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Much like TNO itself, we'll rework our last thread from scratch and hopefully get more leaks than last time.

Current leaks:
https://files.catbox.moe/mnyk0n.pdf - Helldorff & Moskowien mechanics. 160 pages, can you finish it by the time the next rework drops?
https://files.catbox.moe/ymgaur.pdf - Amur rework doc. It's taken them over a year to touch up the superregional.

In loving memory of Burma Anon.
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Current drama: One of TNO's lead designers had a public meltdown and was warned after telling someone to commit suicide + rumor has it that there is a new Moskowien rework cooking.

Keep the leaks coming and let's pray for some actual Burma content.
I bring good news. DV isn’t dead yet.
Are you Corn?

Kill yourself.
Why do you hate DV, anon? It provides an althist outlook on how an amazing continent with rich history would be affected by an Axis victory.
As much as I love a good rework I can't hold a candle to Corn's devotion to endless reworks. Also don't respond to the retard's DV bait, not even Calph pretends to give a shit about his OTL African Cold War screensaver after it became clear it wasn't being integrated.
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Because DV misgendered me, I'm trans and a nigger and Calph said a transphobic slur to me and said white supremacist slogans.
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>cutting Komi
Harmless joke, or an eerie prediction of future reworks? You decide!
Though real talk: Corn has already signed off on reworking AB from scratch to make it unrecognizable so he's likely salivating at the thought of at the very least cutting Tabby over realism.
lmao literally never coming out
unless it is one of the very few things which are already done just not released because the devs are incompetent then it's never coming out
enjoy the teasers and leaks because it's going to enter rework hell too
Manchukuo not releasing isn't caused by dev incompetence, it's more infuriating than that. The head is a decent guy but since he often criticizes the leads he gets treated like shit and they retaliate by putting up road blocks for him. Criticize something, whoops that's another three months of progress being stuck in limbo because you're not getting approved for anything.

So the mod about shitty pencil pushers ruining the world by being shitty politicians? Run by fat retards that act like petty pencil pushers over an autistic game. You're right though, it'll never release and will be reworked when they inevitably chase out the last few devs working on it. I'll eat my hat if it gets released without massive amounts of interference.
Wouldn't it be easier to just ask the leads what the hell do they want? Maybe that way the mod will actually get finished.
And then release the nation/tree as intended (without the changes made to appease the leads) as a submod.
>Asking the people who are reworking every tag in the mod to make consistent, lasting demands
>Asking a bunch of petty manchildren not to hold grudges for all eternity over years of criticism
Even if he caved on everything and agreed to never criticize them ever again and it somehow worked it'd only be a few months before they changed their minds and asked for more changes. Also at that point why the fuck would you even bother? Just make a submod, no one would want to touch the gimped version without content anyway which is what the leads will demand that it becomes.
i don't like tno mods but some people need to stop shitting their pants at being told something as vanilla as jump off a cliff. Literal basedboys get upset by this.
It's the double standards that piss people off. If someone told him this on the comm server it'd be an instant ban and a lot of holier than thou grandstanding.
DV isnt god damned alt hist, its just ripping OTL into TNO.
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Dead. Mod.
Italy. Never.
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when are we gonna make tno redux?
Bigger nothingburger than upcoming Mexico "content"
this mod feels excactly like when that shitty clique takes over and ruins your guild
Fuck off spammer
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Yep, that sure is how a lot of us feel.
>Removing tabby
Funny how the devs are incompetent and lazy as heck, and the playerbase is constantly being kept on the dark about the current ongoins, but once normalfags see Burgundy being removed, Long Yu gone and cucked, and Yazov being mogged hard by a lame release of WRW, the remaining faith on the mod gonna crash hard, and devs be put on a pike
Ask these questions:
Does it work (as in, does it make the game crash)?
Is it balanced?
Does it fit the mod theme?
Is it fun to play as/against?

If the answers are positive, tell them to shove whatever changes they want up their ass. Bam, mod released.
>and devs be put on a pike
By whom? The rheddit and discord communities orbiting of the mod are further gone than the team, get a grip.
orbiting the mod* of course
Meanwhile in real life, how it'll work out is this:
>Does it work (as in, does it make the game crash)?
"Who cares?"
>Is it balanced?
"We don't need gameplay."
>Does it fit the mod theme?
"That doesn't seem very realistic, anon. Rework it."
>Is it fun to play as/against?
"Please, that's not very realistic. Please remove any wars. We're one step removed from a world conquest meme at this point."

The Reddit has grown cautiously pessimistic towards them after years of endless reworks and nothing to show for it. The Discord is completely buckbroken though, they banned all their critics already.
The Reddit is full of nothing but stale memes and retards spamming their shitty AAR reports that no one gives a flying fuck about.
>those answers
So not a single person actually wants to work on the mod, and the people that do are either put in rework hell for all eternity or banned?
Why does that community exist? What's preventing disgruntled people who actually want to work on TNO make their own TNO?
>What's preventing disgruntled people who actually want to work on TNO make their own TNO?
The sad answer is that everyone that's left and would do something like that usually hated their experience working on that team so much that they move on to different things.
The one and only thing that keeps the TNO development very, very barely going is just the sunk cost fallacy. Frankly, the only reason it released under Panzie and even with just the fraction of what was promised, is the fact that you had extremely easy access to driven autists with too much free time to spare during the pandemic.
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>*insert even moar autistic lore*
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>theres a message in changelog channel
>its fucking this
i know i shouldn't have expected much but come on..
The worst thing about those AARs is the captions of all of the images trying to be hecking deep and symbolic like TNO writing. Shit like "there can only be one sun in the sky" on a picture of the NPA fighting Japan or "the elephant and the donkey have tired each other out" on a US election map. Not saying that these captions by themselves are necessarily bad, but they are done to excess by these TNO players that it just becomes cliche and obnoxious.
>'the ruin' ruined the mod
You can't make this shit up.
Corn and Ugli ruined the mod.
Is it as obnoxious as the "W, X, Y, Z. All words that could be said about [PERSON, ENTITY]" writing?
Yes, I was thinking that exactly.
I never thought of that but it's true, "The Ruin" really is when the disease became terminal. That's really funny when you think about it.

I'd put Mango and Lam there too with their endless reworks of everything in America and Germany respectively. That halted all progress for years. Especially the US one since that's a total downgrade.
While I agree about Mango, we have seen the leaks of Germany content and most of it looks quite good. Not to say that I like Lam, but out of those four he is probably the least bad, part of the reason being that he doesn't have autistic meltdowns like the others in public.
Let's put it this way: one makes good toozers for content that's never releasing (while only having spergouts in private) while the other makes bad toozers for content that's never releasing (while having public spergouts).

In the end, they're really just different symptoms of the same disease.
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I meant the (literal) leaks of stuff that wasn't released to the community, that stuff looked pretty good.
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>a focus tree with some blingy graphics and no effects
>that has probably been reworked by now
>releasing never
Yippie the hype train is back on track!
Trying to rework TNO is like redoing YanSim at this point.
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I mean the stuff definitely looked promising considering they made the Slave Revolt much more interesting and didn't railroad any German paths to failure, but to be honest since Janey left it's very likely that it's been thrown out.
Least radicalized Ashley fan.
He's right you know. As memed as Ashley was on these threads Ashley was genuinely one of the few competent devs with high enough power to do shit.
>it's very likely that it's been thrown out
Why are they like this
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i dont know if it was posted already but this should be a leak of Wallace's focus tree (unless my friend bulshitted me in that case im killing him)
They love the process of reworking and theorycrafting more than getting something playable out of it. Why do you think they bitch about gameplay being secondary to lore all the time? It's because they get their enjoyment out of the process, not the results. Once you realize this then it makes more sense that they keep spinning their wheels and why they're content with this stagnation.
you're arguing that the devs just want to mindlessly mod? i personally know a dev and that dosent really look like the case
Not consciously if that makes sense. But when you look at their work process it comes across as if they like to plan and write documents more than playing the game.

If I'm wrong then lmao sucks to be them, they have to be fucking miserable then.
What is this mod about?
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trannys making a mod but it's pretty interesting
Alt history cold war mod between japan germany and the usa starting in 1962. More focussed on internal and geopolitics, every nation has its own mini games which tie into the rest of the gameplay. Little direct wars unless you play in Russia and rather more proxy conflicts where you send volunteers or try to covertly influence other nations. Russia has warlord states fighting to reunify the nation.

A lot more focus on writing, detailing not just the lives of the governing elites but also the common people and how their lives change. Less of a wargame overall, and more a geopolitics and domestic politics simulator with more reading to be done. Or just ignore reading and charge ahead. Most nations have 5 till 10 years of content per playthrough.

>inb4 some faggot calls me a tranny because this thread cant manage to ignore the lot of them
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An allegorical retelling of the tale of Sisyphus pushing up a rock but instead of Sisyphus pushing up a rock forever it's a dev team deleting everything in their Axis victory mod for a map painting game and starting over from scratch every day and getting nowhere as a result.
It's called NVbrain and it mostly affects redditor trannies who strongly identify with NV character Ulysses (he is also brown and autistic like them).
>bringing up new vegas entirely at random
the worst thing that ever happened to 4chan was /v/ being gaslit into a game it previously loved solely because hbomberguy made a video essay on it.
I'm assuming Fallout 3 is better according to you.
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>into hating
I accidentally a word, pain.
It's actually called being a faggot and you're guilty of it as well.
they cucked wallace so hard what the fuck..
Everything must be a constant march to 2024. Wallace can only be a speed bump.
Unless you're Hall, at which point you're allowed to blow up the system because you're a communist.
As expected from the same Mango who said:
>"My issue with [the midnight mods] is that America is inherently a white supremacist nation and so [George Lincoln Rockwell becoming president] wouldn't change anything since 90% of the people who Americans would vote for would be white supremacist.
Didn't think about this mod for like a year. Red Italy status? Goering rework status? Brazil status? Eastern Europe status?
I am still convinced that the US "rework" is just a means of internal dev team control. Anyone sufficiently schizoid about their obsession with cold war USA politics is put into this safespace busybox of writing shit that will only see the light of day via leaks. Its like how IRL Salazar staffers cut his phone line when he became fully demented from old age.
Can confirm that it's real (unless it's a really elaborate troll). It's total shit and why a lot of us hated the rework since the proposal was leaked. It completely neuters everything on the right side of the old NPP content and just makes it a stepping stone on the inevitable march towards the realization of Mango's IRL political beliefs. I couldn't think of anything more uninteresting to do with these candidates even if I tried. It really is a shame how the most boring, uncreative and awful politards of Reddit always take over these types of projects and drive them into the ground.

>Red Italy status?
All of Italy is in dev hell. Nothing is happening for at least a year.
>Goering rework status?
Nada, not happening this year either. Bormann and Speer this year maybe according to them. There's a Goering submod though, you can play that.
>Brazil status?
Two routes possibly getting 66-70 content this summer.
>Eastern Europe status?
Ukraine got some barebones early game content.

You can safely ignore this mod for another year.
>it’s halfway through June and they’ve yet to release an update that was scheduled for May
Wow, actual dead mod lmao.
when i saw this i thought the exact same thing, it's made by someone who hates the idea of someone like Wallace being succesful in anything, and he hates the idea so hard he purposly makes it shit.
Really goes to show how juvenile and insecure he is in his retarded beliefs if he can't even stand to see his ideology lose in a videogame, or conceptualize what a world where it doesn't succeed might look like for that matter.

All of this in perfect isolation from the world where the Nazis won WW2 and pogroms are within the Overton Window across the pond lmao.
hall won't even blow up the system anymore anon
all he can do is piss in the wind as essentially a meme candidate picked by people who know he can't do shit and mayyyybe nationalise power
I thought he could start a civil war or something because he's special? I don't know which is worse, honestly. Mango going all in on the AMERICA IS LE WHITE SUPREMACIST NATION NOTHING CAN EVER CHANGE meme or making Hall a special snowflake. Both are bad in their own unique ways.
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Mango/QPQ made a mod where you are playing as Gus Hall in 1972 against the ebil Nickyson and the unwholesome John Connally
One interesting thing about it when compared to 1965 Midnight is that 1972d is an easy mod. 1965 Midnight, even if you run a middling campaign, you will lose, and the ending slide to a loss is Rockwell's candidacy shown as footnote in a newspaper clipping.

Meanwhile in 72d, everything you do is "so cool", if you go in a moderate route the feedback is like "oh yeah you so managed to convince the people to protest against that evil Dick" and if you go full looting and rioting the feedback is like "Oh yeah you are really socking against it those capitalists", it's pretty much impossible to not get the 5% PV ending, and if somehow you cheat to lose you are treated to a "oh woe is he, now he's so sad and depressed" pity party of an ending.
My favorite thing from the proposal about Yock and Hall though is that they cut Yockey from being le unrealism and then devote at least a full page towards explaining how actually, Gus Hall getting into office on a technicality is very realistic.

There is nothing special to them. He gets in and then nothing happens outside of some pointless insinuations unless they lied in the proposal. Closest thing to something interesting is the Nixon route which at least has the possibility of being accidentally based.

I really wish these niggers would've stuck to writing fanfics in this shitty VN service instead of reworking an entire HOI4 mod people actually liked into a really shitty iteration of that awful thing.
All I want is a Putinist Goering path where all ideology of the NSDAP dies a slow death by becoming nothing more than a baton to keep people in line while the nation becomes a mess of German siloviks (megacorps, militarists and regional party chiefs) bickering for power while the Fuhrer has to mediate between them all. Obviously, an early 2WRW is the ultimate conclusion of this path, fought with an army that on paper looks good but ends up being shit, thus failing at a fast victory and getting bogged down when the OFN support for the unifier kicks in.
cringe parallelism
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>another tired attempt to turn this into /uhg/ vs /chug/
Wait till you find out what was scheduled for release last year
All you assumed about me is wrong. I don't know who hbomberguy is and I consider NV the best game in the series. It's just a fact that many of these people like Ulysses and want to sound like him. If this offends you you're free to go back to discord (which you obviously come from).
Feeling called out?
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2?
>ruzzia is le bad
okay go away now /k/edditor
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TNO's Putin is Arnold "fuck your freedom" Schwarzenegger.
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Nixon forging a 4+ term personalist dictatorship Watchmen-style (after defeating a last-ditch return from JFK, who alternatively is also a full Arthuriana path) is more interesting than the entirety of release US content. Add on Schlafly having an actually all-American fascist path (or a collapse that goes through 6 presidents in a row before the election), Hall causing a constitutional crisis, and Goldwater revitalizing conservatism before declassifying UFOs and Yippie! is pure kino. I trust the plan, so I have full faith in Mango's USA. Either it'll fizzle out and the shitty US we have now will remain, or they'll release it and surpass it instantly (if they don't do a dumb demo).
Based on Mango's other writing it'll just be him seething and the best thing you can hope for is it being based on accident throughout the endless moralizing.
>The hacking unwholesome person Mango dislikes becomes pre-release Thatcher or you get a revolving door of disasters like they planned for Bormann way back
Again, best thing I'm willing to hope for is it being based by accident because I know anything fun will be punished in-game and moralized over in endless shitty events.
I'll give you that one, his content seemed fun and it's less likely to be politicized into unplayability.
>... Unless it's a demo.
Yeah you know as well as me that it's going to be a staggered release like Germany at best and that's if they release at all over the next year or three.
People thinking that Ulysses is deeper than he actually is and its consequences has been a disaster for mankind.
>This is my screenshot
Lmao, people really liked AK-Shukshin, huh
How can people not tell that Ulysses is a dumbass tribal who can't grasp the fact that accidents happen and sometimes people die entirely at random with no greater story behind it?
Oh, and the fact he's coping, seething and projecting HARD on Courier 6? BEAR BULL BEAR BULL BURN AWAY THE FLAGS YOU ARE A MONSTER FOR DESTROYING A BUDDING NATION LIKE THE DIVIDE says the former Legion scout who triggered Caesar's obsession with Hoover Dam by finding it, got Elijah obsessed with the Sierra Madre and thus indirectly caused a bunch of deaths and/or the destruction of New California (non canon, at least with it being destroyed by a rando vault tec guy with a nuke instead of the Cloud), almost broke the Think Tank out of their loops, which would have been very, very bad for the Wasteland, armed and trained the White Legs and sent them to destroy New Canaan, another budding nation emerging from the ruins of the wasteland, then proceeded to seethe at them for copying a symbol they didn't understand (while wearing an American flag on his back, you know, the symbol of the corrupt, authoritarian, borderline quasi-fascist state of the Old World?) and then ultimately trying to use nukes to blow up a part of whichever faction Courier 6 sides with out of spite, while trying to make some big ideological excuse for his spergout, grandstanding about burning away le flags despite ultimately being a contrarian piece of shit who's trying to justify the unjustifiable, all because a mailman did his fucking job and unintentionally delivered an armed nuke detonator that he couldn't have possibly known was one.
>How can people be retarded?
Boggles the mind.
can you NVfags not derail the thread for the love of Nixon
TNO was originally inspired by fallout and had fallout style ending slides
and that REALLY matters here
Weld is greedy, texan, bitchy, arrogant, and overall just an asshole.
>decide to start a new 2WRW campaign
>the day after the main mod updates
>doesn't even add any real content yet it breaks 2WRW anyway
I hate this fucking mod so much it's unreal
oy vey dont complain about our realistic mod and eat ze rework
Which updates? Been weeks since it got updated updated
Wut, TNO never had ending slides, after all, no campaign was ever finished til now
Isn't this tied to a Paradox update? Wouldn't really blame anyone for it then.

IIRC it was a demo thing from way back in the day, not the main mod.
He also has chimpouts in public
Russia is bad
go away now cum/chug/ger
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So how total is the Reichstaat's TND if played by a player? Can you literally depopulate the middle of Africa if you know how to play it well?
>falls in bathtub
>goes into coma
>comes out of coma
>nobody tells him he was removed from power
>family pretends he's still ruling from home to keep him happy
unbelievably funny
From what I know the Reichstaat could be perpetuated in a previous update, but I'm not sure whether this is still the case.
I hope there is an actual "shadow council" like under Panzer developing actual content for the mod and throwing out all of the shitty reworks the leads are coming up with out of their asses, because at this rate nothing will ever get done.
Larpy, high school tier politicking like that in stead of actually working on the mod is the actual reason for why the development has been stalled, brainiac.
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TNO's Reddit is celebrating Pride month in style.

You're correct. The leads effectively are this shadow council the other anon is talking about. Except instead of getting anything done they're scheming about team politics and planning reworks and counter-reworks away from the dev server.
tranny mod
tranny thread
>How is the hiv pandemic in the tno verse?
If they go through with implementing the Brazilian tranny's event that got posted in the last thread, I'm sure it's in full swing.

Kaiserfags and brony shills are not sending their best.
So who exactly is working on the mod, if both the dev team and the 'shadow council' are reworking things?
Consider the release frequency and I think you can make an educated guess.
wait a fucking minute is the lead dev of tno the same mango that made totp???
What's TOTP?
If it's something related to Campaign Trail then probably he copes and seethes about his hated and unwanted views there all the time.
>tranny mod
Accurate, because since the dev change the mod did a 51% and it's rotting
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Have they worked on any Great Trial content?
If not even 2RW devs managed to bake Yazov yet, do you even TNO devs are even close to that?
Just want a crumb of Balkan content.
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>9 Months and still no updates.

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What's wrong with the brony mod apart from the pony setting? From what I experienced it has fuck ton of varied content.
oh shit yes

Every fucking teaser is made by Mango's reddit account
since it involves equines and birds instead of actual hoomans it allows writers and modders significantly unfettered leeway in making certain 'gamer' plots and paths possible without offending anyone or violating paradox TOS. Youve literally got genocidal zebras and bird schutzstaffel so its worth it
No and they never will either, I am fairly certain they said they are not gonna add any war with Germany stuff for Russia until TNO2, which is literally never coming out.
I think the literal magic also makes a lot of interesting stuff possible, like Sirenalia which is probably the best path in the game.
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Bossman is better at holding on to money than the TNO devs are at releasing content and he does less damage to his room than the TNO devs do their lore by reworking everything from scratch all the time. Let that sink in.
>the devs are all rats
>if they release at all over the next year or three.
the next year or three being 2031-2034
Baker anon here. Should I keep doing TNO meme decision categories in my bakes? Do you have any ideas for future ones you think might be fun?
So what mod do I grab if I want to experience TNO for the first time in Anno Domini 2024? I get that content was removed so what should I download, what has been fixed?

I find the setting is a cool vibe and I want to mess around with things.
Just download the real version from the workshop and get the Second West Russian War submods. It's bugged right now due to an update in TNO but it adds 70s content for various Russian unifiers and will be fixed within a week. Russia is basically the only place worth playing rn, everything else is a screensaver or is being rewoooorked from the ground up.

The OG version from Panzers account is still playable and is listed as outdated and requires you to revert to an earlier version of hoi.

Also don't play it desu, it's not fun any more and everything cool you heard about has either been deleted or is being deleted. The magic is gone and all there is to look forward to are endless reworks that promise shittier content. Seriously, why bother?
is it true the mods are trannies? Can you share some screenshot proving it?
why is there a general for this garbage?
Containment thread.
>Also don't play it desu, it's not fun any more and everything cool you heard about has either been deleted or is being deleted
so I can't do stupid stuff like play Burgund and larp as weird esoteric knight?
They removed a lot of the wacky stuff from it and are working on deleting the entire tag as part of a French update that has been rebooted twice (that we know of) and is probably never releasing.

So yeah, this is the state of things. Seriously, most of us don't play the mod any more and just come here to bitch about the devs being retarded faggots that ruined something we used to like.
>panzer leaves the team
>TNO civil war begins
>pacifica wins
>pacifica also leaves
>the TNO anarchy begins, TNO crippled by endless reworks, never to publish an update again
>But other than that, how was the play, Mr.Lincoln?
Holy shit I hate this tno 2 meme
>Yeah, instead of slowly developing content for most important players and give a proper finale for them we can just say "tno 2 lol" and that's it. Yeah, don't worry, they'll get content once we are done with everyone (an exercise in futility due to endless reworks)
>I hate this tno 2 meme
I can see SOME sort of logic, you can't really progress the timeline after a certain point without deciding what big events that affect the world happen (Oil Crisis, Burgundy getting nukes, fake events to make the world look alive like the Afrikkka collapse), but at the same time, I'd rather have 10 more years of Speer where only Germany has anything going on rather than having 2 years of Speer where the world looks "alive" because of scripted events. 2WRW kind of does this, but it's pretty shitty for any nation that isn't the one Ruzzian unifier with content, and even then, the post-war content is too rushed.
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Panzer is a troon and several devs are tranny niggers who write garbage events.

Go back, Kaisernigger.

You can thank the plebbitors for making it into a meme, now the devs can always just deflect to it whenever they get called out for wasting their time developing shit no one wants to play
this picture is gemmy
At least get content for important nations up amd running. Yeah, that means most of the world "dies", but that's a secondary problem. Maybe throw a few events and leader changes and you're golden
I am pretty sure it came from the devs

Is this one fucking phrase the only thing Kaiserniggers get paid (a fat paycheque of zero) to spam?
YWNBAW, now fuck off back to whatever shill discord trooncave you crawled out of.
The mod is dead though and the devs killed it. All we're getting this year is a few years of Ukraine, a Mexican screensaver and retards like Corn bragging about how many tags they'll rework from scratch. How anyone can still care is unfathomable to me.
Defending TNO? Why? The devs hate your guts.
You can like a product and hate its creator (or in this case the people currently in charge of making it, I hate both LonelyNiggress and the current dev team but at least Panzer actually got shit done). I'm sick of nigger shills who try to derail the thread and spam useless shit.




While I agree that you can like a product whilst disliking the people making it, the total silence and incompetence from the dev team has made any interest in the mod a waste of time.
Also, just ignore the shills. Don't bother engaging with them
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You're mixing up your statistic memes.
The trans suicide rate one is 41%, (13)51 is Black crime rates.
isn't the tranny suicide rate at like 50% now despite increasing acceptance of trannies outside of right-wing circles
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This reads like a caricature of how TNO devs see people that hate the mod. It's so tryhard and out of touch that it could only be born out of their echo chamber of a dev server. Either that, or it's a troll from the community. 0% chance this is real.
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“Didn’t take confounding variables into account”

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