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Is technology too advanced in the game?

Image related is the UK in WWI.
The game considers steam traction engines, steam threshers, are something you get at around 1850.
Now I can find a lot of knob jockeying from internet articles saying that everyone and their pet dog owned a steam thresher by 1860, and then all had diesel tractors as soon as 1900 cropped up. But every documentary I've seen says farming was shit in the world wars and that's why mechanisation, and more importantly, women, were forced into work, though where all the farmhands went, probably on a holiday in France that would be over by Christmas, is oft unmentioned.

It feels really weird. You can not only industrialise with a few decades of infinite growth, you need to because later on keeping up with IRL tech is a ballache that requires a fully automated ga- feminist space comm- consumerist country to fund, and you can neither afford nor can you physically build an equivalently sized army without that massive GDP.
haiti should have colonized
>It feels really weird
Are you playing Vic3. Of course, it's weird. Nothing makes sense in this game. All the updates are polishing a turd.
shit game. shit thread. kys wiz
I like how religion means nothing and a democratic council republic wouldn't disintegrate across tribal nationalities.
Technology in Victoria 3 is just a complete mess, from the research system and tech tree that couldn't be more uninspired, to the awful representation of some historical technologies.

Just take the steel revolution for example - inventions that changed the way our world looks, yet in the game all these technologies do is give you a slightly more efficient production method for steel mills. And of course, those pms use more iron than coal, even though real steel production uses more coal, which is why it was always located near coal deposits. Can't expect them to get anything right. They even had 'pig iron tools' in the game for a long time.

Remember when, during one of the early dev diaries, they were presenting production methods as a way for technological advancements to spread locally, to contrast the subpar mechanics in Victoria 2 where researching more efficient mining would instantly make every mine in all your colonies around the world more efficient?
Yeah, that didn't work out at all. Just click the button to replace all pms whenever you research a new technology.
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Is the dev diary coming out today supposed to be the last one?
The Industrial Revolution has always been poorly understood in pop history. The assumption is that technology exists = everywhere, but this itself was only made possible by the full maturation of the industrial revolution around the 1950's. It'd just be difficult to do things like partial motorization in WW2 armies or partial implementation of tractors in farm equipment. Pop history doesn't like nuance, you either have something or you don't.
The way it could be simulated would be a research being unlocked represents the first country’s first model which then ramps up over time to represent pop adoption with perhaps a secondary system that generates adoption points based on literacy, pop savings, etc. I think it’s beyond the scope of vicky though and definitely beyond the scope of V3 where all the countries play the same.
just make goods have properties/subtypes and make technology have its benefits scaled based on how many goods those pops have access to

maybe even let the pops from a province or state have a stockpile and as it fills up you get more effects and then they only need to consume a small amount, as maintenance

like you could make tractors a good very easily
as far as factories, they can just have their own system where they can get technological upgrades by investing capital
you know the game is dead when its not even on the first 10 pages of vst.
i have such a bad feeling about 1.7
theres not a single diary about improvements or warfare.
all they are shitposting is maps and meme statues for powerblocks that just looks ugly.
they arent even trying to fix fundamental flaws just push graphic dlcs.
reddit and forums are completely dead half the people have been banned for constructive critism and the loud minority of 1% circle jerkers are just sharing picture of their latest meme without even playing the game.
V3 is a game of modifiers not goods. That could work in a system where each good has to be produced in order for it to be purchased and used. In V3 you can print money out of thin air which can purchase commodities out of thin air. As much as I want the game that’s being described it won’t be from V3.
Ironically Victoria 3 is going to be in a much better state than Crusader Kings 3 after the next expansion, CK3 keeps getting expansion that are making a piss easy game even easier if that's even possible, its not like the new content by itself is impressive either.
do u prefer v2 of RGO pops working the land. where provinces are king.
yea the power creep is crazy. instead of adding new mechanics or new gameplay. they seem to just add modifiers and bonuses.
half the dlc stuff from ck2 isnt even added.

the game at its core is unplayable. almost all the games i have to rage quit because the frontlines fracture and armies teleport around. or ai just go bonkers.
u cant play past 1870 due to insane tick lag.
they need to clean up the core calculations and reduce things that are bloat.
>pee will be better than poop next expansion
They are dropping this game like they did with Imperator 100%.
Two more weeks?
Game has a weird feel to it. Probably because it's not really a history game but an alt-hisyory game with some dumbass rpg elements in it. Thank you Wiz.
The good thing about vic3 and ck3 is that they are soaking up the shit designers at paradox, leaving tinto and eu5 alone
That is definitely something unusual about the team that made Victoria 3, they were mostly a bunch of randoms, a lot of them newly hired to Paradox.
Usually, the people they hire are put in older teams to make DLC, while the experienced developers are working on new games. I don't know why they changed this approach. Victoria 3's dev team was mostly assembled from a) people from Imperator, b) new hires and c) additional coders that came over from CK3 after it released.
They really rolled the dice on this one, and the outcome wasn't great to say the least.

By the way, Victoria 3's former Content Design Lead (neondt) has been working for a mobile game company in Berlin for 2 months now.
Considering that content design was one of the most criticized aspects of the game, maybe not a bad thing, but I have no hopes for the game left anyway.
PDX had a female ceo during the development era that completely crashed the company.
her entire goal was just taking blackrock funding for ESG.
literally every newhire is communist disabled trans pinkhaired tards.
her entire vision was just adding DEI. she has been fired for tanking all the production.

all the leaks from the company about harassment. targeting the autistic men as sexual harassers. firing the QA department. she was a a nightmare.
This interpretation is questionable since the CEO of Paradox Interactive is only going to have limited influence on the hiring practices of Paradox Development Studio.
Paradox Interactive publishes a lot more games than just those made by PDS and they're not micromanaging their studios.
Hiring is done by management in the studio as well as the project leads. That doesn't preclude the validity of some of your points, of course, as some of those project leads probably have ideological motivations themselves.
Bringing up 'firing the QA department' also shows that you're one of the many people who talk confidently about things they have absolutely no clue about. It was specifically the Paradox Interactive QA team that was laid off as having them switch between published games was not an efficient process. Each game still has their own QA people and beta testers.
the ceo put forth directives to the HR.
the ceo fills it with feminazis.
core games like v3 is inhouse in their hq.
the 3rd party outsourcing is mostly for small dlcs.
You are clueless.
you're responding to the thread shitposter
The economic update looks good.
Despite the game still being dependent on a Chinese construction sector, the new fluid ownership, an approximate of an aristocratic/plutocratic owner class and foreign ownership is looking great.
We should be able to play with a simulation that has some differentiation between liberal, communist, trve fully automated gay space communist and fascist economies!
>do u prefer v2 of RGO pops working the land.
I personally prefer this because much like the entirety of Victoria II, the economy isn't tedious to control, the wealth simulation... on the surface... seems to have more requirements than Victoria 3's "Job opening: Factory owner wanted. Experience not required, English speaking not required, Blue Blood not required, Property Deed not required. Limited spaces, first come first serve." in regards to class (im)mobility... and because it'd be able to better model technology if we did CKII's regional approach rather than Victoria's "Technology is tied to country tag, citizenship equals access or not to diesel engines".
i hope the game ai will prioritize local production and ideological support. it would be weird if china or soviet go broke because they keep building art factories in kansas.
which will probably happen.
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I won't deny it, i'm hyped
>The game considers steam traction engines, steam threshers, are something you get at around 1850.
Yes, and unless you are a major power with robust economy, you won't be able to afford them on mass scale.
So just like IRL.
What the game does is lack the middle step, really: the advanced "semi-mechanisation" that was achieved by horse-drawn machines, since they aren't really present in the game in any meaningful form.
Just like building roads is not representeded, and you can only get infrastructure via building rail. But that's something that goes all the way back to OG Vicky and with each following game gets more and more retarded
>you know the game is dead when its not even on the first 10 pages of vst.
This is your brain after becoming a /v/irgin
>I like how religion means nothing
Just like it didn't matter in previous two games, so your point being...?
Ok, let me ask you this:
How many spare steam engines your country is making in 1850, not to mention coal in affordable prices, all to be thrown at agriculture, the least important part of the game and its economy?
It's genuninely better than a flat +40% efficiency bonus you get after researching tech in previous two games. Yes, it can lead to ahistorical outcome, but most likely, unless you are playing by manpower-starved country, you will never use other option than the basic farming tools to remove 500 labourers
there should be religious weight to wars or trade so the ai prioritizes that. also migration based on religion. someone whos sunni might move to turkey over usa just because of religious pressure.
goods obcession should be more linked to religion. wine for communion, consumed by urban areas, food goods for eid.
they had no problem changing and ruining the good stuff from the previous games
could have at least improved the bad stuff
>Paradox Interactive publishes a lot more games than just those made by PDS and they're not micromanaging their studios.
Their main published games all have similar DLC jewery to the PDS games, so Paradox Interactive is probably encouraging that much at least
>That doesn't preclude the validity of some of your points, of course, as some of those project leads probably have ideological motivations themselves.
Very probable seeing as they are a bunch of nerdy swedes
Aren't they adding a literal religious power bloc in the expansion?
Anarchism and state construction sectors didn't exist in the previous two games.
>but anarchism did
In Victoria II it was a "We hate reforms" alignment that was harder to get pops to support than the reactionary alignment, which itself only existed when you played the most popular mod and hit 500 railroading events at the start of the game or for 5 seconds after passing a reform or if you played an unciv.
It was not a communist government type that demanded enforced laws such as
>it is illegal to discriminate (by race, religion is fine)
>it is illegal to own another person
>there must be an army and it must be filled with conscripts
>it is illegal to disallow speech
>it is illegal to own a factory, unless you own it equally with everyone else who works there
>it is illegal to not send your children to school
>it is illegal for church and private schools to exist, salute the flag
>it is illegal to break minimum wage and health & safety laws
>it is illegal to travel without the correct documents, papers please
>it is illegal to not pay your taxes, dividends first
>it is illegal to import or export goods without paying heavy tariffs, cough up, through your nose if you have to
>it is illegal to pay for medicine or seek charity, you will accept only what the state deems you shall accept
>as an anarchist, I believe in pensions
Do you not dislike religion meaning nothing especially for keeping a nation together, or more specifically, for tearing it apart? Religious discrimination is a set of laws... why did they put it in the game if it means nothing?
>The game considers steam traction engines, steam threshers, are something you get at around 1850.
>Yes, and unless you are a major power with robust economy, you won't be able to afford them on mass scale.
>The first experimental vehicles were built in the 18th and 19th century, but it was not until after Richard Trevithick had developed the use of high-pressure steam, around 1800, that mobile steam engines became a practical proposition. The first half of the 19th century saw great progress in steam vehicle design, and by the 1850s it was viable to produce them on a commercial basis. This progress was dampened by legislation which limited or prohibited the use of steam-powered vehicles on roads
Yes anon, so what was their prevalence by the time of WWI in various countries and why can, in game, you can one day invent combine harvesters, and the next day have them employed on every farm?
what do you want to do? give every farm an inventory? track the position of each machine as it is produced, sold and used?
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regardless of if you think vicky 3 is a good game or not, it's not going away. I'm surprised how many people are still playing despite how half baked the game is
It's called "abstraction", you dingus.

Being very welcoming to mods probably did it a very big solid.
For production methods to not be controlled by the player unless on command economy.
Why does everyone hate the concept of a liberal Victorian economic simulator?
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>why does everyone hate a game that plays itself?
A mystery, truly.
Yeah very happy about the mods
>Victoria 3's dev team was mostly assembled from a) people from Imperator, b) new hires and c) additional coders that came over from CK3 after it released.
i remember people telling paradox that they were worried about v3 never getting made because there "wasn't a market" for it.

paradox might have tried to develop v3 on the cheap, so if it ultimately fails it won't be a big financial burden.
The same reason why researching specific tech or triggering a specific invention offered you an instant, fixed +40% to farm output out of the blue, no matter what. You know, how it worked in Vicky 1 and 2.
But I guess 3 is evil, for it actually requires from you to then employ said inventions, rather than just researching them
Is it possible to hit 2% pop growth in the early game? How do I do it?
They did have it in early development for years with a handful of people. It started development well before Imperator, for example, but was released 3 years later.
Basically, for many of the years when the "Victoria 3 When?" meme was omnipresent and people were discussing if PDS even wants to make a sequel, they were already working on it.
I doubt it was cheap, it just wasn't good.

It's a good idea to require implementing technologies instead of getting an instant benefit everywhere, but the way they implemented this in Victoria 3 doesn't make much of a difference in practice. Especially after Monday, when you won't struggle with Capitalist qualifications in discriminated states anymore.
push law of state religion most religious IG have 5% birth rate, also remove womens rights. get IG clout to 20% for double effect.
>Victoria 3 should be bad because Victoria 2 is bad
Fallout 4 should be buggy because Fallout 1 is riddled with bugs?
>get IG clout to 20% for double effect
Only for Catholics and maybe Orthodoxy last I checked
Protestants and other religions have their own things
>Before we get into the changelog I want to also draw your attention to the Known Issues list for Update 1.7. Most of these bugs will be addressed in upcoming hotfixes releasing shortly after the update.
lmao it was delayed by a month and 1.7 is still being released with known bugs, how shitty can you be
Every build released in the history of gaming has had known bugs, that's just how software development works.
It’s really stupid how you can just flip a switch like God and have an entire industry adopt steam tractors or some shit. The capitalist AI should decide whether it’s profitable enough to adopt new tech.
All ""criticism"" of Victoria 3 only comes from imbeciles.
How borked do you lads think the AI is going to be with these new econ changes?
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It wouldn't surprise me if the AI is even more incompetent than before, especially since Paradox knows that when they release new expansions casuals are going to be the majority of the players and those people don't mind if the game is piss easy because of bugs and unbalanced content
Anyone with early access have any first impressions of the DLC?
>other Paradox games
Fun early game, you actually interact with the game looking for opportunities to expand and get more resources, each game is unique.
>Victoria 3
70 years on speed 5 with little to no actual interaction with the game itself other than numbers rising, 30 years of actual gameplay

I don't even want to boot this game anymore, the 20 weeks to build a single iron mine shit while you don't have any money on additional construction centers is just too tedious.
>70 years on speed 5 with little to no actual interaction with the game itself other than numbers rising, 30 years of actual gameplay

You seem to have confused Victoria 3 for Victoria 2, the only gameplay being that you can move units around, in terms of world dynamicity V3 after this expansion it will only be second to Crusader Kings 2 and maybe EU4.
10/10 bait
No but they show some bits of the game running here
the issue isn't only tech available early, after tech is available you can deploy it everywhere with just click of the button without any cost or delay, this is the main problem
if you get bored you rollback the changes, again with no cost

in reality adoption of new technology took long time and lot of money. new machines were expensive and it didn't made any sense to deploy them everywhere, quite often deployment was slow due to lack of parts. someone inventing steam thresher doesn't mean hundreds of thousands are available next year for your country
all of this is of course way too complicated for a mobile cookie clicker so it's totally ignored, moving date of steam threshers to 1890 won't solve anything
the entire devteam are communist who has never read economic theories. their entire fetish is clicking button and make council republic utopia where everyone gets rich.
there is a literal achievement now called bootlicker where u have to suck marx dick as a puppet. what do u expect the game was dead from the start.
Probably close to the truth.
Victoria 3 is a game completely devoid of passion to portray history accurately. The only time you can sense passion in the game is with anything related to communism.
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don't forget that Vic3 is the most complex and realistic economy simulator ever created
The guy with the economics degree, Paul Depre, went from QA Manager to Game Designer to working at a different company within one year.
>wahhh wahhh commies wahh marx wahhh
hello ESL
>devoid of passion to portray history accurately

Just the fact that Paradox always makes Sweden overpowered and that they keep adding a trillion alternate history national focuses for HOI4 should point you to the direction they don't give a fuck about accurate history (that's not a bad thing though, they can leave the historical autism to modders)
>who has never read economic theories, i approve of
Lemme guess, Friedman, Hayek?
>most complex and realistic economy
That's another game on this same board.
Care to guess?
Capitalism lab?
Two very different schools of economics, but both at least understand the basics. As opposed to retarded Marxists.
devs confuse complex with bloat.
having endless {if} scripts running each tick doesnt mean the game is complex it means the code is shit.
complex is just code for DEI hires
>both at least understand the basics
lmao even
he clearly quit when being talked over of how economics work to how communist wanted trade to be.
it took them 3 years to even add diplomatic pacts
or even adress teleporting warfare mobile game.
in that time entire budget went to making night lights, miniature trains, and super detailed marx beard.
1 dude doing the coding to fix the simulation and 99% of the rest of the crew is commie girls drawing fan art.
Doesn't the Ai play with cheats or something?
No, that used to be a thing like 15 years ago.
more thirdie bitching about le marxism
>but the way they implemented this in Victoria 3 doesn't make much of a difference in practice
Stop playing as great powers and you will see what fucking difference does it make

>Things nobody said
>Retarded projection
Are you winning, son?
So how shit is the new dlc going to be?
i can guarantee you AI will be broken and you will have a horrible economy because ai will keep investing in arts academies in nigeria instead of building iron and steel in the homeland
generalist gaming and ludi both state in their videos that performance in 1.7 is much better. generalist in particular said
>the meme was that only the first 50 years of the game was playable. that's not the case anymore
there are a lot of problems with v3 but performance might have been one of the worst so i hope it's as good in 1.7 as they make it sound.

generalist also said the diplomacy is hugely better because AI isn't schizo and holds grudges and stuff. i interpret that to mean that AI acts more like it does in other paradox games. he also says foreign investment is awesome.
>paid promotion
>reliable source
Really nigga?
they weren't paid as far as i know, just given early access. and i've followed generalist for awhile and he's been critical of previous releases while he thinks this one is great. if you want to assume they're all lying to themselves because of early access then whatever but i think that's a dumb heuristic.
Played this game at release and not touched it since. It's a game of sliders, everything is very abstract. I don't know how serious I would take it. People are really misinformed when it comes to technology in the past. They look at outlier examples and think because something is invented it means it was prevalent in society. Most Americans were still riding horses up until 1920s. Most farmers were still using rudimentary equipment. My grandfather didn't have any air conditioning or much electricity even in the 40s and 50s in rural Texas and he was like a 2nd or 3rd generation American.
>he also says foreign investment is awesome.
Imma be doing a swiss playthrough where ((I)) invest everywhere
Generalist is reliable since he pretty much only plays V3, still weird that the game runs "much better" will all that new stuff on top.
It runs better because the biggest problem for the game performance is individual pops having to do calculations on everything.Now capitalist and aristocrat pops are consolidated eleminating thousands of individual pops , it probably offsets the ownership changes by a lot
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It's a bit slow (performance took a serious hit), but AI surprisingly knows what to do
if communists are such good economists why did the ussr suffer empty shelves in stores then collapse
i read on the forums they added a bethesda feature so u get worse performance the higher the framerate. so it calculates not per tick but per frame. running at 60fps leads to worse performance for more cpu calculations than 20fps
yep that's true. i use nvidia control panel to limit v3 to 20fps and the game simulation is faster.
>yep that's true. i use nvidia control panel to limit v3 to 20fps and the game simulation is faster.
the absolute state
>the best way to play the game is to not play it and limit it to 1 frame per second to just Brendan Fraser stare at a meme cho cho train you paid 20$ for while the ai hopefully is less retarded than the other ai playing the game for you.
the best choice u can do now is to not even play it and just watch a lets play of it on youtube for better performance and enjoyment.
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im reading in the performance thread that turning off the broken UI gives you 40 more fps.
a fucking 2d button is tanking the entire performance of the game and its somehow a benefit by how bad the engine is.
i dont understand how you can code so bad a static hud that its somehow worse than a game from 1994 or vic1
With Paradox, everything is possible
Because for majority of its history, it suffered monumental mismanagement and in the name of ideology?
Want to see a commie state succeeding? Watch Taiwan and SOUTH Korea. That's right, that bastion of capitalism. Except it was build while using command economy and state involvement that went as far as "look, you produce what we are telling you to do, or there is a corp outside the factory, ready to seize it". Samsung would probably still be a middling textile company to this day without a little helpful incentive in form of military convincing the CEO that no, they want to make fucking transistors.
norway is a command economy. sure it had some massive failiures and ran out of butter but still
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>communism only works when it's done in the name of massive profit for corporations
how do u not understand that corporations is needed to produce products.
companies need to be profitable to be able to pay workers.
the difference is a ceo own a company and in communism a state beurocrat owns the company.
profit = larger state budget
the difference is a private company needs to innovate and be market competetive. a state company just need to do the bare minimum required by the state.
You retard. It isn't communism in that case.
give me one reason why i would buy this dlc for a game devoid of any replayability that just keeps getting buggier and where minors are virtually unplayable
its literally the definition of communism that the state owns the company.
what fucking fairytale do u live in where u have your own definition of your cuck fetishes
Read Marx.
Are you an American?
That's not Marxism, you fucking retard.
If you find that contradictionary, it means you have no fucking idea what the fuck you are talking about and probably are some retard who thinks "communism = gulags and building tanks for the war that will never happen"
>Read Marx.
Ironic, given how you didn't.

But it's communism, as fucking defined by Marx himself.
>ai will keep investing in arts academies in nigeria instead of building iron and steel in the homeland
modern Canada strat
pirate link for the complete games plus the new dlc?
playing as small minor nations in this game isn't fun at all. it feels like i kinda just have to sit there for decades upon decades.

persia is fun but not the smaller unrecognizeds.
>Marxism is when the government tells Samsung to produce semiconductors
Communism is a classless, stateless, prejudiceless society.
well hold on. that's impossible to exist in reality. we can still refer to the imperfect implementation of communism as communism.
But South Korea wasn't even trying to implement communism you fucking retard
This is like an American-style understanding
>socialism is when the government does things and the more the government does the socialismer it is
idk the context of your convo. i wouldn't say south korea is communist. but i'd say the soviet union and china attempted communism and got BTFO by reality.
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My apologies for assuming you were the guy who started the conversation in the first place
I like the game now, could use stockpiles and more flavor tho.
What happens to subjects if their overlord becomes a subject to someone else? Do they become subjects of the new overlord or do they become free or do they become 2nd tier subjects?
2nd tier subjects, probably, like what East India Trading Company starts with princely states.
If I remember correctly, in a scenario where A is B's vassal and C comes up to vassalize B then A stays as B's vassal. But if B is lowered to a certain autonomy then all of his vassals swap allegiance to C. Either that or they swap when B is annexed, I'm not too sure.
I have a hunch that Imperator was probably a testbed for Vic3's supposed pop system and the Jomini engine but after seeing how that game fared and johan getting the boot Wiz had full leeway and control over the games direction. Had not for that vic3 might have released earlier since pdx will just focus on releasing vic3 instead rather than johan's failed pet project.
>game wants me to colonize
>theres... no fucking where to colonize, not even alaska
oh ok
Hate the bri’ish, not an anti imperialist just don’t like em.
Cool great tip I'll try that.
Anybody knows which text file corresponds to the US reconstruction journal entries? I'm trying edit it as the 20% min loyalist requirement shits itself when there are no dixie pops in the state.
never mind, the filename was an abbreviation (acw)
1.7.2 is out
apple cider winegar?
and does it do anything good?
They changed a lot more stuff than i expected like

>AI recognized powers are now more aggressive against unrecognized powers when they have the Civilizing Mission technology and/or Colonial Officers principle
>Unrecognized powers are now generally more aggressive against each other, particularly in Africa
>The AI now focuses more on befriending Great Powers when on track to complete Earning Recognition

All those changes to AI behavior plus the fact that the military construction bug got fixed means the game should be a lot more active than ever before
Did they change the earning recognition entry to something more reasonable? It's practically impossible to get embassies, and my playthrough where I bulldozed four GPs in a row only to have my recognition dwindle to 0 because France's opinion of me was 79 instead of 80 completely obliterated my desire to take the recognition entry seriously.
Maybe you shouldn't have made four great powers mad, i think that JE is fine.
Is wine still 10x more valuable than unobtainium?
I intentionally attacked them so that I could earn recognition by winning against them. It would have gone very well if it wasn't for France's opinion decreasing by an extremely small number and recognition counting down when I wasn't looking.
Also embassies really are ridiculous right now, the highest acceptance I could get with it was 45%, and that was by offering an obligation to a France that I have a defensive pact with as well as ideological similarities.
Until the next hotfix, yes
>2 more weeks
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Is it just me or is the AI way more aggressive now?
Next week
As expected
So am I supposed to conquer russia and then kill some indians to make a colony or something? Not sure why the new player guides in game want you to set one up so early but I don't have anywhere I can actually set up a colony that I can see even after declaring interest in areas around the map.
It only works if you have fiat currency.
How will this impact gameplay?
I fucking love Paradox designers. My core provinces recieve nigger migrants from the colonies despite being on racial segregation + migration controls because a "cultural community" was arbitrarily created there allowing migrants in anyway. I don't even need them for work, they just fill up subsistence farms and instantly radicalize.
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Look at how absurd this is, Iceland is 76% african while the realm laws are National superiority + Migration controls. And it's in 59% turmoil from discrimination of course.
did you pass slavery or something how does this happen
No slavery, there is just an arbitrary chance to flag a piece of your land so that a culture in your market is suddenly allowed to ignore migration laws, and it immediately starts flooding in as SoL is so much better than the shithole they come from.
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sounds perfectly historical, they just didn't list what kind of "cultural community" you were afflicted with
that sounds retarded
why has paradox replicated the "let's go be oppressed!" meme
cultural communities for africans shouldn't form outside of like south africa, i will not elaborate on why
chinese ones should though because it's historical
god i hate how static the discrimination system is
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At this point I don't think they have it in them to make discrimination + assimilation fun, reasonable or at least controllable to be a non-issue. As it is, I have hundreds of thousands of hobos (banned from entering by law) moving into the core states, taking space, eating wellfare, benefiting from healthcare and causing ruckus. The only way to fix it now is to embrace multiculturalism because I can't even release their shithole so they migrate back. Wonderful new mechanic, Paradox.
They accidentally made a late 20th-21st century simulator instead of a 19th century simulator
>cultural community
Very broken feature. Especially as it's entirely chance based. The consequences can be seen quite a bit in a USA game, as you can easily end up with half of the colonized west being unassimilated mishmash of ethnicities simply because there were no Yanks or Dixies to assimilate to. Which will, in a twist of irony, cause numerous performance issues that the whole feature was designed to fix. Oh, and you can also be locked out of finishing the reconstruction journal entries because the game doesn't take into account that non existent pops can't be loyal... Bravo Wiz.
kek I love stuff like this in Vic 3
>hey you should push romanticism, but uh if your people or smart or if you get unlucky this will just end because you researched something without researching it.
Based, thanks game.
Ah, so it's the deep state bringing them in.
>Very broken feature
Do they know it needs more time in the oven?
>in a USA game
I was doing an Oranje run a few days back, couldn't for the life of me start assimilating new arrivals into Boer in provinces that house none and now I know why, thanks. Bravo indeed.
Does changing a regime reset relations?
>I play as a total shithole
>Why my country is so shit and everything takes forever
No idea, anon.
>30 years of actual gameplay
Could you elaborate? I usually get bored by 1880 as the performance keeps getting worse and I more or less have used up all of the available resources that wouldn't require a cancerous war to fight.
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Damn Vicky 3 chads won
yeah sure ok buddy
>other remaing rough edges
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Le moderate gommunism
Any of the mods adds stuff for the Heavenly Kingdom? Chink ones included.
I'd like to make an English speaking proddie China and jack off to the idea of the future I've created where there's 1.5 billion of them on the internet at all times.
Those are some hideous borders. And why does France only own the north of Rhine?
Why am I forced to join diplomatic plays on the side of a nation that is supporting my independence?
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I think this might be my fastest world war yet.
I don't think that's how it works
>I'd like to make an English speaking proddie China
Simple - just don't let the communists win and hoist the White Sun banner
Performance is abysmal. Building menus takes seconds to load in the mid-late game playing as a GP with multiple investment agreements. Wtf. My building game essentially punishes me for building.
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Fucking WHY?
Being above -30 reasons to join the war is the danger zone so I'm not going to bother. God I hate this game. Why do I still play?
I feel like they should probably add a 'distance from nearest state' malus to willingness to join diplo plays. That's just me though.
>this save was created with a different version of victoria 3
Maybe you shouldn't have bought a shit game eh? Food for thought.
I got it as part of a bundle...
>subpar mechanics in Victoria 2 where researching more efficient mining would instantly make every mine in all your colonies around the world more efficient?
V2 had region-based modifiers that would spread with a MTTH such as "tractors!" in addition to the techs/inventions themselves which gave instant upgrades.
It's embarrasing that W&R has a better "economy" than V3.
If you are scared of the Netherlands or US joining well, maybe the problem is your army not being good enough, also you don't have any allies?
Get a navy nigga
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What an amazing AI paradox. Bravo
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>30 years in
>game already chugging
>every time you open the build menu the game just freezes and stutters
>Mostly positive
>*knocks on wood*
not had this problem, is this unmodded? Thats shit.
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>let in a jew to lead a party
>he IMMEDIATELY starts plotting a coup
um paradox?
Performance has improved a lot recently, how shitty is your CPU?
just being realistic bro
>Performance has improved a lot recently
That being said I haven't encountered the same issue as him. Recently saw another post elsewhere complaining about the same issue though.
Atmospheric Engine won't complete for me. It says I need 75% to meet the req and that 75% meet it. I built another to make sure it wasn't 74.9999 somehow and it still says 75%.
>election law that's basically meaningless with 6% base chance to pass
>flys through and passes with no hitches
>actual law that would improve things with 30% chance base
>stuck at sponsorship where it pings back and forth 10-20% for 8 years before failing
I don't believe for a second that this shit isn't rigged
i suspect most people who are critical pirate it or have gotten banned. a lot of positive reviews are just reddit tier fans. no one would bu the game again just to call it shit
Try better politics mod. If a law has IG support but if your king and council won't vote on it then you've got 0% chance to pass it.
Not that anon but what does this mod fuck up? Also you can't get achievements with mods right? I know I know who cares but I like playing vanilla at first and seeing what I unlock naturally that the devs find worthy of achievements.
you can get achievements even with mods in v3
Cool. Thanks good to know.
Just made the horrible decision to buy this dumpster fire. I don't even understand why I do this to myself. Ranting therapy aside, can anyone confirm if Texas ever captures Santa Anna in the current version? There's a year-old bug report out on their forums, but people used to tell me this was eventually patched. I've started new games as USA for the last hour or so and Texas is immediately annexed, which begs the question why the fuck the Texas statehood journal entry even exists. Can you join a war that's already in progress or something now?
>Persia keeps declaring wars on me
>GB protectorate and they have no support
>easily beat them
>for some reason GB gives in to their demand to return a province I took earlier and also takes a random province that now has no access
any mods that'll let me set up settler colonies in Africa and genocide the natives? it's way too easy in EU4
How does culture conversion work in this game, to people of other races become white in your colonies if you assimilate them?
not a single game has texas won. they auto lose every game now. i have no idea why they programmed mexico to start with a war that they always win
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>be me
>be sneaky
>decide to play as Mexico to try purposefully losing against Texas so I can switch to USA
>decide to see if Texas wins in a fair fight
>they beat the shit out of me
Goddamn you, Paradox. The anti-player bias in this game is absurd.
and some retards claim that AI doesn't cheat >>1785455
Prove it does cheat first, like use observer mode and prove it
I'm very new to this game and have been playing sweden learning the game. In my save I had an interest in murica and was trying to work on trade and whatnot with them. Texas became its own entity and started conquering shit. I think they killed a lot of natives at one point because they started claiming territory. Then it all became half mexico and I don't know what happened.
They may be programmed to die eventually or something.
You just suck at the game. Conscript a handful of units and you'll walk over Texas.
>tfw waiting for next hotfix and bpm update
And at least one of those things is out
They also made so bankrupcy won't give the country a construction malus, finally.
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And it got replaced with this, it should help the AI a lot but i'm worried about some weird meta strat about bankrupcy maxing popping up
Unless I missed it they still haven't changed how interest works so you will quickly end up with half your income being debt. Nice that they made bankruptcy even worse.
Interest is the same, i think this might be useful but only for big countries with an admin power deficit, meaning they could find a way to eventually recover by building more admin buildings, before the radicalism+bankrupcy malus pretty much made building anything impossible.
>Interest is the same
Yeah exactly, it outright crippled my first attempt at this game. Wooo fun
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ebin game
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Getting real sick of starting a game because they fixed bugs and then two days later they release another fix. Like Jesus Christ why didn’t they just wait another two weeks to release this horse shit. Literally using the player base as bug testers kek never change parashit
I think hotfixes don't break saves
No but they fix stuff that drastically affects gameplay. Like ai not building barracks or ai not being able to build invest properly where it negates the reason for playing the old save as soon as the new one comes out. Like I get 1/3 into a playthrough and then they fix something so it’s like why would I keep playing this save where I had such an advantage on the ai when I know there’s a new version that will be better if I restart.
>Like ai not building barracks or ai not being able to build invest properly

Yes but the hotfix should fix those issues even in saves
Yup but like I said I would already be many years into a game with that significant advantage so it feels retarded to just keep playing when I had such an advantage instead of starting from the beginning with such a huge fix
testing costs money, why waste shareholders money when paradrones will do testing for free??
I've already learned my lesson and now will wait few weeks before pirating the latest DLC
>those 1.4 bugs
Very cool!
Look for a mod that lets you remove homelands by some kind of mechanism.
You should then only require to have a few pops immigrate before public schools can start the assimilation, if they aren't already. But that's the hardest part and may be impossible without using a Pacifist leader to revert to no colonialism before using a Jingoist leader (or the military, if they haven't been marginalised) to get resettlement colonialism.
The only problem I'm seeing is you're fucked over in war for 10% of the game.
Do Paradox games have an ending or an end goals?
Is this game good now?
I've never played GSG games before, but I kinda wanted to play some game. CK3 looks nice, but I don't really like games with nonsensical borders - Europe only. However I know that V3 has the whole globe as a map, which appeals to me.
No, though they might have objectives.
Depends, i found it enjoyable but it still suffers from some bugs and is still in need of balance
Out of ck3 stellaris and this, this is the only game I make it to the end and some games like recent ones on this update I wanted to play past the end because I wasn’t at the top but I could feel so close to tasting it. Just one more war to finally crack the British empire for good
If GSG appeals to you then I recommen you study for the next few years and then make your own in a specific region of the world that you find interesting and have thoroughly studied.
They have cheevos, which can give you some interesting goals. Without those, multiplayer, or mods that also give the game enforceable goals the games are completely directionless and feel as pointless as all other sandbox games after your first few runs.
Game is in a somewhat enjoyable state now. I really enjoy the ownership mechanic, if companies were actual entities now then things then I'd be really happy.
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Why are those niggas so fiesty
Devs ruined shit yet again. Seen the British empire get declared war in 17 times this game by people a fifth there strength before you even factor in BE’s vassals. with absolutely zero back up or even uncalled allies. Britain just blobs out getting fed free wins all game long it’s retarded I’m honestly so close to deleting this shit wish I could refund SOI
The AI seemed fine in the previous hotfix, the fuck did they do to screw everything up
Idk they keep changing the aggression levels because why do any testing before you release a 30 dollar dlc.
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You know what, I could probably play as North Korea with the cold war and anime portrait mods and have the time of my life jacking off to mommy USSR and to the numbers endlessly rising.
Mod links ?
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>try to pass Le Bad law (that barely has a niche compared to guaranteed liberties)
>university folk are upset "Wh- what if they misgender my political beliefs?"... let's use an image of African villagers for this
>Agree with university, "This law IS bad": Opinion up! Nothing happens
>Disagree with university, "Sh- shut up!": Opinion down! Law gets fucked over.
The politicking options in Victoria II usually felt right, especially with how the US civil war was about inflaming both sides, but this feels like a weird 1984 where to do naughty things I have to admit into a microphone to the CCP that what I am doing is wrong.

It's not even a dumb satire where I'm duping the intelligentsia by saying something reddit like "If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear!"

And is it me or do these non-options "Pick Get 100 Mana or pick -1 Stability" feel like something that was intended for a hands-off political system?
This game has always made it so reforms are only selected if you do it, a faction demands it or rebels are forcing your hand, and in none of those circumstances would you ever click "Fuck me and this law over, thanks".
Anyone getting issues with the investment pool contribution being very pitiful?
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VGGGHHH what could have been
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Bantu look like this? Maybe it's not so bad to have a few of them around...
holy brainrot
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What the fuck did you expect? I'm "willingly" playing this absolute fucking dumpster fire. That situation in the balkans is because of an event bugging out, by the way. Before that I had the whole land under me.
If you keep your intelligentisa down this is a literal nothingburger. Just keep their wages down and first max out your police before you go to censorship. You seem to not understand the mechanics of the game.
are you illiterate? he's saying that the event is pointless because one option is just good and one option is just bad. theres no reason to ever click the second option
>"liberate" mainland france
Oh yeah, it’s gamer time
I'd like if this was an EZ achievement
>On Her Majesty's secret service
>as Great Britain, have secret police at Level 5
There are lots of political events like this. I'm convinced they are scripting mistakes, and the modifiers were accidentally flipped. I mean you still have carryover events from V2 where discrimination increases assimilation, which is the opposite of how V3 works.
Make my railways profitable again
Is there any point in building construction sectors in other countries ?
No and the AI will probably just delete them the instant they're done to balance their budget.
Every single time I get a rebellion and they delete all the power plants/railways/construction sectors they own I feel like tearing my skin off with my fingernails and wearing that of wiz instead
>delete them the instant they're done to balance their budget.
So they still have to pay up the maintenance cost even if Im the one that built it ?
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As other anon said, I meant the event has no reason to exist and the flavour text is bad.
The game spammed me with it and one other event, intelligentsia leader assassination (another non-option), I assume none other exist for this law.
This continued until they got an Authoritarian and the law passed without further interruption, like I had beaten them until morale improved.

I also didn't have a strong intelligentsia in the first place... I'm not sure how you're supposed to.
>I mean you still have carryover events from V2 where discrimination increases assimilation
I am also annoyed by this and how many events ask for "Is there a culture?" and not "Is there a culture with more than literally 5 people not only in your empire but on the entire planet?"
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Can someone explain to me why Uruguay can't trade with Brazil without a port and convoys despite sharing a land border? They can trade with the Riograndense Republic at the start of the game without a port and convoys.
It's actually better that they're delivering hotfixes at a good pace. A weird thing to complain about..
So what are some of the worst bugs present right now? Deciding if i should start another game.
land trade is currently bugged as its hardcoded to only function for great powers. it got broken in this hotfix
Can anyone else confirm this? I don't see this being mentioned anywhere else
>it got broken in this hotfix
one step forward two steps back
when we can except something that isn't horrible broken?
I always saw it as purposefully keeping the enactment change/time low so that if you dont want secret police (but secret police literally is too good) you can appease movements without actually getting the law.
So how exactly are you expected to start a colony somewhere years into the game?
You're not supposed to bother at all with how much of a pain it is, how ugly the borders tend to be and how useless colonies are.
Fair, still working through the learning stuff and it REALLY wants me to make a colony but even declaring interest I have never found a way to get the option. Oh whale.
>try to give population more freedom
>despite high chance they are ready to start a CIVIL WAR over being able to vote instead of just having a king
Does anyone know where I can find a cheat mod outside of steam and the paradox forums ?
>People who can lose their power thanks to voting are against it
Truly, this game requires 90 IQ to grasp its basic concepts, way too much than the average 75 of a paradrone
Did you raise your colonization institution's level? The higher it is the more shit you can colonize.
Check out Bhutan and their current democratic transition.
In this case they would be gaining power but sure.
I have NEVER touched a woman and this is my favourite game of all time, I wonder why
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You're a dumbass who still doesn't understand how Clout works.
>I'm just going to insult people even though I don't know the situation
This will work out well for you in your everyday life I'm sure.
It do be like that.
>don't know the situation
Video games are computer programs, which are mathematical calculations, which have a finite number of states. If you had proof of a popular movement, ready to start a civil war to preserve a law, unsupported by the currently dominant and now pissed off ruling interest groups, like Landlords, you would've posted it.
You don't even know what the fuck you're talking about and its hilarious.
>war for 2k gdp 1/8th of a new colony + war reps
>7 years, british navy destroyed, almost all overseas subjects declare independence or at least get their own market, gdp and sol plummets, in default, entire country has at least 30% turmoil
>AI is still at 0 to surrender

makes you think
the 0 ws is hardcoded for specifici wargoals. u can absolutely curbstop someone but that 1 transfer subject of shithole not being conqured its going to stay at 0 its even a ongoing malus to the ticker of not holding all wargoals.
its so bad that the wargoals doesnt explain what you need to do.
like war reperation u need to take the capital, same with humiliate. they will also slow down the ticker so u cant just opt out of it when u put it in.
Anyone ? I just want to have a fun run where my cheats dont get applied to the AI as well.
>why did the ussr suffer empty shelves in stores then collapse
Empty shelves are not a issue. The actual parts of the economy that mattered got plenty of support.

Meanwhile collapse as largely political in nature.
I started out my paradox gaming with HoI2 back in 2007, then on to EU3, a little EU2, V2, then EU4. I feel as though Victoria III is over-hated compared to 2.
My biggest issues with the game have all been design and information related, stuff thats mostly fixable. The game sure likes to heat up my cpu though.
>No and the AI will probably just delete them the instant they're done
thats just africa colonial experience
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I'm a long time player too and i hold the same opinion, i think that many people especially the ones that started playing gsg recently see the genre as a substitute for actual wargames, that's why they were so pissed at the warfare changes, personally i always found war the least interesting part of these games.
>everyone and their pet dog owned a steam thresher by 1860, and then all had diesel tractors as soon as 1900 cropped up
Not sure about UK, doubt it, but it's really not the case for all of Europe, lmao.
Of course, it's not an online only game that can be shut down.
>substitute for actual wargames
Seeing how abstracted EU4 and Victoria 2 warfare is, I doubt it. The front-line system made abusing AI more difficult. And while they found other ways to do it, every single one can be patched. Tech costs definitely did, so tech rushing is much less viable now.
Man they really need to rework innovation and research speed.
I started as belgium, so already pretty advanced with skirmish infantry and railways.
Bullied the chinks for free moneys and power developped my industries and dumped enough to be at 100 innovation gain in the mid 1840s.
I'm now in 1910, I got the phillips companie which increases the cap by +15, as well as research thing maxed out in the power bloc for another +50.
I'm at 240ish innovation gain a week and it's still not enough to research every fucking tech in the game and I meta gamed out of my ass the entire time.
Maybe you're not meant to be able to research every single technology
This lady has a shotgun, ready to blast any trollop who shirks her duty
You can if you're inno capped since the start of the game, keep to your core territories, do almost all journal entries to get free tech XP for follow up tech and never research anything ahead of time.
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You also have specific scenarios where you're starting at a backward fuck but with monstrous economies (EIC, Qing) and thus can stack 200 uni in one province and get unspent innovation over cap to trickle into tech spread.
I basically don't engage with the war system in Victoria 2 if I can help it, so you can't hide behind that argument. Victoria 3 is just bad.
wait going over cap leads to tech spread???
doesn't it remove the alcohol demand from Muslims and the meat demand from Hindus?
20% of your unspent inno over cap gets turned into tech spread. It's more of a money sink once you explode out of proportion.
Just hitting inno cap is a pain in the ass because that's about 30 unis worth minimum so you need 50-60k weekly cash overflow to fund them.
>one step forward two steps back
The Great Leap Backwards?
Tech spread.

From what it looks like, to me, a big part of the game is cooperative teching.
But if there's a limit, the game doesn't say, so it seems to be if a tech is known by one person, everyone else on the planet, no matter how tribal, slowly learns about it.

So if you're in singleplayer, it's impossible to tech everything because the Ai doesn't try.
If you're in multiplayer, you need to tech differently to your fellow gaymers to get the most benefit.
And spamming universities whilst ignoring your population's literacy (i.e. you don't need to have a gay space communist country where every pop is working as a capitalist with 80 SoL) is viable in multiplayer.

Good law:
>Protected Speech
Bad Laws:
>Industry Banned
>Outlawed Dissent (gained at the end of a tech tree so who cares?)

I think so but I think anon means they don't conflict with the Devout group and if 99% of your country was another religion, it wouldn't make anything bad happen regardless of if you're on State Religion or not. Maybe he's been looking at the pie charts of things like when anons import half of Africa into Denmark, making it majority Sunni or Animist, and how there are zero consequences to this; a player playing France is still France even if their entire population speaks Spanish and grows bell peppers... actually I wonder if it's possible to annex a country, then lose all your homelands and for the game to not bat an eye...
I feel like with how aggressive AI is in 1.7 infamy becomes just a number that you can, or maybe should, simply ignore not to get cockblocked because if you don't expand fast enough, by 1900 half of the map becomes red, and fighting Britain over and over again is too much of a chore.
Just finished my game and I got all the tech in 1931. Managed to rush Heavy Tanks around bullied GB with about twice the offence to their defense.
How do you get facsist in the game? I passed ethnostate law and did the event to have an IG always get facists leader but no fucking luck.
Meanwhile you pass council republic and you instantly get the commie flag it's fucking dumb.
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That's weird, it should have a pretty high weight.
I think I got mass propaganda around 1900. Invited an Ethno Nationalist for the Trade Unions that was in power, passer ethnostate and triggered the "Our Nation Our Culture Event". I think I picked the wrong option.
Anyway in 30 years until endgame my IG group leader virtually did not change at all and all my agitator slots were filled so I couldn't even find one.
I'm reading thru fascism_events.txt and seems like the Night of the Long Knives can't even spawn if you picked the wrong option. Oh well...
That's very unfortunate.Could even be the case that the event actually gives you the opposite option. Something similar happens with Brazil monarchy slider, where ending slavery does nothing while embracing it strengthens Pedro's reign.
I'm (slowly) making a graphic showing off weights.
A part of the problem is it's an ideology that comes after everything else - you have the most bloated pool possible, I think monarchies get an extra 3 types too, and unless I'm mistaken it competes with the alt left ideologies (commie/vanguard/anarchist) AND ethno-nationalist.
... and also the fact that characters not only live forever but have ultimogeniture succession so you can miss the equivalent of the Springtime of Nations because of a literal oldguard saying "Wait your turn".
>I'm reading thru fascism_events.txt and seems like the Night of the Long Knives can't even spawn if you picked the wrong option. Oh well...
I wish the game had plainly available journal trees. The wiki doesn't have everything and isn't entirely reliable.
I want to know if the journal entries help me to replace serfdom with agrarianism in countries like Russia, because right now you have to ahistorically embrace Soviet Atheism to even get close to the IRL date of the reform because it kills the patriarchy and gives you 5 seconds without overwhelming landowner clout.
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(They later vassalized Greece and annexed Holstein)
i wish u could tell ai puppets to queue research x. so u could just bankroll them and build 15 unis in their provice. get them to research entire tree of something.
i wish u could specialize vassal puppets.
make a march with 20% armed forces 10+
make a citystate with 20% intelligensia
How in the everloving mother of fuck do I pass multiculti, or atleast get closer to it. My interest groups would sooner die than to support any attempts, and I'm getting raped here by the discrimination malus.
>make a march with 20% armed forces 10+
>make a citystate with 20% intelligensia
Could work if someone modded a way to subsidize subject's buildings
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>It is... LE BAD
>become protectorate of the ai, therefore entering their market
>kicks me out of market for no reason, halving my gdp temporarily halved and SoL lowered by a few points
>oh well, i'll stick by myself i guess
>6 months later he forces me back into his market, once again having the same result as before as my market tries to stabilize itself
>throws me out again
>and then forces me back in
>this repeats a dozen times and slowly gets worse each time, he does it so frequently that my economy cannot keep up with it and eventually it starts getting fucked up, when in his market the engine factories cant compete and close up, then when he throws me out of his market theres not enough capital to kickstart engine production again, leaving me with none and forcing me to subsidize the factories so they work
>gdp lower than ten years before i became his protectorate and so is SoL
>the whole time his attitude towards me was domineering and he kept expelling diplomats and damaging relations
>when i got pissed off and expelled his diplomats his attitude changed to protective
This is even worse than playing ck2 as a loyal vassal. Also everybody is blobbing everywhere, south Italy is split between France and England, Denmark under France, Benelux under England and Norway under the US, England blobbed like fucking mad in Asia, from the westernmost part to the eastern. What the fuck changed in this update?
Lol get fucked, the AI is gimping you so you can't overtake it.
>when i got pissed off and expelled his diplomats his attitude changed to protective
sounds like the ambassador just hated your country and was purposely trying to fuck you. once you replaced him someone normal came in
what's a good gdp per capita to have as japan by 1870?
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>state with millions of loyal people
>state still secedes because some interest group that has barely any presence in the state is mad at me
it do be like that sometimes.
I wish I had taken a screenshot where the south decided to rise with the help of intelligentsia because I decide to reintroduce the slave trade...
This is what got me, somehow 1% of my population co-opts 60% of my army for some bullshit reason. They need to implement genocide into the game so you can just kill the 200k people fucking things up.
>somehow 1% of my population co-opts 60% of my army for some bullshit reason
Reminds me of when natives that amounted to about like 11k pop in a south american state revolted and took the entire state with them to form a country that didn't accept the rest of the population who was accepted by my nation.
the retarded game just says yeah this makes sense they get everything with no resistance.
Playing vic3 is turning you into a Maoist.
Historically accurate, the south was against the slave trade IRL and were more about owning and inheriting slaves than selling and buying them.
I wasn't aware. However that clearly isn't what the game thinks. The pro-slavery ideology holds all of the different stances the same while slaver characters value slave trade most.
Most slave owners in the USA were jewish. The main "slaves" in the main USA were white slaves on tax debt indentured status. You wouldn't overpay for black people who didn't speak your language and had no desire or ability to even do basic farming tasks. That was what retards in the islands did with sugar cane and rum and it worked out terribly.
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The quintessential Vic3 experience.

There really should be punishment for discriminating against the MAJORITY of your population. Where the Boer colonies even functional?
None of this is true, Ellis Islanders need to go back.
>Were the Boer colonies even functional?
white rule in SA lasted a ridiculously long time and when it ended SA turned into a ridiculous shithole so idk
They were a lot more functional than all of their neighbors and anything that came after. Arguably the only exception is Botswana, which still employed British colonial administrators after it's independence and had a president with a western education (being very ethnically homogeneous also helped).
BPM got a big update today
Its ok you have no idea about history. I don't expect anyone to. However to act like you're above someone because you're a retard is some next level stuff. Well done.
due to vacation time its going to be to october before we get a patch to fix the broken ui market
Playing as the USA is so fucking boring
t. /pol/ university graduate
>Where the Boer colonies even functional?
Ask yourself when Boer rule ended, how they were capable of nuclear armament, and disarmament, and why their current regime hasn't ever been.
>(being very ethnically homogeneous also helped).
I find it very strange that this doesn't affect anything in Victoria 3 except petite bourgeoisie membership, such that, if translated to real life, shop owning Jews wouldn't believe in the rule of law and Poles/Lithuanians/Latvians/Estonians/Muslims/any Siberian Chinese would believe in the USSR and not their own nationalities.
I'm not sure Paradox got any Victorian ideology right, let alone post-Edwardian communism and that weird cooperatives communism that I don't even know if it ever existed, like how people say "Anarchism is real because... Catalonia shot priests for 5 minutes before the fashes shot them".

Democracy really is one of the worst hit ideologies because interest groups want radically different countries in Victoria 3, and democracy is usually dominated by a group of people with similar interests, not a spectrum of every stance known to man, such as serfdom-loving feudal nobility, Pope crowning zealots, not-Hitlers, ultra-liberals and trve communists, all legitimate parties to vote for in Victoria 3 simultaneously.
>Norway under the US
This is what happens when you create a simulation that sees the world as spreadsheets and not geography.
European powers should have smothered US' entry to Norway in the cradle.
I figured it would be pretty difficult with the mexicans and shit. Do you not really get much "action" ?
>I find it very strange that this doesn't affect anything in Victoria 3 except petite bourgeoisie membership
The whole discrimination system is very poorly implemented. A simple law change that most major IGs don't care about can make your country accept massive amounts of pops. Take the US for instance, due to starting with racial discrimination and separation of church and state all Europeans of any religion are automatically accepted into US society. Discrimination of Catholics like the Irish and Italians? No such thing here, they can peacefully live next to protestant Brits, orthodox Russians and muslim Albanians.
You rush nationalism, get free return cores on mexico for all the western states. Hardest part is getting the beaners to stay in the war so you can enforce every claims on them. It's only like 20 infamy total for all that clay.
Then wait for all your colonization to complete. Missions add Yanke/Dixie homeland to the new states so it goes from 20y coring to 2y.
Do Mapping American Frontier event a few times, get Oregon, Washington and Idaho for free.

Only thing that sucks is national militia but you conscript so fast it actually works well. Banning slavery you can do by fighting a civil war if you want to, inviting some historical abolistionist south american landowner, or capitulating to a great power like france.

There's no real need to blob anywhere because you've got more than enough lands and pops. I still managed to pass Colonial Exploitation to blob into africa and cuck the other GP but I found it pretty stale.
I don't know I'm so used to having to work a shit country from the bottoms up that being GP #2 in 1950 is kinda boring to me. The only redeeming grace of the last patches is the UK being an absolute monster and pupetting every minors they can. I haven't seen a game where they don't get portugal into their bellies.
Can you flip the country to dixie if you want? That would be my longterm goal in a playthrough. Make the south rise, ban all the undesireables, and make America great again kek
Though I'm nowhere near even being able to play the game well, still fighting through my 3rd save so maybe one day.
Thanks for the reply thats interesting to read about regardless.
US is basically about pushing the limits of the game. Massive amounts of arable land, loads of resources, the ability to get all of Africa accepted alongside Europe by 1850s.
>Make the south rise, ban all the undesireables, and make America great again kek
You... can't.
If you want a Liberian solution, I'm not sure if emigration mechanics work without depopulating all your Dixies too (and very few AI states may even be able to accept Afro-American immigration). There is no such thing as Apartheid or genocide in Victoria 3, just a 33% cut in wages.
Military police comes too late and probably doesn't even impact pop growth.
You can't recruit everyone into the military to kill them because, again, Dixies would die too.

Mechanically race is assigned to nationality in game, so if you assimilated all Afro-Americans, they'd all become white Dixies, which is more *problematic* than Victoria II's implementation of blacks and Jews can't change race but whites can. Back to assimilation - you can't. Mechanics require the pop to not be in their homeland... which is why in-game New Africa exists in Dixie... if it didn't you'd have no blacks in America maybe by the middle of the game's timeline depending on how hard you stack assimilation.

You could make all blacks walk north to become white as soon as they cross an imaginary internal American border to Yankee land. If I remember correctly, this means no Dixies would flip because they're accepted, but you'd have to impoverish the south... which again, is not what you want.

tl;dr this game represents mass importation of cheap labor but doesn't model much beyond that and to get the cheap labor... it has to not be discriminated... so it's no longer cheap... yeeeah
I wasn't even meaning it in that way more just having Dixie takeover the USA. That is pretty funny though and I appreciate the information. I figured this was the case when I was shitting on ashkenazi speakers in my sweden game.
Nothing like being stuck at 25 legitimacy all game because your nigger pops are evenly distributing their votes and all the interest groups are so radical that you can't get any more than a single interest group in your government before your legitimacy tanks to shit.
Only way I ever found to play the boer states is pass racial segregation and fish for mass migration. Once you got enough coming to your states you can force assimilate them with the edict.
It's hard to do now because custom unions virtually don't exist and you'd have to become a protectorate bitch to get access to a GP market.
>and fish for mass migration.
That is a Fishing wharf side effect I did not know about.
You're just wrong, even according to the most generous, progressive-era antisemite sources barely 20% of the large slave owners were Jewish, and that was the upper bound. Your Mexican ilk consider the KKK Jewish too (and willfully forgets about the reconstruction and Grant bending over sideways to appeal to Jews).
P.S. Judah P. Benjamin was whiter than you.

theres literally a published book in israel on how proud they are for the mass rape of italy and the balkans
its so dumb univeral or landed voting allows discriminated to vote.
whats the point of racial or cultural segregation if they get political power anyway
>This halachically and legally problematic habit was an unparalleled phenomenon in any other Jewish community in the early modern period.
First paragraph instantly disproves your own claim about American jewish slavery you donkey
>it's actually us oldfags who like Vicky 3!
What does Vicky 3 do better than 2? I even hate Vicky 2's combat stuff, but Vicky 3's is still worse. It deserves a mountain of hate considering it's going to clog the small market hole that is a Victorian grand strat game, and a metric ton of its issues stem from core gameplay that will never be changed.
In the USA the white slave owners didn't use blacks. They used whites in large numbers who owed debs. Way way way more whites were enslaved than any other race in the USA.
I'm playing a Persia game right now, any Iranbros have some period-accurate army/navy names for the Qajar era?
I tried Googling it, but after scouring through Wikipedia both on English and Farsi I found nothing.

Any Romanised Farsi alternatives to "1st Persian Army" would be appreciated.
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Why does my investment pool suddenly EXPLODE like this sometimes? I didn't change my laws or anything, in fact I had accidentally left the game running while masturbating to lesbian rape porn and it happened while I was gone.

What is happening?
15k is fucking nothing, it's peanuts
my guess is that a bunch of buildings recently got privatized/built, finished accumulating their cash reserves at roughly the same time (i.e. 10 levels of a tooling workshop in one province), started paying out dividends and those then got put into the investment pool all at the same time
but again, a 15k change is absolutely not worth paying attention to
GB is unbeatable this patch it's crazy
Nah, it isn't, because beating the shit out of EIC is still trivial, without any cheesing involved
Nigger, you simply aren't building in excess (read - more than the pool generates daily), so it is accumulating cash for later use. In ideal world, you min-max your pool that daily "gain" is below 1k, while in the same time you have your entire queue full of buildings - so you aren't depleting the pool, while also constructing to your maximum capacity.
1920 I declare indepence and park 300 units on a front in defense mode and they sent in 800 battalions with heavy tanks with 150 offense
You'd have to defang them hard in the early game for them to not snowball because right now it's hard as balls
Independence in 1920? Why even bother at this point?
>Waiting until 19-fucking-20
What are you DOING?
Getting that dumb Amish Paradise achievement as British Columbia. Point is Independence wars are usually pretty easy because stats for 90% of the games are skewed towards defense but this doesn't apply to the brits at all currently.
I think it even took 15 years to get enough liberty desire to declare a war. They were owning 50% of my GDP at some point and I had 0 anti-overlord lobbies to help with it.
I'll try again tomorrow to speedrun Canada and see how easier it is to get independence early on. I'm still worried about Newfoundland being a open front though.
Also did you guys notice how Convoy Raiding doesn't kill army supply lines anymore? In 1.0 up to 1.2 I vividly remember being able to starve armies with good navy play but the lowest I got one of theirs was 95% morale. It used to crumbles to 0% if you could keep their army isolated from supply routes for a few months.
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Its time
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This stuff is brand new
I managed to rush Political Agitation in 1887 as Japan. Got ONE character that spawned Fascist (fucking Shinto Monks) and died right after. I give up trying to get the cool flag.

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