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The 2K website put it up early for a second. Will this be the return to form?
Will you return your anus to my cock so I can rape?
hopefully we'll see gameplay during the SGF in a few hours but I imagine it'll just be the usual cinematic trailer nonsense
Hopefully they significantly shake things up. If it's another Civ V sequel it'll be disappointing.
>Will this be the return to form?
Doubt it, as they're still having the "hexagons are bestagons" mentality from the background.
The fuck does tile shape of all things have to do with whether it was good or not
I know /vst/ has negative understanding of fun game mechanics considering the popular games in the genre but like come on
Any leaders that you hope to see?
>Will this be the return to form?
Are you fucking stupid or something? Didn't read the OP?
That doesn't mean fucking SQUARES moron
It does though. Unless you're a zoomer and think making it like Civ 5 would be a 'return to form.'
That's hardly the only thing that was different between 4 and 5
your IQ is clearly below 95 keep seething if you want
I am the OP and am indeed a zoomer and do indeed think Civ 5 would mean return to form. All that matters is a more serious aesthetic and less cartoony dogshit
Especially considering Civ5's whole thing advertised was the hexagon tiles being the "new thing;" lmao.
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Using the hex in the title is not an obvious sign that it is a return to form. Especially since that is the only thing we know about the game right now. A square would have been obvious.

More like Civ 5 than Civ 6 would definitely be preferable, but I don't have high hopes for that to happen.
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I do think the 7 header looks a little more like 5 than 6 though.
4 is and will forever be the gold standard

death to hexniggers
4 was just Civ 3 for casualniggers
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>Civ 5
>All that matters is a more serious aesthetic and less cartoony dogshit
Zoomer this series (and extended family) was always about cartoon aesthetics and trivia for history nerds. I mean look at Civ 5 Nobu, he has like 2 fucking great swords + a pole arm. That's not a samurai's traditional daisho, that's some exaggerated cartoon joke for any guy who knows a bit of history of the Civ.
I mean Alpha Centauri was the most serious in aesthetics IMO, but even that had moments of brilliant satire.
Looks like slop
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Having slightly exaggerated weaponry isn't at all comparable to the entire fucking game looking like a 3+ ESRB rated mobile game. Also the game isn't really for history nerds at all, it's very basic history anyone above 4th grade will understand, when you combine that with a simplicity of aesthetic it all becomes too cheap and uninteresting. It needs a more serious, high-quality aesthetic.
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Give us some fun cold war era dictators, like Papa Doc. Im sure they want to add Haiti anyways
Is there an actual debate on squares vs hexagons being better? I had the impression everyone thinks hexagons are better
hexes are better when going against humans, but they still havent got a working ai to take advantage of hexes yet.
you're confusing hexes with 1UPT
well, h*xes started that shit
It is, but this website is filled with neurotic contrarian retards who like to flip their brains upside down and then start typing for a semblance of fun and interaction
Well squares give you 9 possible moves while hexes only give 6, but hexes allow for more strategic positioning with 1UPT, so there is some nuance to it.
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>mfw cartoon artstyle and overdesigned UI
what are the odds they will double down on mobile style graphics?
>it's very basic history anyone above 4th grade will understand
You overestimate the intelligence of Americans
I'd like Napoleon to return.
Also bite the bullet and add Hitler, it's been long enougn now. I want a Muslim Hitler vs Taoist Napoleon showdown.
Please God let them add Ukraine it'd make ziggers, jeets, niggers, and rightoids seethe
I would be very surprised if they dont add it. Unless they go the other direction and add neither ukraine nor russia
>hexes allow for more strategic positionin
There would more of this if Civ 5 had unit direction/flank mechanics along with 1UPT (which before release a lot people thought they would), but it was basically a continuation of 4's unit abilities with 1UPT & Formation Bonus instead of the Death Stack.
I could see why the devs did so, but kinda missed opportunity as hexes are best for doing flank maneuvers than squares.
Heard of a game called chess dumbass?
just give us multiple tile cities
>but hexes allow for more strategic positioning with 1UPT
we got those in civ6 retard
Yeah, Firaxis kill itself for not announce/release the REAL Alpha Centauri sucessor.
Anon I don't even trust them with X-Com 3, let alone remaking Alpha Centauri after Beyond Earth.
What part of "Firaxis kill itself" did you donĀ“t understand anon?
Do you mean
>Firaxis (would) kill itself for not "announcing/releasing" the REAL Alpha Centauri sucessor.
>>Firaxis (should) kill itself for not "announcing/releasing" the REAL Alpha Centauri sucessor.
To be honest it's very vague.
I fear a great MTXization is on the horizon with this. Unit skins, leader costumes, they already tested the waters with these.
Nice. Can't wait to feast on the poors tears.
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>leader costumes
Why stop there...
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>minor inaccurate shit that only weebs care about
>these are equal
fucking retard.
CIV7 is coming yet ARA History still hasn't put out a release date yet?????
Anon that game is clearly in development hell. You can already tell by the dev's look.
poor people just play civ 5 dude
brian boru with a shillelagh
Oliver Cromwell as a curveball leader for England
they want to sell copies thoughever
Nixon or JFK would be cool.
Not rly sure what to add to the game mechanically conflict, war, and even trade are pretty glossed over. I guess they could also get more micro, like double the game table size, give me more depth at gov levels, maybe sub production for cities at some point, ect.

I like the tile art of Civ 6 and the music in particular but the other visual art like the advisors and even the world leaders are a real Globohomo art example.
None of those demographics can afford or actually buy games.
If it's anything like 5 or 6 it will be slop.
Philip the Fair (Philip IV) for France
and this
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>Female leader that actually was relevant
Yeah she's in
>no fucking gameplay
>Kievan Rus
>no Russia
Black Panther of Wakanda civ
Hillary Clinton of the American civ
Elagabalus for Rome for the first official trans leader
Zelensky for Ukraine
All other leaders should be female
Any info about the gameplay yet?
All leaders are women of color
the teaser dropped
>stepping in shit and making the game look incredibly dated from the outset by adding a soviet bantustan to the game for the sake of earning brownie points from oversocialzied liberals that don't actually care that much
I would say that firaxis aren't dumb enough to do that, but then again they still probably considering holding onto 1UPT even though its a bad fit for a 4x series.
Generic teaser that shows absolutely nothing about what makes the game unique, plus it'll be releasing on consoles/switch? Grim
People have been asking for medieval Ukraine for quite a while before the invasion. Even if they aren't that interesting the roster has had much worse at this point.
>Well squares give you 9 possible moves
Bolsonaro for Brazil
Alfred the Great
Give England an actual English leader, not Queen fucking Victoria
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dont know why but i have a bad feeling about this
why doesn't that blue hair bitch have a last name?
They'll never do it, Elizabeth II is the leader this time
>asking for medieval Ukraine
There's only one of two ways that this could even be implemented, neither of which would be particularly good. They could either accurately depict the Galicia-Volhynia, but then you would be adding a Civilization that's a rather obscure historical footnote and you'd have people wondering why its even there. The alternative is that they go down the route of "Ukrainians are not Russians, but Ukraine is the real Russia, Moscals are just Mongols" ect and which at best is going to look somewhat kitschy.

I would prefer Ivan III and/or IV for Russia, I'm really bored of Peter/Catherine/Stalin.
I don't know. It drives me crazy how much people think you that stacks are only possible on squares.
It's that kind of retarded binary thinking that led us to the shitshow that is Civ6
The problem with modern Civilization is encapsulated with Russia's implementation, it doesn't want to be controversial or political (at least, not political in any way that isn't neoliberal End of History) so instead of embracing Russia as an ~17th century imperialist power a la the UK or France or as a communist Potemkin state relying on its Warsaw Pact vassals, it's somehow the "culture" civ or the "science" civ.
Civilization is so out of touch with reality in many respects.
Blue haired one didn't show up for me?
>ancient jap pictured on the WinXP background
This is not historical.
That's Kyivan Rus, chud.
Dog mom Mental health advocate Writer LGBT+ | She/Her |
Hope this one has IGE
They're never adding Hitler
Looks like my leader choices have a good chance then>>1775394
Edward I for the Anglos would be pretty cool
I wouldn't mind seeing Matthias again.
Dead on arrival
depending on how left-wing they are they may be anti-ukraine
Not very excited here, because the only thing I really want from Civ is an AI that can at least try to fight wars with 1UPT (or replacement of the system) and isnā€™t a complete schizo on diplomacy. But every Civ seems to be one step forward, one backwards, and then some random diagonal steps, so I just donā€™t believe that they have what it would take.
Philip the good for burgundy
Squares give you 8, not 9. You don't count the center piece otherwise you'd say hexagons give you 7 as well.
anyone from switzerland, i just want them to be in for once
I hope it has a Hungarian civ.
You think?
oh another bozo who doesn't realize the silent majority is neutral or supports russia

how terrible for you to succumb to the propaganda
the silent majority doesn't know or care, and also does not buy turn based strategy games
>day 1 on consoles
It's over. It's gonna be unplayable garbage designed for console subhumans first and foremost. I never imagined I'll get "plays best on controller" warning before booting up a Civ game.
Tone and aesthetics looking good compared to 6
oh god they're not going to make the modding support even worse right
It will probably go to mod.io like everything these days
>kievan rus civ
>national ability: launch suicide offensives that take nothing and beg the international community for more units to keep suiciding
Anyone think they'll do a Call to Power type move and give us some future eras? I'm tired of 8000 years of spearmen and then 100 years of guns and then game over.
Oh look another bozo that thinks darkies spend money.

The majority of people with money either don't care or hate Russia. Noone gives a shit about screeching shitting pajeets, they're not going to buy the game anyway, only the west matter.
I want realism this time motherfuckers. I want it to where I can seduce some ai chatbot of Queen Elizabeth. then I might leave my micromanging shithole of civ 5.
I was thinking they should built upon government types and policies and make a ideological mechanics that go beyond government types
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dayumn map looks like this??
They would need to go back to a less cartoony art style, less woke leader choices, drop 1upt, stop designing the game for mobile, and actually give me a reason to play this over Civilization III, IV, and V.

That's not happening of course so I will stay in the past, where everything kicks ass.
Moron, civ is not ignoring Russia's imperialst and communist legacies. It's only assigned as the "science" and "culture" civ because of it's extremely breif historical/cultural devlopement and contribtions to the world that emerged from utopian ideals (illusions) of socialist and communist ideology that came from the industrial revolution. fucking went from wooden hoes to rockets that shoot up into space all within a single human lifespan.

Now it's a fucking decadent, demographically crashing joke of it's former self with corrupt oligarchs so high up there on their ivory that it's unfathomable as to how their heads didn't implode from their egos or the fucking atmospheric pressure.

Where was I? Yeah, Civ get your shit together.
Frederik the Great (and make Prussia civ seperate to Germany)
Seconding the Cromwell for England idea. Hugely underrated leader potential
Mussolini because Fascism is an ideology so it cant be that tabboo and its about time Italy got a leader that wasn't Roman.
France could use a republican leader too.
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ok boomer, don't you think you're the target audience anyway
>when the retard is both a phone and a redditposter
>the north brazilian empire calls anyone darkie
>extremely breif historical/cultural devlopement
>from wooden hoes to rockets that shoot up into space all within a single human lifespan.
Western leftist brainrot detected
What kind of retard actually likes Civ 4's unit stacking?
The United States industrialized the Soviet Union to fight the Nazis, then the USSR stole German scientists to prop up a space program that did a bunch of easy "firsts" but laid the groundwork for nothing afterwards. I bet you think the Space Race was somehow close.
Do you have bad feelings about games that involve women in their dev teams?

>Generic teaser
Several examples of the same generic teasers.
Examples of non-generic teasers.
>shows absolutely nothing about what makes the game unique
Yeah, that's what non-gameplay teasers are for.
aww did you get your history from the history channel?
Looks kino as fuck
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>Great Depression rendered talented Americans unemployed
>Soviet Union hires them
>"The United States industrialized the Soviet Union to fight the Nazis"
>all the top German talent before and AFTER the war ran to the US, like von Braun
>Soviets get some mid levels, mostly to work on jet engine tech (which didn't matter, because Brit jet engine tech is better)
>"USSR stole German scientists to prop up a space program that did a bunch of easy "firsts""
Is this the kind shit Amerilards tell themselves?
That's not a polearm considering it got a crossguard, it's an odachi.
kys zoom zoom
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t. vatniks
russian ethno schizo theories are rather entertaining to see
what leads to such bizarre thinking
It's actually quite interesting. The long and the short of it is that there is a belief that Western Europe "accidentally" duplicated half of history in order to hide the fact it actually happened in Russia. It's Eastern Orthodox cope, but it's entertaining.
Not a fucking argument. You don't sign contracts with the Soviet Union in 1929 and '30, and then head on over to be the head of Gosproektstroi and be part of a National Technical Soviet, because you're just growing your business, and countries EVERYWHERE just need more factories in this crucial, economic booming time.

Albert Kahn was born in Prussia, anyway. Trying to take credit for an immigrant businessman, struggling through the Great Depression is the biggest cope I have seen Amerilards try to push. Might as well take credit for Soviet watchmaking industry, because it literally got started by Soviet Union buying American factories that went out of business during the Great Depression.
those weren't cities they were individual theme parks
is this the basis for Chekov in Star Trek?
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No, Alternate Chronology is 90's era.
Don't project at me.

When a broke-ass sells his stuff for peanuts, and the buyer gets way more out of it, trying to take credit for it is absolute loser behaviour.
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The only person that was broke after WW2 was Europe.
Queen Kahina, also known as Dihya as a leader of a berber nation of sorts
4 fucking sucked, i hated it on release and hate it now
if you are going to pretend to be an oldfag, atleast pretend to like 3 and alpha centauri
5 and 6 weren't as bad as 4 to me, 4 is only liked by contrarian zoomers who want to feel old
civilization always had a cartoony style, you fake faggot
oh please anon, tell me about this historical figure that you are so sad to see made like this
The only reason 4 is the gold standard is the mods. 5&6 don't have any real mods.
Amerimutts should be confined to their owns internet, away from other civilized users
i for one hope that they uncover more female leaders, the previous games has been such a sausage fest imo
and yes i know, 99.8% of all prominent leaders throughout history has been male but arent we all tired of the same old faces showing up? dig up some real obscure leaders who have like 2 paragraphs of reference in the history books i dont care, i just dont want *another* ceasar
its being developed for pc along side console, the UI will reflect that (and be bad)
looks good
Wow, you are a faggot. Liking 5 and 6 over 4 just cements that. And if you are gonna go for oldcred, you go for civ 2 mtg, not 3.
i expect
>shit optimization (civ6 was already unbearable)
>trash tier AI
>needs atleast 3years of dlc to be better than previous game
I want Total War x Battlefield combat, that would be a TRUE INNOVATION for this franchise.
Imagine entering in a city with your soldiers and fight street to street in an epic urban combat (with armors/weapons from the Bronze Age to the mechas of the futuristic one).
It's true that certain leaders are overdone like Ceasar, but the solution is not to hyperfocus on the .02%. There were 70 roman emperors and as I said in another post you can easily depict Italy and Rome seperately or decide to focus on modern Italy instead. Attaturk instead of an Ottoman sultan. Chang Kai Shek instead of a Qing emperor. Salazar for Portugal instead of some literally who king. John Curtin and Teddy Roosevelt were the only civs from the 20th century in 6, and only because their respective countries are so young.
you will never be a boomer anon, quit pretending and off yourself
One of these days you zoomies are gonna figure out what boomers actually means.But not today it seems.
That'd be very cool, but I think it would be only possible in the way Millenia and Humankind did
fuck off grandpa with the bandwagoning, you are not the target audience anymore.
>t 20 year old le born in the old generation
off yourself, civ 4 sucks and so do you
No wonder you don't like civ 4. You can't do basic math.
Oh no, what will i do now? I can't enjoy nuciv with its broken AI and million dlc.
Guess i am gonna have to settle for playing the older games with mods while you enjoy 70 bucks nuciv the dlc container.
How much do you think the game's done at this point?
>g-guys I don't care!!!
>I'm NOT gonna play new games anymore!!
>I'll tell everyone on the internet how much I don't care

ok see ya loser
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>vaguely middle eastern woman narrating trailer
>american yokel voice kicks in
>some other accented man
>then another woman:
>ā€œLet me not then die ingloriously and without a struggle, but let me first do some great thing that shall be told among men hereafter.ā€
> ā€• Homer, The Iliad
>>>>>>quoting Homer
The further we get from the apex of American culture, the '60s and '70s, the worse this Americana game gets.
The politics gets muddied, history becomes inglorious, statues get toppled, and the promises of the space race... the victory condition that is supposed to be the turn limiting victory type everyone is racing against... are proving with each year to be lies. Going to space was a footnote that led to nothing.

Elizabeth/Victoria/Boudicca/Rishi Sunak for England.
Joan of Arc for France.
A women's rights advocate for America.
That black """samurai""" for Japan.
And make everyone who isn't European extremely brown verging on charcoal black. Oh and anyone who was once described as "dark", even metaphorically, should be immediately made a leader of a European country, and given Civ's now standard blackface, and only superseded if there was a "gay coded" leader that'd be better.

>and trivia for history nerds.
Middle class trivia for the middle classes*. Hence why Civ6 started referencing modern fiction quotes and introduced plenty of women who have only become targets of I Support Current Thing in the past decade and a bit to prop up society as it grasps for mythological figures to be the face of its feminist nationalism.

I hope hills actually stand out this time and I don't need to ask where the buttons are to show things like terrain height.

>Do you have bad feelings about games that involve women in their dev teams?
Yes and I'm tired of people pretending it's a good thing.
their turnaround time from announcement to game is usually 6-10 months but the fact they didn't say a month means it's undercooked right now
calm down chuddie we gonna get a juicy gameplay in August
More like see you in the hell that you kind and the "industry" has form for the upcoming crisis onions cumsumer.
This is why zoomers are one of the worst generation. You are proud of your habits screwing you over.
having gameplay doesn't mean a game doesn't have a long development ahead of it
I'd say is more half-done, but who knows

Eh I wouldn't be too sure of that
nah? sid meier himself said so
I hope you're right about the juicy part
>I'd say is more half-done, but who knows
it's definitely more than half-done but it's probably been taking longer they thought. I'm guessing part of that is they're developing it for console too instead of porting later
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STAP with the samefagging grandpa.Just accept that your taste.... your taste is no longer the benchmark. But I guess it used to be fire, huh? lol
Maybe it's the leader portraits/scenes that take the most work?
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Hey that looks very good, noice
you will never be the target audience for vidya again, old man
just play the old civs and be happy if they were so good
That is the point zoomie. I am gonna play the older games and have fun. You, you are just fucked.
youre complaining about realism in a game where the USA exists in the stone age and ghandi canonically goes authoritarian nuke crazy
So play them instead of entering these threads to seethe about the new titles. You're supposedly happy playing those, we're getting hyped for Civ 7.
>realism in a game where the USA exists in the stone age
If you're implying that they didn't, then explain this.
Didn't Civ4 have a scenario for World War 2? I remember playing that one a lot as a kid, after I played the normal leaders way too many times.
Yes, and Vice Chancellor Von Papen was the leader of Germany
To be fair I don't believe the US ever got out of the stone age
Really doesn't look good for Europe when they keep begging Stone Age Americans to send support for their militaries
The American civ is far enough down the tech tree to have invented the tech you're using to smugpost on.
True, kinda based. Papen is quite an amusing figure. They should add him again.
Yeah, thanks anon, killed any expectations I might had
Two more weeks, you say? I don't think I've ever heard this one before, but it sounds like it's only a couple of weeks away.
fucking robbie spamming in my thread
civ should have prisons. Then you can send criminals there to increase population happiness and you can use them as disposable fodder soldiers in wars too.
Looks like I'm gonna stick with 5.
>paid nafo and z shills shitting up civ thread

Hilarious, icing on top of the shit cake.
Civilization VII will be terrible, let's be honest
Looks like the art style is going to be cartoony like Civ 6.
election years are terrible, but i disagree i think civ 7 will eventually be good
Wait, I'm not getting paid. What the fuck!
I thought it looked more realistic than cartoony. But then again, it is just one pic
>She doesnĀ“t look like a hooker and consumes drugs like a true Ukranian
>we're getting hyped for Civ 7
The equivalent of "im so happy to get executed in public".
Cannot agreed more at this shitty timeline in this shitty world anon.
Civ 6 but with textures instead of clash of clans flat colors.
Adolf Hitler
Release modding tools with the dll, and quit extending the life of a game just to sell more new civ dlc that could be put together by anyone. They should have done this with 6 a long time ago.
you're a jaded retard
"Keep crying baby."
Absolutely. I want to see all the pro-russia commies from my university seethe.
Tell me about your relationship with your mother anon
I'd love to go about life this mad about things if even for a day just to see waht its like
>t. unironic nazi
Hitler unironically, In 4 you literally have stalin and mao who did worse shit than hitler and players were easily able to joke and make memes about them
can you not
germany will just ban this and i really want to play it
evolving leaders through history. Lets say you're Rome, you start as some republican twink, then you have an emperor and end up as mussolini or other remarkable nodern era leader. If a country/enpire doesnt have at least 5 worthy leaders it should not be included in the game
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Well, at least it's some improvement. Let's hope the leaders don't look goofy as in 6.
Frederick II of Prussia.
Have Lenin and Mussolini only then.
I have my doubts about Chinese financing that game with the amount of references in it.
After seeing the new dragon age trailer, i'm feeling pretty good about civ 7.
Also 0:40
How all leaders will look like
imagine they only include like 40 ACTUAL empires that had meaningful impact on world's history and not meme states like australia or some african shithole tribes.
>indus valley

first that come to mind. One can dream tho, plebbitbrains will shit their tears out to see their shithole country included and spineless devs will fall for it
viking was an occupation and not a heckin' civilization. learn this shit finally
You're just listing the nations you were conditioned to accept as valid.
Just a decade ago, Mali was considered one of the "african shithole tribes" because pop history hadn't told you all otherwise yet.
Civ isn't civ without the zulus.
>because pop history hadn't told you all otherwise yet.
According to whomst?
>Just a decade ago, Mali was considered one of the "african shithole tribes"
Rightfully so.
Nothing else changed. Just their depictions in media.
It was a federated empire whose most influential monarchs set out to Brazil and sent out a mission to draw talent from a state 2,350 miles away, on the other side of a desert.
What media?
>Online history discussion
>Age of Empires
>Europa Universalis
>Youtube podcasts
Your list only has 3 items.
Damn we wuz kangz afterall
Three specific items. I'm not digging through the rest and their implications.
Back to the point: Their image changed due to online culture accepting them. If you were then to introduce Hausaland and Kanem Borno, they would be rejected offhand as "shithole tribes" despite being Mali's direct superiors at nearly every point in history.
I've been playing since Civ 2 and I like hexagons
Freud I already told you I don't want her like that!
I just want to be breastfed!
You seem to have no reason to (You) me?
>literally who
What's its name, anon?
Iraqi musical chairs?
That's fine but for Japan to be an empire it would have to be modelled on the 20th century one, which is too uncomfortable for some people.
Which ones? You say Ottomans separately so you can't mean them.
>5 Euros
Yes, good. And I'm including Russia in this part.
Of course, their empire still stands today.
You get Aztecs and that's it. Olmecs are a footnote no-one wrote anything about.
Going to stop you right there. We can't have slavery in Civ, especially not from a footnote.
>3 classics
Yes, very good.
>not an empire
I swear I didn't hear about this one before Civ used it and what is written seems to be as if modern revisionism. Like a Cambodian nationalism akin to Italian Roman-worshipping nationalism.
We have a barbarian faction for this anon. You could arguably put the Mongols and the Huns under this too.
IVā€™s my favorite Civ by far but hexes are indisputably better. They just need to evoke the feeling of IV, though I fear it will be more boardgame nonsense
Reminder that this is what civ4 boomers consider peak gameplay and want to see in civ7.
Shut the fuck up, frenchy
>atleast pretend to like 3 and alpha centauri
anyway, I really hope 7 will ditch the mobile game art style and bloat mechanics like governors
Donald Trump
An internet where only Americans are allowed? Oh no, anything but that, nooo, please don't, stop, when can it be done and how do I sign up?
Diocletian for Rome
De Gaulle for France
Stolypin for Russia
FDR for US
Stanislaw II for Poland
Sun Yat-sen for China
Cromwell for England
AtatĆ¼rk for Turkey
Adenauer for Germany
Akhenaten for Egypt
Hideyoshi for Japan
Civ is literally a board game adaptation you dumb fuck.
>muh worse shit
Stalin and Mao didn't instantly start doing random civie death events first week after walking in to a new area. Your only plausable cope could be "but Japan did worse", which is correct, but in Japans case the crimes were far more decentralized and Hirohito never personally signed them off, unlike Hitler who personally dismissed all the concerns from hundreds of Wermacht officers that were disgusted by what was happening in occupied teritories.
Meme answer:
>Lenin and Kolchak
>Kai Shek and Mao
>JFK and Nixon
Personally I think there needs to be a hard cutoff. No leaders from the 20th century. If they weren't in office by the end of 1900 they don't get in.
The singular exception being if the country that didn't exist before that date.
I don't even think ataturk would get a pass for it though because that would require turkey and the ottoman empire to be two seperate entities and that'll just clutter the list.
>Stalin and Mao didn't instantly start doing random civie death events first week after walking in to a new area.

I wish they were more interesting about European civs instead of just adding some modern day country with an out of context medieval leader.
>Teutonic order
>Norman Sicily
>Prussia as Prussia instead of Germany
Possibilities are endless.
My dream is for one civ to evolve throughout the game. Kind of like humankind but less retarded.
That way you can put several civs in one and choose different playstyles throughout the game.
>Egyptian civ
Ancient: New Kingdom vs Ptolemaic kingdom
Middle: Ayyubid Kingdom vs Mameluk Kingdom
Modern: Egyptian Kingdom vs Egyptian Republic
>Italic civ
Ancient era: Roman Republic vs Roman Republic
Medieval era: Papal State vs Venice
Modern era: kingdom of Italy vs Italian Republic
>Germanic civ
Ancient era: barbarian tribe
Medieval era: holy Roman empire vs Hanseatic league
Modern era: Germany vs Austria

The issue is civs that don't exist until later periods. It would be cool since they made that new barbarian clans mode to have tribes be playable for civs that don't start until later or just have them evolve from existing civs like Iberian settlers set off in the modern period to make Brazil or Anglo ones to America or Australia .
Why not just make bonuses that encompass all of these in a general sense?
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I hate how the leader icons got progressively lazy
>vanilla: cool poses
>expansions: just the standard leader model colorized
>6: just a picture of the model
>Leader Pass: making the same flat expression and weirdly aligned
bad leftist bait
ussr created ukrainian nationality and state
>keep hearing that Civ 4 is the peak of the franchise
>one of its fans explains the gameplay
>it's this
It's so jarring when they started using a modern country and their borders as a basis for the civilization.

>Kind of like humankind but less retarded.
There's a good idea in there.
You never played civ 4
That's essentially the end result of years of min-maxing Civ 4, it's a solved game. You can play it differently but you're basically wasting your time at that point.
Yasuke for Nippon
civ is a computer game and nothing else.
I personally would goddamn love this, but people would be mad because like you said, it would kind of limit what civs can be included in the system.
This is what I hoped for Humankind, but with some cultural affinity-based 'evolution'. So you could have the early Celts evolve into some Euro medieval kingdom, but not China or Maori. Or have the Elamites or Sumer evolve into Persia. I think your idea is more politically-based than cultural, but I think it could work
the Civ 4 mod Caveman2Cosmos kinda had this thing where cultures were divided into continental subgroups that you can adopt after "building the wonder" for them. That said, it might be harder to monetize cultures if their bonuses last for a single era. Maybe with leader traits brought back, you can have bonuses that are active for most/the whole game.
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Praying to God for Malay civ
>It's so jarring when they started using a modern country and their borders as a basis for the civilization.
remember civ 5 celts where the city list was just modern cities in britain, france and ireland
Doesn't really matter desu

I've had civ V for a long while now got it on sale for like $13. I just recently bought Civ VI.

I refuse to buy the incomplete base game ride their cock and pay full price for all the dlc.

So it'll be probably be 2-3 years post release until i even get Civ VII. (Assuming it's even worth getting).
Nayib Bukele
naval civs were a mistake
what are the odds of this being even worse than civ6?
>get excited about the reveal of a new Civ game
>boot up some Civ 6
>only have to reroll 15 times for a non-atrocious start
>walk 7 squares with my warrior
>bump into shaka
>know this nigger is exceptionally bad at controlling his temper
>know i have to pump out military units just to deal with the inevitable "suprise" war
>start to realize other things, like district planning, manufacture eurekas, plan secondary cities in sub-par locations
>have to get a killing blow with my slinger i just have to
>there is literally no room to expand, enemy civs and city states everywhere, was it really like this in civ 5?
>war with shaka goes on for a few turns, since the AI, even on deity, is clinically retarded he just sends warrior after warrior into the meat grinder
>evetually runs out of units so i move to his cities
>AI city placement is beyond horrible, resist the urge to just raze everything
>but look at that shitty fucking retarded placement though, sure wont bug me for the rest of the game
>keep playing, increasingly annoyed by the programmers who are more interested in finding references of female rulers in obscure history tomes than making an AI that isnt pathetic
>yes yes we have to make sure its a 50/50 gendered split, nevermind that the female ruler only ruled for 2 years and there is like 5 paragrapsh total of her existence, we cant have another White Male ruler
>think about the terror enviroment some of the devs at firaxis have to deal with, where a certain kind of individual will think you're suspect if you propose Napoleon as a relevant figure for a Civilization game
>we cant have that when we can have Mvabobo Nzangabhi or whatever, the great queen of the Hurundi tribe
>i digress, stare at my empire post war with shaka, realize its basically impossible to lose at this game, you have to downs or something
>shut down game and uninstall
i wonder what civ 7 will have in store for us, it cant be worse than 6, right?
Civ newfag.
I always see VI on sale for like $3, so I just bought it. Should I start here, or elsewhere?
If you've never played a 4x before, then yeah 6's an ok start. Get some UI workshop mods, and get the rest of the major dlcs (rise and fall, gathering storm) one way or the other, as the base game is very barren.
Its almost guaranteed to be worse
Civ vi has leader and overall civ bonuses. I think people want unique aesthetics based on the time period. With the Italy example it's hard to be Rome, Venice and the Vatican all at once.
>more politically-based than cultural
Yeah I was thinking that but civ kind of does that already by making Macedon Greece and Byzantium separate civs. Maybe have a big culture mechanic that different leaders contribute to throughout time with great works, religion, and resources.
Yeah it would have to be a big overall civ bonus with small changing leader bonuses. Probably less eras too. I think 3 is enough, maybe 4 for the bronze age
>With the Italy example it's hard to be Rome, Venice and the Vatican all at once.
It's hard to look like all of them at once, not hard to make a civ that plays as all three at once.
>Cities following your religion provide +2 gold and +2 science to your capital
>Medieval and earlier naval units (incl. traders) produced 33% faster
Tell me: Do these bonuses incentivize a wide Roman Empire with a defense against Carthage, a tall Vatican game with naval settlements, or a Venetian naval game with a non-settlement means of both keeping the navy afloat and maintaining tech parity?
It's easy to design civs well when the devs (and players) aren't retarded.
>not CiVIIlization
But wouldn't it be more fun if each civ had a bonus but also a pool of leaders with their own bonus and a slightly different play style?
>Italic civ bonus: plus something great people attraction
>Pompey - bonus against pirates and barbarians
>Caesar - builds roads, walls, and aqueducts faster
>Pope innocent III - Alliance with same faith civs. Can call other civs of your faith into a holy war.
>Lorenzo Loredan - twice the merchants available
>Victor Emmanuel - culture from luxury resources
This would make playing these leaders feel a lot more fun and unique and make choosing a new one part of the strategy, especially if you're limited on how many times you can switch.
It also would add some narrative and make civ feel less like a board game like civ vi painfully does.
>federated empire
>set out to Brazil
>sent out a mission to draw talent from a state 2,350 miles away
You mean Ethiopia? There was a Chinaman that traveled all the way to Antioch at around 100 AD and by 650 AD there were already European Christians and Arab Muslims in the major cities of China. I don't see how "walking a decent distance" means much at all.
>But wouldn't it be more fun if each civ had a bonus but also a pool of leaders with their own bonus and a slightly different play style?
No. It'd be an inflexible waste of design space. Thankfully for you, since Civ is the kiddie sandbox of the sandbox genre, they might actually do that regardless.
>Federated empire
See their legislative structure
>Set out to Brazil
That's where the current off the coast of Mali leads.
>You mean Ethiopia?
He literally walked into Cairo. Are you trying to obfuscate?
>There was a Chinaman that traveled all the way to Antioch at around 100 AD and by 650 AD there were already European Christians and Arab Muslims in the major cities of China.
Yes, following major, logistically-supported pathways and waterways to easily-accessible and densely-populated regions. The noteworthy aspect is the king of a sparsely-populated country going the long way through the Old World's largest desert and sponsoring a convoy to draw talent from the center of human civilization, in spite of their region's inhospitality and relative inaccessibility. They recognized their lack and sought to address it in spite of the immense costs of doing so, and so did so in a way that burned an impression even into those states and nations that knew nothing of them.
Just walking is easy. They intentionally made themselves into legendary figures as a way to draw learned men to a country that otherwise wouldn't have had them.
This is all information you could've gotten on your own with a cursory overview of the Mali Empire. You're lazy.
You say so much but ultimately it didn't even matter, muh learned men or not, because Mali ultimately failed to do anything in the grand scheme of things.
The great Malian innovations like uhh... uhm..
>You say so much but ultimately it didn't even matter, muh learned men or not
Oh my. Is this cope I hear? Why don't we stop pretending this is a real, earnest conversation and skip to what you really mean?
This is 4chan. Be honest.
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>they walked through the desert and got smart people to follow them
>this makes them an equivalent to Rome
Thanks anon. Spent about another ten dollars for a couple expansions and a handful of packs.
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I'm convinced that Civ is the only game where naval warfare is fun
Also refer to this ui mod list >>1774699
Graphics-wise, check out Civilization 5 environmental skin, hillier hills, and tsunami waves.
Srivijaya is just an invention of shitty scholarship, mate.
Most of the exploits were actually Khmer wars, hence why this spanning such absurd distances to places that never even heard of Indonesia.
Rule the Waves

AI is everywhere now. I don't want to manually manage my fucking workers. I don't want to manually manage every fucking city every fucking turn. Give me Alpha Centauri levels of city governors, build, discover, explore, conquer etc. Let me set workers to auto build the autism I don't give a shit about so I can focus on geopolitics aka PAINTING THE FUCKING MAP MY COLOR. Also undo 1UPT it's fucking shit and was never a good idea. Alpha Centauri solved doomstacks already in 1999, use that system you fucking SHITS. Bag of fucking DICKS. GET IT FUCKING RIGHT.
>Putting words into someone else's mouth
I accept your concession.
Michael Jordan
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Just hoping for more intelligent AI I advice everyone else to be on watch.
That's pure cope and you know it.
Bandera or Khelmyntsky?
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Reminder that Civ 5 was the only game in the series that didn't include climate hysteria as an obnoxious game mechanic
Climate change is good as a gameplay mechanic.
>tiles randomly get fucked over no matter what you do because the retard AI will never plan around it
>this doesn't even work as a player mitigator since it fucks over the AI too
literal propaganda that serves no purpose other than to annoy the player into noticing it
We don't plan around it and we fuck ourselves over in real life too.

>nooo you can't just include a few elements of realism in my alternate history board game simulator!
>get punished for it
The only problem with climate change as presented in Civ 6 is that it is predictable and you can plan for it. It would be far better if you didn't know what was going to happen, so you could have scenarios ranging from
>new ice age
>ice caps melt and coastal flooding
Really I'd like to see Civ 7 focus more on ecology, so you can fuck up a region's ecosystem if you don't manage it properly.
It had some neat features for macro play that just don't work due to the weird RNG of it.
For instance, you can use the threat of blizzards as Russia to pressure invaders out by chopping a ton of trees. Same with Egypt and floods. It's just not a normal enough mechanic to see use by most.
It's a recurring issue in this game. Someone makes a mechanic with potential, they attach the mechanic's balancing to a particular civ (Hungary and Levies, Scotland/Australia and CBs, Cree/Egypt and received trade routes), and then the mechanic is never balanced for anyone else.
It's a theme park design and total waste.
I'm the sort who would absolutely love to use this in MP, but Civ isn't designed for it.
Vodka, and lots of it.
>German scientists to prop up a space program
The bulk of German technical talent was poached by the US and the only senior engineer the soviets got was Helmut Grƶttrup, who was subsequently sent back to East Germany in the early 50s to languish in obscurity, USSR only got low level technicians.
Wrong. Russia got both scientists and V2's.
lel russians fucked themselves over there, with how much butchering and rapes went on when le glorious red army showed up of course every german was going to stay on the american side at all possible. The americans at least tried to pretend they were the good guys, the russians didn't give a shit they were killing entire villages and towns for 'revenge'.
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>anon posts an actual researched source
>wrong! [Wikipedia link]

If it had happened, it would've been justified.
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>hurr all they got was low level technicians except was irrelevant dude who didn't do anything
>actually that "irrelevant dude" was von Braun's number two and oh by the way there were 170 other scientists as well
The reality was Russia only ever got enough from the Germans to reach orbit and after that they got nothing because that was the extent of what the Germans were capable of by 1945. The Americans were the ones who identified the steps needed for a Lunar landing and met the challenges inherent in those steps, the Soviets only cared about photo ops and easy to accomplish "firsts".
What some rando said is irrelevant, facts are facts. NASA came up with a plan, and the Soviets didn't - despite both sides inheriting the same German rocket program technical knowledge.
Willem Van Oranje
Fidel Castro
Tomas Sankara
Mohammad Reza Pahlavi
France-Albert RenƩ
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The Soviets were barely on Germany soil when von Braun and his team fled PeenemĆ¼nde, your post in a non-sequitur.

>>hurr all they got was low level technicians except was irrelevant dude who didn't do anything
>>actually that "irrelevant dude" was von Braun's number two and oh by the way there were 170 other scientists as well
There's no equivalent Von Braun figure for the soviets, Grƶttrup didn't end up playing a big role in the long term and all the big names at the top of the soviet space program were domestic; Korolev, Tikhonravov, Glushko, Keldysh, Chelomei, Chertok, Yangel and so on.
> to reach orbit and after that they got nothing because that was the extent of what the Germans were capable of by 1945
German tech not was not capable of reaching orbit, the V-2 could barely cross the Karman line, these are not the same things.
Moreover advances in material science and metallurgy that the Soviets made in the 40s, ones Germans didn't have, were instrumental to their space flight successes in the 50s, 60s and 70s. For example, the soviets having closed cycle engines over a decade before the United States did.
>Americans were the ones who identified the steps needed for a Lunar landing
Someone has never heard of Yuri Kondratyuk
>Soviets only cared about photo ops and easy to accomplish "firsts".
This is wrong primarily because the soviet space program in the 50s and 60s by and large was seen ancillary to its missile program by soviet politicians and the military. Despite Korolev and many other soviet scientist and engineers interest in space flight for scientific and technological reasons, Khrushchev and other politicians had to be prodded into allowing such endeavors, as they feared doing so would shift the focus away from rockets as weapons.
>What some rando said is irrelevant
The irony, Matt Brzezinski is the nephew of the (in)famous Zbigniew Brzezinski, the fucking antithesis of being a rando.
You know the soviets landed multiple landers on the moon, right? Name 5 things landing humans on the moon has done for science. The soviets rightly realized it was a PR stunt and spent their time and money on other things.
This sounds like Soviet cope.
Still waiting on those 5 things, btw.
I really hope we get Art Deco aesthetics back for Civ 7.
>Yes, following major, logistically-supported pathways and waterways to easily-accessible and densely-populated regions
Damn, this almost sounds like Rome and China were actual nations and not shithole African tribes.
Those "logistically-supported pathways" were in Persia and India, and the waterways existed long before human habitation.
It sounds like your brain is falling out.
The roads only existed in the first place because Rome and China were worth building roads to.
Nobody built a road to OogaBoogaland because there was no fucking point, at least not until King OogaBooga himself showed them the gold and slaves they could get through trade with his country.
Those gold and slaves then attracted talent from all over the world, all of which amounted to jack shit.
>The roads only existed in the first place because Rome and China were worth building roads to.
They existed as part of the various Persian empires long before Rome ever existed, and the pathways to China pass through a region culturally and politically isolated from China proper (Sichuan).
>Nobody built a road to OogaBoogaland
The very moment it became possible to conveniently move goods across the Sahara, a thriving trade opened with Ghanaian/Malian and Hausa terminals connecting to North Africa. That was seven centuries before Mansa Musa.

You don't have the background knowledge necessary to engage in a meaningful discussion.
I'm not going to humor you any longer.
See >>1780126
Mali had no major logistically-supported pathways to anywhere else.
I reinstalled Civ V on a whim and had some fun but it fell apart fast because I zerged down the other two civs on my continent and just dominated until I could rush the guy in second place with cannons and secure an easy win. Was on Prince, gonna go King.
Game's been out for ages, is there a goldilocks setting you know of? I'm thinking Small Continents Plus, Epic game speed, Large size (10 player), but open to anything. Seems like Deity players play on Pangaea but that makes half the civ abilities irrelevant.
also is 6 worth playing now that it's on sale
fuck I hope they don't do the whole wonder take a tile, it's the thing I hate the most about civ 6
>is there a goldilocks setting you know of?
Terra map. It makes the game into a race to the new world/colonization type game and because everyone starts out on the same continent, it makes early war and diplomacy a lot more important. More civs is better.
Also play at least on immortal. Alternatively, install Gaia mod.
>also is 6 worth playing now that it's on sale
Civ won't add commies because they didn't built civilizations, just regressive cultures
>No. It'd be an inflexible waste of design space. Thankfully for you, since Civ is the kiddie sandbox of the sandbox genre, they might actually do that regardless.
The problem here is that I like history and narrative while you like boring board game simulators.
What is with people are the square grid?
Is this just blind nostalgia?

Hexagons function way better for a Civilization game since
they're far more intuitive since each direction of movement is clearly visible and obvious unlike squares which depending on the game may or may not do diagonals
>and b
hexagons make smooth and natural shapes, and so for maps which are supposed to emulate Earth and the contours of the continents, hexagons look way better and more realistic.
Civ 5 is a 14 year old game, if civ 7 releases in 2025 it will be 15 years old.
To put this into perspective, there has been more time from civ 5 to now, then there was from the release of civ 5 to the release of civ 2.

And given that 5 is still one of the most popular strategy games on the market, a 'return to form' would naturally imply 'meeting fans of 5 half way"
I would put money that the art style of 7 (at least for the overworld map, maybe not the rulers) will be a return to the realism of civ 5.
As that is one of the main reasons so many fans stuck with civ 5 and never migrated on to 6. Even ones who did switch to 6 prefer the art direction of civ 5 for the maps.

A swift to realism would be an easy win.
There is no group of people who hate realism and will only play civ 7 is it is cartoony.
But there are players who won't play another cartoony entry.
What are your perks?
Is it gonna be terrain height and that affects rising sea levels due to climate change?
Just started CivBE and it's actually good. Why does it get so much hate? Also, who are the best leaders?
Fun until the fourth game.
Al Falah, ARC and Polystralia are generally considered top tier, but Chungsu is secretly god tier if you play tall and keep doing Establish Network. You gradually get diminishing returns in the late game, but by that time you've already snowballed past everybody and can do whatever you want.
I hate almost every victory type.

>contact: lol wait dozens of turns after building the wonder
>harmony: lol wait dozens of turns after building the wonder
>purity: tedious settling of earth migrants
>supremacy: build units and send them through the portal to earth
>domination: take all capitals
And ugly enough, they donĀ“t even bother to put a diplomatic victory; you know, to a game base of a "future more happy that SMAC".
There is in fact NO planetary council of any sort. Everyone just goes their merry way ignoring everybody else.
Please for the love of god let there be space colonization/aliens!!!
Malcom X or Martin Luther King Jr for that african american break away nation that was in the plans back then.
you should kill yourself.
>game becomes the bloated mess that is Caveman2Cosmos
No thanks.
Marry fuck kill
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Where is she?
Still with Firaxis according to linkedin. She cute
Okay but Caveman2Cosmos on a purpose built engine and made by professional game devs might actually slap
yes but while having it's own engine would be nice the problem is C2C is the kind of thing only hyper autists with no filter for what is worthwile content nor time constraints can make. Professional devs on the other hand actually NEED to have the game be fucking finished at some point and playable for people other than fellow hyper spergs.
I'd like to see ages broken down juuuuuust a little bit more. Maybe start with 5 turns of mandatory paleolithic before you can found your city. Do a proper Bronze Age before "Classical", Renaissance into Enlightenment era.
is this game goiong to be good
Don't ask me, my computer isn't powerful enough to run it. I'm just going to talk out my ass and hope nobody notices.
Cute jewess
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It would be nice to have a chance to move your first settler around instead of having to place it first turn if you want to be competitive.
It's going to launch on PC and consoles simultaneously. It's gonna be watered-down drivel with cartoony artwork that appeals to all ages.
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>It's gonna be watered-down drivel with cartoony artwork that appeals to all ages.
We're getting another Civ 4? Based.
Old thing good THOUGHEVER, new thing bad THOUGHBEIT.
When was Civ 4 launched on consoles?
When it was renamed Revolution.
>Maybe start with 5 turns of mandatory paleolithic before you can found your city
Swear I played a overhaul mod that did just that. Don't remember the name of it, though
No the civ iv crayola cartoon look would be too original, we are getting more pixar smartphone game knockoff look ala Civ VI
At worst it'll be mediocre like V was, none of the mainline games are bad and I don't think they can screw up the formula unless the accidentally make Beyond Earth again
Give me anime Civ already
You want it too
I do
But seriously, I think they gonna stick with the goofy Pixar-esque style, for the leaders at least
Some new/redesigned civs I'd like to see:
1. Israel
>If America is in the game, cultural domination is achieved automatically.
>Lawnmower unit: Destroys enemy non-military units when striking any military target. Destroying civilians increases Happiness in cities with a broadcast tower.
2. Palestine
>Cannot generate gold, food, production or science on its own. Cannot improve resources. All known Civs obliged to gift it a portion of whatever they produce, increasing each era.
>Hamas Paraglider Special Unit: Cheap and mobile Paratrooper unit, can pillage as a free action.
3. America
>+50% generation of Great Pornographers
>LGBT Promoter special unit. Replaces Missionary. Has double spread religion uses. Also spreads AIDS.
4. Russia
>Starting a war decreases Unhappiness each turn. Maximum Happiness is 0. Golden Ages start after accumulating Unhappiness instead of Happiness.
>Special Operation Hero Unit: Industrial Era Infantry available in the Information Era. Gain one for each unemployed citizen in a city after starting a war.
(Leader: Voldemort)
5. Ukraine
>When in a war, drain 25% of gold produced by all Civs that share ideology. 90% of the sum is lost to corruption, but Unhappiness from Specialists decreases in proportion.
>No special unit, but the Ghost of Kyiv protects the Capital, unless he doesn't.
(Leader: Harry Potter)
6. European Union
>Refugees Welcome: can increase city pop by spending gold starting in the Modern Era. New pops remain unemployed for 20 turns.
>European Parliament Special Building: Decreases Production, Gold and Science by 20%. 10 Specialist slots (no effect). You need it because you just do, ok?
The caricaturesque faces in Civ VI repulse me, hopefully they make them look less horrible. I remember when Teddy Rs face looked like he got stung by a nest of bees.
Is there any ingame footage/screenshots revealed yet?
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>>+50% generation of Great Pornographers
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This is the funniest post that i've seen on any imageboard in the last 5 to 10 years.

Well done, anon
thanks anon
Japan has better pornographers thoughever
JAV is art
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Alfred the Great, Oliver Cromwell, Henry VIII, George III, and Robert Walpole
Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe, James K. Polk, Ulysses S. Grant, William McKinley, and Dwight D. Eisenhower
Minamoto no Yoritomo, Emperor Kanmu, Emperor Go-Daigo, and Emperor Meiji
Numa Pompilius, Servius Tullius, Cato the Elder, Cato the Younger, Cicero, Vespasianus, Domitian, Marcus Aurelius, Aurelian, Constatine the Great, and Diocletian.
Jan III Sobieski, JĆ³zef Piłsudski, Mieszko I, and Władysław II Jagiełło (or just Jogaila to make the Lithuanians happy).
Brian Boru (Ireland), Carl Gustaf Mannerheim (Finland), Tamerlane (Timurids), John A. MacDonald (Canada), Lorenzo d'Medici (Italy), Antonio LĆ³pez de Santa Anna (Mexico), Geronimo (Apache), Augusto Pinochet (Chile), Francisco Franco (Spain), Ian Smith (Rhodesia), Paul Kruger (South Africa), Skanderbeg (Alb*nia), Vlad Tepes Dracula (Romania), and Papa Doc (Haiti).
Wonders taking up a whole tile would be fine in a game without districts.
Why has no one made an anime Civ clone?
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>10 Specialist slots
>(no effect)
The Japanese aren't particularly into strategy games.
Adolf Hitler and Zelensky
Yea that would be based
Be carefull what you think right now anon.
Look at a map of Mali and then shut up forever.
What's the difference?
they should add some fanfic future stuff
future leaders and future great people

zixor the great rat man should be a great person
and double hitler (who did a real holocaust) as a leader
England: Queen Elizabeth
France: Joan of Arc
China: Wu Zetian
Japan: Empress Suiko
India: Indira Gandhi
America: Edith Wilson
Egypt: Cleopatra VII
Rome: Julia Agrippina
Greece: Gorgo
Mexico (Aztecs): Claudia Sheinbaum
Germany: Angela Merkel
Spain: Isabella
Byzantium: Theodora
Vikings: Queen Margaret
Africa: Queen Amanitore
Indigenous First Nation Peoples of North America: Pocahontas
where are the men
Hitler and Jew Hitler
in the dustbin of history
Personally I just hope that it's not blatantly more woke than the last couple of games. I've built up a slight tolerance to woke leader choices, but if they get any worse I'm just going to mod Civ V and VI until Civ VIII comes out.
I'd be fine with this if they adopted an anime-esque artstyle
Why don't you respond to the guy who wrote a hundred words on how Mansa Musa's Hajj was some brilliant accomplishment, incomparable to any other journey in the pre-modern world, because there wasn't any logistically supported pathways between Mali and Mecca? I'm just repeating what that retard said.
I mean you're wanking one of the sole examples of an African realm succeeding at anything other than being a slave entrepot, and you have to do this absurd level of reaching because the rest of the continent is worse, more the realm of anthropologists than historians. I wish it wasn't like this, like how I wish many other unfortunate truths weren't, but that isn't the world we live in.
>viking was an occupation and not a heckin' civilization. learn this shit finally
Viking is used both by scholars and by laymen when talking about the old Norse during the "Viking Age".
You aren't smart.
>I just hope
Stop hoping, it's ogre.
The kikes can openly gloat about killing people these days.
The west has fallen and faggotry levels will only rise. The best part, this shit has no ceilings.
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>>Starting a war decreases Unhappiness each turn. Maximum Happiness is 0. Golden Ages start after accumulating Unhappiness instead of Happiness.
>>When in a war, drain 25% of gold produced by all Civs that share ideology. 90% of the sum is lost to corruption, but Unhappiness from Specialists decreases in proportion.

aint these the truth
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Hope is what makes us human. It's that last spark of "we're so back" amidst a sea of "it's so over" that lets us anchor ourselves in this mother fucker of a world.
They are going to add Olga of Kiev
>stronk independent who no need no man
>current thing
I wouldn't be surprised if they choose to add Ukraine as the 2nd Slav civ over Poland.
I hope we go back to squares in this one.
God I hope not. Squares suck.
I will add Hitler (with a mod)
Source: the sweet aroma of your crackpipe, faggot vatnik
>bragging about consuming mtx
Holy consoomer.
Nah, Indonesia/Majapahit has taken the place as SEA naval civ, unless the Malay replace them or have some reason to be present together with them in the roster.
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>nazi supports ukraine

lol you're not supposed to admit that dude
Toyotomi Hideyoshi
>I will add Hitler (with a mod)
I don't recognize most of these so I'm gonna say based
Lmao, genuinely a great post.
I would absolutely crease if they put in putin or gorbachev for russia
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Indeed he has! Jesus Christ be praised!
Meiji for Japan
Timur the Lame for the Mongols and Persians (unless we get a Uzbek or Tatar civ)
Some Russian ruler not related to the Tsardom, preferably Alexander Nevsky for Novgorod or Brezhnev for the U.S.S.R.
If they do pick a Tsar again I'd like to see Ivan the Terrible
Ferdinand of Aragon for Spain (make Barcelona the capital when playing as him)
Yugoslavia under Tito
Akbar or Shah Jahan for India
Pilsudski for Poland
Frederick the Great for Germany
God be with you Henry!
I'm fine with some wonders doing that. Something like the Eiffel Tower should go in the city center. Also hope I don't have to look at the fucking granaries sitting in the heart of the city during the fucking atomic era or some shit.
Don't worry. They'll make it cellphone focused too.
Worker charges were retarded, they need to do away with that.
Hate that in civ 6s diplomacy you cannot express why you're upset with a certain civ, you only have the choice to denounce but with the AI never understanding why. Makes you look like a schizo.
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Alexios Kommenos for Byzantium. His special ability would be hiring crusader mercenaries, which can quickly turn into a can of worms like it did in real life...
I've always thought that civ games are dogshit goyslop and never understood why they were popular. Now I get it
Hopefully they drop the mobile graphic arts. Better way of the political and governmental system. Please not just filling your bucket so you can unlock/buy shit because this is already done for building/unit purchase, research, tourism and religion. And bring back (semi) Automated workers, like they repair and rebuild the improvement that was destroyed by war or disaster. Or when you specialise a City, the automated worker improves the tiles to the specialisation
By the time Civilization VIII comes out, cellphones will be powerful enough to have 1:1 parity with PC games. In that time, I will welcome a Civ VIII that seamlessly transitions back and forth between PC mode and cellphone mode.

>teaser trailer comes out
>Civ 8 rotates onto its side to become Civ Infinity
>landscape orientation Civ rotates onto its side to become portrait orientation Civ
Battle island 2 had hex so yes
>two more weeks until smartphones are on the same level as PCs, trust me
Civ VIII won't be out for another 10 years...
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Come play Civ V with anons. Better than playing against braindead AI.

Shoot, forgot password: Bingobangobongo
If the password isn't rage it ain't alright.
I don't remember, remind me which Civ game had feature to turn flat map into a globe?
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It will have:
-hex grid
-zoom and scroll animations longer than ever
-1 unit per tile
- city states
-4 city gameplay
-religions, social policies
-microtransactions, loot boxes
-day 1 dlcs
-leaders, units, skins, other content for purchase
-deliberately long next turn wait (you can purchase boosts)
-globohomo promotion
-USA having the greatest military + science + culture + diplomacy + wealth + great people + 80% of all world wonders
>-4 city gameplay
this is not an issue though
Are you going to play this game?
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So real. If you play continents the odds of being on your own continent with 1 other incompitent ai are pretty high, and once you go through this scenario with them you've basically won the game. Post modern era is just a hell of having to declare on 1x1 cities on islands or in snow that the ai placed and the ai clearly has no idea what kind of victory it is pursuing
bandera would be too based
Civ 5 is unironically a better entry point and you can get it with all its DLCs for even cheaper
I've always thought these games were goyslop, the graphics of 6 are fucking horrendous.
But I'm willing to give it a tree, the city-building looks fun.
Should I play with pirated dlcs or the Standard Rules?
a try* lmao
With the dlcs but standard rules. It's just more content.
alright I'll do so, thanks anon
No problem. But some people like the fantasy scenarios (the one with secret societs and such). I've never played it.
Heard 5 is shit and go with 4 if you want older.
i think the people who told you that made a typo and wanted to say 6 instead of 5
5 is the most polished game in the series, but some people don't like it because you can't plant 10 cities in the first 60 turns.
5 is only disliked by noobs too dumb to figure out how to manage happiness
I have 2k hours in civ iv and <10 in any other strategy game. 5's artstyle is hideous and 6 doesn't look much better. Any recommendations on what to play?
Yeah, Civ 5
acquire taste and play 5
Did I wake up in opposite land, 5 is piss easy and has the entirely reverse problem with cities
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mao is the worst just because he alone killed millions of sparrows for no reason at all.
6 is the easiest game in the series.
Idris Elba
Stalin and Mao each were responsible for the deaths of 10s of millions of civilians more than Hitler was.
>Stalin and Mao didn't instantly start doing random civie death events first week after walking in to a new area.
Indeed, people don't need grain, comrade, the dream of Communism is enough to sustain the human body )))))
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Yeah, and 10 years ago people also believed smartphones would reach tge power of PC. But just one more decade, right?
*would reach the power of PC by now
I was tired.

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