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Age of Empires II is too complicated. Why do I need 50 different unit types that are all visually indistinguishable from each without zooming all the way in? I want to be able to instantly know what I'm looking at on the screen with one quick glance. Not to mention the fact that you can't see shit half the time because there's some giant building or tree obscuring everything. There's just too much visual detail going on in this game for it to work as an RTS where you have to be able to think and execute everything as fast as possible.
0/10 try harder next time
>Why do I need 50 different unit types
Name 5.
I said name 5. You named 0. You don't play the game.
Swordsman, Bowman, Chariot, Rifleman, Sherman Tank
just play it in original 800x600 resolution
i hope they buff handcannoneers
Archer, villager, ram, trebuchet, Jackie Chan
i hope they buff k-niggits
All of these problems are fixed in the superior game and sequel, AoE4.
Knight, Monk, Scout, Nigger Slave, Rapist
I don't have a problem with them but I know pros use a "smaller trees" mod so they are not as obnoxiously obstructive.
its an official game option now, they also added idle pointers as a game option (terrible mistake it breaks the aesthetic so much it should be hidden in some obscure unreachable place, its ugly and dont help, do retards really need a giant arrow pointing to an idle villager to know its idle )
Seems redundant. Isn't there already a flag and a shortcut for idle villagers?
>do retards really need a giant arrow pointing to an idle villager to know its idle
unlike you people actually tryhard in multiplayer where every second a villager is idle is a lost resource, and the arrows make it faster to detect.
>Age of Empires II is too complicated
Agreed. Macro is definitely very busy with so many moving parts to manage: the multiple TCs, hordes of villagers, multiple resources and like a hundred techs.
I mean, this series is essentially conceived as Real-time 4X so having a lot of upgrades and age advancements is the result of that.
>Why do I need 50 different unit types that are all visually indistinguishable from each without zooming all the way in? I want to be able to instantly know what I'm looking at on the screen with one quick glance.
Okay, the civ/unit roster is ridiculous and takes a while to digest, but the visuals are some of the tightest ever made. The units are definitely easily-recognizable and in any case you're not going to fight against very complicated army comps in the first place.
>There's just too much visual detail going on in this game for it to work as an RTS where you have to be able to think and execute everything as fast as possible.
you don't have to execute everything as fast as possible unless you're a sweaty autistic retard with nothing else going on in their life
play the 2D directdraw original (or at least the original HD edition, not definitive) if you want visual clarity at a glance.
Definitive edition is the eyecandy and visual clutter edition, also content bloat
Some of the mods people use for multiplayer seem really redundant like that idle villagers pointer or the fish borders. Both can easily be seen, the only visual mod actually necessary for competitive is small trees
You have limited attention, idle pointer will get your attention
Is this the thread
Hera trying to tank goths already low winrate
True. Nostalgics can only carry a game so long.
anon cant get enough pro cum, he must share it with everyone.
please kill yourself or play the game
AoE4 is a shit game and you're a shill.
okay faggot here you go

Fishing Ship
Fishing Ship
Transport Ship
Transport Ship
Feudal Age
Trade Cog
Trade Cog
Fire Galley
Fire Galley
Demolition Raft
Demolition Raft
Trade Cart
Trade Cart
Eagle Scout
Eagle Scout
Scout Cavalry
Scout Cavalry
Camel Scout
Camel Scout
Castle Age
War Galley
War Galley
Fire Ship
Fire Ship
Demolition Ship
Demolition Ship
Turtle Ship
Turtle Ship
Warrior Priest
Warrior Priest
Long Swordsman
Long Swordsman
Eagle Warrior
Eagle Warrior
Elite Skirmisher
Elite Skirmisher
Cavalry Archer
Cavalry Archer
Elephant Archer
Elephant Archer
Light Cavalry
Light Cavalry
Bad news for low elo goths enjoyers. In a month goths is going to be unplayable at low levels because everyone will just spreadshit attack them with archers before they are ready. He will never make a video on how to counter franks/khmer because he picks them all the time and doesn't want his opponent countering him. Lets hope he runs into a goth villager in an alley so that the low elo aoe 2 scene can recover
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Multiplayerniggers need to get back in their cuck cage. Stop acting like your gay optional mode is the real game. You got a single steam achievement out of pity, and everyone boosts that anyway.
The real game has a slower pace and fixed objectives and methods for each campaign scenario. Adding more units is not a problem for the real game.
Theese games are kept alive due the multiplayer.
You are SPfags are irrelevant.
When we say gookclickers aren’t real strategy gamers this is what we mean.
You dont play the game
He's unironically right though. In general archers are the best opening and there is no reason not to do it against the Goths. It's not like they start the game with huskarls or anything. Even with Spanish and Bulgarians, you can open archers and then pivot towards cav archers
Just play slow?
What new maps would you like added?
Fortress instead of Arena, for ever
>similar game development of booming+relic control or an eventual castle drop/monk siege shenanigans
>can have hills
>if you get pushed you can actually expand without being frustrated for the lack of space
>more space outside of the walls for battles
Just delete the castle unless is regicide and it's perfect. Death to arena, kill all clowns
The castle is good, helps vs castle droppers and differentiates it further from arena.
>helps vs castle droppers
explain, can't the castle just be dropped in another part of the base?
>differentiates it further from arena.
It makes it arena but you have a castle, it's an abbreviated arena even, one trick ponies will love it and spam turk/spanish/portuguese
there are 4k people playing HD version on steam right now, is there any reason to play it over DE?
If you have a shitty computer or the pathing in DE makes you that mad.
did they really make pathing worse in DE lol
Allegedly it still better according to eco comparations but military units are a total inexcusable mess
It was sometime around RoR. Everything went to shit around then.
>around RoR
Xbox crossplay update.
was this post ai generated?
Microsoft is very open about using AI generated everything, the art in AoM retold for example.
I wouldn't dicard the possibility of AI shills.
If you build your 2nd TC near the castle it's not as a big of a deal to get castled elsewhere. Plus instant access to UU on age up is a fun spin to a few civs.
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im burned out of the game and havent played ranked in like 4 months
its over for me?
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>the art in AoM retold for example.
watched some AoE 4 gameplay and it looks like shit, perspective and units proportions are weird i honestly prefer OG Age of Mythology over this
Pathing and the overall current state of the game is extremely frustrating, don't feel bad for taking a break, I honestly prefer watching pros instead of playing
I've downloaded PacificWheel208's Simplified Minimap Colors mod.
I will no longer miss my stone veins or deer.
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>The MPfag scene is alive thanks to the MPfags!!!
Only if their artists are called Dall E and Midjourney.
No the game itself is kept alive by MPfags.

>Get castle dropped
>Go to imp and build a second castle in your base
Was this a good answer in your mind before you posted it? You are fucking retarded, at least tell me you bought the last DLC
>instant access to UU on age up is a fun spin to a few civs.
That's just another day on arena, what are you talking about
arena is the most retarded gamemode in existance, a giant part of the game liek building a base and feudal war is taken out of the game and early aggresion is impossible. its the only map i ban 100% of the time
ps: if you play arena you are a faggot and cant complain about arena because its already a shit map
>early aggresion is impossible
lmao, even
Just rush MAA they eat through gates and no one is prepared for feudal aggression there, by the point they get some archers you'll already be in.
You two dont play the game.
Worst part about arena is going light cavs is the safest and most rewarding playstyle
I did exactly what I said in a multiplayer match yesterday as goths and the guy resigned as soon as I broke the gate was almost down with the market he built in front of it.
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exactly what I love of AoE3
doesn't work for shit what the fuck are you talking about
>arena TG
>"""ally""" want's to build castle/buildings in my base
>immediately lock the gates and mute him
I would rather get defeated instead of having even less space on that retarded map
Just go to castle age, make UU/1 knight and you are fine
Playing around with AoE3. Tell me about it.
>superior game
i got recommended random AoE2 vid where guy made a mod and ported hydralisks into aoe2 game, the difference in quality of unit barks when selected and attack sounds was massive compared to the repetitive crappy unit barks from aoe2. Broodwar was in league of its own.
starcraft is deceased unless you're a gook looking to dodge the draft.
sc2 in the west still has more players than all your favorite janky "singleplayer" rts combined. Im being generous here we all know you schizo do not play games just spam annoying faggot comments in every rts thread.
This is exactly what I hated about AoE3. The counters are so fucking weird and while I understand the idea behind some of it, I hate the way that units are either dealing 10x their listed damage against the intended target, or only do 1/5 of their normal damage.
show me player number comparisons between it and AoE2, cause I'm pretty sure you're full of shit.
Right. Is that why every single DLC focuses on adding new single player content?
This dude is living in his own world
You are retarded.
you mean the other "gookclick" game which stayed relevant cause of multiplayer fags. lmao
I accept your mewling concession.
Now that the dust has settled, what do you personally think of handcannoneers? What's your favorite gunpowder civ and why do you like it more than the others?
For me, I like bohemians for the age earlier handcannon, cool houfnice, and trash monk.
Cobra Car, Photonman, Sharkatzor, Furious the Monkey Boy and Alfred the Alpaca.
Hindustanis because they outclass the rest and can actually fight with arbs.
Starcraft 2 has a dozen unit types per faction, the question we should be asking is why are only 2 unit types viable in aoe 2
>why is a 2010 game different from a 1999 game
Starcraft gooks go back and stay in your threads
>Autist seething at the mere mention of another game
Multiple unit types are good for RTS and the most popular games have lots of units, arabia is only archer and knight which sucks
not only statecraft is older than aoe2 it was more popular in the west than aoe2 for majority of its existence
Get the fuck out gook niggers nobody fucking cares the cocksucker devs of aoe2 can't even get the pathing straight, go back to your threads
>the cocksucker devs of aoe2 can't even get the pathing straight
Reminder that pathing went to real shit when crossplay went live.
i agree, as much as i like the predictability of arabia the random map thing makes it a better game than classic aoe2 were it was arabia non stop
Malians. They just have an incredibly fluid game up to the Hand Cannoneers, and can support them well against any of their counters.
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you're (they're) not fooling anyone lol. even the main banner screams "AI zeus"
>lock gate
>1 single repair vill
>age up as usual

At least a tower push can at least knock the opponent off resources on a bad map generation.
AoE2 is literally the best RTS. A bit janky though.
>A bit janky
its turbo jank, starting with repeating obnoxious unit sound effects, pathing and not working attack move
>not working attack move
that was fixed years ago, but yes theres lots of jank like bumping villagers etc
>that was fixed years ago
pretty sure its still jank and all pros use Patrol instead o Attk+move
>starting with repeating obnoxious unit sound effects
Dumb take.
>single repair vill vs 4 MAA
>not sending even more, getting all tiles around the gate being attacked
lol send more vills to repair
You dont play the fucking game
You have no idea what the fuck are you talking about
Theres a lot of talk about this game in this board but no one organized a game so far.
I WILL CREATE A LOBBY IN 10 minutes dedicated to this board, join in custom games (arabia standart settings, name of the game "only fags allowed")
lobby created the game will launch in 30 minutes
got bored, i will play ranked but will check later if someone is willing to face me 1v1
Sorry mate but I'm already burn out of AoE2 today
You should give a longer heads up next time
elo? i do compstomps, so id get destroyed lmao.
this is a terrible medium for organizing games, i will create the lobby again (custom game !ONLY FAGS ALLOWED)
will leave the lobby on while cooking then i will eat and then i will return to ranked so it will be about 40 minutes on
why do spfags and mpfags hate each other so much
spfags don't think about mpfags at all
This isn't a GSG. You don't organize games. You play ranked anonymously and commiserate.
>repeating obnoxious unit sound effects
I like them.
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Waiter! Waiter! More Scouts please!
Mpfags feel the need to justify the time wasted on gitting gud since spbros have the ability to just play the campaigns and move on to the next game. They're mad that their autism has tethered them to a single game which they spend more time bitching about than enjoying but the autism has them trapped.
>Mpfags feel the need to justify the time wasted on gitting gud since spbros have the ability to just play the campaigns and move on to the next game.
So by that definition that makes you a tourist.
By that logic MPfags are keeping the game alive and you're merely a bystander shitting up the place as you go.
MPfags play video games?
Shame on them
I am a spfag, and I have sunk triple digit hours on aoe2. Still not even close to beating all the capmgains, and they're actually coming up with even more DLCs.
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I was really good at AoE2 back in the days of Gameranger, before even HD came out. Now all I care about is campaigns and eye candy.
Really? >>1786600
>chink opponents
I can already feel the lag
i dont if the issue its either pitch or loudness but horses get on my nerves when playing cav build, didnt have that issue with AoM and SC.
dont know*
There was none, actually
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Waiter! Waiter! More Condotieri please!
>plays arena
Arena is fun.
To hell with Arabia.
Not many bans on tg
>reach feudal age before mongol
>he surrenders
age4 btw
to prevent winning just by spamming one unit like britons spamming longbows on aoe2
Crossbows, not longbows
There are only 3 unit types not counting siege and monks
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>custom campaign
>It has a timer
Anyone got patch notes?
Hand cannoneer build time as been reduced by 2 seconds
Hand cannoneer cost has been reduced by 5 gold
Hand cannoneer reload time has gone down by 0.15 seconds
Will the HC autist finally rest in peace?
>devs finally add a Persian campaign
it's about how the man who finally reunified Persia after 700 years of chaos and foreign exploitation is a fucking huwaite male who doesn't listen to womyn
it's all so tiresome
>only discounted to $10 instead of $5
god damn it. it's hard enough for me to convince my 1 friend to buy it.
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If hand cannoneers have a million fans, then I am one of them. If hand cannoneers have ten fans, then I am one of them. If hand cannoneers have only one fan then that is me. If hand cannoneers have no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against hand cannoneers, then I am against the world.
Is it worth getting DE just for campaigns? It does have campaigns, right? Are they any less janky and inconsistent as the HD ones?
Yes, yes and... good question
Very inspiring.
>only 50% off compared to 65% last year
Better than most other deals this sale at least
>10 bucks
Breaking the bank with that purchase huh
base game has a great price considering it has 20 years worth of civs and campaigns. now lets talk about the shit dlc that has fucking georgians and literallywho armenians. 4 dollars, thats not a good price it should be free it looks like a fanmade mod
dlc list is starting to look like paradox spam anon
Buying the game on sale now is 50 bucks for all the DLC. The list of DLC does not come remotely close to the price tag and catalog of Ck2, Eu4, or stellaris. Even Ck3 has a higher price tag. The only Paradox games I can think of that are cheaper are the Rome one and Vicky 3.
tru but you really can buy only the DLCs you are interested, do you want to play ladder or campaigns only?
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I just realised the only thing I want from this game: a custom quickplay to play weird maps and custom gamemodes
Like what's the point of the current quickplay? You're playing the same thing as in ranked and most people already play ranked anyway, so there's no point to it. What I want is a quickplay version to play things like rage forest, world maps, diplomacy, etc. If I want to play all of those things I have to go into the lobby browser which is made up of like 10 chinese lobbies and that's it, nobody uses it either and nobody wants to wait for a bunch of people to join because again, basically nobody uses the lobby browser. So yeah, give me a custom quickplay for wacky maps and modes, I'm tired of ranked
just host a lobby and ill join in around 14hours.
is armenian spearmen drush an actual thing or am i being memed
Niche strats that people dont know how to counter at first do pop out from time to time, but for the most part you're getting memed
Yes, it costs 35 food 25 wood, as opposed to militia for 60 food 20 gold, does damage to unloomed villagers, and you are going to want at least 1 spearman anyway to deal with starting scout cav. I would lean more towards skirm/longsword against meso civ. No matter what immediately build a monastery in castle age, you get a free relic and your warrior priests can bring more in fast, relic control is the biggest advantage of this civ, 6 relics is a huge boost to gold economy
Also 2-handed swordsman is a cheap tech which hard counters an all in eagle play and can compete with knights
>can compete with knights
Anon stop trying to lie to people that just want to learn the game
Memed. Wood is more valuable than gold early and spears both deal less damage and attack slower.
Also drush itself is a pretty weak strat right now
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I have yet to use compbowmen against Persian War elephants, I'm curious how that would turn out
Probably bad for the bowmen
It has 12 attack and 1 melee armor base, it can win in an equal resources fight, only thing knights have going for them is mobility
They fucking don't dude, go play the game
Pretty sure its the skirms putting in the majority of the work, they have greater range and bonus damage
Yeah but skirms are meant to be a meatshield, while compbowmen also shoot from behind and kill any melee cavalry that gets close

Armenian compbowmen + skirms is a very good army comp, only struggles against Onagers and heavy scorps, technically Warrior Priests are a good counter to that but you will burn your gold incredibly fast
Villager, female villager, militia, battering ram, car
A knight kills the two handed swordsman in 7 hits, two handed swordsman kills the knight in 12 hits, which is pretty good for a unit that costs half as much as a knight. And knights are better conversion targets
i am following your screenshots here for months and even seen some of your replays please play good maps
last 10 games were 9/10 arena... you are a one trick nigger please stop, you dont even rank 1v1 and only play team arena 4v4 you are a disgrace.

This poost was brought to you by r/arenapeoplehate
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First off. No.
Second off. Last night and today tried to play Nomad but we all got Arena all the fucking time, not my fucking fault AoE2 deciding the maps for me. Also I'm not playing Arabia.
Third, why the fuck you actually give a shit?
For me it's Legacy of Rome expansion:
Ivan III (Slavs)
Majorian (Romans)
Mehmed II (Turks)
Vlachs civ for Dracula
What decade will the bugs get fixed? 2040?
speaking of expansion i cannot wait to see the fucking meme one that will be the Polish-lithuanian and Danes for AOE3 (seriously wtf with these two choice , Malta was already a fucking stretch)
Poland-Lithuania was way overdue. I do think the Danes are a weird pick but I suppose they did own Norway and killed Charles XII so whatever.
i have all dlc except the poo one
wanted to buy the poo one but im not giving them more money than i did the for the european dlc otherwise that might lead them to believe I want more non-european campaigns
i am fine with waiting another year
If you could only play 1 civilization for the rest of your life, which one would you pick?
Mongols. It's already the only one I play.
Would be a hard life
Tatars. They're the best civ.
>Vlachs civ
Die of AIDS.
Vikings for life
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incredibly based
Brain says Aztec since it's single civ that I play alright also I like playing "on timer"
Heart says poles or portugese since spamming eaglos over and over sounds boring.
Only missing gunpowder.
>Dracula was a slav
heart says bohemians.
brain says portuguese obviously.
Tatars are the only one I never truly tire of. Never really feel helpless. Always something I can do better with them.
Going to get some Drav games in. Something feels good about having a "Arabia is my worst map, so ban it, I dare you" civ.
>Counter everything
>Nice voices
A shame they don't have cool middle eastern architecture anymore.
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For those not in the know: Kamayuks (and the other pseudo-pike unit, Flemish Militia) don't counter armored elephants.
Their +8 against cav gets negated by the elephant's +7 cav bonus armor, and the +20 against war elephants gets negated by the +17 elephant bonus armor.
In imperial, it's the same. 12 meets 10 and becomes 2, while the elephant bonus becomes 20 v 20, so nil.
If I had to play one Age Of Empires game, which should I pick? I've only played the demo version of the first game which was preinstalled on my school's computers in like 1999. I have Game Pass so all are accessible.
II is the best
but it depends what you're looking for
III is good for skirmishes, II is better for multiplayer and campaigns
Which civ should be able to tame wolves
Why this nigga reads ca as ch-ad, that confuses my ESG brain.
I feel like if you have 20 kamayuks they will do well because of stacking melee damage, Urumis could be a problem but you mix in slinger
What do you anons think about the last DLC, Victors and Vanquished? Personally, I thinks it's garbage. I'm currently playing though it chronologically, starting with Gaiseric, now at Robert. So far every single mission so far has taken me atleast 4 hour. I'm an achievementfag and I like most of the aoe2 campaigns, but I'm close to throwing in the towel, just based on how much of a boring grindfest these missions missions are.

In terms of campaigns, Dynasties of India was probably the second best, after the Dawn of the Dukes.
True. Rajendra is easily top 3.
if i want to play ladder, what dlc is a must?????
None. All of them have meta civs if that's what you are asking but you truly don't need any to be successful on the ladder because is mostly about execution of strategy. If you are going to buy one just chose whichever you like
None, for Mayans and Mongols are free
I almost forgot to mention that the current state of the game is absolutely atrocious and there is no reason for you to spend a single penny on this game if you don't have any nostalgia about it. Do NOT buy the game
None required. Many of the best come with the base game.
DLC isn't needed, nothing truly broken, Georgians and Burgundians are the strongest of the civs introduced. Burgundians because it is so strong on arena, Georgians are busted if they get their unique unit production going
but they nerfed the Monaspa back in March
NTA. It's still strong.
strong but not busted
Steppe lancer got nerfed worse, Monaspa have the same cost and stats, your probably going to want to mix in other units because its harder to snowball
>Monaspa have the same cost and stats as steppe lancers
are you high?
>"We're making campaigns only dlc!"
>It's actually just a bunch of standalone unrelated scenarios
I'm still upset. No, I didn't buy it.
No but you lack reading comprehension. Steppe lancers were also broken on release, it got nerfed to the point it was almost unusable, costing 15 extra gold and its base attack was nerfed. The monaspa weren't nerfed quite as heavily as the steppe lancer, the cost, base attack and armor of the unit is good even before buffs and it can still get +8 attack unlike Lithuanians that can only get +6 with 4 relics
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The best part about AoE II is going into the map editor and making pretty scenes and cities with troops standing in formation or ready for combat.

Change My Mind.
then post a picture of the pretty scenes you make
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They fixed quick play?
You love arena
>You love arena
Not him but we only get one (1) ban on TGs and there are worse maps than arena so it's fairly common
happy 4th of july, aoe2bros.
let's hope they buff handcannoneers today to show their love for America and guns.
I do wish we had a native american civ that has eagles, horse archers, hand cannonneers, bbcs and hussars but no crossbow, knight, camels or elephants to make up for anything.
I now remember thy stopped doing events. Thanks
villagers don't use bows to hunt and use handcannons.
>viper starts streaming one hour after I get to work
He is doing it on purpose isn't he
I'd love a "villagers attack enemies with bows at 3 range but deal 1 damage" civ bonus for some indjun civ
Would become immediate forward vills cancer civ.
Don't give them loom.
I don't like you.
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>Vortigern campaign mission requires you to do literally nothing except build a bunch of archers and send them to stand behind Hadrian's Wall
I just beat vanilla AoE2 (not DE, the original game). Some missions were meh, but was pretty good overall. The entire Joan of Arc campaign kinda sucked though.

Gonna install the expansion and play through that next.
the original campaigns are not the best, it generally only goes up from there
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What if I didnt play defensively?
What if I'm not a coward?
What if I wanted the teuton to trush me?
What if I wanted him to try?
Join my group for dank memes
It was easy enough before they added devotion.
>Vipur has child
>Loses tournament
Is Return of Rome fun? I probably played aoe1 a lot more back in the day, and while I think the bronze setting is still way cooler than aoe2's middle ages, I'm not sure it's aged that well, atleast in terms of game balance.

Till you reach the lastest DLC.
its bassicaly the best version of AOE1 available and the addition of gates make it so much better , so if you really wanna play AOE1 take it , the only downside so far is that its still missing some of the AOE1 campaigns
RoR feels so much better to control in terms of balance. I wouldn’t have minded a little more extreme rebalancing like maybe inclusions of elite slingers or siege towers.
There should have been regional Bronze Age upgrades to Tool units tbf
Which new civ are you guys most excited about? Mine's Jurchens.
There aren't going to be any new civs
im most excited for the USA civ.
Based pick. Iroquois sound very fun.
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Every curse
Every grudge
Every hatred I ever felt for brainrotted metafags and autistic archerfags

Released on that single ram charge, and watching red get absolutely run over and yellow hopeless to help was like a balm for my soul
Still lost that game
>Name 5 units:
>Feudal Age
>Castle Age
This takes retardation to a whole new level.
does iroquois mean pussy in redskin? i meant the real American civ.
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Thoughts on the top Arabia civs?
It actually means red in pussyskin.
Bengalisbros... our response?
Longswords will work, Heartt lost all his archers, Heartt needs slinger
>Dude hera wins!
Herabros this can't be happening, 2 straight losses
Sitaux better not Sithrow
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>not good at AoE2
>purposely lose matches so my ELO drops down to where I can comfortably beat any opponent
>ELO improves
>start losing games to better players
>purposely start losing again
>ELO plummets
>start beating scrubs EZ
>ELO improves
>actually better at the game now

Tell me this is an actual way to git gud, because I see no flaw in this.
There is not much you can learn from beating worse players, you might as well be playing against the AI
>>actually better at the game now
Except thats wrong since you wont gain anything by stomping noobs, except masturbating your ego
RTS multiplayer would give me a heart attack, it's such a sweaty genre.
>FPS and fighting games
Win or lose in minutes
Only need to control one unit
From the first second you need to keep exact track of your timings down to the minutiae of "boar luring", scouting, and sheep stealing; which becomes only more stressful once you finish your opening and need to freestyle it
The change in perspective is useful for managing the way you approach life.
What perspective and management style is that?
The first ten minutes are the easiest
Skill issue
Multiple steps of forward thought, actively acquiring information and responding to it ahead of time, balancing multiple flows, knowing how to measure risk and strengthen advantages, etc.
this sounds like me explaining to my mum why "strategy games are educational!"
It'd be easier to clarify using real examples.
They should go the Indians route and break up bigger civs to small ones, such as the Italians into their city states.
>such as the Italians into their city states
We already have Sicily and Italy, I think there's more ripe fruit to be found in China
this is /vst/ not /pol/
All those steps that you need to think very hard the first time you do it become muscle memory when you do it enough, that's the component you are missing.
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Bros I think I found my new favorite map
What exactly was so pol about that post, I saw it and it was a common answer to civsplitter retards
Sicilians doesn't even really represent actual Sicilians, it represents the Normans
We already have Saracens
Post-Normans was just a German-Catalan mess and a few Vespers, Sergeants are a better identity
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Assassination attempt on ex-Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition lead balance employee. Suspect caught at scene saying more people will rise up and attempt it again unless his people get more buffs. Picture of suspect included
No wonder he missed
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On our way to fuck up your shit
MAA trush is VERY strong in this map, it trashes brainrotted metafags well

But I dread the game I will have to face another MAA rusher with a good infantry civ, Japanese, Bulgarians and even Sicilians if they do a defensive Donjon so I'm not able to push his gold
I also feel that if they want to add something new they need to go all out on some concept that is just a shock to the system.
Stuff like the Caucus gathering carts or camel scouts. New civs or redoing old civs should break the patterns that make AoE2 repetitive.
>I also feel that if they want to add something new they need to go all out on some concept that is just a shock to the system.
Let there be a civ which combines houses and barracks
Longhouse, functions as a barracks provides 30 pop space.
Costs 150 wood. Can’t build houses.
>Let there be a civ which combines houses and barracks
>Longhouse, functions as a barracks provides 30 pop space.
>Costs 150 wood. Can’t build houses.
Bored with Huns already?
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imagine holding her hand.
A female monk mod would keep someone's patreon afloat for many, many years.
They added a big titty redhead berserker to AoM Retold, and the fans got upset about it. Would AoE2 fans welcome a cute female monk or is this fanbase just as gay as AoM's?
>and the fans got upset about it.
No, one /v/-tard got very excited over the fact that he could complain about a female military unit existing, and I'm pretty sure it's you, given everyone else understood it was a villager picking up a weapon, and not a real military unit.
It is a real military unit which can be trained from the barracks, and I am in favour of big titty warrior women regardless, so I'm not sure why you think I would be complaining.
99% of the complaints are about the atrocious AI art, horrendous UI and misdirected gameplay changes.
AoM vanilla had female villagers turn into male ulfsarks back then.
felt good to outsmart 2 players at once.
I had a dream about the Catalans getting added, being used to represent the Provençals as well
These threads are deader than usual
I'd say its due the constant attention AoM and it's threads are getting
i can complain about handcannoneers needing more buffs if you want
Is AoE2 a good game for single player? I am not interested in multi-player games, and from the gameplay videos single player looks pretty barren, just a set of missions with conditions. Should I try it or leave it? I played AoE2 as a kid a little, so I have this nostalgia feeling.
yes, it's good for singleplayer. campaigns are fun and skirmish ai is good.
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I have 425 hours in AoE2 from campaigns, with maybe ~5 hours of multi and skirmishes
I think it's because half of the people here don't actually play the game, but I'll check:

Scenario: 19 minutes into the match, playing whatever civ you want. Some Frank Xbox nerd is about to 2-stable knight rush you as soon as he hits castle, coming off a failed scrush. You're both even in vill count and eco. You have only two spears and a fully-walled base.
What's your play?
How is single good? It looks like just some maps with restricted tech / unit selection and lame into narration.
Example - SC2 has great single player for an RTS with cutscenes, non linearity and overall fun mission design.
AoM is my favorite but Retold is an insult.
I like AoE2 but what is there to talk now that civ spleeters have been hunt down to extinction?
>compares a game released in 99 with a 2007 game
1 monastery or 2?
just entered a ranked game today, didn't realize it was 2v2. destroyed both of them single handed while my ally jerked off. based 900 ELO
Depends on which civ I am and how good will those monks work later on but just a couple often scares knight rushers.
Rage Forest 5 finals today
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Damn... T90 going wack lately
shooter got too greedy and didn't research thumb ring before going all in on archers
I lose to moderate AI in skirmish
I wish AoE 3 had better AI
The only strategy it uses is rush in Colonial Age -> lose steam and die
turkroach for life
Hera isn't even that good desuyo.
He's good at keeping up his micro throughout the game without running out of steam for sure, but his macro and team game is mediocre.
So many times where you can tell someone would have beaten Hera if they hadn't ran out of mental energy to keep the pressure up when they had the advantage. Hera just has more time to autistically train endurance than all the 40-year-old dads.
>Top ranked player
>"Isn't that good"
Those aren't mutually exclusive.
Is aoe2 a gook clicker or can you play it like a human on higher levels
You play slow first because you are new and then you can play faster when you start to understand the game and when you truly get what's going on you can play really slow and still win because strategy and decision making are king
You mean he's bad at strategy but can make up for it by having god stamina. Basically the opposite of Daut.
the Olympics is going to add electronic Sports to their array of sports they host. do you think aoe2 will be included? if they do, i bet it'll be empire wars
>Why do I need 50 different unit types that are all visually indistinguishable from each without zooming all the way in?
not true at all, are you blind? I can clearly see the differences even zoomed out with maybe a few exceptions
one of the things I love the most about RTS games is when you have tons of different cool-looking units to choose different teams or builds
if you want to play with pros you're gonna have to learn how to play faster grandpa
Age II is pretty popular you'll find tons of noobs to play with you and people who don't really care about winning that much
why the fuck do my passengers keep immediately re-boarding the transport they just left wtf is going on
They just wanna go home bro
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Need more campaigns
Simple as
Wish chinks translated more of them
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What if I did not play defensively?
What if I'm not a coward?
What if I want him to trush me?
What if I want him to -try-?

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