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post dem cities
sittin at just over 12k bugmen
Kino Beijing Areal Photograph
Is it just me or does anyone else makes homogeneous towns too?
Mine were all only elves so far and reached the 1k before it tried war got wiped out because army didn't know how to equip bows
you have to assign gear to each troop, and have it available in warehouses for your troops to be able to pick up, this is assuming you are defending against invasion
if youre sending your troops out to conquer other territories, then you need to fill army supply depots and slowly let them fill the army to capacity
its always been pretty easy to get 5k+ people on this game, with the major limiter in ultra late game, like the 12k bug city of mine, being population causing a stream of around 1 epidemic every 2 years, which can wipe out the population depending on the disease
>Army Depot completely useless if you are defending
>Troops actually get their gear from wearhouses
I noticed that too, a little too late. The war mechanics were also funny, without the bows the "archers" ran straight at the enemies, getting slaughtered despite of being 8 times bigger in number
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How anons go about their city garrison military?

When calculating raid change, the game doesn't take in to account the quality of the troops, right?

I have been setting up lots of 150 divisions with 20% melee training, so they get fully trained faster and are free to do other things, instead of being employed on the training grounds.
will never understand how anyone can play boring indie garbage like this
I'm impressed seeing these low pop count with huge ass army even if they are at lower % trained. I'm at 1.5k-ish pop but trying to get even 300 with some training already killing my industries randomly.Similar to university in term of pulling workers and shitting up the whole production line. I guess thats why you need oddjobbers around but I still get this production fuck ups since the oddjobbers gotta move around filling in the open jobs.
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On year 8 of the tutorial. Facing a worker shortage right now because I expanded my vegetable and grain fields. The former because I wasn't producing enough to feed the young ones and the latter because my production of grain has been a bottleneck on population growth. Some of the children will come of age soon, so that should alleviate the shortage. The problem is that the fields took too long to clear and till, there is the prospect of a poor harvest. Crator help us, the children may starve in the Spring.
>the "archers" ran straight at the enemies
I had a somewhat similar situation. Archers all had bows, but they refused to fire. I assume it was because of trees blocking the LOS. I didn't think that my master archer tree loving elves couldn't use their specialty in their desired habitat though.
Is there any point to the Bugmen?
Their unique farmable sucks.
They are piss-easy to please and decent miner sand fighters, so they make the best slaves and cannon fodder.
I know lots of people who play them say they're busted.
best slaves by far
>boring indie garbage
It's pretty fun and expansive.
I wish it wasn't so over-tuned though and there was more room to fuck around.
Dev did say on last update that for v67 they want to make the early game more forgiving and the late game more challenging, so an easier time to test out different ideas might be possible.

>v68 Will supposedly aim to make diplomacy more indepth and make AI empires feel more humanlike and realistic.
>v69 will be a rebalance of combat. Dev mentioned 'Rome: Total Realism' mod as what he wants combat to feel like, specifically the way troops will fall back and retreat rather than all die massacred if outmached like they currently do.
>1.0 will be shortly after than, probably on 2025 Q1, and will make your nobles more in-depth by expanding on their mansions, and the nobles behaviour. It will apparently also add guards who patrol and march around your city.
fuck yeah, this all sounds great, but what are the dragons in the pic?
>Goblin in the pic
Are we finally getting a superior race?
Just something the artist decided to add to the pic. Not actually in-game like so.

That's a Tilapi child, lol.
Are the gigantic races ever worth it?
best workers all around, make for good slaves
I had 25 of them blue giants, somehow one day they just revolt even with my 100 (poorly trained) in the city. Shit fucked.
>they want to make the early game more forgiving and the late game more challenging
I honestly expect the end-result to be either more or less the same or worse, not an improvement.
Reasoning for this argument:
The Dev is pretty involved with players/community (and its feedback) on disc and most community members there that serve as a reference point game the system pretty hard.
Not that it matters much, just a pet peeve.
How's performance? Do you need a good computer to run it when you get alot of pops?
the only performance hiccup is that you cant do 25x speed starting at around 1k pop, and 3x speed slows to about 3-3.5x speed at about 8000 and up
but if you just wanna play on 1 and 2x speed the whole time, you can run this on a potato
Casual here, just need some help. I've reached the 100 pop mark and growth has gotten very slow. I find that the loyalty is sticking in the 50% range, the research is slow as fuck, and I can't employee enough people to services because I need a shit load of people on the farms and in the labs. Any tips? I'm working towards building taverns but I need pottery and breweries first, and my claypit is starting slow given the aforementioned employment problems.
decorations, roads, work preference by race, furnishing homes, increasing food days
keep these in mind and you can easily increase pop
On research, your research might be going slow because you're hitting your limit on knowledge points. Before any bonuses your researchers produce about 70 points each, after which they are spending all of their time just maintaining those existing points; early game you can get this up to about 100 points each if you've got humans with the education boost from speakers running the labs. So consider your techs not in terms of their point cost, but in how many researchers it takes to maintain each tech, then weigh if the benefits outweigh whatever percentage of the population is having to be dedicated to solely keeping that tech unlocked.
I can't really give advice besides without knowing the specifics. Environment, the makeup of your population, what services you have and what goods you produce, the available resources, ect, all have a pretty sizable impact on how you'll run your city, especially this early on.
They're usually very cheap to buy
I wish there was a mod that decreases pop quantity per house, it's strange seeing 3 people living in a room with just one bed.
A minor nitpick I know but it bothers me.
Ever seen an aircraft carrier bedroom? Just take shifts bro.
Are building farms early on even worth the labor? It seems like foraging, a few hunters and a husbandry farm so the starting live stock pile doesn't decay is good enough until there's a few hundred pops.
>one bed
That's two people per sleeping period, six hours if you want to be strict, eight hours if lax.
One bed could easily host eight people.
Do the pops you are trying to please want veg/bread/fruit?
If so, definitely worth the labor, because mass producing food so you don't have to buy things to cover shortfalls is nice.
Do bodies decompose in a crypt like they do in graveyards?

If I build a crypt will I suddenly find myself with a building of 30 undecomposing bodies that forever takes the space of the region I placed it on?
How do libraries work? At what point do they offer their max knowledge % boost? They give a % bonus as the workers fill out the bookshelves- but do they do anything more once all the shelves are filled or is it just cosmetic?

Also, many laboratories do you guys have before upgrading to libraries? I got like 15-20 libraries each producing ~2,200 knowledge. This brings me to ~44,000 science.
they take longer to decay, but still will decay overtime
Hitting a wall at ~2,100 citizen (& 800 slave) pop. Just got the grand arena and temple completed (fuck Anthuri is an expensive motherfucker) but it hasn’t stimulated much immigration.

Should I be moving over to breeding now? My biggest fear with breeding is the lack of control of population growth- with immigrants it feels natural to expand your pop numbers upon competition of major works, but with breeding the number just keep coming regardless of your city’s status. I’m afraid it will begin a happiness cascade
Turn them on and off and try to find a balance.With that huge of a pop (and with that your local production), your surplus probably can handle 5-10% dip before stabilizing and back up.
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>double walls negate almost all the noise

just need a way to reduce to noise from doors now, on future designs.
You'd have to use an internal or external noise barrier.
Do lizards even care about noise? I thought it only matters for humans.
find it weird to imagine syx as a fantasy world, the entire game is just too ridiculous to work.

like shit, there's an entire race that just grows out of stone and nobody's bothered by it
Aren't those inner corners without access a 'bad' thing?
Genuine question, I'm a noob.
>When calculating raid change, the game doesn't take in to account the quality of the troops, right?
It absolutely affects your security score.
>100 pop
Drinking is a level 3 product (mix of two refined goods). You need too much manpower and you barely have enough. Research and build easier services first, ones that don't even need raw materials (e.g. stages, fight pits, food stall/market upgrades, lavatory upgrade).

>need a shit load of people on the farms and in the labs
Freeze all your tech, learn the farming tech. It's cheap and should cut your farm workforce in half.
I made a bunch of naked 50pop divisions and 3 150 divisions: for the 3 divs I had pips for armor and weapons at 2-3 each, one was archer and the other two were. I never used or touched them, though, because for me there was no reason to after I captured my first settlement and rolled with Realm army. After a few decades in I had to up up the naked boys since the raid % went up a little.
what corners? I haven't played in a while, but the building was working just fine.
I honestly like making cities with only humans and dwarfs. Feels comfy that they're working together to establish civilization in spite of tree fuckers ruining everything.
I want to try running a city with every race, and expect that it'll devolve to race violence rapidly.
You should grab some Tilapi slaves for ranching.
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>Ever seen an aircraft carrier bedroom?
actually, yes (CV Intrepid)
How do you get on the top bunk without stepping on everyone else's bedding?
>those shapes
How do you guys manage to create a more organic city? I can't seem to break from my habit of making it equal in length and in similar shape and symmetry; so for example, i have a bunch of rows of 12wide by 50-54long farms near the water (and to allow canals to fit through)
In order for your pops to reach most services (food, lavatory, etc.) your pops have roughly a 100tile radius from their place of work to their house (and sometimes the sitting benches); so they need to be able to get to their desired service within that margin of walking distance. So try and ensure that the lavatory, food stall, market, etc. are all within that walking distance to keep the satisfaction highest.

Also: how many people you assign to research will determine your max research points; once you're reaching the maximum points (includes what research unlocks you've already allocated) the research speed will slow to a crawl. This is even before the "Penalty" kicks in. So don't just mindlessly start unlocking research if it's not needed yet.

Save taverns until later; lavatory, food stall, market, speaker and stage all should suffice. Furnishing for the house gives nice boosts, but be careful it doesn't drain too much of a resource (I got caught out with hide)
It requires careful planning and can be a bit of a headache; but a fun challenge if you're into that sorta stuff.
You have to constantly ensure every race's housing is 35tiles away from any other race, to prevent brawls; this while also keeping in mind the walking distance to their services and place of work, as well as trying to solve the job priorities management.
I reset fairly early but that's because I botched my city planning; and also I had aspirations to subjugate every other race as the elves, because: cannibals
I'll try it again eventually, perhaps
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>the number just keep coming regardless of your city’s status.
I am quite certain you can set the limitation of how many babies you want, anon.
Here's the screencap of my prior city before moving on.
The info tab for this definitely needs refinement though, for sure.
I build around natural features like large forests, ores, rivers, and fertile areas. As the natural features are asymmetrical, it forces you to build everything asymmetrically.
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It might be inefficient but sure is comfy.
>you have to give other nations 10,000 denarii worth of goods for them to sign a trade agreement with you
am I retarded or does this make trading completely worthless until you're so rich that the only reason you need things is because you cbf to set up a supply chain for them
Trade is going to earn you a hell of a lot more than 10,000 denarii
10,000 Denarii is actually very little.
In my experience, a single piece of furniture can go between 250 and 400 Denarii depending on the global economic situation.
ok I just realized that 1000 stone and 1000 wood got me like 75% of the way there and then paid off the rest with a bit of coal, the fact that they default asked for like half of my food spooked me
That is very nice.
10K Denari goes fast.
You can't even get five slaves for that amount unless the person really likes you.
>nation only wants 10K Denarii for trade
The early game really is generous, eh?
This is one of the coolest games I've ever played. It beats out rimworld, dwarf fort and any city builder for my favorite. The way that it scales outward as you get more and more is fantastic. The music is nice and the art style is nice to look at as the seasons change.

It's a nice game made by a cool developer. Try it, faggot.
For it's genre/style: It totally shits on rimjob and dorf fort.
Stay in your lane, autist.
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Oh jeez. That's where I adjust myself accordingly.
Just place a watered canal on a land tile with at least 50% fertility and give it a couple years and the trees will grow around the now highly fertile land, akin to the river grown trees; which will be enough for you to compartmentalize. One canal considerably boosts 12 tiles on one either side.
As for mines...

I guess I'm just too autistic when it comes to patterns. Thank you for the friendly tip none-the-less.

>I didn't know I needed to double the walls to prevent sound for the coal mine because only one wall enclosure was necessary for the claypit. So now adjustment is needed in future.
Why did you build a house over the coal mine?
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Where is the house exactly? What is "attached" to the mine are other crafter and refiner buildings.
If you're referring to the walls and the ceiling built over the mines: it was an effort to contain the noise from the mines, since it appeared to have worked with the claypit; see attached and notice the contained noise.
>Ignore the building itself, as I need to readjust the room.
There's a building surrounding it.
I just leave it open air: less maintenance and if the subhumans complain about their slave conditions they can be sold for a profit.
It's not the slaves I'm concerned about; it's the noise to the surrounding main race that is what I'm trying to solve. Especially since I've built literal housing estates nearby the mine; because the mine is close to the river and I've only got 100tiles (thereabouts) of walking distance for the subjects to reach their desired services.
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I don't recommend relying solely on immigration since there are still a number of bugs needing to be fixed. See pic as example
>I hopefully intend to join jake's disc to bring this up. but i don't have the program on the pc

So the speaker selected has a food stall right next to their place of work, and she ends up eating from the warehouse anyway. And I covered both sides for clarity--still resorts to the warehouse eating.
What is the overlay that pops up when you have workshops selected? If I click on my little food stall, some of the map is red, some is blue, etc.
I usually just rely on the lizard-instinct section of my brain
>I need stone mine
>build stone mine
>no road to stone mine
>pick closest place with a road
>make road to stone mine
after you do this a couple of times the city will look pretty unorganised and messy, just like they did back then
god there's no better feeling in a city building game then building out a barely developed tendril to a resource you need, then slowly feeling the empty space between them in as you build more and more infrastructure to support whatever it was
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I just discovered that Cretonians have a predisposition for becoming prostitutes in massage parlors.
All the massage parlors I have only hire Cretonians for some reason, even though I didn't touch the work priorities tab at all until now.
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This is my most succesful city so far. 100% native grown Amevias 2,5k Population.
The game starts to slow down with increasing population and I wonder what advise I can get for organazing logistics?
Nobody knows for sure even now. There's only been speculation red can reach but can't satisfy, blue possibly means satisfed, and i think gray indicates it's not in their jurisdiction or something. It's really wonky and makes no sense sometimes. I had a factory plaza that was red for orator so I plucked one down and it didn't seem to visually make a difference. It's been a few months since I touched my .66 save though.
Is that actually in their work prefs?
I checked their work prefs and they have the same preference as all the other races.
But despite that, there's no humans working at the massage parlor or dondorians.
My city somehow just managed itself that way as to only hire cretonians for this purpose.
Could be housing proximity, or other races taking a higher preference job.
>turns out everyone likes massage parlors
>"Yeah I can see that" I think to myself, "I should probably research it" I think to myself
>Build a massage parlor
>The rooms blur out when citizens get their """massage"""
oh it's that kind of massage
Is this game kinda like Rimworld but with way more people to manage?
Yeah, plus actual interactions with other factions like vassalization, trade, conquest
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4th Year Anniversary Modding Competition gonna start.
Steam Cards for First, Second and Third Place Winners.
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More or less. It's also similar to Dwarf Fortress in what you can't directly control your citizens, Only when they've received the most basic of military training and are assigned to a formation can you directly control them, and this is more im par with Total War battles than Rimworld.
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PS: the Demo is on Steam and itch.io. It's a completely unlimited full version of the game from a few versions back, so if you like that you'll probably like the current,updated version.
>Accidentally killed all my pasture animals
>Search, find bunch of old posts saying hunters can produce livestock as a rare byproduct
>Mine don't
Did an update change this? Is my only option now trading?
Yes. Old hunters use to walk around the map and kill the animals present on your city tile. Then you would get resources related to the animal they killed, like meat, leather, eggs, etc, and rarely livestock.
Now you can set animals to be hunted by anyone the same way as cutting down trees or harvesting wild plants.
Now hunters run off map and come back with animal carcasses, but those are only cosmetic, they can only produce meat or leather, depending on what you set the building to produce.
Why do the tips say humans are unremarkable in battle? They're probably the third best warriors behind Dondorians and Amevia, they're tied for second best in morale just after Tilapi and they're third in strength after Amevia and Dondorians.
Third best warriors out of 6 races... isn't that unremarkable?
I guess if you mean unremarkable as in average? But unremarkable sounds like a negative doesn't it?
Unremarkable just means not worthy to be remarked upon, either in a positive or nagative light.
So yes. Ordinary. Average.
They do for me still.
Anon. the dev is ESL--he sounds Nordic to be precise. So his use of certain english words aren't going to be the most suitable.
game good question mark

Don't believe me? See >>1806946
Yeah, it's good.
kino esl moment
Raw resources in general aren't worth it.
What do you mean?
You're better off just importing raw resources and refining them in your capital. Raw resources are pretty much just a waste of manpower if you're trying to produce them yourself.
Really depends on your starting race/s. If you're Dondo (I think they've got farming penalties), then probably avoid it.
Farming is a reliable source of food located in the one spot; and a 12 height by 50 width farm only needs 5 - 6 farmers. As opposed to your subjects roaming all around the map to harvest the wild edibles
The only drawback of early farms is you need to place them near water to be of use, until you've got canals researched

Since I intend to subjugate every race that is not my own, mutual trade with foreigners isn't an option.
>Jake needs to fix the restriction of only allowing trade with neighbouring factions; all of whom, for me, are foreigners.
Allowing "trade agreements"*

Thought I best fix that before someone comments on the mistake.
Na you should just import wheat and make bread.
What if my citizens don't like bread?
Then they're subhumans
Zey vill eat ze bred
I still don't get how to properly kickstart my economy.
>hire some shitty mercenary
>go around claiming empty regions
>turn them into basic material providers
>now have more grain than you know what to do with
>no longer have to keep farms going since everything gets brought from off-map
>flood city with refugees
>use infinite cheap labor to do whatever seems profitable
>hope that nobody throws a 300k death stack at you
worked for me the last time
Wdym anon, please elaborate a little? Share with us your troubles.
Just not sure what's a good way to make money after getting basic food production up and reaching about 200 people.
Anon, do you intend to be peaceful or warlike? This will help with your decision.
Also, what will your coin be intended for? Solely for stacking purposes? Or to pay for resources you don't want to produce yourself?
I'm probably making this harder than it needs to be. Just specialize in the favourite item/s of your main race, or some shit like that.
Or be difficult like me and go self sufficient; producing everything yourself while requiring only slaves as your form of coin.
>self sufficient
How on earth do you generate enough food to keep everybody alive without the magic infinite grain chute?
I'm doing that with Cretonians, because I love P'orcs, but hot damn. Their furniture crafting speed is an absolute ball ache.
I'm also curious how well/poorly my first military engagement will go. Especially considering this'll be my first attempt at a long game.
I only have one main race, the rest are slaves that eat bread; and I make use of canals and tools for the farms and pastures. A 12 wide farm (however long, like 54 or whatever) with canals on both sides will maximize the fertility in every tile. And you need just enough fresh water surrounding a pasture to give it a "1.25 fresh water" bonus.
I will confess that I have had to buy fruit a few times but that was solely to keep the children alive, there was plenty of reserve food since I also store the low spoilage wild harvest as a backup. They may not primarily eat vegetables or mushrooms, but food is food when you're starving, right?
Just to clarify, when I say "maximize", I mean increase the tile's fertility to as high as it can go. And I got it wrong, it's like 10 tiles wide (ie. the tiles are all "fresh water: 70" and above), but 12 tiles is still sufficient unless you're fussy with numbers.
I can't afford the more expensive slaves (dondos, ames, cants, etc.) so atm I've been trading livestock for crets and garths; when I'm ready for warfare (which is soon) I'll hopefully rely on raiding and tribute to acquire the luxurious slaves.
Also: so far I've noticed no race riots; it seems, at least at the moment, that even the territorial subjects don't mind slaves living around them which makes it easier when it comes to housing preparations.
I replied to my own post by mistake.
Were mercenaries rebalanced recently? Why does it cost 30k to hire 14 dudes with an upkeep of half that?
Well there goes my plan of quickly gobbling up free lands, can't even hire one company.
the game saying that starting as Cretonians is easy feels like such a noob trap. They're good at farming but because the game has a "realistic" harvesting cycle for crops, reliably feeding a village with farming is hard as balls if you don't know what you're doing, and they don't like eating meat, which is a lot easier to keep a consistent supply of than vegetables, fruit or bread. On top of that they're also utter fucking dogshit at researching or any manufacturing so the second your town progresses past subsistence farming you have to pivot into inviting humans or suffer everything important taking 150% as long as it should
Not that recent, but shit got a lot more expensive.
Might want to tech in some of the basic stuff, kinda help when I'm at 150-200 citizen expansion period.
Jake modified the mercs cause he observed how everyone was exploiting their usage. They're overall more expensive now, and apparently are slower to resupply themselves (I think after you dismiss them).
Aren't they like borderline useless now? By the time I'll be able to reliably afford hiring 45 garthimis for 60k and 30k upkeep I'll probably have infinite soldiers already.
HELP!!! why the fuck is my population dropping out of the workforce and losing loyalty????
I haven't used them yet, but presumably it will still save your own manpower regardless; and perhaps instead of using them for warfare, they'd police the claimed regions to avoid deaths from rebels, and/or to conduct raiding missions.
Can you show us some screenshots?
Loyalty is usually tied to happiness; which is increased by services provided (toilet, market, stages, etc.), satisfying their food preferences, the population demographic, etc.
hand them some money
works every time
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>300 pop city
>both loyalty and happiness keep decreasing, about to hit riot levels
>bread stocks steadily decreasing due to bakery not baking fast enough
>every single person is employed in something so no room to expand anything
>importing clothes is a constant drain on the treasury, but everything will collapse without it
>only thing keeping me afloat are furniture sweatshops, but I only have one trade partner so the prices keep decreasing
I don't know what to do.
It's over.
Fix your logistic, closer import depot or put a biggish hauler right next to the bakery door. You can use it to fix present issue while building a bakery warehouse very close by (coal,wood,grain,bread). Turn off something for this quick fix. Clothes is not really important, try to get happiness from better basic services like multiple food types, shorter toilet/eatery range, well and bonfire thing. Tech in wood and furniture improvement, and food/animal, and bread tech, multiple bakeries. Need to better look at the city, but you can get some idea from this post. But if its really over then just start over, I wasted longest time fixing my town at growing 150-200 and 300-500 pop.
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I don't think this can be optimized more. Right side is bakery, left side is furniture with warehouses for grain/bread/wood/coal/furniture.
I mixed up the sides but you get the point.
Whats the issue for the bakery? Late fuel (coal,wood) , late grain or late everything? You might want to still make a hauler for each (or just one) in the mean time so you could build up a decent surplus of them in the internal bakery storage since I can see enough wood but no grains next to the workstations. You might need to ruin your town aesthetic and build a grain farm next to the bakery warehouse or import grain (a 1k depot inbound is enough). Grains are fucking cheap, sometimes it can be at 7.
Do you have enough services that use little to no employees? Wells, Latrines, Speakers, that kind of stuff.
It's just that I can't find the people to work in it.
I stripped some pops off their work and now the situation is improving, replacing the import of clothes with mushrooms seems to have helped too. Although now I'm having problems with lack of wood but thankfully it only costs 11 so I'm helping myself with imports to build up a stockpile.
Is there any way to stop accidents from happening? Every time I get a few new people using handouts as help the fucking bakery blows up and I'm back to where I started.
>Is there any way to stop accidents from happening?
No, but there is a tech to research so it will happen less. I had 40 something died in the training room lol. Seems like you have the money, might as well buy bread, should cost just a bit more than grain.Buy them to stabilize stocks at the eatery and farther warehouse maybe you'll get some immigrants but after the recent patch 1-2 months ago, I find using the nursery is best to get more people.
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NTA, but your services only have a certain radius which the subjects are willing to walk get to; that includes where their work is, and where their home is.
So if their work is over 100tiles away from the nearest hearth, then they will not be getting that need fulfilled.
You can see each services' fulfilment by looking at the tab just to give you some idea on why/where the problem is originating from.
For me: those 0s are children and new migrant arrivals.
Also, show us what is the cause of the plummeting happiness; one of the fulfilment bars will indicate this.
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It's a cool tool and all, but I don't see what I can do with it. Most the 0%s here are industry workers on the island. They live north of it and have 2 fully decked out food stalls around their living space. Do they need like a work break snack next to the bakery or something?
Also food is no longer really an issue, I'm getting so much grain I'm considering shutting down one grain farm in exchange for cotton.
The happiness in going up now that I have the resources to make cut stone and together with the leather armor I'm making now it will let me finally make some guard posts and they'll stop bitching about crime even though there is none.
If the food store is more than 100tiles away from their place of work, then their needs aren't being fulfilled when they're at work (if/when their food bar reaches a certain point). See screenshot for (hopefully) further clarity on what I am struggling to explain with words.
And since most of the time they are at work, i'd speculate the food near work is most important. It's essentially wherever they walk around: which is mostly their work and homes (sometimes sitting at the benches).
It's not about the food stocks per se, its about satisfying their fullfilment. Subjects will still seek out food if they're hungry, but the fulfillment won't be satisfied. It's why oddjobbers can impact on the overall services fulfillment since they are all over the map.
Because, one (sorta) final note; if a subject has to eat from a warehouse or from the ground, that doesn't satisfy the fulfilment need, it only staves off starvation.

If the happiness is going up because you're creating cut stone it sounds like it's because youve assigned some of your dondo workers to one of their favourite jobs (cut stone gives 100% fulfillment for dondos)
Also fwiw, anything under 100% workload for the refiners/crafters will impact on the daily production
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If a subject is "finding food" as opposed to "grabbing a bite to eat" then you know there's a food fulfillment problem.
But I'm convinced there are a few minor bugs so I wouldn't obsess over 100% food fulfillment for every subject. See this post for example: >>1800576

Also, fulfilment applies to all of your services; that's what the "radius" relates to.
Atm it honestly just sounds like youre depriving your island refiner/crafter subjects of their services when they're at work.
And I am convinced it is the tiles they have to walk in order to get to the service: so walking 20east, 70north, 20west (as an example) will mean any 100radius service won't be met while at work IF the need triggers under the properties (which it usually tends to always do, from my experience thus far).
I hope this info helps a bit! Jake is ESL so some things aren't as coherent as they should be.
If they're "finding food" its when theyre starving; if they're "eating" its when they can't find a food stall; if they are "grabbing a bite to eat" then their food stall service has been fulfilled, and then their food preference requirement will be potentially satisfied when they go to the food stall (it randomly selects one of their preferences and if that food is available, it gets fulfilled).
Okay I'm done (for) now.
The properties tab on citizens is actually really helpful, I had no idea it was there. Are you sure needs are based on their workplace and not their home?
I just built a bunch of basic stuff like food stalls and markets on the island and their happiness and loyalty went up significantly. I apparently also had a problem with supplying the food stalls with food. I finally understood what the point of haulers is.
Fastest way to earn cash early on?
just look for the most expensive thing on the market that you can reliably produce and make it
I only played 2 games but furniture seems to go for a lot, thought the problem is that it needs a ton of wood.
>36 hunters with 2 upgrades make 18 leather
>16 auroch pasture workers with no upgrades make 13
>also make some meat and livestock at the same time instead of just leather
Hunter-Gather bros, not like this...
nevermind im retarded, its because industry was taking all the jobs

i lost the game to bandits anyways

new human/niggercattle people game im at 150 lets see if i can survive with a zero grid sprawl city
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>tfw just figured out how haulers work
The age enlightenment has just started. No longer shall my warehouse workers have to travel several kilometers to pick up a bunch of grain lying somewhere in the fields. Local food stalls shall never again suffer from lack of freshly baked bread.
They shall have it delivered to them instead.
Problem with haulers is they can be idle too long affecting other auto employ industries (I think some industries can no longer have auto employ) and might require manual on off, unless you got the service range dialed in. I had some weird retarded loop going on between haulers and warehouses.Nevertheless I managed to fix some stuff until get to figure whats the issue probably the min amount to keep setting somewhere.
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Any idea why these guys are constantly fucking angry? They keep rioting and striking for some reason and I don't know what ails them, everything looks fine to me.
Click on one of them, they should give you a handful of 'opinions' about your rule, with their most pressing concerns displayed first.
>46% happiness
Give them more food/services/better environment. It's possible to keep them at 100% no matter the population
Organize neighborhoods around a warehouse with a little bit of everything, then daisy-chain warehouses together with pull requests. If you need more of a type of good at a location you can have transports deliver it
>Are you sure needs are based on their workplace and not their home?
I haven't bothered to observe how the trigger works exactly, and what happens when the need reaches the maximum, ie. do they piss themselves if no lavatory nearby and then the bar starts again or what?
Because like, they should technically satisfy some needs after work. But yeah. Honestly just test it yourself; I think it might be simply whereever they are when the need triggers, which is work and home. I followed one subject and they tended to not satisfy their personal needs during leisure time which is home time, it was either seeking out their needs before work, during work, or just as work finished.
Anyway, see how you go and report back to us for the shared info.

Show us the access tab. Food pref contributes quite a bit to happiness.
I can see your ACCESS is blinking red slightly

The game is a little strange: the fluctuation spikes in loyalty and happiness is wild.
I had loyalty over 80% and happiness near the same, and I shit you not, as soon as my "execution" was no longer 100% satisfied, their loyalty and happiness began plumetting. It's taking a further hit now that law is dropping; because no crime has been made and thus no arrests (which increases the law need)

The opinions are mostly garbage and a pretty poor indicator, you need to look elsewhere. Mine were complaining about crime on the streets before crime even became a feature (from the total pop count).
>Mine were complaining about crime on the streets before crime even became a feature (from the total pop count).
They were just being racist, desu.
I have one race anon.
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Is there a way to surrender?

I had a 290 rebel army attack me followed by a 300 raider army the next day.
While my army was only 190 strong.
Now the enemy army just...sits there. They're not moving towards my throne at all.
Meanwhile I've got no trade coming in, and half my population in a permanent state of fleeing.
It is getting annoying. My economy is going to collapse if they don't move soon.
I think once the assault starts, the throne capture is the only outcome, since you originally refused to bribe them to go away.
I'd consider reporting it as a bug, since Jake has mentioned in his most recent vid that he was in the process of refining the battle aspect of the game.
Also, to help solve your dilemma; can you try and move the throne closer to the dormant enemy? Since it can be relocated. Or maybe use one trained soldier to try and lure them down, ideally with a bow maybe, toward the throne? Somewhere along the line the algo has just hit a wall. You need to try help it over that wall.
>You might also get lucky and they starve themselves instead!
This is also part of the reason why I've positioned the throne away from the centre; since they just want the throne, so move it to a preferred battlezone area (not a killbox), or at the very least: around most of the citizenry's activity. I have yet to be raided but I'm hoping this tactic works.
What's the point of the non-grain food types?
"Food preference"; its one of the needs for each race. When they go to eat, one of their food preferences is randomly selected and if the food stall has this supplied, they'll satisfy the need. If it's not there, the need bar drops; this will happen each time they go to eat from a food stall (the food pref need doesn't trigger at all if they eat from the ground or warehouse)

It makes multiculti cities tougher to maintain in that regard; or at the least, if you insist on multicult, you can focus on the races with similar food groups, eg. elf prefer eggs, fruit and meat while amevia prefer eggs, fruit and fish
If you want multiculti and the races don't like each other then you'll need 32 tiles separation from the race group's housing to prevent consistent brawls from happening
Is it a big bonus?
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The fuck am I even supposed to do with this place? 130 pop, lvl 2 village, 0 taxes, constantly pissed off and no workforce to fix it.
Are some provinces just impossible to develop?
They did end up starving themselves in the end, and left.
>only a mainline building
>no workforce
Is this modded? Mainline buildings are supposed to give workforce
Not modded.
I can't remember how I fixed it now, but I think I bumped down the mainline building to tier 1 and then it gave me workforce.
it's probably just bugged then
Is it better to specialize or diversify? How low can the prices drop if you sell to much of one good?
So do your pops manage their own housing? Rebalance themselves?

As in; if I build a new home closer to where they work, will they move in there?
Or; if they have a choice between a small stone or large wooden house, will they actually move to the one they prefer?

Right now I've got elves living in stone homes and dwarves living in wooden homes and I'm wondering if I'm going to have to end up micromanaging all of my homes.
Does anyone elses subjects literally always die when "bleeding badly", even when there is a hospital available?
>As in; if I build a new home closer to where they work, will they move in there?
I think they will
>Or; if they have a choice between a small stone or large wooden house, will they actually move to the one they prefer?
This one I'm not sure.

Yes, you need opium for the hospital to work, else they just bled to death.

I sell stones, I have surplus people to have them mine the rocks.I turn them on/off, lower/add workers whenever I feel like need a quick injection of money. I dont really specialize, I dont think my map has any good enough ore deposit nor do they have great fertility for megafarming. The world map >there is a great deposit here resource icon can be a troll. Shit either at the end of the map where its buried under kilometers of stone or requiring a small town to support mining it since its far away.
Hospitals need one unit of fabric and one opioid plant to be able to treat a single patient.
And even then, there's still a chance they'll die on the hospital table anyway.
Unless you specifically assign the house to a slave/subject or certain species then they will seek out houses that are closest to their work.
I think the work proximity does take priority (or is the only factor without manual intervention) as a group of my cretonian farmers chose a local stone house instead of a slightly further away wooden house.
At the moment, subjects dont fight with slaves, so keep that in mind for future house planning. I have garthimi living amongst elves and zero brawls have taken place so far.
My fault I wasn't clear with my question.
Yes I have the necessary items for the hospital.

I just needed to know, as per the original question, if any of your "bleeding badly" subjects have survived or not.
Sometimes they've died while on the hospital table, yes.
Thank you anon. I've just been unlucky then
>make an army with a lot of artillery
>go into battle
>spawn in a forest
>machinery stolen
How are you supposed to deal with that one bandit leader that spawns with like 150k (or was it 15k?) army strength? I remember throwing everything i could at him eat the peak of my empire, yet didn't stand a chance
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No idea anon, sorry. If I get to that event I'll let you know.
This eating bug is pissing me off.
Are torches worth it when you're low on metal?

I got them because the tech was cheap, every species loves light and they don't require manning.
Plus I'm also fairly sure that they don't requite wood to burn, despite it looking like they do.

But now I'm worried wondering how much metal it is costing me to maintain all those torches.
That metal could be turned into weapons & armor I could be selling instead.
How long does it take for an army to muster?
I sent 180 home-trained troops to my army, but only 50 showed up.
What happened to all the rest?
I just got this a few days ago and anons I'm retarded. How to into city planning?
When you mess up you can just tear down your buildings and rebuild them.
So what exactly do you need advice with?
No, not if you're low on metal.
Just wing it for now.
Mostly trying to scale up things like production and food supply. I find my city turns into a mess of farms and buildings scattered like a schizo. Maybe I'm just trying to grow too fast or not thinking about it enough
city planning didn't exist until the 1900s, blobbing in the most convenient direction is the way to play
Don't be afraid to start a whole new settlement on the same map. Look for a different fertile spot on the map. Place some farms there, then a warehouse to store it, then houses, services, etc.
With the resources of your first town you can build things larger, wider, more future proof.
Something like an ore or coal mining settlement is a good idea.

There's no need to redesign your first settlement until later; when you have a higher population and more resources you'll be able to tear it all down and rebuild it a lot quicker.
Then, as you keep growing, eventually it'll all merge together into one giant city.

Don't try and design your city to be future proof from the start, that's inefficient. Making your buildings too large or roads too wide is an inefficient use of space and resources when your population is low. So don't worry too much about the initial design.
Any building that's made only out of wood or stone you can consider as completely replaceable.
Yeah I got caught out too when I tried to test the army aspect; check that all your soldiers are fully trained, by hovering over the division in the "sword" panel top left (where you click to create/edit divisions)
pic rel
Too detailed to go into anon.
Can try: workshops near the resources, houses and services near the workshops
Take into account the radius of the services, most are 100tiles (walking), and subjects with jobs will look for a house at least 150tiles in distance to their workplace.
As I said to another anon, I am convinced the service radius is mostly determined by their workplace as opposed to their homes. Or rather just assume that wherever they are usually located (work and home) is the radius you need to consider. The "service radius" is how far a subject is willing to walk to reach the service.
My city isn't that organic though, it's more a template of areas (template of housing estates, template of workshop spots) then copy-pasted around the place, with gaps filled in appropriately/accordingly.

>every species loves light
Elves don't care at all about lighting. Just thought I'd clear this up for other anons.
>Waiting for 2 more soldiers to be fully trained before attempting to conquer another nation
>Weapons and armor are ready
>Accident: 2 deaths 1 injured
>Back to waiting for them to be trained up
Don't make the same mistake anons and neglect "Work Safety" research like I've done!
It's a strange mechanic. What kind of mistake would you have to make to end up with 3 dead and 10 wounded at a weaver or tailor?
industrial looms are serious business
Oh yeah, that could have been it. So they'd be finishing their training while out in the field.
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Oh for real. Those machines would chew up children on the regular.
They'd get sent in to clear blockages because their tiny hands were the only ones that would fit inside.

Speaking of horrible injuries, do you guys place a large hospital in a central spot in your cities, or smaller hospitals closer to industrial areas?
I've done the former and I'm wondering if placing smaller hospitals near my most common accident sites (my coal and ore miners) would be more efficient.
honestly I think I need to do a better job of building hospitals where accidents actually happen. I have a decent sized hospital in the part of my city where most of the workshops are but on the outskirts I have a coal and ore mine directly next to each other that have an accident that kills like 20 people once a year or so. I had to build extra graveyards there but never bothered with hospitals for some reason
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I'm trying to design some crossroads for my busiest thoroughfares that have torches, statues, trees and benches all close together in such a way that their aura covers as much as the road as possible without causing significant detours for those travelling through.

Do you guys use these in your crossroads as well? If so, what designs do you use?
You need to take into account traffic and cost-to-benefit ratio.
Streets that are very crowded will be disliked by most races, and not all races have the same likes and dislikes, so you're only gonna need decorations for certain races in roads that are transited by them.

I often start with a basic avenue or boulevar, sometimes with the decor on the inside rather than on the sides, and then build smaller or larger alleyways and highways as I build my city.
This game is a vibe
I have done the boulevards before, with one-tile torches and statues but I'm finding that to be too maintenance costly for smaller cities.

Trees and benches I can place as many as I want, as I'm rarely short on wood or furniture, but cut stone and metal are much more valuable.
One 3x3 statue consumes much less cut stone in maintenance than 9 1x1 statues do.
My "crossroads" usually have toilets, eatery, speakers, some trees, torches and benches nearby. Though there isnt a standard build, since I build whatever missing amenities there too.
I managed it with ~70 maxed Cantors, ~600-700 maxed Dondorians, catapults, and a few thousand mercs. A core of ~1000 maxed Tilapi bows + a few thousand mercs might also work
The soft cap of 12k was much softer than I thought it would be and I'm trying to see how far I can push it
Smaller hospitals near accident sites for me. They only have a service radius of 150 so I spread them out
I put those kinds of things by heavily visited services like food stalls and shrines. It allows me to keep my grid perfectly square and makes copy + pasting much easier
>They only have a service radius of 150 so I spread them out
Strangely enough, the subjects will walk to them from further than 150 tiles; but that might be what is contributing to my "badly bleeding" always dying. So I'm planning to redesign their location (small ones spaced out as opposed to one big centralized hospital)
Next patch when? I want to play again...
We're currently on v66.
Jake (the dev) has said that before 1.0 comes (which he expects to be around Q1 of 2025) that we still have to look forward to v67 (Balance update), v68 (Diplomacy update), and v69 (Battle update), so it should probably be around Fall of this year, I calculate.
Quick update: turns out unhappy citizen subjects can get into brawls with slaves. Thankfully I addressed the happiness issue before shit hit the fan (bloodthirsty elves love execution); but incase anons were going to fill their city with slaves, keep this in mind.
I am now in a position where I need to ensure I have prisoners/captives available for execution, at least until I increase some of the other areas of fulfillment.
I'm playing the demo right now, and I'm trying to send an army to the world map.
30 of my archers arrived, but no more. And none of the 60 other soldiers have shown up.

I've built and filled supply depots, and after googling it I made sure to set their training to zero before sending them out.
Am I missing something else? Where did the rest of my army go? Is it a bug?
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forgot screenshot
Can you confirm that "Needs to Train" is 0? :

Show us the screenshot of the division in particular
Oh right, you're already out in an army. Can you show the division from the "army" panel while in the city view?
Youre using an old version so the UI might be different to mine.
Your pic shows the problem in the army, but I want to see the details of the division from the other screen.
Here is a screenshot of mine to help with troubleshooting.
So as per my red highlight, if I were to send out "centre" it would only send 16 to the army, since 4 still need to be trained.
I don't know how changing the training level would impact it, since, they would still need to be trained even just a little bit.
Okay, slaves can get into fights with other slaves too; it seems very rare but I just encountered it. A Garthimi, for whatever reason, wanted to hang out with a particular Amevia and got beaten to death by another Amevia after entering their house.
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Here's the info my game is giving me. This is them still inside my city.
I had lowered their required training to zero before sending them out.
Look at my own screenshot, I just noticed their training level has dropped. It used to be something around 60%, and now it's down to 30%
>le niggerman on youtube shilled it to me so its good
>It used to be something around 60%, and now it's down to 30%
Yes because presumably you are dropping the training for the division so everyone's training level in that division drops with it. So essentially the division is now realigning itself to your changed target number.
If you want, as a test, can you maybe create a separate division and just set the training to the lowest and wait for that to fully complete--so 3days or 13days or whatever--and then send those out to the campaign map and see if they all appear? That will help you determine the issue, ie. "they're not all trained to the desired level to go out onto the map"
Keep in mind it's an old version, and jake has mentioned he needs to tweak battle aspect
>I had lowered their required training to zero before sending them out...
>Look at my own screenshot, I just noticed their training level has dropped...
Do you see where you're going wrong here? Unless there are pieces of info you've left out then I'm convinced of the issue: You have to wait for the division to reach your desired training level before you can send all of those soldiers out onto the campaign. In a defensive battle, like a hostile raid, it is different (at least from my current experience).
Dropping the training level before sending your division out will just deskill your trained soldiers. Place those trained soldiers in a separate division to avoid this.
Again, I could be missing some info in this; but I am pretty confident the cause of your problems.
>le (((russian))) man
How do haulers work?
Think of it is a single item short-term warehouse.
I'm disappointed I've only thought of using it just now.
Ty anons for the inspiration.
I'd be fine if it meant I got 150 deskilled Tilapi archers.
Problem is only 30 showed up. I know they're not meant to all show up at once, it just stopped at 30.
When you recruit directly from the world map, those show up in bundles of 50 at a time. So only 30 arriving made me think something went wrong.
>turn half my map into a giant veggie farm
>sell tons of veggies for weapons
>conquer some shitty province
>shift industry towards breadmaxxing with their free wheat
it's that easy
Aren't Cretonians the worst at fighting?
So then try it. Make sure **all** of them are trained to a certain level, level one for example, and then try send them on the map. Just because you set the training to zero doesn't change anything. The division units only show up on the map when they reach their target level; until then, they don't show. This happens for 0.66; so the assumption is the same for the demo.
Just pirate the game anon; at least then we can be troubleshooting the same version.

>No city screenshots
Cmon anon.

Easy target perhaps? The goal is the enemies' morale, as opposed to total enemy death.
Surprised nobody's made any autistic optimal city layout breakdowns yet.
this pic doesn't mean shit, since the buildings ultimately vary in size.
Show us a screenie from the game
i just think it defeats the purpose to build inorganic commieblock cities in a fantasy bronzeage era game
Played this game a few years ago and I want to retry it, is now a good time to start a new game or is there some kind of major update coming up? I don't mind waiting a bit
See here: >>1821768

Jake (the dev) has stressed that the next upcoming updates won't break player's saves, god willing his guaranteee holds true.
It's first and foremost: a city-state simulator. So if you want a cozy city building experience with a few bugs here and there, then start a new game.
It's second: a total-war style "map painter". If you are more keen on that aspect then definitely wait. as the battle/diplomacy aspect really needs to be refined more.
>So if you want a cozy city building experience with a few bugs here and there, then start a new game.
that's what I'm looking for
thank you
They gather shit up from the ground and put it all in one place, then you can use other haulers to grab items from that place to transport them closer to a warehouse.
Which is better than having a million warehouse workers going all around the city to pick up random stuff from across the map with no real control over them.
yes but it really doesn't mean that much in the end
No "optimal layout" personally, but I am finding that after 1000+ subjects, a sort of template is helpful as shit.

Show city for ideas/inspiration? No judgement.
Grab onto ceiling beams and lift legs up into rack kind of like doing a pullup, then swing torso into the bed.
t. Submariner
Do mercs not defend against raiders anymore? Lost my shit to ten raiders because my mercs were just fucking about outside and wouldn't come help.
Is there any point to breeding at all? When would you ever do this over migration?
the disconnect of gameplay too lore is seriously huge
Good to have when your happiness is fluctuating and no immigrants willing to come.Immigrant also fucks with overall happiness too.
yes, its supposed to be the main way you get population late game and allow you to educate/indoctrinate your citizens fully. It also makes your over all pops happier that they're natural born citizens sans immigrants
Mercs were nerfed into almost uselessness
Explains why I lost my 10 hour city to 10 raiders. That's bullshit.
I think the seeth video showed them that Mercs were...useful I guess? and he overcompensated. But the ignored the horrible scaling that raids have.

Fucking Scandinavian autism man
>Libraries cost 8k points to unlock
what the fuck, why is this the case when universities only cost 3k?
You'll understand it when you build one.Shit is cash.
Probably their training level and equipment. I just savescum the auto resolve.
No seriously, I understand the Idea of a university being a huge thing for education, but libraries aren't that much of a leap, especially in a culture WITH universities and schools. That said, what do they do exactly, the wiki is worthless.
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Huge amount of knowledge points boosted by how many laboratories (and employed people working there) you have. While its great to race to unlock it but better to have a very good base first to support the lab workforce. Pic related. I think thats double the base amount from labs. But maybe I'm wrong somewhere.
Holy shit, ok yeah I get it now.
>no tranner flag

mh, might give this game a shot.

>captcha: WARN
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>he actually farms his own food
You have to attack them outside of the city if you want to use mercs.
They never appeared outside the city, though.
If you're on the latest stable, you can attack raiders with an army that's placed on your city as well as your garrison by clicking "Attack them!" on a message that comes up right before they attack the city itself. idk if it's a temporary thing but that's how it works right now
Is buying wheat to turn it into bread worth it?
How bad is your own production? I sometimes buy them for winter stockpile.
It's fine, but I want to free up the farmers to be soldiers.
Better stock pile 3-4x of your bakery requirement if youre shutting down all your farm. Why 4x? Just pulled the number outta my ass.
waiting for world conquest speedruns
Be thankful this game is extremely gentle at the moment, since not being somewhat self-sufficient in food production has to be the stupidest strategy ever.
Hopefully Jake, in future updates, refines the battle/diplomacy aspect to punish that kind of folly. There was at least a passing mention in his vlog that if the AI detects any killboxes they'll attempt to starve out the player.
>not being somewhat self-sufficient in food production has to be the stupidest strategy ever.
works in real life
Yeah, in peace time. But in war, not so much.
worked just fine in war too
How do racial modifiers work exactly? Do cretonians, who have a 0.5 in most industries, produce only half as much shit with the same amount of resources as others?
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Just saw a review by a certain African warlord, thought I'd drop by. Is it true you can "recycle" deceased citizens into the food supply in this game? If so, I'm interested.
yes, and depending on the species it's encouraged
>. Is it true you can "recycle" deceased citizens into the food supply in this game?
Some races don't like it, some don't care, while others demand this kind of food on the regular.
Wait, you guys have empty regions? My maps always generate with every square inch covered by factions.
Yes. It's way more productive than farming.
Pretty much all raw resource production is a waste.
>t. inferior non-cretonian lifeform
That's not the case for me. There's always quite a lot up for grabs at the start, though factions start blobbing fast so it's best to shit out some weak unit to capture as much as you can. You can just keep regenerating faction placement until you're not completely cucked out of expanding.

Back before mercs weren't useless money drains you could just go on a conquering spree and secure yourself free shipments of most raw materials pretty early on. Doesn't really work these days now that a pack of 10 weaponless people can cost up to 30k with 15k upkeep. By the time you'll have that kind of money you'll have several trained units in plate armor.
why do you buy wheat, just have a province that pumps it out so fast that no amount of bakeries can keep up, past a certain point I just turn all of my cretonians into slaves because they're useless
if you're not outsourcing all your raw material production to your colonies then you're playing the game wrong
Show city
>You can just keep regenerating faction placement until you're not completely cucked out of expanding.
I can't do that. It always generate with me holding nothing except the city, then every square inch is distributed to other factions.
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literally first try
a giant patch of free land connected to my city south west of it
I believed you. I'm just at a loss. maybe it's because I edit the terrain?
Nope, to the contrary, my starting realm is always just the 3x3.
it's always gonna be a 3x3
gray regions called free lands aren't tied to any faction and are up for grabs, you just need to send somewhere there to claim them
Thanks! I never saw any free lands before, except when a Kingdom collapsed. I reinstalled and now there are some.
because I don't have provinces
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When I click on a building, like a lavatory, well or food stall, there's a map with red and blue boxes. Am I supposed to build more of a building in red areas?
Anons have figured out that grey is the coverage area, blue is the need fulfilled and red is the need unfulfilled. Perhaps give it another day or so for the subject's fulfilment to register. You can also use these panel for more personalised analytics, here: >>1814660 and here: >>1814692
The latter helped me to identify who was worshipping which minority deity
>I ended up just putting minority shrines near the major shrines
Are you supposed to go early into some industry like pottery or iron and trading for corn to grow my population? I've got about 250 people and not sure where to go from there.
Is there any way to start a new game on the same map I'm currently playing, like copying a map seed?
Look at market prices. Sell whatever's profitable and buy everything you need to maximize happiness and start an army.
Do one of two things: become a self sustaining city, producing everything yourself, raw materials and refined products; or specialize in two or three goods and import the rest. Then either enjoy a cozy city builder with a few raider threats from time to time, or expand on the world map via battle and conquest
>battle and diplomacy is still being worked on by Jake (the dev)
post this a week ago
now completely addiceted

Post city.
i redo my cities every so often when they fail, so far my biggest one was 450 pops.
I play the demo, too jewish to buy the full game
Nothing he said was ESL, his statement is correct English. Dumbass illiterate, idiot zoomer.
robbie is a dumbass nigger, ignore him
ok so this new player here

i tried to play the garthmini, but i can't build a fucking balticrawler pen for some fucking reason, i can't place the gate no matter what i do, and i can't find the answe online.

I'm playing the demo, so v63whateverthefuck

please help me !
nvm i figuried it out

stoopid game
could be kino

realtime and gametime categories
At that pop, your town usually starts getting rebels or bandit attacks, might want to prepare for that.
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I have 25 slots in training grounds active, with capacity for 40 in total. Is that enough to get an army up and rolling?

Right now I've got a mixed sort of economy going: I'm growing fruit, veggies and corn, and getting some meat from pastures. I import a supplement of meat and corn to even out the supply and demand. To finance my imports I export ceramics, furniture and iron, and import some coal.

Some questions:
Should I try to get a clothes industry running or is it not important? Right now the masses don't seem to care about going around naked.

Is it possible to set exports so that I keep for example 10% of capacity in my warehouses, so my markets can get stocked?

A question about dondorians: is it right that they enjoy noise in their homes? I tried building some houses into the mountain, without walls, next to the smeltery and ironing mining. Yet none of them seem to choose to live and work there. I even tried making them exclusive for dondorians but no one moved in. My city is mixed human/dondorian/cretonian btw.
>Right now the masses don't seem to care about going around naked.
You'll wonna make sure they have wells and hearths closeby since the clothes help resist the potentially fatal weather elements. I'm also not sure how the rare days of "extreme heat/cold" will go for a naked population.
Under 500pop it's probably no big deal, but once youre up past 1000 it gets difficult keeping track of things. Clothes help boost the fulfillment too.

>Is it possible to set exports so that I keep for example 10% of capacity in my warehouses, so my markets can get stocked?
Fairly certain there is, it's just worded confusingly. I don't export anything at all--I rely solely on self-sufficiency and slaves--so I can't even describe the steps to tweak exports. When I boot up the game next I'll take a look see

>is it right that they enjoy noise in their homes? I tried building some houses into the mountain, without walls, next to the smeltery and ironing mining. Yet none of them seem to choose to live and work there.
They do enjoy noise. But without walls the majority of your buildings will deteriorate very rapidly and become essentially unusuable. You'll need to have a 24/7 janitor to repair them. So I highly recommend you enclose the refine/craft buildings.
Also, the housing defaults to distance from workplace. And there is about 150tiles that they'll search for their home. So if you've, for example, got their crafting workbuilding near the clay pit, then they're not going to make the mountain their home, since it's too far.
It also looks like, from what I can barely see of the overview screenshot, there is no direct pathway for them to reach the houses since the house still encloses itself. I've learnt that you can, for the time being, not enclose houses with walls, since Jake (the dev) may have accidently removed the deterioration variable for housing, as they auto-enclose themself (hence those very thin squares surrounding the house)
You might get away with the craft/refine buildings not being walled inside the mountain.
I've not done a dondo playthrough yet; I kinda started up another one to try and make a city more organic and went with dondos. But I'm finding mountain layout a bit tricky.
To enclose a building in the mountain you issue the "refill mountain" task

Nice city layout btw. Looks cozy
>Should I try to get a clothes industry running or is it not important?
I buy everything that isn't my primary export. You get big productivity bonuses for having certain amounts of people doing the same job, up to 600 employees.
>You get big productivity bonuses for having certain amounts of people doing the same job,
Is that still a thing in v066??
I knew it was a feature in the demo, but I've yet to see it in v066
It's still there, but it used to trigger at different (lower) numbers.
>Also, the housing defaults to distance from workplace. And there is about 150tiles that they'll search for their home. So if you've, for example, got their crafting workbuilding near the clay pit, then they're not going to make the mountain their home, since it's too far.
I was thinking they would get jobs mining and smelting iron or cutting stone, but instead they choose to work in the clay pits and pottery shops. Is there any way to make a certain job exclusive to a race? I want my cretonians to farm and my humans to research and my dwarves to slave away in the mountains, it makes it much easier to supply them the correct food.

>(hence those very thin squares surrounding the house)
Those are open pathways, the housing units counted as "blocked" if I didn't leave one open space between the house and the smeltery. Other people do live there, just not the dondorians.
For a certain job, just set the work priority of all the races you don't want to work the job to 0
Do you think that the price of this game will go up after full release?
I really like the idea and enjoyed the demo, but I also have other games which I want to buy
okay so demo player here

how the fuck do i make money ? I tried gem mines but they are dogshit lmao

do bow making or just making as much livestock as i can good ?
Furnitures and livestocks sell for quite a good sum at the start.
Whatever your race has a bonus to production for. After you can tax raw resources you can switch to a proper industry.
Uhhhh, what version is the Demo in right now?
You can tell on the game's launcher.
v67 is in beta now
Nice, gonna start a new city.
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Why is this fishery not getting finished? It has sat there at 88% for literal years with ~20 oddjobbers and/or workstation employees right next to it.
I should add that the 21/105 wood is because I tried refurbishing the room before that screenshot. It had full wood before that.
ive had a similar bug happen before, just refurnish the room by clicking it and accepting it without changing anything and it should force a refresh
I won't do a grid this time bros
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>Over 120 people
>Build a massive grain field and practically swim in bread
>Suddenly see a growing number of cretorian starvations a bit after that
>See like 40+ cretonians stuck in my city's oldest shitter
>Get a riot warning
>It's the shitsmellers complaining about starvation
>They all get unstuck and begin their rampage
>A bit later the riot ends
>They all return to the toilet, get stuck and begin starving again, now in the amount of 50, waiting for the next riot
>Several riots later i dismantle the toilet, since even when it was disabled and had entrances on all sides the piggers still kept huffing their own farts
>City begins to starve and emigrate, leaving me with like 23 people in the end
>mfw my entire infrastructure fails due to almost half the population sitting in an indian hotbox
Next time you won't redeem, saar
How is it compared to v67? I watched the video and he said that he is making the early game easier, is it too easy now?
It's simply easier to keep your pops happy to reach 1,000 pops. This is to let new players have an easier time learning the game, while experienced players can speed through the earlier stages if they want.
Mid-Late game is much harder now, and Jake (the dev) seeks to prevent players from snowballing in growth both locally and on the campaign map.
Yes, I understand that those were his intentions, but I’m wondering about the actual results. Is early game just a breeze now, is it still challenging in any respects? He mentioned that food reserves make people more happy, and that immigrants have lower standards, but I suppose that I’m looking for more first hand specifics, an anecdote perhaps. How easy is the game now up to that first thousand?
I like amevians so much I haven't build a farm I forever
How hard to get into is this game? Is it Dwarf Fortress ASCII tier autistic or something rather reasonable?
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It's actually pretty reasonable. The game has actual graphics, a decent UI, and it's nowhere near as confusing, having only two dimensions for the player to manage, not a third one for height.

The Demo on Steam is a limitless version of the game, just several versions outdated. I say if you like the demo, you'll probably like the most recent versions of the game even more.
You can download the demo and the buy the game on both Steam and Itch.io
When was early game ever challenging outside of gimmick embarks?
When the developers is planning to release the game? I understand it is in a state of early access right now.
Writing it Areal instead of Aerial seems more like a EFL American accent mistake than an ESL mistake.
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We're currently on v66, while v67 came out on a Beta around a week ago.
We still got v68 - Diplomacy Rework, and v69 - Battles Rework before we reach v70 (1.0) release, which the dev calculated back in May might be around Q1 2025,but I think it's more sensible to assume it will be around Q2 or Q3 of 2025, with the speed at which we've been getting updates as of recently.

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>come across this post
>decide to save up the 8k and see how it goes
>not too long after construction and paper/tool provisions and it has already paid for itself in research
I don't even have the advanced library yet, this is insane.
Turns out writing things down does wonders for developing and maintaining knowledge.
How wide do you guys make your roads? I usually make everything 2 wide minimum but I'm wondering if making them bigger has any actual effect beyond aesthetics
I make them 5 wide minimum, and maybe 3 wide for backroads. Like to give my people space.
I'm a new player and I was wondering when will my population start increasing, I didn't realise I have to admit them. Now things can get going.
It's also on gog
Yeah, you gotta get immigrants first. Once the population is high enough you can actually make nurseries or their racial equivalent to make people reproduce in your city.
Only case this isn't true is for Dondorians, since they literally sprout from the ground from rocks and stones like in LoTR, so they can only immigrate to your settlement.
They are slowed down if they walk through each other. For me with a big city with around 5-10k pop 4-5 width for main roads, 2width for minor roads and 1 width for alleys worked well for minimizing travel time.
Thanks, I figured much out on my own. I secured a good food supply it seems, some research (just 6 workers as of now), is there anything I need to pay attention to other than increasing my population, getting their needs and tech?
Will I get hit with raids, random events, invasions?
I played a lot of Rimworld and this game so far seems less like it's going to fuck me in the ass randomly, there's also very few events.
Nations and raiders in v66 will only demand tribute once a certain growth threshold in your city is reached. I think when you actually obtain the ability to train troops. Fullfilling these demands from nations in the early game shouldn't be really hard since they start very small, but you can start fighting off raiders once you give your troops the minimal amount of equipment.
I think in v66 the only raiders there are are Krull's raiders, which come in cycles demanding tribute each raid with bigger demands and a larger raider group, they also instantly spawn in your city map once the timer over.

Raiders in v67 are actual entities in the campaign map with different levels of difficulty and challenge. Depending on their size they will threaten or ignore you, so small raider parties will only threaten small nations and larger ones will consider you too small to be worth the effort. Once they are destroyed a specific band is gone for good.

Other than raiders the list of 'events' that can occur in-game isn't very big yet. There's stuff like cave-ins in mines which damage a percentage of your workers in a specific mines, and sometimes you will get random plagues, eclipses, dry seasons, and deranged serial killers, but it can be rare to see these and other events. The game could use more of these, actually.
v67, when should I be taking over my idiot neighbor to gain access to Empire mechanics?
Feeling pretty capped out at around 1k pop so I know I'm doing this late. Should I be rushing a 200-man army right out of the gate after getting basic weapons, armor, rations, and clothesmaking going?
So why can't I simply add more items to a room? I have to refurbish it, which for example cancells all the babies out in the breeding room out of existence, even if I don't add a single item (because it needs "clearing?"). Am I missing something?
Probably something in the way it's programmed.
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>pasture touches a canal
>cows start producing 35% more meat and leather
What is Crator putting in the water?
This made me investigate pastures and realize how terrible they are as a structure.

>keep a bunch of cattle
>produce a bunch of livestock
>sell it for pennies
>get some food from the sale and auto harvesting
>keep a bunch of cattle
>watch your livestock storage
>slaughter a pasture every time the storage rises above the pasture count
>get tons of food from slaughtering and auto harvesting

Why do they not simply slaughter the livestock for me? Feels like an RTS game mechanic to balance econ vs combat APM instead of a city builder.
Wood elves make furry cow pastures one of the best structures in the game. 1.40 species multiplier for a preferred food type, two types of furniture, and clothing/bow/leather armor production. At the low real estate cost of 21.5 45x45 pastures you get 600 workers for the .5 experience additive.

Less of a case can be made for other races with auroch pastures though and other pasture types seem pretty useless.
At least until Jake caves in and adds horses plus cav units into the game.
He should make one that utilize the cows or spiders and the animals already in the game. Spider cavalry can climb walls, cows more hp but slow , etc2.
Right they're already one of the best structures in the game. And you can make them multiple times better by making sure you click a button every time your livestock stockpile rises above a certain amount.
Do Argonosh and Cantors still work with the lairs that temporarily join you? Can't seem to see them on the map anymore.
>people stop committing crimes
>law goes down
law is more about showing strenght and thretening people than actualy justice
just like in real life :)
Tilapi are insane with Aurochs. Feeds them, clothes them, gives them livestock for export, and gives them the material to make bows. Other animals are terrible.
>Special techs devoted to raising giant maggots
>Even with them a massive pasture can feed like 3 guys.
I still cant get my drinks to actually land in a Tavern. My people just drink it all right off the assembly line.
Are Chambers actually worth it? They only affect nobles right?
Disable access for a while and build a good supply of them in the taverns and warehouses.
I dont really build them, gems are crazy expensive.Not sure if there are bonus if a noble has a chamber too.
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My people living in the projects
Globdiens in warm climates with Amevias are pretty good but still pale in comparison to straight up getting leather.
Does hearth have a range?
>new player
People need to walk there to use it and it has limited slots for usage at a time.
So how do I go about mass producing metal/gems? Ore mines seem to suck no matter how good the deposits are and I'm having a real hard time equipping my meager army of 500 peeps.
I just trade for them.
I find most industries aren't that great until you dump a bunch of tech points in them. If you really don't want to go war machine for resources, I would stick with a very small gem or metal industry and just keep leveling it up while keeping an eye on your profit margin. Wait until you've dumped enough tech points into it before you actually scale it up.

You're better off going all in on food production and selling the excess. Outfit an army or hire some mercs, conquer, and bring home resources for industry.
I just import garthimi slaves to work my mines.
Hearths don't have a range, people need to sit on the usebale spots to be able to satisfy their Hearth need.
Torches do have range, but only for the Lighting Need, not the heat need, as fas as I'm aware.

It's kind of silly. Torches should minimally increase the Heat need of citizens passing by, and Hearths should produce at least a bit of lighting, even is not as much as toches.
throwback to my desert garthimi city
Garthimi miners and deposits worth 70% at least. Also a lot of smelters since they seem to really suck compared to other refinement industries at making their respective resource
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>squares within squares within squares within squares within one city
I was considering making a desert city, basically Cretonian Kabul, with an economy completely dependent on opium. Not sure how well that would work though.
That's how the ants like it.
But Garthimi like roundness, you monster
Really? They didn't when I played them.
Linking this because it has tips I had no idea about
I always assumed the biggest workstation was flat out better than the rest. Also apparently small statues give more respect than large ones.
1x1 wall pillars, corners with one square missing and 2x2 wall squares emanate roundness
Pretty sure they're all throughput modifiers now.
So how do you guys handle food distribution? My city has gotten spread out enough to the point people are starving even though my warehouses are full and I'm not sure how I'm supposed to use the haulers since they just seem to leave stacks out in the open to rot.
So basically I should rebuild my cities as I go and compartmentalize later on, right?
I build farms/ranches all around the town.
How should I set up my military early on to avoid getting bandited too much?
Early game just use merc.
>just use merc
With what funds?
What percentage of population should be oddjobbers left sitting around in case of casualties during war, incarceration during regular life, and surges in need in certain industry?
The rebels/bandits usually start to fuck with you around 100-150 pop, You probably have something to sell from surplus and a stabilized internal economy by now. But yeah, I remembered the carpenter can now make basic armor and weapon from wood,stone and leather. Use them and train 1/2 of your pop at % that wont shit up production so much.
>You probably have something to sell from surplus and a stabilized internal economy by now.
you're supposed to stabilize your economy with just 99 pops? Huh. That explains why I always get shafted by the bandits within the first four years
NTA. I think what you're supposed to do(???) is to find something you can make a surplus of OR something you don't need and sell it.
Even though it's low gain I like to sell herbs or grain if I'm not making rations/bread.
I've found that, if you use hunters for leather to equip a low-to-moderately trained militia with armor, you can get away with early raids without needing mercs so early, and if the soldiers aren't set too high in training then they will still be in your workforce most of the time
this is of course if you don't just sell the leather among other things for the merc money instead
>hunters for leather to armor the militia
Might work for Tilapi, but they have the choice of getting the leather through ranching.
any tips for non-grid city planning? Wanna make a tilapi town
Is this game good now?
>non grid
Make sure everyone has food.
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If you're gonna go big, you will want some nice looking blueprints that fulfill the roundness/squareness of your race, even if you don't want a grid it will make adding repeats of the same building less tedious
pic related, fairly rounded corner storage room with worker housing
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This should cover all roundness cases.
Huh, maybe I should make flower shaped buildings for my Cretonians.
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You don't have to go too crazy with all sides being round either, just checking the roundness emanation and making sure it hits your major streets/most of the workstations inside will give the people walking around/working inside a pretty good roundness value
These two rooms, minus the housing, are my standard small blueprints for the carpenter-type building and smelter-type building, emanating full roundness on the 5-wide street between them
>reach 300 pops
> suddenly non-stop fucking riots

Wtf am I doing wrong? Am I not researching new services fast enough? Is it because I slack on the justice system cuz I can't get iron production up? I have almost half my population farming so it's not like I can expand anyways so wtf do I do bros. I'm new and this has happened 4 times in a row now.
What species do you have? One thing that can cause riots are mixing incompatible races. Another thing, look at what they desire- as population grows, people want more amenities. Some easy things to fill- if you haven't already- are markets, food stalls, and toilets. Speakers, seating, and harmony are also easy to fulfill early game.
I always try to keep a surplus of a dozen if I can help it. No worse feeling than seeing that number go negative.
I always start as humans and then get cretonians for farming and later dondorians/tilapi. I have all the basic starter services you listed always in reach the only thing I'm struggling with is food pref. I focus on meat+bread+fruit since each satisfy multiple species but I guess they need more?
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Those hate eachother.

>I have all the basic starter services
You can check each individual race need fulfillment. Should be pretty self explanatory, bigger number is bettererer
Do upgrades improve recipe efficiencies? I remember they used to.
>First play it
>Play the absolute shit out of it
>Just can't get into it anymore.
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>spend too long rerolling to get a good spot with enough free lands
>first 50 troops finally trained and geared
>can't leave my city without walking through the largest free land and getting my shit pushed in instantly
Best strategy minute one of the game is setting up grain imports and making bread.
Don't you have to first bribe the monarchs for a trade agreement first?
Fucking sex slave mod and breeding overhaul when? I'm so bored of free cities and I NEED my gooner strategy fix.
I downloaded the demo and got filtered by the tutorial. How do I get the grain seeds for the first 8x8 farm?
You gotta harvest wild grain during fall.
Prioritize other faster food sources before that, like fish, meat, and fruits (which don't need bakeries)
Oh, and make sure to actually use the fruit/vegetables you initially spawn with to plant farms, of course.
Do not let your Citizens eat them.
You can do that straight away.
How well do Dondorians work late game? I'm trying to make a combo Human-Dondorian city and I'm worried about late-game immigration. Do you buy them from slavers and free them?
>late-game immigration
Just use the breeder/nursery, its good.
Dondorians don't breed
Well,shit. I guess you can always breed the humans and spam immigrants and slaves only for dondorians.
So is this just an autism sandbox or does stuff actually happen to your city like in Rimworld? Because in /rwg/ I'm always seeing people post fun shenanigans and stories while in this thread people just post screenshots of their nigh-indistinguishable cities.
The game *does* need more random, city-centric and worldwide events that can occur. Right now it's pretty predictable and there's not enough stuff going on that would change your predetermined plans, except maybe a drought, cave-in, or protest/riot you might've follishly not planned ahead for.

One of the next updates the dev is planning on making Nobles far more complex, with their own desires, relations, and chances that they might do some nonsense against your benefit, including full-blown rebellions and betrayals.
I think the religious systm could also be useful for implementing more positive or negative stuff that could occur, but I'm not sure if Jake (the dev) has any plants for it.
The only real emergent part of gameplay is cluelessly designing part of your city that will fail once you grow in population. Once you understand how fulfillments work it's pretty deterministic in how it will play out.
You can engage in diplomacy, but the cities in this game can get very big compared to Rimworld. While Rimworlders can number about a hundred or so, Syx cities can easily exceed 10k. There are also race-riots but they're not as exciting as they sound.
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>wants to download game again
>doesn't want to spend $25 (yet) even though I can afford it at the moment
>doens't want to constantly have check steam underground or gog-games everytime there's an update
>doesn't just want to stay on the demo version
help me out /sosg/
This game looks interesting but for now i assume it's basically a house of cards that come tumbling down by bugs, unforseen consequences and other unfortunate turn of events?
Not really, no.
Literally just try the demo.
it's an older version of the full game. It's on Steam.
>There are also race-riots but they're not as exciting as they sound.
The curse of scale always means you don't get to enjoy when stuff like this happens because no developer is able to combine city builder with gory 3d violence and character driven xenophobia.
is it possible for me to go full dorfpill and make a mountain hold or not really?
>hurr durr why don't you just play DF then
already do, just looking for something a bit different
Yes, you just lose out on some bonuses you would have gotten if you went multicultural.
Yeah. Dondorians specialize in mining (although no race likes doing it due to involved risks) and specialized craftmen jobs, so you can embark on highly mountainous terrain and make most of your city underground.
You can keep a few Dondorians growing mushrooms or doing agriculture jobs aboveground, or you can have free, second-class-citizens, or slaves of other races do the food-growing/fathering for you, or go the risky way and speciallize fully into craftmanship and import food from the crafted goods you sell.
Just watched a getting started guide and when he got to the warfare part I couldn’t believe how awful combat seems to be. Literally 10 archers annihilating armies and conquering cities.
SOS is secretly an archerfag game masquerading as a citybuilder.
Where do you see this game going in 5 years?
>boat combat
>cavalry(come on, lizards were MADE for the dino cavalry)
>combat rework
>better worldgen
>more shit in general
>more warcrime opportunities
>internal politics
>unremarkable sounds like a negative doesn't it?
No? It just means common, ordinary, neither positive nor negative. Nothing to mention as a merit or flaw.
more story generation
>latest v67 beta triggered windows defender
Thanks bro.
>Humans are unremarkable in battle
>Tips remark on how they are in battle
Which one is it, Jake?
Newfag here
How the fuck do I get money? I can't sell shit because I don't have a trade agreement with anyone, and they all want a shit ton of money to sign the agreement.
Pay for the trade agreement with goods.
Make and stockpile furniture until you can trade
suck it up to your neighbor in the start to get a trade agreement (you will still have to give them free shit)
afterwards enjoy your furniturecoin
Royal house inbreeding mechanics and a player avatar like stronghold.
How can I make taverns work? It seems like no matter how efficient I make my breweries, there's never enough booze to go to the tavern and it sits closed the whole time.
lower the alcohol consumption
everyone is an alcoholic and WILL drink as much as you give them
I think it changed and is more retarded now. You need to select the haul pile as a pull resource, I don't think your warehouse workers just grab it but i may be wrong.

Works great with animal transport. Pull from the haul and push to your maim warehouse
Is there any advantage to building apartmetns vs longhouse or houses now that privacy is removed?

How do they work? I've never built any.
why can't my citizens raise babies on their own, are they stupid?
They're property of the state
Read the Republic by Plato. It will all make sense.

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