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What are the essential mods you always play with, if any?
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Also, have you tried Legends already?
What do you like/dislike about it?
Nice art
Is there a mod that makes beast slaying viable? Usually it’s not worth it as beast loot sells for little and is extremely dangerous.
Making it more economically rewarding or it’s loot more useful and obtainable might make it worth the risk.
These three:

>Always Loot Beasts
>Make Beasts drop 100% of their potential loot.
>This in turn makes the Beast Slayers origin always work to make each beast drop 50% extra loot than usual.

>Improved Beast Slayers
>A more reserved version of the above mod, with lower, imperfect drop chances.

>Sell Loot for More
>Makes loot less artificially cheap to sell.
>Configurable in files opening it with Notepad.
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How would you build this bro?
nine lives and dodge to max out survival i think
Fat neutral forged is the only non-meme way to build swordmasters

I don't know why you people like Legends. The base game is already grindy as fuck, what's the appeal of adding multiple layers of grind on top of it?
Nobody actually likes legends, its just bloat.
is there a mod that gets rid of the lag?
game is glitchy and stuttery
Probably your pooter, bruv. It's run fine for me for as long as I've played it

It was a mod made for modders as evidenced by how most of the mods on nexus are built with Legends in mind
check/uncheck the hardware cursor option in settings
Literally all there is to the game is the grind. It's not like the 'End Game Crises' actually end the game or are unavoidable Crises (unless you enable town destruction, in which case what's wrong with you?).
This is why I mod the game to last longer with lower/more subdued increase in battle difficulties over time and more related to party composition, and more nuanced exp gains.
Still no mod that adds actual NPC crownling company with equipment to match?
>This is why I mod the game to last longer with lower/more subdued increase in battle difficulties over time and more related to party composition, and more nuanced exp gains.
Gimme. Explain "nuanced exp gains," though.
>misplace one of my bros
>he's fighting someone he shouldn't
>luckshit a 20s
>enemy gets a head injury
>it's severe concussion
i'm a tactical genius
quicker, mb pause, weapon damage values, show enemy stats and that one that makes bag slots have their own hotkeys
>start a fight against nomads
>they have 5 archers
>they each have a 10-15% chance to hit my bannerman with careful shot
>I know this because they all target him
>each one of them hits that 10-15% chance
>he actually would have survived
>except that THREE of them hit his head
>he permadies
Legends is the product of BB players going from absolutely zero modding potential to being able to do just about anything, given the decompiled source code.
Since the early modding tools meant that any mod that even remotely touched the same shit would be incompatible, everything just got thrown into Legends.
As such, they've got a bunch of interesting/common mod ideas, that all together make a bloated mess. Playing with Legends is a matter of tolerating/ignoring the shit parts, and learning how to skip past the more tedious parts.
If you can do that, then you're left with the actual content, which is mostly alright. The embalmed are a southern undead faction with a neat mechanic, legendary beasts theoretically require strategy to beat, four star contracts are a good challenge for the inevitably overpowered day 300 party.
That, along with stuff like randomised perk trees make it a bit more interesting, as that way it's not just a matter of taking the same handful of builds.
Legends is the product of KRoons swallowing cum-soaked kimchi by the GALLON until their brain rotted away and they start seeing life in terms of gacha gookclick numbefagging gaymes.
Playing Legends actively decreases your T-level and thus sperm count, which is directly proportional to your value in the secondary sexual market. You got turned into a sissy and you didn't even know it.
such a trvke!!!1
is there cut down version of Legends that only features the new factions and monster?
tsmt my clitty leaked a lot while reading this!
Let's make our own Battle Brothers DLC, one bad addition at a time, I'll start:
>1 skull contract is a 12 vs 59303 beast fight that nets you almost no loot and whatever you get is sold for scraps
>If you collect a hundred scraps you can turn them into a single repair tool
>you can also craft an item with 50 of them, it costs 10k crowns to craft and it give your bro +3 r.def and can be sold for 10 crowns
Are you going to seethe about beasts every single day?
>Throws net at you
lmao just spear wall, like drop your shield bro its not like you are going to need it.
A spear wall spear mastery bro is really satisfying to use against beasts. Endless hordes of spiders just throwing themselves at him and dying.
Shame it's useless for basically anything else that isn't an undead.
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>Paid 10k for this dude

Am I missing something or did I get giga shafted on the stat rolls? Should I just keep his gear and send him home?
You've rolled below average for pretty much everything except for health. It happens, just give him some cheap gear and have him hold a flank until he dies or potentially gets some good level up rolls.
How do you pick what weapons etc to give frontliners? So far I've given everyone below 70 a spear, above 70 an arming sword and then 1 have 1 guy with some 2H Orc Axe trying to be fat neutral
It depends on what I feel I'm lacking. Frontliners don't really go through the process of spear-sword-2h weapon, they're either shit designed to keep the good stuff in the backline safely leveling up, or level 11, in which case they're given whatever weapon they need at the moment. Default for level 11 frontliners is 2h hammers and cleavers(1h and 2h). You can somewhat start moving bros off the swords if they're at 70 matk.
reasonable qatal dagger bro if you can get a few lucky rolls on matk to 85. Gifted will also help.
People who'd dish out 10k for a dude in this game are actually insane. I don't think I've ever paid over 4k and even that has seldom if ever paid off.
Just take learning trait bro.
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I use a few mods for it, with some tweaks.

>Contract Earnings
To slow control Renown and Earnings from quests.

>Simple Crisis Settings
To control when Crisis start, and how long they last.

>Revamped XP System
>I'm currently trying this to see how well it helps with Bro development, it changes XP gains from getting last hit on an enemy/assists, to earning XP from damage dealt and received.
you paid 2k for the dude and 8k for his gear
BB without Legends is too shitty to even care about
Kek, always had fun hiring crippled niggers in this game and sending them off to die
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this guy survived more than 50 battles on ironman before he died
Tried Legends for the first time, it seems cool, but the armor layered system is what turned me off of it. It makes it feel like I'm spending too much time in menus organizing and optimizing armors. I feel the same way about the camping system to a smaller degree.
You can disable armor layers....
Combining armor parts is my favorite part of Legends desu
Where? I've already looked in all the menus for the option.
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It's a massive time sink but the continual tweaking and optimizations into fashion is pretty peak
start a new game
its in the options
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At the most basic:

Modding Standards and Utilities
Modding script hooks
Pause without conflicts
Swifter (also fixes event frequency issues)
Settlement Situation Tooltips
Tactical hit factors
Weapon Maths
Cart Upgrade
Cook and Blacksmith Fix
Craftable Tweaks
Better Beast Loot
Whatever sounds good from the Tweaks and Fixes mod page

These all address minor but aggravating issues with the vanilla game. Other stuff I recommend:

Lots O'Names
Weapon Skins
Historical Music and Audio
18 bros in battle (27 total)
Contract Earnings
Tryout Talents Alternative
Better Battle Standard
Better King's Guard

No, it's a kitchen sink bloatfest and I avoid those types of mods.
There are some mods that have MSU alternatives to their Script Hook versions, such as Settlement Situations MSU. It's better to use those to avoid issues.
PS. You can easilly see if you have mods you can replace by going to the Modding Standards and Utilities (MSU) modpage, going to the 'Requirements' tab below, and looking at the 'Mods requiring this file' list there.
Thanks for the tip, I'll check it out.
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I'm going to slap your shit, you little bitch.
thats weird. That's new then. That's not at all what was on when I played. UI is totally different, sorry. I haven't played in around two years, but you could disable armor layers then.
I was going to hex you to bad rng for being sassy, but not since you apologized. You're alright, anon.
your next named item is still going to be a shield though
Shields are the ultimate noobtool so I don't mind
Has anyone read the novels?
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>sterile world
>stupid scaling that makes it impossible to bounce back from a loss
>enemies almost always outnumber you
>enemies often have bonus perks that mean they outscale you
>game's balance was Darkest Dungeon'd to death by min-maxers
>no real plot
>no economy
Everytime I get sucked in, I'm left wondering why. Nothing ever changes and the game is an unfinished mess that's been abandoned for new projects. Warband is a hell of a lot more satisfying than this and it also doesn't have the whole "enemy turns take long enough to make and eat a sandwich late game" thing going on. Fuck it, why aren't I just playing Warband?
yep, sounds like a skill issue to me
>whole "enemy turns take long enough to make and eat a sandwich late game"
install swifter ffs
new game quite literally never
Yeah, never got the hype around the gam either. It was fun for awhile until I realized nothing really changes, nothing really matters and it's just endlessly grinding the mediocre hex combat.
I said crippled NIGGERS
>>stupid scaling that makes it impossible to bounce back from a loss
This shit has already been explained a billion times.
Contract difficulty scales with your party's level. If you lose all your good bros and go back to level 3 shitters then contract difficulty will scale back down.
That's why the rule is "pirate first, pay never". I had my fun with this game on the Saturday I've pirated it. By Sunday I realised I've already saw everything it has to offer. Next weekend I checked all the meta, quickly realised the game is borked and ever since I just fish out for non-general threads to see how people even react to this slog.
Game's literally a one-sitting afair. I can't imagine the sort of boredom one would have to deal with to attempt more than 4-5 long games and then simply drop it due to repetitiveness
Nta, but that doesn't make the scaling any less retarded, because you are most likely to lose the chaff, not the good and decent bros. So you end up with just the good ones, but not enough of them and the game gets borked.
what novels
Chaff is cheap and easily replaceable. It's a fundamental part of the game even, that when you lose the older shittier bros, you cycle in new hires with better stats.
Actually makes the game easier, since high tier lvl 2-3 bros, i.e. raiders, oathtakers, etc, will perform as well as the average lvl 7-8 chaff, while not pushing the level scaling higher than you can handle.
Generally, most complaints about scaling are a failure to cycle out your bros in time.
There are like 4-5 tie in works that expand on the game's lore. There's one for free, the caretaker, which is decent. Shows the scale of a full sized Nachzehrer.
They're part of why there will never be an oriental faction/dlc.
The video that destroyed all the retards.
It's okay if you don't enjoy the game but I very much doubt you beat all the crisis and mid to endgame content blind in just one weekend, only to call it repetitive and broken.
This, sometimes it feels like the game was made bad on purpose
Absolutely filtered beyond recognition
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>game is repetitive and boring
>n-no it's just a s-s-skill issue!
What causes this behavior? Compare Battle Brothers to literally any X-Com- or, hell, even Xenonauts or an X-com copycat- or to something like Mount and Blade. There's no long term goals, fights are basically the same because the majority of enemies aren't unique and your bros certainly bring nothing special to the table, and the game has an utter paucity of mobility or attack options. Sure, there's late game content, but early and mid-game are just the same fights again and again with no real purpose. At least in X-Com, I'm performing research to kick alien ass. At least in Mount and Blade, by avatar and companions are getting long-term experience and making friends. Battle Brothers SHOULD be The Black Company: The Game, but it isn't. It's just an empty sandbox where there are no connections, no goals, nothing interesting at all. Just grind your group until late game so you can see the smattering of actually unique content in the game. Fuck, the game is basically unfinished abandonware, I don't know what you retards get out of defending it.
>complains about scaling
>now pretends to have been complaining about the game being repetitive
Stockholm syndrome
The fact you get capped out at medals at barely 250 has completely killed my joy of playing daily, specially since the only thing they can be used on is Warbonds who come out sporadically.

Change the PO and MO rewards to be Super Credits and I'll be back. Even just letting us hoard more Medals would be accpetable.
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Oh wait. This isn't the Helldivers general on /vg/.
Now I feel stupid.

As for Battle Brothers, yes. People say Legends is bloated, but the fact is that it allows you to try out a much larger variety of builds simply by mixing out the kinds of perks your bros can get, one of the biggest weaknesses of the vanilla game is how similar are bros to one another except for talents.
The earlygame is the most interesting, anon, anyone half decent at the game spends it looking to scale up company power as fast as possible which means that fights are at their most interesting and tactical in the first 100 days or so. The long term goals is finding good loot and famed items as well as attaining higher levels to tackle harder content earlier
The lategame is a snoozefest
Wdym by early game?
Because the first 15-25 days are AIDS because you are the most vunerable to all the shitty rng in this game. After that the game starts to pick up since you now can actually take risks and do whatever
NTA but hard disagree, the first 0-40 days are the most fun by far. Taking shitter brothers through the wringer to produce (more or less) competent fighters feels so good
This is something i figured out while playing against the storm, people that complain about rng are just unwilling to adapt their strategy to meet the demands of the situation. They fantasize some beautiful lategame builds and refuse to do what is necessary, because it's not part of their vision.
>no you see this bro I started with, I'm going to make him a bf zerk headchopper with famed cleaver and I just CANNOT spare the perks to put into fast adaptation/gifted/dodge/backstabber/nimble to get through the early game
>bleeds to death against hyenas on day 23
Learn to enjoy the scrappiness and the chaos of managing randomness. Anyone can put together a good lategame comp. The good strategist separates himself by managing suboptimal and even downright bad situations and coming out on top by any means necessary.
>>stupid scaling that makes it impossible to bounce back from a loss
this, you either speedrun a fight every ingame day or you can't ever catch up to camps again, and god forbids if you lose key mercs because camps scale only with time
Camps stop scaling at day 267.
You also don't need to have an optimal start to go camp-busting, you don't need to go camp-busting at all.
The reason why people do it is because it gets them powerspikes so they can snowball.
There's nothing stopping you going from nearly wiped at like day 70 to rebuilt and campbusting by day 130.
If you think the core gameplay loop is boring, that's understandable, that kind of sandbox gameplay isn't for everyone.
However complaining about difficulty, as well as scaling in particular, just outs you as a shitter.
>the majority of enemies aren't unique
Such a shit bait does not even merit a (You)
how do i not get mauled by giant hordes of snakes?
Bait them into surrounding your tanks.
Indomitable and underdog highly recommended. Be aware that they can still snatch your backline even if they're engaged in melee. Avoid until you've got some decent armor, since they tend to eat shit vs good BF bros.
Is simple
Dont fight them at all or if they are following you bait them into neutral npc armies until you have god bros at day 5000
use shields they ain't actually for pussies
>use shieldwall
>snake decides to hug my shieldwall guys
>no more shieldwall
still gives you a +5 to MDEF, if that can't save you then your guys aren't ready to fight sneks yet, it's all about the ones snatched surviving long enough for you to cut your way to them
Do brigands marksman not get affected by nighttime vision debuff or Im missing something here about the way it is applied?
Just had 4 brigand crossbowman shot at me from 6 tiles away, shouldnt their range be 4 because of the -2 vision from nighttime?
Vision is 8 by default anon.
Here it says it is 7 unless you have a bow and bow mastery perk or a trait. I actually misunderstoodthe way that weapon range and vision interact so the actual range of guy with a crossbow should 7-2 and not 6(crossbow range)-2.
Maybe that might be that Brigands gets an all weapons mastery perk and it is giving guys with crossbows the same benefits of the bow mastery.
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yes, brigands get 7 vision, with the +1 from bow mastery making it 8.
I'll be honest with you guys, I savescum the fuck out of this game. I feel like I'm just wasting so much time otherwise. Though I love it all the same.
Push your tanks forward.
Their pull is only effective to single out your weak bros, having a sturdy bro in their midst just mean they cut their own line in half, making them easier to manage.
6 tiles bow marksmen at night, yes (7 bow + 1 mastery - 2 night), their accuracy should be absolutely dogshit tho.
Crossbow marksmen on the other hand will have only 4 (6 xbow - 2 night)
The enemy does loose Ratk during the night but you also get a equal -30% Rdef debuff, so you dont have as much advantage as it seems at first.
I was also under the impression that the crossbow would get only 4 range but the -2 applies to the vision, not the weapon range, the crossbow only lose 1 tile of range from the vision debuff (7-2) unless the archer mastery vision bonus is applying at all times to brigand marksman
This game difficulty does encourage it desu
>u have to learn the hard way :) a.k.a. wiki knowledge checks
>campaing map difficulty is all about keeping the momentum
>more rng
My biggest thing is that recovering from a bad fight takes so long that it feels like I'm just wasting my own time. I hate that feeling of spinning my wheels.

Also it's fun to walk into fights that you obviously can't win just to enjoy them.
>Stage 3 Nachzehrer
>eats my handgonner
>runs away

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never happened
>Day 16
>doing abosolutely great so far like really good
>walking down a road in a zone surrounded by settlements and right next to a watch tower
>a band of reavers pop up and from one pixel inside a forest tile triggers a forest ambush
This is why tell people to pirate this game
>They're part of why there will never be an oriental faction/dlc.
What do you mean?
Just savescum, I had the same bowman die in the first turn to a crossbowman twice. This is why I'm not accepting this bullshit.
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I did.
I eventually managed to get a favorable terrain and enemy spread that allowed me to take two of them while the other reavers wasted javs and throwing axes on a uphill shieldwalled bro before I turned on them.
Thanks rnjesus for the polehammer I bought for scraps on day 1 in this seed.
This is the place they ambushed me. Fucking ridiculous
I haven't played this game since launch, absolutely hated it, been a long time so hard to full remember what my issues were but has it improved a lot since then or is it still fundamentally the same game?
>been a long time so hard to full remember what my issues were
its hard to say like this
If your issues were with lack of enemy variety or repetitive enemies then yeah, things have improved
If your issues were with RNG, grind, shitty mechanics like ambushes, or just lack of no-brainer QoL features, then no
Not that Anon, but, for the record, those two issues can be resolved through mods.
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I recently found this again lost in my hard drive. Wanted to share it because I thought it was gone forever
Is the loss in initiative from fatigue 1:1?
Because ive just gave this some tought in regards to dodge and the implications of a bro with very low fatigue vs the same bro with a normal fatigue and its effect on their dodge are pretty fucking gay
I've got at least 80 health on some of my boys and I swear a siege crossbow nigger sometimes just drops them with a headshot anyways.
Lack of QoL grind and repetitiveness were my main gripes. Also not the biggest fan of how the difficulty scales.
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Pretty sure it is, both your equipment fatigue and the hit you take from tiring out in battle, but that's why Recover exists. Relentless also halves the fatigue loss. Dodge can be very good for patching up nimble bros with poor mdef but with decent initiative after armor. I find the bros who can go all the way with it tend to be kinda rare.
What I was thinking here was that the way that fatigue and initiative works can be paradoxical when considering dodge. A bro with very low final fatigue would lose very little of his initiative due to fatigue and therefore his dodge def bonus because the there is little fatigue to subtract from initiative, and never need something like recovery with a two hand weapon (althoug he also wouldnt benefit berserk), while a common sense logic would say that a bro with the same stats but better fatigue would have been better.
So if I am understanding this right:

bro 1:
>fatigue 0/20
>initiative 100 - 0 (dodge gives 15% of this a m/r def so 15 m/r def)

bro 2:
>fatigue 0/60
>initiative 100 - 0 (15 m/r def)

Both are using two handed weapons so the default fatigue recovery of 15 means that they can aways do their one attack usualy allowed by two handed weapons when their turn starts

Since moving around and being attacked or taking damage from maces build up fatigue and the fatigue cost to attack(without perk) cancels it out with bros fatigue regen, during a battle bro 2 can lose up to 60 of his initiative (dodge goes down to 6) while bro 1 can only lose 20 points of initiative which at 80 should still give him 12 def from dodge. The paradox is that the guy with more fatigue ends up with less defence than the guy who gets tired faster.
Yeah that's mechanically correct, the higher your max fatigue the more you'll nuke your initiative (but also the more you'll get back from recover). It's to stop the player from having the benefit of high amounts of both stats. But you can do a fatigue neutral build with dodge and stack initiative gear & potions to mitigate its worst effects.
>Jimmy the Headhunter
>They call him that because he always head shots with his crossbow
>Mercenary company attacks his brigand camp 30 days after it was formed
>They got pikes, shields, even bandit leader armor and BF on one of their bros, so you know their captain knows their shit
>They attack brigand camp at night
>Jimmy and his buddy shoot with a 5% chance to hit
>double tap BF bro, 3HP left, grazing neck
>no bandages
>front lines collide, Jimmy and his buddy shoot a mercenary crossbowman as well during the fight
>Jimmy feeling confident, shoots over one of his buddies in the front line
>kills his buddy by accident
>all brigands get huge morale loss
>refuses to explain
>leaves the battle
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>caravan escort gets attacked in the forest
>this is how the battle start
I reloaded to see if it wasnt a bug or something and because my guys were all with daggers in their hands from the last fight that I forgot to switch back
Another reason to dislike caravan contracts
Wish connecting with caravans contracts was optional. You can decide to join to conserve resources but can leave it to try and intercept enemies before they reach it without losing the contract.
Only ways you could lose the contract is if you move too far away from it before it reaches its destination, or if the caravan is entirely.
Also, I'd be nice if the caravan contracts came in two different shapes and tell you which is which.
>Caravan owner knows his caravan will be targeted by X enemy and specifically hires you for protection. Custom enemy parties are created that beeline it to the caravan, as with vanilla caravan contracts.
>Caravan owner hires you for protection of their caravan, but no known assailants are expected in the journey. Usually pays less than the other contracts, but no custom parties are created. You can still be attacked by random enemy parties,but they mgiht avoid you if you think you're strong enough to beat them.
Yeah, it is annoying when you really need to resupply on tools or ammo, or even just sell some junk while doing a caravan and it pass one tile away from a settlement and there is nothing you can do about it
Picked this game back up and it's still so fucking hard. I have 60 hours and I still feel like a total noob, barely get out of the early game and the whole time I'm piss poor and can't buy anything
much of this game is designed to fuck you and the only way to get over it is through knowledge checks
Also a good map seed can make quite a difference early game
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It is an actual contract event
I never had seen the nomads get replaced by undeads before
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forgot pic
damn i barely remember making that, i originally made it as a webm but i dont think i ever posted it
I hate this event, turns a relatively easy and profitable camp into a nightmare with less loot. I get so fucking paranoid when taking 2skull nomad camp contracts now
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Wiedergangers are baby tier for a bait and switch. On the other hand, I've been guarding some caravan for a juicy payout only to realize they're transporting fucking necros :^)
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Noob here, am I right to keep blungeons on my spear and archer guys? I did this because my biggest bane in t his game has been undead.
Do you still have the source file by any chance? Or only this output?
Here it is in postable form, using the audio extension. Thanks for sharing this
Depends on the undead. If only ancient dead you probably shouldnt even be bringing spears and archers to begin with if possible, give them non pierce 2 ranged weapon or flails. For normal undeads what you want is to use decapitations from cleavers or use a key bro with that trait that turns every kill into a gore kill and give him a flail. because behead undeads or with their skull caved in cant be ressusitated alone or by necros except for fallen heros who can get up even without a head, meawhile your you should advance your line 2 tiles so that your archer bros can try to snipe the necromancer with aimed shots to both kill them or disable their direct control thing.
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Local mercenary refuses to die, employer forced to pay severance package of 2500g just to get rid of him.
Any mods that can help with combat being a bit of a slog? Even with anim speed up stuff takes forever.
Take off his armor and send him to the front alone and unarmed against spiders or wolves if you don't want to pay him a severance.
Giving him all that armor and weapons, while expecting him to die is contradictory.
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I could never be so cruel to one who has served me so well.

In other news, I got an event I've never seen. Helping a barbarian king fight a bunch of undeads.
Does this game have a mod where graphics are full body sprites instead of these stupid faces?
>I could never be so cruel to one who has served me so well.
This is not the place to talk about this but you should be more honest about your feelings, anon.
>Local mercenary refuses to die
Maybe bench him for good?
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>when your bros decide to job for an entire battle and turn 50% hit chance into 30% and 75% into 50%
>its a nachos battle
Dude is missing half his body and feeling scorching pain on the other but he's just midly annoyed
>Wiki says that serpents cant drag from a lower elevation
>They can
So, there is no counter to that beyond just have most your bros be at least level 5 bro with underdog, good mdef and a shield
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pretty sure i deleted it, only have a couple unfinished versions left that i mashed together into that webm
>there's no counter but a specific counter that works
For your next trick, why don't you try fighting Lindwurms with shieldless level 1s and call it broken?
I got about 1k playtime and never finished the game
The renown grind to get the best ending is super repetitive, especially if the game really tries to fuck you with the ambitions
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Even AI understands this gayme
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>filtered players and braindead AI are indistinguishable from one another
Weird flex but ok
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>2 orcs champions in a camp
>both have a named orc shield
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I have never built a gunner but I like their style. I also really dislike hybrids or giving Duelist+throwing to anyone who can spare it in the backline like some people are prone to do so I would rather have a double Gunner. With that in mind, is there any point to taking Crippling Strikes and Executioner on top of overwhelm and fearsome or is it overkill? And I understand I should be aiming for 85 to 95 Rtk but how do you guys distribute the rest of your points? My cut off for Resolve is usually between 55 and 65 depending on the position in a formation, but I was wondering if I should aim even higher on a fearsome gunner.
Depends on what his first rolls are. It would be safest to just build him as a lightly armored polearm/whip backline build. He'll have at least 96 matk which is great for that. Make sure to get that HP up.
Have you tried taking off his armor?
>Usually it’s not worth it as beast loot sells for little and is extremely dangerous.
god here we go again with this.
new game never ever
At least the Devs said BB is getting one more update before Menace comes out.
C'mon new endgame crisis
Honestly Menance looks like shit and is just a way for the dev to grant fraud German tax money.

Lets hope the actual money will go into BB.
Fuck you, BB doesn't need more 'effort' from uninthused devs that don't give a fuck about it anymore to farm DLC sales.
Menace looks fine.
>Honestly Menance looks like shit
Nah looks fine, and considering how well Battles Brothers sets the mood despite its limited resources, I am fairly interested in a sci-fi tactical game that actually tries to have some personality.
i realy REALLY want to believe that the gameplay and mechanics are actually interesting but the devs have shown literally nothing besides generic xcom 3d models
Legs in turn-based strategy games has been a disaster.
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I wish modding was easier
yeah I would have thought that making custom banners would be an obvious thing for them to enable.
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The devs encrypted everything, they only begrudgingly accepted modding after a giga autist reverse engineered part of the game to find the encryption algorithm, figured out how it was implemented in the game, and then patched a bootleg decompiler so it would work. Really, it's amazing we got mods at all.
And this I'll never understand. I don't know if it's some kind of German "you enjoy it the way we say" thing or what but why the fuck would you be against modding a game to increase its longevity and personalize it to your tastes? So many indie games thrive based on their modding community and there was a time even AAA games were moddable and it was all just considered normal.
nomad zombies are a nightmare, posessed wooden mallet is terrifying to face
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Skill issue

I'm surprised anyone still remembers this, didn't seem like it ever took off
>menace looks fine
You must be a turd muncher if you think that pile of shit looks "fine." How many pounds of Ganges debris do you eat in a week?
i like the trailer vibe but it really looks like it will be low budget janky xcom type game
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Yeah, That is because I was the one who edited it in.
Here are the files if there are people who knows how to mod.
I'm not sure if I modded everything that needs to be modded.
and Vesta should someone with more editing prowess want to have a crack at it
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I am retarded. Forgot the image
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I believe you need to add the banner to the world_entity0.png and the banner and shield to the entity_icons.png in the root gfx folder. You can get them by opening data_001.dat with 7zip. That's also where destroyed shield versions go, but those obviously haven't been done yet. I don't have photoshop skills so while I could probably lmao add in missing pngs I can't make new destroyed ones.

I found another mod that did it so you can use it as a reference: https://www.nexusmods.com/battlebrothers/mods/575
An alternate version here with some raw files and that doesn't overwrite old banners: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XCWbDysIqV0wxisYD-12JoT0PDz-YhI_/view

You edit the banners.nut in scripts/config to add on the new banner to avoid overwriting an old one. Which would be why so many people don't want to touch banners: the ones they released as DLC are in the game but not enabled in the banners config. Kinda hard to release a mod would enable DLC content without getting into trouble. You'd have to lock out DLC owners to be safe, which seems like a pain. Bigger mods like Legends probably programmed their way around this but for most people (including me) it's not an option.
Thank you for the guidance, Anon.

But hot fucking damn. Is this amount of files normal in modding games? I knew I was missing something but I didn't think it was that much. No wonder modding communities are filled with autists and trannies.
>So many indie games thrive based on their modding community
modding communities tend to be the ass-end of the wider community though.
battle brothers is both niche and unmoddable enough as to where the faggotry that infests some other games' modding circles simply hasn't taken root.
Legends exist thougheverbeit
thats on you for engaging instead of just playing the mods.
>just playing the mods.
bold of you to assume that any modder that gets the slightest amount of an ego isn't spiteful enough to try and ruin even that.
(because that has happened. many times.)
They should hire you

>22 Ifrit group tedium grind
>lose a shield bro had good mdef for day 60
>only 2 Iifrit get to drop an item
I know people don't often talk about the events, being that on repeated playthrough they're just annoying by constantly stopping.
But I do love how some events talk about themes that aren't usually talked about in any other medieval or fantasy medias
>invaders dying from catching diseases they never got in their own land
>zombies were actual people too before being turned into monsters
>hedge knights aren't heroic, they're soldiers
>purses lips
I really want to open all of the text files and see how many times this fucking phrase was used
Anyone got the pasta of anon with the
>captain murmurs to himself "mmm yes pursed lips"
I like that orcs keep retarded orc around as a slave driver, instead of killing him, because he still can be useful that way, while regular greenskins can fully dedicate themselves to warfare
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>mercenary "company"
>the tard captain fields 12 entire men and thinks this is an excellent job and the maximum of his abilities
>can't field any more as his micro mind would literally break down if even one extra man stepped foot on the battlefield
>has the charisma of a dead mule so resorts to a mandatory company policy of drinking to maintain his "leadership"
>other "leadership" quality is fulfilling his random schizo ambitions which range from getting a "second in command" to do the actual work of leading and rallying the men (for no extra pay) to destroying greenskin camps and collecting their bones and ears into necklaces which the weirdo autist claims will make us stronger in battle
>can't just get them from one camp as the autist screeches and insists we need to destroy at least 3 other camps for the best ears and bones
>thinks he is a cool and calm badass who always gets straight to the point
>is actually just awkward and quiet with an unhealthy obsession with people's lips always staring at your lips and mumbling "hmm pursed lips" to himself in almost every conversation
Bros, I'm starting to hate the captain.
bless your heart anon
How much harder is veteran combat difficulty compared to beginner? I finished an endgame crisis in beginner but haven't gotten to the point of OP steamrolling or killing lategame bosses like the lich fella in the desert. I'm wondering if I should switch to vet or not, also wondering whether or not vet combat gets me better loot due to better geared enemies.
yeap, go for it.
Oh no no no Battle Brothers sisters... not like this
it's not that much harder. Just know that beginner gives you +5% to all rolls, so prepare yourself for fair rng
>also wondering whether or not vet combat gets me better loot due to better geared enemies.
it does
Can the noble reinforcement (the one that constantly chase you when you're in an hostile noble region) actually be fought? I never tried.
Sure, but you aren't going to win unless you're jacked and well equipped.
the first time I got it I'd just picked up my first ever assassin, and I just smokebombed him through the weiders with some shieldbash assistance turn 1 and shanked the fuck outta the necro straight away
so I really like the event even though it's never been as fun as that first time
Captain pursed his lips, calmly
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BB is really weird. Kinda supposed to be late 13th century medieval setting judging by the armor and then you get rondel daggers, pikes, and zweihanders which weren't really common for another 100 years. But we don't get a halberd. No cavalry either, which is really weird when they have mounted goblins but no mounted knights.
>BB is really weird. Kinda supposed to be late 13th century medieval setting judging by the armor and then you get rondel daggers, pikes,
It feels more like early to around the mid 14th century hodgepodge to me, so I dont see rondel daggers and spears long enough to be used in two hands only being out of place

yeah, you are right in this point since greatswords are more of a end of the 15th kind of thing at best and only really flourish in the 16th century

>But we don't get a halberd.
some form of early halberd should be around the 14th century albeit not in that classic shape that everyone thingks of, but I guess the billhook fills that spot already

>No cavalry either, which is really weird when they have mounted goblins but no mounted knights.
There are events that mention jousting, so the lack of horses for your bros is not a in universe kind of thing
>kinda supposed to
Yeah that's the whole thing. Obviously it's not a direct copy. Still, as far as it goes it follows a reasonably accurate progression from spears and shields with chain, to two handed weapons and plate or whatever. From shield walls to combinations of polearms and other weapons. It certainly feels authentic even if not accurate.
>supposed to be
according to?
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It's weird in that instead of a schiltron you get later pikes supporting a shieldwall. And the pseudo-romans are the same with some Dacian/Thracian influence. Interesting, for sure.

What the game tells me.
so it doesn't match up to shit you imagined in your head? ok.
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>history isn't real
I didn't imagine anything anon. The timeframe inconsistency with some gear and the way they blended things is what makes it weird. Kinda like pic related. It's just uncanny to a history autist.
>A legion of horribles, hundreds in number, half naked or clad in costumes attic or biblical or wardrobed out of a fevered dream with the skins of animals and silk finery and pieces of uniform still tracked with the blood of prior owners, coats of slain dragoons, frogged and braided cavalry jackets, one in a stovepipe hat and one with an umbrella and one in white stockings and a bloodstained wedding veil and some in headgear or cranefeathers or rawhide helmets that bore the horns of bull or buffalo and one in a pigeontailed coat worn backwards and otherwise naked and one in the armor of a Spanish conquistador, the breastplate and pauldrons deeply dented with old blows of mace or sabre done in another country by men whose very bones were dust and many with their braids spliced up with the hair of other beasts until they trailed upon the ground and their horses' ears and tails worked with bits of brightly colored cloth and one whose horse's whole head was painted crimson red and all the horsemen's faces gaudy and grotesque with daubings like a company of mounted clowns, death hilarious, all howling in a barbarous tongue and riding down upon them like a horde from a hell more horrible yet than the brimstone land of Christian reckoning, screeching and yammering and clothed in smoke like those vaporous beings in regions beyond right knowing where the eye wanders and the lip jerks and drools.
Furthermore, because it didnt come to my mind when I wrote this post, If we consider some of the southern city states gear we also have shit that could be all the way up to the 18th-19th century as well as stuff from greeco-roman antiquity era because the >linothorax which is just a meme version of tube-and-yoke armors that was almost universal around that era.
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McCarthy's editor if he had one shoulda slapped him upside the head for this one.
its not real. its not historic. its fiction.
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>noble wars
>40 vs 80
>singlehandedly responsible for bringing the whole battle back to a more balanced 40 vs 40
>no snail enemies
>no snail gears
Shit game
>stupid scaling that makes it impossible to bounce back from a loss
It's really not that hard even on Veteran
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They should have taken more monster ideas from medieval art
Battle Brotherssisters... I don't feel so good
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The AI might not cheat but the rolls in BB definitely are scuffed, and nobody can convince me otherwise
>The timeframe inconsistency
Are you the retard from 5 months ago who didn't believe great helms were still being used in to the 1400's?
You do realise people don't just throw away their arms and armour because it's now the 1350's? Not to mention it's a fucking video game and I'd rather use cool weapons from different periods instead of some autistic limited range from a time period no one gives a fuck about more than "middle ages"
>try game for the first time
>ironman all veteran difficulty because I want to get the actual experience
>get obliterated by the goddamn "tutorial" bandit leader mission due to not understanding zones of control
>try a second time
>2 weeks in; feel like I am doing alright this time around (no losses, even against some shitty hyenas that kept dodging my attacks)
>take a 2 skull contract against some bandits (5 against my 9, easy peasy)
>proceed to get my entire company liquidated and realize I didn't understand armor nor hitting chances
Ok, I read the entire goddamn wiki, third time is the charm.
>Playing this game on Ironman if you arent a sperg with 9000 hrs and yt channel dedicated to bb
You deserve it, those 5 guys were just trying to save you
>retard plays on hardest difficulty
>keeps dying
>reads the fucking wiki for meta
I actually only read about mechanics (to understand armor 'n shit), I dislike min-maxing so I didn't read anything on meta perks/trais/so on.

>Playing this game on Ironman if you arent a sperg with 9000 hrs and yt channel dedicated to bb
I want to play the game as a storyteller not an Excel page. I don't mind losing, I just get annoyed about it being because I didn't understand some gameplay fundamentals
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>he doesn't play ironman
Thanks god no
I wouldnt wish it upon my worst enemy
>(5 against my 9, easy peasy)
The early power gap between bandit thug and brigant raider is never not funny, it exists solely to get beginners off their high horses for defeating a bunch of unarmored retards.
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retard question: how do I improve relations with a hostile noble house?
It'll slowly improve over time as long as you don't pick fights with them, so don't hang out near their territory.
If you're in a Noble War crisis, the negative relationship will reset to "Cold" at the end of the crisis.
>Citadel has two hedge knights
>one for 4000 with 2h mace the other for 13k first one has good traits
>do some extreme hustlin to raise funds for the 2h mace one
>comeback 2 days later the 2h mace one is gone
>other still there just as fuck you
>get a melon fucker from the event instead
How bad is the Legends mod
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No, quite the opposite. Things don't travel back in time to be used en masse.

Go look at the perk tree
Anons I'm an indecisive fuck, what mods do I use
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So close to being the best bannerman ever (Ignore the caravan cart tier ranged defence)
That ranged defense is gonna make him the bitch of marksmen if he goes as a bannerman.
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Updated from >>1776096

Modding Standards and Utilities
Modding script hooks
Modern hooks
Pause without conflicts // Configurable Pause
Swifter (also fixes event frequency issues)
Streamlined UI
Settlement Situations MSU
Simple Crisis Settings
Tactical hit factors
Weapon Maths
Cart Upgrade
Cook and Blacksmith Fix
Craftable Tweaks
Better Beast Loot
Whatever sounds good from the Tweaks and Fixes mod page

Lots O'Names
Weapon Skins
Historical Music and Audio
18 bros in battle (27 total)
Contract Earnings
Tryout Talents Alternative
Better Battle Standard
Better King's Guard

Eh, just take anticipation and put an unhold cloak on him.
Oh, if you're a packrat check out End's Inventory Management Overhaul. Had some bugs but they seem to be fixed within the last year. That could go under recommended.
There are many hedge knights but only 1 melon fondler

>18 bros in battle (27 total)
>Contract Earnings
>Tryout Talents Alternative
Hmm anon im not so sure
I always keep the melon mugger, no matter what his stats are like.
He's the sort of man a merc company needs.
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Recommended but optional. I use 18 bros so I can have 17 on the battlefield on peasant origin because that way my lineup is perfect. Contract earnings is nice, you can actually get paid a reasonable rate for stupid missions like raid defense against southerners or hunting lindwurms instead of just avoiding the fight because the R/R is garbage. I scale it according to reputation (pic related). TTA is a godsend for me but it's completely optional.
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>large battle 37 vs 62
>knight on our side went hiding in a bush the whole fight
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Too bad it's early game and his survival chance is non-existent
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This took way too long
Finally, the BB-Killer is here

What da heck, good job anon

That MS paint tier art direction tho
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I hate goblins so much it's unreal
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They love to hate you too
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I take everything back. Gobbos are one of the Guilder's chosen.
This game is too difficult. If they ever make a sequel I'm going to bot the reddit and make it seem like there's hundreds of people with the same opinion as me. It needs to be made a lot easier. I shouldn't have to be so frustrated. You will all hate me for it but I will be happy and that's all that matters.
Difficult? No
Deliberately frustrating with no payoff because the devs are germoids alergic to fun? Yes
stab in the dark here: have you tried the difficulty options.
Gonna draw my party every 7 ingame days as practice. So in other words I'm going to play BB once every 3 days at this rate
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It was tested and it's perfectly rng, it's the human brain that's scuffed
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Human brains aren't scuffed for finding true randomness unfair. Most games have developed systems to alleviate its frustration. BB is somewhat unique in that it doesn't hold back from true randomness in results even if the devs coded a hard cap on hits and misses at the upper and lower 5% range. Using the MRNG fix makes the game a lot more satisfying to play. But you could also modify the hardcap. See these mods:

"Less extreme hit rolls for the player" under https://www.nexusmods.com/battlebrothers/mods/69
I don't remember who mentioned horse in a previous BB thread, but there are mention of horses and cavalry in the game.
The "lawmen after criminal" event for instance specifically talks about the lawmen being on horse, and your bros scaring off/wounding their horses to force them on foot.
There is a event with noble background bros where they participate on jousting event
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>It was tested
By fucking who?
The d100 giveth, the d100 taketh away. This is what G*rmans consider fun btw >>>/wsg/5626443

If it's not on the tactical or world map it doesn't count, it's literally just flavor text
Fought a 3 star noble battle today with a handgonne on a bro
Pretty fun stuff. And got to shank two knights too, one of which was champion
Lots of loot and 4k richer. Life is good
you don't notice when it happens in your favour
You definitely do, what never happens however is hitting 5 10% shots in a row
That is complete bullshit, the rare time it happens I'm left in shock that the game decided to throw me a crumb for once. The RNG is not R at all.
Again, the rng was tested. It's true rng. You're just used to playing games that modify the rng in the player's favor (xcom for instance, and yet people still say it's rigged against them because yes that other anon is right you only remember when it's bad for you because the human brain is kinda shitty like that)
You very frequently have strong bros against weak enemies, so you very frequently have situations where bad rolls are possible. On the other hand you almost never have pissweak bros against strong enemies, you're almost never rolling on 5% attack chances, you're almost never rolling on 5% defend chances. Why are you surprised when enemies hit a few 5%s in a row sometime during your campaign?
>b..but it's not le fair! the enemies got lucky once in 200 fights so i have to get lucky too!!
grow up
>Again, the rng was tested
Well actually it was tested and was proven biased, so there. Don't agree? Too bad, it was tested.
Feel free to pretend you're the first person since the game came out to have complained about the rng so you can make shit up like that if it helps you cope, reality isn't going to care though the fact remains : the game has true rng
Feel free to pretend you're the first person to not understand RNG since the game came out, you can make shit up like "tests" to help you cope but reality's isn't going to care though the fact remains, there is no such thing as true RNG
Someone tested it, I was there, if you're going to not believe me then go ahead and test it yourself because that's the only person you ever believe no matter how ignorant of the subject. You'll get the same results. All you have to do is make a script that causes a lot of rolls and registers the results.
Surely a smart contrarian schizo like you can achieve that. Or you can just always note down all your rolls and do the math yourself.
Or you can keep being a petty manchild who can't cope with reality.
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>Someone tested it, I was there
You're welcome, schizo, but I'm done educating something that can't learn
Lurkers and other participants in this thread now have the info, you never will because of your limitations
I was there too, and it didn't work.
Just trust me bro, what are you? A schizo? It's been tested you idiot.
Go run it yourself and you'll see I'm right if you're so paranoid.
Rarely is RNG rigged in player favour. If there is rigging it's just rigging against 'extreme circumstances'. IE, if a 1 is rolled on the 20 twice in a row the game may slant the odds so the 1 is no longer 5% chance but 1% chance.

Usually if this exists it goes all ways.
Don't worry I assumed wrong, he wasn't used to games that smooth out rng like you're describing. He was just a retarded schizo.
Honestly the problem of "true RNG" shit is that you end up just not giving a shit and just throwing shit at the wall until it sticks, for a strategy game it's weird.
For instance you aren't supposed to shoot geists, but I found out it's a lot easier to just have 3-4 ranged bros shooting at them repeatedly until it eventually dies than coming up with a strategy to close up on them because your bros might just end up getting stuck while having geists constantly causing them to panic.
I actually wonder if some skewed RNG would encourage more strategic decisions.
Its almost like you are supposed to use the tools the game gives you to mitigate and improve the situation in your favour... huh, woah.
nice femboy bro
>just throw shit at the problem until it goes away
Just installed the game and all DLC. What do I need to know?
Don't fight fair
Don't fight to the end, you're a merc company
Don't get too attached to the bros. Death is in the job description.
shields are shit
think about your positioning in a fight, think about it every turn
try to figure out what dudes you need to keep alive and who you can let die
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Fight with Honour
To the Death!
Brothers for Life
>good positioning is key
>bros are expandable, death can be cheap so don't get too attached to them
>gears aren't class or level restricted, do what your enemies don't: Mix things up
>not all fights can be won, learn to judge danger and bail out
>no fair fight, secondary items like nets, bombs, poisons, etc... can outright turn the tide of a battle so don't skip on them
Oh, and never underestimate beasts. Just because they don't wear armor doesn't mean they aren't a force to be reckoned with.
Here's what you actually need to know
Thugs are nothing, Brigands will fuck your shit up early game, if you're doing a caravan mission, pull your men back to the carts so the lazy caravan fucks help out too, direwolves fuck you if you don't have decent armour (100ish), don't worry about expensive recruits at the start since you'll get them killed anyway and if you use a flail, find that one brigand with no helmet and decent armour and bash is skull in with the special. Armour is lost only if it's destroyed, so if you kill with nothing but head shots, you get his armour.
And before I forget, if you get a mission to recover some item from a tomb or some shit, you can retreat from the battle and still complete the quest because the battles starts AFTER you retrieved the item.
>shields are shit
Absolute dogshit advice
A good deal of this game difficulty comes from your lack of knowledge leading you to make poor decisions or not knowing how to deal with the enemies bullshit. So you can either bang against the wall until you get tired and read the wiki or just go and read the wiki
Avoid caravan missions unless you want to game on the lower prices status it applies to settlements which can be useful on strongholds and citadels
Aways bait enemies into fighting against neutral armies early on. This is fairly useful for turning 2-3 stars beast hunting contraste into easy money
Never get attacked on forests or swamps since the game will force you into an ambush which can be the equivalent rock fall everyone dies
Never take missions to hunt spiders on the woods since it forces an ambush
Aways stop by fortress and citadels and check on the market of broken high end gear being sold at banana price. Repairing them cost nothing
Weapons that you get from brigands/nomad outlaws/reavers and above are worth repairing before reseling them
Dont blindly destroy bandit camps. They can be usefull for inflating the sell price on large towns which benefits you, also they will be constantly spawning raider parties which you use as punching bags.
If you play your cards right and the seed is good you can double or even triple your starting money with trade
Your contract pay is based on your reputation. Ambitions are useful for grinding reputation and can game on the system to easily farm reputation if you time things right, so be mindful of which ambitions you take so that you dont end up 30 days stuck on one that is being hard to complete you while easy ones end up getting permanently locked through natural playthrough
Forgot to add that javelins are amazing, dont underestimate them
>See tracks and battlefields past the forest
>Click back in to window so I can pause it
>Miss and click the window behind it
>See this when I tab back in
Free armor!
I don't know what kind of place Armor is but it can free its god damn self
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>shields are shit
Go fight a southern army without kite shields and report back.
>put on kite shields
>can't kill anybody
Shields are only worth using on dedicated tanks and utility stunners
This is what buildfaggotry does to your brain
Complete brainrot
>not falling for the sword and board on everybody noobtrap is metafaggotry
this board
>Dies to poachers, raiders and thralls early game because "shields are shit"
The funny thing is Chosen get wrecked by an experienced shieldwall with support and they're the number one enemy of reddit powergamers who abhor shields
link me your waifu mods!
>do contract to wipe out peasants
>peasant walk into a single black tile in the middle of the map
>get despawned
>fail the contract because I left survivors
Apparently this fucking bug date all the way back to 2017

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