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I noticed nobody ever made a new thread so I'll make one
previous thread >>1678337
maybe nobody made the thread because they didn't want to be known as a faggot who plays reddit mods.
Fag trying too hard to fit in.
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holy shit ateff thread made by someone other than myself
anyways what are your favorite regions? for me its definitely the northeast(including quebec and the maritimes)
Nice, thanks for using my screenshot! I was thinking of making a new thread myself, but I didn't want to be that much of a shill for my own mod, lol.
I've added Hank's friends since taking that pic, though they still need some fine-tuning before they're complete.

Anyway, Deposed anon here, I'll repost the latest version from the last thread:
Like always, please report any bugs you find.

At the end of the last thread, we were talking about possible changes to the Norse religion.
One anon suggested making them a Lutheran/Protestant/Norse mix, and I'd like to hear any suggestions and ideas you guys have on it.
There were also other ideas, like adding Juggalos and redoing parts of New England, as well as adding the Kennedy and Reagan dynasties somewhere.
An anon was also adding in more members of the Long dynasty in Louisiana.

Also, I finally made a git for Deposed. Something I should have done in the beginning. Now it'll be easier for you guys to contribute, if you want:
This is my first git, so forgive me if I messed something up here.
2655 in the year of the Lord and already the boy ain't right
I don't know how to use github myself, but I've been playing a HCC game recently using it, (great job by the way), and I've noticed a few bugs with the base mod, and was wondering if you'd add the fix to your mod.

If you do, the two main problems were with converting the grand duchy of tarheel to its kingdom, (in 'decisions/HFP_realm_decisions.txt', event: 'declare_kingdom_of_tarheel'), it references the provinces of magnolia I think. (I fixed it for myself a while ago and didn't write it down.) I think one of the other similar grand duchy->kingdom decisions granted to the wrong title as well.

Also, when I tried to expel some of the Evan knights and flip heathen, expelling I think the chrismon knights would instead expel the cthuluan knights of the round table.
This was fixed in 'am_soa_holy_order_events.txt', and searching for 'expel_chrismon_tree_check' and making sure it led to 'expelled_d_chrismon_tree'.

Other than that, I noticed the Consumerist Shia uprising (Monetarist) is completely and utterly fucked, and needs a major rework.
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hey deposed anon, I've decided to land the Terry Davis and GLR reference characters in Des Plaines and Streatorland respectively, do you want me to upload my fork to the git or do you want me to add any characters before I upload?
also since you're working on Texas, there's a couple of characters that have MLP references as names in the First Cavalry court, namely the Black Jack family, so if you don't like those references then perhaps you can change/remove it. Speaking of which you can also add/switch all those killls Duke Denton of Metroplex has into being part of Cotton Hillwalker's 50 men count
also I'm the same guy who was thinking of the Protestant/Norse mix
Is Chris Chan in the mod?
I think he should be since he's one of the most infamous Americans on the internet.
His Sonichu medallion should be an artifact too.
Have you guys talked about straight up adding the Nation of Islam?
Maybe as an Orientalist heresy?
Or does Misrist already fill that role?
I second the removal of the MLP shit. I'm the guy who suggested the juggalo religion btw
I remember you said you want to one day have this be separate instead if being a submod, how's that been?
>great job by the way
Thank you!
>converting the grand duchy of tarheel to its kingdom
That should be an easy fix.
It looks like they copied the code from the Magnolia decision since they had to make 4 similar decisions (I do this too), but forgot to change them.
As for the Chrismon Knights, I looked where you said to, but it already leads to 'expelled_d_chrismon_tree'. Maybe the error is elsewhere?
>the Consumerist Shia uprising (Monetarist) is completely and utterly fucked, and needs a major rework.
Damn, how bad is it, and how would we go about fixing it?

Nice! You can upload them to the git, though I'm still not entirely sure how it works. I can't think of any other characters, but we can always add more in later.
>MLP references
I have no opinion on this, so yeah I can remove them if enough people want it.
As for Cotton Hillwalker's kills, I'm keeping them as is, since they're a reference to him killing 50 Japanese soldiers in WWII.
Actually, maybe I can make Cotton or Hank the Duke of Metroplex instead? Though I'm not sure if Duke Denton is important.
>also I'm the same guy who was thinking of the Protestant/Norse mix
Oh, I thought you were different people. Things can get confusing here.
Can you repost your Norse rework suggestions so other anons can see?

Jesus Chris(t) chan, how could we forget him? Another thing to put on the ever-growing To Do List.

Nope, I think you're the first anon to bring them up. Aren't they already a part of one of the religions?
For Misrists, I had an idea of a Little Egypt invasion for them where if they win, they get the kingdom of Big Egypt or something and their king/queen title would be Kang/Kween.

Another vote for MLP removal.
For the Juggalo religion, I think I'll add it, but you'll have to wait awhile for it.

I can actually make it it's own mod right now, but the thing is, I don't think Deposed has changed or added enough content to justify it yet.
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does the mercenary shaolin company count? they use Wu-Tang and Five-Percent names
>Nice! You can upload them to the git, though I'm still not entirely sure how it works. I can't think of any other characters, but we can always add more in later.
I think you have to let me be part of your repository if I want to make a branch with my edits so you can merge them later
>As for Cotton Hillwalker's kills, I'm keeping them as is, since they're a reference to him killing 50 Japanese soldiers in WWII.
oh yeah I'm aware, but I thought either him or Hank could get the kill counts from Duke Denton
>Actually, maybe I can make Cotton or Hank the Duke of Metroplex instead? Though I'm not sure if Duke Denton is important.
from what I've seen in the discord the only lore for Duke Denton is that he killed the parents of the First Cavalry fags and that's it, so why not just replace that character and House Murchison with ours? Hank would have to get a bit of a bump to his stewardship though
cont'd because I ran out of space
>Can you repost your Norse rework suggestions so other anons can see?
>replace norse religion with one that mixes protestant and norse mythology
>religion description would talk about God, Mary and Jesus but would describe them as "God the All-father, Mother Mary and Jesus Christ the Brave and the Light", things like that. The gods Thor, Tyr and Heimdall would also be put in the "God names" category as Archangel Thor, Archangel Tyr and Archangel Heimdall and for "Evil god names" it would be things like Lucifer, Loki and Jörmungandr the Adversary (Satan) and it would speak of Ragnarok as the Event
>remove House Soady and replace House Ringbringer with House Eldstjärna, with it's founder being Sigurd "the Firestar" from Twin Cities, who united the state of Minnesota while his descendants took over northern Wisconsin and the Upper Michigan peninsula
that's it really, previous threads mentioned New Era New World which is a different post apoc mod set in america and I wonder if I can shill these ideas to them? as matter of fact we can also shill the idea of House Hillwalker too
>Jesus Chris(t) chan, how could we forget him? Another thing to put on the ever-growing To Do List.
I could add him but he'd have such dogshit traits I don't see the point of adding him lmao
>I could add him but he'd have such dogshit traits I don't see the point of adding him lmao
NTA, because he's funny. He has a lot of lore and spiritual beliefs that he could work as a character, relic, religion, etc.
>I think you have to let me be part of your repository if I want to make a branch with my edits so you can merge them later
I'll be honest, I'm not sure how to do that.
>oh yeah I'm aware, but I thought either him or Hank could get the kill counts from Duke Denton
Alright, in that case I'll give them to Hank.
>the First Cavalry fags
Is there anything on these guys? They feel off to me. I think another anon said they were a self-insert?
>so why not just replace that character and House Murchison with ours? Hank would have to get a bit of a bump to his stewardship though
Speaking of Murchison, is there anything on them?
It looks like her husband is a reference to J. R. Ewing from the Dallas tv show (That would explain why they had the county of Dallas), and I think she's a reference to Elvira, Mistress of the Dark, but I'm not sure why she would be in Texas.
If I'm right about their references, I'd like to keep them, but I'll turn their matrilineal marriage into a regular one.
Anyway, I'll replace Denton with Hank (Or Cotton, not sure yet) and I'll redo the title history again so it can be traced back to the High King.
Also, thanks for reminding me about Hank's stewardship. I went back to check, and I somehow neglected to give him and his immediate family fixed stats.
Thanks for reposting your Norse ideas.
>previous threads mentioned New Era New World which is a different post apoc mod set in america and I wonder if I can shill these ideas to them? as matter of fact we can also shill the idea of House Hillwalker too
Would they be receptive to that?
>I could add him but he'd have such dogshit traits I don't see the point of adding him lmao
Like >>1783854 says, because it's funny. I think he could just be an unlanded courtier as a small easter egg. Maybe in the future, he could be an insane prophet that ushers in a new religion via invasion like the Consumerists, lol.
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>as matter of fact we can also shill the idea of House Hillwalker too
Way ahead of you
>The virgin count Hank vs the Chad King of the Hill

Here's their Git btw:
>Chrismon Knights.
Redownloaded the base mod since I clearly mixed it all up, it was actually the 'expel_salvation_army' decision in 'holy_order_decisions.txt'. That one is wrongly referencing the round table. Change the char flag to 'expel_salvation_army_check' and it'll work.

>Monetarist is fucked
Alright, so the way it's meant to work is that when the leader of Consumerism dies, one of his Investors says "saving money is better than spending it", this leads to schism, and the title of Monetarist Caliph is made.
The problems are:
1: For some reason, the Investors either aren't spawning or aren't surviving long enough to matter, and there is no fallback in case they all die, so for the event to work, the easiest solution I can think of is that everyone who ends up landed when he wins his first war, count upward, gains the trait.
2: The Caliph title of 'd_monetarist' cannot be made until it is granted to an investor by the event, as it starts inactive, and it cannot be created as long as the flag 'consumerist_revolt_ongoing' is active. This flag is set at the start of the Consumerist uprising, and is never disabled.
3: More minor, but the creation criteria for the Caliph title is absolutely stupid, probably because of people trying to deal with the ai not creating it but not realising that flag is a major problem.
As such, this is the allow condition I set up for myself, modelled after the Consumerist one:
allow = {
AND = {
OR = {
trait = mirza
trait = sayyid
trait = investor
wealth = 5000
religion = monetarist
piety = 1000
#made the damn thing even remotely work
#NOT = { has_global_flag = consumerist_revolt_ongoing }
NOT = { has_global_flag = monetarist_heresy }
The flag monetarist_heresy does get cleaned up, so that one's fine.
4: For some reason, (manually starting the event) the investorMoneyCaliph declares rivalry on every consuermist and monetarist, which is just a bit weird.

I think that's all.
didn't realise the code spacing would get eaten, but oh well.
I hope that's all clear enough, 2 and 3 I could fix up easily enough on my own with that code there, but I personally have no idea how to implement 1, or if that would really be the best course of action. I don't really know if I was just unlucky with the survival of the investors, but it definitely needs an adjustment and a backup method, or at least to have more of the trait floating around.
Even so that's my take. Frankly, I may be the only person who ever cared about a half baked heresy of a more event filled religion in an old and very nearly but not quite abandoned mod for a superior game which all the zoomers think look ugly, but the +2 stewardship called to me.
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alright then
>I'll be honest, I'm not sure how to do that.
I'll just do this
>Is there anything on these guys? They feel off to me. I think another anon said they were a self-insert?
so First Cavalry and its makes reference to multiple Cavalry divisions in the US, Allison Maverick is a reference to one of those and also as self insert to the guy who devved Texas
>It looks like her husband is a reference to J. R. Ewing from the Dallas tv show (That would explain why they had the county of Dallas), and I think she's a reference to Elvira, Mistress of the Dark, but I'm not sure why she would be in Texas.
I can understand the J R Ewing one but not Elvira, that's an odd pick
>If I'm right about their references, I'd like to keep them, but I'll turn their matrilineal marriage into a regular one.
fair enough I suppose, will they rule a different county instead of Dallas? I would like to see Hank as the ruler of that
>Would they be receptive to that?
to be honest, not sure, looking at this >>1784183 they already added one in, but in Houston instead of Dallas, and it's a straight up reference instead of adding a -walker in the end
also I checked Minnesota and they already filled it up, interesting that they went with a native american religion
>interesting that they went with a native american religion
It doesn't look that native to me
It seems more like a folk American one
With Paul Bunyan, Father Christmas, Jack O'Lantern etc.
it does use a little bit of native american references but yeah you're right
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I'm just gonna leave this here
I meant to reply to you earlier, but my favorite regions are the Great Lakes and California.

Damn, having him be a king is way better. I gotta step up my game.
At least my reference has Good Hank.

Alright, I fixed the Expel the Salvation Army decision, thanks!
And just to be sure, but the monetarist code part should be put in the "d_monetarist" section of the "landed_titles/religious.txt" file, right?
Yeah, the spacing's fucked, but it's no problem.
I'm not sure about point 1 either, but I'll probably have to run a few tests on that event to see what exactly is going on with it.
Hopefully it won't be a repeat of how I fixed the Nazarene head of faith, as the testing phase of that process was a slog.

Actually, there seems to be a lot of broken things relating to religions in AtE.
I mentioned the Libertarian head of faith issue in the previous thread, but I also noticed that the Cristo Rey heads of faith after the first one in 2666 dies don't get education traits. I think it might be because the title is also a holy order, but I'm not sure.

Lol, nothing wrong with wanting to fix something you care about, that's partially what I'm doing with Deposed. But yeah, it's a shame that CK3 still hasn't surpassed CK2 yet.
So anyway, how should I credit you in the changelog?

Sweet, thanks! Also, I appreciate you adding the readme of what you've changed, it makes things a bit easier.
>First Cavalry
Okay, that makes some sense now. Should Allison be replaced, or should we leave her be?
Yeah, it's weird, but like I said, I only think it's a reference to her, I'm not entirely sure if it actually is.
Hank will definitely rule Dallas. Elvira and Jayarr will keep their remaining county of Collinwall.
>NENW stuff
Ah, they've already filled in those regions, then.

You cheeky fucker, trying to curse me, lol. Now I have to add Chris Chan. Do you also have an artifact image for his unholy Sonic Totem?
If Chris chan is going to have his own religion I think their theology should involve them believing the event happened because of the damn dirty trolls preventing the merge from happening and a generally dualist worldview. Though if he doesn't get his own religion he could be just a lunatic
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>Do you also have an artifact image for his unholy Sonic Totem?
Made it just for you
Chris Chan is actually the exact same as the one from the 21st century. He became immortal after the Merge.
I couldn't get into CK2 when I tried but, but I love HOI IV. Will I like CK3?
Like we gonna go with that literally or is it going to be some mad prophet claiming to be Chris reincarned like how Chris claims to be Jesus christ reincarnated?
>If Chris chan is going to have his own religion
is this really necessary? I can't imagine it being anything more than a hollow meme religion that lowers the overall quality of the mod
Probably not, unless graphics were the only thing stopping you from enjoying CK2
>is this really necessary?
I think it would be funny. At least as a heresy, then.
I'm all for him being a character with his own artifacts and all but if he gets a relgion then how is it even going to function?
What would it be called and who would the good gods and evil gods be?
What would its mechanics be?
Its holy sites?
Its holy order?
Would there be a Chris Chan society? Like a monastic one or a warrior lodge?
Which religious group would it be in? If it's going to be a heresy, what would it be a heresy of?
>I'm all for him being a character with his own artifacts and all but if he gets a relgion then how is it even going to function?
I personally can't decide if it should be like Protestantism or Consumerist.
>What would it be called and who would the good gods and evil gods be?
The comic characters as gods and troll names with Jersh as an evil god.
>Its holy sites?
Places he has been. The province with his home town/suburb and the provinces of the conventions he has attended.
>Its holy order?
Maybe, "Smash Brothers"?
>Would there be a Chris Chan society? Like a monastic one or a warrior lodge?
I would very much like that as I spend a lot of time in all CK2 mods RPing as a society member.
>Which religious group would it be in? If it's going to be a heresy, what would it be a heresy of?
Already mentioned above.

FYI you should consider lurking KF a bit for more info.
Pleaseb add Joseph P Kennedy and the rest of the Kennedy Family to an independent Plymouth with a claim on the Dutchy/District of Massachusetts as Americanists with a bloodline. Not sure what traits to give it, maybe a fertility boost?
What are everyone's thoughts on Magnolia, should it belong to the gulf coast empire or stick with the HCC?
I feel like consumerist could work and it would be funny if they had their own version of islam's qarmatians
"landed_titles/religious.txt" is exactly where it goes, yeah.
you can credit me as the monetarist anon I guess, since it was just that and some hcc stuff I pointed out.
Semi-related but what is Magnolia? A quick search reveals towns in the south but is it a recognised region like Upstate New York or the Florida panhandle?
The mod's name for Mississippi the magnolia state. I asked because it being a de jure part of hcc would make it seem easier for the grey blob to expand.
Probably stick with the HCC.
He'll just be a character for now. I made him immortal, but I think that might be too absurd. Any suggestions for traits, stats, etc.?
I made it so that in his character history he became immortal in 2078, the same year Petrus Romanus becomes Pope, as I think that's around the time the Event occurs?

A religion for him would be pretty funny, but what >>1786601 is saying is also true. I don't want to add too many empty meme religions, as they might end up cluttering the map like in CK3 AtE.
Much thought needs to be put into if a religion should be added or not. That being said, I think >>1786709 has some decent ideas. Personally, I think it being like Protestantism makes the most sense.
Honestly, after adding Scientology, religion modding has become my least favorite part of modding and I'm reluctant to add any more myself. If you guys can help out in that regard, it would be much appreciated.

Fucking kek, thank you. How should I credit you?

There are plans to add the Kennedys, so we're good there, though I dunno about adding the real Kennedys in 2666, but descendants of them. Maybe adding them in the dynasty history?
Also, why Plymouth? There's already a character there, and I don't want to remove anyone without knowing if they're important or a reference to something. Not against it, as anywhere in Boston would fit them.

I think it should stay in the HCC.
I dunno about anyone else, but I'd like to redraw the de jure Kingdom and Empire maps in that region. Like possibly removing the Gulf Coast Empire and moving Louisiana to The Lone Star Empire and Florida to the HCC.
Also shift around a few counties and duchies in the process, like moving the county of Cheraw from Tar Heel to Palmetto as one example. Or giving Magnolia/Mississippi and Tuskegee/Alabama sea access.
What do you guys think?

Thanks again, monetarist anon.
>Any suggestions for traits, stats, etc.?
Give him the autism trait AtE has, I think it's called distractible
>as I think that's around the time the Event occurs?
I think it's supposed to be before 2000 as that is the cutoff date they've imposed for references
>Fucking kek, thank you. How should I credit you?
It's really nothing to be proud of, I just googled sonic totem transparent and put it in the artifact background. But if you insist just Anon is enough.
>I don't want to add too many empty meme religions, as they might end up cluttering the map like in CK3 AtE.
I can understand but Chris Chan is popular and surface level enough that I still think it could be referenced. And similar to the Juggalos, there's enough actual spiritual and religious beliefs with the people it's based on that it would work as a religion.
>There are plans to add the Kennedys, so we're good there
Sweet, Thanks. As for the "real" Kennedys, remember that they name themselves after each other (There's a RFK III and a Joseph Kennedy II in real life 2024), so it's less that its the actual Joseph Kennedy, but just a Kennedy named after the original, and his sons are named after the other Kennedys. That said if you don't want that I'd make the Kennedys the Colonial culture,it has names that would fit them
>Why Plymouth?
The Kennedy's are a Massachusetts/New England family; My idea was the Occultists had driven the Americanists out of Boston/most of New England, and Plymouth was the last holdout of them which is ruled by the Kennedy family. This mean a 'goal' you can have is to reclaim Massachusetts (and then New England) from the Occultists, and it's a hard start since you're surrounded by pagans.
>I don't want to remove anyone without knowing if they're important or a reference to something
I didn't want to do that either when I tried this, so I just gave the Plymouth character (Boomer I think his name was) the provence to the west of Plymouth, which seemed to work alright.
someone anyone PLEASE make it so that americanists have no issue holding tribal lands. that mouse guy down in florida can do it why cant the others? gunning for occultist land as the clinton house in the east is fucking infuriating when i have to build up their tribal shitshacks from the ground up, let alone not be able to hold them.
also give good starts.
>also give good starts
the secret mormon polygamous heretic in north mexico is fun if you like doing secret cult stuff
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Look Tomar, it's you!
Is the Trump family in this mod?
>Is the Trump family in this mod?
no, but iif you think about it the clinton/dewitt family up in the northeast can be swapped for the trump family and still be the same effect
>post-apocalyptic future
>no race war
this mod makes no sense
For me it's the fact that demographics are exactly the same this many years after a catastrophic collapse where I'd say the vast majority of black people in the US would have died after running out of things to loot
Shit, remember Katrina? Imagine that on a nationwide scale, with no relief coming from anywhere.
CK3 AtE is worse though, considering how many cultures have "Indigenous_yuto_aztec" thrown into their ethnicity ratios
>I'd say the vast majority of black people in the US would have died after running out of things to loot
Why do you talk as if looting is the only thing blacks are capable of?
In fact I'd even say that they'd fare well in the south
Yeah, in the South. That's really the only place keeping significant amounts of blapeepo makes sense.
>good starts
- levi the liberator, obviously
- Osman Battal is a vassal of honduras (i think), traditionalist muslim. Before the final update he was a 12-year-old with Strong, so you could pick his education, and an independent ruler with the three counties the lamanites currently have, which was way more fun
- There's an iroquois duke under Hudsonia, if you usurp the kingdom the name changes to Haudenosaunee
- all of the dukes of the Freeland dynasty in Cascadia have claims on each other (note that this run is actually very tough because of 24/7 trailwalker and peyotist raiding adventurers after about 2700)
- Ma Haji in the county of Imperial in Socal follows Qingzhen, basically confucian islam, it's extremely strong
- The starting situation and stats of the king of Gran Francisco are practically the platonic ideal of a tall game if you're into that. His vassal Stuart Woz also has the highest level exam trait and incredible stats
- There's a vassal count on the southern edge of the map in Colombia who has Quechua (inca) culture
- The tribal realm of Snowbirds in the south near tennessee are occultist yankees, they can form the "carpetbagger" melting pot culture
- On the nearly-invisible tiny tribal island of San Andres near panama, there's a brethren ruler with the unique "raizal" culture, which is a carribean anglophone culture with raiding and (probably due to an oversight) access to two different cultural retinues and their buildings AND the brethren unique building. The beginning is very slow though
- Jacqueline the Wolf, a pelagic acadien in the Madeline Islands near the Maritimes, is young, has great stats, and is positioned to make shitloads of money raiding wherever you want. You could take over the maritimes, or use the money to start a merchant republic once you're playing as a man
- If you start as Utah you will get an event that lets you influence the Eden rebellion to be normal mormons instead of neo-godbeites
just went in game to check, it's jacquotte instead of jacqueline and the san andres guy isn't tribal. a few more:
- Lyle Warner in Texqakallt (de jure kingdom of Caledonia) is a Neo-Batenburger vassal of Gaians with Strong, good stats, and claims
- The dukes of Gitmo in Cuba are americanist southrons, if you didn't know about them already
- the duke of Vermont is the best way to play an ursuline and enjoy holy fury mechanics without the boring shittiness of the midwestern catholics or the unforgivable sin of being canadian. Build a crusader new england, it's fun
- The americanists in cincinnati are great if you want to play that religion without just blobbing along the east coast for the 100th time. Same goes for the ones at Rushmore but they are brutal
- Another good raiding start is Alvah the Black in the islands off Los Angeles, he's young with good stats and can end up anywhere on the west coast
- the count of lochloosa in florida is americanist but not tribal like the mouse, so if you play hard and fast you can get strong off of those independent evangelicals next to you and play a florida game in a different way than usual
- Actually playing as the Emperor of California is cool if you haven't done it. A relatively obscure mechanic of the game is that pressing a courtier's claim to a title which is a de jure vassal of yours makes them become a vassal regardless of whether they were landed under you or not, so you just wait until the marriage game spins up and starts spitting out unlanded claimants to invite. You start with a good county and a vassal merc company so this is even easier than it sounds
honestly each geographically separate region would be incredibly homogenized into a total mix of whatever the racial makeup was pre-apocalypse
I've said this before, you can either have no racism or visible minorities.
Are you kidding? When the government collapses White people are going to wipe out all the minorities on day one.
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That's supposed to be autism? Anyway thanks, I forgot that trait existed.
>I think it's supposed to be before 2000 as that is the cutoff date they've imposed for references
Wasn't that only for references? I thought, at least according to the AtE wiki, that the Event happened a little before 2078.
>It's really nothing to be proud of, I just googled sonic totem transparent and put it in the artifact background.
You still put the time and effort into it, so I think it's only fair to give credit where it's do.
>But if you insist just Anon is enough.
That'll do.

Fair enough. I guess for now, we can still brainstorm a possible Chris Chan religion (Chrischanity? CWCianity?).

>As for the "real" Kennedys, remember that they name themselves after each other
Good point. I forgot they did that so often. Maybe the in-game character would be Joseph Kennedy XVI or something along those lines.
>My idea was the Occultists had driven the Americanists out of Boston/most of New England, and Plymouth was the last holdout
Alright, sounds good.
After looking through the provinces in New England, I realized that most have no history before the current holder, including Plymouth, so it wouldn't be changing anything too much.
>I didn't want to do that either when I tried this, so I just gave the Plymouth character (Boomer I think his name was) the provence to the west of Plymouth, which seemed to work alright.
That works, since the current holder of Providence already has 3 other counties. Should the Kennedy be tribal or feudal? Also, any idea of a CoA for the Kennedys?

>make it so that americanists have no issue holding tribal lands. that mouse guy down in florida can do it why cant the others?
I think that's because the Clinton/De Witt character starts off as feudal, and the Mouse character starts off as tribal.
I'm not too sure, but I think this would require making a new government for Americanists.

>I guess for now, we can still brainstorm a possible Chris Chan religion (Chrischanity? CWCianity?).
I'd prefer something more subtle. The name could be more like "Sonism". Thinking about it some more, his beliefs and comics combine elements of media he likes with his vague Southern Evangelical background which is think works perfectly with the mod. I think the Amero-Syncretic is similar to that. I also bring up that religion because I recently played Alaska and found it pretty fun. Do you have any ideas in general for content you may add in the North/Canada?
>Also, any idea of a CoA for the Kennedys?
NTA but https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kennedy_family#/media/File:Coat_of_Arms_of_John_F._Kennedy.svg
>Made a git for deposed
Hell yeah
I don't think I've ever used a submod for ck2 before. I have the fan fork through steam, would this be compatible with it?
NTA but I'm pretty sure it only works with the GitHub version. Last I tried, at least.
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>I'd prefer something more subtle.
Same, I just wanted to get my bad ideas out of the way first, lol.
Now we're getting somewhere.
>his beliefs and comics combine elements of media he likes with his vague Southern Evangelical background which is think works perfectly with the mod.
Yeah, this is why I think it would make the most sense for his religion to be a heresy of the Evangelical religion.
>Do you have any ideas in general for content you may add in the North/Canada?
None, actually. I've mostly been working on Socal, Texas, parts of Louisiana and parts of the HCC.
Another anon was thinking of changing up the Norse religion, but there's nothing concrete yet.
I've also been thinking of incorporating some of my work on Chicagoland/the Great Lakes from my personal mod, since that region feels very lackluster to me in base AtE.
Do you have any suggestions or ideas?
>Kennedy CoA
Here's what I made from it, I feel like it could be better, though. Thoughts?

It might work with the steam version? Or at least it did partially before the recent update. I haven't tried it out recently, so I'm not sure anymore.
I based it off of the github version, here:
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rate my New England tribal occultist run
also funny story about the kingdoms of Saguenay and Nunavik up north: I realized that the next in line for the throne of both was in my court for some reason so I made him a viceroy and then antagonized the current king until I could kill him in a duel, thus annexing both kingdoms
is ck3 after the end worth a fuck?
>you can either have no racism or visible minorities
IF no racism then local populations must inevitably homogenize as minorities intermarry
IF racism then local populations homogenize as minorities are evicted/purged OR ELSE remain somewhat mixed but are effectively homogeneous gameplay-wise since the dominant ethnicity would bar minorities from entering the courtier pool.

Either way the diversity mechanic is nonsensical and ruins immersion.
The Ontarian culture, for example, should either be white (if racism) or mediterranean (no racism). Modern blacks currently residing in Ontario do not need to be represented in the AtE demographics because they would have either fled persecution to nearby motowner provinces or dissolved into the wider Ontarian culture.
>Yeah, this is why I think it would make the most sense for his religion to be a heresy of the Evangelical religion.
Then it could be that.
>Do you have any suggestions or ideas?
Honestly, no. At most maybe the Orange Order could be a society added for that region or for the Anglicans.
>Here's what I made from it, I feel like it could be better, though. Thoughts?
I think it's perfect.
Apparently no.
Fucking sweet, excellent work on the CoA. I looking into the naming convention they use, the Kennedy family literally just reuses their family's first names for males unless they run out, with every first born son being mostly being named exactly after their father. So Joseph Kennedy XVI or whatever would definitely exist, and if he has a son it'd named Joseph Kennedy XVII, with the other sons being named things like John XIV, Robert XV, Edward XV, and Patrick XXI (after JPK's father Patrick J. Kennedy) in that order unless they run out, and something similar would happen to those sons to these kids..

Also, apparently only RFK and Edward Kennedy actually had children who survived to today and had kids themselves (JFK jr died in a plane crash apparently), but one of RFK jr.'s son is Joseph P Kennedy II. So if you're looking to give Joseph Kennedy XVI a full family history or something, I'd suggest descending him from Joseph Kennedy II.
Nice, I especially liked the way you annexed those kingdoms. Are you gonna take Acadie or the HCC next? Gotta take the whole Atlantic coast, anon.

Can't say, as I haven't tried it yet.

I've felt the same about the diversity mechanic. It feels weird to me.
Using your black Ontarian example, I think a fair trade-off for removing that mechanic would be to just add more Motowner provinces in a logical location and/or increase the number of baronies in those provinces to represent that population consolidation.

However, if the mechanic were to be removed, I think we'd need to add more cultures to the mod, or at least move some around.

>the Orange Order
This is the first time I've heard of these guys, interesting. The mod could use more societies. Though I haven't tried modding in societies yet, so I'm not sure how difficult it is.
>I think it's perfect.

Nice trips.
>excellent work on the CoA.
Glad you like it!
>the naming convention they use, the Kennedy family literally just reuses their family's first names for males unless they run out
That's pretty funny actually. At least it'll make things easier.
>So if you're looking to give Joseph Kennedy XVI a full family history or something, I'd suggest descending him from Joseph Kennedy II.
Got it. Though I'm probably not going to add the full lineage right now (As that would be 600-700 years of history), but I'll keep it in mind for later.

Also, just found out that Plymouth is actually the perfect province for the Kennedys, as that's where the Kennedy Compound is located:
>Also, just found out that Plymouth is actually the perfect province for the Kennedys, as that's where the Kennedy Compound is located:
Will it go unnamed or will you make it that a castle holding will literally be called that?
Huh, I didn't think of that. I think I'll leave it unnamed for now, as it's only 3 houses and not a fortification. Maybe a landmark can be added via a province modifier for it?
Honestly, replacing the diversity mechanic with more cultures is a good trade.
It lets chuds LARP about erasing the niggerivms so it's based.
In this case, I wouldn't be so opposed to adding new cultures as I was before.
But I'd need a lot of help on this. At least cultures are easier to mess around with/add than religions are.

Kek, I know you're joking, but this would probably add more black cultures/provinces than what is currently in the mod. Possibly.

Anyway, does anyone know if there's already a Dukes of Hazzard reference in AtE? I randomly thought about it yesterday, so I looked around the mod and didn't find anything, but I didn't take a good look.
It was a really popular show for a long time, up there with Dallas, and I'm surprised (Not really, considering what was done to the HCC) that there isn't anything about it in AtE.
The potential Duke CoA would obviously be the top of the General Lee, or the Confederate Battle flag with an orange border. Maybe a 01 in there somewhere.

On a related note, would anyone be opposed to me adding a decision, like the ones for Carolina and Dixieland, to form a new kingdom for Magnolia and Tuskegee?
Not sure what it would be called yet. It's just that with those two decisions, Magnolia is now left out, so I wanted to give it something as well.
NEOW did that too
There's a shitload of cultures but only a few use the diversity event like French and British
I'm working on a flavor submod for a specific province. Would people use a gamerule that would let them adjust how much of the content is active? I don't usually like it when a particular spot has a disproportionate amount of content, so this would let people deactivate the more unnecessary stuff (but it would probably default to being on)
Could you tell us the area?
Texas isn't just college football fans, so it's automatically shit.
college football fans, 1 sheriffs office that runs at the first sign of combat, and some trannies that an hero the second the game starts.
total newfag to your mod, might download it tonight, what’s the main point of it? just adding ebin chuddy references?
It's what they would have wanted.
has anyone tried the submods Aguila o Sol and the JO'Geran mod?
>that "holy fuck please help me" stare
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Posting this anywhere even half related to ck2, please help.
Can someone explain to me how heresy works in ck2? I have like 2500 hours played and I still don't get it. It seems completely random that certain runs are just doomed because a secret soceity hijacks my entire country and literally every generation my heir is a heretic raising heretic children. Some things to note.
>catholic authority is always 100, I enthusiastically participate in crusades and usually have my solders at the border before the crusade even starts
>I never do the violent conversion when the pope asks, always peaceful
>I revoke any title a heretic has and even replace their lower vassals with catholics
>every so often I go through my court and assasinate all the heretics that show up
But it seems despite my efforts, it's impossible to prevent or contain. Once you get the event where you convert or hide a heretic holy text, the entire run is just doomed.
It was originally started in order to reverse the things taken out or changed by the Fan Fork Dev team, but now some stuff is being added in.
just disable the heretic secret societies in your game rules, they’re broken
Any chance of adding more melting pot cultures? They add fun, wacky goals for the player. One of the most unique campaigns I ever played in AtEFF was founding the Nuyorican Empire, starting in Boriken and awkwardly working my way up to New York
Melting pot ideas:
>Filibustero culture, for West Anglos conquering into northern Mexico (or maybe farther south? Idk)
>Aztlani culture, for Mexicans conquering into California, distinct from Californiano
>Edenic culture, for Mormon Rocklanders conquering Riverlanders (because Mormons think the Garden of Eden is in Missouri), the name list would be shit like Adam and Lilith
>Expat culture (maybe a different name?) for Californians conquering into Idaho, Arizona, etc. should pop up in campaigns where the Empire of Cali does well
Get a zealous court chaplain with good learning, assign him to hunt apostates. He'll deliver heretics to you on a silver platter.
Join the cult when you start getting events for it, so you can see the list of everyone in it. If it's anyone with power over your lands or family, deal with them accordingly.
Alternatively, just roll with it and fight off any rebellions that happen. Cults are supposed to change the religious landscape of the game to prevent things from getting stale, not everything is supposed to be 100% within your control.
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>guys only want one thing and it's disgusting
Secret cults are dumb. Just turn them off. I remember one game where I'm chilling in Bavaria and Norway suddenly flipped to Sunni from a secret cult. You also get +3 diplo for free just from starting one.
Barring that, remember that
>Events which cannot be prevented, must be directed.
Avoid creating the cults by not asking people to convert unless they absolutely love you.
Just ignore them. Most never flip and they do spread the cool sympathy trait, which I like because it adds flavor.
As others said, get a zealous high int priest. You can spam invite holy man/woman to get a solid priest who is guaranteed to not be a cultist (realistically this is an oversight in the game design and invited courtiers should have a percentage chance of being evil, but I digress).
Courtiers might become cultists when you Demand Conversion them, but they never (AFAIK) do when Court Chaplain uses Proselytize on them. Try to convert that way.
Also remember that your Court Chaplain has a chance to always "find" someone and they occasionally just grab random ugly courtiers and ask you to torch them. You don't necessarily have an infestation.

Don't bother murdering people unless you have to btw. You can just ask the heretics to leave and it's way easier without the associated risks.
Also stop caring so much. It's not like a few heretics are going to topple your kingdom. Stop being a pussy.
1) Add more unique artifacts for flavor.
e.g. Destroyed kingdoms like Superior could have crown jewels that lesser claimants have.
Endless flavor opportunities there.
2) Give some love to the counts. Playing in California a bunch made me realize how much love went into it. You really can make every count somewhat interesting, if only because they have a unique history or cool CoA.
I'd say focus on fleshing out main regions to really make them pop instead of wasting literally any time in the Colombian jungle.
3) Don't be afraid to go crazy and add some real shit too if you want, like new religions or reworks to regions. The original AtE dev would want you to flesh it out, remix it, and expand it in any way you see fit. Even if you don't align with the original themes and vision of the mod, it can still be great.

I'm pretty new to CK2 modding but I'd love to help with smaller stuff.
does anyone have any ideas for Sob o Anil, the south american spin off? since last thread I've been working with the lead dev in revamping a lot of things, the steam version is outdated so download it from github
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Disclaimer: Last time I've played Steam version, over two months ago.
Honestly, flesh out what's already there. All those religions need more or even some flavor. I would love to see Mapuche and Gaucho religions expanded. Amazonia too, with all local myths and folklore it has a lot potential. I do have one more concrete suggestion: expand Galapagos. Add more provinces and turn it into a duchy, or a tiny kingdom and give them religion that enables raiding and worships turtles and iguanas. SA suffers a bit from the lack of islands and boring coastline, so you should squeeze as much as you can from Galapagos, Falklands and Tierra del Fuego. Piracy is always fun.
funnily enough I made the Falklands into a pirate kingdom, the lore now is that in the 2340s they raided the Argentinian and Chilean coasts, they got defeated at Valparaiso but conquered Coyhaique for the Chilean side and in Argentina they Conquered Y Wladfa and Argentina turning the latter into the Kingdom of Beornia but they were pushed back by the Welsh and Argentinians respectively.
the king is an old man but I gave him great martial stats and his grandsons are still alive, I haven't given them good martial stats yet though
How do I use this? Put the folder into my mod folder and copy paste the mod file into it?
yeah you move the .mod file back in Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II\mod\
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I forgot to mention, you may want to click the .mod file and rename the path = "mod/soboanil" line to whatever the folder is called
>the Event happened a little before 2078.
Blatant fallout reference
Pinochet reference when?
I was thinking of adding the Pinochet surname for the Centrino culture in the dynasties list but I'm not sure if a straight up Pinochet reference might get in, I think the other Chilean dev is left leaning and while the main dev doesn't really care he wants to avoid controversy.
I was planning to rename House Blanche of Norte Chico to House Merino, in reference to José Toribio Merino who was born in La Serena, but I thought it might be controversial so I went with Blanche in reference to Bartolome Blanche, another military figure born in La Serena who took charge of the government during the fall of the short lived Socialist Republic of Chile
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It's basically what >>1797508 said.
There are a lot of changes and bug fixes, and the changelog details almost all of them, but I'd say the 3 biggest are:
The HCC restorations (Or re-chudifications, if you will), like bringing back the Confederate hats and the HCC's original flag, the Georgia Guidestones, etc.
The removal of Zakariyya from Socal (There's still a few references I missed).
Making the Kingdom of Heaven event chain in California to be Nazarene/True Cross as it was supposed to be, and fixing it so that you can play as the event character.
Actually, I still need to revisit that event chain, as there were a few bugs and weirdness I missed the first time around.

>melting pot cultures
Oh man, I didn't even think about those, thanks for the suggestions.
I'll add your ideas to the To Do List, but I haven't messed around with melting pot cultures before, so I dunno how it'll work out.

That's a great idea. I should've thought of that before, lol.
I actually have 3 unique artifacts I'm currently planning to add, but they're for meme characters (Pocket Sand - Dale Gribble, Sonichu Medallion and Sonic Totem - Chris chan)
Oh yeah, there's actually a few coming in the next update, I'm adding one count, and Chilean anon has 3 counts that I still need to implement.
You think so? I've actually been holding back on reworking 2 regions because I thought it would be outside of the scope of Deposed. Pic-related, from my personal mod.
I may have went overboard with the minor rivers. I also turned the Quad Cities into a merchant republic and made the Mississippi and Illinois rivers navigable.
I had planned to work on Indiana and Wisconsin next, but that's when I started working on Deposed, and abandoned my map work at that point.

Any help would be welcome! What can you do so far? History, characters, artifacts, etc?

Indeed, but that's what the wiki said.
Honestly, why not add those changes to deposed?
Good stuff! I’ve been playing a Navegante campaign on Deposed these past few days and like the changes. I was the anon that suggested the melting pots, if you can add them awesome, if not no worries. You should definitely add those map changes to the mod, they look great, and I’d even suggest tweaking the political map of the area too—the Duchy of Chicago is too weak, it gets overrun by Norse county conquests almost immediately in every single game, which cripples Catholicism for the rest of the game. Ursulines have similar problems but fuck the Quebecois tbdesu
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I'm not sure, I guess I was thinking about mod compatibility and how changing the map would mess that up, but Deposed already isn't compatible with most AtE mods anyway.
I also had a thought that if I started changing the map up in significant ways, then I would make Deposed its own mod, rather than a submod.

>Good stuff! I’ve been playing a Navegante campaign on Deposed these past few days and like the changes.
Thank you, and glad you like it!
>I was the anon that suggested the melting pots, if you can add them awesome, if not no worries.
I hope to add them, because it is a nice feature.
>the Duchy of Chicago is too weak, it gets overrun by Norse county conquests almost immediately in every single game
Oh man, don't I know it.
I gave Chicago an extra barony (So it's now equal to Manhattan and San Francisco), added in all those extra provinces you saw in my previous post, gave it some starting event troops, and even gave it Milwaukee as a tributary.
That's still not enough, as I regularly see the Norse conquer the region in most of my test runs. Though at least it slows them down by a decade or two.
I also gave starting event troops to the other northern Catholic rulers, made Galena and the Kickapoo/La Crosse guy tributaries to the Quad Cities (Which also has its own dejure kingdom, as I modeled it after Venice in the base game).
Honestly, I don't like having to give them event troops just so they can survive, and it made me want to redo the entire technology spread of the map, as the Norse have a huge military tech advantage, despite being mostly tribal.
I want to model it after the base game, like how the empires have the highest tech, and tribals have the lowest, etc. So that the HCC and California would have tech levels comparable to the HRE and Byzantium in the base game in 1066, for example.
>Ursulines have similar problems but fuck the Quebecois tbdesu
You know what’s absolutely fucking busted? Converting to Catholic as the Mexican Empire. You can holy war everybody around you including your former Sagrado Corazon friends, Crusades mog the fuck out of Mexican reconquistas and Marian visions, you can take back your Mexican Empire lands in twenty years or less, and the government type, vassal merc, etc is great.
Did you have any other parts of the actual map you wanted to change? Florida and the New York-Washington area could be a bit denser in terms of provinces too.
> I gave Chicago an extra barony (So it's now equal to Manhattan and San Francisco), added in all those extra provinces you saw in my previous post, gave it some starting event troops, and even gave it Milwaukee as a tributary.
Good shit, it should be the equal of SF and NY right off the bat.
> Honestly, I don't like having to give them event troops just so they can survive, and it made me want to redo the entire technology spread of the map, as the Norse have a huge military tech advantage, despite being mostly tribal.
Yeah, event troops is kinda cringe but it works as a stopgap. Weakening the Norse tech is a good idea—what about making some of that area not Norse to begin with too? Like, if Badgerlings was made a tribal Christian duchy instead, that would be one less source of adventurers. It would also make Chicagoland a lot easier for Catholics to form, because Chicago could get a claim on Badgerlings from the Pope.
You could also convert Twin Cities to another religion too, because it’s populated enough to justify another religion IMO
>inb4 Revivalist Chiraqi because of the Somalis
>Converting to Catholic as the Mexican Empire.
Damn, that does sound broken as fuck. Gotta try that one day.
>Did you have any other parts of the actual map you wanted to change? Florida and the New York-Washington area could be a bit denser in terms of provinces too.
Aside from Chicagoland, I also reshaped Nevada and Socal, but I only added one or two new provinces there so far. I also split up and made a few new duchies in Socal.
I also want to change the rest of The Great Lakes, The Heartland, and make Cincinnati/Zinzinnati a merchant republic.
Florida is actually one of the regions I want to fix. One thing I want to do there is split Tampa into at least two provinces so that I can make Clearwater its own county and give it to a Scientologist character.
For the New York-Washington area, do you have any suggestions on new provinces? I haven't actually looked into that region map-wise.
>Good shit, it should be the equal of SF and NY right off the bat.
Yeah, I was confused when I first found out that NY and SF both had 7 barony slots while Chicago only had 6.
>what about making some of that area not Norse to begin with too? Like, if Badgerlings was made a tribal Christian duchy instead
That could work. Maybe they can be recent converts, so the ruler would be Catholic, while their provinces would still be Norse? Or maybe they can be Nestorian or something, heresies need some love too.
>You could also convert Twin Cities to another religion too
I think I'll keep the Twin Cities as it is for now, since it might be a big part in a future planned Norse rework.
>inb4 Revivalist Chiraqi because of the Somalis
Lol, though maybe they can get a province somewhere, if there's enough reason for it.
Actually, after I made Milwaukee Dellsman/Catholic again, I made McHenry Chiraqi/Traditionalist and Waukegan Chiraqi/Nestorian. Both are still ruled by a Chicagoan/Catholic however.
Though I'm still not sure if those are the best provinces for them.
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Genuine question: what's the fucking appeal of this mod? I never understood it, and I understand it even less with CK3 version. Like why the fuck would you want to play this? What's the point, what's attracting people to it?
It's post-apocalyptic medieval America.
CK2 covers Europe, the Middle East, etc., but North America is left out for obvious reasons. Europeans can play as their own peoples and countries, but Americans can't.
This mod lets Americans play as a character from their own region/state/whatever in a medieval-like world. It's just fun seeing that the place you're from is included and playing as a character from it. At least that's how I see it.
This is probably from the original mod and not deposed and I'm not complaining but why doesn't every religion have a society?
I'm not from North America but I'm bit of a history autist so I prefer 99% of historical games to be as accurate and immersive as possible. This world is fictional and I like the USA enough, so I treat this how most people treat strategy games and properly fuck around and do exploits instead of historical LARPing.
religions are easy to script and societies aren't
>what are your favorite regions?
texas, it's better in the ck3 version since it's not just catholic land
i'm from texas btw
most Americans have low IQ and extreme mental disorders that prevent them from consuming any media that doesn't have Americans in it
>"Wow! Game I like, but set in place where I live!"
gee, i wonder
Hey, what's the most recent version of Deposed?
Version 0.3 is the latest. Github and Mega links to it are here >>1780411
The next version isn't ready to be released yet.
qrd? why use this instead of ATEFF? (im playing NEOW right now so i haven't touched it in ages)
This anon has a great QRD on Deposed >>1797508

For a slightly more in depth run down, I'm gonna quote myself here >>1799702
>There are a lot of changes and bug fixes, and the changelog details almost all of them, but I'd say the 3 biggest are:
>The HCC restorations (Or re-chudifications, if you will), like bringing back the Confederate hats and the HCC's original flag, the Georgia Guidestones, etc.
>The removal of Zakariyya from Socal (There's still a few references I missed).
>Making the Kingdom of Heaven event chain in California to be Nazarene/True Cross as it was supposed to be, and fixing it so that you can play as the event character.
It also makes Mormons polygamous again, and it gives Revelationists Divine Marriage, among other things.
What if I want something with the chud shit AND the woke shit in it?
>woke shit
like what, Zakariyya? the bisexual texas girl? black Royalls?
Zakariyya could work if toned down so he's not just a mary sue, and I think making the HCC black is pretty funny. The MLP references, obviously, aren't good.
I forgot the best part of Catholic Mexico: reforming the Empire requires 8k Prestige, which is a pain to get as Sagrado Corazon but a piece of cake if you win a Crusade
>new provinces and duchies
All sounds good to me. there’s pretty much always justification for more provinces in the eastern half of the US going by pop density. Hell, it almost makes me want New England to be made feudal instead of tribal, although that would be a lot of work.
For NY-Wash, maybe the just upstate area of NYC could get an extra province? Not totally sure. Alternatively, one extra province in NJ.
> That could work. Maybe they can be recent converts, so the ruler would be Catholic, while their provinces would still be Norse? Or maybe they can be Nestorian or something, heresies need some love too.
Nestorian could be cool. In Chicago’s title history, one of the brief rulers was a Chiraqi Nestorian, ig a reference to the local Assyrians? So there’s a possible lore justification.
> I think I'll keep the Twin Cities as it is for now, since it might be a big part in a future planned Norse rework.
our made up fantasy medieval history is cooler than actual yuropoor medieval history, simple as
speaking of societies, you know what would be dope? A Diplo society centered around antebellum-style high society in the HCC
Keep Zak almost the same but race swap him to Black, just to ruin the self insert. idgaf about the Royalls honestly
Why aren't there any traces of the Gabagoolian civilization in post-apocalyptic New Jersey?
Is that a reference to Miles John?
Yeah why are there no sopranos?
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I've gone ahead and changed Allison Maverick and her husband Morgan Steincutter into references to Samuel Augustus Maverick, a signer of the Texas Declaration of Independence, and his wife Mary Ann Adams Maverick, whose memoirs are an important source of information about daily life on the Texas frontier.
I've also given the Maverick dynasty the IRL CoA of Samuel Maverick, ancestor of Samuel Augustus Maverick.

The characters are also now named Augustus Maverick and Annabelle.
I also renamed the MLP characters, not sure if I got them all.

Sounds like Sagrado Corazon needs to be buffed a bit?
>there’s pretty much always justification for more provinces in the eastern half of the US going by pop density.
>Hell, it almost makes me want New England to be made feudal instead of tribal, although that would be a lot of work.
I think Boston could be feudal. Any major city in the region, really. But yeah, it would take some work, especially to balance it.
>For NY-Wash, maybe the just upstate area of NYC could get an extra province? Not totally sure. Alternatively, one extra province in NJ.
Alright, I'll check it out and see where the best place for a new province would be.
>Nestorian could be cool. In Chicago’s title history, one of the brief rulers was a Chiraqi Nestorian, ig a reference to the local Assyrians? So there’s a possible lore justification.
Yep, that's actually why I made Waukegan/Des Plaines Nestorian, to show that there was enough of a population to justify his rule.
>A Diplo society centered around antebellum-style high society in the HCC
That would be pretty cool. More societies in general would be nice, but like the other anon said, they're harder to script, lol.

Huh, yeah that is odd. Maybe the Gothamite culture in Jersey Shore is supposed to represent them?
Nice CoA, although it looks a bit... Canadian
>I think Boston could be feudal. Any major city in the region, really. But yeah, it would take some work, especially to balance it..
I believe it already is. I don't think rest of the New England should be changed. It misses the point of them being ardent barbarians, uncivilized and hostile pagan occultists, the Scourge of the East Coast and Killers of Baptists
>Nice CoA, although it looks a bit... Canadian
Thanks, though I only copied it from that page, then resized and edited it slightly. Also, Canadian in what way? There's no leaf.
>I believe it already is.
Ah, you're right. I completely forgot it's held by the feudal Mahonic, who's under a tribal chief. I was only looking at the liege's government. My bad.
>I don't think rest of the New England should be changed. It misses the point of them being ardent barbarians, uncivilized and hostile pagan occultists, the Scourge of the East Coast and Killers of Baptists
Good point. I don't really have any strong opinion either way on New England being tribal/feudal. It's just that there's been talk in this and the last thread about possibly making it feudal, along with other major changes.
It's still all up in the air at this point, nothing concrete yet.
However, I'm going to add a Kennedy to the Boston area soon, most likely in Plymouth. Not sure if the character should be tribal or feudal.
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Working on something fun now
I just updated the Deposed github repo with what I currently have. It mainly deals with adding/editing Texan characters. This is just a partial update, and I still have much more to add, so no new version yet.
Next I'll be adding Chileanon's changes, Monetarist anon's other fixes, and a few other things.

Alright, I've looked at a few population density maps of New Jersey, and I think it would be reasonable to add 3-4 extra provinces there. At most, I can see 6 being added. Palisades alone can easily be split into 3 provinces.
Pic-related, I drew rough outlines for 4 potential new provinces in NJ. These wouldn't be their final shapes, so keep that in mind.
These NJ changes won't be added in for awhile, so suggestions are welcome.

Oh, cool. Show more.
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There's not much more to show. Once the japanese colonization has happened, a character with the Perry dynasty spawns in Providence with the local religion and culture, asks for help recruiting an army, and heads off west. I got about halfway through writing it into this overwrought Children's Crusade-esque event chain where he goes around to different realms on the east coast asking for help and gathering courtiers of different cultures before I decided that was too much. I held onto the code, and might go back to it again. For now, he just goes from Providence to show up in Reno as a raiding adventurer with special event code to make sure he eventually declares an adventurer conquest for a duchy in California or Cascadia (if he doesn't die first).
Based. I, for one would enjoy it being a Children's crusade style chain. Does ATE have an equivalent for that already anyway? I can't recall.
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Yeah, Catholics get the Scout's Crusade targeting DC, but it's more or less identical to the vanilla Children's Crusade. Anyway, the issues were that (1) bothering all of both coasts with something is probably out of scope for a Rhode Island flavor mod and (2) it was getting to be a lot more work than I wanted. Some of what I did for the reduced version to figure out how to make adventurers set up independent realms slightly more consistently without buffing them outright might be useful elsewhere, at least.
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Deposed anon here again. I updated the Deposed github repo with Chileanon's changes.
Now you can play as Terrence Davis in Des Plaines, William Francis Rockwell in Streatorland, and Earl Long in Kisatchie, Natchitoches and Rapides. All three characters are counts.

And because I forgot to mention what I changed here >>1803890, I'll give the highlights of that update:
You can now play as Hank Hillwalker in Metroplex, Dale Gribble in Somervell, Jeffrey Boomhauer III in Texoma (Dale and Boomhauer are vassals of Hank), and Gilbert Fontaine de la Tour Dauterive in St. Landry in Louisiana (William/Bill Dauterive is his heir).
Hank is a duke, while Dale, Boomhauer and Gilbert are counts.

Allison Maverick of the First Cavalry is now Augustus Maverick, a reference to Samuel Augustus Maverick.

And finally, Chris Chan is a courtier of George Bannister in Charlottesville.

I'll link it here since I forgot last time:

I also made the changelog slightly more readable, and it details all of the changes so far.

Still not a full release yet, but it's playable.
That's actually pretty cool. Do you have any future plans, either for that character or any other adventurers?
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Don't get too excited, he's still very likely to die, get imprisoned, or generally suck ass, since he'll be attacking into 2740s california, which is often pretty consolidated. (His starting troops do scale by how much money he has, so the secret hack if a player really wants him to succeed would just be to hit Send Gift a zillion times. Update's up on steam if anyone wants to test it out.)

As far as plans go, I might restore some of the old ideas down the line, just scaled down. The original plan wasn't a raiding adventure, just an attack with event troops like the Children's Crusade. The event chain would have been kind of like the actual First Crusade in that it would bumble on west causing trouble and spewing out breakaway adventurers, but not succeeding most of the time. Depending on the courtiers he picked up, you would dynamically get, say, a Rust Cultist realm in Sonora, or Evangelicals in Idaho, et cetera. More likely and nearer-term, I'll probably add the option to play as him if he succeeds, and maybe an event that gives the option to give up his adventurer event troops in exchange for culture conversion.

Otherwise, on the memiest content setting I might have another adventurer spawn off into the Carribean and try to create Rhode Island 2, or something like that. I might also take a whack at that idea one anon had about filibusterers, but I make no promises whatsoever on any of it.
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and done. The event picks at most two provinces which aren't super densely populated (must be <5 settlements) to convert. I think the revolt risk might be too much, but I'll see. The AI is set up never to take that option, because it would just get itself killed. Also, I hadn't previously tested it with a non-pagan and it turned out to not work, so now he adventures as a tribal to let him raid until he wins his war, which is only a cosmetic issue. If my perfectionism wins out, I will make an adventurer government type.
call me a retard but I am not overly familiar with github. I can see the folders and the structure of the mod but how do I grab it all? If you could idiot proof it under the releases tab I would be indebted.
I still think it's neat, as it adds some flavor. Not everything needs to be big.
Just your work on that one character alone can be used as a base or template for an even better idea in the future.
I like the breakaway adventurers idea, it sounds fun.
>Update's up on steam if anyone wants to test it out
What's the name of your mod?
Yeah, those effects might need some tweaking.
>adventurer government type
That sounds like it has some real potential.

I'm still learning how to properly use github, so don't feel too bad about that.
>I can see the folders and the structure of the mod but how do I grab it all?
Click the green Code button, then in the drop-down menu, click Download ZIP.
>If you could idiot proof it under the releases tab I would be indebted.
I probably should have done this before, I just released what I currently have, not sure if I did it right. I'll label it as a pre-release since I'm not yet finished with this update.
thanks anon
Alright, I just about finished adding in the Chris Chan artifacts, but I want some opinions them first before I add them to the github.
For now, the artifacts both have the same effects and they can only be used by Lunatics, but I'd like the effects to be more fitting. Both are indestructible and of the highest quality.
I also intend to add generic versions later on, based on the ones Chris Chan sells online. These would be more common and weaker.

After I upload these artifacts (Along with the Badgerlings change I'm still fine-tuning), I'm going to start adding my Chicagoland rework to Deposed.
Hey, no problem. I hope you like the mod.
If you can mod the Wikipedia button/link, could you make it the link to his sub-forum of KF?
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>what's the name of your mod?
RI Plus. The actual Providence start it adds is extremely difficult and slow, but all of the content should be equally accessible if you start as anyone else and move your capital there. As long as you hold c_providence when the japanese show up, you'll get the Perry events. You should have 8 months between him appearing and when he gets his troops. If anyone has any ideas for adventurers, I wouldn't mind pitching in to Deposed.
You could do a custom modifier that doesn't actually do anything, just have localization like "Owners tend to become inept", or "owners tend to become reclusive" ("reclusive" is the autism trait, "distractible" is supposed to be ADHD) and have events where they influence a character's personality over time. Fertility and/or attraction opinion maluses could be good, too. Maybe movement speed for the sonichu medallion, and morale damage for the sonic totem?

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