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It is the pride month.
Share your love for the Globognomo and the resulting Gnomohomo in this here good old thread, boys!
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for me? it's Alen Hytlend
What is a monster? Is it an orc, its brutish mind consumed only by the desire to kill and rape? No, orc is just a beast, barely responsible for its action. Is it a halfling, devouring everything it can, and multiplying more rapidly than rats? No, halfling is just a pest to be eradicated. The true monster is a gnome! It wears frindly face and uses honeyed words, promising progress and prosperity. But it brings only perversion, revolution and misery!
Elfen Raus! Gröẞanbennariums Jetzt!

I wish we had a more human supremacist oriented Gawed path. Blueshirts killing elves in the streets of Arbaran...
You think the ck3 mod will have an expel the gnomes decision like ck2 had?
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>expel the gnomes decision like ck2 had?
You wish. Anbennar's team has already made its choice when it comes to ideological issues and realistic depictions of different spices. There is no going back, and the mod will die soon.
I refuse to believe that this is a real person.
It cannot be. It's all a ploy to mess with my head
every time
they're not a contributor nor person who decides on any lore of the mod lmao, it's a previous writer with basically nothing done.
I am trying to infiltrate Anbennar's gay administration and transgender inner core so that I can intervene when Gawed's mission tree starts to be reworked. I will do my best to advocate for a human supremacist path when that day comes, for that is the true way Gawed was meant to be played.

Also, if they decide to actually keep the 1444 start date for EU5 I'm jumping ship. Have yet to see a solid reason as to why they wouldn't do that, and all their excuses are motivated by laziness and an unwillingness to actually innovate. But then again, can't really expect much else from these morons. They rewrite the lore all the time but can't be bothered to rewrite it so that 1337 is interesting.
But the position that he stated was completely supported by big boys among the dev in the same conversation in the same lore thread. And there was a similar discussion recently about troll intelligence levels, with exactly the same outcome. So excuse me if I jumped to conclusions.
Doesn't matter if he did anything for Anbennar.
I refuse to believe that an actual human can reach such a level of delusion
>I am trying to infiltrate Anbennar's gay administration
Unless you fly to Scotland and suck Enkelados' dick (if he even has one), I doubt your infiltration attempt will be successful.
Stop being racist goy.
Gawed should have CHOICE, this is strategy game and I should be able to choose what to do with my nation
the choice is either ride the railroad or don't
Someone high up in the development chain (pretty sure Jay himself) is vehemently against 'paths' in a MT, because 9 times out of 10 there's ''a chad path and a virgin path, so no reason to waste resources on the virgin path''. Which makes sense for some proposals, but ends up fucking up good proposals that actually present two viable and fun options
What choice, exactly, do you want? I'm fine with monarchist and republican paths, somewhat akin to France in base Eu 4. But Gawed that suddenly becomes welcoming and inclusive stops being Gawed.
kicking elf out is not a path, plenty of mts have similar choices
You can accept Elves as Dartaxgerdim, never seen any bahari chud complain
These "all races are equally intelligent" dudes have not played Obrtrol or read any of the troll tolerance events.
My favorite is the one about a troll accidentally discovering your nobles' tax embezzlement scheme by just being good at collecting tolls and maintaining the bridge he decided to sleep under
Yeah, Trolls are smarter than your average human. That spoiler proves it
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I was playing a dwarven tag when it happened
>have not played Obrtrol
They are actually planning to rewrite some of those localizations. It was mentioned by someone in the previous thread.
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It begins. Which ones should I try to keep loyal? Going the Lithiel path
Is there a way to get out of the crisis with all factions on your side?
I don't think that's possible. I have Dahvar and Aelthanas both at calm right now but that required me to piss off the other 2 dudes and get them to rebel almost immediately
I think you can avoid it just by keeping them all below "Taking up arms" for a long time, but there's no reason to since it takes forever
You can skip the entire thing if you have a king with really high stats, as well.
I've done three loyal before, it relies upon the single event that has a random chance to increase a faction's loyalty by a large margin while decreasing the other/others by a small margin. Don't know if my luck was bad, but it took me like 10/15/20 (Don't remember exactly how much) years to do it.

In my opinion? It's pain in the ass, and definitely not worth it. On my second run I just went for one of them and said fuck the rest. Unless you're waiting on Lithiel there is no reason to delay the resolution of the Rianvisa.
Oops, didn't realize this is an Anbennar thread.
is mayo any good these days?
dont announce your plans to "infiltrate" in a public thread you absolute retard

it's not like you were going to achieve anything anyways but now you have even less of a chance
trolls having an "alien mentality" has always been one of their traits, and with that alien mentality comes the fact they are slow and dense as fuck

they are just a different species that was created by giants to serve as strong laborers, and for that task they didnt need high intelligence so they are not very smart

i will never understand where is the racism in portraying them as mentally slow, is stellaris racist too because there is a species trait that debuffs pop research output? who the fuck sees trolls being stupid and says "oh this is an allegory for a real life group having lesser IQ"????
To comprehend why left-leaning individuals react so strongly to such lore elements, you must understand their mentality. Almost all of them are, speaking plainly, soulless. They are incapable of creation; they can only imitate and twist what was made by others. They are incapable of even understanding the creative process or fully discerning between what is real and what is not. So when they read about the dimwitted race, they cannot comprehend that this is a natural part of a fictional world. Instead, they jump to conclusions that they are so fond of in our contemporary society and blame racism, sexism or any other victimhood complex. And once they put themselves into this fervor of righteous indignation about the not-existing problem, they are no going back for them.
> i will never understand where is the racism in portraying them as mentally slow, is stellaris racist too because there is a species trait that debuffs pop research output? who the fuck sees trolls being stupid and says "oh this is an allegory for a real life group having lesser IQ"????
Orcposting mindbroke them
There's also an event that makes both Kayd and Sicrheior mad if you try to appease them both since they hate each other. It seems like a no brainer since the "military option" often makes them both loyal while pissing the other 2 guys off but they are directly opposed to one another so they both throw a hissy fit if you try.
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These people are fascinating.
They claim that there is no measurable deviation in the cognitive ability of different human races. They even say that race is only "skin deep".
Yet at the same time, they are so insecure about this belief, that entirely fictional species must be made mentally identical, lest it would imply that millenia of environmental adaption or divine intervention could affect the intelligence of an isolated group - which would give credence to scientific racism.

If they truly believed the "one race, the human race" propaganda, they wouldn't need to apply it to nonhumans and militantly enforce it in a lighthearted fantasy setting, in an effort to weed out the very notion that different groups of sapient beings could adapt to different stimuli in different ways
you are doing literally the same thing as them right now
What's the best Bulwar country in terms of MT?
i mean with orcs is no one fault but jay for deciding to have them be the victims of transoceanic slave trade(even adding literal orc haiti but this time it's wholesome and everything goes good of course) AND genocidal rapist invasors at the same time, he drove himself into a wall
the biggest one and the favorite of most people is Jaddari

personally my favorite is bizartensis, you can go phoenix empire afterwards but phoenix empire is just worse jaddari

re'uyel and dartax are also pretty good, you can go Surakes with both if you want a relatively tall mid game
Played Jaddari and Bizartensis already.
Bulwar has neat government mechanic that interacts with the MT and there is fair share of unique events and a nice mix of diplomacy, expansion and building your capital
probably try dartax or re'uyel then

ovdal tungr just released but i dont know it it's good, also you have the goblins, all have their own trees but the formable doesnt yet
>formable doesn't yet
>you are doing literally the same thing as them right now
Equating fantasy races to human races? Of course i am. Why would that be a problem?
>check out Wineport expecting no MT
>actually a pretty fun if somewhat barebones MT that's all about blobbing in its immediate area
Any other Cannor countries like this? I thought all the not-Europe countries were lacking in MTs?
I played Landshark here. MT is pretty short but my main complaint is that it doesn't flow very well and some of the later missions can be incredibly annoying. Requiring you to conquer land from the EoA, turning all that land xhazobkult, requiring you to stay goblin shamanism and a specific cult for a certain mission in the middle so if you flipped to get better allies you're fucked, needing you to build a shitton of galleys but also have like 70 naval tradition so you'll bankrupt yourself going over the force limit with light ships.
Marblehead seems to be a fan favorite so maybe try that. I haven't played them yet but I do know the bastards have a mission to backstab the other goblins and instantly declare on them with a subjugation CB even if they have an alliance because they did just that to me.
Wesdam is similar
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Silverforge is fun. It's a a newly dug hold of diaspora dwarves, who strip-mine the empire to get enough material to finish their incomplete hold.
And their MT is nice and blocky. Very aesthetic
Wesdam must have been one of the early MTs done because it really did feel outdated and barebones when i did it, still pretty decent. Was fun stacking diplo rep and forming the empire, think i maxxed out at +14 and i managed to keep it positive even when i mad the witch king modifier
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Bolshevist-adjacents may worship science, but would rather embrace Lysenkoism than acknowledge that the human races have adapted to their environment through evolution
All that, but in addition, we are talking about fantasy. Giants created trolls as dumb, obedient beasts on purpose. Ducaniel created orcs as bloodthirsty savages incapable of empathy on purpose. This is not natural evolution, but fucking magic!
To play devil's advocate here, they might just be following the lead of nu-DnD where they're slowly phasing out racial differences to pander to the ten total black people who play dungeons and dragons, or more likely, white women who get offended on the behalf of other groups of people.
But there are purging mechanics. Lol they're never going to get rid of those, right?
it's claimed by Elefante, one of the haless devs, which means it's probably never going to get done because he is busy with haless

of course letting other people try making it is totally out of the question, how could you even suggest such heresy, it's his tree to sit on and do nothing with
What's new in the next update and when?
Are the deepwoods getting expanded in this update or the next?
it releases the 12th, they are adding a bunch of new tags in north haless(hobgoblins, ogres, humans and trolls), a good bunch of mts, the deepwoods rework, the artificery rework, the infernal court, the gray orc set up rework, and a bunch of miscellanious stuff
I'd trust Elefante to make something decent out of it. It's not like he'll be eternally quagmired working in the Valley.
tranny mod
>personally my favorite is bizartensis, you can go phoenix empire afterwards but phoenix empire is just worse jaddari
I wouldn't say PE is worse Jaddari, especially not when you play it with Varamhar or Birz, it's a different enough playstyle
>Giants created trolls as dumb, obedient beasts on purpose.
? There's no difference in intelligence among the various races. This is canon.
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Someone please make a Warhammer Fantasy mod or a Fantasy Original Setting so I can stop playing this tranny garbage.
Yeah, sister! We've always been at war with Eastasia, too!
>Fantasy Original Setting
Give me a list of things you want in a new mod. Maybe I will use some of them in the new project.
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>Warhammer Fantasy mod
Careful, you could be getting deaf knights, gay knights and openly female knights.
Is there no way to escape this shit these days? Do I really need to create my own setting to get away from girlbosses and faggots in fantasy?
who's being cringe in the cord again? Stop it
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Proper content for centaurs, with exploration of horse pussy magic, when?
stop larping, you're not doing shit, all you do is beg anons here for ideas
>discordshitters use free labor and ideas of dozens of random contributors to push the setting forward
>this is fine
>random anon asks for idea
>this is BAD
he hasn't come up with anything thoughever
I have seen other anons put forward some coherent ideas
You are doing a great job of emboldening my ambitions, anon. Keep it up, I need motivation. Also, I never beg for ideas. I already have them in droves. I'm just politely asking what people personally find interesting to reflect on it in free time.
Of all the degenerate zoophiles, wanting to fuck a horse is among the most mystifying fetishes
yeah, but not him, all he does is talk about how he's definitely writing, creating and making something, somewhere out there, it's definitely surely materialising
they 100%, 1000% >>1776187 exist, trust the plan
Horses are the most esthetically appealing animals; their form is the only one that can rival that of humans in perfection. They are also great companions of the white race, who tamed them in times immemorial. So there is nothing revolting about finding the combination of a beautiful white girl and a beautiful mare as something desirable.
Horses are beautiful. Aryans used the horse to conquer the world. A naked lady on horse is splendid imagery.
lol, the same aryans you fucking dolt? ritualistic horse fucking is present in many PIE cultures
read a book, nigger
Touch grass. Not even checking your dubs, you incomprehensible horsefucker.
Verification not required
This was an actual ancient Aryan ritual. A tribal chief copulated with the most beautiful white mare in his tribe's herd and then sacrificed her to the Sky Father. So there is nothing shameful about doing this when girl and horse are merged into one. But probably without sacrificial part. That would be weird.
is this what Adenicans engage in their free time? Horse fucking?
>trust the plan
Yes, exactly. I will wait until the release of EU 5 to start actual mod creation. Until then, there will be only the creation of lore, history, a magical system and map for the world. You will do without seeing this process.
>uhh, uhm, my girlfriend goes to a different school, you can't meet her
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Ancient times were fucked up
Why do you think Ara, Adean's wife, has a horseshoe as her divine symbol? She is a horse, anon! Divine one. I don't know if she has wings and a horn, however.
Don't believe the horsefags. Most of them have probably never even seen a horse irl, much less touched one.

Just like how the Anbennar devs talk a lot about all the interesting things they will implement and then it's months later and we have... let me check...

Artificery Rework and Infernal Court (Unfinished) as the highlights of the update?

Those niggers prefer to rework ideas over actually making new, interesting, non-gay content. I'm pretty sure that if Okman disappeared one day the mod would just collapse instantly, he's the only one In the discord that is actually a chad.

Rent-free. Discord troons can't get Big Chan Cock out of their heads. But don't worry, they actually don't care about our opinion in the slightest (kek).

Have Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, and Undead, and I will at least check out the mod, even if you add furry races or other bullshit like that in the future. Make them play in a distinct way, and you will begin drawing attention. Have a good world design and cool history and people will want to help you mod it. It's as simple as that, but the actual amount of effort in doing those first few things alone is tremendous, which is why no one does it.
it goes both ways, it wouldn't be just the king fucking a mare
>It is returned to the sacrificial ground, where it is consecrated and adorned by the king’s wives.
>It is then tied again to the sacrificial post and smothered (the usual Vedic method of killing sacrificial animals).
>The king’s chief wife lies down next to the dead horse and is covered by a blanket.
>She puts the horse’s penis against her vulva and conducts a back and forth dialogue with the priests, in which she complains that no one is having sex with her.
>This completed, the horse is cut up, and its parts disposed of in various ways, including cooking them by boiling (other parts are roasted on a spit).
is this nigger really replying to himself and gassing up his totally real mod?
source btw
Fickett-Wilbar, David. (2012). Ritual Details of the Irish Horse Sacrifice in Betha Mholaise Daiminse. Journal of Indo-European Studies, The. 40. 315-343.
>Why do you think Ara, Adean's wife, has a horseshoe as her divine symbol?
holy fuck
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>add furry races or other bullshit
What is considered furry these days? In Anbennar the best non-human race is gnolls, and in Warhammer Fantasy it is skavens and lizarmen. Are these furries or not?
taming horses and drinking milk is what made indoeuropeans conquer eurasia, it was a big deal for them
I get that but
>She puts the horse’s penis against her vulva and conducts a back and forth dialogue with the priests, in which she complains that no one is having sex with her.

It was probably accidental, knowing how generic RC is. But still, cool lore. JayBean occasionally stumbles on great things because he "borrows" from the best settings.
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Why are we discussing having sex with horses?
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Opinions on the best region of Cannor (Esmaria)?
king gets the strongest mare, queen gets the strongest stallion, their equivalents - their most precious treasure, horses, that's what those people strong
so the royals equate themselves with the horses strength, through pseudo-fucking and eating those horses
why is it exactly like that? complaining about no sex? probably a legend or a tale that was relevant to them, but is now lost to us
idk man, im conjecturing all over the place here
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This is part of history, ancient culture and, in my humble opinion, manifestation of the deepest desires of white men. Even Tony Soprano was onto it in season 4, just not literally.
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Mooooods, people in the discord are calling us horse fuckers again
Degenerates trying to rationalize why their fetish is totally trad and based
Which races can I fuck as a human in this game aside from mine?
If we ever get to time travel i'm getting some answers for shit like this. After giving Genghis Khan candy beans and chocolate and later showing hitler HOI4 gameplay because it would be funny.
it's quite literary just history and mythology, why are you prudes freaking out, this shit was just for the ruling elite who wanted to associate conquering power of horses with themselves
i WILL add sex to Anbennar, and i WILL make it so humans can have sex with gnomes
>iscord are calling us horse fuckers
I found it and read it. What are you bitching about, my Discord friends? Like one of you said, there is nothing weird about it because it actually existed in the past. A completely valid conversation to understand potential relationships between centaurs and humans in fantasy.
Luv Gnomes and luv Dwarves, simple as
humans don't ride centaurs into battle
>Which races can I fuck as a human in this game aside from mine?
Probably none, because it would be considered pedophilia (all small races, even dwarves),
exotification (elves) or zoophilia (gnolls, lizards).
that's not a real word
Now i get it. It's just the d*scord transvestites conducting false flag operation.
They did a good job this time - I fell for it
something something they assume 4chan is a single person and therefore equate all talk on the subject as us trying to condone having sex with horses

New Human/Centuar tag idea?
>exotification (elves)
is that a problem?
Beastbane should have killed all horse lovers too
I can ride some of them after battle, if you catch my meaning. A common way of showing good intent when dealing with tribal society, no? But really, you are overblowing it. Centaurs are people like all others; they inevitably will fall in love with humans if racial relationships are not totally genocidal, like in FP.
>he doesn't like hussy
more for me
Yes. Also, if the elf is less than 150 years old, it will also be called pedophilia. This is why we didn't get romance with the best girl in Wrath of the Righteous - Ember.
>I can ride some of them after battle, if you catch my meaning
idgi, explain??
if its because of age i'm younger than a century so it's all good. If its for "mental maturity" i will have you know i'm rather stupid so i'm safe on that front too.
I have a feeling that there is just one zoophile samefagging itt, posting his screencaps to discord to get upvotes
they don't take it seriously, but I do, it was a real thing that happened across hundreds of years through cultures spread across a continent
you niggers love to larp as trad aryans, and this is as trad and aryan as it gets, deal with it
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>idgi, explain??
Go to the Board of the Show That Must not be Named. They will explain to you in detail how it's done and why the experience is far superior to the common one.
>female knights
This by itself is not terrible. It's when they're mary sues better at everything, straight up sociopaths with not a shred of femininity, or a complete retcon from previously established lore that it becomes cringe
>They are also great companions of the white race, who tamed them in times immemorial
Didn't the steppeniggers do that?
whites (proto-indo-europeans) were the original steppeniggers, coming from one corner of ukraine/russia steppe and conquering most europe and asia, later the rest of the world
my god, the ignorance of some anons here astonishes me
I don't know much about Gooklands history, but there was never such a thing as a female knight in the entirety of European history. It was unthinkable, borderline blasphemy. You want badass women (who are also giant, insufferable cunts, of course) in fantasy? Do it like Robert Jordan accomplished it with his Aes Sedai. Give them magic.
What this anon said. It was proven by the genetic history of domesticated horses. They were tamed in the Pontic Steppe, and this knowledge spread with Indo-European conquests across the world. Apart from America, of course.
Joan of Arc wasn't a knight, but carried a sword, wore armor, rode a warhorse and led an army for the french king
i thinks its alright to see some similar shit, female knights should be the exception, not the rule
they have to be some sort of girlboss sigma-grindset girls to become knighted
Did you not watch Mulan?
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4chan culture
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>led an army for the french king
It's the openly female part that bothers me, in previous lore it's blatantly stated that in Bretonnia, besides spellcasters, women aren't permited in the battlefield. So women knights actively hid their gender, exept the Joan of Arc stand-in, which happened in very exeptional conditions. And there where also very few of them, now there's whole units.
>and led an army
I knew you would bring her up. She "led", but she never commanded or fought. She sat there on her horse with the banner, while the actual knights did the work. She was a glorified mascot, a symbol to be used and disacarded. There was nothing even remotly close to "warrior woman" with Joan.
seethe about it anglo-burgund scum
but yeah, it was mostly La Hire, Xaintrailles and Chabannes
>Did you not watch Mulan?
No. I know the general story, of course. And it is nothing but an old legend, more emphasizing duty to one's family and state than some sort of feminine heroism.
>She sat there on her horse with the banner, while the actual knights did the work
Not quite. She would charge and get her shit kicked in but it inspired the knights to charge and fight harder because they couldn't be seen as more cowardly than a wee girl

I was just asking that because it's a very good movie and pretty much everyone has seen it. If you have time, go pirate and watch it. It's amazing how Hollywood has failed for over a decade to create a character that was perfected in the previous century
>anglo-burgund scum
Anon, I'm half-German and half-Polish. Your ridiculous Anglo-French wars are irrelevant to me. My point is: fantasy, no matter how fantastical it can be, also must be grounded in reality. People immediately lose interest when it turns into a ridiculous fairy tale without any resemblance of reason and rules. And the biological reality of human species is simple - women are shit warriors.
>She was a glorified mascot
Pretty much this
>There was nothing even remotly close to "warrior woman" with Joan.
I disagree. Joan d'Arc was definitely courageous. She had no sense for self-preservation and truly believed in her cause.
I think she once illegally opened the gates of Orleans and retardedly charged the enemy, waving her flag, so the random peasants behind her would be inspired by God, as they were slaughtered by the confused English men-at-arms
>I'm half-German and half-Polish
more like half-autistic and half-aspergeristic
gotcha hahah he'll never recover from that zinger
That being said, she was never used as a general or a soldier.
Joan of Arc was a mascot. An effective one, but still a mascot
glad you liked it :) you can save that post for later btw
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say that to my face and not online, see what happens
Okay, let's get back on topic. What such thing as a female knight can even bring to a fantasy story? Martin attempted to explore this a bit with Brianna, but she is described in books as a freaking ogre. And still, when things turned ugly, she was saved by a man. An actual knight.
Well of course women should not be in charge of men, or fight on the battlefield.
That doesn't change the fact that exceptional women can be virtuous and courageous and thus inspire men
As if I'm debating that. It seems we were actually in agreement from the very beginning. You probably are annoyed by girlboss infestation in modern fantasy, just like I am. And Anbennar surely didn't escape this problem.
Maybe i'm drunk and i just enjoy arguing. Ever think about that?
nothing wrong with girlbossing in and of itself, but they did their girlbossing as mothers of kings and autocrats of their feudal cliques, loads of that in history
fantasy writers want to replicate that, but can only do it by putting them at the front line because that's what most of dnd-esque fantasy amounts to, strung-out action sequences with little intrigue or politics
Failure of writers, then. I remember times when they knew how to depict power without relaying on the most simplistic ways of doing so. Intrigue, authority, personal presence. Not just never-ending battles.
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It's not just an issue in fantasy. Modern writers genuinely hate femininity. Their idea of a "strong female character" is a man (usually a psychopathic one too) with breasts and a vagina. Feminine traits are seen as a weakness by the very people who call themselves feminists.
maybe if you degenerates could stop talking about fucking animals they wouldnt call us that

im this close to migrating to the discord, this place is hell on earth, at least if some retard does this in the discord i can snitch to the mods so they shoot him dead
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horses are just amazing creatures
I am the anon who started it all, and I was talking about centaurs. Not horses! There are a lot of ways to have intercourse with them, both with the human part and the horse part. Sure, equine parts of their physiology can be off-putting for some. But centaurs are still intelligent creatures, not talking animals.
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>oh boy
>one hundred and twenty posts have been made since I last read the thread
>i wonder what they could be talking about
Based trans rights fighter.
>kecking Russophobia
What? I don't get it.
i assume the joke is that russians fuck horses, but that isnt a stereotype ive ever heard
the joke is that i'm mentally retarded and feel a compulsive need to post
Hi, Russian anon here. Not once have I heard jokes of that kind. The most common banter between men in our society is always about sodomy, not horses. Bestiality jokes are reserved for Muslims, especially those from the Caucasus region.
I barely consider most of my countrymen to be people, anon. I have pure blood in my veins—not that toxic mix of Asiatic and Finno-ugric heritages that is considered to be Russian these days. And, like all white people, I enjoy fantasy. That is why I'm here, waiting for someone to make a mod without negroes and faggots.
Very funny. Can we come back to fantasy, even if it will be about centaurs again?
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It's so fucking stupid. I think this is the smallest lake fed I've ever seen and they still have a massive fucking army and steamroll the centaurs despite the horses having taken half of their provinces previously. I'm convinced it's literally impossible for the AI centaurs to win.
By the Light! 150 thousand men armies in 1564? I really hope EU 5 will somehow make stuff like that impossible.
Wasn't that a thing they said about Catherine the great
>Catherine the great
She was a pure-blooded German. Not our problem, my Deutsche cousins. Yours.
Can you form Adenica as a centaur nation?
Yes. It is a popular thing to do, by the way. I encountered people who attempted it or actually managed it multiple times since 2020 (first time I played Anbennar).
>Half the thread is about horse fucking
I thought this was /vst/ not /GR15/.
So, about a new setting for a new fantasy mod in EU 5.

1.DnD-like worlds are the worst choice. Most races in them are just humans with gimmicks or humanoid animals with bigger gimmicks. None of their stronger sides can be properly explored in global strategy.

2. A big scope from the very beginning is a pipe dream. Even settings that have been developed by their authors for decades are usually focused on a singular region of the world, with the rest being terra incognita. Creating a detailed history of the entire planet is an arduous process.

3. Real-world cultures as inspiration are a liability. Anbennar is a good example of that. Not-India, not-China, not-Africa. Barely anyone cares for them or plays in these regions, despite hundreds of man-hours wasted on their creation.
>A big scope from the very beginning is a pipe dream
Why are you making an EU5 mod then.

>Real-world cultures as inspiration are a liability
Unknown Cultures are a liability. "Fantasy China" is an infinitely more approachable concept than something you made up (especially if it's just an aesthetic.)
>1.DnD-like worlds are the worst choice.
agreed, generic D&D setting is an albatross
>2. A big scope from the very beginning is a pipe dream.
>focused on a singular region of the world, with the rest being terra incognita.
>Creating a detailed history of the entire planet is an arduous process.
Nah, you're wrong about this. In fact Anbennar was developed this way and it's part of why it's so fucked up. Different parts of the world were tacked on over time and so they're all disconnected and isolated, and new stuff had to be shoehorned into existing lore.
EU is about the age of discovery so not having the map be the whole world is just stupid. You aren't gonna mod a game with colonization and sea lanes and not have multiple continents.
So you should look at it the opposite way: the only good scope for an EU mod is the entire globe, and therefore you need to develop it all at once. Doesn't matter if some regions are irrelevant, that's how it is in real life too. just devote less effort to those, it's fine. They still play an important role.
>3. Real-world cultures as inspiration are a liability.
Yes and no. Yes, making the geography semi-analogous to Earth like anbennar did is a bad idea, Earth is an awful map for a strategy game. Yes fantasy-ifying real world cultures can be boring, but it can also be cool sometimes. If you make it TOO "original" you get incomprehensible slop like Pillars of Eternity setting where everything has its own weird name you need a loredump just to walk down the street. Originality in and of itself has no value.
>Not-India, not-China, not-Africa. Barely anyone cares for them or plays in these regions, despite hundreds of man-hours wasted on their creation.
yeah but the solution isn't to not have "ROTW" in the game at all, it's to not dedicate extra time to them. again, it's a game about the rise of global empires, if you're not gonna have the whole world it makes no sense.
>Why are you making an EU5 mod then
'Not big' is not synonymous with 'tiny', anon. Both in baseline Eu4 and Anbennar some regions can be deleted without any downside to player experience. So it is natural to not focus on such regions to begin with, leaving them for later. Also, I'm not making anything. I am just expressing my thoughts for others.
>more approachable
Sure. More approachable, incredibly unimaginative and unfathomably boring. For example, go play as Cathay in Warhammer 3 or Yanshen in Anbennar. And later tell me if you managed to enjoy the experience provided.
Do the skellington countries have custom skellington sprites yet
Also, another thing about Anbennar's setting: it sort of has a historyfag appeal to it where it almost feels like the course of our own history applied to a fantasy world. Like what does the reformation look like in a world where gods grant their followers magic... what does a gunpowder empire look like in a world with war wizards... how do colonization, slavery, and the columbian exchange look in a world full of monsters and magitech artifacts... if you completely unmoor the setting from real-world inspirations you lose that appeal.
now, that doesn't mean you need to make your own version of fantasy France, fantasy Spain, your own fantasy Incas and so on. I think it's just important the principles that worked in real life can still apply to this world and create an interesting reflection of our own history.
Basically, a setting that's too "fantasy earth" or "d&d ripoff" is boring and limiting, but a setting that's too far out there loses any sense of grounding. Even some of the most interesting fantasy settings don't have that "history-adjacent" appeal Anbennar does because their worlds weren't designed to function in an understandable way. Like Tamriel for example, shit sometimes just "happens" because it just does. The world is shaped a certain way because it just is. There are various lands offscreen and no you can't see them or go there. These people moved here at this time and suddenly became this other race, because they just did. It's not designed to make sense but to be a useful device to tell stories with. You need more than that for a strategy game that simulates a history.
You raised interesting points, to be sure. But what is important for the Age of Exploration game? If using Earth as an example, what can be cut out or left as nothing more than colonial provinces? Some version of a New World is needed. Sub-Saharan Africa is needed only for trade outposts to simulate slave trade. China and India are needed to represent the global economy. Spice islands as well. South-East Asia is irrelevant. And Australia.
>but a setting that's too far out there loses any sense of grounding
Define "out there". It is obvious that some fantasy worlds are created to tell a specific, narrow story, and there is no room for anything else in them. Sanderson usually writes such books, for example. But if the important elements required for a strategy game are done properly, will people really care if everything takes place in some whimsical world of floating islands or underwater?
>But what is important for the Age of Exploration game?
Multiple continents with varied climates, biomes, and inhabitants
Other places in the world that are rich in what the exploring region is poor in. Oil, specie, slaves, suitable farmland, unicorn horns, whatever.
Undiscovered things for the explorers to find that they can bring back home and change everyone's lives. New crops, new ways of thinking, [magic thing], plagues.
A "new world" whose inhabitants somehow diverged from the "old world", leaving them hopelessly outmatched against the invaders.

you don't need a "sub-saharan africa" or a "china" or "india" or "spice islands" but if you consider what their role was and fill their role somehow that works fine. For example the "spices" can be magic cocaine that lets you see the future instead of cloves, but it can also come from "the place willing to sell us cheap slaves", and that place might also be "the place that needs our silver". Even though in real life that was 3 different places and there is no magic future sight cocaine spices (allegedly).
Can you tell me the outline of what to do? I know you play as a centaur and migrated somehow to escenn and I guess convert yourself? I'm not sure on the rest
Think of a scale that measures how much effort it takes someone to understand a fictional setting enough to play the game/read the book/whatever it's in. Middle-Earth and ASOIAF might be near the left side, Anbennar a little further to the right, move right and you hit Tamriel, then Pillars of Eternity's world further along to the right. Eventually you get into such esoteric autism that it becomes too cumbersome to even get into the setting. It comes off more like the author huffing his own farts than anything. And again, the "complexity" or "originality" that demands that effort has no value in itself. Something on the right side of that scale is "out there".
Basically we rely on tropes and memes to internalize others' ideas more fludily, if you purposely go full contrarian and make every single thing super "original" and weird and try as hard as you can to swerve away from everything that's already been done before, it actually gets worse rather than better. Because it's harder to understand for no benefit.
Anbennar's example of this is the lake federation. It doesn't fit neatly into a real world culture. It has a democracy instead of fantasy kingdoms. They banned magic instead of using it like everywhere else. They have their own weird diplomacy mechanics. All the names are unpronounceable. It's so unique! Does that make it good? No, it's probably the worst region.
Now look at the best parts of the mod. They're all full of existing tropes, expys from other fiction, twisted versions of real history. That isn't always something to be avoided. Sometimes it's shit yeah, like having forest elves in their own forest doing nothing all game because muh primordial forest trope, or having Bjarnrik afk off to the side all game because there has to be "a scandinavia". But if the setting isn't based on anything people know it just asks too much. as peter griffin would say, "it insists upon itself" :^)
Anbennar is probably the most realistic fantasy world I've ever seen, outside not-really fantasy worlds like ASoIaF (light fantasy). The not-Europe, not-Middle East, not-Korea, etc., adds to the setting and immerses the player in the world. It's actually quite brilliant what they've done.
My solution, if anyone would ever ask some random schmuck like me to help with mod creation, would be to make the world separated into different metaphorical layers. The core must always be based on Europe, because people reject everything else, even in other countries (fantasy anime is a proof of that). But the further from the core you go, the stranger the realms you encounter must become. Still grounded in some common rules for the setting, of course. Aberrations like Lake Federation will always feel out of place. Instead, something akin to more unique provinces in TES, like Morrowind or Valenwood. But not truly bizarre stuff like Akavir.
Have you written a story set in the Anbennar universe? If not, why?
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It is. I was also amazed when I first played it, what they've achieved is remarkable.

Now if only they hadn't filled the lore with their own beliefs and propaganda regarding trannies, faggots, racial intellect, niggers, and other such things, and if only they actually made it so the insane bureaucracy of the mod worked properly... well, maybe the mod could've been even better, eh? Just imagine it for a moment. What could've been.
Sure. I once wrote a small erotic story about a Cannorian traveler visiting a harpy brothel in Bulwar. It was supposed to be the first one in a series, where the same traveler eventually experiences carnal pleasures with women of all races present in the setting. But when I tried to show it to people on Discord, they banned me for fantasy racism, sexism and transphobia.
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>Anbennar is probably the most realistic fantasy world I've ever seen
Sure, anon. We believe you. By the way, how old are you and what books in the genre did you read, apart from Martin's fake-Britain wank?
Not him but that one centaur tribe northern wind only starts with one province so they can migrate. Just work your way over to Escann with them
Alright I'm going to try doing it, what area am I playing for in Escann and what else do I need to do once i'm there
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do mission trees and events count?
does a D&D campaign count?

then yes.
>Barely anyone cares for them or plays in these regions, despite hundreds of man-hours wasted on their creation.
This just isn't true
Haless gets played a fuckton. People play where good mission trees are.
The reason nobody plays in Sarhal is because it has fuck all mission trees, and Rahen only has the command.
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>This just isn't true
I, for one, don't care if the content in fake Asia is good or not. I refuse to play Asian nations on purpose in every game.
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For me, its India
actual retard behavior
I can give it a go if oriental inspiration is used for non-human races. Mist of Pandaria did that, and it was a great expansion. But actual gooks? In my fantasy? Never.
the only reason i can concieve for such retarded behavior is that you are overcompensating because you are half gypsy or some shit like that, you are not going to become a chink for playing bianfang you retard
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A few anons from the last thread started working on settings for a new fantasy mod, none of which have elves. The first doc has a link to a discord channel too if you want to discuss further or collaborate.
Leviathan: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1AO0-lyKmMp6nEuO3aayBUYKimSeK24tnB2k53AK1fp0/mobilebasic
Lithanir: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1uozd-OXQnXcRlQSTxlbPTv85H2D5CQ5APVuN8jHc7Ig/mobilebasic
Golden Flame: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1zlHmyYl7xVAeFjeNEfomwwSYkIAPunjBIn6nhWSJ0Fw/mobilebasic
Turks are Greeks LARPing as Turkic Muslims.
If having a fraction of DNA makes someone something, then African-Americans/Brazilians are white and I'm a Neanderthal.
Your Mediterranean squabbles are inherently boring and irrelevant. Go talk about them somewhere else. This is a thread for Indo-European horse lovers only.
wow, this sucks, keep at it though, maybe it will improve
Which one sucks and what sucks about it?
>Leviathan: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1AO0-lyKmMp6nEuO3aayBUYKimSeK24tnB2k53AK1fp0/mobilebasic
Seems to have lots of autistic detail but should really explain what the main "point" or "concept" of the setting is. I don't really need to know or care what the difference is between Gobbledeboobian insurgents and Gobbledeboobian shamans, I do care if there's magic, are there fantasy races, what are the main themes, etc. as far as I can tell there are giant eldritch whales people hunt for oil and that's the main energy source? Need more focus on high-level concepts, less minute details at this stage
>Lithanir: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1uozd-OXQnXcRlQSTxlbPTv85H2D5CQ5APVuN8jHc7Ig/mobilebasic
Do yourself a favor and stop making up names for things. nobody knows what a N'largo is, everyone knows what Crabmen are and that's what everyone will call them anyway. Nobody knows what Uxo'do is, everyone will call them insectoids. And so on.
Having the races be actually different species that are radically unlike one another is a good general concept, though. Very useful for a strategy game because it quickly and easily differentiates the factions. Though I would say you're still thinking about more races, you definitely have enough "animal-men" already and should go for something else. In fact, if you want them to be really different, maybe don't make some of them humanoids. There's no reason the hivemind insects all need to be human-shaped, right? Maybe certain castes look more like giant crawling bugs while other castes can fly, and so on. Maybe the human-looking ones are a diplomatic caste adapted to outward dealings with humanoid species.
>Golden Flame: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1zlHmyYl7xVAeFjeNEfomwwSYkIAPunjBIn6nhWSJ0Fw/mobilebasic
This is less of a setting and more of a single religion so I've got nothing to say. you can drop this in one of the other settings as a religious belief and it's the same.
the names were created by a fantasy name generator, im sure of it
also, it has wojaks
>Do yourself a favor and stop making up names for things
With this, I disagree. While humanity will indeed use nicknames for species closely resembling certain kinds of animals, they naturally must have some kind of name for themselves in their own language. While it may seem irrelevant when world-building is in its initial stage, it will be useful later.
Yeah it doesn't matter. It's just cumbersome for people playing the game. Naturally the Triunic peoples would have their own language and name everything Qull'stuball'tsuli or Tsuistaa Ballquiiid, yet it still sucks and nobody can remember any of the names. Have endonyms sure, but they should be trivia rather than the main name used all the time. Like Tolkien never calls the elves Quendi or Sindarin or whatever during regular storytelling. They're just elves. Until you get into the really autistic background information and learn about all the conlang stuff, which 99% of people don't do, and that's fine.
The made-up name is irrelevant now and will always be irrelevant, no matter how much you wish it would matter, we are humans that speak the English language and you have to start from there. Even the most popular fantasy universes out there still have people using the colloquial english names for stuff because it's just easier, like calling the faction from warhammer Eldar or even just Elves instead of Asuryani. That's why I'm saying "do yourself a favor", everyone will naturally dispense with the made up names in order to better communicate so you're better off just minimizing them now.
I must admit that you are right. I indeed spent some time trying to create proper names for species, distracting myself from focusing on what actually makes them distinct in a biological, magical and cultural sense. Proper foundations for house construction (lore and history) come before shiny paint (linguistic exercise in creating fake languages appropriate for different races).
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>also, it has wojaks
With how terrible the characters are in EU 5, I would prefer wojaks. They, at least, can convey emotions and are not as uncanny.
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The recent onslaught of game trailers proved to me one thing - fantasy is dead. There is no epic scenery, mystery, or charm. Only screaming women, negroes, gooks and human-resembling creatures that I cannot even identify. And Anbennar, judging by Sarhal and Valley updates, is no better.

I don't know who among you is capable of creating a world and mod that upholds the legacy of the genre. But please do it as quickly as possible. I will even accept the feisty horses you seem to like so much if the rest of the setting is good.
Your opinion regarding my heritage is irrelevant to the conversation, anon. Or will you deny that I am right?
>still no shadow swamp MT where you turn the gleaming cities of the lizardfolk into mosquito-ridden husks and cart the lizards off as fodder for foul hag rituals in the depths of the swamp
>still no hul jorkad MT where you delve ever deeper into the hold to try to discover the truth of the orcish invasion while slaughtering all their stragglers within the serpentspine and fending off the rapacious harpies outside your gates
>fending off the rapacious harpies
There is a better way to deal with feathery wenches, if you catch my meaning.
No, he won't.
I am 85% convinced that there is only one zoophile itt, and he is a falseflagging discord transvestite.
I wager, he screencaps his posts to get discord upvotes, or however that shit works
Liking centaurs, a classical race from Ancient Greek mythology, is in no way similar to liking actual horses. I think the only Discord tranny here is you, sperging out over nothing and trying to derail the thread.
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with a bit of luck hul jorkad will be picked by someone soon and done for the next update, it's one of few dwarven mts avalaible for work in the dwarovar so it has strong chances

for yezel moral im 99% sure they will make it avalaible only for experienced contributors once it's unlocked, which means it wont be done before the next century
yeah but the ancient greeks didnt want to fuck them you absolute degenerate
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Ah, American education. Go read actual classical authors, you dimwit.
>In the high woods there was none comelier of all the centaur-girls, and she alone by love and love’s sweet words and winning ways held Cyllarus, yes, and the care she took to look her best (so far as that may be with limbs like that). She combed her glossy hair, and twined her curls in turn with rosemary or violets or roses, and sometimes she wore a pure white lily. Twice a day she bathed her face in the clear brook that fell from Pagasae’s high forest, twice she plunged her body in its flow, nor would she wear on her left side and shoulder any skin but what became her from best-chosen beasts. - from Metamorphoses
Finally we got another anon on the dev team, next time Hypnoskales you should post a poll that makes devs question their wokeness
Can you elaborate somewhat? Is there another drama on Discord?
nothingburger afaik
no human fucks a centaur in that story you retard, it's about the love between TWO CENTAURS, if you understand that as Ovid having a horse fetish you are truly lost
If you think about, humans are just halfcentaurs
i think in anbennar centaurs are supposed to be literally just humans that got chimeraed with horses because of being close to fey

castan beastbane did the right thing, those fucking fairies would have turned them all into furries if they had let them live
>those fucking fairies would have turned them all into furries if they had let them live
I genuinely don't see the downside here.
I'm waiting for EU5 for that
Specifically if they manage to add the physical terrain changing tech into the game
Imagine Warhammer but it allows for physical corruption to spread like it does in Total War
Or to actually spread forests around the world as wood elves
If that feature allows for something like that
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>They're adding Romania to Anbennar

None of these people have ever actually interacted with a Cardesti in real life, I fully believe so.
Elven nations are going to get raped in EU5 if they want to include any accurate elven population numbers
And that is a good thing. The Age of Man has come! Fuck the elves. Figuratively and literally.
the "muh elven population numbers" thing is solely an excuse for aelnar to be a rump state in v3 i hope you realise
>Sun Elves are 1/6 of Bulwar, abouf 5 million people
>somehow Moon Elves are not more numerous
>Gypsy tag
we already have black orc tags
when have gypsies ever conquered anything, you illiterate
To compare the mighty conquerors of stunty's empire to degenerate not-Romani is a great insult to orcs.
aren't there canonically like 40000 elves on venail or something retarded like that
Won't stop people from restoring großaelnariums imperialis and genociding the inferior races if they're playable
>inferior races
There are no inferior races in Anbennar, the most noblebright setting of them all! All races are equally smart, equally evolved, and equally worthy of life. Apart from gnolls, of course.
Stop being so xenophobic and respect my right to raid your coastal towns, enslave your people and throw them into pyres to summon demons.
I guess it is just a part of your culture, furred friend. How about something like this: I will sell you my children for a symbolic price to prove how progressive and forward-thinking I truly am. Will you stop calling me racist after that?
Seems too low to me, Venail aint that small
Seeing that people love playing tiny, irrelevant tags and turning them into superpowers that will just make Aelnar more popular
As of now, the best tag in the mod is the complete opposite of irrelevant minor. It is the Command, the most powerful state at the start date. I think the path forward is to give Lorent, Gawed and, above all, united Empire of Anbennar, similar levels of quality when it comes to MT and systems. Not making a bunch of OPM that are constantly used by contributors to self-insert into the world.
>As of now, the best tag in the mod is the complete opposite of irrelevant minor. It is the Command,
no it isn't, what a load of nonsense, do you seriously think the people who voted all the blob-tags to the top of the list actually finished those gigantic MT?
command mt is the best out of the overpowered blobbers, but that's like saying it's the least smelliest turd
Then what is the best tag, huh? I like the Jadd, but it's also just a blob fest. If not the Jadd or the Command, then who? It's not the fucking Empire of Anbennar or Núrcestir, that's for sure.
Vainfire post
Did I mention that Command is a patriarchal and traditionalist society, where women know their place and faggots are nonexistent? Jokes aside, they are the only ones who have the privilege of being free from modern influence in fantasy. They are "evil", so they get a pass.
Dahvar Aelnar, of course
>free from modern influence in fantasy.
Dragon Command
>Dragon Command
It specifically exists to show how women ruin everything. A spec of power was given to a female hobgoblin, and what did she do with it? She spits on meritocracy and tradition by appointing her daughter as successor. And that little cunt contributed most to the civil war that obliterated the Command in canon lore.
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female warriors are a classic japanese thing, that's not "modern influence on fantasy"
you can read it that way but the most technological advanced and most successful Hobgoblin state in V3 is a matriarchy lol
The entire idea of a female dominated Command is something that could only come from modern fantasy, don't kid yourself
I don't care about random anecdotes and you are comparing apple to oranges, you might as well just say Corin and Aldresia are not modern fantasy either because Joan of Arc.
Clearly nothing could ever be ahistorical to you hacks
It's okay to admit when you're wrong man. you just didn't know about the history of female warriors, it's fine. Everyone can't know everything all the time. If you treat it as a learning experience instead of having a knee-jerk angry reaction you'll become a better and smarter person over time
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Thankfully, as we all know, Wikipedia isn't a reliable source and can't be used.

In more modern history, a famous and reliable example of a Matriarchy are the Amazons, who fought in conflicts such as the Trojan War, and who were known to be fierce warrior-women who could defeat any man who stood against them.
>It doesn't mean mobilization records mentioning women don't exist, but if they do they must be the exception. And I believe the written record of some women's exceptional performance as combatants throughout history show that women in active combat was the exception, not the rule. If it was the rule and widespread, no one would pay attention to it.
Fuck off tranny
Why is anbennar so infested with discord troons?
>tranny tranny tranny tranny did anyone hear me i said tranny tranny tranny
why are third worlders so obsessed with american culture wars
I would be somewhat fine with the Dragon Command if it was just more equal because of some special quirks but a female dominated military part of the army in an actual patriarchal societiey doesn't make much sense as the reason why men dominate the army and politics don't vanish when talking about cannons.
Next on the list, the cord tourist will explain how Zyujyut is actually historical :)
>most successful Hobgoblin state in V3 is a matriarchy lol
>break your military oath to your supreme commander
>destroy your nation when it needed to be united the most
>get rewarded with ruling over ruins, ordering humans around like elves and tigers did before you
Do they even comprehend what they write?
Akshually the Command betrayed the Dragon Command because it declared a war after signing peace and all ths soldiers found that hecking cringe and deserted
What's your point? Female warriors are a classic Japanese thing, as I said, they've been in stories both historical and fictional since the dawn of written Japanese history. They aren't "modern influence on fantasy". Quite the opposite actually, the further back you go in Japanese history the more powerful women were, and this filters down into mythology and fiction. You just saw a woman holding a weapon and got triggered basically. Hence why you paste irrelevant stuff in reply.
Again, it's neither my or your fault that you're uneducated, rather it's better to treat it as a learning experience instead of seething. Archaeological evidence shows women commanded significant power in the Heian period and earlier, in some cases more than men, and yes, they did act as soldiers, leaders, magistrates, and many other things that would become "male" professions in later periods. They owned their own property, had favorable terms in divorce, sometimes had multiple male partners - all of this is to say you really have no frame of reference for any of this and are freaking out about literal ancient history being "modern politics". If you had this context, you wouldn't pop a vein when you see a woman warrior in a pseudo-Japanese fantasy setting because it would seem natural to you.
I recommend Japan to 1600 by William Wayne Farris for an easy-to-read overview of early Japanese history which includes this sort of information.
>and this filters down into mythology and fiction.
Greek fiction had far more women in power than their society ever did, dumb take.
Anyway your diatribe is easily proven wrong by the source I posted, clearly you don't care as you outright ignored it
This reeks of a contrived justification made by an impotent writer to rationalize DC's existence. But hey, this is how leftist narratives always work. They envision the end result first and invent a way to reach it after.
Yeah, of course I ignored your irrelevant wikipedia screencap and/or reddit post that has nothing to do with
>female warriors are a classic japanese thing, that's not "modern influence on fantasy"
my point is that you are looking at something lifted from <700s AD and going
>UGH... more WOKE MODERN POLITICS in my fantasy bros...
>classic Japanese thing
No, it's not. It was a fad for a century or two that vanished completely and never returned. In the past 500 years, even a mention of "female warrior" would be accompanied in Japan with a furious roar of laughter.
8th century Japan, from the book
>Census data from northern Kyushu and central Honshu permit computation of the vital statistics of residents of those areas. Birth rates were very high, meaning that women must have spent much of their time either pregnant or bearing chil-dren.
VGH pregnant warriors
I'm glad you're actually reading a book anon, even if you just CTRL-F'd something. Continue reading and you'll understand the context and see the relevant passages. Thank you.
>ignoring the quote
Care to show proof for this?
>Archaeological evidence shows women commanded significant power in the Heian period and earlier, in some cases more than men
I'm so tired of you and your subversive ways. Female rulers were incredibly rare in history. Female warriors are mostly overblown folktales and isolated symbolic cases. Blacks and gooks were not running around Europe as if it were the most common thing ever. And all of that is applicable to fantasy, the genre created by white men for white men. Deal with it.
>Archaeological evidence shows women commanded significant power in the Heian period and earlier
Followed by a 45-year gap in the historical record, after which women became de facto property of men and everyone in Japan thought this was completely normal for some bizarre reason. So it remained for 750 years until General MacArthur told some lady (who definitely didn't belong to a certain Levantine ethnic group) to write up a new constitution for Japan, and she included the words "men and women are equal"
I think dubbing into GW shit in the current day and age is stupid. Their setting is as generic as possible. It is not that difficult to create something similar, or even better. Apart from skaven. Such wondrous madness is hard to recapture.
>the farther back in time you go, the more you can rely on contextless archeological data to fit whatever favourable view of the past you seek
Of course
Also got to love how the book has few to no actual direct citations for whenever it claims that prehistoric Japan was an equal society, apparently citing is above the author and I'm just supposed to trust him, that's how historical books work.
The only source I looked into cites no concrete figures, admits that the actual good evidence from official records doesn't showcase women because Confucian bias and just vaguely rants about the fact prominent women exists(and cites Japanese an anarcho-feminist too, ah), as if Elizabeth I disproves male dominance in politics in Early Modern Europe.
The source also directly contradicts the idea that the status of women declined only later on if the sources were so silent on the supposed large amount of influential women even as far back as the 8th century CE.

Nevermind the fact that this is tangential to the fact female warriors(not queen, not merchants, not village chiefs) were rare and don't justify the Dragon Command as a female-dominated section of the Command at all.
Call me sexist, but I'm convinced that not once in the history of our world has there been such a thing as a female artillery specialist. Why would hobgoblins ever allow something this ridiculous? They have a limitless supply of humans to do "dishonorable" ways of warfare.
I don't think Hobgoblins find that dishonorable, especially if they freely adopt guns at the same time
>Like, everybody would need to be the HRE for it to make any sense.
Anbennar has 3 HREs and it was about to have 4 with Madriamilak.
4 actually, forgot Lake Fed. 5 if you were to count the Verdant link
Apperantly hobgoblin women are the ones who are educated and work as engineers and artillery operators or whatever
What's that?
Because it ruins entertainment or something
Brainlet opinions aren’t taken seriously here.
The Mengi region, the one that was supposed to have an angle previously
And how is it HRE-like?
learn to read double-nigger, it was supposed to be HRE-like with the angel overlord it was supposed to have
Removing the angel was such a cop-out. They said it was because the region revolved too heavily around it but the real reason is that Jay is allergic to real gods existing in the setting.
>Anbennar is de-
>60+ pages of changelogs
there's a double amount of changelogs because there are two branches with identical updates, the main one and the new insya branch
Im looking at the manually made changelogs.
The amount of new MTs is 30-ish
Tranny mod. Not playing it, no matter how many things they added.
why are you here?
he's here to bait newfags trickling in from discord, you retards just won't stop taking the bait
wake me up when they add something interesting in cannor
Infernal Court?
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They removed the Angel and now the region is known for...




Yeah, the region is known. Everyone knows about it and enjoys it, I'm sure. Anyways, what were we talking about?

>Apolog- ACK!
They literally bloat the word count by duplicating shit, you faggot nigger. 60+ pages? Kek.
the recent shitposting has attracted Robbie here
you trooncord tourists have to go back
I wonder what your ideal /vst/ would look like. /v/ but without anything to balance out the Tumblrism?
What's the best kobold/goblin playthrough? Already did Baljrin. I love those little guys
Mod's overall pretty starved of Kobold content. There are the Red/Blue/Greenscales in Cannor if you'd like a challenge

I'd suggest Railskulker/Snotfinger -> Allclan (Personally, I'd recommend Snotfinger). You get plenty of good content, Artificery maxxing, genocide, all the good shit. It's a pretty chaotic experience but well worth it imo.

Hopefully we'll be getting the Triarchy sooner rather than later for the optimal Gnome/Kobold/Goblin experience
BASED Groundhawk
Snotfinger is cool, it's all about orc genocide, potentially with the help of the dwarves. There is a mission halfway through the tree that says you should occupy as much orc land as possible before clicking the button and for that one I suggest you declare war on as many orc tags as you can and fully occupy them before you finish the mission. It's pretty great.
Besides that, you can wait for the new Escann goblin missions and formable
and hope they're cool but going from what I've seen of Spiderwretch they'll likely be yet another copy of Bulwar goblins.
>Snotfinger is cool, it's all about orc genocide
Hey, it's not ALL about orc genocide. It's also about substance abuse (I fucking love movement speed modifiers) and insulting people for some reason?
Red/blue scale-> Koboldzan is lots of fun you can either go full conquest mode or do a colonial game.
If you want to play in Haless again there is a kobold tag that can form One Xia. Dark scale in the serpentine will be getting a mission tree soon.
What races are not properly explored in Anbennar? I think it is elves, ogres and centaurs. Elves are not allowed to have their own state because it would be racist; they can only herd humans in Bulwar and Haless or be fucked by humans in Cannor. Ogres are either evil caricatures or, in new content, wholesome big chunguses. Centaurs are simply terrible, with a singular way to play.
I disagree about centaurs, I think they make sense. They're half-horses, when they were BTFO'd into the plains they found their perfect ecological niche and they filled it. There's only "one way to play" them because it's the only one that makes sense, they're a bunch of horseback-riding hunter-gatherers/pastoralists, settling down doesn't make sense for them. Whenever nomadic peoples settled down they stopped living on horseback; centaurs are permanently glued to horseback.
Fun fact, horses maintain their hooves by traveling on abrasive surfaces that wear the hooves down into the right shape. If they don't run around enough their hooves get overgrown and misshapen, it can lead to them tripping and breaking a leg or worse, lethal accidents for a horse. Even horses shod with horseshoes need to have their hooves trimmed regularly. So if centaurs don't run around enough they can actually die from it and need constant time-consuming grooming to prevent this issue.
Fathides are quite underdeveloped for their age in the setting, but there is work being done on them (Maghargma MT, Feast of the Gods religion rework, some lore reworks there and there).
The main focus seems to be invested in Soulseekers and their set up in-game.
>Fun fact, horses maintain their hooves by traveling on abrasive surfaces that wear the hooves down into the right shape. If they don't run around enough their hooves get overgrown and misshapen, it can lead to them tripping and breaking a leg or worse, lethal accidents for a horse. Even horses shod with horseshoes need to have their hooves trimmed regularly. So if centaurs don't run around enough they can actually die from it and need constant time-consuming grooming to prevent this issue.
>it can lead to them tripping and breaking a leg or worse
Tripping isn't a hazard if I don't walk. Checkmate nomadoids
>centaur NEETs are all shamans that levitate around and laugh at the groundfags who still use stairs
Okay, centaurs are slaves to their atypical biological nature. Ogres are being worked on. All decent development for elves is reserved for the ruinborn. Apart from these three, only lizards feel incredibly lacking in content.
I mean, lizards are only present in Sarhal. That entire continent is devoid of content
Can not-Africa ever be given content that will not feel like Wakanda and WE WUZ KANGS? If Cannor is still supposed to rule the world in Vic 3, how can Sarhal even have something resembling civilization capable of advancement?
The halflings are so bland and generic you might as well just say they're short humans and nothing about their relevance and lore would change. They literally only exist in Cannor to be a 'oh, this is why Lorent and Gawed are bad: Le Racism!' gotcha moment, or something. Beepeck is cool but their mission tree is garbage, as is the Small Country's, as is the halfling minors, as is the Viswall's. Pity, considering how cool they could be. At least they have Newshire, I guess?

Don't know about Sarhali halflings and don't care. The nigger continent does not deserve any attention.
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>If Cannor is still supposed to rule the world in Vic 3
To be fair I heard Aelintar is mostly successful adventurer companies and Sarhal mostly seems to escape colonisation other than maybe Busilar and Gawed in the South so I'm assuming Haless doesn't get a quasi Pax Britannica scenario in its19th century.
I think in a theoretical new setting, they can be given a sub-continent of their own. Probably being halflings and all, they are probably constantly conquered by other races just to outlive and outbreed them eventually. It can be the foundation of a decent unique culture that is not just "little humans who eat food"
Some big realms on the map are underdeveloped shitholes with low population density. They are easily dominated by Cannot in a technological, cultural and economic sense. But knowing Anbennar's team, devs will find a way to turn everything into a multicultural utopia where everyone is happy and prosperous.
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Newer map
Imagine being non-human in this world. Regardless of where you go, there are mostly human states or human states ruled by non-human minorities. Not a single race has managed to challenge human dominance over the planet in 400 years. Gnomish subversion of culture doesn't count.
Wait, two years of active development and they haven't even filled in the entire map? What the fuck are they doing? That mod is never coming out, jesus fucking christ.
The serpentspine looks much better
God victoria 3 is so fucking ugly. Nothing to do with Anbennar, it just is.
EU4 is a dogshit game and Anbennar isn't good enough to make it worthwhile.
It's about time everyone realised this and moved on with their lives.
Go play HoI4 or Elden Ring, or go read a book.
>Elden Ring
Hear me out: Elden Ring, but grand strategy! Can this work as a mod for Eu 5?
Isnt the world of elden ring kind of fucked up? like there are no countries or nations, shit is just chaos
I was referring to a general weird, dark-sublime feel. Obliviously, post-Shattering Lands Between are ill-suited for anything resembling civilization.
every book that gets published nowadays is about queers and niggers
that tells more about you, if that's all the books you come across, a subconscious desire perhaps? (you're a gay nigger)
Go to a bookshop, head to the fantasy section and try to find one that doesn't have reviews gushing about how the author explores queer sexuality on some shit. I finally grabbed one that had no mention of it and 3 or 4 chapters in the main characters were a gay interracial couple and the author couldn't go 2 pages without talking about how the british are evil subhumans (which is true, everything wrong with the world today can be traced back to the perfidious anglo, but I don't need to be reminded of it all the fucking time).
>go to a gay bar
>wtf there are fags here!
seems to be a (you) problem, seeking out gay books in gay bookstores
but yes I agree that modern fantasy is one of the most pozzed up genres, along with YA and contemporary fiction
last book I bought was Robert Harris' Act of Oblivion, next one i'll buy will be his Precipice, his books never disappoint
Damn that sucks. It's not like we have the entire past worth of books that weren't published nowadays for you to read.
I hate how fucking GAY the elven countries are in this mod. Absent Aelnir and Sareyand I think in Bulwar, every fucking elf nation is cucked into promoting humanism, is joined with human empires (moon elves) or is encouraged to join them (Ibevar). There needs to be more genocidal elf countries high on their own supremacy.
>reading old books
that's like suggesting old movies.. like with film, old and outdated writing techniques have been surpassed by novel techniques developed in the past 10 years
I don't think I've tried them. I'll give them a shot when I get home.
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I love the new purge system, I just get to use diplomats that I don't need anyway.
Double purge+focus on goblins and orcs here we go
>new books are better but also filled with queers and i hate queers
Isn't Rezakand a bit genocidal too? There's also Ameion who want to forcefully civilize the savages of Taychend.
>load up new game
>just use "cash" at first, but only to keep myself at 150 gold
>play 25 years or so
>eventually start using adm, dip, and mil
>then start using yesman to win hard wars or fight off coalitions
>eventually just "own [province]" and outright avoid wars
>use cheats to win missions
>quit by 1520
every fucking time. anyone else?
A bit. They are religious New Sun Cult zealots and hence, racial supremacists. They don't purge anyone, but they do want to exploit and forcibly assimilate Taychendi. They also kill Leechmen, but that's just common sense. This is per old MT, I've heard they are getting reworked.
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>every fucking elf nation is cucked into promoting humanism
I heard you complain. I will create a new race called the Chad Elves. Their gameplay will consist almost entirely of mass murder of other races and extreme forms of fornication in between. Maybe I will even give their women immense breasts for the beguilement of weak-willed human men. Where on the map should I put them? - Punished JayBean
The only cheats I do is give myself full stability at the start. I'm not sure why, I guess I just don't want to deal with that at the start.
In the mountains. We need some dark elves.
Sadly, Aurius holds my boyfriend hostage, thus preventing me from adding dark elves to Dwarovar. He is very determined to fill the region to the brim with his sick fetishes, involving revolting acts of bestial copulation between cave trolls, harimari and dwarven women. Some other mountain range must be emptied and used to give Chad Elves their rightly deserved home. - Punished JayBean
Play Ironman. Or multiplayer. Both will teach you to swallow down losses and deal with things as they come. It's harder with Ironman, since you can just alt+f4 and so the temptation is always there, but if you quit games in multiplayer because things didn't go your way you're going to get blacklisted quick.
Nah there are only 2 things I'll cheat:
Fixing bugs
When I get blindsided railroaded into giving land to vassals etc and I'm either in the process of coring it or have cored it I'll refund my adm
>Both will teach you to swallow
Boy, you surely learned to do it incredibly well. You and your mother both, actually.
anyone know a mod that lets you turn on/off edicts for your entire nation at once?
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Cestirande is Palestine confirmed?!?! We must deal with the evil elves (jews) of Moonhaven (Palestine) who occupy our rightful lands!!
Do they also throw gays off buildings
No. They actually have queer knights. Did you expect anything else at this point? All troons and fags among the devs also have "free Palestine" in their profiles. I can make a screenshot if you don't believe me.
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>I can make a screenshot if you don't believe me.
Oh i know, idk if they are ignorant or just choose to ignore the fact that they would be stoned to death in Palestine
They were once called "useful idiots" for a reason, anon. Handlers and their ideas change, but mindless and indoctrinated mobs remain.
What's with the gnome hate?
They accelerate technology and capitalism + they are generally hyper materialistic. Name a single religion oriented gnome tag, there isn't any.

The devs won't even really explore what hieroglyphs actually meant, so Kheteratan gnomes are a dead end.
>What's with the gnome hate?
I wonder if the spread of usury, materialism and godlessness has ever affected the nations of the world negatively. In the real world or in fantasy settings. With particular international elements responsible for it all. Nah, nothing comes to mind. Gnomes are a pure force of good.
It started off that Gnomes could issue loans when non-Gnomic races couldn't. Then shitty fucking poorfags everywhere got screwed over by their own idiocy. But instead of blaming themselves, they blamed the Gnomes. This eventually snowballed into the great Gnomic genocide, and sizable portions of the population believing stupid conspiracies about Gnomes ruling the world.
United, we march! Humans and orcs, elves and dwarves. Against the vile darkness! Against the Eternal Gnome!
Gnomes would probably be less oppressed if they were capable of introspection and backing away from stuff instead of constantly doubling down.
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>and orcs
get out
>Name a single religion oriented gnome tag, there isn't any.
That is actually what pisses me off, as a Confucian enjoyer. The Thought is more like The Afterthought, there is basically no content that even acknowledges its existence
The Thought barely has any currently-canon lore associated to its name, although there are devs who have invested a significant amount of time towards writing the gnomes' history, culture and religion lore. Whether that'll translate to meaningful in-game content is entirely dependent on them not being filibustered by content reviewers.
As I say that, I found a wiki article that outlines much of The Thought's origins and ideological precepts (along with a massive timeline outlining the history of the first Gnomish Hierarchy).
It is called The Thought because they just thought of it, retard. It doesn't even have an actual name yet, how could there be lore of it? Wait a year or two and maybe something will get done. They'll probably add a head god who proclaims the gnomes are his chosen people, make the Dragon Coast their promised land, and make it a religious necessity to bombard the kobolds with artillery day after day without rest because of the possibility of Kobold Raids into Gnomish Territory by extremists.
Based and gnomepilled
there's a thumb sized wasp outside my window
let xem in
It's insane how little lore there is for the Lilac Wars
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By Warbozz Korin little gnommie is scared
As soon as I finish my book about the Blackpowder Rebellion, I will write one about the Lilac Wars. - JayBean
What is the best MT in Canor/Anbennar? Not Aelnir or Silverforge.
I really enjoy The Ourding and Wineport. But going by more than just the MT my favorite is Anbenncost purely because I enjoy RP'ing as a Colonial Republic and freeing the masses of Haless and Aelnir. I do wish I could reform the Damerian Republic for real, though.
>The Ourding
did you mean Ourd, or Great Ording? both are good MTs, but I dislike that Ourdanor is a Corinite crusader type of tag, feels like it was them that were supposed to be converting Bulwar to Castellos-Worship, but that was given to Crathanor
Sorry, The Great Ording
Corvuria, Rogieria, Obrtrol, Adenica, Elikhand

Can do Corvuria -> Black Demesne / Castanor, it's always a fun run. Just make sure to get your starting heir to become a vampire so the game is much easier.

Can do Rogieria/Adenica/Elikhand -> Castanor. Personally favour an Adenica to do so, since the other two are cringe. But Elikhand is definetely the strongest of the three.

Obrtrol is a fun experience. Make sure to culture convert all the hummies in your promised lands.
Big fan of Varaine. The start is a bit rough due to OPM in the empire, but you quickly reach a pretty chill and tall gameplay, so the comfy feels earned.
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I also love Varaine, multiculturalism is so good. Think of the food and cultural enrichment !!
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Am I the only one who thinks that the idea of multiculturalism in fantasy is ludicrous and antithetic to the very essence of the genre? Even different human races cannot stand each other. Hatred between completely different spices, with many of them fighting without end against each other for all their history, must be boundless.
What about when 2 races who hate each other decide to get along because they both hate a third one even more?
Tbf they have a reason for being pro-multiculturalism (aka science/alchemy). It's pragmatic

Snotfinger moment
>Am I the only one who thinks that the idea of multiculturalism in fantasy is ludicrous and antithetic to the very essence of the genre?
Depends. Human-dwarf frenship? Kino.
Orcs or even half orcs having normalised relationships with the other cannorian races within the EU4 mods timeframe? Bullshit.
But let's not pretend the mod isn't rife with interspecies conflict:
>Dwarves beefing with orcs, goblins, hobgoblins, trolls, ogres, kobolds
>Gnome - kobold racewar
>Humans oppressing halflings
>Halflings using humans as fertilizer in escannor
>Human-harpy-elven-kobold-goblin racewars in Bulwar
>Centaur-ogre-human racewar in forbidden plains
>Caste system between humans and harimari in Rahen
>Racism towards elves in Haless
>Half elf racism in Bulwar
>Ruinborn getting colonised and oppressed/genocided by humans, dwarves, gnomes, halfings, harpies and all the other colonist races
>Ibevar is an elven ethno state that only accepted elven refugees from the greentide
>Lucian genocides elves
>Silverforge dwarves and their orcish slaves/indentured servants
>Deepwoods racewars

Honestly there is racial conflict almost everywhere
I can somewhat accept half-orcs being seen as victims and allowed to exist in human cities, though they would likely be segregated in ghettos and not be on friendly terms with the average citizen or serf. Full-blooded orcs? Yeah, no. Especially if they're carving their new orcish kingdoms out of the corpse of Escann.
Maybe my perception was influenced by the content that was added recently or is currently in development. Both the Valley and Insyaa feature harmony between different races, even giantkin and humans. A lot of MTs in development feature the creation of multiculturally accepting states. And toward the Vic 3 era, big race wars mostly subside, replaced by new conflicts that come with the all-pervasive spread of ravelianism and artificery.

I, personally, would like more animosity, Warhammer Fantasy style. With an exemption for humans and dwarves, obliviously. Only together can these noble races achieve victory over the long-eared menace.
Does no one give a shit about Nortiochand?
Read it's design doc, read the flavor text for 'Muh Thought'... They literally complete the ultimate quest of the thought. It turns out to create a unified theory of everything (including religion).. you only needed to kill people.
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Please forgive me and other anons for not caring about gnomes and their "my holy science" religion. I, for one, think that gnomes in DnD settings were always a cringe-worthy race that didn't have any real niche. Only Pasfinder managed to do something interesting with them, resulting in such great characters as Jubilost and Regill.
No, no one cares. It's a tag that doesn't exist in 1444, so the only people who will play it are pedophiles who love Gnomes. Maybe It'll change if they get a mission tree, but that will be happening in around 5 years considering how the mod works, so no point discussing it now.

But If somehow a fucking new tag in Aelantir starts getting content before major tags in Cannor, Bulwar, and Haless, then it is legitimately time to cull all the trannies that run this sinking ship.
>trannies that run this sinking ship
It cannot sink soon enough. I will derive great pleasure when these perverts descend on each other over some new mental sickness of the day. They are unworthy of being anywhere near DnD, grand strategies or fantasy in general. Ironically, it seems even JayBean understands that this is inevitable. His passive behavior and lack of desire to rein in his circus are testaments to it.
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How can you take a gnome knight/warrior seriously
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He's getting free money every month, surely he'll step in at some point
>it seems even JayBean understands that this is inevitable. His passive behavior and lack of desire to rein in his circus are testaments to it.
He made the orc duelling shit canon. He is fucked.
since all he's been able to do is to ape DnD and pop-fantasy, it feels natural for him to follow WotC's lead in dealing with problematic elements, like Orcs=Niggers idea
in his mission to plagiarize every fantasy setting ever created, jaybeaner will take from them everything - the good, the bad and the ugly
>Orcs=Niggers idea
This is unironically an own goal by WotC.
Nobody was making this comparison unless you mean Shireposting and Tolkein's uruk-hai.
They also inexplicably went after a bunch of monkey races that nobody even cared about, racists or otherwise lmao
>He's getting free money every month
He does? From where? Don't tell me Anbennar has Patreon. But, come to think of it, I saw on Discord people with titles mentioning donations or something.
>Nobody was making this comparison aside from the biggest fantasy IP with the largest fanbase
Damn, that's no one, then.
>Orcs=Niggers idea
You know, I'm an actual NatSoc guy, but even I was surprised when I first heard this crap. Orcs are either so vile that even niggers look good when compared to them (LotR, old DnD) or so noble that comparing them to niggers is a great insult to orcs (Warcraft, Eberron). But now people are so deep into this nonsense that orcs are becoming a protected group in fantasy that can do no wrong.
i think he makes 700 USD per month on patreon, theres also merch but i doubt anyone wants a dameria shirt
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Lefties comparing orcs to niggers will never stop being funny
>700 USD per month
Not that much, really. Why did he never make Kistarter for the creation of the Anbennar's Campaign Guide? They have everything they need for it, apart from art. Great fantasy art can elevate even the most boring settings, and there are many talented authors who specialize in it.
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>so noble that comparing them to niggers is a great insult to orcs (Warcraft, Eberron)
I have no idea what this thing is. Is it from some new WoW expansion? I stopped playing mid-Legion and have never looked at anything WoW-related ever since. It looks horrible, by the way.
Anduin Lothar's daughter
He fucked an orc girl to beget that? What a strange retcon.
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>One eyed, one armed warrior woman, West
>One eyed, one armed warrior woman, Japan
can we move on from the nigger phase pls
*extremely far removed cousin
Also, a half-elf
Anduin Wrynn says: Did I hear that right, earlier? You're a... Lothar?
Faerin says: You know the name?
Anduin Wrynn says: Know it? I was named for Anduin Lothar, one of Stormwind's greatest heroes. He was close friends with my grandfather, King Llane Wrynn.
Anduin Wrynn says: Few names hold higher esteem. You must be a lady, or a—
Faerin says: Oh no, don't you start using formalities on me! My family is noble, but its been long since we've seen great fortune.
Faerin says: To think I had relatives in the old world? Wonderful! I hope I can live up to such legends.
How about a big chest half japanese half african?
To much for ask for that for fucking once, shit of man?
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is nothing sacred anymore? they need to stop creating orc x elf interracial relationships
You may have noticed, but all fantasy adaptations or games now feature at least one black elf, often in the main roles. And not black as "dark elf black". Just actual sub-Saharan Africans with slightly pointy ears. Tolkien is probably wriggling in his coffin every time it happens.
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this was fun
Good job. How much are you responsible for the state of Anbennar, Escann and Lecenor?
i've only molested gawed, that allowed for hierarchy to recover (to a lesser degree for lorent as well)
never went to war with the cannorian coalition because they wouldn't dare and I wouldn't bother, they fell apart now so I guess that's that, game over
niggerworship is getting out of control, and we have yanks to thank for it
>play as Varamhar
>see final mission is to become a living god
>what's better than a god, but a LICH god
>become lich
>get to final mission
>"cannot be lich"
welp there goes my run. times you've had your runs completely ruined?
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>we have yanks to thank for it
We need someone from an actual country to write a new fantasy series free of white guilt and colored folk. And then make the EU mod based on it. But it must feature dark elves! Real dark elves!
Highly based Pirotess posting, this
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im about to get myself 20 development worth of loot from these orc-loving losers, KWAB
Did Jay ever care to explain what moronic reasoning followers of the Red Whore used to convince people that orcs are not evil? Because people do not forgive atrocities committed against them so easily.
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she died before she could do that, but I guess it's because her party had an orc and a half-orc in it
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this looks intresting, are there multiple paths this tag can play out? i somehow doubt it...
This is not how it works. No one will forgive green monsters for 20 years of killing, looting and raping just because one of them helped to stop it all due to convoluted circumstances.
But just to be clear, most humans in Escann at the time would never even have seen an orc or its rapebabies, right?
we've had threads arguing about that stupid shit, yes its obvious, just turn your brain off
there supposed to some raiding parties of them filtering out through the caves, but not a real threat
>No one will forgive green monsters for 20 years of killing, looting and raping just because one of them helped to stop it all due to convoluted circumstances.
But we're supposed to forgive pale monsters called Europeans for doing that same thing for centuries?
First, you are fooling no one. There are no colored folk on /vst/. Second, no. The white race has no use for forgiveness. It didn't do anything bad.
>There are no colored folk on /vst/
Wrong, whiteboy.
now picture an entire continent where these dark creatures called Africans did literally nothing outside of that for 2 million years but on a much lesser scale out of incompetence and somehow forget how to make the most basic things like cave paintings in the process
Killing? Looting? Raping? Do you have proof, human? According to Orcish records, the only killing that took place was during honorable duels between Escanni Knights and Orcish Warlords, and even then it was accidental. Calling it looting is a blatant manipulation of what actually took place, as Orcs merely took what they needed to feed themselves and to continue their liberation of Escann from the cruel rule of Monarchism. And calling mutually consensual intercource 'rape' is bismarching the lineages of the hundreds of thousands of Half-Orcs who were born due to the cultural interchanges between Escanni Women and Orcish Men.

Get your facts right. This isn't the Gommo, where you can just accuse someone of racism and get them banned. Here, we talk like man and listen only to facts, not fabrications by seething former nobleman whose lands were peacefully annexed by the righteous migrating Orcish peoples.

Lothane fucked Corin, btw, and there's nothing you humans can do that will undo that.
>There are no colored folk on /vst/.
Lots of Asians who come to discuss StarCraft
>and there's nothing you humans can do that will undo that
Red Whore is all yours, mongrel. Lord Adean is the only god that humanity will ever need.
Sounds like that wasn't your problem, but you made it into one anyway and are now stuck dealing with the demographic consequences.
Yeah. So how's the weather in Beijing anyway? You guys must be real happy about gookmoot removing ip counts, it makes your job easier.
Have you ever played coop tags? What's your experience?
What are you, stupid?
All BBC posters are Asians until proven Jewish
>according to our own investigation, we are cleared of all wrongdoing
If you MUH HONOURABLY DUEL someone and take their food source, that's still ethnic cleansing you retard.
I'm guessing its your standard Black demense, Castanor, EoA paths
>now picture an entire continent where these dark creatures called Africans did literally nothing outside of that for 2 million years
they made black orc lore real?
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I also do this. Not with my own nation, but with AI nations, so that they'd be more successful. That is because EU4's AI often is retarded, and Anbennar MTs' designers very rarely bother to accommodate the MTs for this retardation. I also extensively use console commands and runfiles to create more realistic looking country and culture borders, and sometimes spawn or move racial pops with console commands to create more realistic or interesting racial pop borders as well.
I mod the game so I have perfect luck, I just like playing that way
I usually cheat to occupy provinces in wars if another ai nation snipes them
If orcs were so good to the humans, how did Lothane's mother die and why did he decide to join the crusaders who wanted total orc death?
Updated page, now the Greentide was upgraded to cultural genocide, because apparently forcing people to learn your language in schools is the moral equivalent to killing 90% of the people in a region of the size of one third of Europe
not sure what the seething is about here anymore, they state here in no uncertain terms the humans faced slaughter and the invasion caused mass death and pillaging, seems like the "le honorable duels" meme can be put to bed forever now
It seems to me to still be tiptoeing around what happened, just less than before
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Idk how it's tiptoeing.
Cultural genocide =/= actual genocide

Explain. It literally says in definition on wiki, "intent to destroy a religious group". Greentide is literally genocide.
new discord shill thread btw, newfags won't even wait until the bump limit
>Free of modern influence
>look inside
>1940s Japan
Anyone want to do a multiplayer playthrough? Two close / coop tags or just play in the same world and see how it evolves. I have finished a couple of tags and are capable of roleplay.
yeah but probably not with 4chan retards. go find a discord bro.
> "Free from modern influence"
> Le Cwazy Strong Militant Atheist State
> Not influenced by modern thought
Yes, yes, Kheoians are worse in the "Super Duper Atheists" aspect, but, like, c'mon.
No one but the most autistic of Chinese nationalists care about the Mongols anymore.
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yeah bro whats ur steam?
i have to warn you, i will be ERPing with you bro, is that ok?
Venail conquered the sorncoast and converted the humans there to elven forebears, what does that mean for them?
They all larp as half elf and worship elves. So basically, nothing changes.
The Chinese forgave the Mongols and they did exactly the same thing.
Damn, that sure sounds like it was none of the Europeans business until they decided to make it their business.
For me it's Verkal Gulan winning against the harpies and the goblins, and converting them to dwarven ancestral worship
Cultural genocide doesn't mean "genocide but less bad", it means a genocide that targets culture. Which is what the Greentide was, because the Chivalric Escann culture was almost completely wiped out.
>killing 90% of the people in a region of the size of one third of Europe
This didn't happen. Most of the depopulation was people fleeing to the west, not being killed by orcs.
cultutar genocide is a meme word that is used to equate people being forced to learn another language or change culture to killing them
>This didn't happen. Most of the depopulation was people fleeing to the west, not being killed by orcs.
Source? There is no evidence for this and the Escanni should outnumber locals in virtually all of the Northern Empire and Gawed, which is clearly not the case.
also even if this was true it would be pg13-tier writing where you can forcibly uproots tens of millions of people and few die from it.
It's retarded that most of Escann population manage to somehow migrate to eastern Anbennar without causing massive amount issues to the borderlands like Ibevar, Corvuria, and Arbaran.
>Source? There is no evidence for this and the Escanni should outnumber locals in virtually all of the Northern Empire and Gawed, which is clearly not the case.
Literally in the wiki article you posted.
I never said people didn't die as refugees. My point is only that there wasn't some orc SS running around and slaughtering entire villages which is what people seem to be imagining. The goal of the orcs wasn't to kill every human, it was to establish total supremacy over them hence the enslavement and the targeted destruction of Escanni monuments and temples, i.e. a cultural genocide.

Canonically it does but in-game you don't see that because Ibevar/Corvurvia/etc have some of the oldest mission trees in the mod and haven't been updated to match the Escann lore.
>Literally in the wiki article you posted.
quote it
>My point is only that there wasn't some orc SS running around and slaughtering entire villages which is what people seem to be imagining. The goal of the orcs wasn't to kill every human, it was to establish total supremacy over them hence the enslavement and the targeted destruction of Escanni monuments and temples, i.e. a cultural genocide.
There is no way you would ever get this level of depopulation and lack of any human MINORITY without orcs running around killing and displacing people, there is not a single example of anything like the Greentide in the real world
Is there a ck2 version of this mod, or one set in its appropriate time period?
>there is not a single example of anything like the Greentide in the real world
Turkey please
does this mod have a not japan? I want to play my island wars
The shogunate mechanic is reworked into a Chinese xianxia-like land filled with a bunch of feuding kungfu monastery (xiaken). Aside from that there's some of other regions with similar mechanics like Rahen (Indian tigerman), the Lake Fed, and Ynn.
Not an island but the Command has Japanese aesthetics.
The matter of Africans not having advanced technology millenia makes perfect sense, and is reasonably explained by Earth's lore.
Sure, but what exactly it has to do with Anbennar?
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Remember when African colonial independence movements refused to use assault rifles and machine guns because they were tools of their oppressors
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But much like the Orcs, Africans know to adapt and innovate
Bravo Jay.
West Dameria
East Cannor
>halcann north

>halcann east

>south halcann
Sarhal actually means sunland in castanorian iirc
have you considered that the orcs didn't genocide anyone but if they did then the eskkkani deserved it?
I thought you purge with diplomats now?
Its still the old method for me.
The only silly thing about the Greentide is the fact that it somehow all happens in less than 30 years, but fantasy writers have never been good at making reasonable dates and Anbennar is no different.
Not nearly as dumb as "Orcs took over the serpentspine in -6000, then spent 8400 years just sitting there.
Or 7400, whatever, the point stands.
That was 800 years and a counter genocide ago geniuses
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um, actually bulwar wuz the kangz, you cannorian white boys got nothing on this
Goatchads win again
This is so retarded.

>Dameria, Gnomish Hierarchy, and Castanor were the greatest powers in antiquity
Uhm, actually, this nation in Bulwar was the fourth one.

>Nichmer and his acolytes had the greatest magocracy the world had ever seen
Uhm, actually, this nation in Bulwar was far more powerful than Black Castanor was (did you know its ruler was also far more powerful than Nichmer and all his acolytes combined?)

>The great powers of antiquity were evenly matched, leading to a back and forth between them that lasted until the day of ashen skies.
Uhm, actually, this nation in Bulwar managed to beat two of the greatest powers of antiquity and were preparing to conquer more, when... uh... their super powerful ruler ended up powerless for a while, for some reason, and was killed by peasants.

>Ourdia invades Bulwar and conquers some land

>Developing new, bullshit lore is good, actually.
Now I understand why Victoria 3 and Crusader Kings 3 don't have their setups completely done even after more than a year of work. Every retard simply wants their favourite continent to be better than the other continents, and thus comes up with more and more retarded reasons as to why they are totally superior and were totally Emperors back in the day.

Is the Precursor Empire even relevant anymore? Let's see... lost to dwarves, lost to lizards, lost to Haless, lost to itself. Yeah, I guess the greatest empire the world had ever seen was not that big of a deal in the end.
I dont understand why Gilly left so much of Bulwar timeline to be dominated by gnolls for so long if he had to butcher the preexisting Damerian and Castanorian involvement in the region to give space to human Bulwari states
Why does the Centaur native icon look like gigachad?
Forbidden Plains propaganda. They want you to play Centaurs, so they made him muscular, hairy, tall, hung men. B-but you won't play the Centaurs just because of that clearly fake icon, r-right anon?
Humanity owes orcs reparations.
I'm playing as mountain shark, railskulker attacked me but I managed to win, vandalised them early. I have a question; how do I get them to colonise? They were colonising before I attacked them but now they've stopped. What do?
Also, I'm still migratory, anything stopping me from migrating past mithrilhold and setting up capitalbin almdhir? Seems like a better place to set up shop anyway considering the state isn't 3 caves. But mostly just how do I get those fucks to colonise and did I break the mission tree by vassalising railskulker super early? Thanks
vassals suck at colonizing, you have to console command switch to them and do it yourself
They're probably too poor to afford colonists. Subsidize them like 4 ducats a month.
You need to give vassals /colonies subsidies so they can afford to colonize.
You should really just kill yourself.
Antebellum X Anbennar crossover event when?
Kys weeb. I’d rather niggers then degenerate pedo japslop
Enjoy having an obese Dyquanisha twerking over the remains of fantasy forever, then.
Either you're projecting, or you've got some seriously weird kids running around where you're from
Why is it that so many so-called 'experienced contributors' prefer to rework national ideas over and over again rather than to add new content?

I'd understand if it was someone new doing it once or twice, but seeing Core members jumping from rework to rework feels incredibly odd. Wasn't there something about 'add new things rather than rework previous shit'? What happened to that?

Most of the time, memeable things or beloved parts of a nation's identity even get completely removed. So what gives? What's the reason for this?
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>Kys weeb. I’d rather niggers then degenerate pedo japslop
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antebellum mogs
anime website, fuck off tourist faggot
I did look like that while typing that bait out
>So what gives? What's the reason for this?
There's no metric for when something is "finished", so everything is subject to endless rewOOOOOOORKs, aaah I'm gonna reWOOOOORK, i'm REWOOOOORKIIIING

I've worked on other collaborative projects and there was a certain point where parts could be deemed "complete" and the focus would move on. in Anbennar everything is always subject to change, so shit that's already good gets remade without needing to supply any strong reason.
Also, Anbennar is a hierarchical project. It's only collaborative in the flimsiest sense, where the grunt work is contracted out to the masses and all real decisions happen behind closed doors among the real dev team. In such an environment the project will always be subject to the whims of whoever's on the team at the time.
Reverence for what team members made in the past, the appreciation for their efforts and the respect for their vision, that only comes from a project that respects everyone's contributions and values collaborative ideas. A hierarchical project will only respect the ideas of those at the top, and they have no reason to value anything made in the past. Those with the power also have a perverse incentive to remove things made in the past, to leave their own mark on the project and inflate their own influence and contributions. Take the recent trade map rewOOOOOrk for example, jaybean himself recognized this truth and said it's just another instance of devs wanting to shuffle things around to leave their mark. It has happened and will happen again.
>Take the recent trade map rewOOOOOrk for example
But that one is good. Having only a handful of tags (aelnar & west serpentine, mostly) tags able to steal global trade from the dameshead was boring. Now it's possible for a lot more tags to compete.
the 1.9 MTs are rather boring tho, tried Francia/Nordmark and it was literally just
>perm claims
>perm claims
>perm claims
>lose 20 AE
they didnt lose to the lizards? the lizards were a advanced alien civilization that was trying to colonize Halann, the precursors arrived, crushed them, cut their ties with their metropolis planet, and kept the survivors in a forcefully induced stone age to test what effect it would have in their society

They also didnt lose to Haless, they had some problems with the Oni but eventually managed to kick them to the mountains

And it was more like a draw with the dwarves, they retreated because their emperor got killed and their successor said "this is retarded, we are inmortal demigods, why are we wasting our time and our lifes killing these fucking midgets". Then Ducaniel stayed and singlehandlely destroyed dwarven civilization, so that counts as a win i think

and well they lost to themselves yes, but every great empire does that in the end
Would have been cool if the elf establishment in Cannor had been more like the Silmarillion, with numerous purely elf realms with humans living separately in their own subservient realms. Also an elf subterranean race, because I really loved Doriath and Nargothrond. We'll call them Deep Elves.
>Primeval Serpentspine & the Obsidian Empire just became -1000x cooler

The Anbennar devs have done it again, yet another piece of great lore ruined!
Is this real? Looks like shit
it's added because it's meant to be playable
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>The main character has arrived
I don't care
Genuine retards are writing the story of this mod
what even is this writing?
bio: hasahu was born with a special power. he was stronger than all his classmates in the bulwar fighting academy. he served in the bulwar military fighting ducaniel and in the final battel against ducaniel they were fighting and ducaniel turned him to the darkness and hasahu turned against castellos and killed him. he lost a part of his ear in the battle which is why he doesnt not have a part of his ear, pls stop PMing me askin me why thats why. also earings arent gurly fuck you jaherkid663 everyone knos your a fuckin sun elf scammer fagot

likes: hurtin people, bein badass, bronze ones, nine inch nails (the band), killing, death, punk rock, jinco robes, skulls, darkness, hot gurls with big boobys who are sluts, ninne inch nails (on finger), earings, purple (cool kind not gay kind)

dislikse: niceness, happiness, elves, nichmer from mage school fuck you nichmer stop showin everyone my fuckin grimoire you peace of shit, castan the enthralled, short nails, jaherkid663 (mega ass-faggot), sunshine, life, my dad, football

This is so blatantly OC donut steel cringe it wraps back around into being based
>has the physique of hades from the video game hades
same energy as an 11 year old throwing stuff from whatever game he just played into his OC story
does your OC like Ourdanor?

kek, perfect analogy
the best part is how he was about to defeat the Damerians and just couldnt because the DoAS

this random guy no one had heard anything about until now seemingly was on the brink of destroying one of cannor greatest empires during its peak, because of course he was, he is so cool and so awesome and so badass and so powerful

is this guy just salty because of the Ourdanor thing and is now trying to destroy the mod adding the worst shit he can think of?
i also love how he added the bit about killing children like "be careful, this isnt your average character......just a glimpse into my twisted mind"

most retarded shit ive seen in a while, i hope someone has the good sense to deny it or at the very least tell him to tone it down
>be bulwar lead
>hate half elves
>make a fucking half precursor OC

I consider it a lost cause at this point. Region leads are adding the most nonsensical, self-fellating lore that they possibly can, and there is no one that is willing to stop them. I sincerely, deeply hope that someone starts working on another fantasy mod in the very near future.
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Elf corpses are clogging up the lava moats again
Monkey's paw, the next fantasy mod will be entirely self-fellating
well he is the same person who retconned bulwari half elf lore so that instead of being persecuted and killed they are just made to choose between living an elf life and a human life, all because he kept saying sun elves werent racist and people made fun of him because they obviously were
i think it's mostly cannor and bulwar, most other regions are relatively fine
of course there is retarded stuff everywhere but in those others regions you can easily ignore it
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>choose between living an elf life and a human life
lmao these discord faggots are insane
>made to choose between living an elf life and a human life
>Someone took one of the greatest gifts bestowed by Eru Iluvatar and made it a punishment
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Oh yeah that's why I've not played in Haless for a while. I'd forgotten.

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