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Who gave you the right to rule?
It wasn't the people
It wasn't God
It was (You)
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Age of Charlemagne is an Attila expansion that is set during the late 8th century.
The era focuses primarily on Charlemagne's rise to power and his inevitable crowning as the Western Roman Emperor.
The playable factions include:
Game encourages you to be a chud and play the greeks by giving you a -9 debuff on the wre because westerns were bigots against the brain surgeons and rocket engineers migrating into the empire
The -9 public order from immigration is rough but remember that there exist ways to mitigate it.
Governor's Houses and Theatres can go a long way in fixing your public order. They also provide some wealth.

Look on the bright side: They are providing you with about 15% extra income in all of your provinces.
If only it wasn't based off Rome 2. Can't stand the battles in this.
Something in particular that you don't like about the battles?
>his inevitable crowning
the only thing that's inevitable in age of charlemagne is that only the player faction will remain coherent after midgame, everything else will fall apart and half the map will be razed
I just think these games (R2, Attila) looks really fucking ugly
Two question I had over the years
>why on earth did they give the franks that awful maroon color instead of the classic French blue?
>why does Charlemagne have an owl?
>every faction in the game has round shield
>spanish get tear drop shields
What gives?
On oposite WRE in game is said to be tolerant to them, that's why they always have immigrants, and that's why they max debuff from it halved from 18 to 9.
Christ, imagine having to deal with -18 public order every single turn. Maybe the Western Roman Empire isn't too bad.
Did you know that the Eastern Roman Empire can upgrade their Cohors more than the Western Roman Empire?
Not just Cohors
Whistling Shot is kind of ridiculous.
the WRE fell BECAUSE they weren't bigots. In 212 it was decreed all freemen were given full citizenship. The beginning of the fall was right here. This removed any incentive to give up 25 years of your life serving in the army for poor pay and deleted the middle class, everyone is now a peasant under a increasingly tyrannical government which gave more and more ability for the rich to get richer, increasing wealth inequality, while removing rights for poor people. people think serfdom only came from the germanics who took over after the romans fell, but it was fully established by the end of the roman empire. increasing amounts of low-skill immigrants upsets the balance of job creators/workers which decreases the value of labor for everyone else and removes any bargaining power that workers have to upkeep their rights as your government imports more and more scabs.
But enough about modern day USA
Fuck that poison arrow shit amirite?
I am yet to play as or combat a Slav. The map doesn't exist east of Dacia.
>country founded as a larp of republican Rome
>(((speed runs))) imperial Rome
What did we mean by this
Should we keep our frontline in Testudo during field battles?
Does this make Robert E Lee Mark Anthony?
I’ve actually really enjoyed the naval battles in this game thus far. Sending a full-health enemy ship to the bottom of the sea with well-placed arty shots is incredibly satisfying.
Stationary Testudo or Mobile? The former you should only turn on when your unit is about to be charged or won’t be moving for a while.
The latter can basically just be used as a shield wall, so it’s pretty safe to use it more liberally.
>no byzantine
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>conquer Anatolia as Trebizond
>have to fight islamic rebels for the next 100 turns because I can never fully convert the population even with churches
I think they have some land in southern Italy.
Who of you is able to run this game at 1080p with maxed out graphics and the largest unit size?

Please share your hardware.
I believe stationary testudo keeps your men from getting exhausted. That alone makes it useful to keep on throughout the battle.
Dont you have to fight or run to gain fatigue?
how do I add depleted troops together in attila? I want to stack them into one group like total war rome.
You can't click two unit cards of the same type and then merge them? It might require a shift or control click.
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Remember to always convert to the true faith.
I can no longer pretend that the Romans are bad in field battles.
+666% wealth from immigration is a pretty good bonus.
1 Kings 10:14
What were they thinking when they gave Cohors a measly 14 melee attack?
The devs seemed to be trying to make a dichotomy in Roman sword infantry between tanky anvil units that hit like wet noodles and Killy hammer units that are more poorly armored. Cohoes are some of the former category. Their job isn’t to kill, it’s to get into a Testudo and last long enough for the palatina/cav/missile units/arty to kill everything attacking them.
They survived a few hundred years longer so it makes sense
Yes. The ERE can upgrade a lot more units than the WRE. However, the WRE can upgrade their Palatina 3 times instead of ERE single one.
>a few hundred years longer
that's a heavy understatement
Post pic of yourself, I bet you look much uglier
The campaign is still alpha pls understand
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It is turn 20 and you are now looking to fight off the Sassanids as the Eastern Roman Empire.
What does your army composition look like?
generous donations to the white huns to solve the problem for me
Ah, yes, the Polish Mountains
The possibility of playing as Asturia is tempting and I would likely get this expansion if it was a standalone thing, but the need to buy the base game with completely unrelated setting is just a big eh to me.
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I hope that Medieval 3 has a map as dense as this.
I like Barbarian Invasion more.
>He still thinks we are ever getting M3
Oh my sweet summer child
>completely unrelated setting
>base game setting is about the fall of the western Roman Empire and establishment of the franks and burgundies in Gaul

You’re retarded anon
You will never get medieval 3. Pharaoh was a flop and executives will assume that’s because people don’t like historical TW. You are doomed to have over designed WH fantasy maps, WH 40k, Star Wars, and considering how tolkiens grand kids are currently raping his legacy I’ll bet you get a lord of the rings TW as well.
>I’ll bet you get a lord of the rings TW as well
The Dawnless Days™ Soon™
I mean gameplay wise you idiot.
Please fuck off and kys
when you said "setting" you meant "gameplay wise"? what does that mean
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Any good and historical reskins for the nomadic factions?
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currently in a pretty fun campaign as franks. I took northern france after a short war vs the WRE and the Jutes, but then a series of allied roman succesor states took over the whole of italy, southern france and half of spain, and im grinding it out. Gaul is pretty much out but the goddamn wre separatists keep pumping an insane amount of stacks.

how do (you) deal with roman stack spam? the armies are pretty much legio comitatenses spears with sometimes some legio swords and contarii cavalry sprinkled in. i tecc'd into most elite units so i already smash them 1on1 but they beat me through sheer zerg rush.

i was thinking about a full axe and shock cav army and just rush through whatever missiles they have, but idk if i will get slaughtered due to their poor armour.

r/n my army comp is 2 spears, 5 swords, 2 axes, 4 xbows and 6 shock cav.
Do you guys play Ashila with Fall of the Eagles?

they're grieving for their lost homeland

he's right though.
Too much bloat?
I liked it, but I only ever play as ERE
Is the Ancient Empires mod functional? The mod comments were saying otherwise. I want to play early imperial rome with attila's mechanics
>Is the Ancient Empires mod functional?
i want a full map "dark age" game. set in carolingian or saxon emperor era

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