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Which strategy game lets you have fun playing evil?
There is no such thing as evil. Dungeon Keeper isn't about a moral conflict. You are a Dungeon Keeper. All the levels take place underground, in a domain, which is arguably your and your creatures' homeland and certainly not the homeland of the "good guys". If you wanted to frame it in a moral way, Dungeon Keeper 2 is about reconquering your homeland. In one mission you even convince the sons of the King to join your side. They join the side of the "rebels". Strangely while "Evil" can convert "Good", Good isn't capable of doing the same. They are never shown to cooperate with the native creatures of the Underworld. Isn't that strange?

So abandon the childish concept of "good and evil". What do you actually want to see?
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>What do you actually want to see?
I want to ruin the day of those calling themselves good and righteous, that's all.
Evil Genius
Good call! I will definitely enslave the negros and the jews, while I slaughter the trannies and the gays. For they are incapable converting to my culture! Multiculturalism is sham!! Moral relativism forever!!
OG Evil Genius. Especially when you do dickish shit just because
But then again, you might also get a WG fetish, so... yeah
>Which strategy game lets you have fun playing evil?
Warcraft series (1-2 as Orc, 3 as Undead)
The C&C games, playing Nod, Scrin, and the GLA.. Some other good games are Empire at War, SWAT 2 lets you play as the terrorists, Battle For Middle earth has evil campaign
The Global Liberation Army extensive use of suicide bombers, toxins, and various other things made them quite evil to pretty much their own people even with the propaganda they were using.
Age of Wonders and its sequels
Crusader Kings 2
>enslave the negros
More expensive long-term than picking that cotton yourself. Do not repeat well-known mistakes.
>and the jews
Anon, they had to do some token manual labor *once*, and are still crying about it to this day.
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where the hell is my Evil Overlord colony sim?
Aow 4
>t. r/atheism
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>If you already like Dungeon Keeper 2, you can try War for the Overworld.
>AoW and sequels is a good pick for fantasy choice.
>Can recommend Evil Genius, the sequel not so much.
>Rimworld allows you to run your colony as you see fit, even creating an evil ideology for your colonists where slavery, cannibalism, organ harvesting, devil worship and modded-in sex shenanigans are the norm.
>Stellaris allows you to make and lead similar Empires who seek to enslave and genocide other species across the galaxy.
Inb4 someone says Stellaris isn't fun.
>Songs of Syx is very much the same, but on a fantasy setting.
>Star Wars: Empire at War you can play as the Rebels, but also as the Empire and the Zann Consortium.
>Not really very Strategy-y, but there's also the Overlord series of games. It's more like Fantasy Pikmin where you play as discount Sauron.

Not really that, but check out Song of Syx for a fantasy city-builder with combat that allows you to be a tyrant to your citizens and enslave other races and conquer the world.
Otherwise, there's Ruinarch on Steam, but I've never tried it.
I honestly really wish there was some kind of Dark Lord Simulator where you're basically just Sauron. You breed orcs and other assorted monsters, corrupt men/elves/etc into your service (whether they know it or not), corrupt the land itself, build terrifying fortresses, wipe out entire villages of your enemies, force industrialization, etc.
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Oh, wait. You CAN play modded Rimworld with Medieval Overhaul, and maybe make something like a custom Scenario with an OP player character roleplaying an Evil Overlord or Barbarian Warolrd and an Evil Ideology that pushes you to be evil/conquer and enslave others.

This is the closest thing I can imagine would fit. Rimworld Ideology makes it possible to gun an "evil" colony.
Biotech adds a bunch of special races and xenogenes you can implant into people and give them special abilities.
With Royalty you get special psy powers, plus the Empire which you can work with or fight
Anomaly adds even more "Dark" supernatural stuff, like rituals and monsters.

With a medieval overhaul and some good set of magic mods or vanilla feature rebranding you could get the closest to it possible.

Or just play an evil Wizard King on Age of Wonders 4.
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Shadows of Forbidden Gods
The Dominions series lets you play evil people that exterminate others with blood magic, sacrificing lives to summon demons and shit
Other factions are 100% undead and their favored tactic is drowning the entire world with undead killers and the doomsday scenario you can execute as them is to throw the entire world into a time warp that essentially ages every mortal creature on the game board super fast until eventually every living being dies of old age
If undead factions like this are discovered trying to execute this doomsday scenario in a multiplayer setting every other player will unanimously band together to kill you even though it's an FFA war lmao
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can't go wrong with free cities
there's no way anybody can make a faggier post than this
oh wait never mind
Total War Warhammer trilogy has a lot of evil factions. Four kind of demons, undead of normal, David Jones and Mummy kind, Dark Elves with all slave-based economy, orcs, Skaven with their corruption, mutants and weapon of mass destruction and so on.
What? You can eat human slaves now?
You can tell somebody was rock hard writing this.
What modmod even is that?
Dk1 and DK2 show you the overworld map. Your conquests slowly turn that map into a ravaged hell hole

The intro to DK1 shows what a Keeper actually does to the land above. We see a run down town with people collapsing in the streets from sickness.

You are most definitely playing the aggressor in DK1. There might be a case that you are retaking the underworld in DK2 after the overworlders have found a way to cordon off the underworld. But your goals are still aggressive conquest. You employ torture of war captives or straight up turn them into undead for your armies.

In DK1 and DK2 you are also not fighting lige a guerrilla. Rather you take and fortify areas. You behave like an army that lets the enemies come assault fortified positions.

Only in Deeper Dungeons, the expansion to DK1, do you play large parts of the campaig as the underdog which includes lightning fast strikes, the necessity of preparing traps and deliberate planning.
I'll probably regret asking, but what's WG?
Just say you didn't play the game.
>Doesn't answer the OP nor add to thread
>Calls everyone else a fag
Technically not really /vst/, but if you're willing to go into hentai territory there's fucktons of those:
>Do-na Do-na
>Any of the Rance series
>Suzukuri Dragon

Are all alright
In Hearts of Iron you can play as the Nazis. They were pretty evil.
Paradox games let you play as turks, kikes and americans. If that's not playing evil, idk what is.
Man is the most evil creature of them all, so any game where you play as humans should do the trick.
>In one mission you even convince the sons of the King to join your side
You "convince" them through capturing and torturing them
But after torture they get all the access to the Keeper's training rooms, libraries, casinos, chickens and BDSM clubs. The anon is wrong but the devs certainly toned down how bad you feel in 2 since in the original you are THE evil megafaggot out to ruin everyone's life >>1779281.
Doesn't that dev support the browning/rapefugee invasion of Europe? I think OP wants to play games where you're just fictionally evil.
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>feed your animal poop.
>toss random people into the sea
>set their houses on fire
>people believe you more if you are a dick to them.
>>people believe you more if you are a dick to them.
I'd believe in a malevolent god more than in an absent one.
You're not an absent god in B&W though, even if you're good.
>0 hits on Dominion of Darkness
I get it, it's text based and old as fuck, but still...
>old as fuck
Is it? It being an indy game on itch.io might be a better reason for its obscurity. Pretty cool though, just played it and got wrecked by the Chosen One even though I had so many elves in my army.
probably weight gain
Explain how the game would play and I'll make it. Always wanted to make a dk1 game
I can't jerk off to Free Cities because I get too invested in making money and running a corporation.
Eh, unless you're using some challenge mod I don't know about, making money is too easy to really get invested in.
The answer is make more money. I'm just like that with all those old management lewd games like Whoremaster and Jack o Nine and whatnot, it's about churning out product at low cost and maintaining high profit margins.
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The Opposing Fronts expansion to Company of Heroes lets you play as the Eternal Anglo during the Second Brother War.
It's not really a strategy game, but I always loved Overlord and Overlord 2
Shadows of Forbidden Gods and Ruinarch are pretty much exactly this.
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Solium Infernum.

You play as a demon lord and battle for the throne of Hell.
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Do you have proof?
It's really disappointing if true, his game looks neat.
>$44 abandonware
Tried it, not really what it is.
It's extremely simplified Rimworld, but you play as Randy.
And that description is still more funs sounding than it actually is.
>a new content patch was literally just released
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Based dev, now I buy this bundle.
go back, umbubu
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>make the world a better place
>by directly causing ethnic tensions and strife and wage suppression by importing hordes of people from hostile cultures willing to work for pennies and who refuse to assimilate to the cultural values of their host nation instead insisting that the increasingly-angry native population adapt to theirs instead
Never heard of cultural education?
Yes we know of struggle sessions.
>implying only Nod is evil in C&C

Violent towelheads are evil, yes.
>There might be a case that you are retaking the underworld in DK2
Nah, you're fighting rival keepers that some of whom were there for a long time. You slaughter creatures aligned to them for your own agenda. DK1 is 100% evil.
>Violent towelheads are evil, yes.
I was going to argue with you but I can't argue with those quints.
>your new sibling was just hacked to pieces and sucked out of the womb wdym abortioware
This is just your human bias, demonic culture is incredibly enriching and diverse
HoI if you play allies.
>no widescreen
fuck you!
Imagine not knowing how to use a wrapper.
My dream game would be this but with actual production values behind it to turn it into a grand strategy
I really don't like the gameplay in it but many do. Torrent and try before buying imo.
fuck off
>here's your tank, bro
Age of Wonder.
Warhammer Total War.
Really, most 4X games.
The more officer focused Koei games.
They are the good guys in everything but the methods they use.
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Sick animation, might pirate later.
Omg, he's me.
He looks like me.
>enemies take damage
It do be like that
It's like That Which Sleeps?
That's why you pirate.
Yeah it and its predecessor started in the wake of That Which Sleeps failure, to show it can be done. It's pretty rough but its got a lot of interesting unique ideas in it. A small but dedicated mod community too.
>Warhammer Total War

Warhammer is the GOAT for playing evil. Also, keep an eye on Gates of Pyre, it looks promising.
Gates of Pyre entails Immortals, the God-like commanders of Creation, leading the armies of their respective factions. It's fun sneaking up on enemies while they source for resources with their home left unguarded. I added it to my wishlist on Steam already after seeing the game play on YouTube.

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