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Who gave you the right to rule?
It wasn't the people
It wasn't God
It was (You)
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Age of Charlemagne is an Attila expansion that is set during the late 8th century.
The era focuses primarily on Charlemagne's rise to power and his inevitable crowning as the Western Roman Emperor.
The playable factions include:
Game encourages you to be a chud and play the greeks by giving you a -9 debuff on the wre because westerns were bigots against the brain surgeons and rocket engineers migrating into the empire
The -9 public order from immigration is rough but remember that there exist ways to mitigate it.
Governor's Houses and Theatres can go a long way in fixing your public order. They also provide some wealth.

Look on the bright side: They are providing you with about 15% extra income in all of your provinces.
If only it wasn't based off Rome 2. Can't stand the battles in this.
Something in particular that you don't like about the battles?
>his inevitable crowning
the only thing that's inevitable in age of charlemagne is that only the player faction will remain coherent after midgame, everything else will fall apart and half the map will be razed
I just think these games (R2, Attila) looks really fucking ugly
Two question I had over the years
>why on earth did they give the franks that awful maroon color instead of the classic French blue?
>why does Charlemagne have an owl?
>every faction in the game has round shield
>spanish get tear drop shields
What gives?
On oposite WRE in game is said to be tolerant to them, that's why they always have immigrants, and that's why they max debuff from it halved from 18 to 9.
Christ, imagine having to deal with -18 public order every single turn. Maybe the Western Roman Empire isn't too bad.
Did you know that the Eastern Roman Empire can upgrade their Cohors more than the Western Roman Empire?
Not just Cohors
Whistling Shot is kind of ridiculous.
the WRE fell BECAUSE they weren't bigots. In 212 it was decreed all freemen were given full citizenship. The beginning of the fall was right here. This removed any incentive to give up 25 years of your life serving in the army for poor pay and deleted the middle class, everyone is now a peasant under a increasingly tyrannical government which gave more and more ability for the rich to get richer, increasing wealth inequality, while removing rights for poor people. people think serfdom only came from the germanics who took over after the romans fell, but it was fully established by the end of the roman empire. increasing amounts of low-skill immigrants upsets the balance of job creators/workers which decreases the value of labor for everyone else and removes any bargaining power that workers have to upkeep their rights as your government imports more and more scabs.
But enough about modern day USA
Fuck that poison arrow shit amirite?
I am yet to play as or combat a Slav. The map doesn't exist east of Dacia.
>country founded as a larp of republican Rome
>(((speed runs))) imperial Rome
What did we mean by this
Should we keep our frontline in Testudo during field battles?
Does this make Robert E Lee Mark Anthony?
I’ve actually really enjoyed the naval battles in this game thus far. Sending a full-health enemy ship to the bottom of the sea with well-placed arty shots is incredibly satisfying.
Stationary Testudo or Mobile? The former you should only turn on when your unit is about to be charged or won’t be moving for a while.
The latter can basically just be used as a shield wall, so it’s pretty safe to use it more liberally.
>no byzantine
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>conquer Anatolia as Trebizond
>have to fight islamic rebels for the next 100 turns because I can never fully convert the population even with churches
I think they have some land in southern Italy.
Who of you is able to run this game at 1080p with maxed out graphics and the largest unit size?

Please share your hardware.
I believe stationary testudo keeps your men from getting exhausted. That alone makes it useful to keep on throughout the battle.
Dont you have to fight or run to gain fatigue?
how do I add depleted troops together in attila? I want to stack them into one group like total war rome.
You can't click two unit cards of the same type and then merge them? It might require a shift or control click.
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Remember to always convert to the true faith.
I can no longer pretend that the Romans are bad in field battles.
+666% wealth from immigration is a pretty good bonus.
1 Kings 10:14
What were they thinking when they gave Cohors a measly 14 melee attack?
The devs seemed to be trying to make a dichotomy in Roman sword infantry between tanky anvil units that hit like wet noodles and Killy hammer units that are more poorly armored. Cohoes are some of the former category. Their job isn’t to kill, it’s to get into a Testudo and last long enough for the palatina/cav/missile units/arty to kill everything attacking them.
They survived a few hundred years longer so it makes sense
Yes. The ERE can upgrade a lot more units than the WRE. However, the WRE can upgrade their Palatina 3 times instead of ERE single one.
>a few hundred years longer
that's a heavy understatement
Post pic of yourself, I bet you look much uglier
The campaign is still alpha pls understand
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It is turn 20 and you are now looking to fight off the Sassanids as the Eastern Roman Empire.
What does your army composition look like?
generous donations to the white huns to solve the problem for me
Ah, yes, the Polish Mountains
The possibility of playing as Asturia is tempting and I would likely get this expansion if it was a standalone thing, but the need to buy the base game with completely unrelated setting is just a big eh to me.
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I hope that Medieval 3 has a map as dense as this.
I like Barbarian Invasion more.
>He still thinks we are ever getting M3
Oh my sweet summer child
>completely unrelated setting
>base game setting is about the fall of the western Roman Empire and establishment of the franks and burgundies in Gaul

You’re retarded anon
You will never get medieval 3. Pharaoh was a flop and executives will assume that’s because people don’t like historical TW. You are doomed to have over designed WH fantasy maps, WH 40k, Star Wars, and considering how tolkiens grand kids are currently raping his legacy I’ll bet you get a lord of the rings TW as well.
>I’ll bet you get a lord of the rings TW as well
The Dawnless Days™ Soon™
I mean gameplay wise you idiot.
Please fuck off and kys
when you said "setting" you meant "gameplay wise"? what does that mean
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Any good and historical reskins for the nomadic factions?
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currently in a pretty fun campaign as franks. I took northern france after a short war vs the WRE and the Jutes, but then a series of allied roman succesor states took over the whole of italy, southern france and half of spain, and im grinding it out. Gaul is pretty much out but the goddamn wre separatists keep pumping an insane amount of stacks.

how do (you) deal with roman stack spam? the armies are pretty much legio comitatenses spears with sometimes some legio swords and contarii cavalry sprinkled in. i tecc'd into most elite units so i already smash them 1on1 but they beat me through sheer zerg rush.

i was thinking about a full axe and shock cav army and just rush through whatever missiles they have, but idk if i will get slaughtered due to their poor armour.

r/n my army comp is 2 spears, 5 swords, 2 axes, 4 xbows and 6 shock cav.
Do you guys play Ashila with Fall of the Eagles?

they're grieving for their lost homeland

he's right though.
Too much bloat?
I liked it, but I only ever play as ERE
Is the Ancient Empires mod functional? The mod comments were saying otherwise. I want to play early imperial rome with attila's mechanics
>Is the Ancient Empires mod functional?
i want a full map "dark age" game. set in carolingian or saxon emperor era
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Should it include the Middle East and India? In 100 years the factions would be quite different
This expansion could have been way better. Too bad the only reason CA released it was because CK2 had just released a Charlemagne DLC around the same time.
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There's something weird about these western Romans, can't place it.
No he isn’t.
Care to extrapolate on that?
So, is AoC worth it? It's on sale right now. Can't say I'm a fan of modern troontal war mechanics like in Attila, but damn do I love the dark ages. Is this DLC gonna give me similar immersion at least?
no it's not
It's good, but you need mods to improve the unit rosters, as they are lame as fuck. Also try some anno domini mod, like 768 one.
i9 gtx1650 4gb
16 RAM
BUT the problem is end turn times. It goes up to ONE minute. I've tried everything and nothing works.
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I wish there were more games set in the later Roman period
It is passable, but the 1212 mod is medieval kino you are looking for.

Based and darkness and despair pilled.
I'm still mad with what they did with that mod
>sell mod on the idea of Rome 2's map with Attila's mechanics
>get autistic as fuck with it and makes an annoying as fuck economy where every building requires an entire years of income
>all sorts of stupid balancing decisions to force the "small armies" meme
>and the endless crashing
If I wanted to play Divide Et Imperia I would do so, but no I can't just do a comfy Rome campaign with Attila's improved campaign mechanics
>Playing as Vandals
>Reach the endgame
>Optional objective to sack Rome
>A couple of armies BTFO the post-Roman successor state in Italy (the WRE is long dead at this point)
>Army could easily autoresolve the siege of Rome, but I’m not about to do the Eternal City that dirty
>Start siege battle
>Rome doesn’t look right
>The outline of the Aurelian walls is sorta there in a mostly ruined state, but my deployment zone is within them, on the Campus Martius itself
>Realize that the city currently has its Servian Walls as the primary fortifications instead
I think it’s because Rome got knocked down to being a tier 1 city, but that’s still a really cool detail.
Anybody know if Constantinople or other unique cities have a similar difference in city boundaries based on their tier?
Who tf even playes total war games? These games are horribly written and it turns my new rig into a fucking jet. Even if its total war empire.
Might be a matter of adjusting your settings. I looked up a guide for ideal performance settings for Attila and I haven’t had any problems so far on my (admittedly relatively new) laptop.
Iirc there was some bug with some TW games where the frame rate was tied to your processor or some shit, and you actually have to cap it in order to prevent your cpu from becoming a griddle.
Could be the cause of your troubles.
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The Year is 450 AD
The Western Roman Empire is long dead. A rump State claims its title in distant Cyprus, but few in the west pay heed to such bluster. In the place of Rome has arisen the Kingdom of the Vandals. Mighty fleets patrol the Western Mediterranean, while Stalwart armies have advanced the frontiers of the burgeoning kingdom into the Pyrenees on their western extent, and even into the Eternal City itself on the East.
Yet the would-be Vandalic empire is presently in perhaps the greatest crisis since its current rulers first took up shop. For the Huns have returned. Under the rulership of old Attila, the Huns had once ranged as far south as Naples, where their armies encountered the Vandal navy while emarking upon the waters of the Tyrhennian Sea. After a near-death experience accompanied by watching his men sink to the bottom of the sea, the Scourge of God never dared to set foot in the sea again, and soon the Huns fled the area entirely.
Now that Attila is dead, the Huns have spent their time rendering Gaul a lifeless wasteland, and chose to seek revenge for their late king. three mighty Hunnic hordes confront Vandal armies in the passes of the Pyrenees mountains, while another besieges Rome itself, recently occupied by the barbarian kingdom (after a thorough sacking of course). The future of the west may well be decided here. If the Vandals can overcome the Hunnic menace, civilization may be able to breathe a sigh of relief, and the king in Carthage may extend his rule into a recolonized Gaul. Should they lose the passes, however, Hispania shall lay wide open, ripe for the sacking...
What has been some of your greatest battles in this campaign so far Vanal anon. Besides the threat of the Huns, what is the other greatest rival to your power? Do you plan to recolonize Gaul once the Huns are defeated, or push into the more fertile and wealthy regions to the east?
>Greatest Battles
Well there’s a couple contenders. The battles of Hadrumentum were some of the hypest ones of the early game. Both of them were battles with the Garamantians, whom I had kicked out of Africa (the province) when I arrived and settled down there. Twice they attacked Hadrumentum in vain attempts at reconquest, both of which were beaten back by the stout defense of my outnumbered army and especially the heroism of the depleted naval Garrison, whose force of a mere 12 Vandal marines succeeded in defeating 2 full health ships of Legionary defectors, who of course outnumbered the marines more than tenfold (God I love seasickness).
A similar battle unfolded around Sabrata when I finally gathered the strength to push eastwards and deny the Garamantians the coastline.
My favorite was my naval battle with Attila’s horde though, off the coast of Naples. I made mention of it in the previous post, but it was an INCREDIBLY close battle.
I will detail it once I get home from work, for it was a battle worthy of song (and also too long to make in 1 post). I have it saved so I can get a screencap to accompany it too.
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Guess I still had the post-battle screen saved.
I went into this battle filled with confidence from the naval battles I had already waged against Garamantian armies and navies, putting much stock into the sheer gap in combat ability that seasickness creates. Attila had a full stack, sure, but I was confident my fleet would carry the day handily.
And when our lines met, I initially seemed to be vindicated. My melee units clearly had the advantage against their Hunnic counterparts, and nearly every boarding action was goin in my favor. Seeking to cut the head off the snake, I sent 2 of my dragonships on a deep flanking maneuver to take out Attila himself. This was executed to perfection, and the scourge of god was wounded and sent overboard. I suppose that Tengri must have granted him the wherewithal to paddle back to shore like a dog.
Running off the high of this moment, I almost didn't notice the tide beginning to turn. The Hunnic horse archer contingent had been converted into boat archers while in transport, and there were a great deal of them on the field. The sheer volume of fire arrows they were focusing upon me (along with some unfortunate friendly fire from my own onager ships) was swiftly beginning to bring down my own fleet.
I tried to stop the bleeding, focusing down the archer ships and nailing them with artillery shots, but the damage was done, and soon both the Huns and I were down to a paltry few vessels left.
I was down to my two onager ships, while the Huns had one (ammo-depleted) archer and their very last cavalry ship. The latter caught one of my onagers out and began to board, but the brave sailors aboard managed to hold out long enough for their sister ship to sink it, though they fled shortly afterwards. The archer ship, in desperation, made a death-or-glory charge in the direction of my last boat. By the grace of God, I gave them the former, thanks to a point-blank artillery shot which sent them to the bottom of the Tyrrhenian sea.
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I'm coming into Attila fresh from the 1st ever Rome2 DEI campaign I've more or less completed now, re-learning the ropes of modern TW post-napoopan/FoTS after hitting the 200hr mark.

Has combat improved by any capacity in base-game Attila, compared to dei at least? I read cursory glances of reviews mentioning things like heavy inf behaving like heavy inf and archers/cav being better in it but I'm still wrapping up my Rome2 dei game so I haven't looked too much into it yet.

Is 1212 AD the go-to mod for enjoying Attila a la DEI for Rome2? There's a mod called Anicent Empires that starts around 202 bc... considering what I heard about Attila being a empire survival than traditional TW I'm curious how hardcore it is compared to dei Rome2.
I'm going to vomit.

This sounds like a setup for a post-apocalyptic novel or something. Well written, but terrifying.

No, the DEI of Attila is Fireforged Empires, which is absolute kino and also very hard. They really make it so the historical enemies of Rome really pack a punch.

Welcome to the darkness and despair.
Continuing my responses to >>1800097
Well as you might've guessed from my other posts, the Garamantians were a major rival for much of my early years as a settled kingdom. I spent a long while fending off the armies that would march out of the sands, lacking the concentration of force needed to return the favor and burn down their desert cities. Eventually I was able to turn my attention to them, and I actually wiped them from the map for a bit. They have now returned, but they're not the threat they once were.
As for the current game, I have few neighbors anywhere near powerful enough to be considered a rival, besides the huns. I suppose the Picts might've once been a contender, having previously held nearly all of gaul. But as you can see, the Huns did a number on them, and they had little recourse when I deigned to conquer their remaining possessions in Spain (just Asturicas at that point). The only settled factions that could hold a candle to me are the Sassanids and the ERE, and the latter is my most valued trade partner.
>Future expansion
I intend to recolonize Narbonensis at least, along with western Italy. I fully intend to make everything between the Pillars of Hercules and the shores of Malta into a new Mare Nostrum (Fun fact, the name for the Mediterranean in old English was Wendelsae, or "Vandal Sea", due to their domination of it during their time as a kingdom).
I currently have no aims farther east than the Adriatic. Only when I have fully enclosed the western med and dealt with the Huns shall that change.
>This sounds like a setup for a post-apocalyptic novel or something. Well written, but terrifying.
Oh you should've seen my initial journey down to Carthage in the first place. I ran wild in Gaul for a while, but by the time I crossed the Pyrenees into Hispania the entire empire was falling apart like a deck of cards. A third of the peninsula was razed, another third occupied by rebels and barbarians setting up shop, and the final third was all sacked into worthlessness. I found it extremely hard to get by off of what scraps I could still loot, and immediately realized I needed to beeline for Africa asap. It was like being a burglar in a house that's on fire, and you're trying to grab as much as you can before it all falls down on top of you.
Nice. I've picked the game recently. Went with Vandals for the first run. I didn't go with the historic route but instead went from Greece to Crete and further down to Africa coast. Pillaged Egypt and Judea for a a bit then turned around to the west (sneaking by a massive Roman separatists army by sea with one army and by desert with the other army). Now I'm kinda tempted to settle down in Carthage region, but rationally it's probably better to stack on loot more and go for Spain instead. Especial since it's only 407 and I still haven't pillaged Rome.
Also Ostrogoths got destroyed rather early and Suebians are rather strong right now, already having kingdom knocking on Rome door.
Don't go for Spain, that's just a guarantee to have you delete your save out of boredom after a couple years.
My first ever game was with the Visigoths and I wanted to just get the minor victory conditions and call it (the objectively best way to enjoy any total war campaign).

Went to Spain, conquered it, fought a lot of rivals and eventually got all the provinces. I left it in the a funny spot though as my entire royal family was dead. Loyalty was falling as was my influence within the realm. The campaign would have imploded on me had I played any longer.
>Went to Spain, conquered it, fought a lot of rivals and eventually got all the provinces. I left it in the a funny spot though as my entire royal family was dead. Loyalty was falling as was my influence within the realm. The campaign would have imploded on me had I played any longer.
Honestly kinda historical accurate to the Visigoth kingdom.
How do I defeat Valens? My soliders die too quickly or the calvary can't do much considering most of the enemies left are pikemen.
Other way around, the trigger for collapse was when they reversed longstanding policy and were dicks to incoming migrants rather than integrating them. Constantly integrating new peoples is basically the only reason rome lasted so long
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The past year has been a tumultuous one for the frontiers of the Vandal Kingdom. The great array of Hunnic armies threatening to spill out into Hispania was, thanks to a similarly massive Vandal army, beaten back. The broken hordes dispersed northwards into the remains of Gaul. Similar success was found on the Italian front, where the Hunnic army besieging Rome, thanks in part to the harrying of Carthage's Ostrogothic allies, lost its nerve and abandoned the siege. Once reinforcements had arrived, the Vandal armies under Prince Savva gave chase, slaughtering the eastern brutes to a man outside the walls of Ravenna.
Vandal pursuits of the Huns in the west did not meet with such luck. The Ruin of the Rhine, one of the victorious armies of the passes' defense, overextended while trying to finish off one of the broken hordes. A full strength Hunnic army which was fresh from northern pillaging took advantage of this and destroyed the overconfident Vandals, creating an opening through the western Pyrenees.
Pompaelo was sacked in the aftermath, but desperate defenses by the vandal citizenry, bolstered by ad-hoc mercenary armies, were able to wear down the Huns enough for King Baduila to intercept and smite them before the could go further afield.
The Vandals have laid claim to Narbo in the west, seeing it as a useful staging ground for further engagements with the Huns, while Savva in the east eyes the recently-independent city of Fiorentina. New Hunnic armies have arrived to avenge their fallen kin, however, and the prince must exercise great caution in his designs for northward expansion, lest the nomadic menace strike him at an inopportune moment.
Don't expect to beat him in one fight. Let it go historically. Valens rout you first, then he gets cocky and advances in the next turn with his battered army.

Then you surround him with additional forces containing cavalry.

I played the ERE and it was funny how I got Valens to try (beat the goths) only to get myself surrounded. He died in my game the exact same way, trying to escape. But I tried to do it through the sea.
My man here playing Fallout Attila, just looking at the map makes it look post-apocalyptic.
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Skimming through the Attila workshop for mods like Fireforged and Classical Empires now that I've got the time and my roma dei campaign is finished for good.

I'm starting to get the suspicion that most of Attila mods are abandoned and have tons of bugs as a result. Are there any QoL-vanilla mods that I should get that at least work still? Was curating plebbit and found these:

>Bad Traits Reworked
>Accumulative experience trait and ancillaries, glanced at the page for it and not sure if it's still needed or broken
>Community patch, but apparently this is outdated?

Is 1212 AD mod playable? I read recently the campaign is incomplete and unplayable. Anything else I should consider? Hesistant on Fireforged partly because I don't want to join a botnet just to get the mod and after DEI Rome I'm just not feeling playing something even more hardcore-given presumably Attila's climate mechanic i still present (opened the game for a bit but haven't started campaign just yet) I feel it just won't be fun making goat farms everywhere because of Attila mechanics.
Consider the Dark Ages mods by Eurocentric-Historian, which add further starting dates such as Majorian and Aetius. It does not introduce economy balance changes, so you can do the goat farm strat.
1212 mod is perfectly playable, albeit challenging to expand. Classical Empires seem somewhat buggy to me, since the characters take forever to die.
Wouldn't the lack of economic changes mean you'd be forced to do goat strat anyway? I watched some of those "Attila in 202x" videos and it seems to highlight that everything but goat farms will screw you over as the climate changes turn the entirely of the map into a frozen wasteland and only goat farms will suffice.

I'm only some way into the prologue and I'm taken aback by how they revamped archer towers firing like machine guns. I couldn't even take Alpulum on the first try with 2 siege towers because they got burned to the ground, but my takeaway from that means I don't have to sigh in anger with defensive siege battles like I did in Rome2.
I got to the part of the prologue where you take the ERE city and the huns chased you, then they killed me. I didn't expect it to be so challenging. coming fresh off dei. On the fence how I feel about combat, on one hand it's fluid and I like how units will disengage on their own(usually). Archer towers, though, holy fuck., please tell me there's a mod that makes them less machine-gun. I read that cav archers of some factions have like 100% reload speed but advterised as 10% speed is there a mod for either of those?
Damn you’re farther into the prologue than I was. I fucked around too long before taking adrianople and realized I was gonna run out of money if I didn’t attack the city that turn (which felt unlikely to succeed due to my armies having been ravaged by plague.
Stopped after that because I felt like I got enough of a grasp on the gameplay to start up my Vandal game.
All I can say for archer towers is focus the everloving shit out of them with arty or ranged. Failing that, parking a couple high capture weight units in their zone is the quick and dirty way to do it.
Only 5% of the players beat the tutorial, it is pretty amazing. Attila made itself legendary.
Any updates from Post-apocalypse vandal anon?

Just play those mods. I am pretty sure they fix whatever is anachronic.

But climate change is meant to force factions to move south. It is a survival game, after all. People like to say it turns the entire map into a wasteland, but it is such an exaggeration.

The mods are well-made, and you can beat them with your usual comfy strats.

Fireforged, on the other hand, can only be beaten by real men.
>Any updates from Post-apocalypse vandal anon?
Nah I’ve been preoccupied with weekend trips and Gears of War 3 for the last few days. Might play some more today though.
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Alright played some more
The epicenter of the Vandal-Hunnic War shifted east after the events of 451, back towards the Italian front. Prince Savva was chomping at the bit to take the weakened city of Fiorentia, but the Hunnic army to that city's north held him at bay. Then one army became two, and two became three. The Huns had once again gathered in force in the Po valley. Worse still, post-Roman Italia declared war upon the Vandals' ally in the Roman Separatists, removing easy access through Fiorentia's hinterlands along with her neutrality. The uneasy citizens of Rome held their breath, waiting to see which side would move first. Ultimately, it was the Huns who did so, attempting to move one of their hordes towards Ravenna (the site of their earlier defeat) in an attempt to flank the Vandal positions around the eternal city.
Savva seized the opportunity, misdirecting the Hunnic army and swiftly setting out to meet them in the field.
The Second battle of Ravenna was a hard one. The sheer quantity of Hunnic cavalry was nearly overwhelming, and the Vandal force was shaven to a fraction of its original number. But through persistence, patience, and a strong archer corps, Savva was able to carry the day at a grievous cost. Unfortunately, the Hunnic horde was not destroyed, fleeing north. Sensing that its brethren would pounce upon his own wounded force like a pack of wolves, Savva swiftly sent for the nearby general Evaric to reinforce his position. The stage was set for yet another titanic clash.
In the west, things were looking up. The shifting of Hunnic strength to the east removed the pressure on the Vandals in Narbo, allowing them to strike out and resettle the city of Aquae Sextae, while the Roman Separatists reclaimed a newly-settled Burdigala from other romans. All knew this was but a sideshow, however, compared to what was about to unfold once again at Ravenna...
This pic is a bit after both Ravenna battles, but it's something.
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Ravenna was already becoming a household name across the Vandal Realm, for both of the previous two victories their armies had scored over the Huns in its hinterlands. Now it would become a name which would go down in legend.
The third battle of Ravenna saw two nearly full strength Hunnic hordes converging upon General Evaric. with Prince Savva's beleaguered troops reinforcing as best they could.
A risky and lengthy flanking maneuver by Evaric's cavalry was able to destroy the Hunnic Onagers (against which the Vandals had no answer artillery-wise), forcing the Huns to push towards the Vandal line. Even more fortunately, the Hunnic general had remained back to guard this artillery, rendering himself easy prey for the Vandal vanguard.
As the lines met, the most critical element of the Vandal army ended up being their archers, of which Savva's had enjoyed few casualties from the previous battle. a full 8 regiments' worth of arrows rained down upon the Huns, scattering their mounted bowmen and giving the Vandal cavalry an edge against their counterparts. The killing blow came when Evaric's Vandal Raiders finally returned to the battle after their onager-slaying foray, bursting from the trees behind the hunnic army to destroy their missile line almost single-handedly. Rear charges soon collapsed the infantry line, and what few ranged cavalry still remained was shot to pieces. The Vandals once again carried the day, far more decisively than the last engagement. The Huns had now been well and truly broken.
(2/3, this ended up being longer than what I had meant it to be)
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The aftermath of the Third Battle of Ravenna saw the wretched remains of the Hunnic hordes flee northwards back into the Po valley. Dogged pursuit by Savva and Evaric soon put two of them down, while the third escaped destruction only due to concerns of the Italian army striking out from Fiorentina (as well a the quite haggard state of Savva's men at this point).
Fortunately King Baduila had arrived to finish the job. Crossing the Alps from Aquae Sextae, he swiftly destroyed the tattered Hunnic forces still cowering in the Apennines.
From this point onwards the fate of the northwest Mediterranean was non longer in doubt. Savva soon took Fiorentia after replenishing his numbers, while Rhegium to the south was resettled after its unexpected abandonment by the Ostrogoths for unknown reasons. Soon a foothold in Liguria was established as well, with Genua being re-peopled.
The Huns were not entirely dead, holding one horde yet to their name. This vestigial force, hiding out in the transalpine wastes, re-emerged to threaten the Vandals' allies in Burdigala. Baduila now returns from the east, seeking both to finish off the nomadic menace and to claim the town of Vienna, currently occupied by roman rebels. Civilization has triumphed, and its tide now sweeps north with the waves of the mediterranean. The last of the Scourge of God's kin is now set to be washed away with the tide.
Also the Mauritanians STILL haven't settled Pax Augusta after like 50 turns.
>the world is healing

This game is truly a dark age. I'd legitimately vomit, I only play Rome.
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The year is now 458.
As it turned out, the Huns had one last horde skulking within the alps. Once Baduila put down its sister army in Burdigala, this last remnant fled northwards into the Germanic wastes.
In the following years, the armies of the Vandals pushed to the east and north, conquering Vienna, recolonizing Liguria, and snatching Venetia and Libya from the Roman successor states of Illyria and Africa, respectively.
Despite this violence at the empire's frontiers, as well as turmoil with the Roman separatists in Gaul, a strange new paradigm fell over the Vandalic realm. Peace broke out, seemingly all of a sudden. Treaty after treaty was signed with the Vandals' former foes, setting long-held grudges aside in favor of a new tranquility. Trade was opened with the Ebdanians, allowing precious lead to flow into the Mediterranean again for the first time in decades. Gold mines were reopened in Gallaecia, and the northern coast of the med was swiftly returning to a prosperous existence.
When King Baduila returned to Carthage in 456, ostensibly to reinforce his retinue, the accompanying celebrations could have been compared to one of the old Roman triumphs. Throngs of captured Hunnic and Roman slaves were led before the King, who rode upon his mighty steed. Wagons followed, some laden with British lead, which would be put towards expanding the Arian monastery within the city. Others carried precious silks from the east, the fruits of trade with Constantinople. Baduila's reign had seen the Vandalic kingdom grow from merely one of the petty states warring over the Mediterranean in the wake of Western Rome's fall to the undisputed reigning power of western europe. There was still much work to do. The northern wastes awaited resettlement, and the Huns still remained somewhere within them, needing to be vanquished. For now though, Baduila was content to bathe in the warmth of North African sun, confident in his people's future.
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Strategic map of my game as of the winning turn. I'm glad the victory cutscene came up at cultural victory, because I don't really feel like going for divine triumph here. Think I'll do Western Rome next.
Fantastic campaign, anon. But I am pretty sure that had any of this happened in real life, we'd all be living in huts and banging our cousins right now.
Ooh, I'm intrigued by you doing WRE game. I started my first campaign last night, I'm 10 turns in and scorched the starting german lands but didn't think the cumulative PO debuffs would be brutal. I might restart it since it's pretty hefty like -30 uncertainty or something.

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