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Another Civilization game is coming.
The problem is that the civ series is so big, they can just coast.
It'll be something vaguely new, and it'll sell regardless.
Maybe you'll skip it, or you'll just pirate it, or you'll wait for a sale to play a few multiplayer games with friends.

>I hope they have Persia from the start
>I want napoleon as a leader
this shit doesn't really matter, they are the very small things of concern.
What are some things, you're still hoping for, that kinda does matter, maybe what are some fundamental flaws that tend to plague the series?

The AI is trash at handling water and distance in particular, leading to players just avoiding water maps unless they want a very casual game where they can be safe and out of reach.
When the series went from 4 to 5, with 1upt, the map needed to be much bigger to accommodate that.
They didn't.
When the series spread out the cities with districts, the map needed to be even bigger, but they still didn't address that issue.
Future problem if they actually fixed the scale, ease and speed of control, selecting and moving units, selecting what to build, that needs to be fast and smooth.

I think those are the 3 biggest hurdles for me with the civ series moving forward. There are plenty of other minor preferences I have, but I think none of them are as fundamental as those.
Hopefully they actually have a cohesive new idea for the game. But my biggest hope is that civilizations will finally be ACTUALLY unique from each other.
6 > 5

simple as...
>But my biggest hope is that civilizations will finally be ACTUALLY unique from each other.
I think that's less important for me.
Like my fav is civ2, and they're all the same there, but not expecting anything like that again.

Do you mean, like instead of 3 or so elements(a building, a unit, an ability) separting the civ, you'd have like 7 of those types? or something more fundamental, like how Beastmen plays very differently compared to Empire in total war:warhammer?
The latter, or have the ability be applicable more than in niche cases for most civs making them useless.
I want historically accurate uniforms and units for each civ. Also an orbital layer like in Call to Power
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Sarah photoshopped in?
or fired that pic is was done few months ago
huh, looks like she left Firaxis 2 years ago to start a new job
the problem is that civ series become kitchen sink of the game
they add more new shit but its just too much and its unnecessary bloat
bring back simple games like civ 2 or moo 1
I think I'm gonna go back to Civ3.
I feel like I've seen it before. I think it's one of those pictures someone brings out every time Firaxis releases a new game.
ohh okay
it was weird because the other two were there with the same pictures, so thought she was edited in first
Seems legit
Yeah it was. But she doesn't work there any more. I dunno when they started posting it. Probably either Civ 6 or Beyond Earth. Probably Beyond Earth to explain why the writing in that game was so shit.
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I started a thread about this a few weeks ago when I was fresh off a Civ 6 game. I think you're kind of over the target on the AI being an issue. It's generally too passive and waits for the player to start conflicts. At best it'll attack one of your allied city-states and give you an excuse to squash them with no penalties.

The scale thing is interesting and something I hadn't necessarily considered.

Personally, I'm okay with an incremental improvement over 6 with a better artstyle and some formula refinements. I liked most of what 6 added thru expansions and would like to see them build on that game's bones.
I still think they need to keep the city and terrain hexes the same size but then have a smaller grid within it for units. You can use it for districts/buildings etc too if you want things to be less sprawly but I did enjoy creating greater Tokyo.
I liked the districts, I liked the sprawling city concept...but I hated how the tiles never seemed to unify into ONE city. I guess I'd like a bit of graphical tweaking so that when you've laid a district next to the city center, it...integrates a little better.
I like the district system too, but I think it sort of forces you to pick a victory condition too early in the game. I think the first building in every district chain (library, shrine, barracks, amphitheater, etc.) should just be built in the city center, maybe as a prereq for the district. That would enable the player to get some EZ great person points and small bonuses without explicitly devoting your city to culture/science/military/production.
Another zoomer slop with cartoonish graphics incoming
What do you want though
>remove cartoon graphics
>remove leaders
>remove 1upt, or add more tiles/mov points
the game is fixed
>make it less city-centric
>make resettlement a thing
>simulate economy and trade to some extent
>add alpha centauri-style unit workshop
>don't punish snowballing with artificial caps and bullshit mechanics
>make civs even more unique, and don't add post colonial meme nations unless there's a mechanic for spawning new civs mid game
chef's kiss
I hope there's a space layer
How exactly do you keep the combat in these games from becoming a boring slog? I've never really needed an air force in 6. I don't think I've ever needed a big armored corps or even a lot of modern infantry. I've never launched a nuke. What's the point? I get that the series wants to distance itself from more war focused titles but large scale wars in 5 and 6 always get boring quickly.

A lot of this is down to AI passivity but I find you're best off fighting short term wars aiming to capture one city and just making peace immediately. How do you make theatre scale combat feel good and how do you make maintaining a modern military worthwhile?
>posting a pic from 2022
anon, please stop
>>remove leaders
>>make it less city-centric
I agree with most of what you post but what did you mean by this?
he means make it not civ
>he means make it not civ
Leaders is not an inherent part of civ.
He probably means going back to before the civ6 system, of having multiple leaders with unique abilities for each civ.

Civ3 to Civ5 you had 1 leader per civ, with unique attributes.
in Civ1-2 there was no mechanic to civ/leaders, just a name. (And AI)

As far as less city-centric, that's up to more interpretation.
>Civ3 to Civ5 you had 1 leader per civ
Somewhere around half of the civs in IV had 2 or 3 leaders
My bad
>Civ3 to Civ5 you had 1 leader per civ, with unique attributes.
Didn't Civ 4 have multiple leaders per civ with different attributes for each?
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>What are some things, you're still hoping for, that kinda does matter
I'm hoping for the only thing that matters in a civ game. The one thing all civ games promised to do but have only achieved with various degrees of success:


Civ 5 and especially civ 6, but also some older games are just caricatures of human civilization. Approximations. This is understandable for older games, but with newer hardware the lack of authenticity can only be explained by laziness or a loss of vision for the franchise.

Yes, I want fascism and Hitler in a civ game. No, I don't like Hitler or plan to do a "bAsEd fascist Germany run". But I want human nature reflected in the civ series. The "good" and the "bad". I want corruption and slavery mechanics. I want racial unrests, immigration, emigration, military coups and everything in between.
Case in point: In civ 6 I can pretend how good and noble I am by building museums, advancing science, being ecologically conscious to the applause of some cartoon character leaders. Then go and nuke half of them, cause billions of casualties (never shown though) and all push back I get for that is some other cartoon characters stomping their feet going "you little rascal tsk tsk".

I can not appreciate human beauty, if it's not contrasted with human ugliness.
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i hope they borrow some of the cool ideas from Humankind, like the altitude so its not just plains, hills, and mountains. i loved combat in Humankind but theres so much wrong with it.
I did appreciate call to power for having a lot of that shit.
Early game slaver taking pops from enemy cities.
Emancipation being wonder was neat too, all your slaves turned into normal pops, while slaves in other civs turned into angry pops iirc.
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I love him so much bros
Is CTP2 any good? I see it on GOG. I don't see the first game. The aesthetics are awful, so I hope it's at least fun to play.
no, fuck that dumpsterfire
If it has memesquares it's shit.
Nah I agree with him. Mistakes into miracles. Bad things can still have good qualities and that was one of Humankind's. The map looks much more dynamic than Civ maps.
Civ is shit. It was groundbreaking when it first came out. But that's it.
as long as it doesn't play like 6 that game is shit
>like the altitude so its not just plains, hills, and mountains
there's not actually that much highlands/plateaus on the planet. it is largely plains, hills and mountains.
yes, >>1781058 is a faggot retard talking out his ass
Normal human graphics like in CIV 5
Conflating tactical level terrain with strategic is a retarded idea.
civ 4 needs civ 5's religion system and hexes then it'd be the best civ game by far
>The AI is trash at handling water and distance in particular, leading to players just avoiding water maps
Water was very clearly an afterthought in VI.
Civ is too big to fail. 2K could shit out a mobile-tier game with micro transactions and people would still buy it. It’s the COD of strategy games.
>2. Scale
it goes beyond map size, its movement speed compared to game length. In a 300 turn game, moving 1 square takes 1/300th of the game, in a 1200 turn game its only 1/1200th of the game, meaning victories that rely on moving units like combat and religion are harder to achieve because you have less turns to cross the board. it also means early game civs specials are useless on shorter turn limits because the game moves too fast to use them.

Civ is trying to do two very different things at once. one side you have the boardgame aspects that are great for quick multiplayer games with either a full game or minigames like Pirates, Red Death, and Vikings, all of which are surprisingly fun. On the other you have the full marathon campaign mechanics where you're having larger wars with tons of support units in each era and you have to focus on religion at first or else a computer can pull a victory, the game's aspects like spying and culture swaps for cities are much more important issues to handle etc.

they should try to normalize playing multiplayer games in specific era's as opposed to full 4000y campaigns, that way they don't have to balance the full game for a short online version and a more complex long term grand strategy game at the same time. they should also take the minigames more seriously and push those as main multiplayer aspects.
Have all nigger leaders display their BBC prominently owo
NTA but I liked CTP2 a lot. It's actually sized down from the first one, but I think overall it works better. Play it, and if you like it try the first one.
I preferred civ IV's system for the simple reason that you could found multiple religions not just one
>What are some things, you're still hoping for, that kinda does matter, maybe what are some fundamental flaws that tend to plague the series?
I just wish I could go back to managing an empire instead of doing the fucking urban planning and arranging museum exhibits. The amount of micro you're asked to do has been steadily creeping up as the series went on to the point where it's now just a chore.
Of course I have zero hope of it ever going away. I'm sure Civ 7 will double down on it again because it gives the illusion of actually having something to do in peace time and little Timmy can feel like a strategic genius when he swaps his governors for the umpteenth time.
>We need to hire enough women, hispanics and blacks so that we are not labeled "racists," etc.>
>We need to make a good game.>

choose one
What a weird fucking hope. My hope is that it plays better, looks better, has a fuckton of cool shit in it, and is an overall improvement to all other games in the series. Not be different for the sake of being different, you fucking weirdo.

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