't fight back against at all, or artillery that just AoEs them from a safe distance, or a rocket airstrike, etc. etc.

The problem with most elite infantry is that they're specialized for fighting weaker infantry, but then 2/3 of all the equipment in the game excels at killing infantry and most of it is cheaper and more effective than elites. But what two squads of SMG infantry can do is be in 2 places at once (or 10) and thus divide all of that firepower that could wipe a whole elite squad in a single shot.

The ability to devalue small arms isn't completely irrelevant but it's not worth their cost when so much of what threatens high value infantry isn't small arms.
Assault Infantry aren't for winning a mirror match, they're for trading well with masses of infantry trying to hold ground.
They'll do better against a spread out squad in buildings than a mortar, MG squad, or anything else.

If the enemy doesn't have a lot of infantry like this, they should be losing the game cause you can just flood over them with extremely spaced infantry.

The only goal of 8th Assault is to get to the last several minutes of the game with infantry left in reserve, and the enemy team almost entirely depleted. If they're down to SMG/Rifle recruits, you've won. You can easily walk over them.
Grenade Launchers do better at dislodging emplaced troops particularly machinegunners, but against a squad running at them they usually suck.
>play infantry
>hold my chunk of the map all game
>my team loses theirs and we lose

What am I even supposed to do?
According to the data you have supplied us with it is most likely a so called "skill issue" meaning you should probably uninstall and maybe play Fortnite instead :)
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Try to build a some defense for your dudes, leave them there for a while and try to help your teammates if necessary. Or push your side even further, do this and the enemy team will have to react to this move, giving your teammates a little breathing room.
Dont forget, this is a team game plus there's also newbies, you cant ignore thats
>get on a big win streak
>after 8 or 10 wins in a row, get the delight of getting put in a forced loss match
>tanks player says "please advance and i will support your infantry"
>advance 50 feet
>troops get mowed down by enemy tanks
>tanks "teammate" loses 1 tank because he parked it in a retarded position
>leaves the game
>arty player isnt really doing shit with his arty
>enemy team has coordinated combined arms
>can tell they have constant and quick communication with one another
>probe the enemy line in some places and make some short advances
>always get met in force by a combination of coordinated infantry, tanks, APCs, and arty
>manage to blow up some of the tanks and APCs, but i am not able to do a lot in this situaiton
>the other infantry player on my "team" leaves
>finally come to terms with the face that this is a guaranteed loss
>ask the enemy team in all chat to push to end the game so i can move on
>enemy team pushes as slow as they possibly can for god knows what reason
>finally lose so i can go to a match where i can actually do something
>win that match
>new match, on another winning streak
>regiments look fine
>recognize some names
>get into match
>tanks players with medium and heavy tanks have zero kills on the enemy light tanks and APCs
>kill some of them with my grenadiers
>enemy spams more
>tanks players end up being entirely irrelevant, which means we have 3 infantry players with no arty and tanks vs the enemy team of 5 players
the shitters are really showing their faces today. i just got put into another match with people who had medium and heavy tanks and assault guns, but they couldnt figure out how to right click a light tank that was 100 feet in front of them. i couldnt get to their light tank due to the infantry surrounding it that were shooting my grenadiers any time they got close. arty was irrelevant that game too
>1400 elo or whatever
>games are now too fast for me to enjoy
>running into tryhard premades using voice chat and cheesy spam tactics
>bunch of "personalities" that know each other by name and are often bickering
>Like two months left in the season
I'm dead
Most people with this rating except newbies
>Games to fast
Dunno, for me most of the games 25 min or full time match
>Premades and shitty tactics
Most of this shit anyway winnable, but yeah i hate this shit with air spam from side of the map when yours AA will no shot this shit coz plane not visible on the map
>Muh personalities
Yea thats a problem of niche games, i bet some people also know your name too
>2 months until season end
Thanks god, full team of noobs at start was a disaster
Whoops, i used this word a too much
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i cant help but roll my eyes when i see the most meta combination you could possibly bring
Matchmaking is infested with tryhards and exploiters now. Not much point in playing against humans.
the fact that they bragged about "being part of the group who came up with the strategy" in all chat made me tryhard. i put my infantry boot on their necks and carried my team to a victory where we beat them almost 2 to 1 in score. i have no mercy for people who run the most meta combination possible
>team of 5 vs 4 man stack and me
>hi ivan, hi pitro
>both team know each other
>We were stomped with tanks and infantry in 8 min
I wish there was at least 10k online and i never cross with this dudes.
I understand stacks of players who wanted to play in team its ok, but i dont want such games for myself this is unfair it seems judging by this game.
Perhaps you have stories that show the opposite?
This except it was le ebin AA gun spam and vehicle rush at start, by that faggot Montana and his buttbuddy. And they were all like OMG GL HF men of war party let's go!!~ at the start too.

It's like they are trying to be the most obnoxious people in the world.
>match as 3 stack with 2 randos into 5 stack
>they go hard rush with tanks and infantry up 1 side, ignoring the rest of the map
>after initial hit tell randos to just landgrab the empty space
>my 3 stack manages to wipe their tanks due to overaggression and stupidity on their part
>they have no units anywhere else on the map
>they've lost a significant portion of their first echelon for a small bulge that's getting rolled up

I don't really mind stacks, single side rushes by people who are retarded and collapse if the plan fails are a bit annoying. Just very all or nothing.
i get tired of some of this shit. i think im going to try playing this game while im drinking alcohol to see if it makes it more tolerable. the main thing that annoys me a lot more than people playing meta battalion combinations is when teammates are aggressively useless. you should not try to be aggressive in not contributing shit. if the enemy artillery has been firing for 10 minutes straight without camoflage, it should be punished. if the enemy is flooding light tanks into our line, the friendly tankers with medium and heavy tanks should not be afking halfway across the map doing nothing.
whats an exploiter
There are a few bugs and gameplay oversights that can be exploited. Calling in a bombing strike from the side, for example, makes planes fly off the map/minimap and thus "invisible" to players until they come back in. It also confuses the antiair AI sometimes and can reduce the amount of time planes are vulnerable to it.
There are some pretty glaring balance issues right now too and people are abusing them as much as they can. American gunners, for example, come equipped with a carbine (rather than a pistol, like the other faction's) and thus can act as riflemen except they cost nothing to call in.

There's a bunch of shit like that.
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i was wondering why in the world we werent winning this match. the damage chart says it all. the soviet howitzers guy was irrelevant all game to the point that i didnt even realize he was there until i had to go clean up the enemy breakthrough on his side of the map toward the end of the game. he never fired his howizers at the enemy during the multiple minutes of that, even with the enemy tanks and ferdinand getting closer and closer to this howitzers. i did manage to turn his side of the map around though, but it was too late. the tanks guy couldnt figure out how to fire a single round at a tank until the tank had been visible with a clear line of fire for over 30 seconds. this led to the enemy's light tanks mowing down my infantry, followed by them rolling back and almost entirely out of sight until he fired his first shot at them. he did not have more than one tank to manage at any given time, and did not have to deal with enemy tanks or howitzers trying to blow him up. the german howitzers guy was relevant
I take back what said about the poor matchmaking, after the update 70-80% of my games were pretty fun and almost equal.
I also feel bad right now because a couple of days ago i shit talk to some arty newbie. But I always knew that they needed support in this game because some parts of it can be quite difficult
>watch artillery player castle with no infantry
>try to tell him he needs infantry
>he says 'no im arty'
>he just gets fucked by recon deck all game
It's insane how many retards think they should bring out two howitzers/tanks and nothing else echelon 1 because "this is muh deck. muh deck"
An opposing arty player spammed out so many patrol squads it was insane.
His performance with his howitzers was a little subpar, but patrol squads regularly sprinting into make OK trades and stop pushes across the whole map more than made up for it.
Same. Whatever they did they really nailed the matchmaking.
Where’s the promised balance patch? I want something done about Brummbärs, playing against them fucking sucks so hard.
I haven't really followed MoW 2 since the beta. Has it improved/changed drastically in any way? I saw a bit of conquest and it seems like it's better than GoH's version but how the infantry worked and the general presentation of MoW 2 put me off pretty quickly
As far as mods go, hotmod and modern conflict seem to be getting better for GoH at least (although they're both still pretty jank), the star wars mod is there and it has a submod for conquest and GoH shares so much DNA with Robz that most of the realism left to add are retextures and range changes. I think the big difference will probably come down to what maps and theatres get added to vanilla.

I kinda have Pacific on the brain because of how I've been following Hell Let Loose vs Post Scriptum but that theatre in particular seems like an obvious slam dunk for whoever implements it first and/or better.
Why did they do it bruhs? MoW is one of my fav strategy game, I read through reviews and everyone is disappointed about MoW2, devs made it online only, arcade bullshit nobody wanted. Why...
>offline mode promise / realistic checkbox
Yeah, but people are saying that checkbox does shit and the game is still crap.
It's all lies for retards. You are a retard. You should kill yourself, even.
Everyone is a liar and the game if perfect huh
Never said that, histrionic retard, but all the arcade whining is bullshit. Could you please just kill yourself? You are shitposting either to keep this thread alive or playing dumb about the game. Either is pathetic and just makes me wish you'd die in pain.
The checkbox does stuff it's immediately obvious if you enable it and play a single game.
Conquest mode is pretty fun, it does a good job of escalating as you get further in.
Especially the last mission. Really felt like I was running into German fortress city on that one.
If the checkbox fixes the game why do people complain anyway?
They are retarded, much like you
Can you make a mixed roster? I keep seeing "heavy tanks player" and "artillery player" keep being mentioned. It really sucks if so, since it seems all of them are incompetent.
Most decks can do multiple things but they all have at least one thing they can't do themselves, so there's always at least a little dependence on teammates.
Battalions also vary in how focused they are, some have a bit broader access to units than others.
thanks anon, bought the game
i'm actually amazed how good support troops feel like now
i no longer need ammo trucks or all that mine-juggling from AS2 to place mines
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Can someone give me a quick rundown on why the game is badly rated on steam?

i wanna buy it but i'm a poorfag so i'm being scared by the ratings.
Two big camps. The majority are honest to god retards complaining about the game being "more arcadey" despite it being the most complex in the franchise. Mostly because of the big lie about vehicles "having HP now" which is a misconception (worked the same in previous games, just hidden from the player) and vehicles being too fast, which is a necessity given maps are much taller. Their opinion is worthless and shouldn't be listened to.

Camp two are people that have issues with the game. Mostly burgers with third world internet connections that can't connect to the game's servers and thus have problems with it. The game did launch with some bugs but at this point, they have been fixed for the most part.
There's also a very small minority of whiny multiplayer people that are angry matchmaking now forces premade groups to match with premade groups and thus makes their queue time longer. But they are mostly pussy tryhards who want to play ranked mode with every possible advantage they can have.
that is honestly the single most new thing theyve done in the men of war series that these mouthbreathers who hate this game probably havent tried and appreciated, like holy shit these morons keep saying its not GoH or AS2 well so fucking what just play those
Are medic trucks worth it? How do I become the most survivable infantry rat bastard? Or should i just get as much infantry as possible to have constant supply of troops to throw into the meatgrinder?
I go for the latter. The medic truck would be great if it had a couple medics of its own but, as it is, it seems prohibitively expensive having two slots dedicated to medics and ambulance. Maybe if you play engineers, who can also pick up downed allies.
Infantrymaxxing is actually great if your team isn’t composed of retards that are hell-bent on the idea of ”lanes” and refuse to do anything outside their starting lane of the map. Most decks simply can’t exchange efficiently enough with an endless flood of infantry, but of course infantry spam is not a winning formula if the team leaves 50% of map to you and you have to face against tanks and AA alone, in those situations I’d rather have a more combined arms deck.

Instead, it’s good when you can apply the pressure on multiple places on map, anywhere where the enemy doesn’t have enogh emplacements or fortifications.
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>enemy spots my AA
>immediately sends planes to suicide bomb it
>enemy infantry player clumps up in houses to get shelled by late game
I think I did pretty decent for a first game, got cucked in my left lane by AA emplacements and the middle lane... by AA emplacements, but I helped push the tank destroyer on the right lane after he cleared all the shermans. Cars are a bit dumb to control though since they always want to go forward instead of backwards. I think I need to incorporate heavier mortars since light ones kinda suck. Honestly controlling this much infantry across the entire front is a handful.
>dead game
I wanted to play MoW2, but it turned out to be a flop. Shit happens I guess.
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Nice try gates of hell troon. Instant match
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Still mad that these assholes slapped a "2" in the title and sold all you gullible faggots the same game
>Nooo it's the same game!!!
It's not. You are not smart or special in any way, anon. You are merely a deluded cunt who has to trick himself into believing he knows better because they have nothing else going on. If anyone asked you to prove it is the same way you would have no argument and you'd probably resort to the same old, pathetic, 4chanesque insults.
Unlike you, you projecting zoomer little shit, I was around when the game was released and its only selling point was "Men of War with working multiplayer (because we have our own servers now)". Sharpen that cute edge of yours, I'm sure you'll fit right in
What are you even talking about you worthless retard? The game came out in May. You mean AS2? The game no one is talking about? Fucking dumbshit moron.
Oh but weren't you just talking about someone "tricking himself into believing he knows better" and "resorting to the same old, pathetic, 4chanesque insults"? My diagnosis upheld: gullible, faggot, projecting, zoomer little shit.
>come into a conversation about a topic
>blurt out some completely unrelated bullshit
>get defensive when people call you names
Autistic bitch.
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Thanks fren.
But i just reinstalled assault squad again
i think i have gotten a lot of my fill of the game until some variety or new factions get added. i get tired of the arty spam followed by my arty players firing without using camoflage while in the open. dont say "just start playing arty" because then that means im not there to stop the enemy team from taking half the map in the first 5 minutes, and we never recover after that
Play against the AI. Much better than playing with retards.
As an infantry deck generally you should be infantrymaxxing.
The ambulance truck is great, the field hospital it deploys increases the survival rate of infantry dramatically.
But you rarely have the space to fit it in. You'd usually probably just be better off with more infantry.
As if none of the other Men of War games are the previous one with no alterations.

I'm 4 games deep and this is by far the most change between titles in terms of the actual game.
>mixed reviews
>overall players are disappointed
>online is lower than mowas2 or goh
Doesn't mean the game is dead.
You talk like a shill.
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mow2 troons lost
Is that steambd? How do you compare different games theer?
Rekt! That is fucking embarrassing. It's basically dead game at this point. Imagine AS2 is holding so well against it meanwhile Gates of Hell is outright superior choice. Lol this pile of turd is actually worse than CoH3. Pathetic.
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>The numbers
You haven't played the game.
You don't know if it's good or bad.
You're just parroting the opinions of retards and posting numbers as if player count is all that matters.
I don't have to play every game to know if it's good. And people are saying that MoW2 is mid.
Almost everyone in this thread that's actually played it is positive.
I don't doubt some people liked it. But the majority says it's worse than GoH or AS2.
I played during the last open test and it was just mediocre and according to reviews nothing changed since then.
>everyone in the echochamber said that the game is good
Who are you trying to fool?
>listening to the opinion of retards
>wondering why there are more people playing a game that costs a dollar versus 40 dollars
>a lie, given that neither AS2 or GOH have matchmaking

Facts don't care about your feefees.
Are they gonna fix the pathfinding and UI? Kinda needed desu.
Anyone played Call to Arms? I like MoWAS2 and if CoA has good single player I will; buy it since it on sale anyway.
It is an interesting convention. In 19th century Europe, elite units would serve as "life guards" for elite figures, such as in Prussia and Russia. So "guard" units were the best of the best, charged with protecting the emperor and used to change the tide of battle.
After the 1917 revolution, the term was used for elite units distinguished as guards of the revolution, something similar to vanguard. This is conceptually different to how we use "guard", which usually means someone securing a physical property or location.
That's also just a feature of language.
Fortress units in some languages are also called Guard which are even lower level than National Guards.
honestly, call to arms felt pretty shitty to me. the only reason to play it is if you are hellbent on playing in the modern setting
This is far from an echochamber with the quantity of shitflinging from people who haven't played it but are really dedicated to devolving the thread.

CtA is pretty bad, if you really want modern give it a go but it's fairly rough.
At the outbreak of WW2 the national guard were the only real military the US had.
>two engineer infantry team mates with names like 0x5436jg
>all they brought is fuel trucks and planes
>get fueltruck kamikaze greifed by nigger faggot
Is this fun or were these guys hired by the only competitor in the market?
Probably the latter given the official discord had a shitload of reports about it and it happened during a sale
I don't remember MoW games having health bars. Did they really?
Humans, always.
Tanks, they were not visible but the system was the same.
>play tanks
>get 1 or 2 tanks per echelon
>get sniped by arty
>run out of stuff to send

>play arty
>stay in the back
>arty to arty gay shit
>your arty better be on wheels

>send infinite infantry to the front
>enemy cannot defend the whole front
>push the frontline all the time
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I remember I could've drove a heavy tank in a field and it couldn't have received any significant damage from small caliber guns except for may be threads. But I don't remember it having an HP bar.
That's how it works. Tanks only take damage from things that pen or explosives powerful enough. That damage can destroy components but also chunks away at the tanks HP. Enough penetrations and the tank is gone.
my halftracks have 37mm mounted
be afraid
I kinda want to try this game because I like MoW games, and I love Soldier Heroes of WW2 which is the first game from the series. Buut overall negativity makes me reluctant to play Mow2.
>ok, check out gameplay video to see if the game is good
>your vehicles drive through your units no damage done
HUH, yeah htye fucked up this game hard
AT rifle non-penning shots will never kill your Tiger.
>waaa tiny detail isn't like it was in AS2
>I have no forethought on what changing this would result in
>The game is literally completely worthless because of this tiny thing!

First MoW game I can click a vehicle towing something, right click the frontline, and it'll actually get there without blowing itself up and possibly killing most of my infantry on the way.

You get 2 hours for free, if you hate it just refund it. Most of the negativity is outright lies.
Vehicles had health but it wasn't shown and was quite high.
Big change though is component damage is no longer random.

Any penetrating shot in AS2 has a chance to 'detonate ammo' no matter where it hits.
A single shot to the engine block of a halftrack can cause an ammunition detonation that blows the entire thing up. Or it might take 15.
It's very random, but any penetrating shot is a threat of instant death to a vehicle.
God that gun is so fucking garbage. Needs a million years for the reticle to close up and can't pen shit. The territory capture is way more useful.
Neither do they take any meaningful damage from small-calibre guns now. You can’t really ”chip” down a heavy tank with a low-tier AT gun, it will just bounce off and do nothing, at best you can take down tracks.
>half-tracks have troops
>but they're light infantry tier
Can I just get the halftrack as a separate package? This is garbage. The CP limit needs to be raised too since if you play something like Artillery, you can't bring in any other troops because you get CP cucked. Not to mention not being able to recrew knocked out guns.
>waaaah I don't have CP
>shitting on light infantry
The smartest artillery player
Wow it's almost like you are not supposed to bring in two huge guns and sit around doing fucking nothing.
But that's what the game expects you to do, why can't I also bring infantry?
did devs fix anything since launch?
Only minor bugs
I hope they don't abandon this game and actually fix it with offline only, make it more realistic etc.
I just feel it has potential just like shitty MoW compare to outstanding MoW AS2.
>"fix" online only
Sorry you live in a mud hut in sub saharan Africa and can only get wifi from the planes flying overhead
This fucking game feels like drug addiction in bad way, you keep doing it while you know that it brings nothing good. Just started playing this evening with the idea that I will stop once I get one win, but 7 matches later, it’s all losses, complete stomps.
>people who just quit the game and leave it to AI as soon as their first tank blows
>engineering decks that do nothing but simcity areas so far behind the line that it is useless
>everyone rushing the same side and dying there, leaving majority of the map to me and then complaining to me when they run out of units
>tank players who somehow manage to get over 100 deaths and 20 kills (WHY NOT JUST PLAY INFANTRY?!?)
>teams that ignore scouts and commandoes and just feed their expensive units to same areas that had commandoes in them a minute earlier
>and when I play AT or AA, enemy has zillion artillery players, yet the team fails to exploit it, so I just get ponded and we still lose

I know that I’m not the best player here, but jesus, I’m still generally in the top of my team’s scoreboard on all metrics, so how fucking bad the other players have to be and what have I to do to win here? I guess that this is punishment for the 12-game long winstreak I had a month ago (which was same shit as today, but on the opposite side of it), but really, I just want to have proper matches instead of matchmaker just giving me retarded stomps either way.
bad bait, half a (You)
No the game expects you to bring 2 medium guns and like 3 squads of infantry
>>engineering decks that do nothing but simcity areas so far behind the line that it is useless
I have only seen one successful engineeringGOD actually take a third of enemy's land through fortification creeping. Most often they just become surprised when their simcity gets artillery'd.

>tank players who somehow manage to get over 100 deaths and 20 kills (WHY NOT JUST PLAY INFANTRY?!?)
I think they just forget that they should be supporting their troops with tanks. Or worse - just using the cheapest light infantry to test enemy defenses before pushing.

>what have I to do to win here
Pick the assault infantry deck, bring lots of planes (2 planes every echelon) and mountain infantry/elites/etc. Had a blast dunking on tanks with bombers and pushing forward with infantry that don't die instantly, even managed to capture a panther and proceeded to ram it into another fresh panther, blowing both up. Though it was a really close match with frequent back and forth pushes. It's funny how some decks have no AA at all and it becomes a perfect storm when the front is not covered fully. At least 2 out of 3 times, your infantry or your planes will come in clutch during the game.
Tanks are very hard to play effectively. HE doesn't do enough against buildings, you don't have a lot of infantry and the scant few tanks that can cap are not good at it because they are practically blind and easily taken out even by basic infantry flanks. Even the heaviest tanks are extremely vulnerable to handheld AT too.

Worse still, killing other tanks gives very little score so even when you play well you are end up very low on the scoreboard. Killing a squad of light infantry gives you like 500 points and killing a jadgpanther gives 700
>pick heavy tanks
>but it's actually a hybrid AA with a few heavy tanks
heh, they won't know what hit them
>HE doesn't do enough against buildings
This is my biggest gripe. It's genuinely such a pain in the ass to play any vehicle deck that doesn't have ready access to higher calibre HE. 75mm does so little to buildings that you might as well not be shooting at all. and that means you're essentially completely walled by any section of the map with garrisonable structures since your shitter infantry will just lose when storming the building even if you've got the garrison suppressed.

In an ideal game your infantry players are the ones pushing the towns and you're free to support them with firepower and hunt other vehicles in the open terrain but that never actually happens. Usually you're stuck alone in the shittiest part of the map because an infantry deck (or two) pushes there and nobody else wants to do anything about it. At very least having something like dynamite to destroy garrisons in close combat would be huge quality of life for tanks in solo q.
Dead thread
Dead game
just got it and tried and lmao this is some looney toons shit. refunded and going back to ostfront. The campaign map setup is much better than ostfront but the actual battles are just retarded.
Should I try this fucking game?
No it's dead and not good.
Why isn't it fucking good? I read it has some small issues like minor UI issues. I wated for this game and all of that was for what?
If you want an arcade ww2 game play company of heroes it's better, if you want a less arcade style one play ostfront (dlc policy is bullshit but the game is decent) or men of war assault squad 2 (with mods)
That doesn't answer the question
I'd say wait until they fix the always-online. Last word is that it's on the horizon probably sometime before autumn, and if not then before the end of the year.
It's the best MoW so far. Anyone telling you otherwise is completely retarded.
okay the good: conquests are well laid out and the advancement in them is decent, units are more responsive than other earlier games. The gameplay is faster.
the bad: UI is terrible (but at least scalable unlike some of the other games), the unit movement while more responsive is very gamey as is the way they attack, online only is fucking terrible. Tanks fucking suck. AI is retarded (same as all these games), multiplayer is dead.
You sound pretty heart set of playing the game so play it, it's only 40 dollarie doos
Why does this game get a thread while Gates of Hell is still the superior game?

My only complaint about it is the fact that the DLCs lock away some essential countries, and that they're expensive as well.
make a gates of hell thread anon no one is stopping you.
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Probably because that's a lie, Gates of Hell is vastly inferior and all the threads about it die.
>runs like shit
>terrible AI
>unresponsive units
>useless online
>clunky for the sake of authenticity, like with mine laying
>barely and poorly implemented planes
>bad pathfinding on towing units
>infantry can't even vault over cover automatically
>crap DLC

The only things GoH has over MoW is better uniforms and being able to capture enemy gear in conquest. Other than that it gets mogged every way.
I like goh a lot however
>>bad pathfinding on towing units
>infantry can't even vault over cover automatically
>clunky for the sake of authenticity, like with mine laying
I do like having the option to lay mines like that, but the gameplay format doesn't really jive with it at all (you always have something more important to do than tediously lay mines)
>useless online
don't play online so cant comment to it but I'll take your word for it.
>terrible AI
sadly, all of these games have this "feature"
>unresponsive units
I find it's more than just unresponsive they outright ignore your orders and keep doing their previous action. Most noticeable in unit emplacements like at guns.
>crap DLC
The dlc is okay just MASSIVELY overpriced or should have been in the core game.
>barely and poorly implemented planes
I think the AA implementation is even worse than the plane implementation (manually having to target the aircraft to get your guns to actually target them but with the camera angle this is annoying af.

I still prefer it to MOW2 (by a lot) but it has major flaws.
>want to play MoW2 and GoH
>read through the thread
>don't want to play them anymore
Why are you doing this to me?
I own both games, I honestly think that it's the RobZ mod subhumans who don't even play games come in here to complain.
I might play it but if the multiplayer community is anything like that one passive to actively agressive moron ITT "defending" the game I'd really fucking not. He might even be one of the devs
Anyone played Sudden Strike 4? Is it a good WW2 RTS? How is it compare to MoW?
From gameplay vids it looks nice.
It's awfully mediocre. Infantry dies instantly, weapon ranges are tiny, they make a big deal out of vehicles running out of gas or ammo but it's a blob-centric game so babysitting one vehicle out of many is like pissing in the ocean. It's also budget as fuck and full of jank shit, like how when you tell infantry to go into concealment you see their silhouettes T-posing, or how barebones the skirmish is, or the simplistic commander system that feels like they wanted to be like COH 2 and add a bunch of piecemeal commanders with new abilities but the game flopped too hard for that. Vehicles and units look pretty "chubby" and compact too, like a kid's cartoon.

Worst of all is that the workshop support, which they heavily advertised in trailers and news leading up to the game's release, is 100% bullshit. To "mod" the game you have to create an entirely new map in Unity AND manually change all the unit's stats one by one. No way to add new things, your changes only apply to that map and that map alone. It's fucking garbage and no one ever made anything with it.

I would not recommend it. The fact that it has a higher review score than CoH 3 or MoW 2 goes to show gamers are fucking retarded.
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Incidentally Sudden Strike 2 and its many spinoffs, most of which come from fan/pirated projects so you can download them for free if you find them, are pretty good. Hidden Stroke 2 was like a proto Men of War that modeled vehicle armor while having a shitload of units both on screen and in its roster, including the Karl-Gerät. Weapon ranges are much more realistic, fuel and ammo actually matter, they are very tough games the kind that needs you to scout the fog of war with care or you are going to get fucked since you don't get a lot of reinforcements. Lots of content too.

The only problem is that they are games for ants so you are going to need to upscale them.
Hm... What are your thoughts about CoH 1 and 2?
I remember trying it for free about 5+ years ago and the game felt like an arcade. And I continue playing MoW back then.
Buut, I don't want to play MoW2 until they fix it and CoH series has a cult following status so may be I was harsh with my judgement. Should I give it another chance?
I am not iunterested in multiplayer, single only.
coh 1 and 2 are very arcade like. It's fun but not very complex.
What about World in Conflict? Is it outdated?
I am just looking for a next game to play.
I mean it's fun but it does feels very dated.
>almost a month since the last news
Is it dead? I'm shocked they're going to rugpull before even delivering the offline mode they promised.
They're probably preparing a big update that fixes all the issues so the user base starts liking them again. At least I hope so, people are saying they did little to nothing since Arena.
>people are saying they did little to nothing since Arena.
Because they did. The multiplayer, which is the game's keynote feature, was largely just 1 for 1 recycled from Arena. The game's development was basically just the singleplayer content, which is still buggy and rough.
I think that's part of why they've been so reluctant to make meaningful balance changes, despite the fact that the meta has been stale for a while now and still has a lot of the same balance issues that were identified all the way back in the betas (and identified back in Arena, too). I don't really know what's going on with development right now. I can't imagine they're already working on a new project.
Is anyone else having to force themselves to play, yet once they do having a great time? It's odd. I never want to play, but once I start I have a shit load of fun. It's like the opposite of CTA, where I want to play, start up a game, get impatient and then quit.
I have to overcome the dread of getting a terrible team and feeling alone on the map vs 5 players every time I want to play. The gameplay is super fun but in a meta sense a match can feel miserable if your team isn't able to pull their weight. I'm kind of waiting to see what they do next with matchmaking since last patch they said it was something they were going to keep iterating on.
i havent played the game in 1-1.5 months because im waiting for a mix of more content to be added, and for them to force the meta to shift. im tired of playing against the same shit with the same shitters on my side of the map most of the time while im fighting a 3-4v1 where we somehow lose the rest of the map

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