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post dem cities
sittin at just over 12k bugmen
Kino Beijing Areal Photograph
Is it just me or does anyone else makes homogeneous towns too?
Mine were all only elves so far and reached the 1k before it tried war got wiped out because army didn't know how to equip bows
you have to assign gear to each troop, and have it available in warehouses for your troops to be able to pick up, this is assuming you are defending against invasion
if youre sending your troops out to conquer other territories, then you need to fill army supply depots and slowly let them fill the army to capacity
its always been pretty easy to get 5k+ people on this game, with the major limiter in ultra late game, like the 12k bug city of mine, being population causing a stream of around 1 epidemic every 2 years, which can wipe out the population depending on the disease
>Army Depot completely useless if you are defending
>Troops actually get their gear from wearhouses
I noticed that too, a little too late. The war mechanics were also funny, without the bows the "archers" ran straight at the enemies, getting slaughtered despite of being 8 times bigger in number
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How anons go about their city garrison military?

When calculating raid change, the game doesn't take in to account the quality of the troops, right?

I have been setting up lots of 150 divisions with 20% melee training, so they get fully trained faster and are free to do other things, instead of being employed on the training grounds.
will never understand how anyone can play boring indie garbage like this
I'm impressed seeing these low pop count with huge ass army even if they are at lower % trained. I'm at 1.5k-ish pop but trying to get even 300 with some training already killing my industries randomly.Similar to university in term of pulling workers and shitting up the whole production line. I guess thats why you need oddjobbers around but I still get this production fuck ups since the oddjobbers gotta move around filling in the open jobs.
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On year 8 of the tutorial. Facing a worker shortage right now because I expanded my vegetable and grain fields. The former because I wasn't producing enough to feed the young ones and the latter because my production of grain has been a bottleneck on population growth. Some of the children will come of age soon, so that should alleviate the shortage. The problem is that the fields took too long to clear and till, there is the prospect of a poor harvest. Crator help us, the children may starve in the Spring.
>the "archers" ran straight at the enemies
I had a somewhat similar situation. Archers all had bows, but they refused to fire. I assume it was because of trees blocking the LOS. I didn't think that my master archer tree loving elves couldn't use their specialty in their desired habitat though.
Is there any point to the Bugmen?
Their unique farmable sucks.
They are piss-easy to please and decent miner sand fighters, so they make the best slaves and cannon fodder.
I know lots of people who play them say they're busted.
best slaves by far
>boring indie garbage
It's pretty fun and expansive.
I wish it wasn't so over-tuned though and there was more room to fuck around.
Dev did say on last update that for v67 they want to make the early game more forgiving and the late game more challenging, so an easier time to test out different ideas might be possible.

>v68 Will supposedly aim to make diplomacy more indepth and make AI empires feel more humanlike and realistic.
>v69 will be a rebalance of combat. Dev mentioned 'Rome: Total Realism' mod as what he wants combat to feel like, specifically the way troops will fall back and retreat rather than all die massacred if outmached like they currently do.
>1.0 will be shortly after than, probably on 2025 Q1, and will make your nobles more in-depth by expanding on their mansions, and the nobles behaviour. It will apparently also add guards who patrol and march around your city.
fuck yeah, this all sounds great, but what are the dragons in the pic?
>Goblin in the pic
Are we finally getting a superior race?
Just something the artist decided to add to the pic. Not actually in-game like so.

That's a Tilapi child, lol.
Are the gigantic races ever worth it?
best workers all around, make for good slaves
I had 25 of them blue giants, somehow one day they just revolt even with my 100 (poorly trained) in the city. Shit fucked.
>they want to make the early game more forgiving and the late game more challenging
I honestly expect the end-result to be either more or less the same or worse, not an improvement.
Reasoning for this argument:
The Dev is pretty involved with players/community (and its feedback) on disc and most community members there that serve as a reference point game the system pretty hard.
Not that it matters much, just a pet peeve.
How's performance? Do you need a good computer to run it when you get alot of pops?
the only performance hiccup is that you cant do 25x speed starting at around 1k pop, and 3x speed slows to about 3-3.5x speed at about 8000 and up
but if you just wanna play on 1 and 2x speed the whole time, you can run this on a potato
Casual here, just need some help. I've reached the 100 pop mark and growth has gotten very slow. I find that the loyalty is sticking in the 50% range, the research is slow as fuck, and I can't employee enough people to services because I need a shit load of people on the farms and in the labs. Any tips? I'm working towards building taverns but I need pottery and breweries first, and my claypit is starting slow given the aforementioned employment problems.
decorations, roads, work preference by race, furnishing homes, increasing food days
keep these in mind and you can easily increase pop
On research, your research might be going slow because you're hitting your limit on knowledge points. Before any bonuses your researchers produce about 70 points each, after which they are spending all of their time just maintaining those existing points; early game you can get this up to about 100 points each if you've got humans with the education boost from speakers running the labs. So consider your techs not in terms of their point cost, but in how many researchers it takes to maintain each tech, then weigh if the benefits outweigh whatever percentage of the population is having to be dedicated to solely keeping that tech unlocked.
I can't really give advice besides without knowing the specifics. Environment, the makeup of your population, what services you have and what goods you produce, the available resources, ect, all have a pretty sizable impact on how you'll run your city, especially this early on.
They're usually very cheap to buy
I wish there was a mod that decreases pop quantity per house, it's strange seeing 3 people living in a room with just one bed.
A minor nitpick I know but it bothers me.
Ever seen an aircraft carrier bedroom? Just take shifts bro.
Are building farms early on even worth the labor? It seems like foraging, a few hunters and a husbandry farm so the starting live stock pile doesn't decay is good enough until there's a few hundred pops.
>one bed
That's two people per sleeping period, six hours if you want to be strict, eight hours if lax.
One bed could easily host eight people.
Do the pops you are trying to please want veg/bread/fruit?
If so, definitely worth the labor, because mass producing food so you don't have to buy things to cover shortfalls is nice.
Do bodies decompose in a crypt like they do in graveyards?

If I build a crypt will I suddenly find myself with a building of 30 undecomposing bodies that forever takes the space of the region I placed it on?
How do libraries work? At what point do they offer their max knowledge % boost? They give a % bonus as the workers fill out the bookshelves- but do they do anything more once all the shelves are filled or is it just cosmetic?

Also, many laboratories do you guys have before upgrading to libraries? I got like 15-20 libraries each producing ~2,200 knowledge. This brings me to ~44,000 science.
they take longer to decay, but still will decay overtime
Hitting a wall at ~2,100 citizen (& 800 slave) pop. Just got the grand arena and temple completed (fuck Anthuri is an expensive motherfucker) but it hasn’t stimulated much immigration.

Should I be moving over to breeding now? My biggest fear with breeding is the lack of control of population growth- with immigrants it feels natural to expand your pop numbers upon competition of major works, but with breeding the number just keep coming regardless of your city’s status. I’m afraid it will begin a happiness cascade
Turn them on and off and try to find a balance.With that huge of a pop (and with that your local production), your surplus probably can handle 5-10% dip before stabilizing and back up.
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>double walls negate almost all the noise

just need a way to reduce to noise from doors now, on future designs.
You'd have to use an internal or external noise barrier.
Do lizards even care about noise? I thought it only matters for humans.
find it weird to imagine syx as a fantasy world, the entire game is just too ridiculous to work.

like shit, there's an entire race that just grows out of stone and nobody's bothered by it
Aren't those inner corners without access a 'bad' thing?
Genuine question, I'm a noob.
>When calculating raid change, the game doesn't take in to account the quality of the troops, right?
It absolutely affects your security score.
>100 pop
Drinking is a level 3 product (mix of two refined goods). You need too much manpower and you barely have enough. Research and build easier services first, ones that don't even need raw materials (e.g. stages, fight pits, food stall/market upgrades, lavatory upgrade).

>need a shit load of people on the farms and in the labs
Freeze all your tech, learn the farming tech. It's cheap and should cut your farm workforce in half.
I made a bunch of naked 50pop divisions and 3 150 divisions: for the 3 divs I had pips for armor and weapons at 2-3 each, one was archer and the other two were. I never used or touched them, though, because for me there was no reason to after I captured my first settlement and rolled with Realm army. After a few decades in I had to up up the naked boys since the raid % went up a little.
what corners? I haven't played in a while, but the building was working just fine.
I honestly like making cities with only humans and dwarfs. Feels comfy that they're working together to establish civilization in spite of tree fuckers ruining everything.
I want to try running a city with every race, and expect that it'll devolve to race violence rapidly.
You should grab some Tilapi slaves for ranching.
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>Ever seen an aircraft carrier bedroom?
actually, yes (CV Intrepid)
How do you get on the top bunk without stepping on everyone else's bedding?
>those shapes
How do you guys manage to create a more organic city? I can't seem to break from my habit of making it equal in length and in similar shape and symmetry; so for example, i have a bunch of rows of 12wide by 50-54long farms near the water (and to allow canals to fit through)
In order for your pops to reach most services (food, lavatory, etc.) your pops have roughly a 100tile radius from their place of work to their house (and sometimes the sitting benches); so they need to be able to get to their desired service within that margin of walking distance. So try and ensure that the lavatory, food stall, market, etc. are all within that walking distance to keep the satisfaction highest.

Also: how many people you assign to research will determine your max research points; once you're reaching the maximum points (includes what research unlocks you've already allocated) the research speed will slow to a crawl. This is even before the "Penalty" kicks in. So don't just mindlessly start unlocking research if it's not needed yet.

Save taverns until later; lavatory, food stall, market, speaker and stage all should suffice. Furnishing for the house gives nice boosts, but be careful it doesn't drain too much of a resource (I got caught out with hide)
It requires careful planning and can be a bit of a headache; but a fun challenge if you're into that sorta stuff.
You have to constantly ensure every race's housing is 35tiles away from any other race, to prevent brawls; this while also keeping in mind the walking distance to their services and place of work, as well as trying to solve the job priorities management.
I reset fairly early but that's because I botched my city planning; and also I had aspirations to subjugate every other race as the elves, because: cannibals
I'll try it again eventually, perhaps
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>the number just keep coming regardless of your city’s status.
I am quite certain you can set the limitation of how many babies you want, anon.
Here's the screencap of my prior city before moving on.
The info tab for this definitely needs refinement though, for sure.
I build around natural features like large forests, ores, rivers, and fertile areas. As the natural features are asymmetrical, it forces you to build everything asymmetrically.
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It might be inefficient but sure is comfy.
>you have to give other nations 10,000 denarii worth of goods for them to sign a trade agreement with you
am I retarded or does this make trading completely worthless until you're so rich that the only reason you need things is because you cbf to set up a supply chain for them
Trade is going to earn you a hell of a lot more than 10,000 denarii
10,000 Denarii is actually very little.
In my experience, a single piece of furniture can go between 250 and 400 Denarii depending on the global economic situation.
ok I just realized that 1000 stone and 1000 wood got me like 75% of the way there and then paid off the rest with a bit of coal, the fact that they default asked for like half of my food spooked me
That is very nice.
10K Denari goes fast.
You can't even get five slaves for that amount unless the person really likes you.
>nation only wants 10K Denarii for trade
The early game really is generous, eh?
This is one of the coolest games I've ever played. It beats out rimworld, dwarf fort and any city builder for my favorite. The way that it scales outward as you get more and more is fantastic. The music is nice and the art style is nice to look at as the seasons change.

It's a nice game made by a cool developer. Try it, faggot.
For it's genre/style: It totally shits on rimjob and dorf fort.
Stay in your lane, autist.
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Oh jeez. That's where I adjust myself accordingly.
Just place a watered canal on a land tile with at least 50% fertility and give it a couple years and the trees will grow around the now highly fertile land, akin to the river grown trees; which will be enough for you to compartmentalize. One canal considerably boosts 12 tiles on one either side.
As for mines...

I guess I'm just too autistic when it comes to patterns. Thank you for the friendly tip none-the-less.

>I didn't know I needed to double the walls to prevent sound for the coal mine because only one wall enclosure was necessary for the claypit. So now adjustment is needed in future.
Why did you build a house over the coal mine?
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Where is the house exactly? What is "attached" to the mine are other crafter and refiner buildings.
If you're referring to the walls and the ceiling built over the mines: it was an effort to contain the noise from the mines, since it appeared to have worked with the claypit; see attached and notice the contained noise.
>Ignore the building itself, as I need to readjust the room.
There's a building surrounding it.
I just leave it open air: less maintenance and if the subhumans complain about their slave conditions they can be sold for a profit.
It's not the slaves I'm concerned about; it's the noise to the surrounding main race that is what I'm trying to solve. Especially since I've built literal housing estates nearby the mine; because the mine is close to the river and I've only got 100tiles (thereabouts) of walking distance for the subjects to reach their desired services.
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I don't recommend relying solely on immigration since there are still a number of bugs needing to be fixed. See pic as example
>I hopefully intend to join jake's disc to bring this up. but i don't have the program on the pc

So the speaker selected has a food stall right next to their place of work, and she ends up eating from the warehouse anyway. And I covered both sides for clarity--still resorts to the warehouse eating.
What is the overlay that pops up when you have workshops selected? If I click on my little food stall, some of the map is red, some is blue, etc.
I usually just rely on the lizard-instinct section of my brain
>I need stone mine
>build stone mine
>no road to stone mine
>pick closest place with a road
>make road to stone mine
after you do this a couple of times the city will look pretty unorganised and messy, just like they did back then
god there's no better feeling in a city building game then building out a barely developed tendril to a resource you need, then slowly feeling the empty space between them in as you build more and more infrastructure to support whatever it was
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I just discovered that Cretonians have a predisposition for becoming prostitutes in massage parlors.
All the massage parlors I have only hire Cretonians for some reason, even though I didn't touch the work priorities tab at all until now.
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This is my most succesful city so far. 100% native grown Amevias 2,5k Population.
The game starts to slow down with increasing population and I wonder what advise I can get for organazing logistics?
Nobody knows for sure even now. There's only been speculation red can reach but can't satisfy, blue possibly means satisfed, and i think gray indicates it's not in their jurisdiction or something. It's really wonky and makes no sense sometimes. I had a factory plaza that was red for orator so I plucked one down and it didn't seem to visually make a difference. It's been a few months since I touched my .66 save though.
Is that actually in their work prefs?
I checked their work prefs and they have the same preference as all the other races.
But despite that, there's no humans working at the massage parlor or dondorians.
My city somehow just managed itself that way as to only hire cretonians for this purpose.
Could be housing proximity, or other races taking a higher preference job.
>turns out everyone likes massage parlors
>"Yeah I can see that" I think to myself, "I should probably research it" I think to myself
>Build a massage parlor
>The rooms blur out when citizens get their """massage"""
oh it's that kind of massage
Is this game kinda like Rimworld but with way more people to manage?
Yeah, plus actual interactions with other factions like vassalization, trade, conquest
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4th Year Anniversary Modding Competition gonna start.
Steam Cards for First, Second and Third Place Winners.
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More or less. It's also similar to Dwarf Fortress in what you can't directly control your citizens, Only when they've received the most basic of military training and are assigned to a formation can you directly control them, and this is more im par with Total War battles than Rimworld.
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PS: the Demo is on Steam and itch.io. It's a completely unlimited full version of the game from a few versions back, so if you like that you'll probably like the current,updated version.
>Accidentally killed all my pasture animals
>Search, find bunch of old posts saying hunters can produce livestock as a rare byproduct
>Mine don't
Did an update change this? Is my only option now trading?
Yes. Old hunters use to walk around the map and kill the animals present on your city tile. Then you would get resources related to the animal they killed, like meat, leather, eggs, etc, and rarely livestock.
Now you can set animals to be hunted by anyone the same way as cutting down trees or harvesting wild plants.
Now hunters run off map and come back with animal carcasses, but those are only cosmetic, they can only produce meat or leather, depending on what you set the building to produce.
Why do the tips say humans are unremarkable in battle? They're probably the third best warriors behind Dondorians and Amevia, they're tied for second best in morale just after Tilapi and they're third in strength after Amevia and Dondorians.
Third best warriors out of 6 races... isn't that unremarkable?
I guess if you mean unremarkable as in average? But unremarkable sounds like a negative doesn't it?
Unremarkable just means not worthy to be remarked upon, either in a positive or nagative light.
So yes. Ordinary. Average.
They do for me still.
Anon. the dev is ESL--he sounds Nordic to be precise. So his use of certain english words aren't going to be the most suitable.
game good question mark

Don't believe me? See >>1806946
Yeah, it's good.

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