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I've been playing the Close Combat games and have been enjoying the semi-roleplaying elements in the game.
Are there any games like Close Combat? In the sense of the feeling of your fighting a long war and moving from battle to battle with troops your familiar with?
It's less easy to keep track of individuals as it is on a larger scale, but graviteam can have a lot of cinematic moments, and longer operations really start to feel grueling if losses mount up. You use the same squads and platoons during all the operation so you can grow attached to them. Fighting a series of hard night battles will actually make you wish for the sun, having an intense shootout lasting 90 minutes will make you appreciate when it's over.

On a smaller scale in most operations, combat mission has several campaigns per game, and they follow a specific force in a wider conflict. Sometimes you may receive extra units for the mission, but the core of your force is always the same, and losses can't be replaced, at best you can hope that some heavily wounded dude gets back up to limp besides his comrades to the bitter end.

Something similar can happen in total war sometimes, but those are very different games.
>I've been playing the Close Combat games
Why does he look so angry?
Been trying to get into the CC games.
How to? I am getting filtered hard by not being able to see shit.
he wants to reach the bridge but it's too far
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He's out of food, ammo and medical supplies. He was told relief would arrive in three days but it's been a week and he's fighting an SS panzer division with PIATs.
oi guv it was like anuvva blitz
Conquest mode in Gates of Hell Ostfront
Your soldiers have personal names and build experience with each battle, you can even loot weapons and items off the battlefield that will remain with them as long as they stay alive.
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clicked the thread for this, thank you
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Oh hey, glad I found this thread. Was just talking about this on /&tg/ general in /vg/

I just started CC2 for the first time. Man, the first mission is a real kick in the balls if you want to save the bridge isn't it?
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By the way, just as a heads up, here's a widescreen patch for CC2
This is the single hardest mission for the allies in the entire campaign, hands down. You cannot disprove this
It's honestly unfair. I don't think there's any way to beat it on the highest difficulty, you can't defeat the germans or capture the whole bridge fast enough.
Isn't that the point? Allies historically lost that battle

I'm convinced it's a "you're supposed to lose it" kind of thing, and if you manage to meta-game hard enough to win it congrats you changed history
I don't like "it happened historically, so therefore you are supposed to lose" mindsets in game design. A difficult mission is fine, but an impossible mission is pointless. It'd have been fairer to just let you diffuse the explosives if you're fast enough.
But you do diffuse the explosives if you're fast enough, that's implemented
No, you can't because it's impossible to run up to capture the northernmost control point in time no matter what. You have a minute before explosion in the highest difficulty, your only "hope" is that there's a problem with the explosives but even then it's pretty much impossible. Your dudes literally cannot run fast enough.
I just tried it on Hero difficulty and got to the first VL right as the timer had like a second left on the clock. And this was with them stopping their move fast order to take potshots at dudes, so it's definitely possible. But as you said, this doesn't guarantee the bridge doesn't blow. It buys like half a minute more or so until another roll to blow it occurs. You need to keep pushing the other bridge VLs to fully defuse it, but you're relying on luck

Though it should be said that losing the bridge isn't actually a major setback in the campaign, and it's more important to keep troops alive for the rest of the operation. So arguably it's in your best interest to not suicide rush all your dudes in a stacked gamble over something that isn't that important anyway
It's really more bad game design than anything else. Bad introduction to the game, trying to do it earnestly is pointless, and at the higher difficulties it's a dice roll. It isn't challenging or interesting, just "oh I shouldn't have bothered". What would have been better is if you take it ahistorically, then they Germans do something as a follow up - and that's your challenge.
I'm more open minded to games explicitly presenting unfair scenarios. Not everything has to be balanced. If your priority is to show the hardship the allies were under in this utterly fucked operation, then that's your north star and everything follows from that. The player achieving a non-historic outcome is seen as the outlier, the unintentional result. Adding to this, Hero difficulty is stacking the deck even further against the allies. It makes sense that it would be a tiny chance that the player succeeds despite their best efforts. You wouldn't be playing on this mode if you hadn't already very familiar with the game or if you weren't a masochist. You're not actually meant to have a fair time in Hero
>trying to do it earnestly it's pointless
I wouldn't say that at all. It's true that from a meta-game perspective it's not important and it's better to not do it, but I can have fun trying to achieve the ridiculous goal.

I will say that I agree that it's bad onboarding for newbies. A small skirmish as part of bootcamp would've been a better introduction. I guess they ran out of time to make a map exclusive to bootcamp
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Throwing a hail mary out there:

Does anyone know where I can find the Enhanced Smoke patch for CC2?
The source is here at the very end
where it says "2.0bs Patch created by TogashiD/Sf_Keg2/Homba"
but the problem is that if you download it, it's actually a 0 byte file. I don't know why

I'm curious what the enhanced smoke visuals look like. Apparently it's contained within the "Tournament patch" found here
but I don't want the gameplay changes that come with that.
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Decided to check back here to see if my thread got any attention.
Thanks a bunch, I'll check these out.
Kraut demorialization post. Everything is fine here in Antwerp bruvs! As a local Dutchman I confirm wit absolute chertaintee that there is NO panic at the front. This operation has gone swimmingly and every chap involved will be back for tea. This Field Marshall Montgomery is quite a smart and ingenious fellow
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>play gateway to caen
>AI fucking sucks
You take that back. The AI is very smart and doing the best it ca- wait? The player hasn't moved any troops for 180 seconds? Time to storm into the open field infront of that three story building!
I can't get CC2 working on Win 11. I'm guessing a VM with XP installed would work ok, How'd you get them working OP?
The GoG version worked out of the box, er, download, on Win 10. If the game doesn't work for you, right click the executable and open properties, compatibility settings, then make it run as Window XP or something.
The death of strategy gaming as we know it has risen from forced 50/50 equality in every single scenario no matter what pushed by these people. Forbid some terrain features that favor one side over another, unique units in a roster, or even different amounts of units available. It doesn't mean that a player is a "competent tactician" when they win a battle against the odds, they're just a sucker who didn't ask for a faired fight.
Trust me, the first mission has nothing to do with 50/50 equality. If you play as Germans you have less troops than the Allies and have to hold out longer. If you play as Allies you have less troops than the Germans and the timer is a minute. It's the worst way to handle difficulty. I'd prefer it be historic.
oh great, another retard with his pet "this is why rts died" theory that he likes to shove in people's faces
we didn't have enough of those already
did the devs ever give interviews where they mentioned the first mission
i want to hear what they had to say

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