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I noticed nobody ever made a new thread so I'll make one
previous thread >>1678337
maybe nobody made the thread because they didn't want to be known as a faggot who plays reddit mods.
Fag trying too hard to fit in.
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holy shit ateff thread made by someone other than myself
anyways what are your favorite regions? for me its definitely the northeast(including quebec and the maritimes)
Nice, thanks for using my screenshot! I was thinking of making a new thread myself, but I didn't want to be that much of a shill for my own mod, lol.
I've added Hank's friends since taking that pic, though they still need some fine-tuning before they're complete.

Anyway, Deposed anon here, I'll repost the latest version from the last thread:
Like always, please report any bugs you find.

At the end of the last thread, we were talking about possible changes to the Norse religion.
One anon suggested making them a Lutheran/Protestant/Norse mix, and I'd like to hear any suggestions and ideas you guys have on it.
There were also other ideas, like adding Juggalos and redoing parts of New England, as well as adding the Kennedy and Reagan dynasties somewhere.
An anon was also adding in more members of the Long dynasty in Louisiana.

Also, I finally made a git for Deposed. Something I should have done in the beginning. Now it'll be easier for you guys to contribute, if you want:
This is my first git, so forgive me if I messed something up here.
2655 in the year of the Lord and already the boy ain't right
I don't know how to use github myself, but I've been playing a HCC game recently using it, (great job by the way), and I've noticed a few bugs with the base mod, and was wondering if you'd add the fix to your mod.

If you do, the two main problems were with converting the grand duchy of tarheel to its kingdom, (in 'decisions/HFP_realm_decisions.txt', event: 'declare_kingdom_of_tarheel'), it references the provinces of magnolia I think. (I fixed it for myself a while ago and didn't write it down.) I think one of the other similar grand duchy->kingdom decisions granted to the wrong title as well.

Also, when I tried to expel some of the Evan knights and flip heathen, expelling I think the chrismon knights would instead expel the cthuluan knights of the round table.
This was fixed in 'am_soa_holy_order_events.txt', and searching for 'expel_chrismon_tree_check' and making sure it led to 'expelled_d_chrismon_tree'.

Other than that, I noticed the Consumerist Shia uprising (Monetarist) is completely and utterly fucked, and needs a major rework.
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hey deposed anon, I've decided to land the Terry Davis and GLR reference characters in Des Plaines and Streatorland respectively, do you want me to upload my fork to the git or do you want me to add any characters before I upload?
also since you're working on Texas, there's a couple of characters that have MLP references as names in the First Cavalry court, namely the Black Jack family, so if you don't like those references then perhaps you can change/remove it. Speaking of which you can also add/switch all those killls Duke Denton of Metroplex has into being part of Cotton Hillwalker's 50 men count
also I'm the same guy who was thinking of the Protestant/Norse mix
Is Chris Chan in the mod?
I think he should be since he's one of the most infamous Americans on the internet.
His Sonichu medallion should be an artifact too.
Have you guys talked about straight up adding the Nation of Islam?
Maybe as an Orientalist heresy?
Or does Misrist already fill that role?
I second the removal of the MLP shit. I'm the guy who suggested the juggalo religion btw
I remember you said you want to one day have this be separate instead if being a submod, how's that been?
>great job by the way
Thank you!
>converting the grand duchy of tarheel to its kingdom
That should be an easy fix.
It looks like they copied the code from the Magnolia decision since they had to make 4 similar decisions (I do this too), but forgot to change them.
As for the Chrismon Knights, I looked where you said to, but it already leads to 'expelled_d_chrismon_tree'. Maybe the error is elsewhere?
>the Consumerist Shia uprising (Monetarist) is completely and utterly fucked, and needs a major rework.
Damn, how bad is it, and how would we go about fixing it?

Nice! You can upload them to the git, though I'm still not entirely sure how it works. I can't think of any other characters, but we can always add more in later.
>MLP references
I have no opinion on this, so yeah I can remove them if enough people want it.
As for Cotton Hillwalker's kills, I'm keeping them as is, since they're a reference to him killing 50 Japanese soldiers in WWII.
Actually, maybe I can make Cotton or Hank the Duke of Metroplex instead? Though I'm not sure if Duke Denton is important.
>also I'm the same guy who was thinking of the Protestant/Norse mix
Oh, I thought you were different people. Things can get confusing here.
Can you repost your Norse rework suggestions so other anons can see?

Jesus Chris(t) chan, how could we forget him? Another thing to put on the ever-growing To Do List.

Nope, I think you're the first anon to bring them up. Aren't they already a part of one of the religions?
For Misrists, I had an idea of a Little Egypt invasion for them where if they win, they get the kingdom of Big Egypt or something and their king/queen title would be Kang/Kween.

Another vote for MLP removal.
For the Juggalo religion, I think I'll add it, but you'll have to wait awhile for it.

I can actually make it it's own mod right now, but the thing is, I don't think Deposed has changed or added enough content to justify it yet.
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does the mercenary shaolin company count? they use Wu-Tang and Five-Percent names
>Nice! You can upload them to the git, though I'm still not entirely sure how it works. I can't think of any other characters, but we can always add more in later.
I think you have to let me be part of your repository if I want to make a branch with my edits so you can merge them later
>As for Cotton Hillwalker's kills, I'm keeping them as is, since they're a reference to him killing 50 Japanese soldiers in WWII.
oh yeah I'm aware, but I thought either him or Hank could get the kill counts from Duke Denton
>Actually, maybe I can make Cotton or Hank the Duke of Metroplex instead? Though I'm not sure if Duke Denton is important.
from what I've seen in the discord the only lore for Duke Denton is that he killed the parents of the First Cavalry fags and that's it, so why not just replace that character and House Murchison with ours? Hank would have to get a bit of a bump to his stewardship though
cont'd because I ran out of space
>Can you repost your Norse rework suggestions so other anons can see?
>replace norse religion with one that mixes protestant and norse mythology
>religion description would talk about God, Mary and Jesus but would describe them as "God the All-father, Mother Mary and Jesus Christ the Brave and the Light", things like that. The gods Thor, Tyr and Heimdall would also be put in the "God names" category as Archangel Thor, Archangel Tyr and Archangel Heimdall and for "Evil god names" it would be things like Lucifer, Loki and Jörmungandr the Adversary (Satan) and it would speak of Ragnarok as the Event
>remove House Soady and replace House Ringbringer with House Eldstjärna, with it's founder being Sigurd "the Firestar" from Twin Cities, who united the state of Minnesota while his descendants took over northern Wisconsin and the Upper Michigan peninsula
that's it really, previous threads mentioned New Era New World which is a different post apoc mod set in america and I wonder if I can shill these ideas to them? as matter of fact we can also shill the idea of House Hillwalker too
>Jesus Chris(t) chan, how could we forget him? Another thing to put on the ever-growing To Do List.
I could add him but he'd have such dogshit traits I don't see the point of adding him lmao
>I could add him but he'd have such dogshit traits I don't see the point of adding him lmao
NTA, because he's funny. He has a lot of lore and spiritual beliefs that he could work as a character, relic, religion, etc.
>I think you have to let me be part of your repository if I want to make a branch with my edits so you can merge them later
I'll be honest, I'm not sure how to do that.
>oh yeah I'm aware, but I thought either him or Hank could get the kill counts from Duke Denton
Alright, in that case I'll give them to Hank.
>the First Cavalry fags
Is there anything on these guys? They feel off to me. I think another anon said they were a self-insert?
>so why not just replace that character and House Murchison with ours? Hank would have to get a bit of a bump to his stewardship though
Speaking of Murchison, is there anything on them?
It looks like her husband is a reference to J. R. Ewing from the Dallas tv show (That would explain why they had the county of Dallas), and I think she's a reference to Elvira, Mistress of the Dark, but I'm not sure why she would be in Texas.
If I'm right about their references, I'd like to keep them, but I'll turn their matrilineal marriage into a regular one.
Anyway, I'll replace Denton with Hank (Or Cotton, not sure yet) and I'll redo the title history again so it can be traced back to the High King.
Also, thanks for reminding me about Hank's stewardship. I went back to check, and I somehow neglected to give him and his immediate family fixed stats.
Thanks for reposting your Norse ideas.
>previous threads mentioned New Era New World which is a different post apoc mod set in america and I wonder if I can shill these ideas to them? as matter of fact we can also shill the idea of House Hillwalker too
Would they be receptive to that?
>I could add him but he'd have such dogshit traits I don't see the point of adding him lmao
Like >>1783854 says, because it's funny. I think he could just be an unlanded courtier as a small easter egg. Maybe in the future, he could be an insane prophet that ushers in a new religion via invasion like the Consumerists, lol.
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>as matter of fact we can also shill the idea of House Hillwalker too
Way ahead of you
>The virgin count Hank vs the Chad King of the Hill

Here's their Git btw:
>Chrismon Knights.
Redownloaded the base mod since I clearly mixed it all up, it was actually the 'expel_salvation_army' decision in 'holy_order_decisions.txt'. That one is wrongly referencing the round table. Change the char flag to 'expel_salvation_army_check' and it'll work.

>Monetarist is fucked
Alright, so the way it's meant to work is that when the leader of Consumerism dies, one of his Investors says "saving money is better than spending it", this leads to schism, and the title of Monetarist Caliph is made.
The problems are:
1: For some reason, the Investors either aren't spawning or aren't surviving long enough to matter, and there is no fallback in case they all die, so for the event to work, the easiest solution I can think of is that everyone who ends up landed when he wins his first war, count upward, gains the trait.
2: The Caliph title of 'd_monetarist' cannot be made until it is granted to an investor by the event, as it starts inactive, and it cannot be created as long as the flag 'consumerist_revolt_ongoing' is active. This flag is set at the start of the Consumerist uprising, and is never disabled.
3: More minor, but the creation criteria for the Caliph title is absolutely stupid, probably because of people trying to deal with the ai not creating it but not realising that flag is a major problem.
As such, this is the allow condition I set up for myself, modelled after the Consumerist one:
allow = {
AND = {
OR = {
trait = mirza
trait = sayyid
trait = investor
wealth = 5000
religion = monetarist
piety = 1000
#made the damn thing even remotely work
#NOT = { has_global_flag = consumerist_revolt_ongoing }
NOT = { has_global_flag = monetarist_heresy }
The flag monetarist_heresy does get cleaned up, so that one's fine.
4: For some reason, (manually starting the event) the investorMoneyCaliph declares rivalry on every consuermist and monetarist, which is just a bit weird.

I think that's all.
didn't realise the code spacing would get eaten, but oh well.
I hope that's all clear enough, 2 and 3 I could fix up easily enough on my own with that code there, but I personally have no idea how to implement 1, or if that would really be the best course of action. I don't really know if I was just unlucky with the survival of the investors, but it definitely needs an adjustment and a backup method, or at least to have more of the trait floating around.
Even so that's my take. Frankly, I may be the only person who ever cared about a half baked heresy of a more event filled religion in an old and very nearly but not quite abandoned mod for a superior game which all the zoomers think look ugly, but the +2 stewardship called to me.
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alright then
>I'll be honest, I'm not sure how to do that.
I'll just do this
>Is there anything on these guys? They feel off to me. I think another anon said they were a self-insert?
so First Cavalry and its makes reference to multiple Cavalry divisions in the US, Allison Maverick is a reference to one of those and also as self insert to the guy who devved Texas
>It looks like her husband is a reference to J. R. Ewing from the Dallas tv show (That would explain why they had the county of Dallas), and I think she's a reference to Elvira, Mistress of the Dark, but I'm not sure why she would be in Texas.
I can understand the J R Ewing one but not Elvira, that's an odd pick
>If I'm right about their references, I'd like to keep them, but I'll turn their matrilineal marriage into a regular one.
fair enough I suppose, will they rule a different county instead of Dallas? I would like to see Hank as the ruler of that
>Would they be receptive to that?
to be honest, not sure, looking at this >>1784183 they already added one in, but in Houston instead of Dallas, and it's a straight up reference instead of adding a -walker in the end
also I checked Minnesota and they already filled it up, interesting that they went with a native american religion
>interesting that they went with a native american religion
It doesn't look that native to me
It seems more like a folk American one
With Paul Bunyan, Father Christmas, Jack O'Lantern etc.
it does use a little bit of native american references but yeah you're right
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I'm just gonna leave this here
I meant to reply to you earlier, but my favorite regions are the Great Lakes and California.

Damn, having him be a king is way better. I gotta step up my game.
At least my reference has Good Hank.

Alright, I fixed the Expel the Salvation Army decision, thanks!
And just to be sure, but the monetarist code part should be put in the "d_monetarist" section of the "landed_titles/religious.txt" file, right?
Yeah, the spacing's fucked, but it's no problem.
I'm not sure about point 1 either, but I'll probably have to run a few tests on that event to see what exactly is going on with it.
Hopefully it won't be a repeat of how I fixed the Nazarene head of faith, as the testing phase of that process was a slog.

Actually, there seems to be a lot of broken things relating to religions in AtE.
I mentioned the Libertarian head of faith issue in the previous thread, but I also noticed that the Cristo Rey heads of faith after the first one in 2666 dies don't get education traits. I think it might be because the title is also a holy order, but I'm not sure.

Lol, nothing wrong with wanting to fix something you care about, that's partially what I'm doing with Deposed. But yeah, it's a shame that CK3 still hasn't surpassed CK2 yet.
So anyway, how should I credit you in the changelog?

Sweet, thanks! Also, I appreciate you adding the readme of what you've changed, it makes things a bit easier.
>First Cavalry
Okay, that makes some sense now. Should Allison be replaced, or should we leave her be?
Yeah, it's weird, but like I said, I only think it's a reference to her, I'm not entirely sure if it actually is.
Hank will definitely rule Dallas. Elvira and Jayarr will keep their remaining county of Collinwall.
>NENW stuff
Ah, they've already filled in those regions, then.

You cheeky fucker, trying to curse me, lol. Now I have to add Chris Chan. Do you also have an artifact image for his unholy Sonic Totem?
If Chris chan is going to have his own religion I think their theology should involve them believing the event happened because of the damn dirty trolls preventing the merge from happening and a generally dualist worldview. Though if he doesn't get his own religion he could be just a lunatic
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>Do you also have an artifact image for his unholy Sonic Totem?
Made it just for you
Chris Chan is actually the exact same as the one from the 21st century. He became immortal after the Merge.
I couldn't get into CK2 when I tried but, but I love HOI IV. Will I like CK3?
Like we gonna go with that literally or is it going to be some mad prophet claiming to be Chris reincarned like how Chris claims to be Jesus christ reincarnated?
>If Chris chan is going to have his own religion
is this really necessary? I can't imagine it being anything more than a hollow meme religion that lowers the overall quality of the mod
Probably not, unless graphics were the only thing stopping you from enjoying CK2
>is this really necessary?
I think it would be funny. At least as a heresy, then.
I'm all for him being a character with his own artifacts and all but if he gets a relgion then how is it even going to function?
What would it be called and who would the good gods and evil gods be?
What would its mechanics be?
Its holy sites?
Its holy order?
Would there be a Chris Chan society? Like a monastic one or a warrior lodge?
Which religious group would it be in? If it's going to be a heresy, what would it be a heresy of?
>I'm all for him being a character with his own artifacts and all but if he gets a relgion then how is it even going to function?
I personally can't decide if it should be like Protestantism or Consumerist.
>What would it be called and who would the good gods and evil gods be?
The comic characters as gods and troll names with Jersh as an evil god.
>Its holy sites?
Places he has been. The province with his home town/suburb and the provinces of the conventions he has attended.
>Its holy order?
Maybe, "Smash Brothers"?
>Would there be a Chris Chan society? Like a monastic one or a warrior lodge?
I would very much like that as I spend a lot of time in all CK2 mods RPing as a society member.
>Which religious group would it be in? If it's going to be a heresy, what would it be a heresy of?
Already mentioned above.

FYI you should consider lurking KF a bit for more info.
Pleaseb add Joseph P Kennedy and the rest of the Kennedy Family to an independent Plymouth with a claim on the Dutchy/District of Massachusetts as Americanists with a bloodline. Not sure what traits to give it, maybe a fertility boost?
What are everyone's thoughts on Magnolia, should it belong to the gulf coast empire or stick with the HCC?
I feel like consumerist could work and it would be funny if they had their own version of islam's qarmatians
"landed_titles/religious.txt" is exactly where it goes, yeah.
you can credit me as the monetarist anon I guess, since it was just that and some hcc stuff I pointed out.
Semi-related but what is Magnolia? A quick search reveals towns in the south but is it a recognised region like Upstate New York or the Florida panhandle?
The mod's name for Mississippi the magnolia state. I asked because it being a de jure part of hcc would make it seem easier for the grey blob to expand.
Probably stick with the HCC.
He'll just be a character for now. I made him immortal, but I think that might be too absurd. Any suggestions for traits, stats, etc.?
I made it so that in his character history he became immortal in 2078, the same year Petrus Romanus becomes Pope, as I think that's around the time the Event occurs?

A religion for him would be pretty funny, but what >>1786601 is saying is also true. I don't want to add too many empty meme religions, as they might end up cluttering the map like in CK3 AtE.
Much thought needs to be put into if a religion should be added or not. That being said, I think >>1786709 has some decent ideas. Personally, I think it being like Protestantism makes the most sense.
Honestly, after adding Scientology, religion modding has become my least favorite part of modding and I'm reluctant to add any more myself. If you guys can help out in that regard, it would be much appreciated.

Fucking kek, thank you. How should I credit you?

There are plans to add the Kennedys, so we're good there, though I dunno about adding the real Kennedys in 2666, but descendants of them. Maybe adding them in the dynasty history?
Also, why Plymouth? There's already a character there, and I don't want to remove anyone without knowing if they're important or a reference to something. Not against it, as anywhere in Boston would fit them.

I think it should stay in the HCC.
I dunno about anyone else, but I'd like to redraw the de jure Kingdom and Empire maps in that region. Like possibly removing the Gulf Coast Empire and moving Louisiana to The Lone Star Empire and Florida to the HCC.
Also shift around a few counties and duchies in the process, like moving the county of Cheraw from Tar Heel to Palmetto as one example. Or giving Magnolia/Mississippi and Tuskegee/Alabama sea access.
What do you guys think?

Thanks again, monetarist anon.
>Any suggestions for traits, stats, etc.?
Give him the autism trait AtE has, I think it's called distractible
>as I think that's around the time the Event occurs?
I think it's supposed to be before 2000 as that is the cutoff date they've imposed for references
>Fucking kek, thank you. How should I credit you?
It's really nothing to be proud of, I just googled sonic totem transparent and put it in the artifact background. But if you insist just Anon is enough.
>I don't want to add too many empty meme religions, as they might end up cluttering the map like in CK3 AtE.
I can understand but Chris Chan is popular and surface level enough that I still think it could be referenced. And similar to the Juggalos, there's enough actual spiritual and religious beliefs with the people it's based on that it would work as a religion.
>There are plans to add the Kennedys, so we're good there
Sweet, Thanks. As for the "real" Kennedys, remember that they name themselves after each other (There's a RFK III and a Joseph Kennedy II in real life 2024), so it's less that its the actual Joseph Kennedy, but just a Kennedy named after the original, and his sons are named after the other Kennedys. That said if you don't want that I'd make the Kennedys the Colonial culture,it has names that would fit them
>Why Plymouth?
The Kennedy's are a Massachusetts/New England family; My idea was the Occultists had driven the Americanists out of Boston/most of New England, and Plymouth was the last holdout of them which is ruled by the Kennedy family. This mean a 'goal' you can have is to reclaim Massachusetts (and then New England) from the Occultists, and it's a hard start since you're surrounded by pagans.
>I don't want to remove anyone without knowing if they're important or a reference to something
I didn't want to do that either when I tried this, so I just gave the Plymouth character (Boomer I think his name was) the provence to the west of Plymouth, which seemed to work alright.
someone anyone PLEASE make it so that americanists have no issue holding tribal lands. that mouse guy down in florida can do it why cant the others? gunning for occultist land as the clinton house in the east is fucking infuriating when i have to build up their tribal shitshacks from the ground up, let alone not be able to hold them.
also give good starts.
>also give good starts
the secret mormon polygamous heretic in north mexico is fun if you like doing secret cult stuff
>post-apocalyptic future
>no race war
this mod makes no sense
For me it's the fact that demographics are exactly the same this many years after a catastrophic collapse where I'd say the vast majority of black people in the US would have died after running out of things to loot
Shit, remember Katrina? Imagine that on a nationwide scale, with no relief coming from anywhere.
CK3 AtE is worse though, considering how many cultures have "Indigenous_yuto_aztec" thrown into their ethnicity ratios
>I'd say the vast majority of black people in the US would have died after running out of things to loot
Why do you talk as if looting is the only thing blacks are capable of?
In fact I'd even say that they'd fare well in the south
Yeah, in the South. That's really the only place keeping significant amounts of blapeepo makes sense.
>good starts
- levi the liberator, obviously
- Osman Battal is a vassal of honduras (i think), traditionalist muslim. Before the final update he was a 12-year-old with Strong, so you could pick his education, and an independent ruler with the three counties the lamanites currently have, which was way more fun
- There's an iroquois duke under Hudsonia, if you usurp the kingdom the name changes to Haudenosaunee
- all of the dukes of the Freeland dynasty in Cascadia have claims on each other (note that this run is actually very tough because of 24/7 trailwalker and peyotist raiding adventurers after about 2700)
- Ma Haji in the county of Imperial in Socal follows Qingzhen, basically confucian islam, it's extremely strong
- The starting situation and stats of the king of Gran Francisco are practically the platonic ideal of a tall game if you're into that. His vassal Stuart Woz also has the highest level exam trait and incredible stats
- There's a vassal count on the southern edge of the map in Colombia who has Quechua (inca) culture
- The tribal realm of Snowbirds in the south near tennessee are occultist yankees, they can form the "carpetbagger" melting pot culture
- On the nearly-invisible tiny tribal island of San Andres near panama, there's a brethren ruler with the unique "raizal" culture, which is a carribean anglophone culture with raiding and (probably due to an oversight) access to two different cultural retinues and their buildings AND the brethren unique building. The beginning is very slow though
- Jacqueline the Wolf, a pelagic acadien in the Madeline Islands near the Maritimes, is young, has great stats, and is positioned to make shitloads of money raiding wherever you want. You could take over the maritimes, or use the money to start a merchant republic once you're playing as a man
- If you start as Utah you will get an event that lets you influence the Eden rebellion to be normal mormons instead of neo-godbeites
just went in game to check, it's jacquotte instead of jacqueline and the san andres guy isn't tribal. a few more:
- Lyle Warner in Texqakallt (de jure kingdom of Caledonia) is a Neo-Batenburger vassal of Gaians with Strong, good stats, and claims
- The dukes of Gitmo in Cuba are americanist southrons, if you didn't know about them already
- the duke of Vermont is the best way to play an ursuline and enjoy holy fury mechanics without the boring shittiness of the midwestern catholics or the unforgivable sin of being canadian. Build a crusader new england, it's fun
- The americanists in cincinnati are great if you want to play that religion without just blobbing along the east coast for the 100th time. Same goes for the ones at Rushmore but they are brutal
- Another good raiding start is Alvah the Black in the islands off Los Angeles, he's young with good stats and can end up anywhere on the west coast
- the count of lochloosa in florida is americanist but not tribal like the mouse, so if you play hard and fast you can get strong off of those independent evangelicals next to you and play a florida game in a different way than usual
- Actually playing as the Emperor of California is cool if you haven't done it. A relatively obscure mechanic of the game is that pressing a courtier's claim to a title which is a de jure vassal of yours makes them become a vassal regardless of whether they were landed under you or not, so you just wait until the marriage game spins up and starts spitting out unlanded claimants to invite. You start with a good county and a vassal merc company so this is even easier than it sounds
honestly each geographically separate region would be incredibly homogenized into a total mix of whatever the racial makeup was pre-apocalypse
I've said this before, you can either have no racism or visible minorities.
Are you kidding? When the government collapses White people are going to wipe out all the minorities on day one.
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That's supposed to be autism? Anyway thanks, I forgot that trait existed.
>I think it's supposed to be before 2000 as that is the cutoff date they've imposed for references
Wasn't that only for references? I thought, at least according to the AtE wiki, that the Event happened a little before 2078.
>It's really nothing to be proud of, I just googled sonic totem transparent and put it in the artifact background.
You still put the time and effort into it, so I think it's only fair to give credit where it's do.
>But if you insist just Anon is enough.
That'll do.

Fair enough. I guess for now, we can still brainstorm a possible Chris Chan religion (Chrischanity? CWCianity?).

>As for the "real" Kennedys, remember that they name themselves after each other
Good point. I forgot they did that so often. Maybe the in-game character would be Joseph Kennedy XVI or something along those lines.
>My idea was the Occultists had driven the Americanists out of Boston/most of New England, and Plymouth was the last holdout
Alright, sounds good.
After looking through the provinces in New England, I realized that most have no history before the current holder, including Plymouth, so it wouldn't be changing anything too much.
>I didn't want to do that either when I tried this, so I just gave the Plymouth character (Boomer I think his name was) the provence to the west of Plymouth, which seemed to work alright.
That works, since the current holder of Providence already has 3 other counties. Should the Kennedy be tribal or feudal? Also, any idea of a CoA for the Kennedys?

>make it so that americanists have no issue holding tribal lands. that mouse guy down in florida can do it why cant the others?
I think that's because the Clinton/De Witt character starts off as feudal, and the Mouse character starts off as tribal.
I'm not too sure, but I think this would require making a new government for Americanists.

>I guess for now, we can still brainstorm a possible Chris Chan religion (Chrischanity? CWCianity?).
I'd prefer something more subtle. The name could be more like "Sonism". Thinking about it some more, his beliefs and comics combine elements of media he likes with his vague Southern Evangelical background which is think works perfectly with the mod. I think the Amero-Syncretic is similar to that. I also bring up that religion because I recently played Alaska and found it pretty fun. Do you have any ideas in general for content you may add in the North/Canada?
>Also, any idea of a CoA for the Kennedys?
NTA but https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kennedy_family#/media/File:Coat_of_Arms_of_John_F._Kennedy.svg
>Made a git for deposed
Hell yeah
I don't think I've ever used a submod for ck2 before. I have the fan fork through steam, would this be compatible with it?
NTA but I'm pretty sure it only works with the GitHub version. Last I tried, at least.
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>I'd prefer something more subtle.
Same, I just wanted to get my bad ideas out of the way first, lol.
Now we're getting somewhere.
>his beliefs and comics combine elements of media he likes with his vague Southern Evangelical background which is think works perfectly with the mod.
Yeah, this is why I think it would make the most sense for his religion to be a heresy of the Evangelical religion.
>Do you have any ideas in general for content you may add in the North/Canada?
None, actually. I've mostly been working on Socal, Texas, parts of Louisiana and parts of the HCC.
Another anon was thinking of changing up the Norse religion, but there's nothing concrete yet.
I've also been thinking of incorporating some of my work on Chicagoland/the Great Lakes from my personal mod, since that region feels very lackluster to me in base AtE.
Do you have any suggestions or ideas?
>Kennedy CoA
Here's what I made from it, I feel like it could be better, though. Thoughts?

It might work with the steam version? Or at least it did partially before the recent update. I haven't tried it out recently, so I'm not sure anymore.
I based it off of the github version, here:
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rate my New England tribal occultist run
also funny story about the kingdoms of Saguenay and Nunavik up north: I realized that the next in line for the throne of both was in my court for some reason so I made him a viceroy and then antagonized the current king until I could kill him in a duel, thus annexing both kingdoms
is ck3 after the end worth a fuck?
>you can either have no racism or visible minorities
IF no racism then local populations must inevitably homogenize as minorities intermarry
IF racism then local populations homogenize as minorities are evicted/purged OR ELSE remain somewhat mixed but are effectively homogeneous gameplay-wise since the dominant ethnicity would bar minorities from entering the courtier pool.

Either way the diversity mechanic is nonsensical and ruins immersion.
The Ontarian culture, for example, should either be white (if racism) or mediterranean (no racism). Modern blacks currently residing in Ontario do not need to be represented in the AtE demographics because they would have either fled persecution to nearby motowner provinces or dissolved into the wider Ontarian culture.
>Yeah, this is why I think it would make the most sense for his religion to be a heresy of the Evangelical religion.
Then it could be that.
>Do you have any suggestions or ideas?
Honestly, no. At most maybe the Orange Order could be a society added for that region or for the Anglicans.
>Here's what I made from it, I feel like it could be better, though. Thoughts?
I think it's perfect.
Apparently no.
Fucking sweet, excellent work on the CoA. I looking into the naming convention they use, the Kennedy family literally just reuses their family's first names for males unless they run out, with every first born son being mostly being named exactly after their father. So Joseph Kennedy XVI or whatever would definitely exist, and if he has a son it'd named Joseph Kennedy XVII, with the other sons being named things like John XIV, Robert XV, Edward XV, and Patrick XXI (after JPK's father Patrick J. Kennedy) in that order unless they run out, and something similar would happen to those sons to these kids..

Also, apparently only RFK and Edward Kennedy actually had children who survived to today and had kids themselves (JFK jr died in a plane crash apparently), but one of RFK jr.'s son is Joseph P Kennedy II. So if you're looking to give Joseph Kennedy XVI a full family history or something, I'd suggest descending him from Joseph Kennedy II.
Nice, I especially liked the way you annexed those kingdoms. Are you gonna take Acadie or the HCC next? Gotta take the whole Atlantic coast, anon.

Can't say, as I haven't tried it yet.

I've felt the same about the diversity mechanic. It feels weird to me.
Using your black Ontarian example, I think a fair trade-off for removing that mechanic would be to just add more Motowner provinces in a logical location and/or increase the number of baronies in those provinces to represent that population consolidation.

However, if the mechanic were to be removed, I think we'd need to add more cultures to the mod, or at least move some around.

>the Orange Order
This is the first time I've heard of these guys, interesting. The mod could use more societies. Though I haven't tried modding in societies yet, so I'm not sure how difficult it is.
>I think it's perfect.

Nice trips.
>excellent work on the CoA.
Glad you like it!
>the naming convention they use, the Kennedy family literally just reuses their family's first names for males unless they run out
That's pretty funny actually. At least it'll make things easier.
>So if you're looking to give Joseph Kennedy XVI a full family history or something, I'd suggest descending him from Joseph Kennedy II.
Got it. Though I'm probably not going to add the full lineage right now (As that would be 600-700 years of history), but I'll keep it in mind for later.

Also, just found out that Plymouth is actually the perfect province for the Kennedys, as that's where the Kennedy Compound is located:
>Also, just found out that Plymouth is actually the perfect province for the Kennedys, as that's where the Kennedy Compound is located:
Will it go unnamed or will you make it that a castle holding will literally be called that?
Huh, I didn't think of that. I think I'll leave it unnamed for now, as it's only 3 houses and not a fortification. Maybe a landmark can be added via a province modifier for it?
Honestly, replacing the diversity mechanic with more cultures is a good trade.
It lets chuds LARP about erasing the niggerivms so it's based.
In this case, I wouldn't be so opposed to adding new cultures as I was before.
But I'd need a lot of help on this. At least cultures are easier to mess around with/add than religions are.

Kek, I know you're joking, but this would probably add more black cultures/provinces than what is currently in the mod. Possibly.

Anyway, does anyone know if there's already a Dukes of Hazzard reference in AtE? I randomly thought about it yesterday, so I looked around the mod and didn't find anything, but I didn't take a good look.
It was a really popular show for a long time, up there with Dallas, and I'm surprised (Not really, considering what was done to the HCC) that there isn't anything about it in AtE.
The potential Duke CoA would obviously be the top of the General Lee, or the Confederate Battle flag with an orange border. Maybe a 01 in there somewhere.

On a related note, would anyone be opposed to me adding a decision, like the ones for Carolina and Dixieland, to form a new kingdom for Magnolia and Tuskegee?
Not sure what it would be called yet. It's just that with those two decisions, Magnolia is now left out, so I wanted to give it something as well.
NEOW did that too
There's a shitload of cultures but only a few use the diversity event like French and British
I'm working on a flavor submod for a specific province. Would people use a gamerule that would let them adjust how much of the content is active? I don't usually like it when a particular spot has a disproportionate amount of content, so this would let people deactivate the more unnecessary stuff (but it would probably default to being on)
Could you tell us the area?
Texas isn't just college football fans, so it's automatically shit.
college football fans, 1 sheriffs office that runs at the first sign of combat, and some trannies that an hero the second the game starts.
total newfag to your mod, might download it tonight, what’s the main point of it? just adding ebin chuddy references?
It's what they would have wanted.
has anyone tried the submods Aguila o Sol and the JO'Geran mod?
>that "holy fuck please help me" stare
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Posting this anywhere even half related to ck2, please help.
Can someone explain to me how heresy works in ck2? I have like 2500 hours played and I still don't get it. It seems completely random that certain runs are just doomed because a secret soceity hijacks my entire country and literally every generation my heir is a heretic raising heretic children. Some things to note.
>catholic authority is always 100, I enthusiastically participate in crusades and usually have my solders at the border before the crusade even starts
>I never do the violent conversion when the pope asks, always peaceful
>I revoke any title a heretic has and even replace their lower vassals with catholics
>every so often I go through my court and assasinate all the heretics that show up
But it seems despite my efforts, it's impossible to prevent or contain. Once you get the event where you convert or hide a heretic holy text, the entire run is just doomed.
It was originally started in order to reverse the things taken out or changed by the Fan Fork Dev team, but now some stuff is being added in.
just disable the heretic secret societies in your game rules, they’re broken
Any chance of adding more melting pot cultures? They add fun, wacky goals for the player. One of the most unique campaigns I ever played in AtEFF was founding the Nuyorican Empire, starting in Boriken and awkwardly working my way up to New York
Melting pot ideas:
>Filibustero culture, for West Anglos conquering into northern Mexico (or maybe farther south? Idk)
>Aztlani culture, for Mexicans conquering into California, distinct from Californiano
>Edenic culture, for Mormon Rocklanders conquering Riverlanders (because Mormons think the Garden of Eden is in Missouri), the name list would be shit like Adam and Lilith
>Expat culture (maybe a different name?) for Californians conquering into Idaho, Arizona, etc. should pop up in campaigns where the Empire of Cali does well
Get a zealous court chaplain with good learning, assign him to hunt apostates. He'll deliver heretics to you on a silver platter.
Join the cult when you start getting events for it, so you can see the list of everyone in it. If it's anyone with power over your lands or family, deal with them accordingly.
Alternatively, just roll with it and fight off any rebellions that happen. Cults are supposed to change the religious landscape of the game to prevent things from getting stale, not everything is supposed to be 100% within your control.
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>guys only want one thing and it's disgusting
Secret cults are dumb. Just turn them off. I remember one game where I'm chilling in Bavaria and Norway suddenly flipped to Sunni from a secret cult. You also get +3 diplo for free just from starting one.
Barring that, remember that
>Events which cannot be prevented, must be directed.
Avoid creating the cults by not asking people to convert unless they absolutely love you.
Just ignore them. Most never flip and they do spread the cool sympathy trait, which I like because it adds flavor.
As others said, get a zealous high int priest. You can spam invite holy man/woman to get a solid priest who is guaranteed to not be a cultist (realistically this is an oversight in the game design and invited courtiers should have a percentage chance of being evil, but I digress).
Courtiers might become cultists when you Demand Conversion them, but they never (AFAIK) do when Court Chaplain uses Proselytize on them. Try to convert that way.
Also remember that your Court Chaplain has a chance to always "find" someone and they occasionally just grab random ugly courtiers and ask you to torch them. You don't necessarily have an infestation.

Don't bother murdering people unless you have to btw. You can just ask the heretics to leave and it's way easier without the associated risks.
Also stop caring so much. It's not like a few heretics are going to topple your kingdom. Stop being a pussy.
1) Add more unique artifacts for flavor.
e.g. Destroyed kingdoms like Superior could have crown jewels that lesser claimants have.
Endless flavor opportunities there.
2) Give some love to the counts. Playing in California a bunch made me realize how much love went into it. You really can make every count somewhat interesting, if only because they have a unique history or cool CoA.
I'd say focus on fleshing out main regions to really make them pop instead of wasting literally any time in the Colombian jungle.
3) Don't be afraid to go crazy and add some real shit too if you want, like new religions or reworks to regions. The original AtE dev would want you to flesh it out, remix it, and expand it in any way you see fit. Even if you don't align with the original themes and vision of the mod, it can still be great.

I'm pretty new to CK2 modding but I'd love to help with smaller stuff.
does anyone have any ideas for Sob o Anil, the south american spin off? since last thread I've been working with the lead dev in revamping a lot of things, the steam version is outdated so download it from github
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Disclaimer: Last time I've played Steam version, over two months ago.
Honestly, flesh out what's already there. All those religions need more or even some flavor. I would love to see Mapuche and Gaucho religions expanded. Amazonia too, with all local myths and folklore it has a lot potential. I do have one more concrete suggestion: expand Galapagos. Add more provinces and turn it into a duchy, or a tiny kingdom and give them religion that enables raiding and worships turtles and iguanas. SA suffers a bit from the lack of islands and boring coastline, so you should squeeze as much as you can from Galapagos, Falklands and Tierra del Fuego. Piracy is always fun.
funnily enough I made the Falklands into a pirate kingdom, the lore now is that in the 2340s they raided the Argentinian and Chilean coasts, they got defeated at Valparaiso but conquered Coyhaique for the Chilean side and in Argentina they Conquered Y Wladfa and Argentina turning the latter into the Kingdom of Beornia but they were pushed back by the Welsh and Argentinians respectively.
the king is an old man but I gave him great martial stats and his grandsons are still alive, I haven't given them good martial stats yet though
How do I use this? Put the folder into my mod folder and copy paste the mod file into it?
yeah you move the .mod file back in Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II\mod\
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I forgot to mention, you may want to click the .mod file and rename the path = "mod/soboanil" line to whatever the folder is called
>the Event happened a little before 2078.
Blatant fallout reference
Pinochet reference when?
I was thinking of adding the Pinochet surname for the Centrino culture in the dynasties list but I'm not sure if a straight up Pinochet reference might get in, I think the other Chilean dev is left leaning and while the main dev doesn't really care he wants to avoid controversy.
I was planning to rename House Blanche of Norte Chico to House Merino, in reference to José Toribio Merino who was born in La Serena, but I thought it might be controversial so I went with Blanche in reference to Bartolome Blanche, another military figure born in La Serena who took charge of the government during the fall of the short lived Socialist Republic of Chile
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It's basically what >>1797508 said.
There are a lot of changes and bug fixes, and the changelog details almost all of them, but I'd say the 3 biggest are:
The HCC restorations (Or re-chudifications, if you will), like bringing back the Confederate hats and the HCC's original flag, the Georgia Guidestones, etc.
The removal of Zakariyya from Socal (There's still a few references I missed).
Making the Kingdom of Heaven event chain in California to be Nazarene/True Cross as it was supposed to be, and fixing it so that you can play as the event character.
Actually, I still need to revisit that event chain, as there were a few bugs and weirdness I missed the first time around.

>melting pot cultures
Oh man, I didn't even think about those, thanks for the suggestions.
I'll add your ideas to the To Do List, but I haven't messed around with melting pot cultures before, so I dunno how it'll work out.

That's a great idea. I should've thought of that before, lol.
I actually have 3 unique artifacts I'm currently planning to add, but they're for meme characters (Pocket Sand - Dale Gribble, Sonichu Medallion and Sonic Totem - Chris chan)
Oh yeah, there's actually a few coming in the next update, I'm adding one count, and Chilean anon has 3 counts that I still need to implement.
You think so? I've actually been holding back on reworking 2 regions because I thought it would be outside of the scope of Deposed. Pic-related, from my personal mod.
I may have went overboard with the minor rivers. I also turned the Quad Cities into a merchant republic and made the Mississippi and Illinois rivers navigable.
I had planned to work on Indiana and Wisconsin next, but that's when I started working on Deposed, and abandoned my map work at that point.

Any help would be welcome! What can you do so far? History, characters, artifacts, etc?

Indeed, but that's what the wiki said.
Honestly, why not add those changes to deposed?
Good stuff! I’ve been playing a Navegante campaign on Deposed these past few days and like the changes. I was the anon that suggested the melting pots, if you can add them awesome, if not no worries. You should definitely add those map changes to the mod, they look great, and I’d even suggest tweaking the political map of the area too—the Duchy of Chicago is too weak, it gets overrun by Norse county conquests almost immediately in every single game, which cripples Catholicism for the rest of the game. Ursulines have similar problems but fuck the Quebecois tbdesu
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I'm not sure, I guess I was thinking about mod compatibility and how changing the map would mess that up, but Deposed already isn't compatible with most AtE mods anyway.
I also had a thought that if I started changing the map up in significant ways, then I would make Deposed its own mod, rather than a submod.

>Good stuff! I’ve been playing a Navegante campaign on Deposed these past few days and like the changes.
Thank you, and glad you like it!
>I was the anon that suggested the melting pots, if you can add them awesome, if not no worries.
I hope to add them, because it is a nice feature.
>the Duchy of Chicago is too weak, it gets overrun by Norse county conquests almost immediately in every single game
Oh man, don't I know it.
I gave Chicago an extra barony (So it's now equal to Manhattan and San Francisco), added in all those extra provinces you saw in my previous post, gave it some starting event troops, and even gave it Milwaukee as a tributary.
That's still not enough, as I regularly see the Norse conquer the region in most of my test runs. Though at least it slows them down by a decade or two.
I also gave starting event troops to the other northern Catholic rulers, made Galena and the Kickapoo/La Crosse guy tributaries to the Quad Cities (Which also has its own dejure kingdom, as I modeled it after Venice in the base game).
Honestly, I don't like having to give them event troops just so they can survive, and it made me want to redo the entire technology spread of the map, as the Norse have a huge military tech advantage, despite being mostly tribal.
I want to model it after the base game, like how the empires have the highest tech, and tribals have the lowest, etc. So that the HCC and California would have tech levels comparable to the HRE and Byzantium in the base game in 1066, for example.
>Ursulines have similar problems but fuck the Quebecois tbdesu
You know what’s absolutely fucking busted? Converting to Catholic as the Mexican Empire. You can holy war everybody around you including your former Sagrado Corazon friends, Crusades mog the fuck out of Mexican reconquistas and Marian visions, you can take back your Mexican Empire lands in twenty years or less, and the government type, vassal merc, etc is great.
Did you have any other parts of the actual map you wanted to change? Florida and the New York-Washington area could be a bit denser in terms of provinces too.
> I gave Chicago an extra barony (So it's now equal to Manhattan and San Francisco), added in all those extra provinces you saw in my previous post, gave it some starting event troops, and even gave it Milwaukee as a tributary.
Good shit, it should be the equal of SF and NY right off the bat.
> Honestly, I don't like having to give them event troops just so they can survive, and it made me want to redo the entire technology spread of the map, as the Norse have a huge military tech advantage, despite being mostly tribal.
Yeah, event troops is kinda cringe but it works as a stopgap. Weakening the Norse tech is a good idea—what about making some of that area not Norse to begin with too? Like, if Badgerlings was made a tribal Christian duchy instead, that would be one less source of adventurers. It would also make Chicagoland a lot easier for Catholics to form, because Chicago could get a claim on Badgerlings from the Pope.
You could also convert Twin Cities to another religion too, because it’s populated enough to justify another religion IMO
>inb4 Revivalist Chiraqi because of the Somalis
>Converting to Catholic as the Mexican Empire.
Damn, that does sound broken as fuck. Gotta try that one day.
>Did you have any other parts of the actual map you wanted to change? Florida and the New York-Washington area could be a bit denser in terms of provinces too.
Aside from Chicagoland, I also reshaped Nevada and Socal, but I only added one or two new provinces there so far. I also split up and made a few new duchies in Socal.
I also want to change the rest of The Great Lakes, The Heartland, and make Cincinnati/Zinzinnati a merchant republic.
Florida is actually one of the regions I want to fix. One thing I want to do there is split Tampa into at least two provinces so that I can make Clearwater its own county and give it to a Scientologist character.
For the New York-Washington area, do you have any suggestions on new provinces? I haven't actually looked into that region map-wise.
>Good shit, it should be the equal of SF and NY right off the bat.
Yeah, I was confused when I first found out that NY and SF both had 7 barony slots while Chicago only had 6.
>what about making some of that area not Norse to begin with too? Like, if Badgerlings was made a tribal Christian duchy instead
That could work. Maybe they can be recent converts, so the ruler would be Catholic, while their provinces would still be Norse? Or maybe they can be Nestorian or something, heresies need some love too.
>You could also convert Twin Cities to another religion too
I think I'll keep the Twin Cities as it is for now, since it might be a big part in a future planned Norse rework.
>inb4 Revivalist Chiraqi because of the Somalis
Lol, though maybe they can get a province somewhere, if there's enough reason for it.
Actually, after I made Milwaukee Dellsman/Catholic again, I made McHenry Chiraqi/Traditionalist and Waukegan Chiraqi/Nestorian. Both are still ruled by a Chicagoan/Catholic however.
Though I'm still not sure if those are the best provinces for them.
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Genuine question: what's the fucking appeal of this mod? I never understood it, and I understand it even less with CK3 version. Like why the fuck would you want to play this? What's the point, what's attracting people to it?
It's post-apocalyptic medieval America.
CK2 covers Europe, the Middle East, etc., but North America is left out for obvious reasons. Europeans can play as their own peoples and countries, but Americans can't.
This mod lets Americans play as a character from their own region/state/whatever in a medieval-like world. It's just fun seeing that the place you're from is included and playing as a character from it. At least that's how I see it.
This is probably from the original mod and not deposed and I'm not complaining but why doesn't every religion have a society?
I'm not from North America but I'm bit of a history autist so I prefer 99% of historical games to be as accurate and immersive as possible. This world is fictional and I like the USA enough, so I treat this how most people treat strategy games and properly fuck around and do exploits instead of historical LARPing.
religions are easy to script and societies aren't
>what are your favorite regions?
texas, it's better in the ck3 version since it's not just catholic land
i'm from texas btw
most Americans have low IQ and extreme mental disorders that prevent them from consuming any media that doesn't have Americans in it
>"Wow! Game I like, but set in place where I live!"
gee, i wonder
Hey, what's the most recent version of Deposed?
Version 0.3 is the latest. Github and Mega links to it are here >>1780411
The next version isn't ready to be released yet.
qrd? why use this instead of ATEFF? (im playing NEOW right now so i haven't touched it in ages)
This anon has a great QRD on Deposed >>1797508

For a slightly more in depth run down, I'm gonna quote myself here >>1799702
>There are a lot of changes and bug fixes, and the changelog details almost all of them, but I'd say the 3 biggest are:
>The HCC restorations (Or re-chudifications, if you will), like bringing back the Confederate hats and the HCC's original flag, the Georgia Guidestones, etc.
>The removal of Zakariyya from Socal (There's still a few references I missed).
>Making the Kingdom of Heaven event chain in California to be Nazarene/True Cross as it was supposed to be, and fixing it so that you can play as the event character.
It also makes Mormons polygamous again, and it gives Revelationists Divine Marriage, among other things.
What if I want something with the chud shit AND the woke shit in it?
>woke shit
like what, Zakariyya? the bisexual texas girl? black Royalls?
Zakariyya could work if toned down so he's not just a mary sue, and I think making the HCC black is pretty funny. The MLP references, obviously, aren't good.
I forgot the best part of Catholic Mexico: reforming the Empire requires 8k Prestige, which is a pain to get as Sagrado Corazon but a piece of cake if you win a Crusade
>new provinces and duchies
All sounds good to me. there’s pretty much always justification for more provinces in the eastern half of the US going by pop density. Hell, it almost makes me want New England to be made feudal instead of tribal, although that would be a lot of work.
For NY-Wash, maybe the just upstate area of NYC could get an extra province? Not totally sure. Alternatively, one extra province in NJ.
> That could work. Maybe they can be recent converts, so the ruler would be Catholic, while their provinces would still be Norse? Or maybe they can be Nestorian or something, heresies need some love too.
Nestorian could be cool. In Chicago’s title history, one of the brief rulers was a Chiraqi Nestorian, ig a reference to the local Assyrians? So there’s a possible lore justification.
> I think I'll keep the Twin Cities as it is for now, since it might be a big part in a future planned Norse rework.
our made up fantasy medieval history is cooler than actual yuropoor medieval history, simple as
speaking of societies, you know what would be dope? A Diplo society centered around antebellum-style high society in the HCC
Keep Zak almost the same but race swap him to Black, just to ruin the self insert. idgaf about the Royalls honestly
Why aren't there any traces of the Gabagoolian civilization in post-apocalyptic New Jersey?
Is that a reference to Miles John?
Yeah why are there no sopranos?
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I've gone ahead and changed Allison Maverick and her husband Morgan Steincutter into references to Samuel Augustus Maverick, a signer of the Texas Declaration of Independence, and his wife Mary Ann Adams Maverick, whose memoirs are an important source of information about daily life on the Texas frontier.
I've also given the Maverick dynasty the IRL CoA of Samuel Maverick, ancestor of Samuel Augustus Maverick.

The characters are also now named Augustus Maverick and Annabelle.
I also renamed the MLP characters, not sure if I got them all.

Sounds like Sagrado Corazon needs to be buffed a bit?
>there’s pretty much always justification for more provinces in the eastern half of the US going by pop density.
>Hell, it almost makes me want New England to be made feudal instead of tribal, although that would be a lot of work.
I think Boston could be feudal. Any major city in the region, really. But yeah, it would take some work, especially to balance it.
>For NY-Wash, maybe the just upstate area of NYC could get an extra province? Not totally sure. Alternatively, one extra province in NJ.
Alright, I'll check it out and see where the best place for a new province would be.
>Nestorian could be cool. In Chicago’s title history, one of the brief rulers was a Chiraqi Nestorian, ig a reference to the local Assyrians? So there’s a possible lore justification.
Yep, that's actually why I made Waukegan/Des Plaines Nestorian, to show that there was enough of a population to justify his rule.
>A Diplo society centered around antebellum-style high society in the HCC
That would be pretty cool. More societies in general would be nice, but like the other anon said, they're harder to script, lol.

Huh, yeah that is odd. Maybe the Gothamite culture in Jersey Shore is supposed to represent them?
Nice CoA, although it looks a bit... Canadian
>I think Boston could be feudal. Any major city in the region, really. But yeah, it would take some work, especially to balance it..
I believe it already is. I don't think rest of the New England should be changed. It misses the point of them being ardent barbarians, uncivilized and hostile pagan occultists, the Scourge of the East Coast and Killers of Baptists
>Nice CoA, although it looks a bit... Canadian
Thanks, though I only copied it from that page, then resized and edited it slightly. Also, Canadian in what way? There's no leaf.
>I believe it already is.
Ah, you're right. I completely forgot it's held by the feudal Mahonic, who's under a tribal chief. I was only looking at the liege's government. My bad.
>I don't think rest of the New England should be changed. It misses the point of them being ardent barbarians, uncivilized and hostile pagan occultists, the Scourge of the East Coast and Killers of Baptists
Good point. I don't really have any strong opinion either way on New England being tribal/feudal. It's just that there's been talk in this and the last thread about possibly making it feudal, along with other major changes.
It's still all up in the air at this point, nothing concrete yet.
However, I'm going to add a Kennedy to the Boston area soon, most likely in Plymouth. Not sure if the character should be tribal or feudal.
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Working on something fun now
I just updated the Deposed github repo with what I currently have. It mainly deals with adding/editing Texan characters. This is just a partial update, and I still have much more to add, so no new version yet.
Next I'll be adding Chileanon's changes, Monetarist anon's other fixes, and a few other things.

Alright, I've looked at a few population density maps of New Jersey, and I think it would be reasonable to add 3-4 extra provinces there. At most, I can see 6 being added. Palisades alone can easily be split into 3 provinces.
Pic-related, I drew rough outlines for 4 potential new provinces in NJ. These wouldn't be their final shapes, so keep that in mind.
These NJ changes won't be added in for awhile, so suggestions are welcome.

Oh, cool. Show more.
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There's not much more to show. Once the japanese colonization has happened, a character with the Perry dynasty spawns in Providence with the local religion and culture, asks for help recruiting an army, and heads off west. I got about halfway through writing it into this overwrought Children's Crusade-esque event chain where he goes around to different realms on the east coast asking for help and gathering courtiers of different cultures before I decided that was too much. I held onto the code, and might go back to it again. For now, he just goes from Providence to show up in Reno as a raiding adventurer with special event code to make sure he eventually declares an adventurer conquest for a duchy in California or Cascadia (if he doesn't die first).
Based. I, for one would enjoy it being a Children's crusade style chain. Does ATE have an equivalent for that already anyway? I can't recall.
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Yeah, Catholics get the Scout's Crusade targeting DC, but it's more or less identical to the vanilla Children's Crusade. Anyway, the issues were that (1) bothering all of both coasts with something is probably out of scope for a Rhode Island flavor mod and (2) it was getting to be a lot more work than I wanted. Some of what I did for the reduced version to figure out how to make adventurers set up independent realms slightly more consistently without buffing them outright might be useful elsewhere, at least.
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Deposed anon here again. I updated the Deposed github repo with Chileanon's changes.
Now you can play as Terrence Davis in Des Plaines, William Francis Rockwell in Streatorland, and Earl Long in Kisatchie, Natchitoches and Rapides. All three characters are counts.

And because I forgot to mention what I changed here >>1803890, I'll give the highlights of that update:
You can now play as Hank Hillwalker in Metroplex, Dale Gribble in Somervell, Jeffrey Boomhauer III in Texoma (Dale and Boomhauer are vassals of Hank), and Gilbert Fontaine de la Tour Dauterive in St. Landry in Louisiana (William/Bill Dauterive is his heir).
Hank is a duke, while Dale, Boomhauer and Gilbert are counts.

Allison Maverick of the First Cavalry is now Augustus Maverick, a reference to Samuel Augustus Maverick.

And finally, Chris Chan is a courtier of George Bannister in Charlottesville.

I'll link it here since I forgot last time:

I also made the changelog slightly more readable, and it details all of the changes so far.

Still not a full release yet, but it's playable.
That's actually pretty cool. Do you have any future plans, either for that character or any other adventurers?
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Don't get too excited, he's still very likely to die, get imprisoned, or generally suck ass, since he'll be attacking into 2740s california, which is often pretty consolidated. (His starting troops do scale by how much money he has, so the secret hack if a player really wants him to succeed would just be to hit Send Gift a zillion times. Update's up on steam if anyone wants to test it out.)

As far as plans go, I might restore some of the old ideas down the line, just scaled down. The original plan wasn't a raiding adventure, just an attack with event troops like the Children's Crusade. The event chain would have been kind of like the actual First Crusade in that it would bumble on west causing trouble and spewing out breakaway adventurers, but not succeeding most of the time. Depending on the courtiers he picked up, you would dynamically get, say, a Rust Cultist realm in Sonora, or Evangelicals in Idaho, et cetera. More likely and nearer-term, I'll probably add the option to play as him if he succeeds, and maybe an event that gives the option to give up his adventurer event troops in exchange for culture conversion.

Otherwise, on the memiest content setting I might have another adventurer spawn off into the Carribean and try to create Rhode Island 2, or something like that. I might also take a whack at that idea one anon had about filibusterers, but I make no promises whatsoever on any of it.
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and done. The event picks at most two provinces which aren't super densely populated (must be <5 settlements) to convert. I think the revolt risk might be too much, but I'll see. The AI is set up never to take that option, because it would just get itself killed. Also, I hadn't previously tested it with a non-pagan and it turned out to not work, so now he adventures as a tribal to let him raid until he wins his war, which is only a cosmetic issue. If my perfectionism wins out, I will make an adventurer government type.
call me a retard but I am not overly familiar with github. I can see the folders and the structure of the mod but how do I grab it all? If you could idiot proof it under the releases tab I would be indebted.
I still think it's neat, as it adds some flavor. Not everything needs to be big.
Just your work on that one character alone can be used as a base or template for an even better idea in the future.
I like the breakaway adventurers idea, it sounds fun.
>Update's up on steam if anyone wants to test it out
What's the name of your mod?
Yeah, those effects might need some tweaking.
>adventurer government type
That sounds like it has some real potential.

I'm still learning how to properly use github, so don't feel too bad about that.
>I can see the folders and the structure of the mod but how do I grab it all?
Click the green Code button, then in the drop-down menu, click Download ZIP.
>If you could idiot proof it under the releases tab I would be indebted.
I probably should have done this before, I just released what I currently have, not sure if I did it right. I'll label it as a pre-release since I'm not yet finished with this update.
thanks anon
Alright, I just about finished adding in the Chris Chan artifacts, but I want some opinions them first before I add them to the github.
For now, the artifacts both have the same effects and they can only be used by Lunatics, but I'd like the effects to be more fitting. Both are indestructible and of the highest quality.
I also intend to add generic versions later on, based on the ones Chris Chan sells online. These would be more common and weaker.

After I upload these artifacts (Along with the Badgerlings change I'm still fine-tuning), I'm going to start adding my Chicagoland rework to Deposed.
Hey, no problem. I hope you like the mod.
If you can mod the Wikipedia button/link, could you make it the link to his sub-forum of KF?
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>what's the name of your mod?
RI Plus. The actual Providence start it adds is extremely difficult and slow, but all of the content should be equally accessible if you start as anyone else and move your capital there. As long as you hold c_providence when the japanese show up, you'll get the Perry events. You should have 8 months between him appearing and when he gets his troops. If anyone has any ideas for adventurers, I wouldn't mind pitching in to Deposed.
You could do a custom modifier that doesn't actually do anything, just have localization like "Owners tend to become inept", or "owners tend to become reclusive" ("reclusive" is the autism trait, "distractible" is supposed to be ADHD) and have events where they influence a character's personality over time. Fertility and/or attraction opinion maluses could be good, too. Maybe movement speed for the sonichu medallion, and morale damage for the sonic totem?
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>RI Plus
Nice. I'll be sure to not mess with Providence too much in Deposed, to try and keep things compatible.
Also, I like your FAQ section on the mod page, lol.
>The actual Providence start it adds is extremely difficult and slow
Even better. A challenge.
>If anyone has any ideas for adventurers, I wouldn't mind pitching in to Deposed.
That would be sweet. I just don't have any ideas for one at the moment.
>"owners tend to become reclusive" ("reclusive" is the autism trait, "distractible" is supposed to be ADHD)
I'm going with this one. Also, thanks for the clarification, I thought distractible was the 'tism trait. Chris is now reclusive.
I really like the idea that they influence the holder to become reclusive over time. I'm not going to add in events for them now, but I might later on down the line.
>Fertility and/or attraction opinion maluses could be good, too. Maybe movement speed for the sonichu medallion, and morale damage for the sonic totem?
Done. I've also adjusted the stats and fixed the descriptions.

I was also thinking of giving Chris Sonichu as his son and Crystal as his wife/twin (For that canon twincest energy). Crystal would literally just be a copy of Chris (The same DNA string and everything) but female.
Not sure about it though, and it would be in a later update, if anything.

Also, have a Punished Chris. He somehow became a renowned duelist and found himself a boyfriend-free girl in this test run/timeline.
How hard is CK2 modding anyway? I did a bit of HOI4 modding before but gave up after some portraits didn't work. Does anyone have any tutorials? Specifically, if I want to try modding deposed myself.
>How hard is CK2 modding anyway? I did a bit of HOI4 modding before but gave up after some portraits didn't work.
The difficulty depends on what you want to mod, and where your specialties lie.
History modding (Characters, titles, etc.) is probably the easiest part to mod, while adding in new religions and societies are harder.
For me, portrait modding is difficult and sometimes confusing, but I find certain parts of map modding to be easy.
I haven't played HoI4, but was your mod only for portraits, or did it do other things as well?
>Does anyone have any tutorials? Specifically, if I want to try modding deposed myself.
It may not be a tutorial, but the Modding page on the CK2 Wiki is a decent place to start, it has links to helpful tools/programs and it also links to more specific modding sections on the wiki, like for event or government modding:
But like the page says, see what works in the vanilla code and go from there. You're gonna do a lot of trial and error to make things work.
If you want to contribute to Deposed, adding new characters (playable or not) is always welcome, same with events/event chains.
Adding new religions/societies or enhancing/fixing old ones is also needed, as a few suggestions have been religion-related.
Artifact or Great Work ideas would also help to add more flavor.
The mod did other things aswell. Thanks for the advice.
No problem, I hope my ramblings helped.
I'd argue that a barebones religion is as easy as it gets since you only HAVE to edit 1 file, while map modding is difficult no matter how small the change since you'll have to successfully edit like 5 different image files and 2-3 script files that all use different syntax.
But then again I view difficulty in terms of how many files you have to edit to get the bare minimum in functionality; I suppose it's true that any religion worth playing would require edits to half a dozen files at least
traits, cultures, religions, history, modifiers, artifacts, death reasons, and bloodlines are easy to mod imo (file + optional localisation + optional custom graphics)
>but gave up after some portraits didn't work
relatable. I tried starting with basic single-layer portraits (like child portraits but for adults) but even that was too much for me
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Honoring an almost 2-year-old request by finally adding the Memphis/Bass Pro Shops Pyramid Great Work/Wonder to Deposed.
I'll move the capital and wonder locations for Memphis to be more accurate later.
Any suggestions for a more fitting description or image?
Also, I want to give Chicago a wonder in the upcoming Chicagoland rework. There are a lot of IRL landmarks to choose from, but I want some opinions on which one should be used.

I probably should have mentioned I was talking about fully functional/fun religions, my bad.
>I suppose it's true that any religion worth playing would require edits to half a dozen files at least
True, I feel like I edited way more files than that when I added Scientology, and that one's currently pretty barebones.
You're right about about map modding. I was just speaking personally for that section, as I just find it fun.
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There aren't any good tutorials I know of, but like the other anon said, the ck2 wiki actually has a lot of very useful documentation on modding. I usually have 8+ tabs of different wiki pages open. I would also recommend getting a copy of the mod CleanSlate to look at alongside the vanilla files. CleanSlate is a full rewrite of most of the vanilla files to be more performant and (hypothetically) less buggy, but the main reason it's useful to a modder is that the files (localisation in particular) are far more organized, so it can be easier to find a particular event or whatever other thing you're looking for to reference. In general, a lot of the things you go in assuming should be easy end up being hard or impossible, but a bunch of things you would assume are hard are actually trivial. Overall, it's an extremely moddable game. Once you have a handle on things, you can toss together whatever stupid nonsense comes to mind.
>Memphis pyramid
Now that I kinda know what I'm doing with great works, I'm gonna fix a few graphical issues with the other ones that have been bugging me for a long time.
Here's the Hoover Dam great work. The one on the left is the original, the one on the right is my edit. Now it fits properly and my autism is finally satisfied.

Thank you.
Oops, meant to quote >>1809902
Do I sub-mod the Original AtE or Deposed?
I don't want to fill up the thread with too many questions but how do you usually make a CoA? (With the context of it being for AtE). I've tried fiddling around with it so far and I'm not sure I'm doing it right.
I guess it depends on what you want to make? I'd sub mod Deposed however
I use GIMP, there's a lot of resources like wikimedia or heraldicart that you can use to edit CoAs, the image needs to be 128x128
is there anything specific you want to make?
I wasn't talking about actually designing them. I've tried changing the emblem number yet the CoA in the game doesn't seem to change.
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I ended up changing the Statue of Liberty image. Thoughts?
Might try updating the Disney World great work later. Opinions on if the castle should stay green or not? Maybe it should only be green in the first few stages and cleaned up in the final stages?

Which emblem number and in which file? Did you increase the number of emblems in the emblem image?
This page might help:
I removed the emblem line and went with the textures as that's what I think I was supposed to be doing. I've been using that page. Could you help define "texture" and "texture_internal" for me? I'm making a Pelagic dynasty with the 28th pattern. Also, it seems you're only re-doing textures but I always thought that the Golden Gate bridge should've been a wonder instead of just a modifier.
Sorry for the late reply.
Here, "texture" refers to the CoA/flag texture file itself. So in your case, that would be "pattern_pelagic.tga", I think?
"texture_internal" refers to a specific CoA/flag within that file. Just remember that the count starts from 0, not 1. So if you want to use the 5th image in that file, for example, you'd have to type it as "texture_internal = 4".

Yeah, the Golden Gate Bridge makes more sense as a wonder. But after thinking about it for a bit, I'm not sure if it would work, since it's a suspension bridge that wouldn't have been maintained for about 5-6 centuries, and the tech to repair it is gone by 2666.
Maybe the ruins of the bridge could be repurposed? I dunno. Either way, San Francisco should definitely have a wonder. Los Angeles should probably get one as well.
>Sorry for the late reply.
I don't mind.
>So in your case, that would be "pattern_pelagic.tga", I think?
That didn't seem to work. In both base game and AtE files, the dynasties have numbers for texture. So I need to figure out what the numbers mean.
>Maybe the ruins of the bridge could be repurposed?
My idea is that it would be a monument, like Rushmore. I doubt it would have a purpose lore-wise as you pointed out but it's too much of an iconic building to just be forgotten about, in my opinion.
I basically got what I wanted. FYI I set the texture to 0 and got the default designs from the base game. I'm pretty sure this designates what file the patterns are from but apart from 0, I don't know what the other numbers would do.
>>Reddit mod
>Creator is literally 3 posts below in 4chan
that isn't 9ktroons you retard
I assume he meant the creator of the deposed submod. Honestly though I sometimes forget that jew tranny actually did post on /gsg/ back in the day before he trooned out, since it was one of the main places to discuss AtE
I had a brain fart with that.
If you want to use a pattern from the "pattern_pelagic.tga" file, under the "coat_of_arms = { }" section for your dynasty, make sure you set the religion as: "religion = pelagic", this refers you to the proper section of "interface/coat_of_arms/coat_of_arms.txt" where all the CoA references are stored.
All the CoAs are sorted by religion. So, if you keep the religion section blank, I think it just automatically sets you to the section at the very top.
Since the Pelagic section only has one texture under it, you set it to "texture = 0".
If you want to use the 28th pattern in the "pattern_pelagic.tga" file, you set the internal texture like so: "texture_internal = 27".
For the colors, they're the same as how the texture files are read, so for Pelagic, if you want to use the 1st color, green, set the color to "color = 0", if you want to use the 2nd color, red, it would be "color = 1" and so on.
I'm not good at explaining things, so I hope this helped.

>My idea is that it would be a monument, like Rushmore.
That could work. Not sure how it would look though. Just stumps in the bay? Or maybe some sections of it are still standing?
Are there any prerequisites for this mod? I've installed it like any other, and it crashes after trying to start a new game. I've also got a europe map on start screen so something's got to be wrong.
Forgot to add, my version is, not sure if it matters, most DLCs are on.
After the End Fan Fork should run fine on its own, it has no prerequisites. If you're talking about Deposed, it requires AtEFF, as it's a submod.
>If you're talking about Deposed, it requires AtEFF, as it's a submod.
Somehow I've managed to miss that, grazie.
I think Cotton should have the medal_of_honor trait since he's an Americanist veteran.
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Holy hell I had no idea this was a thing.
Sounds like it would be an evangelical heresy.
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Anyone have ideas for pet rooster stuff? I feel like I've tapped all of my ideas but I want to make sure it feels at least as fleshed-out as any of the base game pets. So far you can:
- name it Roma if you're a lunatic (more name ideas are especially welcome)
- cook it into a meal
- make it into an extremely ugly hat
- deal with it attacking courtiers and other pets
- get told by an Americanist or Occultist priest that it's an inauspicious or highly auspicious pet, respectively
I don't know if I'll do anything but is there anything specific you'd like to see done? I found CK2 modding easier than I expected but my main desire for this mod would be more societies and I haven't done those before.
Cockfighting events. Events from it waking people up in the morning, possible interactions with traits (Incapable person manages to get out of bed to go yell at the bird, etc). Opportunities to put him out to stud.
Does deposed have any religions with divine marriage?
I started making a basic monastic society for the Nazarene. Give me ideas and names for the order and ranks please.
Would anyone happen to know why I can't join the new society I made? The button says I can. I basically copied and pasted the Orthodox one from the base game and replaced Orthodoxy with Nazarene. I haven't added anything new to it yet.
Revelationists iirc
Did you place the society in the appropriate triggers and events?
Holy shit, it's perfect for a heresy. Feels like one of those weird off-shoots you hear of. The article even lists the shit you need in the description about its deities, it's the perfect schizo religion.
Does After the End Europe have content for India? I forgot
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>After the End Europe
Which one? After the End Eurasia or New Era Old World?
No idea about the first but NEOW does have more Hindu faiths and a commie buddhist one.
Its lore in the northwestern part is that there was an Indian Alexander who conquered the land but died young and now his successors fight amongst each other.
They also have their own government type.
I don't think I did. The wiki page didn't seem to say what they were.
Yea, thanks. That is the one. I haven't played it in a while and I suddenly had the urge to come back when I saw a thread. And messing in that region sounds like it could be fun.
Notepad++ has a feature where you can search for a word in a folder. Try searching for another similar society in the mod and place yours wherever it is.
>Try searching for another similar society in the mod and place yours wherever it is.
Could you elaborate? I don't think that would work.
For example, you put in monastic_order_dominican, make it scan it through the entire mod file, and then look at the places where it is and see if your society is there too. If it isn't then add it there too, usually by copypasting the previous result and replacing the name to your society.
I'll try this.
the order could be named after san junipero or the san diego padres
do note that the workshop version of NEOW is very outdated, their subreddit has a pinned message with the latest version
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rise, my creations...

>Cockfighting, trait interactions, waking people up
Fantastic ideas, thanks. Definitely will fit cockfighting in there somehow, probably as a decision in the intrigue tab
Good idea, he'll have that trait in the next update.

If someone can write up a coherent description for his religion, priest names, etc., it would make implementing it much easier.
What would the Scripture/Holy Text be? The CWCki?

I have a pretty big To Do List for Deposed, but the things I would need the most help with are: religions and societies.
I'd like Scientology to be more fleshed out, by adding in events and mechanics, like auditing, and also making the Sea Org an Assassins-type society.
I'd like to flesh out the Nazarene/True Cross religions even more. I have a few things planned, like allowing their priests to marry, and further fixing the heavenly kingdom events. Both need holy orders, and possibly a society.
I'd like to also add in a Juggalo religion as a Rust Cult heresy, and Chris Chan's Neo Spiritual Christianity as an Evangelical heresy.
The next one I'm not sure about, but I was thinking that Qingzhen should either be its own religion or a heresy of Cetic, rather than a heresy of Imamite.
On that note, I need help finding out which file I need to edit to change the dynasty images on the Game Over screen.

Once I clean up the To Do List, I'll add it to the github page.

I like the other anon's suggestion of naming it after San Junipero.

Kek. How about using them as a food source while secluded?
>What would the Scripture/Holy Text be? The CWCki?
The comics. I think they would be called "The Sonichu Comics" but you could change them to scriptures for the theme.
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>how about using them as a food source while secluded?
Good idea, at least for the pets. The courtiers can get the normal cannibalism event, which I don't want to edit for the sake of compatibility. Currently chicken characters only show up in (1) alternate start, (2) if you get a near-identical clone i made of the Glitterhoof event that makes your pet rooster your marshal, or (3) if you obtain a secret item on a rare roll at start with the right gamerules) There's also one secret chicken in the history files.

And hey, they're working in animal kingdoms mode! (which took more fiddling than expected) Complete with retinue, cultural building, and funky workaround for the diversity system which kept trying to make them humans. No graphics for the children yet.

As far as Deposed goes, I might be willing to try at some of those scientology mechanics if you want to elaborate on how you would want them to work (i don't know much about scientology irl)
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Alright, here's Disney World's new image. It took way more effort than the Statue of Liberty, mostly because I messed up at one point and had to start over.

That's so absurd, I like it. Maybe the Sacred Sonichu Scriptures?

>As far as Deposed goes, I might be willing to try at some of those scientology mechanics if you want to elaborate on how you would want them to work (i don't know much about scientology irl)
Sweet! One thing that needs to be added is Auditing with E-Meters. Here's a link with more info https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auditing_(Scientology)
Basically, it's supposed to help with your mental state, but sessions cost a fuck ton. Since it's all nonsense, you can easily spend a small fortune for little to no results.
In-game, this would translate to paying a large amount of gold for a small amount of piety. That money should go directly to the head of faith. Maybe there should be a very small chance of removing the Depressed or Stressed traits?
Another thing would be adding a trait (I think it would be called "Suppressive") for ex-members that convert away from Scientology. The trait would give all Scientologists a huge negative opinion of that character.
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Okay, I haven't done much implementation yet, still just blocking out how things will work, rewards and penalties, etc. Checking in to see if the direction I'm going so far works for you, so I don't waste effort on any bad ideas. I made Suppressive, and two other traits to give out as rewards for doing audits, though Operating Thetan is kind of awkward since that's already the name for piety. I want to put together a couple of events for after you get Suppressive with Scientologists cutting ties and/or making life shitty if they exist in large numbers in your realm (interfering with tax collection, harassing family and courtiers, etc.), but I might lose patience with it and cut the idea if the scope creeps too much.

Auditing itself I will approach as an event chain that starts with paying a bunch of (completely uncapped) scaled_wealth that increases with the number of times you've done it, and then getting asked a bunch of questions by your court chaplain. Outcomes will depend on how much they like you and your answers (piety, advancement) and how strenuous the process was (stressed chance from lying too much if not deceitful, being pressured into admitting to a plot or affair, etc.). The event chain will be fired from the decision, and valid characters will also be prompted to do an audit at 5-10 year intervals during adulthood, with some bad modifier if they refuse which remains until they do their audit.
Those traits look amazing. I think your direction for Suppressive and Clear are good so far.
This doesn't have to be now, but your traits reminded me that Scientology needs a Crusader trait of its own. Not sure what it would be called.

For Operating Thetans, before I was thinking they could work in a Sea Org society somehow, but after seeing your work, maybe traits would work better.
The thing is there's like 8 actually attainable levels of Operating Thetans (OT I through OT VIII), and a few theoretical levels (OT IX through OT XV) that may or may not exist.
Do you think adding traits for the 8 levels would be too much work? Maybe there's a better way to implement it, like via modifiers or something.
You're right though, that it also being the name for piety makes it's awkward. I wasn't sure what else would work for piety at the time, so I just went with that.

I like your event ideas for the Suppressive trait. Keeping scope creep (And your patience) in mind, maybe just do a few of those ideas for now. More can always be added in later.

There was also another idea previously about adding in a Fair Game trait for enemies of Scientology (Not people that converted away), but this one might be too broad, as that would potentially just be everyone that's not a Scientologist.

I like your approach to auditing. If you go with the 8 OT levels, you can tie that in with the scaled_wealth increases and number of times the decision's been done.
>Fair Game trait
I think it's more fitting as a modifier
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I enjoyed playing Elder Kings for CK2 lately
Now I built much more poweful PC, downloaded CK3 and Elder Kings 2

But I didn't found button "genocide culture" which was changing culture of the province to the liege's
I joined official Elder Kings discord to ask and picrel happened

jesus christ those people are mentally ill + terminally online no more no less
havent found ck3 general so i took a dump here.
The Warcraft mod has one
retard here, how do i get the mod to work? i open it up and the map is just a blank europe. do i need another mod to set it up or?
You need the After the End Fan Fork mod first
>breaks rules
>gets banned
how could this have happened
I don't think traits for all eight OT levels are a good idea. I made that trait thinking it would represent OTVIII. If auditing is how you get them, then that means a player wanting to reach OTVIII would have to succeed at the event chain eight times on a single ruler. Even doing it every 5-10 years like I mentioned would be something like 3-6 times per ruler normally, which is about as often as the pregnancy events (!!) so the number of steps needed to advance should err on the lower side to keep it from getting annoying and boring (and I now think I'll do the prompting every 10 years, at most). I sense there's meant to be an element of parody in the way the religion is designed, so it being a little bit annoying is fine, but shoving the same event chain down the player's throat that many times is crossing a line, no matter how robust and varied I try to make it. I designed the traits thinking 3 audit successes for Clear and 3 more for OT, to keep things simple, but I'll defer to you on the specifics of the progression rate. If you really want to do traits for all eight levels, I will make them, though they will probably just be that same blue circle with roman numerals 1 through 7, keeping the current one for OTVIII. But I would want to reconsider how the progression works in that case.

For Fair Game, I made Suppressive intending it to cover enemies of scientology in general (like maybe it would be applied to targets of crusades), but as is the concept is slightly disjointed, so I think you're right that a Fair Game trait or modifier would be good so Suppressive can just be for apostates. If we do that, I'd just carve the relevant parts of what I'm doing for Suppressive off into that.
That could work.

Damn, you're absolutely right about the OT levels. I was way too focused on wanting it to be accurate that I didn't really consider how that would affect gameplay or if it would be any fun. Maybe I should actually play the game again sometime instead of only modding it.
You clearly know what you're doing with this, and taking what you said into consideration (Especially the part about keeping it simple), I think your approach to OT levels and auditing is the right way.
I'm glad there's anons like you helping out with this, pushing back against all these bad ideas. Who knows how this mod would've turned out if it was hidden in some discord server.

Yeah, I think Fair Game being a modifier and Suppressive being reserved for apostates might be the best approach.
where the fuck do I get ck2 3.3.3 version needed for retarded AGOT mod? Been playing with buggy 3.0.1 version, but can't add any other mods as the game breaks instantly... So far I've found only either 3.3.0 or 3.3.5.... Are modders retarded/lazy by choosing these weird version of game? Or is piracy dead?
I'm europeannwiolni uhae Fin
I'm European, will I have fun in this mod?
I have a lot of hours In ck2, whom do it play as to have fun?
You can pick one of your country's diaspora to play as
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I never got why they used the Jefferson J-Hawks logo for Rockford when they could have at least used something a little more iconic, like the Peaches, Icehogs, Rockford U, or even a high school that's not in the middle of a cornfield and doesn't suck at everything like East or Auburn. This is the CoA I modded in myself when I was trying the mod out, converted to .png so I can post it here.
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Then when I saw Dodge City's crappy CoA I became convinced the mod was made by yuros that played a couple Fallout games and gave up on it
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Alright, I've decided to use The Loop as the Great Work for Chicago. I haven't actually worked on the Great Work itself yet, so for now it's just a landmark province modifier.
Don't mind the text here, it's just a first draft and I already know how I'm going to rewrite it. You can still give suggestions if you want.

>Jefferson J-Hawks logo
I've been wondering where Rockford's flag is from. Honestly, I kinda like the J-Hawks logo, and I even sort of tied in a new dynasty with the CoA (Not using the J Hawks logo, but their CoA is a hawk).
I think they originally chose the J-Hawks logo because it looks decent as a flag? I dunno.
But you do have a point that it should be something more iconic. Your CoA looks good, but I try not to add flags or CoAs with letters or numbers on them if I can help it.
Among your suggestions, I think a version of the Rockford University Lions logo might be the best option. You didn't mention it, but I also like the Rockford Riverhawks logo, but I'm not sure if they'd be appropriate.
If you don't mind, I'd like to use that first flag for Dodge City in Deposed, seeing as how it's the actual irl flag. I also try to not use city seals for flags, so that second one's out.
>If you don't mind, I'd like to use that first flag for Dodge City in Deposed, seeing as how it's the actual irl flag.
Go ahead, no problem

Posting progress made so far to make sure it doesn't all vanish into the ether. It's all packaged up in a submod. No auditing event chain yet, but the traits I made are there, and the decision is there (only for the player) just to look at the icon (which is unfinished, white background is bad) and localisation. The work so far has been on the consequences for apostasy. Upon conversion away from Scientology, you get Suppressive and also ten years of the Fair Game modifier. Right off the bat, your spouse can divorce you and leave for another court with young kids if unlanded. Adult children will similarly be prompted to convert with you (and get Suppressive), cut ties, or get a bad modifier. On_bi_yearly_pulse, a random Scientologist lover or friend (if either exist) of any playable ruler with Suppressive will be prompted to cut ties as well, and will usually do so. There's also an event for PTSD that should pop up a few years after conversion, similar to that one vanilla event. Also two *very* simplistic events for Fair Game (should add more at some point), which currently just fire on a delay in the same event that gives you Suppressive, so adding the modifier doesn't do much yet. One of them has a family member get bothered by a Scientologist agent skulking around their quarters at night, and one has a Scientologist province in your realm get a nasty modifier and also give it to a neighboring province if one exists.

Main things to look for in any testing would be to make sure that the initial conversion events don't cascade out to convert whole realms (it really shouldn't from how I set them up, but I haven't tested to see for sure), and that everything displays right.
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I did some looking and thinking about the Rockford province, and it looks like the location the AtE devs put the settlement at is actually in Dekalb. It bugged me at first but it'd make sense, with Dekalb being a college town and Rockford being a dying manufacturing hub. It might not be a bad idea to rename the province Kishwaukee after the river that runs through most of it. It'd open up a few more CoA options, too.

Left is the Rockford Regents logo, center is the NIU husky logo, and right is an adaptation of NIU's academic logo showing Altgeld Hall. Again, use them however.
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Sweet, thanks! You work pretty quickly. It being a submod really helps.
>Upon conversion away from Scientology, you get Suppressive and also ten years of the Fair Game modifier.
Harsh, but realistic. I like it.
Everything sounds great to me so far. I especially like the part about a Scientologist agent sneaking around.
I'll test it out on my own later and let you know if I encounter any weirdness or bugs with your submod.
Once your work's implemented into Deposed, how would you want to be credited in the changelog?

Thanks! How would you want to be credited?
>I did some looking and thinking about the Rockford province, and it looks like the location the AtE devs put the settlement at is actually in Dekalb.
Haha, I actually noticed the exact same thing, and this will be fixed in the next major Deposed update.
Pic-related, I split Rockford into 4 provinces, and created a new duchy for it. The four provinces made from it are currently Rockford, DeKalb, LaSalle and Kane (I might rename this one and change the flag).
>It might not be a bad idea to rename the province Kishwaukee after the river that runs through most of it. It'd open up a few more CoA options, too.
Possibly, though I like naming provinces after the largest city or county in the area.
>Left is the Rockford Regents logo, center is the NIU husky logo, and right is an adaptation of NIU's academic logo showing Altgeld Hall. Again, use them however.
Nice. Although I already made my own edit of the Rockford Regents logo. I wanted to include the book and lamp somehow, but I couldn't really make it look good, so I might remove them later or use your edit instead.
That NIU Huskies logo looks good, way more fitting than what I came up with for DeKalb. I'll use that one, but I think a combination of the Huskies and Academic logos would be even better.
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I'm just here to find out if the cowboy landships got fixed and if the music playlist works or not.
Mortal Engines in Arizona was funny the first time but gets grating fast and while Antediluvian Blues is a banger the eternal loop is grating.
is this mod compatible with Aguila o Sol?
I think I'll release a beta of the next Deposed update within the next few days, hopefully tomorrow.
The new provinces work fine, and I've been editing existing characters and adding new ones (I'm still in the process of adding more).
Here's what I have so far for Chicago's great work. It doesn't have a unique icon, but the upgrades do. It starts off damaged due to Albert Soady's conquest and Robert DeSalle's reconquest. It's still a work in progress.

Also, I want to know if you guys want more or less characters that are references. I added in a few more in the next update (Pic-related showing just one of them, Jake from The Blues Brothers) and I have ideas for even more, but I don't want to go too overboard with them.

No, I don't think Deposed touches either of those issues. What's wrong with them?
I don't actually play AtE with the added music anymore as I find a lot of the tracks don't feel right or, like you said, just loop eternally. I just use base CK2's music instead.

I'm not sure if the latest release works with it, but the next Deposed update will break any compatibility unfortunately, as both mods add their own provinces.
Just now I launched AtE with both mods and only Aguila o Sol's map changes show up. A lot of my changes and fixes don't seem to work either, or they appear messed up.
I don't mind more, but if we're going to add a bunch a lot of them they shouldn't be above a courier or count position so they don't overwhelm the characters that are already already in place. Keep most of them in the background at the start, maybe a few can be small-time dukes at the highest; that way when they do appear to the player it's more of a surprise than something they're expecting to happen.
>Jake from The Blues Brothers
fuckin based
>No, I don't think Deposed touches either of those issues
weird, I thought I remembered one of your updates incorporating the cowboy fix. Or maybe I'm misremembering and that was just the ORF fix. Anyway, the landships he's alluding to are the cowboy retinue units showing up as ships on land on the map.
>fuckin based
He's also rivals with William Francis Rockwell because he hates Illinois Nazis. I love how those two characters turned out.
>weird, I thought I remembered one of your updates incorporating the cowboy fix. Or maybe I'm misremembering and that was just the ORF fix. Anyway, the landships he's alluding to are the cowboy retinue units showing up as ships on land on the map.
Oh shit, you're right! Yeah, looking through it again, Deposed incorporated both the ORF and Cowboy Unit fixes in version 0.2.2 about 2 years ago. It's been so long that I forgot about it.
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o I am laffin. Wonder how long it'll take them to fix the shit that deposed and other sub-modders have already fixed

>He's also rivals with William Francis Rockwell
>He's also rivals with William Francis Rockwell
lmfao nice one
I wonder if they'll sneakily censor shit as well, or try to backport some of the CK3 changes
>I wonder if they'll sneakily censor shit as well, or try to backport some of the CK3 changes
My bets are that they'll change the HCC's color
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Good thing most of the reference characters that were added so far are count-tier, aside from 1 or 2 dukes. I'll keep what you said in mind in the future.

I may be optimistic, but I hope they fix all those errors in error.log that don't point to anything. I haven't been able to fix them because they don't say what file is fucked or even what line.

>I wonder if they'll sneakily censor shit as well, or try to backport some of the CK3 changes
Oh man, what else is there to even censor? Mount Rushmore?

Anyway, I've released a beta of Deposed v0.4, you can download it here:
Like always, the changelog is inside the zip file. It explains in detail what's been changed. But for a brief summary, it reworks Chicagoland, and adds many new provinces, characters, titles and dynasties.

As it's a beta, and I'm still working on it, expect many things to change between now and when the full release is out. Characters, dynasties, title histories, etc. are all still in flux and not set in stone. I'm still adding characters to various dynasties, for example.
That being said, if you find anything that's wrong, or something you feel like should be changed or added, let me know.

Next, I'd like to add a Michael Jackson reference character in Gary, and make the Ohio River fully navigable in order to turn Zinzinnati/Cincinnati into a merchant republic.
I would like some ideas for patrician families and their religions/cultures from you guys first. I'd like to keep the Cajun Catholic guy and make him a patrician, same with the Jewish rabbi guy. Not sure if I should change or leave the 2 Americanist guys (Mathias Zinn and Cincinnatus Driver) alone.
For the last patrician, I'm not sure if they should be Catholic, Evangelical or Rust Cultist.
Here's the changelog if you want to read it before downloading, I just edited the old one:

Have another reference character, Alfred Ashford of Rockford
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Doing The Founder's work anon keep it up, Angel Eyed merc company when?
So this is a dumb suggestion because it would require Korean animator tier working hours but what is the prospectability of rebasing the mod with Clean Slate?
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>Doing The Founder's work anon keep it up
Thank you.
>Angel Eyed merc company when?
Oh, that would be cool. Would Angel Eyes be the leader? What would the flag be?
And of course, we can't have him without Blondie wandering around somewhere. Maybe Tuco as well.
>So this is a dumb suggestion because it would require Korean animator tier working hours but what is the prospectability of rebasing the mod with Clean Slate?
It's possible, but man, that would take a lot of work and I would need some help with it. Would that even work, basing Deposed on CleanSlate while AtEFF isn't?
I guess, If anything, that would come when Deposed goes from being just a submod to a full mod. I'm not sure if I'd have the time to do it, honestly.

Also, I finally started testing anon's scientology submod here >>1818892, and I noticed I fucked up the positioning of a lot of provinces in Nevada and Socal with the latest update, because I just copied over the positions.txt file from my personal mod, sans 2 provinces.
Next beta patch, I'll fix this by implementing some of my map changes there. No new provinces yet, just reshaping the old ones and adding new duchies. Didn't want to add this until after I finished with Chicagoland, but oh well.

Anyway left is current Deposed with the messed up positioning, right is my personal mod. The provinces have been made to be less sharp.
The titular Channel Islands duchy is now dejure. Tijuana, Orange, San Diego and Joshua Tree are new duchies. I moved the Baja merchant republic to Tijuana, and gave Baja to the King of Baja, since Mexicali is the kingdom capital. Would you guys want this?
Ignore the Islamic Majlis in Orange, that won't be coming back.
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In the wilderness outside Sante Fe dwells a motley crew of scum and villainy masquerading a law-bringing company, The (insert cool name here, fisting uglies? Goodly baddies? Arizona Rangers?).
Headed by disgraced former knight Angelus Mortimus Oculus, banished for his terrible crimes long ago (his own sister!) he's found fresh purpose in rvtvrnvng to the Americanist ways of his Southron ancestors by heading west, he'll take any job (straight up regular merc company ala IRL Catalan Company or maybe a landless title if you want him to be playable?).
The pity is he always follows the job through; As the now fatherless Ramir Ben-Eli learned when his band of wandering Israelites, stripped of their Imperial Mexican protection, were driven across the Jornada del Muerto. Good Cristero ""Eli Ramirez"" now plots revenge in the court of Don Pelayo (maybe a baron or just a courtier with lots of rivalries).
Meanwhile there's a new face in New Mexico and he's already made his name in Arizona, his current business is something about lost Imperial gold misplaced after the fall of the old Eastern Protectorate and though the two already despise each other he's teamed up with Angelus to find it. Joey Mann (is ... an option?) definitely isn't his real name but with all the cash he gathered playing the Kaisers and the Pharaohs off against one another he'll be able to take as many new ones as he likes, though the many enemies he made back west may yet catch up.
Clean Slate is just a pipe dream it would be nice in an ideal world, in the real world the taint extraction is the next best thing.
>Province improvements
Yes please, the hack-slash additions the Fail Fork grafted in have always bothered me.
should he have the old world shades as well? to reference the famous sketch picture
hey can I ask if you could change the Rockwell dynasty's CoA section in the changelog to just say it's an edited fascist flag of the free state of prussia? it's mostly because I plan make a new CoA for House Salas in Sob o Anil
also is there any way I can directly message you or be part of the github? I want to help out more but I don't want to hassle you with always making new mega or mediafire links lol
nice RE reference but I don't get it, is it because the similar name of Rockford and Rockfort Island?
those borders look much better, glad that you'll merge your personal mod and deposed
>The (insert cool name here, fisting uglies? Goodly baddies? Arizona Rangers?).
maybe Knights or Sons of Stonewall? since they're Southron Americanists, is that confederate arizona flag meant to be their merc flag?
>Angelus Mortimus Oculus
what if it's Frank "the Black Knight"/"Angel Eyes" Mortimer? works as a triple reference to Frank from Once Upon a Time in the West and both Lee Van Cleef characters from the Dollars trilogy
>Joey Mann
I assume this is Blondie/Man with No Name? an idea I had for his name could be William "the Implacable" Callahan, to reference William Munny from Unforgiven and Harry Callahan from Dirty Harry
I love this set up btw, great ideas overall, tell me if you like these names
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Fallen Angels? Nephilim? Westron Forces? I dunno, I'm shit at non-pun naming, SoS is a great acronym though.
The flag is something I grabbed off deviant art for althis CSA Arizona, since Van Cleef was a Union Colonel/Sergeant I think it'd be appropriately inaccurate, also an option is the Van Dorn flag if it isn't used somewhere already since it represents the western Confederates and the story here is they're HCC outlaws.
I think your names sound much more creative than mine, the more Spaghetti Western references the better.
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I like that flag
semi unrelated but I kinda wish we could replace the current HCC and Knights of the Golden Circle flags, the HCC would be the regular Battle Flag of the Army of Tennessee but with a bald eagle in the middle to riff on the HRE while the Golden Circle would be pic related's stars with a different logo in the middle, what do you guys think?
Anyone that doesn't like playing vikings is a red flag
I've actually never bothered with vikings because I already played them to death in vanilla CK2, and I also don't really care that much about the great lakes region. Pirates and Occultists are my go tos when I want to play as raiders
My favorite is playing as the Badgerlings guy and uniting the lands of Wisconsin + the upper peninsula.
>merc company ala IRL Catalan Company
I like this. If not here, then this idea can be used elsewhere.
>the hack-slash additions the Fail Fork grafted in have always bothered me.
No kidding, the Basin provinces are low-effort. I mean, rectangles? Come on.

>should he have the old world shades as well?
Probably, but I feel like I've gone overboard with all the characters who have Old World Shades now, lol.
>can I ask if you could change the Rockwell dynasty's CoA section in the changelog
Maybe, I just don't want to edit older sections of the changelog, feels like I'm tampering with history lol. Would it be alright if I just clarify it in the v0.4 section instead?
>also is there any way I can directly message you or be part of the github?
Does GitHub have messaging? That would work. And yeah, you can join the GitHub. I'm just not sure if I have to add you or if you have to request it.
>is it because the similar name of Rockford and Rockfort Island?
Haha, yeah. And also because both Ashford and Rockford end in ford. When I first added them, they were patricians in Rock Island, so the reference was clearer.
>those borders look much better
Thanks, it can actually take a lot of work to get the borders right. Usually I have Google Maps opened alongside other maps when drawing them.
It's a meme, but I use triangulation, comparing geological features between IRL maps and the game map to pinpoint a rough idea of where the capital and borders should be.
Funny thing about Barstow county in Socal, if you compare the AtE map with Google maps, its capital Yermo is actually in Joshua Tree.

I like the merc and character names.

Bayou Pierre county in Magnolia uses the Van Dorn flag.

If we're gonna change the KGC or the HCC flags, I would like opinions from more anons before we do anything.

Based. Do you have any suggestions on if the Norse/Vikings should be changed at all? I'd like to get some opinions from a pro-Norse anon.
>Probably, but I feel like I've gone overboard with all the characters who have Old World Shades now, lol.
yeah but it makes sense with him at least
>Maybe, I just don't want to edit older sections of the changelog, feels like I'm tampering with history lol. Would it be alright if I just clarify it in the v0.4 section instead?
fair enough I guess, it's that I'm simply planning to not use that CoA anymore so it is kind of incorrect
>Does GitHub have messaging? That would work. And yeah, you can join the GitHub. I'm just not sure if I have to add you or if you have to request it.
pretty sure GitHub doesn't allow messaging, I'm your only follower right now so I guess you can see what's my account lol
>Haha, yeah. And also because both Ashford and Rockford end in ford. When I first added them, they were patricians in Rock Island, so the reference was clearer.
ah I see, are the Ashlands meant to be a reference to something too?
>Thanks, it can actually take a lot of work to get the borders right. Usually I have Google Maps opened alongside other maps when drawing them.
>It's a meme, but I use triangulation, comparing geological features between IRL maps and the game map to pinpoint a rough idea of where the capital and borders should be.
I appreciate the effort you put in this, great work
>I like the merc and character names.
>If we're gonna change the KGC or the HCC flags, I would like opinions from more anons before we do anything.
yeah of course, I also want to hear the opinions of other anons as well before we do anything, I also had other plans for the HCC and other places but again, I want to hear opinions
also I checked out the final 0.9 version of ATE that was made before Ofaloaf left and it's interesting to see how some things were always in ATE and how others were added or changed in Fan Fork, I was wondering if we could add them in or not?
>huey latimer owned two duchies, the duchy of black march and the duchy of tuskegee, with the latter being his primary one, it later got changed to just black march with tuskegee becoming the kingdom title of what is basically Alabama, so maybe we could rename the duchy of black march back to tuskegee and use the same flag as the kingdom?
>the original owner of Orange County before the Zakariyya self insert was a guy called Harrison Cohn, he didn't have any lore or family so he was probably just a random character or placeholder
>the original owner of Monmouth (aka Teykhvald) before the Levi the Liberator self insert was a guy called Loris Mercuccio, he didn't have lore either like Harrison, though imo I'd try to do a Sopranos reference with him if we are adding him back in
>House Gee didn't have any interesting lore, they were given a bloodline and inserted into the title history of the HCC to pretend the HCC wasn't racist
>Charleston was the county capital of Charleston, not Fort Sumter, instead it was an extra holding
>the Empire of Aztlán in Mexico was originally called the Empire of Saguaro, with a cactus CoA, I think we should keep the current CoA for Aztlán but rename it to Saguaro
>there was a planned later bookmark which essentially featured a race war between the black and white nobles in the HCC, with the blacks being supported by Barrington Stepping Razor's Caribbean Empire
Sorry for the very late reply, I've been pretty busy lately.
>yeah but it makes sense with him at least
With industrial society gone, he doesn't need a disguise. :)
But yeah, I guess he can have some shades.
>I'm your only follower right now so I guess you can see what's my account lol
Oh hey, there you are, lol. I guess I'll add you as a Collaborator. As for messaging me, would email work?
>are the Ashlands meant to be a reference to something too?
Not really. Ashland is a major street in Chicago and a lot of unused Chicagoan dynasties in AtE are named after major streets, so I continued that tradition and added more.
The characters in the Ashland, Aurora and Hafner dynasties are all original.
>I appreciate the effort you put in this, great work
Thank you!
>so maybe we could rename the duchy of black march back to tuskegee and use the same flag as the kingdom?
Possibly, the Tuskegee flag is way more interesting. But I'm not sure about renaming it to Tuskegee.
If it was renamed to Tuskegee, I think the capital would have to be Tuskegee, which has a much lower population than the current capital of Montgomery (~9k vs. ~200k).
We could give him the Duchy of Birmingham? He already owns most of it.
>Orange County
I know I said he was temporary, but I've grown to like having Mark Aurelio there, lol. I even gave him more family members in the upcoming patch, along with a few other Socal dynasties.
>Monmouth (aka Teykhvald)
I think we can keep Levi and have a Sopranos reference. Although I think Palisades would make more sense for it. I also have plans for reworking New Jersey in the future.
>House Gee
Is their name a reference to anything?
I'm not sure, it's currently a holy site.
>the Empire of Aztlán in Mexico was originally called the Empire of Saguaro, with a cactus CoA
That's fucking hilarious. I don't know about renaming it, isn't Aztlán a fitting name for the region?
>a planned later bookmark
Oh, that sounds really interesting.
>As for messaging me, would email work?
I guess? is there a way I can give you my email without basically revealing stuff about myself?
>Not really. Ashland is a major street in Chicago and a lot of unused Chicagoan dynasties in AtE are named after major streets, so I continued that tradition and added more.
ah I see, I thought they were an IRL family in Chicago or something, I understand the reason but I kind of want to see an IRL reference first if possible
>If it was renamed to Tuskegee, I think the capital would have to be Tuskegee, which has a much lower population than the current capital of Montgomery (~9k vs. ~200k).
hmm, then I guess we could replace the current flag of the duchy of black march to the tuskegee flag and call it a day
>We could give him the Duchy of Birmingham? He already owns most of it.
I've seen the AI Littlepage emperor usually create the duchy of birmingham in the early years and give it to one of the counts of that duchy and I think giving the Latimers two duchies may make him too strong? although it fits with the Tuskegee rebellion start date that was planned lol
>I know I said he was temporary, but I've grown to like having Mark Aurelio there, lol. I even gave him more family members in the upcoming patch, along with a few other Socal dynasties.
it's fine, I'm just trying to reference the original ATE, but since that guy was just a probable placeholder I don't think it matters
>I think we can keep Levi and have a Sopranos reference. Although I think Palisades would make more sense for it. I also have plans for reworking New Jersey in the future.
interesting, what do you have in mind? also I was talking with some friends and they suggested that we rename Levi's surname to Epstein lmfao
>Is their name a reference to anything?
looking through it it seems the Gee surname is a reference to a random high ranking CSA army member, as it's common around the HCC
>I'm not sure, it's currently a holy site.
ah I see, I don't think holy sites were a thing in CK2 2.7, I guess we can just shoot ourselves in the foot and swap the citadel and fort sumter back again? lol
>That's fucking hilarious. I don't know about renaming it, isn't Aztlán a fitting name for the region?
kind of? not sure, maybe we can just keep it as is, I just thought it was interesting
>I guess? is there a way I can give you my email without basically revealing stuff about myself?
Actually, I'm not sure, I thought emails were visible on GitHub, but looking again, I guess not.
>I understand the reason but I kind of want to see an IRL reference first if possible
I felt like I was adding too many references, so I wanted to balance things out a bit. I don't want to go overboard with them.
For more IRL references, I was thinking of adding a Daniel Burnham reference somewhere as well. He was an architect and was one of the designers behind the 1893 Chicago World's Fair.
>I think giving the Latimers two duchies may make him too strong? although it fits with the Tuskegee rebellion start date that was planned lol
Yeah, balancing can be a pain, lol. That would probably make him the strongest duke in the HCC, so maybe not. I also wanna try adding that bookmark, but I know it's going to be a lot of work.
>it's fine, I'm just trying to reference the original ATE, but since that guy was just a probable placeholder I don't think it matters
Fair enough. It's still cool to see what exactly was changed or removed.
>interesting, what do you have in mind?
I only drew up potential locations for new provinces based on population density, here: >>1803890
For now, that's all I have.
>also I was talking with some friends and they suggested that we rename Levi's surname to Epstein lmfao
Fucking kek. That actually gives me a great idea, Jeffrey Epstein could be the Count of the Virgin Isles instead, since that's where his island is.
>it seems the Gee surname is a reference to a random high ranking CSA army member
Ah, that makes sense.
>I guess we can just shoot ourselves in the foot and swap the citadel and fort sumter back again? lol
Yeah, that might be for the best, even if it might seem schizophrenic.
>I just thought it was interesting
Maybe it can be named Saguaro if certain cultures own it? Not sure which ones though.
>Actually, I'm not sure, I thought emails were visible on GitHub, but looking again, I guess not.
I guess a throwaway can work, I made this throwaway gmail account for now: adanesne5000
>For more IRL references, I was thinking of adding a Daniel Burnham reference somewhere as well. He was an architect and was one of the designers behind the 1893 Chicago World's Fair.
I think that can work
>I also wanna try adding that bookmark, but I know it's going to be a lot of work.
cool, you can find the localization about it in 00_AMERICA.csv called "The Great Florida War", besides that I don't think there is any mention of it in the mod itself
>For now, that's all I have.
oh I missed that, my bad, I think those provinces can work, but I'm not from Jersey
>That actually gives me a great idea, Jeffrey Epstein could be the Count of the Virgin Isles instead, since that's where his island is.
holy shit I forgot those are featured in the game, that'd be so funny
>Maybe it can be named Saguaro if certain cultures own it? Not sure which ones though.
not sure either, I guess we can just keep it as is for now?
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Make a throwaway gmail and use it to use proton mail you retards it's free and anonymoose, use the free VPN too if you live in an Islamic Emirate like Londonistan.
If you do this I will be based and email you myself so we can have a hot threesome love triangle.
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I'll email you from my proton throwaway: DoodWeed
>cool, you can find the localization about it in 00_AMERICA.csv called "The Great Florida War", besides that I don't think there is any mention of it in the mod itself
Nice, I'll take a look at it.
>oh I missed that, my bad, I think those provinces can work, but I'm not from Jersey
Neither am I, so I hope they'll be good enough.
>holy shit I forgot those are featured in the game, that'd be so funny
At the moment he has 3 young females in his court. Nothing weird is going here, no sir.
I moved the previous holder to Antigua & Barbuda.
>not sure either, I guess we can just keep it as is for now?
Sounds good.

Thanks for the suggestion.
>you retards
Hey now, I'm only a little inbred.
>If you do this I will be based and email you myself so we can have a hot threesome love triangle.
Oh boy, I can't wait.
What an Anglo phenotype.
a bit disappointed to find out that the fork is trending towards just increasing the density of pop culture references
You mean Deposed, right?
Yeah, I admit I do feel like I've gone too far with the references. Once you add one, you feel like adding another and another. I'll try to curtail this and bring the mod back on track.
What would you rather see? Should a few references be removed, you think?
>Should a few references be removed, you think?
NTA but I think people like Chris Chan and Epstein don't need to be in the mod.
maybe it has gone a bit too far in a few places, perhaps we can compromise and keep CWC in but only as an event character that shows up in his IRL birthday (february 24th), kind of how some reference characters can only show up in certain IRL dates via event?
eh fair enough, I guess we can make it so it's one of the surnames available in the yiddish culture group?
Fair enough, I won't add Epstein.
However, there were already a few anons that wanted Chris Chan in, so I don't want to remove him. I'll leave him be for now until more anons share their opinions.

>kind of how some reference characters can only show up in certain IRL dates via event?
Wait, there are? Which ones?
>I guess we can make it so it's one of the surnames available in the yiddish culture group?
Actually, Epstein is already a Yiddish dynasty in AtEFF. I was going to add it in myself before I found it.
I've been having some ideas about the HCC but I'm kind of conflicted about them since it's essentially doing the same thing the forkers did but with more racist/right wing references instead of "chuds btfo"
>redo the flags of the HCC, the kingdoms of Tar Heel, Palmetto, Georgia and the KGC merc group to more CSA-like flags, Tuskegee can stay however
>delete or rename the Free Riders, as I think they're a reference to the civil rights activists of the same name
>rename the Royalls to the Griffiths, as a reference to The Birth of a Nation's director DW Griffith, his father Jacob Griffith was a Confederate colonel, Leonidas could be renamed to Benjamin, as a reference to the protagonist Benjamin Cameron, who forms the first KKK in the movie, this new Leonidas' nickname and CoA could be something dragon related, as that's a title in the KKK. I'd also change the set up a little bit so they already own the duchy of Santee instead of the county of Grand Strand
>move the Venables to Atlanta, due to Stone Mountain, the Gees would either stay in the duchy of Augusta or be replaced by another reference to a different family from Georgia
>the Venables' replacement in their duchy could be the Polks (as Leonidas Polk, born in NC, fought for the Confederacy) or the Jacksons, as Andrew Jackson was from that area
>rename the Dunwoodys in the duchy of Wiregrass to the Wallaces, as a reference to George Wallace, who was from Alabama (some anon was asking for a Wallace reference) the Dunwoody's make reference (I think) to James Dunwoody Bulloch, the foreign agent of the CSA in Britain, a weird reference I want to do is to make the current duke of Wiregrass the Gotz von Berlichen reference instead of Webster-Lee Sutton-Pulley, as George Wallace was crippled later in his life, he would lose his hand instead of his legs however
>combine the Yelvertons/Somers and the Frymores in Midcountry to the Thurmonds, as Strom Thurmond was born in SC
let me know what you guys think
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>Wait, there are? Which ones?
not sure if ATE has them but in AGOT certain easter egg characters will show up via event in certain IRL dates, for example in January 22nd (Robert E Howard's birthday) Conan the Barbarian will show up in an event, I think this works great IMO
Agreed on CWC, especially with regards to the items being so strong and quality 5 and him having the immortal trait (?!?!?). I think the bigger the reference, the smaller the role should be. This wouldn't necessarily apply for, say, a CWC-inspired heresy that uses some of his insane ideas, but having the religion outright namedrop sonichu goes too far. Basically, lore-friendliness should be the first priority.
It's fun to put Terry Davis or Epstein in, but names that big should be a courtier or baron-level at most. I don't mind adding KOTH or the Blues Brothers much (and I actually really like the Blues Brothers implementation), but I think the implementation of IASIP and Dishonored characters is a good standard for level of visibility for references should you choose to add any more. IASIP and Dishonored are in as courtiers, not as dukes or counts or barons.
>a CWC-inspired heresy that uses some of his insane ideas
Which religion would it be a heresy of?
Considering CWC's evangelical upbringing, his views are literally an evangelical heresy, so it would make the most sense for it to be that if it were made.
I'm in favor of the flag changes, only if other anons are also on board.
I like the Griffith name, but like you said, it feels like it's just going in the opposite direction. I'm also a little hesitant to add more KKK references that weren't already in the OG AtE, unless other anons want it as well.
Placing families in their home state sounds fine to me, like having the Venables in Georgia, but then we'd have to move a bunch of characters around for little gain. Although maybe there should be a Jackson or Polk dynasty somewhere in the Carolinas.
I dunno about renaming the Dunwoody dynasty, but yeah a character of the Wallace dynasty could be added somewhere in Alabama, to fulfill that one anon's request.
||Maybe Webster-Lee can be rivals with the Griffith character if they get implemented, not sure if that would be too over the top.||
Not sure about combining the Somers and Frymores.

That's pretty neat.

Yeah, the artifacts are pretty OP, I meant to come back and fix them later but forgot. I can tone them down. Do you think they should be renamed as well?
The immortal trait is just a joke as he supposedly became immortal after the Dimensional Merge/the Event. Honestly, thinking it over again, that should probably be left for the Absurd Events game rule or something.
>It's fun to put Terry Davis or Epstein in, but names that big should be a courtier or baron-level at most.
Fair enough, it's just that some anons do want to play as these characters, and you can't do that with barons.
>and I actually really like the Blues Brothers implementation
I'm glad. I love how they turned out.
Actually, in AtE 0.9, Dennis Reynolds was the Duke of Philadelphia. I restored him to that position in Deposed about 2 years ago at the request of a few anons.
Anyway, are there issues with the other reference characters I added? I do feel like Uncle Ted could be a courtier instead, at least. Also, what do you think about the non-reference characters?
>Fair enough, it's just that some anons do want to play as these characters, and you can't do that with barons.
console commands
I'm glad someone else feels this way. Easter Egg courtiers are harmless, but IMHO landed nobles and especially religions are a blight on immersion. I'm pretty sure the Fan Fork ran into the same problem during development and had to make restrictions on what could be referenced and how.

There were talks a while back about fleshing out the viking religion; this kind of thing seems infinitely more worthwhile to me.
I had an idea for the content of the late game. After a few centuries (this is a separate bookmark) the plague begins and at the same time a new ice age (debuff to economy and militia that creeps from the continental north to the south seaside). There are rumors that this is the beginning of the end. An Indian/cowboy Genghis Khan is born and begins to bring together the Iron Confederation and HCC.
Yeah while I'm all for restoring names and flags to their originals, and reverting the pozzed changes the fanfork added, but going to the other end of the horseshoe by just straight up adding more klanshit for the sake of them to the point of every Southern dynasty being descendants of the KKK and the HCC look like its spiritual successor isn't the way to go about it.

Plus it makes the South seem like the KKK and the Confederacy are all it has going for it.
I agree literally dumping Jeffy E in the virgin islands is a bit much, the whole point of refences are that they're supposed to be esoteric interpretations not straight up isekais.
If it were only Godfrey Waterstone, Gotham merchant who travelled south now local mayor of Little Saint James and friend of Prince Barrington it'd be fine IMO.
Dixieland needs more colonial influence where my lords proprietors at?
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I understand, if I can explain myself the reason why I wanted to do these changes was mostly as a response towards the fanfork devs since they were the ones who started it by blackwashing the royalls, changing the flag, removing all mentions of the CSA, renaming families and fucking over the HCC by making it so they get a 4th crusade style shermanposting event that made them catholic (fun fact, the catholic HCC flag was originally the juneteenth flag until it got replaced). I could list a couple more things but you get the idea, I thought that we might as well go all the way in to the other end of the spectrum since we're already gimping the muslims in california for example
>If it were only Godfrey Waterstone, Gotham merchant who travelled south now local mayor of Little Saint James and friend of Prince Barrington it'd be fine IMO.
that's much smarter actually, damn, whenever we ought to try to add in a reference outside of major, absurd/birthday event exclusive characters they should be somewhat fitting to the universe and not as sublte as a brick
>Dixieland needs more colonial influence where my lords proprietors at?
where could they be? besides the Caribbean of course, as the great florida war start date implied, the HCC is trying to control Florida and perhaps the whole caribbean sea
this is the "Great Florida War" start date text btw
>The Great Florida War
>After the death of Empress Portia, the unpopular Stepping Razor ascended the Caribbean throne. Seeking an enemy to unite the archipelago against, he embarked on an invasion of Confederate Florida in concert with their Tuskegean enemies. Meanwhile, a great army assembles in Quebec under the banner of St. Ursula, seeking to save the souls of New English from eternal damnation and perhaps gain worldly rewards in the process.
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The Shermanism is the one thing I actually like about the CSA pozzing because I find it legitimately funny and historically alliterative.
>Lords Proprietaries
So much to shamelessly rip off, particular standout is the one guy who refused to sellout and kept his 1/3 of North Carolina.
Basically if anyone in the region needs reflavouring but you don't want another Kool Kidz Klub member there's dozens of colonial aristocracy coloured ready made start points for replacements.
Great Florida War is giving me An Lushan rebellion vibes with the race war aspect, the lore has always been that Tuskegeans are a mercantile race right? Sounds very Sogdian to me be a real shame if they went the same way as they did.
Black Royalls are kind of funny though. It helps sell the idea that the HCC only half-remembers why the CSA even exists. They bought so hard into the State’s Rights idea that they don’t even think there was a racial element at all.
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Alright, Deposed Anon here again.
So that something like this doesn't happen again, future references should mainly be courtiers, right?
Also, what about political dynasty references? A few anons wanted a Kennedy dynasty added (With Joseph P. Kennedy and his children) to Plymouth where the Kennedy Compound is IRL and I just finished that recently. I can scrap the whole thing if it's too much.
I can go back and change/remove all the other ones I've added if you guys want, like the KotH references, the others in Chicagoland and Socal, etc.
It's good that this has been brought up, but this discussion should've happened earlier like when I was adding the KotH characters or even earlier, so this mess could've been avoided entirely and I wouldn't have wasted time on them.
Although I should've listened more to you guys when you voices your concerns about the CWC stuff after that. I just thought it was too funny to add him.

After this I'd like to return to fixing up Chicagoland, and I would like some Hoosiers to help me flesh out Indiana as that's what I want to focus on next.
I've mostly finished with the Socal fix. I just need to finish adding in extra family members for some of the dynasties there (No references, they're just to make sure the patricians in Los Angeles don't die out early, same with a few of the feudal dynasties, and to give them some history).

I gave the Nazarene and True Cross religions the Defensive Attrition and Hard to Convert attributes, and I've made Hawthorne and Inyo provinces in Death Valley True Cross to reflect them fleeing to the Sierra Nevadas after their leader Alric Balthes was defeated by Will Steely.
I've mostly gleamed this from in-game character and title history and the True Cross in-game description.
But should this stuff actually be added?

Also, if you find I've added something weird or stupid to the mod, please bring it up. I won't know what works or not if I don't get push back on dumb ideas.
It's just some minor dissent of opinion Deposer anon don't fret, you're a wise and benevolent modlord even for worrying.
I vote outright references are absolutely fine as mere barons/courtiers so long as they have their names messed with a bit so they don't stand out too much. If they're counts+ there should be a little consultation first to ensure the preservation of immersion.
Chris Chan is the exception, he's entirely future-historically accurate afterall.
I say only Nazarene should be hard to convert and only True Cross should get the defensive attrition, the True Cross are the sort who fight and die and pop up again later but they don't actually have the spiritual resilience of the mainline Nazerenes IMO, regular Nazerenes are softy syncretists anyway they talk their differences out they don't start laying booby traps.
I'm really looking forward to the map changes you have a good eye for them you should do more.
>Also, what about political dynasty references?
I think dynasties that claim descent from pre-event famous people are fine.
Don't justify with headcanon, all bad decisons can be explained in "some" fun eor unexpected way if you strain your head hard enough
It make sense, especially within the Americanists, to say you're bloodline is that of a pre-event Presidents or important political figure.
References about fictional charaters are good as barons/couriers, if it's a Real Life person I'd say duke or small chiefdom/kingdom is fine.
>The Shermanism is the one thing I actually like about the CSA pozzing because I find it legitimately funny and historically alliterative.
true, but my issue is that it was done out of balancing and fucking over the HCC rather than to make a historical parallel, there were plans to make a 4th crusade in mexico first but nothing ever came out of it
>So much to shamelessly rip off, particular standout is the one guy who refused to sellout and kept his 1/3 of North Carolina.
>Basically if anyone in the region needs reflavouring but you don't want another Kool Kidz Klub member there's dozens of colonial aristocracy coloured ready made start points for replacements.
interesting, it can work but I think most of the surnames throughout the HCC are already references to CSA aligned people, so I was going off with that
the problem is that they were originally white, it's just bullshit that they race swapped and we have to pretend it's fine because we can justify it
I'm an european and CK2 AtE was great
I had zero idea what the fuck was going on and I spent probably more time trying to find out and reading about what the fuck something was a reference to than playing the game
It was also refreshing to have another big, fairly detailed map that wasn't some fantasy bullshit I had negative interest in like GoT
>future references should mainly be courtiers, right?
that's a good standard, though I think the less on-the-nose the reference is the less strictly you have to hold yourself to it. But yeah, if you're gonna literally add jeffery epstein to the mod, make sure he's easy to ignore.
>A few anons wanted a Kennedy dynasty added (With Joseph P. Kennedy and his children) to Plymouth where the Kennedy Compound is IRL and I just finished that recently. I can scrap the whole thing if it's too much.
Having Kennedys in new england IS gold, but at least change the given names. Joseph P. Kennedy is the full name of a real person so he should really only show up in family history if at all. (and he probably shouldn't even show up in there since tribal new englanders probably aren't very good at geneology)
On a related note, is Paul Mahonic still kicking around somewhere?

>but this discussion should've happened earlier like when I was adding the KotH characters or even earlier
yeah that's fair. You did change the dynasty to 'Hillwalkers' though so it wasn't a carbon copy; at least that's why I was willing to give it a pass.

>only Nazarene should be hard to convert and only True Cross should get the defensive attrition
I second this. California is one of the most developed regions in AtE; only it's most radical inhabitants could possibly devise a way to make invading armies suffer
All of Texas is pretty much a reference to A Canticle for Leibowitz in ATE CK2, so jot that down.
Deposed anon here again. I want to change up some of the references and want your input.
I want to move Terrence Davis to Michael Stoklasa's court and change his culture to Dellsman.
Maybe move Theodore Kaczynski to Robert DeSalle's court.
I'm thinking of merging the Ashfords and Ashlands into just the Ashlands, to make it a little less in-your-face.
I want to rename the placeholder Aurora dynasty to Archer, after both the street and William Beatty Archer. I also want to give their founder either a wife or daughter that died young named Mary, in reference to Resurrection Mary.

Thank you. It may be minor, but it was a legitimate complaint. Even I was starting to feel like I was adding too many references.
I like that, lol.
>If they're counts+ there should be a little consultation first
Sounds good. All references should go through the anons here first.
>Chris Chan is the exception, he's entirely future-historically accurate afterall.
Lol. I've already decided to weaken his artifacts and remove his immortality. Maybe even change his name back to Christopher? Although that might be heresy.
>I say only Nazarene should be hard to convert and only True Cross should get the defensive attrition
I like your reasoning. If no one objects to it, I'll make this change.
>I'm really looking forward to the map changes you have a good eye for them you should do more.
Thank you, it's the part of modding I enjoy the most.

Noted. Although I'm not sure about Kingdom-tier.

>if you're gonna literally add jeffery epstein
Nah, not anymore.
Would mixing around all of their given names work? For example, instead of John Fitzgerald Kennedy/JFK, maybe Joseph Francis Kennedy or something? I think literally every Kennedy has two first names, and I find it a fun naming scheme.
>On a related note, is Paul Mahonic still kicking around somewhere?
Definitely, he's still in Boston. I'm not worthy enough to touch the Mahonics.
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Me again, Here's a rough outline of what I have planned for the rest of Northern Indiana. I haven't drawn out the rivers yet, so the borders may change again when I do that.
Larger names are the province names, smaller names are the capitals, with the dots being their rough locations.
I plan to give the duchy of Wabash probably 2 extra provinces from what it currently has in Deposed. Tippecanoe, Kenapocomoco and Marshall would all be in Wabash.
I want to make Fort Wayne into its own duchy (Comprised of Fort Wayne, Auburn and Southold), but that might take away the point of having Michiana as a duchy (It being a combination of Indiana and Michigan).
I also want Auburn to be Anabaptist (Just the population, not the holder), as there's a sizeable portion of Amish people living in that area IRL.

With Indiana being the next focus, I wanted to add a reference character for Michael Jackson named Jack Michaelson or something like that. Either as the holder of Gary (His birthplace), or more likely as a courtier of Ludewis Rostenhauer, the current holder.
I'm thinking he'd be friends with the Blues brothers since they're all musicians.

Another thing, I've been wanting to add are more landmark province modifiers.
I have an idea for two, The University of Chicago in the province of Calumet, and The Ruins of Fermilab in the province of Aurora, although I'm not sure too sure about the second one. That may also be too much for the Chicago area, I'm not sure.
Actually, what determines if a landmark should even get a province modifier?
Also, what's the upper limit of Landmarks per province? 2? I feel like I may be pushing it by having added The Loop to Chicago, giving it 3 in total.
Should any landmarks have effects, or should they all remain only as flavor?

As always, all feedback and suggestions are welcome.

I've heard that before. I just bought the book, as I've been meaning to read it for the longest.
>I've heard that before.
One of the main points here is the fact that it's all Catholic in CK2. I like CK3's depiction of a Trailwalker faith native to the region quite a bit better, I just don't see Texas spontaneously converting to Catholicism en masse.
In the book, it happens to much of the south and the old west on account of the fact that the Catholic church is one of the only major institutions to survive the apocalypse. In ATE, that isn't the case, as there's other groups like the Mormons who survived and the Catholic church is significantly more warped than it is in CFL.
Personally, I would probably give Texas some unique pagan offshoot of Americanism; something like the Revelationist equivalent of Americanist faith. Instead of worshiping the presidents as gods, they focus more on figures from the wild west and tall tales to provide a sort of "if you are wild and west enough, you too can become one of these legends" type deal. Sorta ancestor worship-y, with a lot of Americanist influence. Big Tex as a protector deity, etc.
But that's sort of outside the scope of the fork, perhaps. A mix of Catholic, Protestant, Americanist, and maybe some Native faiths would do the trick. A hint of Voodoo in the east, perhaps.
How much of the CFL references would you remove from AtE? I wouldn't want to mess with it too much, unless enough anons want it.
It might be out of the scope of Deposed currently, but possibly in the future we can go over Texas again. Hopefully with some actual Texans helping out with it.
Your Texan Americanist pagan idea sounds interesting. I'm not good with implementing fun religions, so someone else would probably have to do that section.
>A mix of Catholic, Protestant, Americanist, and maybe some Native faiths would do the trick. A hint of Voodoo in the east, perhaps.
Yeah, that sounds good for now. It's weird not seeing any Protestants at all in Texas. Would Comancheria be a Native faith, or maybe just a few of their provinces? Maybe that might be changing things too much?
Actually, how would you lay out the religions in Texas?
I think some of the Native provinces would get a Native faith. Not sure on where to expand the Americanists to. That one Cajun province could either remain Catholic or become Voodoo.
Where would the Protestants be? Sprinkled throughout Texas, or concentrated in a few areas?
Comancheria's whole thing is they got evangelized to be good Catholics they should stay that way, maybe a few peyotist hold outs around Fort Sill and the border with New Mexico, also always found it odd they're feudal when they'd fit in better as nomads IMO but I guess they're the more civilized tribe when compared to the actual Texans.
Makes sense the rest of Texas that isn't Americanist (centred around the Alamo and Dallas) ought to be Evangelical or maybe even a little Charismatic (since it's chaotic frontier and all), stick some Voodoo in the Frenchy bits or maybe a handful of Trailwalker provinces in the really wild cowboy bits for varieties sake and we're golden.
>Would Comancheria be a Native faith
I think it should remain mostly Christian. IRL Comanche mostly belong to the Native American Church, I believe. You could do some lore with there being an attempted revival of The Old Ways with maybe a decision for a Comanche emperor on bad terms with the pope to try and do it again.
Texan and I don't like the idea of adding a new Texan religion, I quite like the Airmen being Americanist (and Americanism is already a pretty weak religion at the start date).
If Evangelical were to be added to Texas, I think the obvious choice is for the Aggies to be switched (though maybe not the whole realm). I think that would also show differences between the Aggies and the Longhorn Realm to be a bit stronger. I don't think Catholicism should be weakened further than that in Texas as it would mess up the lore, make Christianity even weaker overall in America, and because it would probably make Texas increasingly susceptible to conquest from south of the border.
I'd suggest that the Zancos (the ruling house of the Aggies) could be made crypto-Evangelicals and Brazos County be made Evangelical to not disrupt things too much.
Comancheria should stay Catholic, since lore-wise it only was able to hold together by its rulers converting to Christianity, although those rulers were originally descended from Peyotists.
>I want to move Terrence Davis to Michael Stoklasa's court and change his culture to Dellsman.
I'd rather have Terry as the count and have the reddit letter media crew in Terry's court, mostly because of bias and that it's not like that reference (the RLM one) was in any way subtle
>Maybe move Theodore Kaczynski to Robert DeSalle's court.
that's fair I think, though I would also like to have him as a count, if we have a better way to mix his name/reference somehow I think it would work right?
>Would mixing around all of their given names work?
maybe use irish/gaelic names for the LARP? like they've returned to their roots or something?
>With Indiana being the next focus, I wanted to add a reference character for Michael Jackson named Jack Michaelson or something like that.
I've got some ideas, maybe we can use the surname "Five" or "Fives" as a reference to the Jackson Five, and we could feature the entire jackson family instead of just MJ. For the name itself maybe it would be Joseph II Fives? and his father Joseph I was a cruel count who killed Joseph II's older siblings and then was deposed by him? he could also be married to an elvis daughter (is Elvis referenced in Tennessee? I can't remember, I'm gonna be surprised if he isn't) and I'd also make the entire family white lol
>I'm thinking he'd be friends with the Blues brothers since they're all musicians.
that fits I think, was Dan Aykroyd friends with MJ?
>Another thing, I've been wanting to add are more landmark province modifiers.
I'd like to see more
>I have an idea for two, The University of Chicago in the province of Calumet, and The Ruins of Fermilab in the province of Aurora, although I'm not sure too sure about the second one. That may also be too much for the Chicago area, I'm not sure.
Chicago is like the third biggest city in the US right? I think it's fair
>Actually, what determines if a landmark should even get a province modifier?
>Also, what's the upper limit of Landmarks per province? 2? I feel like I may be pushing it by having added The Loop to Chicago, giving it 3 in total.
not sure actually
>Should any landmarks have effects, or should they all remain only as flavor?
flavor for now IMO, unless other anons have a suggestion for effects
>Leanord Horwitz
Isn't that the guy from the big bang theory
If Jacksons are getting added they ought to be genetically native since every single one of their wiki pages bangs on about great grandad Jack being a bonafide medicine man.
I think it'd be funnier if Michael himself is dead (during the Detroit rust jihad?) and it's his (white) "children" that are lurking around in courts too.
Also a Texan here. My case for "anything but Catholics" is just the fact that Texas is mostly non-Catholic. Something like 20% of Texans are Catholic, which some will call the largest religious denomination, but that's just because there's half a million different fiddly little Evangelical churches that get counted differently on the census.
As for a Texas-unique faith, I did say that I felt it was outside the scope of the mod to add such an animal.
Texas being Catholic is an important part of AtE lore.
It's also a Canticle for Leibowitz reference.
I figure that the Kennedy's, being the decedents of a former President, would basically be the sole Americanist presence in New England with it being a sort of hard mode of trying to take over what they consider their rightful land from the Occultists if you play as them. Remember, the family is basically New England royalty IRL already, there's no way they're gonna give up that influence if an apocalypse happens and if a religion around the Presidents forms, they'll join it to keep what power they have.

As for the naming, looking over the current members alive now irl they already have a Joseph P. Kennedy III and Robert F. Kennedy III, so I'd say as long as you slap a roman numeral at the end of the name you can keep whatever male name that's in use IRL and it would work in the game. I'd also change the family's culture to Colonial; it seems to be the New English equivalent of Gothamite in the game, which should fit (and allow you to not have to worry so much about names since they sound like something they would name their kids.)
the DeWitts in Connecticut are also Americanists in New England by the way
I think it's alright for things to change a bit after an apocalypse and 600 years
Turns out the current rivers.bmp file in Deposed is messed up and missing a color, distorting all the rivers in-game. My bad. I've fixed this and it will be in the next patch.

Okay, Comancheria will remain Catholic.

Would everyone be okay with having one or two provinces around Fort Sill being Peyotist, making a province or two in Amarillo Trailwalker, and making Beaumont (The Frenchy bit) Voodoo?

I like your reasoning. It's probably best not to change it up too much, in keeping with the lore and balance.
So the Zancos would be publicly Catholic but secretly Evangelical? Brazos county being Evangelical sounds fine.

Should any more provinces have their religions changed, or should that be it?
Like adding a few Charismatic provinces like the other anon said, and putting a few Evangelical provinces under the Aggies. Should the Americanists be strengthened or left as-is?

You're right, I forgot the RLM guys were also just direct references, lol.
I was planning on reworking Wisconsin eventually, splitting Milwaukee into 2 or 3 provinces and giving it a duchy. I was thinking that Terry would get the western half and the RLM crew would stay in Milwaukee.
Although maybe a more fitting historical reference character should be given Milwaukee, someone important to the city.
I suppose his first name could be changed, but then he wouldn't be Uncle Ted anymore.
Maybe, I kinda like the other anon's suggestion as well.
Interesting idea, it's just that Fives sounds odd for a surname. I actually originally wanted to include the Jackson Five, but thought it might be too much.
I'm not sure if Elvis is directly referenced, but I know Presley is a first name in some cultures.
I don't know if they were friends IRL, but I was thinking they'd be friends since they'd all have the Musician trait in-game and be within a province of each other.

Continued in the next post because I ran out of room like an autist.

>Chicago is like the third biggest city in the US right?
Currently, but Houston is supposed to overtake it in a few years.
>flavor for now
Got it.

Huh, interesting tidbit about his great grandpa.
It would be funny, but I'd rather him be alive.

Yeah, lots of things can change after 600 years. I think the best bet is to keep it majority Catholic, and spread a few Evangelical and Charismatic provinces around as remnants.

Oh right, I forgot that they should be Americanists. Should Plymouth also be Americanist?
Colonial sounds good, but would it be alright to give them a melting pot culture at the beginning of the game?
And is it just me or do the Gothamite portraits look off? They look like they're made of cheap melted plastic.

Anyway, I was thinking of giving current landed reference characters generic family members to sort of give them history and integrate them more into the world. Does this sound good?

Also, I think I'll put a Sheridan dynasty in Waukegan, referencing Philip Henry Sheridan. He was a Union General in the Civil War and helped Chicago during the Great Chicago Fire of 1871.
Sheridan Road also runs directly through Waukegan IRL, going from Chicago to Racine, Wisconsin.

I'm thinking of instead putting an extinct Archer dynasty in the history of Joliet, as Archer Avenue goes from Chicago to Joliet.
It would be named after William Beatty Archer, a captain in the Black Hawk War, and he was also involved in the construction of the Illinois & Michigan Canal. Joliet sits along it.
The dynasty would end with Resurrection Mary (A supposed ghost that died on Archer Avenue and appears as a hitchhiker to men driving along the road), who'd be married to the founder of the Aurora dynasty.

I'm still thinking of a better name for the Auroras.
Maybe a Polish/Other Slavic dynasty? Since the French are already covered with DeSalle and soon the Irish will have Sheridan.
On the topic of Texas, the single biggest metropolitan area within the confines of one state is the DFW Metroplex. As far as multi-state metropolitans go, it sits at fourth biggest in the country.
Deposed Anon here, 0.4 beta 2 is released:

I released it last night, but forgot to make a post about it here.

This update mainly deals with reshaping the provinces in Socal and Nevada.
New duchies have been added to Socal.
Some Socal dynasties and Los Angeles patrician families have had new members added.
Small changes have been made to Nazarene and True Cross.
Hawthorne and Inyo provinces are now True Cross.
The Kennedy dynasty has been added to Plymouth. They are still very much a WIP and will be refined in the next update.
CWC is no longer immortal (This may be added again with the Absurd Events game rule in the future) and his artifacts were weakened and slightly renamed. Further adjustments may still be made.
Hank Hillwalker no longer starts with extra raised levies.
And of course, rivers.bmp has been fixed so the rivers are no longer distorted.

No changes to Chicagoland or Texas in this update, as I want more feedback on those changes before I implement them.
Also, what do you guys think of moving the Baja Merchant Republic to Tijuana and giving Mexicali to the King of Baja? I personally think this makes more sense but I want your guys' opinions first.
>Fort Sill Peyotist
no, what we could do however is land Pahayoko II's uncle Tuhuyakwahipu somewhere instead, his branch is still Peyotist and he has a strong claim to the Kingdom of Comancheria, giving a chance to the player to come back to the Peyotist religion albeit a very hard one since they'd lack a bloodline and any support
>Amarillo Trailwalker
not sure, I lean towards no
>Beaumont (The Frenchy bit) Voodoo?
maybe, what we could do is perhaps make all three counties owned by Adah Creaux Voodoo, implying most of the coast of Louisiana is voodoo while inner Louisiana is still catholic but owned by voodoo dukes
IMO they should just be publicly evangelical, it's not like they have an overlord that is of a different religion than them
>Should any more provinces have their religions changed, or should that be it?
in texas? I'm not sure
>Although maybe a more fitting historical reference character should be given Milwaukee, someone important to the city.
I'd rather have that yeah
>I suppose his first name could be changed, but then he wouldn't be Uncle Ted anymore.
I was leaning towards changing the surname, but I'm not sure what we could use for him, maybe Zerzan for John Zerzan, another Anarcho-primitivism advocate? I'm not sure
>Interesting idea, it's just that Fives sounds odd for a surname.
I agree that Fives is an odd surname, I just couldn't think of a better one, I think the Jackson family is influential enough to reference them alongside MJ, at least IMO
I see, I forget Memphis already has the Bass Pro Shop pyramid, though maybe it can have the Graceland mansion as a modifier as well? is House Crockoone a reference to anything?
>I don't know if they were friends IRL, but I was thinking they'd be friends since they'd all have the Musician trait in-game and be within a province of each other.
ah fair
>Oh right, I forgot that they should be Americanists. Should Plymouth also be Americanist?
>Colonial sounds good, but would it be alright to give them a melting pot culture at the beginning of the game?
I always forget about melting pot mechanics, maybe? I'm not sure
>And is it just me or do the Gothamite portraits look off? They look like they're made of cheap melted plastic.
that's because they use the italian gfx from vanilla, since NY has a lot of italian heritage
>Anyway, I was thinking of giving current landed reference characters generic family members to sort of give them history and integrate them more into the world. Does this sound good?
depends of the character I think, but overall I agree
>Also, I think I'll put a Sheridan dynasty in Waukegan, referencing Philip Henry Sheridan. He was a Union General in the Civil War and helped Chicago during the Great Chicago Fire of 1871.
>Sheridan Road also runs directly through Waukegan IRL, going from Chicago to Racine, Wisconsin.
>I'm thinking of instead putting an extinct Archer dynasty in the history of Joliet, as Archer Avenue goes from Chicago to Joliet.
>It would be named after William Beatty Archer, a captain in the Black Hawk War, and he was also involved in the construction of the Illinois & Michigan Canal. Joliet sits along it.
>The dynasty would end with Resurrection Mary (A supposed ghost that died on Archer Avenue and appears as a hitchhiker to men driving along the road), who'd be married to the founder of the Aurora dynasty.
sounds good if you ask me but I'm not from Illinois
>Maybe a Polish/Other Slavic dynasty? Since the French are already covered with DeSalle and soon the Irish will have Sheridan.
maybe Pulaski? Illinois celebrates Casimir Pulaski day after all I know this because of Sufjan Stevens' Illinois album lol
I was looking up the in-game Caribbean islands online and I thought this bit on La Gonave in Haiti was interesting:

>On July 18, 1926, U.S. Marine Corps Sergeant Faustin E. Wirkus (1896–1945) was proclaimed by the residents of the island as King Faustin II, where he ruled over the island with the tribal queen Ti Mememnne as co-monarchs. His reign lasted until 1929, when he peacefully abdicated and returned home to the United States.

Would you guys be against having these two in the title history of La Gonave? Maybe even give La Gonave its own Duchy title like Tortuga?

That could work, I like it. Where would he be landed?
>make all three counties owned by Adah Creaux Voodoo
Maybe. How about just making her two eastern-most provinces Voodoo?
My reasoning was that they'd hide their religion since they rule over a majority catholic populace.
>John Zerzan
Combine them into Theodore John Zerczynski? Lol. Or maybe he can be in Geneva's title history with fictional living descendants?
>I think the Jackson family is influential enough to reference them alongside MJ
Yeah, you do have a good point there. Maybe the surname could be Jojackson? Kingson? ("King of Pop", King is the surname of Joe Jackson's mother)
>Graceland mansion as a modifier
Oh, good idea.
>is House Crockoone a reference to anything?
That, I don't know. But I think it might be, since it has a unique CoA.

>they use the italian gfx from vanilla
Ah, you're right. They don't look as bad in vanilla. Maybe it's the hair and clothes?
>depends of the character I think, but overall I agree
What would the conditions be?
>maybe Pulaski? Illinois celebrates Casimir Pulaski day after all
Pulaski was my first thought as well. A major road is named after him in Chicago and it intersects with Archer, which would tie everything up nicely.

Now that I think about it, should the Kennedys be feudal?
>That could work, I like it. Where would he be landed?
not sure, Pahayoko II has the county of possum that is not connected to the rest of his other holdings, so maybe that? I'd like to hear what other anons say first
>Maybe. How about just making her two eastern-most provinces Voodoo?
that works as well
>My reasoning was that they'd hide their religion since they rule over a majority catholic populace.
oh, I thought we were going to change the provinces to Evangelical as well
>Combine them into Theodore John Zerczynski? Lol. Or maybe he can be in Geneva's title history with fictional living descendants?
my idea was that he'd just be called "Theodore Zerzan", Zerzan is a slavic surname so it still fits, although apparently Ted and Zerzan weren't really politically aligned so maybe not
maybe that can work, we could also try to get something out of one of his songs?
>Ah, you're right. They don't look as bad in vanilla. Maybe it's the hair and clothes?
yeah I think so, we could also try to use a new italian gfx from another mod but that'd be a bit of a hassle
>What would the conditions be?
depends on the reference and how their ranking is, if they're counts, dukes or kings and all that, again I'd like to hear what other anons think
>Now that I think about it, should the Kennedys be feudal?
hmm, kind of the point of New England is that they're tribal outside of Boston and Connecticut
also I had a couple of things, I managed to fix the missing quotes on the nicknames, you mentioned that it bothered you (it bothered me as well) and I found the fix, I could push it since I'm part of the github but I also want to do a couple of other things
>recolor the kingdom of Louisiana to a darker blue to match the flag
>recolor Gran Francisco and Socal to gold and orange colors respectively
thoughts? you recolored Baja and Jefferson so I thought we could do the same with the other kingdoms, I don't know if The Valley should get recolored however
also why is the duchy of The Pharaohs part of the kingdom Socal? shouldn't it be part of the kingdom of Nevada?
>the county of possum that is not connected to the rest of his other holdings
That makes sense to me.
>I'd like to hear what other anons say first
Yeah, same.
>oh, I thought we were going to change the provinces to Evangelical as well
The anon who suggested it mentioned them being crypto-Evangelicals, so I went with that.
>although apparently Ted and Zerzan weren't really politically aligned so maybe not
Dang, oh well.
>we could also try to get something out of one of his songs?
Possibly, which one?
>we could also try to use a new italian gfx from another mod but that'd be a bit of a hassle
Nah, it was only an observation anyway. I don't really want to mess with portraits.
>depends on the reference and how their ranking is
Fair enough.
>hmm, kind of the point of New England is that they're tribal
Then I guess they'll stay tribal.
>I managed to fix the missing quotes on the nicknames, you mentioned that it bothered you (it bothered me as well) and I found the fix
Oh, hell yeah. What was even causing it?
>recolor the kingdom of Louisiana to a darker blue to match the flag
Maybe, but I actually like Louisiana's light blue. Have you tested out if it looks good yet?
>recolor Gran Francisco and Socal to gold and orange colors respectively
>thoughts? you recolored Baja and Jefferson so I thought we could do the same with the other kingdoms, I don't know if The Valley should get recolored however
I've actually been wanting to recolor Gran Fran, but wasn't sure on the color. Gold might work. Although I think Socal's current color is good, it makes it look deserty. Not sure on The Valley either.
Can you show pictures of how you'd like to recolor them?

I think that's a holdover from when Nevada wasn't formable/in the game.
Lore-wise, I think it's because Socal's been an established kingdom for a long time while Nevada never formed so it just drifted into it? There's a decision to incorporate Mojave if you're the king of Nevada.
sure, land the cousin, although it does make playing as Pahayoko II slightly harder if he’s down a barony. could you give him another one somewhere else?
Evangelical is boring as fuck in this mod—make the Texans Charismatic instead.
For MJ, the only name from his songs is Billie Jean. Is there a way to make a family name out of that?
For Gran Francisco, either gold or Golden Gate Bridge orange-red works as a color.
Speaking of the GGB, agreed with another anon upthread that it should get a wonder, or at least an actually useful modifier instead of just a description. There are more places around the map that could use a “half-wonder” like that, too. Maybe add a decision for a lot of gold to make the old monuments usable again, which would add a modifier to the provinces that boost them in some way? GGB could add Fort Level and maybe a bit of trade income, for instance. If you don’t make it a full wonder, it would be a lot easier to code.
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>Possibly, which one?
I can only think of Billie Jean and Annie from Smooth Criminal lol
>What was even causing it?
it's on purpose because the President have a unique thing where their surname also shows alongside their first name, so to remedy that they removed the quotes on the nickname localization
>Can you show pictures of how you'd like to recolor them?
are these colors good enough?
>sure, land the cousin, although it does make playing as Pahayoko II slightly harder if he’s down a barony. could you give him another one somewhere else?
he already has 5 counties man, I think him losing one is fine
>For Gran Francisco, either gold or Golden Gate Bridge orange-red works as a color.
I went with this color, good enough or golden should be better?
>GGB wonder
I think according to the description of the modifier the bridge itself is gone and only the pillars remain, I doubt medieval technology would be able to rebuild a bridge of that size right?
>could you give him another one somewhere else?
I think I can give him an extra castle in Fort SIll, but like the other anon said, he already has 5 counties (Well, 4 once I give his cousin Possum).
Although I'm leaning towards giving him an extra castle so as to try and keep things balanced.
>make the Texans Charismatic instead
Could it be a mix of Charismatics and Evangelicals? Alluding to it being a chaotic frontier like a previous anon said.
>Billie Jean
I feel like that could instead be a daughter or wife/lover of his, lol.
>For Gran Francisco, either gold or Golden Gate Bridge orange-red works as a color.
I agree.
Oh right, I still need to get around to making that wonder, or at least just the graphic for now so I don't get too side-tracked again.
Like you, I was thinking the broken stumps could act like forts or something.
>Maybe add a decision for a lot of gold to make the old monuments usable again, which would add a modifier to the provinces that boost them in some way?
That's a pretty cool idea, actually.

>Annie from Smooth Criminal lol
Maybe she can be his daughter, lol.
>it's on purpose because the President
Ah damn, I was hoping it was a bug. I wonder if there's a way to keep the Presidential surname without quotes and regular nicknames with quotes?
Lousiana looks alright, but I think it's too dark. I originally did the same thing with Jefferson, directly copying the green from the flag, but it didn't look right on the map so I used a darker shade. I think vanilla Louisiana's light blue is good enough.
The orange for Socal reminds me of playdough. Sorry, lol. Vanilla Socal is good as it is.
However, that gold for Gran Francisco looks fantastic. Try testing if it looks good a little more golden or as an orange-red like the other anon said, but I think your current color is great.
When I changed Baja's colors, I went with Baja Blue for the kingdom, Baja Blast for the duchy, and Baja White for Tijuana.
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>(Well, 4 once I give his cousin Possum).
I can do that and push it alongside the nickname change
>Ah damn, I was hoping it was a bug. I wonder if there's a way to keep the Presidential surname without quotes and regular nicknames with quotes?
hmm, maybe create a new nickname that would be for presidents only? I'm not sure, I'd have to try and tinker
>Lousiana looks alright, but I think it's too dark. I originally did the same thing with Jefferson, directly copying the green from the flag, but it didn't look right on the map so I used a darker shade. I think vanilla Louisiana's light blue is good enough.
I made it a little less dark
>The orange for Socal reminds me of playdough. Sorry, lol. Vanilla Socal is good as it is.
yeah fair enough, I just want it to be orange after orange county and all that, I tried to match the same orange as the orange county flag as well but I'm not sure if it looks good or not, if not we can just drop it and keep the sandy color it currently has, I forgot that Hudsonia also has an orange color, but I always thought Hudsonia should have a lighter orange to reflect the dutch flag better
>However, that gold for Gran Francisco looks fantastic. Try testing if it looks good a little more golden or as an orange-red like the other anon said, but I think your current color is great.
I did make it more golden, thoughts?
I help the NEOW devs, and apparently they would love to hear some ideas, yes.
The best way to make a patch for Aquila o Sol is to carry all the map changes into deposed and start adding new provinces from there.

Don't forget to make it a dependency
Really? Or is this a bait?
I need to play that mod again. I loved the Asia gameplay back when that first came out.
I got kicked out of their discord because I stupidly had the same discord name as my github name, they thought my name had to be related to the black sun some esoteric nazis used which is an insane reach
so maybe not
it’s not that big a reach. it’s a pretty common one these days
>I can do that.
Alright, sounds good.
>I'm not sure, I'd have to try and tinker
Let me know how that worked out.
>I made it a little less dark
I think vanilla Louisiana's color is best.
>I just want it to be orange after orange county and all that, I tried to match the same orange as the orange county flag as well but I'm not sure if it looks good or not
Understandable, I try doing that as well, whenever I can. Although Los Angeles is the kingdom capital. Actually, does yours have the same color I used for the Duchy of Orange? Hard to tell. And yeah, Socal's current in-game color is fine.
After lots of testing/messing around, I've found that a color that looks good on a flag or CoA, would look too bright/dark, artificial, etc. when it's used to color the map.
Using more flat/muted (Maybe matte/pastel?) colors for CK2's map works best, I think.
>I forgot that Hudsonia also has an orange color, but I always thought Hudsonia should have a lighter orange to reflect the dutch flag better
Maybe, but it could also look too bright/plasticy. I think its current color looks fine.
>I did make it more golden, thoughts?
That Gran Fran color looks good as well, I can't decide which one I like more. Maybe anons should vote on which one is better.

Speaking of map colors, after taking a second look, maybe I made Jefferson too dark?

Ah, so make a compatibility patch? I suppose I can try it, but it could be a lot of work. Although it might get a bit wonky in California, as Aquila o Sol makes some pretty big changes there as well, IIRC.

You used Black Sun as your name?

For the longest I thought the black sun was just an ancient symbol appropriated by the nazis. Only just looked it up and found out it was actually created by them. The more you know, I guess.

Anyway, I made a very simple event for CWC that restores his immortality and his OP artifacts, but only if the Absurd Events game rule is active. Would you guys want this?
Is there a sub mod yet for the ck3 version which fixes the race issue and or cuts of the useless parts of the map?
Any chance of adding a slavery system similar to AGOT?
This makes for an awful thematic culture, which is why the ck2 version does it better keeping homogenised pockets of interesting and individual racial groups
As long as it isnt a direct Sinful Slavery copy then im fine with this.
Just port over the AGOT system and make a few adjustments
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I still can't get over the fact the CK3 After the End team turned every single mestizo/person of mixed Native American and Spanish ancestry on the map into Aztecs lmfao
I've made a personal submod which changes the culture ethnicity weights to their appropriate race, it's quite easy to do
It's so jarring looking through the culture files and seeing how mixed they made every culture
I don't get why they replaced the functional med_indigenous ethnicity with Aztec. That almost seems racist in some way. Oh, they're all brown, just turn them into Aztecs from that one pre-Columbian Mesoamerica mod we've ripped these ethnicities from.
Can't forget shit like Svalbard being 80% Inuit when in real life it's occupied by Russians and Norwegians.
And the entire Eightian culture.
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>Based. Do you have any suggestions on if the Norse/Vikings should be changed at all? I'd like to get some opinions from a pro-Norse anon.

Just more options for expansion down the midwest I suppose and being able to hijack or burn down more religious centers.
Just the great lakes content wise is a bit limiting considering the christians to the south are perfect for warfare
Also there should be more artifacts, you should be able to reforge Mjolnir or something, limiting it to a dang chrome car mirror is funny but you should be able to have some badass artifacts as a pagan
Gameplay wise they are already goddamn powerful as hell so no need for any balance changes.
Shit, maybe revive the slain god (odin) by controlling the great lakes by using your piety and the stolen rust cultist temple idk.
They could of satisfied everyone if they just went with one culture one ethnicity, they have enough diversity of cultures in the mod too do it! But instead everything looks the same.
What do you think of claiming to be the revived reincarnation of Odin, with mechanics similar to the zoroastrian shaoshyant?
That would actually be goddamn ideal, a cool title, bloodline piety and commanding respect of all vikangz.
Hell yeah

"The Avatar" Bloodline has a cool ring to it
Did the vikings believe in reincarnation? There'd probably have to be some research on if modern norse larpagans or the actual vikings did believe in reincarnation.
There's a handful of stories of people being reborn, sometimes as animals, or occasionally being born with marks of injuries their ancestors had. One guy appeared in a dream to another dude and gave him specific instructions to rob his tomb, mutilate his body, and then give some of his shit to a kid who would be born shortly after this occurs.
Stuff like that could be cool for events
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>Americanists in Rushmore (Brule), can't raid infidels
>random Trailwalker barbarian fuck from northern Yellowstone region blobs early and hard into Dakota and eats way more of collapsing Lakotah kingdom than I do
>usurps the title from Lakotah so now he has to die for me to King
>tribal shitter has 2k retinues, 3k levy and can call like 10k of vassals to arms
>me with 3.2k troops, up to 5k for a few months with a mercenary hire

Miraculously we managed to avoid direct war decs from anyone in our area until 2nd reign, expanding when we could, keeping just enough power to not look like the easiest meal around. A 10 year truce from a white peace I barely managed to scrape with -600 gold to mercs expires soon. Good news, the king of Dakota just got murdered by his own people, an ugly boy is on the throne, and soon I'll be the grown up who gets to bully a child.

What can I do to fuck him up though? Holy wars risk calling in other Trailblazers, which are all over the place, and to fully beat him in one war I'd need like 3k gold reserved for merc pay. I can't raid him for gold, and anyway my retinue cap is effectively 0. I don't see an assassinate button in this mod. I've resisted swearing fealty to anyone the whole time, should I just join Dakota and try to ruin them from within? Is there a way forward for proud Americans without bending the knee to fucking tribal cheaters?
Does ck2 ATE have a roads to power submod?
Rise To Power? no, not as of four years ago, anyway
NEOW dev here, it's true.
We love you guys and would gladly incorporate your ideas into our mod, so feel free to give us suggestions.

Ignore this guy >>1842287 he has no idea what he's talking about.
Lmao fuck NEOW and fuck that autistic little tyrant of yours. Keep your circlejerking out of here.
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holy fucking based
Man how I wish the lazy beaners would finish their mod
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Honestly, good for them. The idea you would even ask it that way and not think you'd get banned is insane. Maybe they are terminally online, I don't know. But we know at least you are.
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Excuse me for responding to three month old post but what is this religion with a star icon? I don't follow these thread often. And while we're at it. What religions did you guys add and what are you planning to add? I know about Scientology and that's it.
I mean this post with Hank Hill >>1784183
That's the Lone Star religion from NENW
Basically evangelicals but they also worship Texas
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Deposed anon here, sorry I haven't been posting recently. Real life has kept me busy. I should be freer in a week or so, but we'll see.
Also, I won't be able to work on Deposed much during winter, just to let you guys know in advance.

The next beta update will convert Zinzinnati into a Merchant Republic and make the Ohio River fully navigable. There are a few other things, but they're pretty minor.
I haven't had as much time as I wanted to work on Deposed recently.

That might be possible. How many files are there that would need to be ported over and adjusted?

Reforging Mjolnir sounds like it would be a cool event chain.
>limiting it to a dang chrome car mirror
It's a car mirror? I thought it was a football trophy lol.
More artifacts are planned, and ideas like this are welcome and helpful.

That would be awesome. How would it be organized? Like in an event chain or decisions, etc.?

Deposed has added Scientology so far. There are plans to rework Norse and add a Juggalo religion, possibly as a Rust Cult heresy.

I would've replied to more posts, but 4chan keeps giving me an error about spam.
All joking aside, we are curious what you think NENW and NEOW need.
A change in management, so it isn't run by a turboautistic control freak who flies into a rage if you make a simple observation on the AtE setting.
Nooooo, he isn't a tyrant! Don't you dare state that keeping the Event ambiguous instead of outright stating it was le virus (like le COVID! COVID destroyed le society!)
I'm afraid neither of those two things are happening, especially considering a whole famine system, and a season system was just implemented, along with optimisations to have it run a year in 45 seconds on a bad laptop. Say what you will, he's a good dev.

And the Event being stated is essentially a way to kill off urban areas, while isolated rural communities can thrive. The Welsh shall inherit the earth.
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>Procter vs Gamble
It's like pottery.
Yo, I've began to play Deposed recently and have been having a lot of fun. What are the ways to acquire a gun and other high-tech artifacts? I suspect you need to play as Rust Cultists to maxx out your artifact gain, but I've wondered if it's possible to do as an Americanist. I wanna play as a Wayne and turn my merchant republic into an ultimate empire, and all I need is a gun.
So is DeposedAnon the Fork of After the end fanfork that unmesses a few of the laws? Is it on the steam workshop yet?
When are you getting rid of the diversity mechanic anon
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I think what the game lacks taste wise is medieval artifacts such as armor and weapons and crowns and such, unique stuff for unique cultures.
For example the gaians main "girl" should have a flower crown or something that boosts relations with other gaians
Rust Cultists should have not the most powerful artifacts, but the highest amount of very good artifacts per character (guns, armor et cetera)
Southerners should basically be knights generally with swords and armor and heraldry

In essence I think the new core of content items wise should include important crowns, important weapons and maybe important and unique armor (all crafted post apocalypse), while the rust cultists and atomicists and such should be able to get a cool hybrid of pre war artifacts, tools and items that are basically utilizable in a post apocalyptic medieval concept.
As for items in general it should follow a sort of umbrella of important religious stuff, important ruler/regional ruler/emperor stuff, armor, swords, spears and other bla bla bla, basically localized flavor four everyone with its own distinct advantages.

The consumerists should somehow have a better way of acquiring money

Southerners have their developed empire but its unstable as hell unless a competent emperor tard wrangles it and expands into guerilla territory.

Americanists are weak as hell in my opinion, their interventions should be much more dangerous but they should also be very fragile if they lose washington and such (glass cannon).
I think that there should be an actual caesars legion in arizona, a roman larper faction and religion based on the same thing from fallout new vegas.

Its basically just logical flavor that should have been added instead of more tranny self insert characters in courts and more bootlicking neutered californian viewpoints of the world.
>Find landless with gun, cajole/invite him over
>Give piece of land
>Make sure he has no successors but you
>Assassinate, imprison, execute
Indeed. I was looking for people important to Cincinnati, and noticed that the two founders of Procter & Gamble had immigrated there from England and Northern Ireland, respectively. It was perfect.

Glad you like it.
Acquiring guns and other artifacts is the same as in the base mod, for now. So probably either through events or as a Rust Cultist.
I've been thinking of adding a new level 2 or 3 quality gun artifact, as there's only a level 1 a and level 4 gun in-game currently, and only the level 4 gun actually gives any martial and personal combat skills.
Also, a Wayne using a gun? What has the world come to, lol.

Deposed removes the Tolerance Laws. I forget if it removes any other set of laws.
It's not on the steam workshop, no. I wasn't sure if I should upload it there as I'd like to keep my internet and real lives as separate as I can.

If you guys want, I can start working on removing the diversity mechanic right after the Cincinnati update is released (Which should be soon, as I'm currently looking it over for any bugs or things I may have missed).
So the diversity mechanic can probably be removed from Deposed in maybe a week or two. Barring any setbacks.
I'm just not looking forward to it because I'd have to remove a ton of references to the mechanic in events and character histories.
Should the physique mechanic be removed as well? It's tied up with the diversity mechanic and they usually go hand in hand.
>Also, a Wayne using a gun? What has the world come to, lol.
I wanted to test it out because I found out about guns after having my island pirate character get close with Brazilian Empire and getting a mega rare stylish gun after I gave them enough gibs. Too bad he died before I could use it, but it has shown me that Caribbeans are very fun in this mod.
Just the thought of Bruce Wayne/Batman using a gun is pretty funny.
The Caribbean does look really fun. I've been meaning to start a campaign there ever since I took a good look at it a few weeks ago. Which character did you start as?
I vote scrap diversity/physique entirely we have no need for it cultures alone work fine and it probably has a disproportionate performance impact anyway.
NO GUNZ for Wayne this is heresy, maybe give him a bat belt or something.
I couldn't find the easter egg pirate character, so I made my custom guy hanging around the Carribbean and harassing the fallen Carribbean Empire and shores of Columbia. When I saw a submod for vanilla ATE that adds more Hispanic flavour and lets you create a new Empire of Brazil in North America, I focused my energy on carving out a kingdom from states in Cuba so I can reach Florida and legitimise my empire of hispanics by raping Muslims and Southerners, then continue racking the cash from my beneficial relationship with Brazil.

Too bad that my guy caught TB and shat himself in his bed, unable to afford a doctor because I threw all my cash towards funding my conquests.
I wanna play as an adventure in the wild west and go to Tahiti guys
Ain't no law that says you can't make a steam account dedicated to hosting the deposed fork.
Deposed v0.4 Beta 3 is now available:


Here's a summary of the changes:
>Zinzinnati is now a Merchant Republic.
>The Ohio River is now fully navigable by everyone.
>Changed the Aurora dynasty to Pulaski.
>Changed the Ashland dynasty to Sheridan.
>Changed the Ashford dynasty to Ashland.
>Added an Archer dynasty to the history of Joliet.
>CWC now has an event that makes him OP, but it only fires if the Absurd Events game rule is active.

Sounds good.
>it probably has a disproportionate performance impact anyway.
I'm thinking the same.

That sounds pretty damned awesome. At least your guy led a crazy life.

Good point. I'll look into making another steam account just for this.
Oh yeah, and the Kennedy family is now Americanist.
There's probably a few more things I forgot to mention.
hey deposed anon, do you still use that throwaway mail you made a while ago? I sent you something but you never replied lol
Oh damn, yeah I still have it, I just haven't checked it in awhile.
well be sure to check it then
inb4 emailanon just KO'd deposedanon PC.
>I think what the game lacks taste wise is medieval artifacts such as armor and weapons and crowns and such, unique stuff for unique cultures.
problem is you either need anons making GFX for the mod so deposedanon could possibly add them, or just "borrow" assets from other mods
>For example the gaians main "girl" should have a flower crown or something that boosts relations with other gaians
we could use the baelor/gardener crowns for this, maybe
>Rust Cultists should have not the most powerful artifacts, but the highest amount of very good artifacts per character (guns, armor et cetera)
like that detroit guy having a gun or something like that?
>Southerners should basically be knights generally with swords and armor and heraldry
you could maybe use the heraldic armors from AGOT MBS for some of the houses (though I'd change the heraldry of some HCC houses if it were up to me but that's beside the point), the HCC emperor does have the Sword of the States but that's emperor only, I agree that maybe some houses should have their own unique sword, but you'd need ideas for name and what kind of sword it would be (I guess HCC would mainly use cavalry sabers?)
>In essence I think the new core of content items wise should include important crowns, important weapons and maybe important and unique armor (all crafted post apocalypse), while the rust cultists and atomicists and such should be able to get a cool hybrid of pre war artifacts, tools and items that are basically utilizable in a post apocalyptic medieval concept.
>As for items in general it should follow a sort of umbrella of important religious stuff, important ruler/regional ruler/emperor stuff, armor, swords, spears and other bla bla bla, basically localized flavor four everyone with its own distinct advantages.
again, need someone making the GFX
>Southerners have their developed empire but its unstable as hell unless a competent emperor tard wrangles it and expands into guerilla territory.
the HCC being decentralized is kinda the point since they are an HRE expy, but some parts of their instability are because the devs fucking hated the HCC and kept making events to gimp it
>Americanists are weak as hell in my opinion, their interventions should be much more dangerous but they should also be very fragile if they lose washington and such (glass cannon).
I guess with event spawned troops or somethong?
>I think that there should be an actual caesars legion in arizona, a roman larper faction and religion based on the same thing from fallout new vegas.
there's already a caesar's legion in arizona in the form of Edward Kaiser, he even has cancer, maybe it can be reworked somehow though? or like, make some sort of twisted version of the arizona rangers, I don't know
>Its basically just logical flavor that should have been added instead of more tranny self insert characters in courts and more bootlicking neutered californian viewpoints of the world.
yeah, sadly that's now how it went
>If you guys want, I can start working on removing the diversity mechanic right after the Cincinnati update is released
Do not do this.
Can't wait for the mod to have landless.
You'll have to add more cultures to represent ethnic minorities though.
I think the latter is more of what it should be, because it is post apocalyptic america after all.
same, going to road trip around btfoing any pozzed religions I come across along the way
I think you should remove the diversity mechanic for now. Perhaps a more suitable fix in the distant future would be more distinct racial cultures (where racism won out) and hybridised cultures (that avoided racism and over the centuries have mixed into a single new ethnicity). Either way, the diversity mechanic has to go.
>Either way, the diversity mechanic has to go.
What exactly is wrong with it?
why would there be fully black (African in appearance), fully white (in appearance) and fully Asian (in appearance) people living side by side within the same culture 600+ years after the apocalypse? They either mixed or they segregated into different cultures.
Deposed anon here, I actually removed the diversity mechanic in my test build right after releasing the last update. It was much easier than I thought, just incredibly tedious. It only took a few hours.
A few files had as many as 60 references to/mentions of the mechanic.

Anyway, I don't want to release it yet, as I wanted more votes/opinions from you guys before actually implementing it. I know that not everyone wants it removed.
I also wanted to run more tests with it in case I screwed something up. In the few tests I've ran, everything seems fine so far.

This has indeed happened. The email fried my computer and stole my soul. I'm now a soulless husk wandering the earth. In other words, everything's the same.

Yeah, when it comes to gfx, I'm pretty lacking. My main interest and skill in modding is mapping.
Also, I'd like to keep stealing/"borrowing" assets and such (Especially from other mods) to a minimum, if I can. It can be helpful, but it's not a good look. Especially if Deposed is to be put on the Steam workshop.
That being said, I know Deposed already did that a few times with a few of the earlier fixes. Although maybe I'm just overthinking this whole thing.

For artifacts, I'd like some more concrete ideas. Like names, what kind of artifact they are (sword, armor, etc.), their icon, which specific characters should have them, their stats and quality, etc.

Only being curious, but why not?

Good point, but couldn't that come afterwards? Also, where would they be? I feel like California should have a few new minority cultures, at least.

Yeah, more distinct cultures would be good. Hybridized cultures too, I didn't really think of them before, but it makes sense.
Because there was a large enough population of them in the first place to maintain lineages with their racial phenotypes. Yes, interbreeding would result in skin tones evening out, but I doubt it would also completely eliminate white/black/asiatic skin tones. I also don't see America suddenly readopting racial segregation broadly enough to completely excise smaller ethnic minorities that otherwise conform to the local culture.
I think it would make more sense to base the diversity mechanic on the idea of a mostly interbred future with occasional outliers being born (more black Tuskegeans, more white Yankees, more Hispanic Texans, etc.) with a handful of cultures that DID adopt those kinds of racial policies that would remove racial minorities (some kind of Confederate revivalist culture in the HCC somewhere) and a handful that simply weren't widely interbreeding with other ethnic groups to begin with (most Native American tribes) tossed in the mix.
>Only being curious, but why not?
If this was CK3 and it was easier to represent cultures with very close ties but distinct features, that would be one thing. CK2 doesn't have heritages or languages, it doesn't have cultural traditions, and it doesn't have cultural acceptance mechanics.
If nothing else, I think it would be better to turn it into a game rule than just removing it entirely.
yeah I just took a peak at the structure of the diversity event and I completely understand your impulse to destroy it, and IMO it certainly has no business existing in tribal/nomad realms. That being said, there are a handful of cultures for which diversity makes sense (California, the NA indian tribes)

Maybe as a stop-gap measure you could add a condition to the trigger block that checks for a minimum of level of the Tolerance technology in order for the diversity mechanic to activate; this would also make it relatively easy to control levels of diversity on the regional level because of the way technology history works.
I don't know if this is actually possible though since the wiki doesn't explicitly list Tolerance among the valid technology conditionals.
I've been playing the CK2 mod online and whenever I take a loan, it comes due instantly and I get the "bad credit" and "defaulted on debt" modifiers. This doesn't happen to the other players, loans work as they're supposed to for them. Does anyone know what's causing this problem?
>Decide to play as the duke of Austria
>Get the whole HRE somehow
There's nothing I hate more.
so to run the deposed fork, I need to have both After the end *and* the deposed fork running at the same time?
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Kek, thank you.
Not him but yes, last I checked it's a submod.
>If nothing else, I think it would be better to turn it into a game rule than just removing it entirely.
I really should consider the game rules more often, I think this would be the best approach for now. Thank you.
I just have to figure out how to mod in game rules without messing things up first. Shouldn't be too hard, lol.

>Maybe as a stop-gap measure you could add a condition to the trigger block that checks for a minimum of level of the Tolerance technology in order for the diversity mechanic to activate
I would have to add those laws back in, as Deposed removes them. But this is an interesting idea. I can try messing around with it.
>I don't know if this is actually possible though
Yeah, I'm not sure either. It sounds like it should be possible, but I'm not an expert.

Correct, like the other anon said, Deposed is currently a submod. So you need both After the End Fan Fork (Preferably the latest github version) and Deposed activated.
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>I would have to add those laws back in, as Deposed removes them.
??? I'm talking about technology level, not laws.

Anyways I went and checked it out and it IS possible to check for the level of Tolerance technology (in the code it is called culture flex). I tested it in Ontario, which is very diverse, and saw a night and day difference when spawning courtiers at Tolerance level 2 vs 3.

If this sounds like something you'd want to implement, just insert the line of code in picrel into the event block for misc.3. Whenever a character is about to be race-bent, the game will now check the tolerance level in their current location before doing anything.

I should note that even the most tolerant regions of California only have about 2.2 Tolerance, so checking for 3 might be overkill. Luckily regional technology levels are easy to tweak
tell me about this mod
is it only popular because americans or is there something else?
I think this Saul guy somehow managed to cancel the consumerist uprising.
I don't think I saw the kingdom of Heaven before. Also It would be cool if the "Brother of Jesus" trait was somehow inheritable like "Heir of the Prophet".
Hi, anyone know how to get the UI to be bigger on a 2560 x 1440 monitor? It's so hard to play with the UI so small. I'm sure theres a mod out there right? But would it be compat with EK?
I've never seen the Kingdom of Heaven either, that sigil is a Deposed thing, right?
also those traits are like workarounds for bloodlines, so I think bloodlines would be better
there's a bigger interface version for ATE, it doesn't work for some religions however iirc
>I need one that can work with Elder Kings, do you know if there is one?
Oops forgot to delete the ">"
there's this
heres my screen, UI is really small. 2560 X 1440
Thanks ill load it up now.
Doesnt seem to work. I tried with and without yet it's still the same.
Go into the video settings and change the UI scale, 1.5 is probably good for you
I've tried that, but it makes the UI look really blurry.
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How blurry? I play at 4k and it looks fine for me
It smudges text, even on yours. Look at your UI text compared to mine.
You were right about it not being blurry. Now I don't even see it myself, never mind. I've not played this game in so many years. I want to go back to it but I'm not a kid with a small monitor anymore
It was only made because americans, but it's popular because it's fun
See? and it's still not working.
Also on 2560 X 1440 and I just play with the resolution set to 1080p. I don't give a shit about smudged text, the UI was always ugly anyway and it's completely readable
I think it's because you've only recently upgraded to a new monitor, the text was always "blurry" you just never realized it because of the small monitor and seeing it zoomed in on a high res display looks weird.
It's the same when people talk about movies and shit looking better on phones than on tvs and monitors, they don't but the small screen creates a sort of anti-aliasing effect that makes it stuff look "better".
Maybe it works with the different version of EK, but I don't know. Since it's a submod, maybe you can fix it by changing the dependency/path in the submod's .mod file. I did it once with one of the Warhammer mod submods.
Could you do it for EK? ive never dealt with ck2 modding.
>??? I'm talking about technology level, not laws.
Oh fuck, my reading comprehension died there. I also forgot tolerance was a technology. Sorry about that.
>If this sounds like something you'd want to implement, just insert the line of code in picrel into the event block for misc.3
I think I just might, thanks. I really like it and I'm surprised how easy it turned out to implement lol.
>I should note that even the most tolerant regions of California only have about 2.2 Tolerance, so checking for 3 might be overkill. Luckily regional technology levels are easy to tweak
Thanks again, I'll have to make some adjustments there. I've been planning a technology rework for awhile now anyway, so it won't be a big deal.

>I think this Saul guy somehow managed to cancel the consumerist uprising.
Huh, I've never seen that before in any of my test runs. Judging by your screenshot, maybe it's because both of them spawned in Socal?
>I don't think I saw the kingdom of Heaven before.
It's actually in base AtEFF, but as a kinda feminist Mormon/Neogodbeite uprising. Deposed reworks it.
>Also It would be cool if the "Brother of Jesus" trait was somehow inheritable like "Heir of the Prophet".
Good idea. I'll probably have to rename it and give it a better icon first.

I've never seen the Kingdom of Heaven either, that sigil is a Deposed thing, right?
Yeah, it's from Deposed. Although the Kingdom of Heaven is from AtEFF, I reworked it from being a Mormon/Neogodbeite uprising into a Nazarene/True Cross uprising like it was originally intended.
>also those traits are like workarounds for bloodlines, so I think bloodlines would be better
Saul also gets a bloodline if he's successful.
Maybe Californian cultures (and similar ones) could have a cultural effect that gives them diversity events at a lower tolerance level? And then more insular cultures could have an effect that requires a much higher tolerance to get diversity events.
What's diversity events? Idk what you guys are talking about. Been playing AtEFF for about a year and I don't understand what is meant by this. Either way glad people somewhere still working on CK2 version of this. I won't be moving onto CK3 for years to come so I'm glad AtE getting new content somewhere.
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>I think I just might, thanks.
np and happy deposing
>What's diversity events?
it's a single event (ID misc.3)
It is triggered whenever new courtiers are spawned (and probably at other times too). Depending on the culture of the ruler's court, they may have their cultural ethnicity swapped with a minority ethnicity.

Every single culture in the mod has it's own demographic breakdown (65% white, 13% black, 7% asian, etc); naturally, these numbers are incredibly contentious and often don't make sense in the context of post-apocalyptic society. Right now the event fires for everyone no matter what, but the current plan is to add a restriction in order to make it more of a regional phenomenon (though anybody who levels up Tolerance can opt-into it)
Ah that makes sense. Playing in Michigan currently and I keep getting events where Muslims and Jews spawn in my court. It's not that bad but I can certainly say it's somewhat annoying because I often have no use for these individuals. 90% of the time if I need someone to fill a councilor or minor title role someone else in my culture and religious group are already well qualified so I just get all these outsiders for no reason that I never asked for and have no positions for. Only rarely do I use one in a pinch because say a Steward dies and I don't have anyone qualified to replace him. But hey here's this Jewish guy who's got a hugh Stewardship skill. So it's very niche.
How can I survive as that one muslim province in Milwaukee? I've only tried once but I got a crusade called on me and got fucked.
Don't expand into Chicagoland dejure kingdom early, since it has very high crusade priority. Try to build your domain first, if you can raid (I don't remember), do it. Swear fealty to the Norse warlords, if you have to. After the first crusade ends, expand rapidly in the Great Lakes region, since second Crusade will likely target you. Generally, you want to make sure Rust Cultist won't reform their faith and keep Catholics weak by taking Chicago and st.Louis. Ursulines also might try to attack you, but they are weak.
Thanks I'll try that.
Tiny nitpick. Something that always bothered me about the Southron culture. It's spelling. I live in NC so as one I say it should be spelled Suthron. Get rid of the O. That's literally it. Pedantic post done.
Titty Titpic: Deposedanon's version is not on the workshop yet
he should update the steam version desu get more people interested in the mod
titty titty titty: Mjolnir should be in three pieces, the grip, pommel and metal chunkarydoodah
Each piece should probably belong to one of the most notable norse rulers as they serve as guardians
Is the ck3 version of this mod any good? How is the Michigan experience?
I like the Texas stuff. Haven't played in Michigan. It's less focused on NA than the CK2 version, so there's probably about an entire half of the map you won't care about.
It's very gay and current year.
They bumped up minority percentages even more than the CK2 version for seemingly no reason (Gaelic speaking Maritimers? 10% black lmao), added a gender identity decision, no, really, added even more boring, featureless one province native cultures that are actually extinct IRL, turned every single mestizo on the map into an Aztec because they thought the ethnicity from a Mesopotamia focused mod was cool without thinking about the consequences, they neutered North American Islam to spite the old Muslimdev for being too, well, Muslim, turned Norse into some dumb handegg religion, etc etc
>Judging by your screenshot, maybe it's because both of them spawned in Socal?
Yeah, I think this is what happened. Saul won before Adam and invalidated his uprising.
>neutered North American Islam
didn't they literally make gay islam?
Yeah they did, it's in Canada and was made as a spite in-joke against the muslim dev
>no davy crockett/daniel boone folk religion fisher-price americanist
>no greek LARPers based in Nashville t. Parthenon
>California still in pet status, Brazil is the new dog in the house and south america will continue to drain focus away from North America
I will continue to be biased against it and I curse myself for back in the day many years ago not suggesting to the original modder when he posted on 4chan to introduce greek larp in tennessee simply for the Parthenon and Tennessee Titans
having said that, they separated Shriners from NoI, which I will always appreciate.
isn't the gender identity decision currently only available in Debug mode?
I know it's a shitpost, but unless they purposefully omit it, there should be an option with freshly landed or simply happy vassals when they finally update the mod next year (fuck) to order vassals to prioritize converting culture.
I'll be pissed if they remove it, I really don't want smurfs pretending to be the Nord equivalent of Bretons in a Falmer Skyrim and I can't imagine they'll fix up DNA for years unless some Graphics guys run a tragic coked-up meth binge.
It's been YEARS since i heard about the mod, i stopped playing before they added the muslim dounutsteel on ck2, give me a rundown on the dev shenanigans since, don't be afraid to be verbose
they added stuff
There was a fan fork project from before the trannies took over the mod, was anyone going to do that for CK3?
Probably not until CK3 nears the end of the DLC cycle, otherwise it'll be too much work for a lone chud to keep everything updated and working.

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