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Map games are shit
>corner powers have an inbuilt advantage
>win condition is just "maximize your material advantage"
>overly agressive neighbors just make you both lose
>play risk
>unite asia because you're a chad
>put all troops in one territory
>"yeah i'll just steamroll whoever takes my territory"
simple as
Diplomacy is meant to kill a rainy afternoon for people who don't like the random nature of Risk. don't overthink it
Just like real life
you're just shit at diplomacy
>the other guy just takes a single province that is not connected to your army
so does anyone want to play?
Sure, though you'll probably see a lot of questionable moves and NMRs.
Still, might be fun
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The other website from the OP wanted a google account for login, this one just needs any e-mail
All of those things happened irl
Are you fuckin retarded? Asia is kiterally the hardest to keep, you can be attacked from like ten different directions it’s impossible to defend. Let’s say I have NA, all I have to do is bop you from Alaska then reinforce back to like Newfoundland to stop from getting buttfucked by Europe. If someone let you have Asia then they just plain were not being aggressive or you had already won, there’s no other explanation
found the virgin loser
Bump, 2/7 players
Name is "/vst/"
I always love these games for how they remove Ireland.
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Fret not, Eiré shall commeth back with a vengeance
Munster looks OP
Want to do France vs Austria, GvI or Cold War instead?
Thread name isn't relevant which doesnt help
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because it was incomplete
Bump, 5/7 players
What if Ireland but upside down?
The game has started. Good luck everyone
>w-well y-you're a virgin! ;_;
Excellent counterargument.
>>corner powers have an inbuilt advantage
what stops them from going around
Corners only give England an advantage, Turkey and Russia do not have any advantages
>implying turkey isn't the most defensive power by far
It's only defensible against Lepanto, there is nothing you can do against Austro-Russia.
If turkey has a fleet in AEG then it'll still take a while time without italy involved
Especially the Russian attack is rather weak and slow
*a long time / a while
What is this from?
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It's from a game I'm making called DOEI (Dominion Over Erin's Island).
Pic is with a test with the old map, the rectangles represent armies and numbers represent characters.
Ugly blob borders.
Apply yourself.
What are the strategic implications of busting fat loads into women in this game
Probably won't answer your question but, each character has Euphoria miter, and if it drops to 0, the character will kill themself.

In order to manage Euphoria, every ruler has a "Reign Involtment"-mode, which measures how involved character is in their kingdom's governance.
Those three modes are:
This means the ruler handles everything in his realm, and cool-downs are 50% shorter.
When the ruler is in this mode, he cannot impregnate his wife, nor have mistresses.
Ruler loses Euphoria every month
Compromise between Dominated and Delegated, the ruler can impregnate his wife, but can't have mistresses. But the cooldowns are longer.
Euphoria remains unchanged
Ruler is absent from their throne, and just spends his days fucking. Cooldown on all action is doubled. He can pick multiple mistresses and has a higher chance of impregnating their wife.
Ruler gains Euphoria every month

Actions are stuff like tax collection, raising army, building buildings.
So, for example base cooldown for tax collection is 360 days, but Lead-ruler can do it every 180 days, and Delegated every 720 days.
Risk is one of the only games that has made me seethe with rage, I will never play that dogshit again.
yeah, the map itself is very uninteresting, like seeing all of Western Europe grouped into one territory completely misses the joy that comes from map painting
wtf is a corner
globe maps are bad because you can't make global strategic decisions at a glance
>Play on a square: whaaaa, corners!!

>Play on a sphere: Whaaaa, can't see everything at once!!

What would make you faggots happy? What is your ideal shape?
a square map but the edges loop
globe maps suck because they validate an incorrect cosmology
earth is a flat plane laid within an snowglobe
neo sincerely
Just have a wrapping 2D map. Render a west, centre, and east copy of everything, and if the camera moves below zero or above the world's width on the x axis, you add or subtract the world's width from its x position respectively.
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explain this then
big hooters nullify all cosmology
be as if Jesus say: 'maaan... them titties be extrabiblical
A torus?
I wonder what a day/night cycle would look like.
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Got all of you complaining crybabies covered with the most based diplomacy map of all time: no cornercamping (ignore Br*zil, it doesnt exist) and everything is visible at a glance, autistically large, but not so humongeous it becomes an unplayable mess... peak diplomacy.
Name a single strategy game without a map retard
You don't need to make global strategic decisions at a glance. if you miss something then that's a skill issue and you deserve whatever the result is.
There is cornercamping in the north and south, because the movement doesn't wrap there, I assume.
Football Manager
for me, it is the War in the Americas-variant
it is completely insane, especially fun with gunboat
Not really as the highest amount of centers (the way to fund your armies and navies) are in the middle of the map... I'd be really hard to hold ociania or canada for example as you'd have 6-8 units for a vast area...

Brazil is a problem cause they have a too easy earlygame and manage to boot everyone out of South-America too quickly (before other big powers establish themselves: usa is still fighting csa ect.) so they can keep expanding. however this is due to minor design flaws but not because they're down in the south
r-rule britannia
seems impossible for britain or spain to do anything in the carribean without inviting attacks in their home centres from the other
well, they do regularly win
thought Argentina is the one country that I have never been winning
mostly because Brazil and focused on them, and Chile grows too powerful
>British has half its Empire borders
>Russia has full late Empire borders sans Caucuses, the 'Stans and the pointless island
>Ottomans have everything sans Greece
>Dutch have South Africa and Ceylon
>American Empire is cut in half and then half again as two factions
These custom maps all suck honestly because I refuse to accept asymmetry at face value unless it's bundled in a 100+ year old board game.
Splitting America like that is actually based and fact pilled. It was an absolute slog getting across the continental divide before the Transcontinental and the vast majority of settlers came by boat.
It was easier to sail all the way around goddamn South America for months than it was to cross, say, the Oregon Trail.
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>>overly agressive neighbors just make you both lose
Full sending before it was virtual.
I haven't played a ton of diplomacy, but of what I have played it seems like the winner is always whichever good player lucks into starting next to bad players
see >>1783059
Kinda... It's bit frustrating, like half the time, it's just vote to win and you can do anything.
>play as Russia
>make alliance with Tukey, they say "let's do it"
>they immediately stab me and make alliance with Austria
>England allies Germany attacks me
>being attacked by England, Austria, and Turkey at the same time
>none of them replies to my messages
>Germany is too busy fighting France to do anything
>Italy can only poke Austria and Turkey, but not really distract them

So, I'm just left waiting for AET to kill me, because I have no way of holding them back alone, and there is no diplomacy because they refuse to speak with me.
>friend got diplomacy, the boardgame, as gift
>wants to get a few people together and try it
>i only casually know the others in the group
>never played boardgames before

how fucked am i? in all fairness nobody else there has played diplomacy before either. i googled it to read up in advance and got a 40 page document from reddit as a result. is this really a normal level of effort to put into learning how to play a board game?
you could also watch this 8 minute video

Think that 40-page documentary mostly focused on theories of strategy and stuff, not just rules.
oh sweet, thanks. should have known i could just skip googling and go straight to youtube.
higher dimensional manifolds
>It was an absolute slog getting across the continental divide
And getting through Syberia isn't?
>Map games are shit
>>corner powers have an inbuilt advantage
this nigga has never played Dominions and forgotten to turn wrapping maps on
this game has the worst combat i have ever experienced, such a disappointment
>Austria somehow in a massive alliance from turn 1
Sorry bro, you just got Habsburged
>Splitting America like that is actually based and fact pilled.
Yeah the north/south is-
>the Transcontinental

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