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modern xcom games thread
Enemy Within and War of the Chosen
exercise restrain when using explosives
my Sniper is currently at 5 95% misses this campaign
Anyone actually use all those different types of experimental grenades in 2?
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>enter dark event to prevent the avatar project from being completed
>3 man only mission
>all 3 pods are 2 blocks away from each other
Thats xcom baby another legendary campaign lost. Gotta love a single mission snowballing into a campaign lose by keeping my reaper wounded for so long I unlock magnet and gauss weapons before she can even do a third mission.
frodt bomb is the only outlier, incredibly useful against rulers (yes I know it's technically not experimental grenade but it is in the same vein)
acid might be okay if your team is really out of options when it comes to dealing with armor.
SPARKS are garbage, worse than SHIVs
did any mod ever add time units in?
Mod them cause holy shit my sparks carry the whole team they carry a huge shield in the left hand and lay down suppressive fire with the other.
templar HQ really sucks for the start
>exercise restrain when using explosives
shut up vahlen you stupid kraut and show me your tits
i'll blow up all the fucking meld i want
>be me
>Grim horizon
>first month
>lost world in a region i have not contacted yet
this is gonna be a long campaign, hope scanned engineer is worth it
sectopod ruined my protect the device gorilla op, now i get more chosen fights
sectopods are niggers
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finally aced a surgical op
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it even had a double pod active, and forgot to bring the archon suit
I love the Xsoldier mod
wow three whole people what a game
which is best for MEC? early game squadie heavy or late game colonel sniper
tfw i upgraded my laboratory without having a second scientist

if i didn't got upgraded ballistic weapons i would be in trouble
Hello fellow XCOM operatives, here are some serious questions (I played only XCOM EW):
1. What do you think about XCOM 2, is it worth playing? I saw gameplay videos and I didn't like the clean and futuristic aesthetic of it.
2. Your thoughts about other games in the genre: Phoenix Point, Jagged Alliance 3?
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XCOM2 is all right I guess. XCOM1 was a better game, but it's not bad. I never played a campaign to completion, but it looks like I've still clocked several hundred hours with it.
I haven't played either Phoenix Point or JA3, but I got some other recommendations.
>Warhammer 40K: Mechanicus
XCOM in the grim darkness of the future. Notably has no cover system. Very nice soundtrack, really like the atmosphere.
>Troubleshooter: Abandoned Children
Korean Anime XCOM. Really fucking slow to get going, and the writing is pretty dumb at points. I like it, but your tolerance for gook weeb shit will be tested.
>XCOM: Chimera Squad
Technically is an XCOM game. It's been streamlined and simplified even further, but the tactical combat is still there.
i am playing lwotc and finding it pretty boring. i like the additional soldier classes but the actual game is a slog now
fatigue system in wotc makes long war redundant
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Why not both? You are not limited to one MEC.

I like playing with 5 MECs and one grenadier heavy with 4 ghostnades to stealth them.

I also chop my sniper MECs at Major. They get one more health point that way, in exchange for 7 less aim.

Doing overwatch often causes Sectopods and Mechtoids to shoot only once.
Probably the AI avoids your reaction shots by forfeiting its "blue move" rather than just "not moving".

Also, Sectopods never appear on scout UFOs (small & large), so you don't have to bring your best guys on those.

Never invade the EXALT HQ, you need their missions for XP grinding all your guys to Colonel.
The case could also be made for leaving one country uncovered by satelite, just so you can keep getting abduction missions and rewards +map diversity.
>Never invade the EXALT HQ, you need their missions for XP grinding all your guys to Colonel.
>The case could also be made for leaving one country uncovered by satelite, just so you can keep getting abduction missions and rewards +map diversity.

i only do A-team + SHIVs when someone gets injured, SHIVs are great and cheap
just had a flawless almost worst shitshow ever
>capture enemy VIP mission
>lost world is active
>first pod i encounter is at the VIP
>kill it just fine
>knock out the VIP
>lost swarm appears
>reinforcement drops
>suddenly pod at the other flank
>kill the reinforcement throw mimic beacon at the other pod
>yet another pod at the same flank
>pick up the VIP
>not quite near enough to the evac
>dash near to the evac
>alien turn is them using useless abilities and fighting off the lost
>get flawless mission report
closest i have gotten to a squadwipe on this campaign, it was impossible to scout better
just got schooled by the warlock and lost world on the blacksite.

there was no way to keep concealment with that many zombies

only lost one soldier

this is the last time i take combat protocol over medical protocol i was a few days away from the training center
and now the game throws me an unsnipeble disruptor avenger defense this might be GG
in the end i was one action away from lifting off while only losing my reaper and a mind controlled ranger

one action short, the campaign was lost
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They all died in the next mission
>Phoenix Point, Jagged Alliance 3?
JA3 feels more like an RPG, with its hand-written characters and mini-adventures. You go into a jungle sometimes without knowing where the enemies are, sneak around, and set up an engagement knowing that proper stealth isn't possible and you'll get found out and a gun battle will ensue. It's really fun, and I highly recommend it if you like the themes of 80's action movies (there's even an Arnold-like soldier whose nickname is 'Steroid'). However, the strategy layer is an annoying chore.

PP unfortunately does have much the same futuristic aesthetic as XCOM (although less clean). I highly recommend the free demo. The 4 AP system feels really elegant (experts will disagree with me because of how much cheese it enables). There are a lot of major problems, especially with the strategy layer, and it's no surprise that many people will openly say that they've never played it vanilla. The 'real' cover notion is something a lot of people are allergic to in particular. It looks like XCOM, but actual trajectories are relevant, and it's possible for half-cover to be superior to full-cover. You really have to eyeball each spot to reason how good it is, and whether that's a positive or a negative depends on the individual. However, the strategy layer is an annoying chore.

XCOM2 is definitely worth it. Unfortunately, the sale where it was going for $2 is over, but it is well regarded as rightfully a popular entry into the genre. The DLC adds a lot good and a lot bad, and the Long War set of mods is also popular. However, the strategy layer is an annoying chore.
>be me
>lose a campaign
>time to grind gatecrasher again
>first try get skirmisher
>staring location is flat as the earth
>first pod is the 3 troopers
>get almost revealed by them patrolling
>grenade kills one of them and two 65% overwatches land
>next turn is sectoid time the trooper runs to a nearby roof
>high skill move of grappling to follow him
>third pod activates
>hit a 94% justice on one of them troopers
>grenade kill the roof trooper (fall damage doesn't award xp)
>double grenade the officer
>hit a 27% rookie shot on the officer
>enemies get a turn
>last trooper hit on of my guys in half cover
>sectoid double moves flanked by the skirmisher
>kill the sectoid with ease
>ranger gets a 19 day vacation

things went so well that later on i had the UFO hunt dark event
Any good recs on similar games to how xocm apocalypse played? I loved the pausable realtime, felt so much more dynamic than pod bullshit
resistance friend activated the codex again
Are the sexy mods any good?
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so i met the Archon king today, so much for a deathless run
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archon king softened them up but it was a codex that killed them
>scan for a guerilla op
>low profile

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