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Jews did it, Zeus told me.
Why does the game do that sometimes and merge god names?
Shoddy coding. Instead of picking one name from the list, it just prints the entire list.
Going to start a new campaign, suggestions on start date / dynasty / goals? Was pondering a merchant republic run but would like to do something interesting with it besides the usual merchant stuff
>Latin Empire
>reestablish Hellenism and the Imperial borders
Zeus Vult.
>he doesn't know about HadesKronosDionysusHermesTyphon

bro do you even greek myth
>reestablish Hellenism and the Imperial Borders
Any suggestions on how to square this with my roleplay autism? I've done a Nicene-Hellenic run but it eventually collapsed when all my vassals were (understandably) opposed to my new Reformed Hellenism
Maybe this will help you,
>reform laws to primogeniture
>reform laws to imperial administration
>create a secret society to convert your powerful friends
>start civil wars with the non-converts
>turn their realms into viceroyalties, so you can choose whatever vassal you want when the previous one dies
>do this until you empire is homogenized
>destroy any single christian wonder to destroy its influence and prestige
Congrats, your Zeus-Vulting worked.
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He is Allah.
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I have been watching some videos about CK2 and it looks fun.
How easy is it to creamapi the DLC?
put the dlc files in the dlc folder and then the creamapi in your main folder
Simple as
Sounds easy enough. Thanks.
Does that one russian forum have the DLC files? Or do I have to go to fucking reddit?
What happens if the game gets updated for whatever reason? Will the DLC still work?
>>reform laws to primogeniture
Not possible in Byzantium unless you subjugate them as a horde and settle as feudal
Viking age, any Irish tribe. Unite Ireland and become a republic
It's actually possible, because I did it and in another campaign KonstAIntinos V did it too.

Idk if it's a bug or what, but is actually possible, same with the HRE.
dont mean to be a dick but just check
no one remembers on top of their head whether the ck2 dlc files are on the russian forum, so theyll have to check themselves, to then get back to you. so why not just check yourself
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Here's the idea: Dandolo Venice, with the ultimate goal of unifying the Crusader States under big money and getting the slimy Venetian merchants crowned as the new princes of the Eastern Roman Empire. What horrible heresies they unleash on the West after that, who knows.
It used to be that the empire could be forced into Elective Succession by council laws / factions which would change it from Imperial to Feudal, and you could freely reform to Primogeniture from there. Don't know if they ever changed this.
Yes, the russians have the DLC files.
>What happens if the game gets updated
I am extremely doubtful of that happening considering it's been years, but the DLC should work unless they update those files. And even then, Ivan will have cracked them again in a day.
Enjoy, CK2 is my favorite game of all time.
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Due to overwhelming Venetian financial and naval support, the Fifth Crusade is an unprecedented success. The victorious crusaders crown Doge Fantino, son of Enrico Dandolo, as the new Sultan of Egypt. While this nominally carries with it the loyalty of Saladin's empire, the likelihood of the Venetians maintaining control of the Ayubbid princes in Syria and Yemen is slim. Not to mention the dozen crusader states across Egypt far more aligned with their patron kingdoms than the Republic...
Is this the right thread for a mini-AAR? Don't want to spam, and I think the pre-existing characters make for poor dramatis personae with few game events to give them a personality
>I loved Victoria 2
>decided to try ck2 cause everyone says its great and best paradox game
>spend few hours watching tutorials explaining what is going on
>start my own game
>its boring RPG, with focus on royal family LARP, spending money on irrelevant crap like feasts, parties etc, shit i couldnt care less about

Really do not get the appeal of that game.
I insist that you do
I feel you man
>I loved Crusader Kings 2
>decide to try Victoria 2 because everyone says it’s their best game
>watch tutorials on how to play
>start my own game
>it’s just watching bars fill up
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After a twenty year reign as Doge of Venice and Grand Prince of the East, Fantino Dandolo died of the Measles at the age of 71. Miraculously, he managed to hold the Ayubbid realm together under Venetian domination, having installed a Dandolo to govern Egypt and Ayubbid princes as client kings of Arabia and Assyria - contingent on their conversion to Christianity, of course. This regime was strengthened in the course of two civil wars; first against the Sheiks in the Holy Land and second against a rebellious Muslim Ayubbid who seized power in Arabia.
Additionally, Fantino added the Kingdom of Antioch (sanctioned by the Pope after an extremely generous donation) to the Republic, and interfered in the succession of Jerusalem to put his lover on the throne. Though she was later deposed, this may yet pave the way for a future Dandolo dynasty. In his last act as Doge, Fantino seized the city of Constantinople from the ailing Latin Empire after relations between himself and Emperor Badouin soured.
With most of my territorial goals achieved, I'll hopefully see more character-driven hijinks in the next couple of lives.
You don't have to do roleplaying games, though I think some element of that keeps them interesting. For this run I've been pulling every trick in the book to keep my realm reasonably stable and grab land.
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Played WWSMS, but i think i given up on this, giving kids education becomes too tiresome. Hellenism readopted and Christianity almost erradicated inside borders. There no one who can stand against endless legions, not even Sassanids. 25k of retinue alone btw.
I really hate the portraits of that mod alongside the Warhammer ones, who de fuck created them?

Can be replaced?
>It used to be that the empire could be forced into Elective Succession by council laws / factions which would change it from Imperial to Feudal, and you could freely reform to Primogeniture from there. Don't know if they ever changed this.
Don't worry, still working, the KostAIntinos V of my campaign did that, the thing is, once you do it, you can't return to imperial administration despite you have the laws, still feudal, so becomes kinda funny because your feudal vassals dislike you a little for the imperial adminsitration but at the same time, don't want to change it back to feudal because they would lose their ability to create dukedoms-viceroyalties.
I feel you both, bros.
>tried CK2 and Vic2 because everyone say they're amazing strategy games
>nothing happens
>put speed to maximum
>constant spam of the same events
>boring, even with mods
Is EU4 like that?
Or is actually a proper strategy game that is fun to play and actually happens good events?
I still don't get how anyone can enjoy the republic/nomad mechanics, they are awful and boring at the same level.

Good for you if you like them, but honest question, how can you really enjoy them??
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Thirty years after the sack of Constantinople, the army of Doge Enrico II Dandolo entered the city of Acre in a triumphal procession. The last crusader kingdom to hold out against Venetian control, its defeat finally gave control of the entire Arabian Peninsula to the young Doge. In truth, he had not participated in any of those conquests. The last Muslim kingdom in Oman was defeated by his predecessor, Doge Raniero "the Unlucky," and Enrico II had been chosen for his parentage rather than his proven worth as a warrior. The son of the King of Egypt and the Queen of Jerusalem, Enrico's election unified the scattered holdings of the Dandolo family under a single figure - the newly crowned Grand Prince of the Outremer.
That's the first major goal done, now I have to decide where I want to go next.
I like republics because you can expand your wealth and influence in a really different way from the feudals. That said, the opening of this campaign has been almost identical to a crusader feudal run. Hopefully we will have a shakeup soon, and I can shift my focus back toward trade and intrigue. I was really expecting a rebellion in the last leg, and a few incompetents would make this campaign a lot more interesting.
>I am extremely doubtful of that happening considering it's been years
Eh, Vicky II was updates two whole years after the last patch and it was considered a dead game by Paradox.
best starting date to play as the byzantines and forming the Roman Empire?
CK2 would have work so well as a text-based RPG, your campaign story is pretty cool, but I just can't enjoy the game, it's pretty boring 90% of the time, even with full speed, you suffer the PTSD of constant spam of notifications of the SAME events/quests.

Even with Supernatural/Absurd events or mods "to expand roleplay", it feels boring.

(Also, convert Outremer to Hellenism as Hermes as the High God.)
867 has weak west with Karling succession mess and vikings, Abbasids imploding to extinction with little help and Umayadds are too far west to cause real trouble. You can trash the caliphate and take their holy sites save for Cordoba early causing mass heresy for muslims.
They added the Greek localization for the Greco-Roman gods (on HF release they only had Roman names) in a shoddy patch after the development on CK2 has already ended
Idk, i personally loved wahrammer ones.
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Though many expected him to return to Venice after his induction as Prince of the East, Enrico surprised and offended the great Houses when he continued to govern from Jerusalem, conducting politics in the Serene City by proxy. As historians would record, Doge Enrico II's reign would be one of such contradictions. Though by most accounts the richest man in Europe, Enrico's lavish spending led his realm to debt on multiple occasions. Forced to borrow from the Radhanites, Enrico would go on to protect them against Papal-sponsored pogroms in 1237. This decision not to expel the Jews or cancel his debts gave Enrico a reputation for justice and lack of ambition that would be the hallmark of his reign.
By all accounts a craven, Enrico nonetheless participated (by proxy) in the glorious Sixth Crusade, in which the Turks were driven to the very edge of Anatolia. Enrico's armies (which had withered to a mere tenth of their size under his predecessor) installed his brother as King and, invading from both Greece and Syria, installed a friendly Basilea on the throne of Nicaea. Though with the plundered wealth of Anatolia in his possession, the future of his Silk Road empire is uncertain - far to the east, a Mongol has taken to the Celestial throne...

Finally, I can relax and do some roleplaying. Ended up with Craven, Just, and Content, so I slowed the conquests I had planned as much as possible. The Dandolo family is still growing in all directions, but it will take a more ambitious ruler than Enrico to expand Outremer any further. As a side note, moving your capital inland as a merchant republic (the Outremer decision moves it to Jerusalem) causes some weird interactions with trade posts.
Is it actually possible to rule as merchant republic from inland? Or is it because Jerusalem has silk road trade post and a neighbouring coastal province with one as well?
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Despite his respected reputation for even-handed rule, Enrico II's fortunes continued to decline. After investing an incredible fortune into the cities of Jerusalem and Jaffa, including the construction of a vast harbor from which to dominate the silk trade in the Mediterranean, a horrible plague struck China and all but halted the Silk Road. Taking advantage of this reversal, the client kings of Arabia and Assyria allied with Enrico's brother, the one-time regent of Jerusalem, to overthrow him. A five-year civil war ensued, further diminishing the Prince's resources.
Though many expected the ailing Republic to pass to Pierre Dandolo, the eldest of the clan, Enrico's wife and son schemed together to see them rise higher yet. They succeeded not only in placing Galeazzo on the throne of Outremer, but also as Basileus of Nicaea through his wife, Anna Laskaris, who inherited the throne after a few suspicious deaths. With the Dandolo family now firmly in control of Anatolia and Nicaea, only the Frankokratia and the Norman kingdom of Sicily stand in the way of total domination of the Eastern Mediterranean.
Not really. You can't build trade posts except in Silk Road provinces, since you don't have sea access anywhere. I'm not sure if you can move your capital inland except by event like this, and on death you become feudal. I used the console to avoid that in this case, because the move capital decision wouldn't be available for -14000 months. Looks like unintended behavior to me.
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Prince Galeazzo would only rule for nine years, but those nine years would see the greatest expansion of the Dandolo realm since the Fifth Crusade. Venetian armies intervened in the Latin Empire, restoring the exiled Emperor Clotaire to the throne, as well as installing a Templar, Aristolfe de Hauteville, to Sicily. Finally, the Seventh Crusade brought the Bulgarian lands south of the Danube into the Outremer. Upon his return to Jerusalem, however, Galeazzo would fall, clutching his heart. On his deathbed, he gave instructions for his nine-year-old son, Gilberto, to be given his titles as heir. Naturally, this caused a great deal of outrage in the Republic. Many already feared the growing dynasticism of the father-to-son succession of Dandolo doges, and now a boy, and a Greek no less, was to be Doge? After Galeazzo left this world, the Great Houses and his former client kings convened to instead elect the aged Giovanni Falerio to the throne of Venice. Once again, the Serene City was the center of governance of the Empire, and while the Dandolo family has accepted this turn of events, tensions remain high between them.
start a secret society first to carefully convert the most powerful vassals first
gift money and lands to other powerful vassals so that they like you and convert (doesn't work on zealous)
once most of the realm is under the control of your new religion, start revoking lands from heretics, gift them to your unlanded family members (bribe them with 20g so that they convert too).
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The election of Giovanni Falerio proved to be a disaster. Without the extensive feudal holdings or trade wealth of the Dandolo family, a Doge of Venice could not hope to control the client kings in the Middle East. With the Venetian army in Persia, these vassals rose up against Giovanni and broke off from the Republic. When Giovanni passed away after eight years of misrule, the patricians hastily put Prince Gilberto back in his rightful role of Doge.
The boy had not been idle in his years away from court. Under the guidance of Fantino Dandolo, a famous crusader and now King of Egypt, the armies of Jerusalem fought to maintain Gilberto's brother's place as Nicene Emperor, and when the succession of Anatolia came into question, they succesfully installed Gilberto as king. While the silk merchants eagerly push for the warrior-Prince to restore Venetian rule in the East, he has other priorities. Married by proxy to the Duchess of Holland, he discovered too late that she was old, syphilitic, and already had many children to inherit her titles. The Holy Father in no uncertain terms refused the Prince's request for a divorce, and the dispute has continued to escalate...
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In fact, the escalation of the conflict between Prince Gilberto and the Papacy would leave its mark on Christianity forever. The Prince's desire to divorce his diseased wife and marry his lover led him to invade Rome and install Hadrianus V to the Holy See. If the Republic's intimidation of the Papacy wasn't a bad enough blow to its authority, Gilberto had converted in secret to the Greek Orthodox church. Later in his reign Prince Gilberto would subject the Pope to a great Council wherein a number of Catholic teachings were condemned in favor of Orthodox practices. While this in principle united the two churches which had been sundered by the Fourth Crusade, the fierce debate it would spark across the Christian world would lead to decades of religious wars and political turmoil.
Though it had been a Dandolo to mastermind the fall of the Byzantine empire in 1204, it was a Dandolo who would raise the banners of Rome once more. Having ascended to the Nicene throne after maiming his brother in a duel, Gilberto would go on to prosecute a vicious campaign against the Latin Empire. In 1294, with the lands of Thrake and Bulgaria in hand, Gilberto would proclaim himself Prince of the Romans, and go on to dedicate his life to a reconquest of the old Byzantine lands. After defeating the Republic of Genoa, the Hungarians and Holy Roman Empire in Croatia, and a Mongol adventurer in Tunis, his last act as Prince was an invasion of Greece that proved once and for all that the Roman Empire had truly risen again.
Mere days after this victory, and the aforementioned "mending" of the Great Schism, Gilberto would topple from a tower in Constantinople to his death under suspicious circumstances. His son, Fantino, a devout Catholic, would do what he could to reverse the damage Gilberto had done to the Church, but it seems that the Dandolo family has sundered Christianity just as they sundered Islam sixty years before.

That's Crusades and Jihads disabled, what now?
>on HF release they only had Roman names
That is bugged: you started as an unreformed hellenist with Latin names and when you reform it and convert to Roman culture, you have the Greek names.

I swear, Paradox devs are fucking lazy-fat-retards.
>That's Crusades and Jihads disabled, what now?
Returning to the Old Roman Ways, by Jupiter!
Good for you mate, for me they look awful, except the demons. But specially the humans, ufff, they are ugly af.
this is definitely the time to do it, half the christian world converting to a heresy has fucked up every realm with civil wars
But I could also do something silly like Jewish or a christian heresy
Can anons tell me how to get into this game?
I really want to like it but the menus are more esoteric than Vicky II and HOI4 (my other Paradox games).
Sure, ck2 is my favorite game of all time and I’ve taught tons of people to play
Have you played the tutorial? I think it does a pretty good job
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Here's a crash course in important UI:
Like (almost) all paradox games, always turn on Realm map mode (shortcut w) at the start. Terrain is important but being able to tell who owns what is more important
YOU play as a character. That character's portrait is always in the top left, and you can bring up their character page by clicking on it. You can see information like religion, culture, various actions, but the most important thing is STATS and TITLES
>Diplomacy: Makes people like you, increases your vassal limit
>Martial: Increases the number of troops you get from your land, makes you better as a commander in battle
>Stewardship: Increases the taxes you get from your land, increases the amount of land you can hold directly before you start taking penalties
>Intrigue: Increases the "strength" (lower MTTH) of your plots, decreases the strength of plots targeting you
>Learning: Faster technology progress
Every bit of actual land in ck2 is associated with the character that holds it. These are BARONIES which are contained in COUNTIES. There are also higher level titles, but these don't exactly have intrinsic land associated with them. More on that in a sec.
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Every "province" on the map is a COUNTY. Every county has at least one HOLDING (but usually 3-5). These are Castles, Cities, or Temples. The character that owns the county occupies the "primary" holding, and any holdings that are not the primary are BARONIES. It is possible for AI characters to only hold a barony, but in order to play a character they must be a Count or above. In this picture, you can see that I not only am Count of Leon (I own the primary holding) but also hold the Barony of San Pedro (it's outlined in green).
Holdings give taxes and troops, so you want more of them, but there are limits. Feudal Christian rulers can only hold Castles (and get huge penalties on their Cities and Temples) so you will want to give them away to other characters. Characters that are your vassals contribute a portion of their taxes and troops. Additionally, you can only hold so many holdings yourself before penalties, affected by Stewardship, Rank, and Realm Laws. You can see in the example that I'm already at my max, 4 holdings.
Every county belongs "de jure" to a DUCHY, which belongs to a KINGDOM, which belongs to an EMPIRE. Note that these titles DO NOT always have character holding them, like counties do. For example, my capital of Leon (county) belongs to the Duchy of Leon, but no one currently holds that title. I own at least 50% of the land in that duchy, so I could spend money to create that title. The advantage to doing so is that I get a CASUS BELLI on anyone who holds land that belongs to that duchy. Additionally, being Duke rank or higher means I can have Counts as my vassals - Counts cannot have other Counts as vassals.
Remember that Duchies, Kingdoms, and Empires don't contribute to your holding limit, and you can have as many of these titles as you want. However, you have more than two duke titles as a King or Emperor, your vassals will lose opinion of you, and you might lose them when you DIE, more on that next
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Every character will eventually DIE (unless you play with supernatural events on and become immortal), and their titles will go to their HEIR(s), determined by your succession laws. If you don't have an heir of your DYNASTY (which can be a son, brother, cousin, etc) you LOSE THE GAME. In this example that the succession law for the Kingdom of Leon is Agnatic-Cognatic Gavelkind. Agnatic-Cognatic means male preference: men will inherit over women, but women can inherit if there is no male option. The other options are Agnatic (no women) which is risky as if you have only daughters and die you might lose. Full Cognatic means no preference, women higher in line of succession will not be skipped over for men lower down. This is only available to certain cultures or especially WOKE realms (high Tolerance laws). Female rulers can be unpopular but they also have some advantages, like being able to seduce your vassals to keep them loyal. There's also Enatic succession (female preference), which is only available in really niche cases.
Gavelkind is a mixed bag law: it means that any close family member can inherit (it can go to brothers or uncles, etc if you have no sons), but if you have multiple titles they will be equally split among your heirs on death. In this example, I have taken the kingdoms to my east and west, and now have three kingdom titles which are all Gavelkind. If I had three sons and died, each son would get one and my next character would be back to square one with only a single kingdom! This can be avoided by only having a single heir, or by switching laws (which is kind of difficult). Primogeniture (eldest child inherits ALL titles) is generally considered to be better than Gavelkind, and is an early goal (since many characters will start the campaign with Gavelkind). Note that each kingdom can have different laws!
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Before Jade Dragon DLC added the retarded Border Conflict and Force Vassalization casus belli (which I recommend disabling, the AI can't be trusted with them), Christian rulers need a valid CLAIM to attack their fellow Christians (as an aside, Muslims and Pagans can conquer more easily, but have less stable realms). I've already mentioned how getting 51% of a Duchy or Kingdom can allow you to create the title, getting a CB to take a single county from anyone who holds land in that title's de jure borders. You can also send your Chancellor (a character you appoint for their diplomacy score) to fabricate a single strong claim on a county (or rarely the whole Duchy).
The last common method is to gain claims via inheritance. The second or third in line to inherit a title will gain Strong Claims on it when inheritance happens. Strong Claims can be pushed in a war at any time. They can also be inherited: children of a Strong Claimant will gain Weak Claims, which can only be pressed in war if the title is contested already, or held by a woman or child. One way to gain a Weak Claim on a title you want is to marry a woman with a claim: your sons will inherit Weak Claims and you might be able to press those later down the line.
If you're lucky, you may also be able to gain whole titles by inheritance, but you will usually have to arrange it so that this happens with good old fashioned warfare. In this example, I stand to inherit my brother's Duchy of Galicia, because he has no children himself.
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Lastly, you can press your vassal's claims in wars to increase their territory! A very common way of conquering is to find characters with Strong Claims out in the world (by clicking on a title you want and clicking "Claimants") and inviting them to your court. If you give them land, they will be your vassal and will remain your vassal after the war UNLESS the title you pushed for them is the same rank or higher than your own.
In this example, I can invite this guy Robert to my court, and he has a Weak Claim to the Kingdom of France. I immediately see multiple ways to make this Weak Claim work for me.
>The King of France's heir is a child, I can press Robert's weak claim if the King of France dies (which I can speed up by trying to assassinate him) before the child comes of age.
>The second in line to the throne is Robert's father, if I arrange two "accidents" I can get him on the throne, then Robert would be next in line to inherit.
Now, the Kingdom of France is the same rank as myself, so I wouldn't be able to land Robert and still keep him as a vassal. This is where the kind of long-term planning that makes CK2 so fun comes into play.
>If I become Emperor of Spain (will require >80% of all de jure territory, unlikely but doable) I can have Kings as vassals.
>If I have a daughter, I could arrange a Matrilineal marriage between her and Robert (children will be of her dynasty instead of his). I can press his claim, then her sons will be my heirs and Robert's, when I eventually play as them I will stand to inherit both Leon and France.
>I can arrange a marriage for Robert, and if he has a daughter she will inherit his weak claim. If I marry her to one of my sons and press her claim in war, then again in two generations I will be King of France.
This is getting in the weeds, but imo this is the main draw of the game over something like EU4, and best explains the "goal" of the game.
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The other big draw of CK2 is the internal politics of your realm. If you're maxing out at 4 holdings, by the time you rule a large empire you'll have a ton of vassal characters. The Byzantine Emperor in the tutorial start has 46 vassals! As you can see from the Factions tab, they're already plotting to revolt to force him to increase the amount of say they have in politics (a feature of Conclave DLC), which ranges from approving his wars, imprisonments, title grants and revocations, all the way up to determining his next heir themselves via election. When you're not planning your next dynastic masterstroke, you're managing your unruly vassals.
You have to keep their opinion high to keep them from revolting or withholding taxes/armies, which can be increased by sending them gifts, valuable artifacts, or giving them land, council positions, or "honorary titles" like commander or cupbearer which don't come with any land. You can also forge alliances with powerful families through marriage, or (with Conclave) appoint them to your council - your councilors usually can't rebel if they're given at least a small amount of power. Half a dozen angry counts doesn't matter if you have a loyal, powerful Duke to balance them out. But it can be really bad if that Duke dies and his ambitious son takes over.
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Right click on the target and select "Declare War" and choose your CB from the menu. Peace deals in CK2 are entirely decided by the CB - no adding wargoals after the fact. After declaring, go to the Army tab and click on the blue buttons to raise your personal levy troops, then your vassal's troops. Click and drag a box to select them all, move them to the same province and merge them together, then right click to move your pile o' violence to the enemy's land. You can Enforce Peace on the enemy character once you have 100% warscore, which can get gained through:
If your army ends up in the same province as an enemy army, you'll get the standard Paradox battle. The outcome of the battle is influence by several factors, which I'll get into next post. For now, try not to attack armies in Mountains. Larger battles give more warscore than smaller ones.
If your army parks in a county where the enemy has holdings, you will start to siege them down. You must have more troops than the garrison (so no carpet sieging with tiny stacks). Larger armies siege faster, with diminishing returns. You can Assault the province after a number of days, which will kill a lot of your troops but is much faster, and is ideal if the enemy garrison is very small. Sieging the wargoal gives more warscore.
Imprisoning the character you declared war on, either by random event after defeating an army he was leading, or by random event after sieging the province he is governing from, will instantly give 100% warscore, even if you had -99%. You can also capture his heir (50% warscore) or other children and spouses (5% each). You should always prioritize sieging down the enemy capital for the chance to capture him or his relatives.
You won't win every war. I have thousands of hours logged and I still lose wars from being unprepared, overconfident, or getting bad RNG. CK2 will continue to throw curveballs throughout the campaign, which imo keeps it from feeling like you've "won" after 100 years like EU4. Your genius heir who stands to inherit three thrones will shit himself to death, the claimant you've spent four years fighting to install will die and cancel the whole war, etc. Savescum if you want, but CK2 is the best paradox game for rolling with the punches.

If you need more troops, try making alliances and calling your allies to arms, which can even be done in the middle of a war. An alliance can only be formed if you have a non-aggression pact, which is automatically formed by a close-kin marriage or betrothal (like your son to his daughter, etc), or rarely by event. Remember you can break betrothals later on, so you don't have to be picky about your allies. DON'T ally someone currently losing five wars, they'll call YOU to arms and now you're even worse off. Also note that allying your vassals prevents them from declaring war on you, but you can't call them to arms. Your enemy's vassals also can't be called in against him.
Your other option is hiring mercenaries from the army tab. Mercenaries are expensive, but reinforce monthly and can easily swing wars. You can always dismiss them from the army tab when you no longer need them, or get them killed off in Siege Assaults. If you need more cash to afford them, consider borrowing money from Jews in the Intrigue tab (available to all Christians) for an instant 300 ducats, or for Kings and Emperors consider Expelling the Jews. This will have long-term negative consequences, but gives a huge payout up front and cancels any existing loan. If you're pious and the Pope likes you, you can ask him for money too (he's very likely to agree if you're fighting infidels).
Don't attack into mountains. River crossings, forests, and hills are usually OK but they can turn close battles. You can try baiting the AI into defensible terrain by splitting your armies and moving them back together once the AI’s movement is locked in.

Armies are much more effective if they are led by a commander with a high Martial stat. Armies are automatically given commanders from your pool of assigned characters when they're raised, and will keep the best commanders when merged. You can win hard battles, even 2:1 if your commanders are much better than the enemy. If everyone in your realm has shit Martial, consider using the "Promote a Commander" decision in the Intrigue tab to spawn one, or invite a high Martial character from another court (bonus if he has a valuable claim). You can easily search for prospects with the “Character Search” button in the bottom right. Select “Search All”, “Gender: Male”, and “Join Court: Yes”, then sort the results by Martial score.
If you have "Auto-Assign Commanders" checked, note that it will pick the highest Martial character ONLY when a new slot opens up. It might leave you with 2 Martial characters even if a 20 Martial is available.
You can personally lead battles as a commander, which gives a bonus 10% morale to your troops. This can also get you maimed or killed in battlefield events, so only take the field if you really need to or succession is secure.
>always totally broke
>participate in crusade
>suddenly 2,700 gold
What do I spend it on? I'm almost tempted to blow it on a wonder
Put it in basic buildings to strengthen yourself. That way your foundation is better and next crusade you can dump it all on a wonder. Also hospitals are mighty expensive and necessary.
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just created my most evil character so far
>secretly hellenic, Orthodox emperor
>take away all the lands of the major Iconoclasts and give them to the Orthodox
>gift Orthodox the lands I took from the Iconoclasts to make them sympathetic to paganism
>conver publicly
>half of the empire becomes hellenic
>let the other half start a rebellion so I could throw them all in jail
>hire African mercenaries to crush all rebels
>after the original rebels died in prison, I would demand the lands from their children so that they would rebel again, hire mercenaries again to crush them and throw them in jail
>repeat for another 2 times with the small remnants of Iconoclasts
>after that's finished start wars of conquest to boost my religious authority
>eventually declared war against the Kingdom in southern Italy
>even after getting 100%, my Emperor would take their capital, capture the kings family and execute them for shits and giggles
>declare war on rome
>take the city and made the pope surrender before the French and Spanish could show up
>pope flees to Schwyz (my irl home country lol)
>give all the new lands to the hellenic nobleman and holy men I invited to my court
>the last remaining Iconoclast and Orthodox want me to increase council power, so I repeated the process of making them rebel just to crush them
>Emperor get's Dragon Bloodline, proceeds to burn all prisoners, except for my vassals
>Emperor beheads one of his daughter in a duel
>Abbasid get attacked from all sides, so I start a Grand Invasion of egypt
>land in Egypt unopposed
>after the Caliph sent lead an outnumbered army into battle my Emperor turns him into a retard after a fight
>win the war, have around 50 prisoners in jail
>emperor reforms faith with himself as religious head
>Emperor marries and fucks his retard daughter
>sacrifice dozends of people to the gods, including all the vassals that I still locked up
>In one lifetime I turned half of the med into a dystopia filled with senseless bloodshed
>Britain is pillaged by Vikings
>Abbasid slowly loose their lands to their neighbours
>French King creates 3 new Kingdom titles, all with a diffrent heir, leading to a massive collapse in the future
>would Siege the capitals of enemies for no other reason than to imprison their families to sacrifice and eat them
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>pic related
>least insane greek
>Can anons tell me how to get into this game?
I started playing it two years ago and just learned the fundamentals as I played the tutorial scenario (Alfonso VI of León).

The most important things you need to understand in CK2 are:
The most central element in game. It affects gameplay mechanics, war, every single character in the game including yours and how they interact with each other. Religion is core to everything, read the wiki to get the basics of how it affects the game.

>Succession laws
There's many different succession laws, some available only to certain religions or cultures. It's pretty straightforward: Agnatic means only males, agnatic cognatic means women inherit IF there are no eligible men. Gavelkind means titles are distributed more or less evenly between heirs. Let's say your rank is king and you have 2 kingdom titles, like León and Castille, you also have 2 sons and your succession law is gavelkind. When your character dies, one kingdom (eg León) will go to the primary heir (the NEXT in line) who you'll now play as and the other kingdom (Castille) will go to the other son who is now your brother, since you two have become kings now and people of equal rank can't be vassals of each other, he will split from you and go independent. However, you two will be claimants to each other's kingdom, because even if neither of the brothers ruled both kingdoms at the same time since it was split, both you and your brother are still the children of the previous king who ruled both kingdoms together. This also means both are in line for each other's thrones, so if your loving brother one day decides that he wants to murder you, you know why.
Now, suppose you are king of France and you have the duchies of Paris (where your capital, the COUNTY of Paris is located) and the Duchy of Anjou. You also have 2 sons and your succession is gavelkind. In this situation, when your ruler dies, the Kingdom of France will go the primary/next heir, who you'll now plays as, together with the Duchy of Paris, because the capital of the Kingdom is currently there, but the other duchy with every county in it, will go your brother, who'll also have a claim on the Kingdom of France, because, again, he is still the son of the previous king. He won't go independent however, because there was only one King title (France), which went to the primary son (you), he will inherit only the Duchy of Anjou and thus, stay beneath you in rank.

I hope I cleared succession up a bit. It's not as complicated as it might seem to a beginner and there's a page in the ck2 paradoxwikis that explains every succession type in the game in detail if you are ever confused.

>How territory is divided in the game
The territory in the game is divided into counties/provinces. When you click on a county you'll see a holding at the top (usually a castle) and other holdings "inside" the province like cities, churches and sometimes there'll be more than one of each, including castles. The characters who control these holdings(castles, cities and churches) inside the provinces, are Baron rank. The character that controls the capital holding, which is the holding at the top in the province window, controls the county/province ITSELF and therefore is at least a count. Every county in the game is part of a duchy, duchies are parts of kingdoms and kingdoms are parts of empires.
You don't need to control every single county in a duchy to be the duke, you also don't need to control every duchy in a kingdom to be the king. Every ruler needs to control at least one county in order to be a count or above rank, because a county is what represents land in the game and a character that doesn't control land cannot possibly be a duke or a king. Of course, you want to control more than a single county because the military in your county is controlled directly by you and the taxation flows directly to you too, instead of flowing to a vassal who'll pay you a fraction of it.

>Casus Belli
It means "reason for war", every invasion and combat between realms in the game needs a reason that justifies it. There's lots of different casus belli in the game and each one has different penalties for the loser and rewards for the winner. Many of them have certain conditions in order to become available but most of the time, wars are religiously motivated or disputes for claims and "de jure" land, which is tied to what I talked about in the previous topic. You can check which casus belli you have available on every realm next to you that you might want to attack by clicking on the ruler portrait and clicking on war I think, then you'll see what are the rewards for each type of casus belli.
Some casus belli are better than others of course because they'll give you better rewards, but better rewards usually mean the war will be more costly, difficult, and should you lose, more punishing.

The game has lots of intricate mechanics, details and exploits but you don't need to learn everything or how to min-max and abuse mechanics because the game is already easy as it is, and it is way more fun to roleplay and let the story take it's course so you never know where you'll end up.

Hope I helped and if you have doubts as you go along, ask here or check the ck2 paradoxwikis. As long as you understand the topics I listed you're good to go.
Dude pls install 'portrait compilation mod', vanilla portraits are ugly af.
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>black death
>event about how the peasants are blaming the jews
>event on a letter from the Pope specifically telling me jews aren't to blame for the plague
>expel the jews
>the plague immediately stops
>no black death
>everything is fine
>expel the jews anyway
>India is always untouched because the plague can't cross the Himalayas

Do the deed pox!
Ck2 is easy as fuck you can do it in the 1337 start if you wanted to
Can someone from here help me? Years ago an anon recommended that in order for wars to end more quickly and be more historical, one should change the ATTACKER_TICKING_WAR_SCORE value in the defines to 1, making it so attackers can get 100 warscore by just sieging the target counties with no battle needed. Problem is, that property doesn't seem to exist anywhere in the current defines of CK2, and I assume that it was either deprecated or that anon got the name wrong.

Any way around that? I did managed to once make war work like that but I can't remember how exactly.
You can actually spook AI into surrendering just by sieging the target counties for high war score. Like taking Tunis from Abbasids in holy war. Rush the sieges and they surrender before even getting their armies anywhere near.
in >>1777687
>random everyday slow fever outbreak
>people blame the jews
>pope sends me a letter saying the Jews are absolutely to blame and we should expel or kill them
>tell the people jews are not to blame because I don’t want to lose my Silk Road trade bonuses
>two days later get a random event that gives me Just
Need you advice anons: Fairly new to modding and currently thinkering around making a submod that adds more flavor to christian Iberia for HIP.

The idea is: A central part of the reconquista was the migration (and often times forceful expulsion) of muslims down south and the repopulation of the conquered cities by christian settlers. This was encouraged via fueros (basically bills of rights and duties signed by the king for specific cities and settlements in the frontier), creating a culture of fortified cities defended by freemen and "minor" noblemen trying to carve out a fortune. A sort of medieval Wild West.

Thing is, I am not sure how that can be translated into a lightweight submod:

Originally I planned to make a small mod that gave christian characters the option to create a "fuero" in a city-type settlement as a special cultural building, rewarding mostly with light cavalrymen and a few heavy. But limiting the mod to that would ignore the main purpose of the fueros, meaning cultural conversion and repopulation, so it isn't ideal and I am not sure if there's any way to make a building affect the MTTH for the cultural conversion event.

The other option I considered is to simply make a special cultural decision for kings to (if they have provinces of andalusian or just islamic culture) "bring settlers to province X" every 10 years or so. This would trigger an event that allows you to pick in between the conquered islamic provinces one to convert to your culture for a non-insignificant amount of gold. A less perfect representation of how fueros/presura/alodios worked, but at least it captures the spirit of it.

Any advice or ideas, guys? I just want a lightweight, simple mod to give more flavor to the Iberian Peninsula. If this works I would try my hand with the unification of the christian crowns and perhaps a better tributary system for the parias, but simple things first.
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oh okay europe is gonna be having one of those kinds of games I see I see
Doesn't it already work like that? You can get 100% warscore from sieging the whole war target. There is still the separate three year minimum for the war duration if you don't win any battles.
Well said my groyper brother. Followers of Rabbi Yeshua ben Yosef will not stand for such gentilery!
Kys terminally online retard
That must had sting, didn't it? Gonna cope by watching some my little dark age edits?
Lmao, have a (you) for the seething. You made the other guy say some funny shit about you.
Avoid Paraslop at all costs
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No matter how many hundreds of years pass since your country has expelled the jews, no matter what your entire country will somehow seem to have relied on their presence those hundreds of fucking years ago
The penalties for expelling the juice is one of the worst things in the game. The fact that the penalties are permanent basically render the decision useless and a handicap no matter what because the devs are pussies.
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>king of the netherlands
>getting towards the end game
>get the immortal event
>oh hell yeah
>the immortal courtier is a 13 year old indian girl
>complete the event, am now immortal
>courtier is about to turn 16
>I wonder if her portrait will change
>it doesn't
>can't marry her
>take her as my lover
>spend the next hundred+ years fucking my immortal child courtier lover and popping out illegitimate brown babies till the game ends

It was so wrong but it was funny.
How come every once in a while a child is born as a bastard even though its parents are married? I’ve seen it a couple times, but I’m playing tanistry and just had a genius baby incorrectly marked as a bastard and removed from the future nominee pool, it pissed me off
It's simply such a retarded fucking premise that it had to be written by a member of the tribe
>no jews huh?
>no culture for you
>no technology for you
>you NEED us
>do NOT look up the spanish golden age and what came right before it
I think they added the penalties because people would take out a loan and expel the Jews. Just like IRL.
I could see requiring a length of time between accepting a loan and being able to expel them, not a permanent debuff lasting thousands of years post expulsion
That never happened in my games. Are you playing with mods?

What I have seen happen in my games is people who couldn't possibly be related have inbred children. But it is rare enough to not be a problem.
It's common knowledge that it's Chinese who to blame, and not Jews. Think about it, Black death and many other viruses always came from china.
Listen. Jews are just more intelligent. You can no longer maintain a similar research output without them than the colonial states in Africa could maintain the infrastructure left behind by the Europeans.
Are you sure that the father is who you think it is?
Yeah, good point. I forgot about that little detail. But I'm not sure if the AI will use seduction focus on relatives.
Bros, is there a mechanic to take the wives and daughters of your enemies as sex slav... I mean, concubines?
Yeah, just have a religion that allows raiding and concubines. That's the main reason to be a pagan, really.
Do you need seduction focus for that? I've had the "it's good to be the king" event trigger on relatives, maybe the AI is the same.
I didn't know you could get that event on relatives. That could be the explanation.

Next time I see unrelated couples have inbreds, I'm gonna check the real father.
>playing ck2
>start getting flood events that require huge amounts of gold to restore broken artifacts
>lose literally thousands of gold until i look up that shit
>it happens when owning african lands
>turns out i had 2 small islands that had port on the silk road
>i had 2 small island
>with a port on the silk road (???)
>in africa (?????)
What is this, fucking Markov chains? I thought modern AI was supposed to be good at writing shit like this.
they were to the south of Arabia and to the east of Abyssinia.
it seems one island and 2 counties.
it is listed as part of the Abyssinian Empire.
maybe i'll boot the game later and post the exact name.
thank you very much. that was it.
it seems one county too.
my memory is fucked.
anyway, the rain events destroying shit in the capital when it is far away was fucking retarded.
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the fact that christianity is actually present and not forgotten in events is what makes ck2 ten times superior

seriously, why did ck3 practically do away with anything overtly religious?
Because paradox is filled with blue haired 'ironic' satanists. I haven't played CK3 but I imagine there are plenty of overt satan / devil events?
Not too many, I think they're saving them for a DLC since they know it's what their fans want most.
not that i remember, there's plenty of fart and caught naked events though

Oh and dont forget the tinder swiping event chain, that always makes me go LOL and hit the F12 key, ready to post such a FUNNY and WACKY occurrence to the funny subreddit
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someone on the event writer team of ck3 has a fart fetish and there are multiple events involving farting, and i truly do mean multiple
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only thing that would be unbelievable is nuparadox making a decent game
>be me
>christian character
>become pagan
>I can marry any woman I want (fuck the Pope, Henricus VIII Lex)
>I kick the jews
>no negative effect
Holy moly bros, I love being non-abrahamic.
I would have no problem with a satanism FLC with a good mythos / lore and mechanics, but I doubt that current Paradox devs/writers have the enough IQ to make it good.

>Satan is Yahweh (theistic evil satanism)
>Satan is Prometheus (theistic good satanism; possible quests with Hellenism)
>Satan is the indomitable human spirit (humanistic satanism; possible quests about philosophy)
Any religion could have a great RPG story like the old-school (90s/00s) text-RPGs, but as I said before, I doubt we would see this with current Paradox.
Wow, Khazaria is an actual threat, in my games Khazaria and Avarias are ALWAYS the first ones to die, which is kinda pathetic.
Abrahamism becomes boring pretty quickly, imo.
And the historical cool sects in the game have 0 mechanics.
>I like republics because you can expand your wealth and influence in a really different way from the feudals.
How? I play feudal with the intrigue / business focus and I get the same events / quests that Republic campaign has.
not him.
i believe the Khazarian dude just inherited the Byzantines.
the Byzantines were destroyed once in a run by having constantinople and the counties around it inherited by east and west Frankian kings.
Always do the opposite of what the Pope says.
It clearly says truce from Khazarian-Byzantine subjugation war.
oh. i'm noob pls be patient.
the Byzantines start weak. don't they?
that dude can muster almost 10k soldiers but i believe the Byzantines can't. can they?
Yes the Khazars can body Byzantines if they pull in all the clans into doomstack but clans aren't obliged to join.
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he has enough troops to win but will probably fuck this up somehow
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he failed, then died and got shitted by gavelkind, but now this slightly cooler guy is trying it
Say I have 4 sons, the Empire of Britannia, and primogeniture. I'm still in my first run trying out the game.
I've seen some advice saying that the best way to manage your kingdom's duchies are to elevate a mayor from their area to run them.
However, as a personal goal, I also want to spread my House/Dynasty as widely as possible within my realm, and have as many holdings as possible managed by members of it.
Would it be a good idea to give the duchies to my children, in that case?
Why are the norse the ugliest people in the game? I thought paradox was a swedish company?
>> Schwyz (my irl home country lol)
most evil part of all IMO
kino campaign though anon
They will get claims on your kingdom after you die, and having vassals with claims is a 100 percent way to get revolts. If you think you can handle that though...
i'm a noob too.
when i have too many sons, i conquer new lands, give it to them and grant them independence.
but i mostly give them land far away and land my kinsmen close by.
i like to have a small but powerful kingdom/empire.
i have enough titles/lands to have above 10 demesne limit and have a bunch of castles in 2-3 counties.
I did the same in my first playthrough. Gave duchies to people from my family and when possible, gave counties to people from families that historically ruled said counties, otherwise I'd give them to my most loyal, landless servants.

Giving land to dynasty relatives has the benefits of increased vassal opinion, exponential dynastic prestige growth and in my experience, dynastic relatives tend to be more obedient, assuming they don't hate you, obviously.
The drawbacks are that if you are unpopular there'll be factions to install some relative and that some inbreeding might happen depending on how large the family is.
Vassals being from same dynasty doesn't mean they automatically get claims on your titles as the other anon seemed to imply. If your sucession isn't something like seniority and the dynasty is large enough, you can land distant relatives in duchies and they will do their own thing.
In the beginning, when your dinasty is just you and a few brothers of course they will be claimants and if you're looking to grow your dynasty you're gonna have to land as many relatives as possible since landed characters marry and reproduce much faster than unlanded ones, but as generations pass by and the dynasty grows exponentially, your vassals will then be distant relatives with no claims on your personal titles so this stops being a problem.

I say go for it.
The way I do it is to look for dynastic relatives that are not already in line to inherit anything and give them conquered land as to keep the realm evenly distributed and no single vassal too large, also I will give land to relatives that are in line but unlikely to inherit like those who are 4th or 5th in line and so on. Then I micromanage marriages and stuff to ensure that they will all have children. Premature deaths, assassinations and unpredictable stuff happens so eventually a vassal will inherit land he shouldn't but that just adds more drama, fun and stuff for you to do. Perfect gets boring.
what's the best slavery mod with actual features? sex stuff is fine but I don't really want overtly coomer like dark ages
>Would it be a good idea to give the duchies to my children, in that case?
Landing your children in CK2 is and has always been a terrible idea. You want your sons and grandsons to be in your court so you have full control over who they marry and how you tutor them, because of you don't then chances are the AI will monumentally fuck up your heirs and instead of a genius midas touched/grey eminence ruler you'll end up with some clubfooted, half-retarded misguided schemer. That, and family members tend to be incredibly disloyal in this game because they have claims everywhere so they constantly plot and join factions.
The AGOT mod has the best slavery system, too bad no one has ported it to to vanilla.
So, have they made a mod that makes the AI not go retarded with raids yet?

Raids are a fine mechanic by me but these nonstop raids just make me want to not play anymore. I'd love a mod that fixes the AI seduction focus retardation too.
>become rich
>suddenly all the raiding parties of the world zoom right onto your capital
>including literal Mongol raiders, even if it's to Morocco

Gods I hate them. And the raiding protection from negotiating only lasts 10 years. And the full game is over 600 years.
If a nearby castle has a fort level of 10 I believe vikings can no longer travel down the major river there, but you can disable both seduction and raiding in the game rules before you start a campaign. Honestly there's no shame in turning off raiding IMO because it doesn't pose any challenge to you, it is just a brutal annoyance when every single fucking Scandinavian OPM decides to try their luck in your province every 2 weeks so you constantly have to pause the game to raise and disband levies. It would be fine if destroying a major raiding band gave a hidden modifier to your province that discouraged raiders for x amount of years but right now the system just fucking sucks.
you've probably already figured it out by now but I'll offer some advice just in case

>I am not sure if there's any way to make a building affect the MTTH for the cultural conversion event
the generic culture-swap event id is 55000, the first event in culture_conversion_events.txt
you can simply add a modifier to the MTTH block which is triggered by the 'has_building' condition. If you go this route it might be a good idea to add a conditional description (with identical trigger) which informs the player that the local fuero played a part in the conversion. Technically this is not the most lightweight route though, since editing vanilla files can cause compatibility issues with other mods.
The MOST LIGHTWEIGHT route is to make a basic event from scratch. this event would ideally be a minimalist copy of 55000, but would only trigger when the fuero building was present.

>A less perfect representation of how fueros/presura/alodios worked
yeah, an intrigue decision would be inherently limited and a settlement decision would either be annoying or invisible depending on whether you flag it as high priority or not
likely part of the holy fury pregnancy overhaul.
The mother dedicated herself to a virtue in hopes of a blessed pregnancy, then failed to live up to said virtue. In a later event she is struck with severe guilt over the affair, which bystanders interpret as a sign of infidelity.
how is the player supposed to deal with the cucking event "i am just like blessed mary"?
i used to call her bullshit and divorce instantly but recently, i tried to do the console command thingy to show real fathers and i discovered that the kid has no father and she wasn't lying and the game basically throws that event to fuck with the player not because the wife cheated and caused the event to trigger.
Mod it out if you don't like it
I really wanna love the agot overhaul but these fucking portraits make it very hard for me
what submods do you guys use with the thing?
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any suggestion? I can't seduce anyone because of chest pain
Could divorce your wife and get one that's lustful/midas touched for more fertility, but other than that or reducing the MTTH for cheating events and picking family focus (which you already have) I think you might be done for if you're unlucky.
If you just the take seduction focus, it will still spawn maidservant lover, with low mean time to happen. Hunting focus also can spawn an attractive lover, but it takes much longer. There is also rare wolf child event. Keeping the family focus should turn your wife into a lover eventually. Get groom an heir ambition, if it still increases your fertility in HIP. Having landed wife also helps, as it gives her a chance to pick the same focuses and ambitions as you
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Is anyone here an experienced mapmodder? I want to use the gorgeous map from HIP and provinces from SWMH, but for vanilla. I've used the SWMH lite version and turned sub-Saharan Africa into a desert and India is just a wasteland now, but I can't resize the map back into 2048x2048 without the game crashing upon loading databases. It's not really a huge issue playing with some wasteland to the east but it would both look and run better if I could resize the map again and that would allow me to more neatly fix the edges of the map, like where Mongols spawn, where the Silk Road begins, stuff like that. I essentially just want to play the pre-Rajas vanilla map with but the graphics and province shapes of HIP. Any ideas? The error logs weren't particularly helpful in figuring out what's causing the crashing.
I have wanted to try HIP for a while.

How much does it change from the normal game?
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Everything turned out alright in the end, I guess I got lucky.
Honestly, it's not that different. It adds new traits, ambitions, religions and cultures and rebalances things slightly, but nothing too radical
Nomads are far weaker though. The Steppe is smaller and getting a horde large enough to fight against feudal kingdoms is hard. You also bleed population like crazy if you get raided.
Downloading it right now.
You can try using the BLG mod with AGOT, there's also Faces Modification Submod and Tubbs Better Faces. I use BLG because it was the easiest to install and had the least compatibility issues
Is it more toned down than vanilla in terms of how overpowered you can make your character?
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Finished downloading and ready to go.

I chose this random count in Germany at the Iron Century start date to chill and see the HIP changes at a relaxed pace. I turned off raids because apparently HIP didn't change anything about raids from the original game and I don't want to deal with this, also turned off ahistorical chinese invasion bullshit. Diplo range is halved, everything else is default I think.

Time to find myself a wife.
I've gotten so used to the UI from HIP that the vanilla one looks jarring.
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Yeah, I haven't really played the nomads. I've heard horse archers were OP at one point and then nerfed to the ground in the final mod release.
No, if anything it might be the opposite. There are those fighter and diplomat traits and a few more cogential traits, so you can breed even more uber Ubermensch. The upside is AI also seems to more capable of getting high stats. I've seen more great and more terrible rulers with HIP
Sounds alright, I might try an immortal character tomorrow and see how busted I can make him
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A few years have passed and although I have yet to see most of the changes HIP has to offer, I like what I have seen so far. Choosing an ambition feels like it actually matters now and you get events to fulfill them. It seems like wars are faster now, Italy fought a war with Burgundy and Germany conquered Lorraine in relatively short time, compared to what I'm used to in the original game, perhaps because battles are more decisive.

I married, picked family focus with "having a son" ambition and after having 2 male sons to secure the family's continuity I chose to "become a pious man", theology focus and joined the Benedictine Order because my character is a content, kind, religious zealot who wants to spend his days praying and contemplating.
I might try to get a 2nd county later and maybe a 3rd just to be safe in case my Duke decides to grab my land for some reason.
Ck2 with hip is still too easy, that’s why I’ve switched to ck3. In ck3 I actually get btfod by vassal factions every once in awhile. Even if I have terrible luck in HIP I can still just win easily. I even set autistic rp rules and restrictions but still find myself people op too fast even if it’s just be upgrading buildings and playing a chill content ruler
You can tune up the difficulty before starting a game. What it does is make the computer units stronger in battle and regenerate faster, boosts their income and debuffs it for the player. Until we get to a point where AI can learn to play these games like a human it's the best we can do. A basic computer program will never be able to outplay a human.
Black Death hit, closed my gates and still went through 5 rulers in like 3 years. I think the run might be over, even with hospitals, +health focus and garden great work with +health and disease resistance.
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>769 start
>it is now 809
>karloman was assassinated and charlemagne inherited middle francia
>charlemagne was also assassinated
>the two francias are bordergored to shit
>pepin the hunchback formed italy and unified practically the entire peninsula + conquered catalonia from the umayyads
>serbia is very large
>tibet is VERY large
just the usual
random pregnancy event from HF. Sometimes your wife chokes on the communion wafer (lmao) and everyone interprets it as a divine sign of infidelity (you can even use console to check and it’s your kid)
I thought cheating was rampant in CK2 but then someone told me if you have the paranoid trait you always get the event about suspecting your pregnant wife of infidelity
It is rampant but you can remove AI seduction focus in game rules.
What? I didn't see this option when starting a new game
Yeah, I always do that too. By the way, do you know why that pagan warrior society is sometimes not around? It just doesn't exist in the list even though I'm a tribal pagan.
It's somewhere in the middle I think, you can forbid dueling, seduction, multiplayer assassinations, that kind of stuff.
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>It's somewhere in the middle I think, you can forbid dueling, seduction, multiplayer assassinations, that kind of stuff.
It doesn't show up as an option for me. Maybe because I'm playing HIP?

So far I've seen only one ruler with seduction focus in the game, and he was lustful. If only lustful rulers have a chance of picking seduction I'm fine with it. I just don't want that retardation of everyone being a bastard everywhere.
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I thought he'd last a few more years.
Any recommendations for mods that 'fix' retinues and heavy cavalry? It's always bothered me that the elite warrior of the medieval period is considered a mid tier units, always behind LC, archers and pikemen. Heavy Cavalry should be expensive but absolutely devastating in battle, but the mixed levy and tactics system kinda fuck that up unless you've already conquered half the world as a French/German ruler and can doomstack heavy cavalry cultural retinues.
I think Heavy Cavalry is stronger in HIP because Light Cavalry and Archers are nerfed.
HIP has completely different tactics from vanilla so of course it should be better.
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CK2 needs a "project alice" sort of thing to optimize and add quality of life UI shit and networking
>I'm so retarded I lose in ck3 let me tell you all about it
What a weird kink.
The Legacy Map mod (reverts the playable map to pre-Rajas of India) results in a massive performance boost, other than that there's a mod called Performance by Trexeth which optimizes some code and prunes useless courtiers around the world. I just found out about a mod called Clean Slate which is also supposed to not only fix a lot of bugs but optimize a lot of bad code. Get the Bigger Interface mod if you don't have it already.
Cleanslate is fantastic but still has some bugs and obviously no networking/UI changes
>Cleanslate is fantastic but still has some bugs
When you say that do you mean they introduce new bugs or are there still bugs left in vanilla? I've yet to give it a try, I have my own minimod that's mostly just a collection of stolen content from other mods. Clean Slate sounds pretty good but I'm a bit reluctant to use it in my mod since I'd immediately lose track of what it actually does.
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I think this is the most I've ever managed to do as this guy before he dies. Probably will switch to someone else
>zoroastrian playthrough into bloodhound bloodline
name a more iconic duo.
But actually how the fuck did you break the abbasids in one generation? On a good playthrough my first guy usually dies as a glorified freedom fighter on the shores of the caspian
it's the ziyarid start in 936 so it's very easy. iran is divided and the abbasids are just in iraq. the strategy is just in when you choose to click the unique decision to convert to zoroastrian from sunni (which also gives you claims on a bunch of stuff)
Play with defensive pacts off. Other than that, the strategy for fast conquest was as follows:
-Abuse mercenaries; unlike levies you can declare wars with mercs raised so if you can pay for it you can just march a merc stack around for the little wars. This also let my levies regenerate in the conquered counties
-Don't do demesne management, I bought zero buildings and just held onto whatever I conquered first. More important to maximize short-term cash flow and levies
-Holy war for the biggest duchies first. You want to grow fast and cripple your enemies.
-Make big vassals (fewer to manage) by landing your best commanders. They will conquer stuff for you (which I normally dislike but I wanted speed)
Other than that, just be opportunistic and get lucky. Obviously living to 75 helped stretch what could be done in one lifetime. Also he started with the siege leadership trait, which besides the chinese version is the best one by far, and I'm not sure if that was a random roll at start or something he always has. That sped things up a lot. The only other big thing I think could have done was trucebreak, but I hate doing that because it feels like cheating.
They do introduce some bugs yes, not that many. It adds some good quality of life shit for modders and it runs way WAY faster
Good to know, I guess there's no harm in using it as the framework for my own mod collection then.
How do I play around Imperial Decay? Decentralise?
Doesn't it say on the tooltip how you're supposed to beat it? Holy wars, tournaments?
Noticed a funny thing in HIP. Siblings of the same mother seem to be always born on the same day of the month.

All the siblings of my character were born in day 23 and I checked if it was just an extreme coincidence but it's the same. I checked some duke with 3 children and the first and second child were born on the 8th of august and february but the youngest was born on the 12th, then I noticed it was because the youngest to a different mother since the previous wife of the duke had died, subsequent children they had were all born on the 12th.
They probably changed something in the code for pregnancy checks and caused this by mistake. I wonder how this could happen since the day fixed for birthing varies for each female character, but the month does not, so it's not like they simply fixed the same day of the year of pregnancy checks.
Idk how people play this shit. I'm playing as a vassal of the byzantines on ck2 plus, the ai just smashes every button it can. I've fought like 6 weaken vassal plots cause I'm not giving up my theme, I beat them every time but the ai doesn't stop. Maybe I should just play ck3 idk.
769 is only good for raiding and raping.
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mods? im looking to spice up my own LL modlist
Should be the same one as always, unless they removed all the rape. It's the fantasy one, but you can turn all of it off.
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>the usual
769 is also the only date where you can make custom HREs
is it Holy, Roman, and Empire?
If you're the defender of Christendom, yes
If you've been granted the office of King/Emperor of the Romans, yes
That little thing? Not a chance
>Zeus Vult.
Jupiter Vult
They literally just fucked up the localization files and it's a super easy fix. They released a few polishing patches after HF, but never got around to fixing that one, I guess?
It's utterly inexplicable honestly and would be super easy to fix with a mod. Since it's just localization, you could even use the mod while playing iron man. Oh well, though.
The engine isn't really built for that and it would have been pretty difficult to design a work around. Remember that HF is the capstone, so they don't want to build crazy new features like versatile localization - especially just for little OCD things like god names.
Have you ever seen the XKCD where it's like:
>I want the app to tell if they took the picture in a national park
>no problem, done by friday
>...and check if it's a photo of a bird.
>I'll need 5 years and a research team
Not sure about files, but don't worry about it ever being updated again. It's possible they will do literally one patch to fix the silly localization thingy, but nothing significant will ever be added again by PDX - and only a few devs are still doing any mod work at all (mostly small personal projects or polishing existing mods).
I have no recommendations but I am learning CK2 modding and might want to tweak this.
Any recommendations for HOW to fix it, in terms of ideas?
You could try putting all your HC retinues in one flank.
Nomad is perfectly fine and I completely disagree. It absolutely gets boring after the typical raid & run for ~100 years, but you can just stop. You know you can literally settle down at any time as nomad, right? You can do things like declare an invasion across the map and become King of France as a nomad.
Merchant, I absolutely agree. The mechanics are an interesting change of pace from traditional feudal gov, but get stale. Nomad just has a perfect exit clause.
I highly, highly recommend a 769 campaign where you start as a nomad and work your way west. Many of the cultures also give you free raiding ability too. It's peak.
Well, roleplaying with your character's traits and not worrying about minmaxing stuff or expanding is quite fun and leads to some interesting situations.
The issue stems from the tactics system, mixed units tend to perform poorly because they can prevent good tactics from firing or they even get nerfed by the tactics of other units. HC has some tactics that buff their attack by 200-400% but in order to get them to fire often you want that flank to consist of 30-50% heavy cavalry, which is going to be impossible if you mix them with levies. The German and French (+subgroups like Occitan) get 60% HC 40% LC cultural retinues and the South Slavs get 60% LC 40% HC so they could reliably trigger good cavalry tactics but that only really becomes viable once you're an emperor or king with a retinue cap high enough to field a few thousand knights.
To "fix" it I would look to other retinue overhaul mods that change the retinue cap, usage and generic retinues. Instead of cavalry retinues coming in chunks of 250 you could tone that down to 100 and create a pure generic heavy cavalry retinue. If you have the money it should be easier to strictly field more HC. I've never touched the combat system, on paper there is a lot of depth to it and it seems really cool but in practice it always seems to boil down to "the levy system and tactical system and antithetical to each other, whoever has the biggest army and highest martial commander usually wins unless you stack pure retinues on some flank and exploit tactics, something the AI will never do". You should check out the Elegant Warfare mod for some more inspiration, it changes both how tactics, combat phases and retinues work, pick and choose the changes you like and don't like from it.
Idk where else to ask this but can someone explain to me how heresy works in ck2? I have like 2500 hours played and I still don't get it. It seems completely random that certain runs are just doomed because a secret soceity hijacks my entire country and literally every generation my heir is a heretic raising heretic children. Some things to note.
>catholic authority is always 100, I enthusiastically participate in crusades and usually have my solders at the border before the crusade even starts
>I never do the violent conversion when the pope asks, always peaceful
>I revoke any title a heretic has and even replace their lower vassals with catholics
>every so often I go through my court and assasinate all the heretics that show up
But it seems despite my efforts, it's impossible to prevent or contain. Once you get the event where you convert or hide a heretic holy text, the entire run is just doomed.
Just disable secret religious societies in the game rules if you feel like they ruin the game too much. I recall them being an unbalanced, unreasonable mess (i.e there's no real logic behind people joining cults, they just do it because there are no other alternatives) at launch and I'm not sure if it was ever fixed.
>The game overdoes it with heresies if you don't disable secret societies
>The game overdoes it with raiding if you don't disable it
>The game overdoes it with birth deffects if you don't disable pregnancy events

There seems to be a pattern with the issues in the game
More or less, it becomes an issue when you just slap easily available mechanics into place and then have hundreds, potentially thousands of characters that interact with it. Raiding wouldn't be an issue if they were like semi-prepared invasions, like you get a moderate, organized force that show up but if you defeat them that's it. The problem with raiding stems from it being a game of whack-a-mole because you have a hundred chiefs and adventurers from Scandinavia capable of raiding and instead of a moderately sized warband that you can decisively defeat (or use the negiotiate with mechanic) you end up with a constant stream of insignificant armies from 100 different sources, leading to a constant frustration instead of periodic challenges to overcome. Player raiding should be unlimited but I think it would be way more fun if the AI was more limited in its capacity to raid, like they are dramatically more likely to raid during one half of the year (when they're not busy tending to their crops) and treat raids like mini crusades where you get to pledge troops and ships and then attack/raid someone as a unified force that can be negotiated with or destroyed without turning into a whack-a-mole hydra of raiders.
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>If you've been granted the office of King/Emperor of the Romans, yes
The Pope has absolutely supported the Gausian Emperors' claim to the legacy of Rome.
Truly they are divinely appointed, no tampering with papal affairs, oh no.
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What are the conditions for defensive pagans to convert? I've just been sitting on this guy hoping he goes Catholic.
Also, my dynasts keep showing up in the weirdest places. 98 living members.
Found it, Catholic moral authority is only 49% and needs to be 50% to enable the decision
Fairly certain that nigga ain't going anywhere as long as there's a war he's part of.
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This was supposed to be a comfy italian roleplay game but I roll one ambitious character with a weak claim on the Byzantines and this is what happens. At least it solves the Zweikaiserproblem.
Should I attempt to fully integrate the Greeks into the Empire? The only reason it's been peaceful and prosperous for nearly a century is that almost all of the Italian nobility is my dynasty.
I guess I see three options:
>Total purge. Revoke all viceroyalties, use forced conversion and vassal pope claims to replace it all with Italian Catholic nobility. Probably requires decentralization to raise vassal limit.
>Divide the byzantines into ~5 kingdoms, hand them out to Greek families, let them sort it out.
>Appoint a relative as Byzantine emperor and/or allow it to be split by inheritance.
Wanting to unify the Western and Eastern Roman Empire made a lot of sense, but I don't think direct rule from Milan is going to go over well in Anatolia.
>is it Holy, Roman, and Empire?
there is nothing holy, roman or imperial in this world anymore
>absolutely disgusting balkanization of central europe
>italy is the only relatively stable bulwark of the catholic faith
>the großserbische empire has balkanized, leaving behind a four-county-sized serbian rump state, one of the counties being an exclave in the middle of bessarabia
>the byzantines are iconoclast and undergoing one of fifty revolts
>also thessaly and part of thrace are independent serbian slavic pagan chiefdoms
>umayyads are turning the iberian peninsula sunni
>the abbasids are raping africa 1000 years before it was cool
>saxony and sweden are basically guaranteeing that northern europe remains germanic pagan
>saxony in particular, taking exclaves into account, stretches west-east from great britain to the karelian isthmus and south-north from the rhine to the fjords of norway
>estonia is in leningrad
>the entirety of siberia is manichean
>tibet is growing larger
If you take/keep the ERE then it feels like you're obligated to fight the Muslims and blob in the Middle East, would be better if you help stabilize the situtation in Europe.
Tribal subjugation were a mistake. I wonder how the worlds would look if the AI was more hardcoded into blobbing into more natural borders, like heavily prioritizing getting all the de-jure stuff and then preferring taking new provinces that have a high number of neighboring allied provinces, with exclaves being anathema to them.
>still gets Black Priest because he's lazy and a bit autistic
He probably did something sinful. I think sinning is required to get wicked priest, not just traits.
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Here's the realm as it stands, on Dynastic view to show just how much of Italy has been consolidated under my family. Also including the more-or-less client kingdoms of Aquitaine, Bavaria, and Egypt.
>If you take/keep the ERE then it feels like you're obligated to fight the Muslims and blob in the Middle East, would be better if you help stabilize the situtation in Europe.
I wish the Children's Crusade Jerusalem had survived, between it and Egypt I would have considered the MidEast secure. As a player I would prefer to withdraw from the ERE to focus on my buffer kingdoms, but I'm still deciding how I want to do that in a way that advances the dynasty but doesn't irreparably damage the East.
He might've been a corrupt appointment, but my boy didn't deserve the Cadaver Synod he got.
>Umayyad Spain
>Distinct Saxon national identity
>Pictish Britain
Cool alt timeline desu
I don't know man, looks like a comfy clusterfuck to me. What was the start date?
It's traits, coupled with very low diplomacy or intrigue. The sinful traits can vary in different religions, but for Christianity it's the seven vices, plus Cynical, Lunatic, Possessed, Homosexual and Hedonist.

He'll always be legitimate to me.
Could you reform the Roman Empire as HRE? What about reviving Hellenism?
>Could you reform the Roman Empire as HRE? What about reviving Hellenism?
You can only reform the Roman Empire with the ERE, but in this case I could do it since I hold both titles. I would need Alexandria from Egypt and Jerusalem, Antioch, and Tunis from the Abbasids, though.
Becoming Hellenic is possible as any Italian or Greek (as long as you’re Lunatic, Possessed, or a nerd) and control one of the holy sites (Rome, Syracuse, Athens, Thessalonika, Alexandria), so I actually have enough of them to reform. Having fun with papal mechanics this game though, I usually rarely bother with the Cardinals but the Pope has ~3 prince-elector titles.
Gotta be 769, Picts are already Scots by Viking age
A smallish Egypt looks pretty aesthetic, it would be fun to do a campaign where you migrate there as a crusader state and play tall but it would suck to have to give up all the tech of your previous capital, but I guess you could abuse your previous title and capital tech to pass all the laws you want and then shift primary title and abandon your old capital?
I was just reminded of my trauma of Christian kings in the middle east letting muslims educate their children, leading them to swap their whole realm to Islam.
I did that once in multiplayer, was pretty soon after the game started so I didn't lose that much tech, and I later built a great university with my silk road & crusade money to tech up faster.
>Paradox multiplayer
How do you do it without falling asleep?
I don't know about other pdox games (we usually only do HoI4 in short sessions or CK2 in longer campaigns) but CK2 is great for multiplayer. There's always at least one player whose realm is currently in chaos, and the other players can intervene to keep themselves busy.
Not being able to savescum or console leads to all kinds of bizarre outcomes. Rarely do things settle out long enough to become boring. Nobody but the merchants have stable realms, and the merchants spend all their time bribing the feudals to wage embargos/seize trade posts
If you're not migrating to a different kingdom with literally every character, you're ngmi.
Tech honestly sucks in CK2 and needed an entirely new expansion to deal with (but it wouldn't have sold so it never got made).
It's the only feature in CK2 that major mods (AGOT) straight up remove from the game, because they played CK1 and new tech wasn't necessary in the game.
You literally just need more troops. Maybe once in your entire reign, you will lose a couple battles because the other guys troops were higher quality - but larger armies also reinforce faster in this game and you will usually win the long-fight against smaller, higher quality armies.
Don't forget the one guy with 12D marriage plays that's about to inherit the Byzantines.
Always funny when they get wicked priest for being lazy. Like at least the lustful and gluttonous ones are doing really offensive shit, presumably. This guy just sleeps in until Noon so they all hate him.
This is so cozy and awesome.
You could integrate and have the cozy tall HRE game, with elections still keeping you on your toes.
You could also release ERE under your second son or something and basically do the Late Roman LARP shit; then you can reconquer the West and try to support the East.
You could also let your second son take the West and just migrate your play-through to the East (at least for now). That would make integrating the Orthodox rulers much easier.

Mediolanum actually was the capitol of the West for a point, so I don't mind that placement. Sadly, it was indefensible, so it was quickly moved again to Ravenna - where it stayed until the end. Seems you have the same problem of Germans coming over the border and instantly besieging your capitol.

>but my boy didn't deserve the Cadaver Synod he got.
It's going to be slow going against the big Muslim blobs. You should be more worried about pressing claims to take France/England.
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But CK1 did have tech?
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Oh, okay
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likely a skill issue
>that one friend who has been working on a bloodline project that he swears he’ll let you marry into, just one more bloodline
>half his dynasty are inbred retards with 80 personal combat skill
continuing onwards:
czechopolish serbia. because fuck you.
also italy formed the HRE
and the byzantines got conquered in its entirety by khazaria then balkanized into like 50 duchies
catholic moral authority is 7% because cathars and lollards keep winning revolts on the mainland and canterbury is under jewish control
tibet finally collapsed though
oh jesus christ i only just now noticed that the holy roman emperor is fraticelli
yeah, catholicism is beyond fucked in this one.
>not using exclave independence on limited (naval)
it is on limited naval, it's just, in classic paradox fashion, shittily implemented and i haven't installed the mod that improves it yet
>not using total
Context is that Maegor's OP and playing as anyone who opposes him in that start date is almost impossible. I wanted to play as the claimant he's at war with for a challenge but he just died within a few weeks of the game's start.
>major mods (AGOT)
Major mod (singular). And I'm pretty sure AGOT only removes tech to represent technological stagnation of the setting, since Westerosi tech haven't really advanced since the Andal Invasion.
I use harsh. Works well enough. Total seems like an overkill
but muh tech, muh infrastructure
I'll admit it is a bit underwhelming but that could be said for almost every mechanic in CK2. There's not really any question that can't be answered by "blob more", but if you like playing tall, centralized kingdoms then tech is paramount so you can max out your demense and upgrade your holdings. I know you'd get more manpower and income by just blobbing into another kingdom instead of building a few more castle towns and jousting lists but I am a shameless tallfag and I don't want to turn every game into a "holy war/invite claimant" simulator.
I assume the latter is better for the rp and graphics while former has more polish considering it’s been basically complete for years?
>two field system
>three field system
>padded horsecollars
Cool techs, I wish you had more like those instead of income just being tied to +castle town level tech
>italy formed the HRE
no, CARINTHIA formed the HRE, judging from that flag
Agreed, I was a bit disappointed in CK2's tech system on release for the same reason.
I think he's playing with HIP, but without the map conversion, or with some other mod that changes the flags (CK+ ?)
Trying to play CK2 multiplayer and it keeps desyncing, so fucking annoying. This game needs a rewrite so bad
I'm tempted to make a mod that adds agricultural tech but I'm not sure what it would do besides an increase in tax and supply. Could be a prerequisite to upgrade your castle town (since bigger town means more mouths to feed) but that might make it more annoying than fun, since you have another token tech you need to invest into.
Are you hosting through steam / regular paradox multiplayer? We get the occasional desync but nothing too bad
just died to wound infection after being elected as emperor of the roman this is bullshit man
I give the server id thing to my friend
Never lead troops unless you're a martialmaxxed LIFE FAST DIE YOUNG tribal
Yeah shit desyncs every 45 minutes and you're lucky to get 3 speed without people catching up.
Are you guys using Hamachi
Led troops once as a 18 martial king and got killed in a duel in the very first battle against some lowborn dude.
Those pagan warrior lodges helps you farm duel experience a lot and once you're at the highest or second highest rank I don't think you can get injured in battle anymore, but yeah as a feudal it's not worth it.
Anyone ever done a feudal start and conquered and feudalised the whole steppe?
That sounds awful, isn't conquering steppe territory ridiculously costly?
No I'm pretty sure it uses paradox servers or steam
and this is why

it's kind of fun to start as tribal and de-feudalize developed lands, but
So what exactly does ck2 do better than ck3?
I'd like to get into 1 of these games, I've played ck3 for about 100 hours and got bored, but I'd like to play again. I'd have to learn to play ck2 from the scratch but I'm fine with that, as long as it's a better game
>merchant republics
>application stability
>way more I can't think of
ck2 is a far better game anon
Should I go pure Cataphract for my retinues as the Greek?
Number crunching nerds say they're bad, worse then generic retinues. Heavy cavalry generally doesn't like being mixed with other stuff, especially LC and HA.
Haha. But seriously, the faggot trait is one of the things I'd delete from the game if I could. It disgusts me.
I have less difficulties maintaining my succession with a leper king than with a gay one.
Doesn't the family focus offset the negative fertility from homo entirely?
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holy shit I just won a duel with 13 pcs
maybe, but what I remember is that my first thought was trying to mass seduce through seduction focus, only to find out he could only aim for guys, so polyamoury was out, and with his singular catholic wife I got totally henry the eighth'd and made like, 8 daughters before he fathered one son.
leper king was easy, seduction = 100 sons
Nowadays if I find out a formerly favoured son is now gay, I just send him out on a one way boat trip to matyrdom, because I am not willing to risk that again.
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How on earth did I win this battle?
They ran out of morale before they (or you) ran out of men
ck2 AGOT all the way. While I do like the models ck3 has and the rp features. (nothing activates my autism like traveling across the north to petition ned stark to give me some claimed land) ck3 as a whole is lacking in a lot of areas, plus the decision of the AGOT team to include huge 3D rendered cities causes my loading times to be 10 minutes minimum. But ofc if you have a good SSD that shouldnt be a problem.
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Gardariki rises...
That's a juicy Francia. I can't decide if I like or dislike the very thick and blue rivers in Eastern Europe, I think for the most part that the navigable rivers look like shit in the base game. They create these obvious natural borders that don't really fit well with the province shapes or what you've been conditioned to expect states in those regions to look like after years of Paradox games.
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Turing turned out zealous and kind so I joined the Dominican Order and took the pious path and here we are now. Fulfilled the "become a saint" ambition and gained the trait 'paragon'. It seems like it works the same as the vanilla "become a paragon of virtue", in that both give you the paragon trait but with "become a saint" it is faster if you have a lot of virtues and that it doesn't guarantee sainthood after the character dies, it just increases the chances by giving you the paragon trait and high piety score.
should have made rome a merchant republic for extra larp
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What bothers me is that I wanted to eventually become the leader of the Dominican Order, and at one point I was the expected next leader, being at the highest rank, with 520 member score and 4000 devotion score, but some members have an absurdly high member score simply because they are priests or monks, despite being low rank or having joined the society only recently.

This guy has been in the society for 20 years, same time as me, but he's still a Donatus (lowest rank) and yet he's going to be the next leader because he has "priest" and "monk" so he has the ridiculous membership score of 1200. And he's doesn't even actually control a temple holding, he's just a courtier but somehow is a "priest". There was other dude with higher membership score than me because he also had priest and monk, and he had JUST joined the society.
This makes it extremely difficult for the player to become the society leader, specially if you're roleplaying, because as a player we can't be priests or monks. It's alright for priests and monks to have a bonus chance of becoming leaders, it's a religious society after all, but it shouldn't be such a ridiculous bonus that all the AI needs is be a priest to take precedence over the player with 20 years of membership, maximum rank, all virtues, no sins and very high piety.
I'm almost breaking the roleplay just to murder this guy before the current leader dies.
genuine question, why is sweden called svipjod
Sometimes they localize the names from English into their own language, I think mods started the trend and Paradox picked up on it. Since Norway isn't localized I'm guessing it's because Sweden is still Norse pagan, so they use an old Norse name for it, Svitjod/Svithiod (it's not a p in the middle), though it's unclear why they didn't go with Svíariki since that was also used back then and its the name that's the origin of the modern word for Sweden. Svía refers to the tribe of the Swedes, riki essentially means realm, think German "reich".
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Interesting choice of kingdom to rise up in
Who rules Shigatse? Random Christian duke?
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The emperor has an antipope so the pope would grant me an invasion claim, I don't really want to blob outside of Bohemia though, but it would be a fun war to fight. I could maybe just invade it and then place a relative on the throne.
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Nestorian Mongol adventurer
>Mongol adventurer
>Irish England
>Abbasid Ireland
Go ahead, it's not like it can get any worse.
>Tianxia cuck dev keeps reporting "vanilla oddities" to the cleanslate project with his shit as opinions and political bias
It's over
>complaining about that instead of the fact that Silversweeper has gone completely off the rails and started making sweeping changes to vanilla content in Tianxia for no good reason (see last update's complete overhaul of Reaper's Due, addition of a bunch of buffs to Charlemagne, and roman reconquest)
>or the fact that 50% of patch notes on any given update are about the Lunar New Year dragon attack and Treasure Fleet event chains that you will actually engage with maybe once in a playthrough
>all of this when playing as any confucian bureaucracy realm is still mind-numbingly boring, especially if you want to do anything other than unify china
I don't give a shit about what he does in Tianxia, he does everything he can to prevent you from a having any sort of fun in that mod. The problem is his opinionated changes to vanilla disguised as "oddities"
Like what? Female Mongols in Persia?
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He formed the HRE finally
As of late the merciless ruler mod has stopped working as intended. When I torture people it will release them. Also any suggestion for disabling the annoying new nicknames it gives to characters?
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im pretty shit at the game does anyone know how to make my heir the next emperor of the byzantine? I stand to lose every significant titles including my own exarchate if he doesn't get elected
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The (mini)SWMH+LTM combination makes the game look gorgeous, does anyone know what else SWMH adds? I'm not after any real gameplay changes, I just want the sexy textures and redrawn province shapes/mountains, even if that breaks some trade route mods. I figured I'd use it and Clean Slate as a base for a personal mod but it adds a ton of shit and I'm not a big fan of not knowing what it changes.
Based Zeus.

Also, do they still work on WTWSMS for CK2?

Good work.
If you open the empire succession laws, you should see a list of the people who get a vote, who they're presently voting for, and their reasoning as to why. You can bribe them to make them like you, try to secure their support with favours, and if all else fails, assassinate the opposing candidate.
It's not guaranteed to work though, especially if your heir is bad. As a workaround, you could try gifting some of your titles to him before you die. Wouldn't help with the imperial throne itself, but it'd improve your chances of reclaiming it later.
Highly doubt a different map would work with cleanslate
Oh well, I guess I'll have to stick to LTM's improved textures then
What's the differences between HIP and CK2+?
CK2+ tries to be an expanded version of vanilla, adding some more stuff but trying to stay true to the original game design, HIP is a complete overhaul in terms of map, mechanics etc.
Why are there pieces of turd on the map and why do you think this looks great?
The textures have a neater, more detailed look to them, mountain ranges have been redrawn and so have all the provinces and rivers.
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Oh, you build dozens of churches, you don't get to be known as the church-building guy, but you be nice to ONE jew...
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this is why you must never err from the righteous path, lest god curse your bloodline as 'jew-lovers' for all eternity
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Spent years writing a book and this is what I got.
>Quality 3
> +2 learning
> -20% fertility

Worth keeping?
Just playing CK2 AGOT. I won the war as Aerys II, and imprisoned Robert while letting the rest of them go since it seemed like I couldn't imprison them without starting another rebellion. Ned declared war against Rhaegar and somehow now I was able to imprison him and immediately stop the war. When both Robert and Ned demanded trial by combat, I just burned them. I took their kingdoms away, and gave them to Jon Con and the Manderlys respectively, who became loyalists.

As Rhaegar, I decided to push Tywin's shit in then gave the Westerlands to House Marbrand since they had a lot of positive character traits.

My question now is, is it worth it to keep going until the others come? Or is it better to start at WOT5K if you want to do that plotline?
I think the others are coded to show up at around 8300 so if you play long enough you will fight them eventually
Absolutely not, -20% fertility is devastating and the effect of +2 learning are slim to none.
I wanted to change the loading screen and event images into something akin to the medieval illumination arts or like church stained windows style. The issue is that my pc is a toaster so I can't run any AI, and the free versions in websites are either shit or can't really remake the pictures in similar positions. Any idea on how I could get good results?
ask henrik on chatGPt if he will toss you some sloppa
he may do it
he can be kinda unreachable sometimes,... it's a swedish thing
or if you have a log of deleted posts you could piggyback off of some of my old sloppa, if you so wish
nah but for real matey

are some of the better ones
Thanks, I'll try them once I get home. Will post result if decent enough.
>lucky heavy cavalry charge tactic changes phase to melee (all those enemy skirmish units are now worthless)
>the percentage of heavy infantry in the opposite army only gives access to bad tactics to face heavy cavalry tactics (and they were probably all accumulated in the middle while your hc was probably mostly on the flanks)
>enemy morale gets rekt before you start losing too many men
>killing of fleeing enemy units ensues
>lucky heavy cavalry charge tactic changes phase to melee (all those enemy skirmish units are now worthless)
This should happen more often, this game takes place during the glory days of armored knights and heavy cavalry. If you can afford to field many knights you should absolutely devastate enemy troops with most charges.
Sure, low fertility is easy to compensate for.
just pressed my claim on the HRE as the emperor of the ERE now what?
Turn off the pissfilter and clean up your borders
play around in the pdxmap.fx files,
make it browner
expand your borders, especially to ahistorical places
continue refusing to attend to the various alertsat the top of the screen
you're about to win ck2
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Why the fuck did Croatia suddenly decide to become a merchant republic? This is not the sort of situation a Venetian likes to see.
Isn't that good? Doesn't it mean you can build up to your trade post cap and then seize their trade posts in war to go over the cap? Also, what mod adds more European trade routes to miniSWMH?
Yeah it'll be fine in the long-run it just pissed me off when I noticed it out of nowhere. I'm already trying to get control of Ancona because they keep interrupting my trade zones, I don't need another MR near my borders. I suppose an independent one will be easier to deal with though, Ancona is only annoying because I have to take on the HRE every time I want to interact with them negatively.
Mod is HIP - Expanded Trade.
I'd also recommend The Great Trade League mod for merchant republic runs, although the resource system takes a little getting used to.
Why is the AGOT AI accepting my matrilineal marriage with the 3rd in line? They basically gave me the duchy for free for no reason
In think their super advanced marriage AI only cares about direct heirs. That's why Shireen marries random Northman twice her age in every AFFC game
It's pretty rare these days. That's what you get for sleeping left and right, slut
Thoughts on this DnD Faerun mod?
>playing venice
>dynastic cousin has a claim on France
Is there any benefit to pressing it without being an emperor other than for the lulz?
Also unrelated but its absurd the heir eugenics you can get up to as a doge, I keep marrying my genius heirs to my genius nieces and getting rulers with 20+ in every stat.
dynastic prestige?
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True. Most of the reason I ended up pushing it was because I wanted to spend some money on a war and I'm still on cooldown for the MR CBs.
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I figured it wouldn't be right for me not to meddle in the crusades given I'm playing as house Dandolo. The Pope wanted to retake Jerusalem for like the third time but I suggested a better idea.
no religious conflicts = no fun
Why is the Western Protectorate at the Black Sea?
They have an actual land border with Byzantium.
What mod are you using? HIP?
I like the piss filter, but I'm going to clean up the border as advised, starting with Denmark, but I'll have to convert my German vassals to Orthodoxy first. Right now I'm stuck doing nothing with maximum threat level, everyone is in a defensive pact against me.
I think the better question is what the fuck is Iberia doing in the Caucasus.
+Huge map
+unique adventure party mechanics
+dozens of societies and new religions
-Huge map
-strong focus on homofaggotry, everyone ends up bisexual, androgyneus and in the open relationship
-some religions and races are basically placeholders; no unique racial mechanics
-Not much neutral faiths in the pseudoEuropean part of the map, everyone either follows Auric the Noble, Great God of Goodness, Chivalry, Smiles and Butterflies or Archdemon Bane the Tentacled, Emperor of Rape and Orphankiller. Well, there are also Vikings, I suppose.
There is some, since Good and Evil characters can try to smite one another, but yeah, religious conflicts are underused in most of these big fantasy mods and settings
Historically accurate. Well, mostly.
I'm guessing it's just Georgia ruled by ??? culture character
Yeah. These are the only ones I'm using that affect the map as far as I know:
>HIP - Better Balkans
>HIP - Expanded Trade
I don't know for sure whether it's HIP that's causing this or if Germany in the Iron Century start is supposed to be like this but there's constant revolt wars that I don't think happened so often in the vanilla game.

Rarely a year passes by without some duke in the kingdom fighting a revolt against some vassal or the king against some duke. I'm inclined to believe it's HIP.
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Is MR HRE possible? I wasn't even trying to get a claim on it, I just banged the right noble apparently, so things might be about to get interesting here. I was having such a comfy time with Venice as my only county+ level holding for many decades just building cities and trade posts but after that one crusade it's just been go go go.
I'm also about to attempt to claim Jerusalem for myself in this latest crusade and make the Pope butthurt.
(((Merchant Republic of Israel))) would be more funny.
>>HIP - Expanded Trade
Does it allow for non-republics to build trade outposts? Add more trade routes?
>Does it allow for non-republics to build trade outposts?
In the same sense that non-MRs can build trade posts along the Silk Road, yes, by adding more trade routes with potential trade posts. If you look at this post >>1802690 any province with that bag with coins stacked next to it is a potential trade post location, the other provinces it passes through just get minor economic benefits.
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>conquest new lands
>start pillaging the new lands
>khagan dies
>one of the clans go indie
>minor clan uprising
>it literally triggers every revolt possible
>the "minor" clan revolt gets soldiers every time the normal revolts get reinforcements because the game is retarded
>this happens for every province revolting
>this happens every set amount of months
>the "minor" clan has now 800k soldiers
>all the khaganate has barely 500k population
I hate this bug so much, and more than the bug I hate the fact the game way to make things "difficult" is to shit out those irrealistic death stacks. I mean, I get you can just surrender a county and it will resolve without issues, but it's fucking immession breaking when a "minor" clan has more soldiers than all the fucking horde put together and then it gets even more soldiers because of a fucking bug.
Meme government, meme playstyle, meme mechanics
Well, yeah. Honestly, Hordes are so OP it's unbelievable. While it makes sense for them to be so powerful in steppes they should get a malus in the woods like it was irl. And of course, it would make more sense for them to have something similar to gavelkid and split more. But what can you expect from paradox.
I had a fit of rage when steppe nomads showed up on Gotland out of all the fucking places to bring their horses and despite outnumbering them like 5 to 1 with a ruler with insane martial and commander skills we got fucking thrashed with them barely taking any losses. Horse archer tactics are retarded and disgusting.
It's not about the tactics alone I believe, the issue is that the buildings you get in the nomadic capital are so fucking OP they will make your retinues OP. Like the lamellar armour ones and so on. I've managed to destroy armies that vastly outnumbered my troops with a lot of ease because of this.
>you can spam retinues
>you have no vassals to really worry about
>you only have one domain to care for
>your retinues get powerful permanent boni
>you can raid who you want
>you actually gain techpoints and a lot of money raiding
>you can basically spam invasions and conquest whenever you want
Am I missing anything?
They got a lot of bonuses but the tactic is the broken part because it allows them to just cycle the combat phases and keep it in the skirmish phase where their horse archers are insanely strong and take no damage. Even if you have tech giving -80% defense to horse archers they would still destroy everything in skirmish because other units just jerk off in that phase.
mfw I only use light and heavy cavalry because I read horse archers are useless.
Also, speaking of OP characteristic, they have concubinate. Honestly, it makes no sense only pagans have it, in medieval times even priests and popes and so on had concubines and sons with titles. I was thinking about adding it for christians too and be done like this. Something like:
>it's only available to not pious/zelote/content characters
>it's something lustful/greedy/arbitrary AI characters would do
>it's something wicked priests will surely do
>it should cost a bit of piety to do
Something like that could work pretty well imo.
You can get by spamming any kind of cavalry, I think technically LC can still be better overall because HA can get thrashed if you don't have the right culture (Altaic group) or if you fight in the wrong terrain, LC only cost prestige (?) and perform well everywhere. Camels are even better. I don't think concubines for Christian Europeans would work well, outright bastards wouldn't have much of a legitimate claim on titles and you should end up in situations where a proper son and a bastard son fight over titles, but the proper son can just go to the king/emperor who tells the bastard whoreson to go fuck himself because he's not officially part of the elite.
If you have less than your maximum clan vassals even for a split second it will trigger that shit
I'm not a programmer but I think you can fix this stuff by altering some lines of code, no?
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Behold, the Holy Republic of Venice. The last emperor installed an anti-pope too so I figured I might as well vassalize the Papacy.
The HRE internal borders are also fucking horrifying right now, does limited naval exclave independence not apply to vassals? There's literally dukes with landlocked counties in both Italy and the Netherlands. All I can really do is elevate a couple of doges to king level and hope they sort things out in a few decades.

...Either that or I might just declare a genocide on all Germans and Italians and spend five hours crushing revolts and then sorting titles to make things not spaghetti.
Is there any reason to allow secret societies and devil worshippers?
You can
Not really, they tend to be unbalanced and poorly implemented
>event troops number.
It can be tweaked.
>the fact they will get reinforced when another revolt get reinforcements.
I don't think so as it seems a bug.
>hordes being OP
Structures and boni can be tweaked of course, but not the general workings and the succession type I believe. I mean, maybe it's possible but I don't know how to do it.
>concubinate for christians.
Yeah when I wrote it I had in mind what I needed to change in the files to make it work as I descriped. The issue is that what anon said is true too, that adding concubinate to christians would clash with how bastards are supposed to work. It's also true you can get bastards with pagans too. I guess maybe restricting concubinate to only priest would work too, but I wonder if this wouldn't give the sons a claim in the religious titles and that could really spark some issue. I'm not an experienced modded, I used to mod EU3 and I can kinda figure out how stuff works in CK2.
I believe the issue is that naval exclave independence works only with vassals who are entirely in the exclave. Iirc if a vassal both has domains in the mainland and then in the exclave it won't take away their territories.
Where can I get this genocide mod of yours for HIP?
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We finally won the crusade, I got like 200k gold, prestige and piety from my contribution. I don't really want the land, should I give it to a relative, The Knights Templar or the Pope?
Can you make one as Khazaria? I sense a fun meme (((playthrough idea))).

>I don't think so as it seems a bug.
Could be a scope issue. If an event points at the wrong character/title/whatever, in some rare cases shenanigans can ensue. It can be tricky to debug, but if you can identify the event and search the error logs it might help shed some light on the issue.
Holy shit, that's a lot of money and points.
Give it to a your relative, but first grant Sinai to the Templars
legit why did people back then feel the need to rise up and became a king?
if I were a baron of bumfuck cuckletown I'd just lay low and enjoy my life
>Can you make one as Khazaria?
I've never done it, but I can't imagine why you couldn't.
The ones that were content with being small fry were probably just absorbed over time by the more ambitious noblemen
>legit why did people back then feel the need to rise up and became a king?
These are the people whose names are in history books, buildings, paintings, statues, etc. The people who made history happen.

>if I were a baron of bumfuck cuckletown I'd just lay low and enjoy my life
These are the people whose names no one knows and their existence was forgotten by time.
>These are the people whose names are in history books, buildings, paintings, statues, etc. The people who made history happen.
How can you say all those kings aren't forgotten when almost no one knows many of their names?
Compare how many people recall the names of the ceasars and how quickly they got assassinated versus how many people recall the names of people from the senatorial class and how slowly they get assassinated, yet still wielded immense power. The ratio of rememberance vs. risk is just way too high in favour of risk for the top job. One needs to be a bonifide idiot to want to be a king, rather than a duke or count.

>These are the people whose names no one knows and their existence was forgotten by time.
Way more people remember great artists, writers, thinkers, inventors, generals, explorers and folk heroes than Generic King #284.
Would you rather live quietly, then die and become completely forgotten in a few decades instead of risking glory and being remembered forever?

Wouldn't you want the people who will be here on Earth 1000 years from now to talk about you and how you changed something?
What is something no mods really improved after all this time?
I feel child education is something they really didn't improve in vanilla by holy furry times. A lot of events don't really make sense, forcing you to make retarded choices like "either you ignore the child or you teach him something at the cost of 5 years of shitty government".
>A lot of events don't really make sense, forcing you to make retarded choices like "either you ignore the child or you teach him something at the cost of 5 years of shitty government".
That makes perfect sense, you're sacrificing short term benefit for long term gains, literally investing in your child. Conclave isn't a popular DLC so you might not be using it, but it changed how tutoring works.
>you're sacrificing short term benefit for long term gains
While I agree, I believe that getting a stats malus and stress which also comes with a health malus is too much. Nowadays education is stressful for parents, but back in the day it was way more stressful for kids, with beatings and such. Also iirc nobles hired people to educate their kids. While you can do it in game with court tutors, I don't really feel like it's as it should be. I would've preferred a decision of sort to hire experts outside the court too, like with events and such, instead of "you taught your child not to be an asshole, enjoy your lifelong rivalry".
I use Conclave, and tutoring is definitely better than vanilla. Still, it feels a bit too gamey and a lot of the education events are a bit too extreme, hence my post.
There's rich childhood but I'm not sure if it only changes when you are the child or overall
I wonder what was going on in the Americas at the time span of CK2.
What are some good submods that works with AGOT?
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What the fuck, we were winning the Crusade for Jerusalem then the fucking POPE converts to Islam out of nowhere?
fucking kek REKT
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Speaking of which, did those ugly Muslim flags EVER get an overhaul? I mean the game files already have various Muslim state flags (Almohads, Seljuks, Ottomans etc.) that for some fucking reason it doesn't use. Instead everyone gets some generic green sword and palm and shit. I don't think I've seen a mod for it either
Doesn't HIP include an optional submod for historical coats of arms?
He finally saw the light, Allah be praised!
More like I reloaded lmao fuck that guy
We still lost the crusade because the CB became invalid when we were at 70% warscore, this game is so fucking stupid sometimes
I think that adds a little more variety but that's it
How were muslim flags historically though? I agree vanilla ones are shittu, but how would you change them?
"National flag" is obviously a modern concept but unicolor banners (black, white, green) sometimes adorned with religious phrases would very likely be the most accurate. Vanilla flags need a better color palette and a wider variety of shapes without shying away from using the Arabic script on the flags and unicolors. Clearly not going to happen. More importantly, some of the Muslim entities in the game do have known historical banners/flags—and a few of these are already present among the game files but are not used because they were too lazy to code exceptions to the Muslim flag mechanic
how the actual FUCK am I supposed to not get turned into horse kibble by the Mongols???
If you play anywhere near the steppe and don't superblob in preparation for them then that's on you. Don't fight their horse archers in terrain that isn't forest, woods, mountains, jungle or marshlands or they will meme on you.
So it's hardcoded and we can't fix it no matter what? Non christians flags are horrible I swear.
I don't know about other regions, but when I look at my own region, one I live, and look at the provinces, their borders, shapes, I get annoyed. Even SWMH is not perfect.
If you’re a nomad, slowly whittle down their death stacks via raiding until they have only vassal clans left. Tedious, and you’ll want to have a good 10-20k troops. Non nomads are a bitch and a half, but you’ll essentially want to wait until they split their stacks. Good luck however, as the mountains of Tibet are absolutely trash supply limits, and khotan/steppe is hardly better.
I am a superblob, but at most I can only raise an army of about 20-30k. that's not shit to their 120k horde with doomstacks of 20k all covering each other
If you can only raise 20-30k levies then you're not a superblob.
I'm looking to mod the game without going the HIP route since I don't like not having control over what the mods change. I found this mod in the workshop:
Has anyone tried it? How is it?

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