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Are there any good mods in the works?
I think every popular mod nowadays is still in development.
GFM, TGC, DoD, DoD Fan fork... Don't know about crimeamod
What's a fork?
Obviously, mods not in development don't stay popular. Everybody plays HPM derivatives because it was incredibly popular but nobody plays HPM because it hasn't had an update in years.
The DoD Fan Fork is just DoD with a lot of extra, often heavily, railroaded content. When I mean a lot I really say a lot.

Hey I play HPM. HPM is the only option you have if you want the closest thing to vanilla with none of the vanilla bullshit.
The guy who makes EEM posts on /vst/, his is nice. Other than that there are versions of HTA that are getting some work put into them. Right now the only alt-hist mods with any substance are DOD, HTA, and NL
I find HPM to be superior to its derivatives, at least in terms of gameplay. It has less content than something like GFM but it also doesn't have retarded shit like being able to walk from Japan to Taiwan.
Also I really, really like the system of events that lets you choose what cash crops to plant in your colonies. I haven't seen another mod that has that.
not really

a ridiculous failure like it's predecessor, the reddit combination mod, it suffers from a lack of vision, so random places like the Caucasus have more provinces than China and Japan
they deleted Germans from existence
playing Viccy and having "Elbings" or whatever just isn't the same

Speaking of. Does anyone know of any good CWE fork? Something that doesn't have their bullshit, a working right-wing dictatorship?
a "fork" is when people copy an open-source project wholesale to make their own version where they have complete control (it's an intended part of the open-source form)
Modern history mod
For a China/East Asia focused mod, there seems to be a few things missing from what you'd expect.
The Chinese sphere puppets are nice, but the colours could be a lot closer to signify that they're still nominally under Qing control.
There's options to change Taiwan and Enkaishu to their Japanese names, but none for Korea even though Korea was arguably more forcibly assimilated than Taiwan.
You're forced to choose between a reduction in prestige or infamy for getting puppet CBs on Chinese states as Japan, but those states are too populous to be puppeted, so you're forced to lose something and gain nothing.
>they deleted Germans from existence
Did they?
When did that happen?
He's just mad about the German cultures getting their names changed.
Thank you! Exactly what I was looking for.

Yes, they call Germans "Elbings" or whatever. Like we are river elves or whatever.

Not mad. I just think it's lame. The logic of the mod to delete the term "German" is weird. It's like calling Egyptians "Lower Nilesians" because they settle along the lower Nile.
it's just a name change
north german = elbian
south german = danubian
west german = rhenish (culturally different cause of burgundian influence or whatever)
I kinda like it. Great for alt-history larpers.
No. That's the point I am making. It makes it horrible for alt-history Larping. What do you feel when you conquer Haiti and make it majority Elbian? Or 20% Elbian, 20% Danubian, 20% Rhenish? It doesn't make you feel good. It's a horrible feeling, because Afro-Carribeans are still the majority at 40% and you also don't feel like you "Germanized" the island. You just colonized it with weird river names.
i see where you're coming from, but to me it kinda seems like nitpicking.
Lore wise it somewhat makes sense (a timeline where the term german just didn't catch on)
facts don't care about your feelings
never played DoD before, but river names? wouldn't it make more sense to use ethnic names like saxons, bavarians, and franconians
The term "Deutsch" (German) literally comes from the word "people". It's how a people (the Germans) refer to themselves. When the Frankish Empire was divided in a West and an Eastern part, the Eastern part was already known as German, because that's where the people spoke the "language of the people" as opposed to Latin.

Feelings don't care about your facts. That's a fact.

Yeah ...
I was making my own alternate history mod a few years ago but I quit. I guess I might go look at it again now that the Vic2 remakes are playable

It wasnt particularly thought out though, I just tired to make it different enough from the vanilla start date for it to be interesting.
Anyone tried this?
You're actually braindead.
Is HPM a good base for an alternate history mod?
The rest is bullshit but East Elbia at least is a genuine historical term used to refer to the agrarian and oligarchal parts of old Germany/Prussia east of the Elbe where the Junkers had their big ass estates.
The least creative mod I've seen.

The bloat makes it way too slow on my computer. I found it easier to make my mod from vanilla.
If HPM is bloated you need a better computer turdie.
In vanilla when i want to play unciv shithole i have to cheese the ai rush to high pop region like sokoto and conquer it, did HPM made it less gamey and fun to play?
>I really, really like the system of events that lets you choose what cash crops to plant in your colonies. I haven't seen another mod that has that.
In HPM those decisions ar only available for European countries. Wich means conquering Africa if you play outside of Europe it's a waste because you don't get good resources.
If I remember correctly GFM has something very similar but available for everyone.
>In HPM those decisions ar only available for European countries. Wich means conquering Africa if you play outside of Europe it's a waste because you don't get good resources.
It isn't. The code written in its decision files state that unless your capital is in Africa, you won't be able to see it.
>zero porn mods
yep modding is dead
>yep modding is dead
And millions must blob

But for real where are the sexual slavery and prostitute pops mod. Why cant I conquer japan and give waifu's to all my epic and based german pops. Truly a sad day to be a white man
Yeah, it's true, just checked.
I did a Babylon run some time ago and I swear to god it didn't let me organize the colonies I had. Maybe Baghdad is considered to be in Africa.
thank you for answering sincerely and not calling him the N word that must of taken great strength
what are start/end dates for that mod
1946 to 2091, same as CWE and NWO.
Just decided to try TGC and picked Japan, wow! It wants me to wait 20 fucking years before I’m able to do anything, what fucking moron thought that was a good idea? Not to mention the absolutely retarded provinces
Shogunate Japan gets hit hard in almost every mod because of how retardedly strong it can be since it will automatically state any territory it owned before westernizing, which is incredibly fast and almost impossible to not do. So they hit it with a one-two punch of making it harder to take Chinese states and making it harder to conquer a lot of high pop states that would never convert to states post westernization without delaying westernization. it's a shitty solution to a hard coded flaw.
EEM fixes that, by the way. If you blobbed into Korea, Formosa, etc., those get converted into colonies when you westernize.
The one thing these fucking retard mod devs forget is that Victoria 2 is a single player game if I want to not become OP, I just can do it myself
kinda unrelated but I do wish the HRE had more content after forming, you only get a couple of renaming state and make core decisions and that's it
>I did a Babylon run some time ago and I swear to god it didn't let me organize the colonies I had. Maybe Baghdad is considered to be in Africa.
My bad, the code for enabling the decision file is supposed to work in such a way that as long as your capital is outside of Africa, you should be able to open it. Iirc, the decision to organize your colonies in Africa works the same way too.
Everything that's not part of japan proper should probably flip to the Ezo republic desu
>no migration and assimilation bonus
>korean provinces don't get renamed after annexation
Instead of spending your time shilling your mod why don't you add in a feature that every other mod already has?
>what fucking moron thought that was a good idea?
You can't challenge the shogun while Emperor Komei is alive because... YOU JUST CAN'T OKAY! I always just fire the "death of Komei" event the moment I'm ready.
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Are there any other alt-history mods that are worth my time?
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DOD, HTA, and NL are all semi-polished. DOD more than most. HTA is getting a bit of traction so maybe that'll get some fan love
>someone actually managed to port TNO to the game it was originally intended for
And they said it couldn't be done
You can bypass it by going into common\event_modifiers and ctrl+f sakoku.
cb_generation_speed_modifier is the one. -1.25 is -125%, -0.25 would be -25%.
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Could somebody explain to me why, in crimeamod, there are two different methods for uniting Iberia that have different requirements but apparently do the same exact thing?
Because it is a shitty meme mod.
is there a shattered mod with formable events like DoD but makes everyone even and doesn't have massive empires already on the map?
Is it worth integrating at least? The AI seems to do good.
Crimeamod hasn't had an update in a bit
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I'm playing as Mexico in HPM and, do American nations not get the colonization CB that is like 5 infamy post-Berlin Conference?
Because my justifications for African minors still cost me 15 infamy.
>conference of european powers on what to do with africa
>guys why isn't my brown north american nation invited?
Why don't mods just have a decision that would allow you to kill the emperor to speed things up?
Some mods do...
Some do. The EEM fag added one, though you might need to take State and Government to toggle it. Either way, I just hit the event as soon as I'm ready
Every GP and secondary power gets that fucking CB in the conference you fucing retard.
Correct, the Scramble for Africa was a European thing.
THIS = {
nationalism_n_imperialism = 1
capital_scope = { continent = europe }
NOT = { tag = RUS }
NOT = { tag = TUR }
slavery = no_slavery
OR = {
is_greater_power = yes
is_secondary_power = yes
NOT = { has_country_modifier = neutrality_modifier }
NOT = { has_country_modifier = claimed_africa }
NOT = { has_country_flag = congo_award }
civilized = yes
has_global_flag = berlin_conference

>capital_scope = { continent = europe }
No fucking retard.
The European countries get free CBs for African countries.
The rest of the planet gets 5 infamy CBs. As long as you are at least a secondary power.
It also depends on the unciv's civilization progress. If they're almost westernized it's still the 15 infamy.
No matter how much I play I can never seem to get any level of decent assmilation, what do you need to do?
Assimilation (not counting the craftsmen bug) basically requires the culture to not be in its cores. Unless you use the craftsmen bug, you'll never actually assimilate people in conquered lands unless you mod the game to give yourself a massive assimilation boost that outweighs the penalty for being in their own cores.

The one exception is lands where you already have enough of your own pops present to assimilate and remove their cores: but this takes most of the game because the MTTH is very high.
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>decide to try PA
>set game speed to 5
>ottoman africa
you had one job as the player and that was to stop KARA BOGA
game went too fast
I've had games as Russia where a lot of Poles and Ukrainians internally migrated east away from their cores and assimilated, but I have no idea how you would encourage that
has anybody tried to run PA in MP? is it more or less stable than vanilla?
Yjk a deranged slav nationalist of sorts is playing this
One way to passively assimilate pops is to get the transportation penal law early in the game by promoting just enough reactionaries which increases colonial migration. Obviously you’ll need a colony and you’ll have more pops migrating to your colonies which might not be the most productive thing but non accepted pops will convert when they’re there. I believe it’s from HPM and it’s in most of its derivatives.
These are all very good points, thank you for pointing them out. I have made the Chinese trade puppets more pale, gave Korean provinces alternative Japanese names, and made the China in Chaos event cbs ignore the population limit.
Don't credit me, this was already in HPM.
Yeah, a while back I added a decision for Imperial Japan or a Daimyo to kill the Emperor to trigger the Boshin War early if you have State and Government and Idealism.
Anyways, other than the Japan changes, I recently fixed a bunch of bugs. As usual, please see the changelog on github for more details.
if Savoy is culturally Italian in a mod, then it's a shit mod.
Has anyone had luck running PA on linux? I've tried the usual tricks and nothing works
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Is there a way to add in the general and admiral visual attack bonuses into a mod that doesn't? I want to try some mods but the ones that don't show how the attack and defense bonuses are unplayable for me.
Little unknown tip.
If you go to the Military tab and double click two times the "type" column header, the game will automatically order the best admirals and generals from better to worse.
I simply can't be assed to do that anymore after playing with mods that tell you outright on the general selection tab.

What I ended up finding was this
and I copy and pasted it into the mod that doesn't have it.

It's not as nice as other mods but it does display the roll bonuses and so far it doesn't seem to have broken anything besides changing the traits original to the mod.
Furthermore I figured out a good enough solution. Replace the traits.txt file in the common folder with the mod you want it from. Find the traits localization file in the mod you want it from, in GFM it's 0000mp_traits.csv, rename it to linearised-traits.csv and replace it in the mod you want it in's localization folder.

The only thing it seems to break are the OOB files which seem to generate the starting historical leaders, armies and army names. You can keep the original OOB files by not copying over the history folder from the trait-lineaiser mod which keeps everything except for the historical leader stats which will all be +0 attack and defense generals but all generated generals will have whatever traits that are in the traits.txt file.
>Play Austria
>Instantly release my spheres to go for KuK
>Baden allies with France, attacks Hessen-Darmstadt over Mainz
>Prussia intervenes
>somehow the Franz-Baden alliance wins
>Prussia can't form NGF because of Mainz and can't sphere Baden due to the truce and their attempt to retake Mainz again
>It's 1890 and I'm still Austria
ffs Prussia, you are a pain in the ass when I play for Großdeutschland, but now I gave you the ball, you were standing before an empty goal and you fucking fumbled and choked so bad it was comical, goofy ass.
Historical nitpick: French Canadian shouldn't be an accepted culture in Canada without some sort of later-game decision; they hated the Federation for a very long time and Quebec becoming "ok" with being in Canada didn't happen until relatively quite recently, long outside of even EEM's time period.

This might lead to Quebec becoming more Anglo-Canadian, but that's something that historically was happening until Quebec introduced its relatively recent anti-English language laws and started driving Anglo-Canadian individuals and businesses out of the province + bringing in French speaking immigrants from West Africa in large numbers. Montreal used to basically be an English city.

Even today there's still a lot of antipathy between English and French Canadians, and the only reason Quebec isn't engaging in anti-Canada riots anymore is because they were given substantial political autonomy + massive handouts from English Canadian taxpayers in the west (Equalization, it's called) + they've been able to put French Canadians in charge of the country most of the time by virtue of refusing to vote for anyone who isn't French Canadian. So it's questionable whether it even makes sense to portray modern Canada as accepting French Canadians (Clausewitz Engine just lacks an adequate mechanism for representing non-unitary states and internal subdivisions of countries, but in Victoria 2 terms Quebec would be better represented as a substate of Canada), but definitely in Vicky 2's time period it is non-historical.
Also is there any chance we could get Schleswig adjusted so that if you knock NGF/German Empire cores off it as Denmark (by winning the Schleswig War, letting Holstein go, and keeping Schleswig) they don't gain German Empire cores back when NGF/SGF forms? It doesn't really make sense for them to lose the cores, aka be recognized as not German anymore, and then just gain them right back.
>French speaking immigrants from West Africa
why are frogoids like this
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>Vic2 modding
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You can just roll back voting rights from Accepted Culture to Primary Cultures only though.
That doesn't accurately model the relationship between English and French Canadians. It was a lot more antagonistic than just "accepted culture but no voting rights" plus they did have voting rights.
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Maybe. The way I see it ( and from what I knew ), prominent French Canadians helped in the formation of Canada, and prominent French Canadians spearheaded the unification of Lower and Upper Canada into what would eventually become Canada. The French vs English Canada debacle didn't deal with linguistics but who had more ties to the land because Anglo Canadians at that point saw themselves as an extension of the British Empire and were no different from Britons while French Canadians saw themselves as the real true Canadians. This is kind of the reason why Quebec nationalism didn't pop up until later on and why critics of Quebec Nationalism mention how it effectively ignores centuries of Francophone presence outside of Quebec.

Britain not having them as an accepted culture while having Anglo-Canadian as an accepted culture is probably the closest you can get to what historically happened where French Canadians were at the bottom rung of the North while Anglo-Canadians being the rare instances of Canadian settlers who didn't see themselves an extension of the British Empire.

I think that the reason why Canada has French Canadians as an accepted culture is because it somewhat reflects the reality of Canadian Society at that point while also avoiding the issue of non-accepted pops being easily assimilated outside of their core provinces and generating so much militancy that they'd be in a constant state of revolution after 1870.

pic non-rel. I'm dabbling with HPM and I'm currently enjoying it. I've also added new states to Canada/Mexico like Nova Scotia/New Brunswick and Baja California/Oaxaca.
i cant run this nigger mod.... keeps crashing on startup
Canada has French Canadian as accepted because Paradox is lazy and didn't bother to research Canadian history.
whats the best mod to conquer and ethnically replace istanbul with russians?
why? is it flavourful?
it's the only mod I know of with a remove the turks decision
What >>1797085 said and also it has the best genocide mechanics of any mod
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>in the works
I've had several ideas for mods over the past few years, but back then I remember wanting to see if Victoria 3 was gonna take over or not. Now that we have definitively answered that question, looks like it's time for me to actually work on my mod ideas.

My biggest question is this: are there any decent tools these days for making mods, or is it still largely an effort done manually, specifically when it comes to editing the owners/controllers/whatever for individual provinces? I found a scenario editor that looks kinda jank, don't know if that's what everyone's been using to make their mods or if everyone still autistically edits the game files by hand.
I don't know, but last time I played Throne of Lorraine as Athens I was basically able to turn the entire former Byzantine Empire Greek. For whatever reason there was a MASSIVE outflow of Turks to the Federazione Corsara, plus ToL already leaves a lot of Greeks in Anatolia and Egypt, and then there were even more leaving once I annexed my clay (and ToL includes the "demand cores back from your sphere members" system so once you hit GP you can basically just sphere the Ottomans and seize everything) and to cap it all off there's a Romanization edict that adds the +250% assimilation rate thing from French Language Schooling to all your core provinces, so you end up basically turning every place majority Greek or other accepted cultures (Metoikos, Syriac, and whatever the Christian Egyptian culture is called).

Really the only hard part about playing Athens is getting your clay back from the Venetians, once that's done it's really easy.
>Throne of Lorraine
How do you make that mod not lag? Speed 4 is as fast as speed 5 for me. Maybe there's a submod that removes Africa or something?
It's a GFM derivative. They're naturally laggy (though I find ToL does run better than base GFM). The only thing laggier than GFM is TGC, which runs like shit. If you don't want lag, either play something else like base DoD, or play it in Alice, if you can endure the jank there.
africa is just noculture like vicky 1 and yes more gamer formables
what is the lore in that one. hows hungary so powerful, theyre the leader in industry by 1850 lol
The lore says the first Industrial Revolution happened in Hungary instead of the UK iirc.
Pretty sure it started in Scotland; it's not clear why Hungary sometimes gets big industry scores. I think it might just be a combination of their size and general stability in that mod.
so they were part of a personal union lead by poland and somehow heled the line against the turks hence the stability, I presume?
No, they're just a large country with a majority primary culture (I don't remember if they start with anyone accepted) and not a lot of major enemies besides Bavaria (who they are usually superior to, due to alliance combinations), so they typically are in a good position for the game's mechanics to lead them to having a big industry.
>Pretty sure it started in Scotland
That's in Divergences of Darkness.
No, in Divergences the Industrial Revolution started in the Dual Monarchy, aka north of France and south of England, in the Anglois regions. Scotland did take the throne of Scandinavia, but that's it, and they actually start out with an anti-industrial government.

Throne of Lorraine has Scotland leading the Industrial Revolution and basically taking England's place.
Project Alice made me realize how important fog of war is in Vicky 2. The game is literally unplayable without it.
ToL is really flavourless, needs content and updates bad
ToL is apparently left deliberately vague in terms of war. It feels like it was made for multiplayer sandboxes tbqh
I would not expect event chains for it or anything like that
>Allow myself to puppet Qing as Japan for maximum greater east asian co prosperity sphere larp instead of just slowly eating coastal states
>It turns out to be a fucking nightmare when I go to war with Russia because Qing's armies fold instantly so that's free battle warscore for Russia and I have to defend the entirety of China ans Siberia which are both giant no supply shithole provinces that take months to pass
I see.
Not allowing you to puppet China is for your own sake.
Also I saw like 20 countries declare bankrupcy in the months after I puppeted them so the world economy is probably in shambles too.
It's wholly the reason why sphering China as a whole ends up fucking you over while the actual way to doing it is to wait until they've Qingsploded into different Warlord states and sphering them
fuck that shit. lately austria always steamrolls prussia and unifies as SGC by the late 50s, its getting boring
how hard does the AI cheat in crimea anyway?
>you can only play the game is this specific railroaded path

fuck off fanfork niggers stop turning Vicky 2 mods into tno
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EEM retard, you buffed CSA and i can´t cope with them
The fuck is yuropasog nulik? Finno-urgic Germany is some shit
Skill issue, shouldn't have recruited your armies from CSA states.
>not mobilized
>not at force limit
>#2 export is liquor
>Encourage capitalists
Thanks for the laugh, here's your (You)
that makes sense in 68 if youre going for the full laissez faire meme
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thanks EEM for your mod!
So funny!
le socialism good!
Also you should add USA-Canada flavour
no it doesn't you dont encourage captilists until very late game to buy goods. In early game you want only a handful becuase all money from factories goes to them and they will invest more of their money on factories and railroads.
>mexico still owns everything
Its a panamerican run retard
The fuck is that supposed to mean
Monroe Doctrine as supposed to be
You mean it's a cuck run. There is no world where you should ever allow Mexico to own any American states.
You fail at even being ultra monroe because the UK still owns land in the north, and I assume you're too cucked to push them out of the south and the carribean too.
We are preparing for that retard I need a proper navy
Sounds like an excuse to me.
>didn't take cores back
>4 militancy
>reforms he could pass
>not at force limit
>top exports is chairs, clothes, and lumber
>canada still alive
Yeah anon, totally the mod's fault
>rank 4 industry
oh no no no
For gods sake anon, pass a fucking reform.
whats a good mod that extends the playtime/tech tree. I love vic2 i just want longer games. I have a modern day mod its cool but the economy is totally fuckin busted surrounding service industry
V2ME (HFM) with better performance than HPM, AI tweaked as maximum as possible and Crimeachud wargoals and GFM dismantlement system.
I still don´t upload it to moddb or github bc i need testers
No Grandi autism,
No GFM bloat
pixeldrain dot com slash u slash usdCENrm
Or wait it to be approved on moddb whatever
want more flavour? use it with hfm more flavour mod
you all keep crying about Victoria 2 AI, well i did the research and that´s all you can do due to the shit is hardcoded want a better AI? play PA (KatEngine fork) want a more crimeamod approach with a better AI? play Victoria III mod
>play PA
doesn't work on linux
>play Victoria III
>doesn't work on linux
wtf are you talking about? ill admit that it takes fucking forever to compile because their headers are poorly optimized, but last i tried it worked just fine with a couple static_cast's added.
idk people on their discord keep saying they cant compile it and the windows binaries with wine never worked for me

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