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come home white man
don't play the coop uef mission 5 with m28 ai, unless you love getting double nuked at the 2 minute mark with no counterplay
Is Supcom Forged Alliance still the best RTS ever made or did something better come out?
The closest we've come to a spiritual successor is PA and it's shit. BAR is better but it's closer to TA than it is to supcom. It's so sad that a game made in 2007 still hasn't been surpassed yet
>must be a Steamcuck to play
fuck off timmy
What's this about ai in coop? Can you now replace enemy ai with modded or what do you mean?
You can use GOG for FAF for a year I think.
for a year? wtf
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the m28 ai is leagues better than the stock one, works in skirmish and also in co-op as either allied or enemy, you choose. Some stuff it can do:
it knows when to send in the gunships, when to retreat
it can guess your blob of air signatures on radar, they are ASF judging by the speed, it will rush to attack them if his own ASF blob outnumbers yours
spamming random SAMs across the map if eco allows it
actually reclaims, no economy cheating as far as i know
can build and use (t4) artillery and novax
can micro perfectly, example aeon t1 tanks or fatboys at their maximum range, diving/submerging t3/t4 subs to use their AA weapons depending on situation
can perfectly edge out SMDs with nukes and hit high priority targets

It's useful in the original game and FA's missions(with a delayed activation timer, you will get steamrolled as the enemy ai in missions has the initial patrolling units and a developed eco). Other coop custom missions have their own AI which dictates the difficulty of the mission so don't use it there or you will get steamrolled.
It isn't always online, but you still need to use the client to download maps and mods. You still have your CD right, you can use your CD key to get the game for free
I know what m28 is, I was just unaware you could change the coop mode to this degree. I'll have to check it out later
Seems like overkill. Is there a toned down version that is not gook micro but also not braindead wave attacks like vanilla?
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One of my top games of all time, the community around it in FAF is also pretty cool.
laming tac missiles and inching around turrets are not good features
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>be navy
>pick seraphim
>rush tier 3 subs
>win everytime because my opponent doesn't know how to utilize torpedo bombers
Who do you play with that they just let you rush t3 navy
FAF has been filled with drooling retards playing nothing but seton and dualgap for like the last 7 years.
I build lots of T1&2 aswell
It's more of a strong focus than rush
How do I fix the stuttering? I believe its a flaw with handling cpu cores or something.
Add astro crater to that as well, and at least stoner's clutch is more fun to play
Makes sense then. Almost happened to me once but air had torps covering my first battleship
It has something to do with nvidia drivers, look on the forums
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and because i know there is 1 person that will ask for 'faster'
Bros what do I do I was air in a mapgen with high ratings and one of my teammates ended up making me give up making planes and eco instead with how useless I've been. He got two bases from dead players and I basically ended up doing nothing but build two failed strats. My opposite was even worse and all he did was ninja a shield moments before I was about to bomb him back to the stone age
The video is so short it freezes before it can restart for me lol
i play this game to watch thousands of tanks and robots fight a mega ultra big battle but everyone i play with is stinky and makes planes which are lame and unfun and sucky
there's nothing epic about a bomber just flying around and bombing stuff while a few jets chase it it's boring
what makes sub com so hyper awesome is having hundreds and even thousands of mechs rushing into a huge metal grinder with artillery and shields and fortifications and colossal giga machines in a super tug of war
i wish someone i knew appreciated this :(
it's also fun if you play seriously but i never ever get to do what i want
just play astro crater or some other line map with air disabled
Play tmm/mapgen
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Just think this is a cool unit.
how do I gitgud at this game?
t2 is the coolest tier but it’s always better to rush t3 assault bots
Watch people play. And I mean recordings or streams, not replays.
I just used the scathis yesterday and it did fuck all; I would've been better off with a mavor. Has it been nerfed?
scathis becomes more inaccurate the further the target is away
Golly gee thanks for telling me about this extremely obvious mechanic, retard
well don't wonder why you can't hit shit with it if you shoot from once corner to the next in a 40x40km map
>can't hit shit
Ah, yes. Exactly what I said. Yes, exactly how it was written in my previous post.
I thank your for your valuable input.
I nevet fucking said that, imbecile. Only that it felt weaker than usual. They were Seraphim shields, on the other hand.
install FAF, get money, fuck bitches
>what is GOG
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how do FAFfags feel about T2 assault bots being able to be used as ghetto gunships? retarded or no?
couldnt get into it, i just cant my head around resource gathered/ resource used balance and it pissed me off, i much prefer the standard RTS where you pick minerals and gas or other resource and use flat amount on units.
hell yeah faf thread

just follow a build order like 1 factory, 2pgen, 2 mex repeat. and have your first factory spam mostly engineers on attack order to get reclaim. the depth of eco in this game is the main appeal, enables actual strategy.

read some of the guides and play 1v1s to begin with.
jagged, if ur reading this
you kill at faf but turn your webcam off
nobody wants to see your ugly irish mug, i'm trying to look at the cool robots
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Wait, they let you do that now?

Does it work on Ilshavohs? I thought it was just the Mongoose?
>create account
>dont receive email
ok well thats enough whining. now i wanna ask

>how intolerable is the community compared to BAR because i swear i want some people there to get canadian healthcare
>how balanced is it, i used to play Cybran
I made a gottem joke and called hungary hungry after some hungarian joined the lobby. american host got offended on his behalf and refused to let me leave observer unless I apologized.
70% of the playerbase are russians who don't speak english
i think ill just mostly not interact with them. what about gameplay then
FAF adds some QoL stuff and balances things around. tier 2 air staging is now tier 1. factories now have a HQ meaning the first time you upgrade a factory it costs you more but each other factory of that tier you build is a lot cheaper. I only played the base game as a kid and not that much
>how balanced is it, i used to play Cy*ran
I don't negotiate with terrorists and madmen.
surely this would promote UEF even harder in the meta
Except no one bothers to do those lol
I hate those.
>how balanced is it
The balance is abysmal compared to 3603, which shouldn't be surprising since balance on FAF is based on whatever e-sports whiners think the game should be rather than a balanced game by professional devs.
RIP Mercy. May you never be forgotten. Supposedly, at least one high ranked player had been banned from joining lobbies (as in the hosts kick him) for using the Mercies too much.
>POV: you play against Aeon and don't bring aa with your com
Since you mentioned it I looked it up and wow, FAF apparently nerfed it. What's next, nerfing telemaser because some people are too stupid to build PD or put their commander underwater?
and? the good guys are supposed to win.
compared to BAR not a lot of people seem to be playing
FAF was severely impacted by last year's DDoS attacks, also with BAR's rising popularity and Sanctuary looming on the horizon, it's definitely in its twilight years.
i had wanted to move away from the faggotry in BAR but its tough to find anyone playing 4v4s like BAR and i dont want to 1v1 here
It's already been nerfed. There's a visual indicator at the destination of the teleport and that's been a thing in FAF for a whiiiile. One actually interesting addition though is short teleports taking less time and less energy than long ones. It also tells you how much one jump would take.

Odd you say that because 1v1s are def not the most popular thing in FAF lol
>It's already been nerfed. There's a visual indicator at the destination of the teleport and that's been a thing in FAF for a whiiiile.
Wow, guess FAF's a bigger e-sports hugbox than I thought.
i have no idea whats popular and whats not but using the client and it having a matchmaking button for 1v1 etc made me think that it was popular
People like playing the Dual Gap map. A lot. It's 6v6 and it's one of the shittiest maps ever invented by humankind. There's also 4v4 Seton's that get filled frequently and 6v6 or 7v7 mapgen.
try survival maps vs AI, they pop up semi regularly
it's fun and a good beginner mode
>try Black Day by myself
>it's set on Hard
wow this is harrowingly frustrating to play, who the fuck made this dumb fucking first mission this hard, map expands and suddenly sniper bots are on my island lmao
anon that's campaign
I'm talking about tower defense custom game mode
Go to bed, Gyle
Going to sleep means giving up
what are the best units per faction
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>server is kill
Carrier micro is tragic for this game.
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the devs are after me
patchnotes for those that care
the formatting on this is better
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i havent touched pvp none of this rings a bell for me
Just nuke the water bro
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im just gonna play LOUD
What do you do when your entire team shits itself and leaves you with 500 mass income, two fronts to manage and 4 opponents who may or may not be shitters as well. Bunker up to look scary and then prepare a multi-experimental push? This happened to me a few days ago and I ended up donating two megaliths inside the enemy's base. I shouldn't have tried rushing their commanders...
macro like a madman and build lots of bombers?
t. 900 rating 120 games
If your team lost air it's over.
If your team has air then go for a strat snipe or attempt to stall their pushes and build T3 artillery(they might've overinvested into eco/army and didn't build shields, scout often). Novax can be used defensively(shocker) to deny fatboy pushes or kill relatively squishy T3 MAA/cruisers to open a hole for gunships/bombers
It's over if the enemy actually uses their air advantage (they didn't, lol)
But yeah I could've definitely pulled off a strat snipe on the lone unprotected 1800 in my game and then slowly mop up the rest with exp spam
is there a trick to help with scouting?
I normally build 3 planes, sent them away and then forget about building more for 10 minutes or so
The trick with scouting is to always have some built and idling, so you can send some anytime. It's also good to actually look at what the scouts pass over sometimes, because you may see something you wouldn't have noticed otherwise
Build a basic air factory, set t1 scout build on loop and set waypoint for enemy base or outpost.
It won't replace proper scouting but will give you at least some passive intel.
maphack chads where we at
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>Start building strategic sub
>mass and EN take an immediate nosedive.
Always queue up more generators than you need. Always
Spam air and then control the front with gunship blob, then go game ender/strats
Just lost another game because the enemy made an exp, and my team on the other side of the map didn't. Not even static defenses or t3 units. Shame
Games are won or lost through air and air is the best position to carry low elo games. If you've won air, use gunships to stall the front and prevent breakthroughs while you amass a strat bomber blob big enough to snipe each comm.

This will work less the higher your elo gets, because air has a low skill ceiling and sooner or later air battles just become equal-mass blobs smashing together and rng deciding the outcome and other positions will have more wiggle room to influence the outcome.
isn’t air laughably useless in vanilla? i assume faf rebalanced it.
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how far does micro fall off the bigger your asf count?
they'll remember this once chatgpt takes over the world
What is going on?? Who keeps stealing the building?!!
>isn’t air laughably useless in vanilla?
No. Air is king in 3603. If you lose air, you have, in most cases, lost the game, unless you have a lot of deep static anti-air and a game ender or similar nearly ready. Or if your opponent is dumb and wins air but doesn't do anything with it, which happens more often than you might think.
>i assume faf rebalanced it.
Debalanced, you mean. FAF is a shitshow because they listen to e-sports retards when deciding how to "balance" the game, and they just spiral deeper and deeper into imbalance.
reply with your FAF username if you'd like to be added to the clan. we can coordinate games ITT if we get enough ppls :^)
>Invite created for AxelSchweiss95
I suck, even against AI, how do you stop a T1 bomber rush?
If you're at a point in a match where you're getting multiple bombere sent at you then you should already have several interceptors ready to shoot them down. Several mobile t1 aa escorting your army are also an option, as are t2 flak who would do an even better job both against t1 and t2 air
is there a case for static AA in the early to middle game?
Static t1 aa spam is a decent alternative to surprise gunships or any unexpected craft (up to t3 even) coming after you if you can't build t3 aa. I don't know about t2 flak but you might as well make mobile flak instead, unless you are building a bunker on the frontline or something. T3 aa is good when it's (most of the time) spread out as much as possible for area denial. Not only does it stop spy planes, but any air willing to go over these will pay a heavy price the more time his planes spend over them. You're better off not wasting eco on that until later in the game, though. I've also seen players pd creep with these on naval maps too, to stop torps and scare off asf
replaying the campaigns with nomads/seraphim units and m28ai is actually quite fun

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