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literally the best RTS of 2024, i dont even need to play the slop that gets released this summer
need more maps
need more missions
>new mission already released (its trash)
>new legion campaign coming later this year
>>new mission already released (its trash)
tell me more, is it incorporated in the campaign?
>new legion campaign coming later this year
i'll believe that when i see it.
however, it would be interesting to see how a legion campaign would work. base campaign is interesting because of resource scarcity and weaker units with fewer numbers
if they rework the campaign for legion completely, with new mechanics and everything, it'd be cool. if they just gimp legion when the player is using them, it would not be cool.
whats even good about it, how is it better than any other popular RTS
Yes, it's a new mission at the end and there is a shitty trailer for the Legion campaign out already.
The first half of the campaign is really good, the rest of the game isn't.
yes you can load a save after fort worth and play it
its not a classic base building RTS, but a tactical one, you get new weapons and equipment by salvaging shit you find during missions, the game limits you in how many troops you can have so you need to constantly decide what to prioritize and so forth
is there multiplayer? i want to have something to come back to after beating the puzzles in sp.
>no basebuilding
Not an RTS.
>already moving the goalposts
NTA, but he's right. If it has no base building it is RTT.
>female in military
>no Asian
RTT actually
>needs more branching in campaign as well
I wanted to become a merc unit and combine Cartel and Merc forces.
Or just even working Integrator faction
so it's RTT, got it.
bro your Kondo?
>thinking you can release a game without diversity
Skynet bombed all the roofs that the roof top Gooks were squatting on during the first months of the war.
not an american game, doesnt count
I love redneck warfare I just wish there was more of it, driving through the post apoc with squads of vets and hick militiamen hunting down toasters and spics is fucking great
soundtrack is awesome too
Who forces them to do it?
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I wish someone would mod in skynet models for all the terminators.
is there a difference?
>RTS of 2024
name 5
1. battle aces
2. battle aces
3. battle aces
4. battle aces
5. battle aces
You can brick your runs too easily, and many times at least for me i felt that i was cheesing the mechanics too much.

And the oklahoma mission is one of the worst missions i have ever seen in any game.
This game rapes my asshole while screaming into my ear as loud as humanly possible
what was so bad about it? aside from the gay ass artillery i thought it was okay
Quicksave\load just like in the movies balances the odds.
Don't think you can win in this game just by savescumming
Remember to hire a ton of Heavy Weapons Teams and Guerrillas
Heavies are more accurate than their vechical equivalents and the can drive technicals to even out their effectiveness and pick up heavy weapons to sell.
Guerillas with plasma shotguns, C4 and EMP can destroy everything(except aerial HK) and can also drive
Guerillas in a van carrying another Guerillas have less upkeep than a single Founders Infantry but can take out 4 Terminator tanks
i tried to make heavy weapons teams work so fucking hard but they consistently underperformed and got no kills
How do you even EMP anything at all? Ive rarely been in a situation where i could EMP anything without my units exposing themselves. (but desu never was able to make that sniper guy cross the road in that early mission)

And having to breach into the factory. Or basically just going up anytime in that map.
its not that hard, use himars to take out the artillery and then push into the city with 3 abrams and a couple of brads and assault the factory from the south, to start producing legion tanks
Does it have online MM PvP?
i dont know if it has ladder or anything, since i dont play multiplayer, but it has PvP
The normal HMG is probably the most universal with the most range and decent penetration
You need to set up 2 teams at least and it will destroy most infantry and even Spider bots
Heavy Plasma Machinegun is second best as it allows to quickly take out even Spider bots solo
You shouldn't really bother with AT variants.
Unguided AT weapons you either mount on vehicles to shoot and scoot or fire several at once like with RPG squads

>How do you even EMP anything at all?
Bro? Your stealth?
Important trick to learn is "Aggroing and Smoke"
Fire with a Bradley, Light platform or prone infantry on big threat while covered by smoke and when the enemy stars firing perform a flank. Usually they wont have time to switch targets
Finished my campaign on Hard while selling every Founders unit and playing Movment
Holy shit the second "real" mission with the convoys is goddamn brutal
>fumbled the prologue mission and got most of the guys wiped as they were trapped in the repair bay after the machines broke through the center and the evac is on the right
>got a tank crew and ATGM team out, rest were shot like dogs
>do pretty well in the first mission, rebuild a bunch
>enter the second mission with two trucks hauling fuel and ammo
>one tank
>two vans carrying militiamen
>one Stryker
>two RPG teams

It was until the sixth convoy that shit got dire, managing only to pull out the pilot in the fields with a thunder run by the tank and stryker, then I lost my TOW van to a tank one-hit-kill, and the majority of my infantry being mostly unsupported by vehicles as they tried to hold the highway

Legion infantry just don't give a shit about cover, especially their terminator expys, and then they started raining artillery on me. I'm going to restart it, but getting ANY side objectives done seem like a fucking pipe dream
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>outranges and onetaps the emplaced 120 mm
>suppresses and destroys my RPG teams
>Javelin team is OUT of ammo
>tank is on the other side of the fucking map, down to two crew, having held off the previous armoured coloumn
>bombs immobilized ONE of them
you can wait with the prison side objective until after you deal with all the convoys
Taking the prison was actually purely irrelevant if you just move a tank, the stryker armed with a mk 19 and two squads of infantry when the AI attacks it at the start of the mission, and it reinforces you with a bunch of emplacements

Dealing with the artillery was also a cakewalk with the tank, there's only infantry in the way that can't hurt it

But the quad tank assaults man
the quad tanks
i've reloaded like three times for it, and it's such a fucking stomp i don't even get any ideas of how much more i can stack it in my favour
you should have leveled one technician into AT mines which trivialize the convoys, and try hiding some troops on the flanks, taking a legion tank from the front is extremely hard, dont just put all your shit into one building, even RPG shitters can take out a tank from the rear
yeah i agree, the second level is too hard, i had to drop the difficulty to normal on my first playthrough
but now i finished the game on realistic and looking to do an ironman run
the game is much better on the second playthrough when you know how to play
as for that game state, try getting the abrams on the right side of the road and once the tanks turn their turrets to the building, right up and start blasting into their sides
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>he doesn't know about the second tank convoy
>he doesn't know about Oklahoma
>He doesn't know about pic
Some general tips.
TOWs and ATGMs outrange anything save for the artillery.
Infantry can also resupply in vehicles like Bradley and Stryker.
Legion tanks's guns will almost always get disabled with a hit in the side of the turret with ATGMs and most of the time with 120mm guns.
Militia can serve as bait for this job.
Beware the enemy snipers. Once you see a squad getting picked off pull them out and use your snipers for counterfire.
Sniper are great for clearing buildings from a safe distance.
Popping a smoke will save your vehicle. ATGMs seem to lose accuracy not upon firing into a smoke screen but when a rocket touches the smokescreen.
For that mission specifically make good use of the air support after your rescue the pilot.
I know it's my first playthrough, so I'm just going to say my experience
>Legion tanks usually get their reload crippled before their guns, still letting them blap me through TOW and cannonfire
>Legion gunfire typically goes for my lighter vehicles, like my TOW van, usually oneshotting it
>without prescient, or save/load knowledge, militia does not live long enough to flank in open terrain to bait firelines away from my AT equipment
>Smoke doesn't feel like it does much more than buy me a single incoming shot, as they'll probably miss the first shot through the smoke, but the second or third typically smacks me right in the face
>Air support takes ~30 seconds to even begin their attack run and is incredibly difficult to judge
>bombs landing directly on top of a tank most likely just immobilizes it

It may sound like complaints, but I'm mostly writing up my own observations and using it to think of how to counter Legion.

Like, instead of lining all my infantry infantry up in that one building in the screenshot, instead divert like, three RPG teams to the right and set them to Ambush mode, until the tanks are firing upon the building and then attacking them from prone at close range.

I'll give it a try tomorrow. I'm confident I can beat it with some more careful planning.
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My position suggestion. Use ridgelines and ravines to your advantage and once they pass you pop your tank out and take a shot. ATGMs infantry can chip away the frontal armor and after 3-4 shots destroy a tank.
Order the place to attack straight ahead, this is the safest bet to land hits and even if you immobilize them it gives you time to rearm ATGMs or even pick of an isolated tank.
Don't think RPGs can even chip off frontal and side armor but recoiless, 120mm and ATGM's can.
Try to use recoiless and ATGM jihadmobiles for hit and runs over the ridges and on extreme ranges on in more open parts of the map/
ATGM team only gets 3 shots tho, and me in my brilliance specced them into AA giving them three shots against airborne targets to futureprooof myself. So after three shots, they're useless, having to run back to the resupply trucks in the middle of a firefight.

I think my gameplan is going to be a distractionary firebase of entrenched infantry in the buildings, with scattered RPG teams on the right and calling down a bombing strike once engaged. The Abrams will then move in from the south, striking at the tanks, hopefully from the side, hitting them once they're already crippled.
>me in my brilliance specced them into AA giving them three shots against airborne targets to futureprooof myself
i also got baited by this, but later you realize you fight like 5 legion aircraft in the entirety of the campaign and even assuming your ATGM team is in a right spot for it, you learn that their aircraft have flares and the hit rate is thus maybe 33%
take powerlifter, survivalist and the one reducing deploy speed in this order, rest are useless
also at he beginning of the mission close to a nearby building there is an empty truck, use it resupply and ferry your shitters around, its fast and has 2k supplies
Fun fact, you can fire AA missiles at enemy vehicles, which does pretty good damage.
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This game is absolute piss.

Lures you in with some okay starter missions then FUCKING RAPES YOU WHEN YOU'RE PAST THE 2 HOUR REFUND WINDOW. Absolute pure 100% piss from concentrate.

>Slitherine game
Never again.

Jokes on them because idgaf about the refund window since I played it at a friend's house.
maybe you should just get good lil guy
>put smoked bait on the road
>RPGs go from the sides
>try using stealth next time

You gonna LOOOOOVE New Tortuga
My general tip is to learn to love C4
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>waiting for 15 minutes, watching the barely-driving looted humvee limp itself to the exit after the mission because I have autism
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t.finished three times on Hard
>New Tortuga
Old news chum, I already almost got wiped deciding to take the bridge fight to Chihuahua, and got game over'd hard with my understrength army
restarted, skipping the prologue missions which was a huge help as it starts you out with I suspect is everything possible to save from Haven

I oopsed the Bradley I looted from Gonzales in mission one, but other than that I've managed to retain almost everything save a truck here or militia squad there
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>about to extract
>vehicle out of fuel
>you didn't bring any tankers with you
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Next time in New Tortuga remember that:
>While escorting Flinch you can save some troops used as target practice in the north west part of the base. This includes Guerrillas that can place C4 when everything is still quiet and trivialise this mission (just remember to wait to them to turn hostile).
>The guard post guarding the Mayors complex has an unmanned Cartel Tank. Use it's AP shot (disable HE) to decrew other Cartel Tanks. I managed to steal every Cartel Tank on this map.
>sell Militias, they eat to much for what they provide
>get back to Chihuahua
>immediately get my shit rocked by the swarms of infantry in town and ATGM/sniper teams in the open to the north
I need some flamethrowers and just burn down these fucking favelas I keep having to fight through
You have your premium doorkickers in the form of Guerrillas and Rangers right?
In every urban map the 20mm rotatory cannon HE round can carry hard
Just mount it on every viable vehicle and kill everyone inside.
Templaros are a pain and I usually leave it to stolen Cartel tanks to peek out and shit smoke if they see a rocket coming
I just don't get the value you guys seem to get out of shotgun infantry. They really suffer from a five-man squad, and even through smoke they often get nicked at least once on the run across the street to storm, and once the firefight beings with the neighborhood, they get attritioned hard. I might have fucking slept on the 20mm gatling cannons, mostly I've been slapping mk19s on everything and parking them behind buildings to work over entrenched enemies safely. I'll have to buy some.

I should have worked harder on saving the m109 emplacement you can get from the convoy mission, but it was just so fucking expensive I kinda just didn't bother reloading Tortuga once it died to a stray artillery shell from the humvees at Miguel's base.
Honestly stealth has been a failure for me. I'll try it in a new campaign as we got a new patch, but honestly never works.

And oh god doing nueva tortuga for a third time, wish i could just skip it.

idk man, my two previous runs i just left all the missile infantary in the building near the road and they easily took all the tanks down.
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>Fourth attempt at Chihuahua
>got the city fight down to a T, maybe lose one or two men from a guerilla squad
>instead of going through the highway, I swing south behind the favelas and hit the vehicle repair yard
>resupply, then storm the command center
>some 40mm later and the campus is mine
>Big Bob with his Big Bob's Dong plasma cannon fucking wrecks the stuff coming out of the arena
>Iroquis lays down massive amounts of gunfire on infantry in the open
>get to the third section

Time limit, going through the west is a gauntlet of close-range RPG teams, machine guns and mortars. East side is heavily entrenched snipers and will completely separate the forces committed to it from the central objective. I tried Thunder-running from the east, which fucking failed spectacularly. I tried rushing in the Iroquis with the engineers, and that gets shot like a dog. I tried slow-pushing from the west, which takes too long and I still take horrible casualties.

I'm starting to feel like the devs are a special kind of sadistic but it's still very fun
i think i've got a hot tip for you but can you clarify what the "third section" is? because i don't want to spoil it if i'm understanding wrong
Silencing the guns and eliminating the Cartel leaders. If you got hot tips, I'm listening
as for eliminating the cartel leaders, you can set up arty on your side of the map, close to where you entered the mission, and just bombard the landing pad where the cartel leaders are. i think i set mine up on the start of the path you'd take to reach the guns

as for silencing the guns, i did it by taking the path on the east side of the map, with the abrams and stryker and bradley with some sniper or infantry support, with the engineers loaded into one of the transports. there is some resistance there but i didn't think it was unsurmountable, a couple of road blocks and a mortar taking pot shots at you from a little island separated by a bridge. just take your time clearing out the island, don't try to rush past it.
I uh didn't bring any. I thought it would be a good shout to buy an M109 emplacement and had the opportunity to do it after the bridge to Chihuahua that's rigged to blow, but the emplacement is like 2000 schmeckels, 1000 for the upgrade to let it fit a howitzer, and then like 400 for the gun itself.
Thinking on it, I think the way to go is use your armoured thrust on the guns, then going high on the western side with some captured cartel tanks and just brap out as much smoke as I can and rush every single guerilla I've got inside. The problem is going to be the three mortar humvees entrenched behind the building, so I'm going to have to drive right up to them as close as I can before disembarking.

I'll give it a go later. I can already tell a lot of boys are gonna fucking die.
that's bad, i actually haven't done that part of the mission without arty. i used the chopper to do flybys once but artillery is definitely the better option. i always used the howitzer that's on a trailer that you get in the second mission, the one with the convoys. never bought artillery in this game.
also, you're going to think i'm retarded, but i meant the western side for the guns, not the eastern side. had a brain fart. take the road that goes up a hill that's close to your starting point
Yeah, I realized. It's ironic, because I did have the original one get fucking atomized and I just didn't think it did enough to justify its supply cost first time around, so I never bothered reloading to save it and just let it die.

Lesson learned, you need artillery to make Chihuahua easier, and perhaps consider selling it after that and just eat the supply cost.
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yeah artillery is pretty good, even if just to counter other artillery
i think there might have been a mortar humvee up for grabs in a base south of the prison but i don't know if that has enough range to hit the launchpad from the position i was telling you about (the yellow square). or enough firepower to kill off the leaders in time
you dont need artillery
here is a guide for retards how to do the last phase of chihuahua
>load the niggers into a bradley
>go all the way around the hill to west side
>use the chopper to take out the trash mexicans and the mortars
>after that rappel your mercs/rangers into the big lone building overlooking the cliff
>the way for the bradley should be pretty clear aside from one squad of templars near the objective
>meanwhile as this is going on, take your abrahams and push up the hill through the western most road
>theres a tow humvee and cartel tank, so smoke up and play around the smoke
>preposition any vehicles that shoot up (best is 20mm and plasma cannon) near/up the cliff
>when the 2 aerial HKs spawn, kill one ASAP and let the other land so the cartel leaders run towards it
>once they are there push up with the abrahams and shoot the HK while its grounded (if you cant target it, just F click on it)
>you will hopefully kill all the leaders thus avoiding pushing through the complex and getting several free empty vehicles they would have taken
there you go, as idiotproof as i can make it
actually probably better to load the techs into an M113 or stryker and leave the bradley to deal with the HKs
It could be, but I think IMMORTALS will be also a dope game
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CC97Qjb-qHw
I see that both of the problems are combined.
To use Guerillas and any Movement infantry effectively you need to understand stealth and aggro. And that isn't even necessary when fighting the Cartels or any humanoid faction, Snipers and vehicles usually do a better job there until you want to evict someone from buildings.

>I'm starting to feel like the devs are a special kind of sadistic
I finished Men of War: Red Tide
This is nothing compared to that bullshit

By that point I had 8 Cartel Tanks and barraged the villa with HE shells
I don't know how people have problems with that part. I think people underestimate how good Movement Helicopters are
i never found any use for cartel tanks, cant shrug off RPGs like abrams and bradley with ERA, can only take on light vehicles, mediocre against infantry
i just bank up supplies so i can afford 5 abrams after oklahoma
Why yes, I am going to watch this truck limp its way to the extract, because I have autism.

This actually worked out. I didn't even have to helo-insert the cliffside apartment building, a Cartel tank brapped smoke all over it and I stormed it with guerillas. Overwatching the cartel bosses' mansion with my two captured Cartel tanks, the Ayybraps and my battlebus tractor dragging a minigun/20mm minigun on the parking lot let them just merk them all while staying out of range of the mortar humvees.

Storming the engineer's entrance on the cliffside also ended the templaros before they could do any damage, and the Iroquis cleared the way through the western passage.

Also, no supposed HKs spawned, which I didn't even know about. I think the cartel bosses just died too quickly.

Op success, fellas
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Panhard(Cartel tank) has the gun elevation of 90 degrees and can shoot down helicopters while they are trying to land if you take it with you to silence the guns. Same for Bradley
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Marauders got BLASTED
I spared Taylor

And somehow let an Integrator unit escape (I don't know which one because I blasted them all to fuck where they spawned with artillery
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>Oklahoma is next
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As i said, i can't understand by myself. The tanks can see the snipers in the range needed for emp, so its basically suicide.

I know that waiting for them to pass through a stealth unit would not aggro them, but like... thats a situation way too rare in the campaign if you are not loading a save or already know where they will path through.
integrators are bugged in vega, you need to let them spread out a bit, if you kill them all where they spawned right after turn hostile, it bugs and the game wont acknowledge that you killed them all
>Basically start the game under artillery fire

I can tell this is going to be FUN!
do you want the easy mode strategy i have developed for oklahomo?
You shouldn't EVER engage anything solo in close range if it has Heavy MG's or autocanons
Bait it first with smoked infantry on max engagement range and when it starts firing it's burst THEN you run out of cover/stealth. If you have weapons disabled they won't USUALLY aggro you, sou you have seconds to throw EMP.
This is why Guerrillas/Rangers are so good at this because they have Marathon (only use Kondo's EMP as "oh shit!" button)
The other option is aggroing with technical HMG and GTFO with stealthed infantry waiting on the path, most units have aggressive behaviour set so they will follow.
Also Terminator Tanks can't hit shit if smoke blocks it's way so they are actually easiest to EMP
I don't know how to do this map without save scumming to hell.
This plasma artillery can snipe moving vehicles
if you hunker down and hide behind buildings which shield you from the artillery projectiles, after a while the black sergeant man will tell you the artillery has stopped so you are free to move for a while.
idk i never found those windows long enough to actually reach the arty and silence it, but your mileage may vary. i took the artillery out with my own artillery, they're in a little plaza northeast of your position. also guarded by legion tanks so keep that in mind if you decide to try to reach them with armor
smoke will also curve TOWs mid-flight so if you see a missile flying in from the edge of the screen/fog of war, pause the game, select whatever unit you have close to the missile's path and pop smoke. even if it just touches the smoke, it'll change trajectory and miss its target
I think it's probably the bailing vehicle crews that escape. I blew them up with C4 but had to reload and hunting down infantry with helis did the job.
Unless you do it for the achievement I don't think it's that good. I prefer the ability to buy ERA's and other upgrades than the Railgun I never ended up using so much
doesn't the railgun also have a pathetic amount of ammo? i didn't bother with it either
>hide your bradley under the bridge (press stop when driving under), literally impossible to get hit
>wait until they go reload
>rescue her/him ars
>blast them with 2 volleys once theyre firing again
no its bugged, i tried it several times, you need to wait until they say the voiceline that theyre retreating, otherwise no bueno
its useful only against tanks and the spider, otherwise complete trash, also you can buy it later from a heavy platform (if you gave back the sherman) and put it on an abrams, making it much more useful
the sherman eats as much supplies as an abrams and is almost useless, its much better to have top gear in the integrator shop
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Oklahoma, aside from the fucking artillery, actually wasn't so bad. The end was a bit of a hail mary, and I lost Bob's tank with his APS system, but savescumming that compared to all the shit I've salvaged seemed like a bit overkill. I also lost some experienced, high-end infantry squads, but hey, you can't savescum every time.
>finish Oklahoma
>ask for extra supplies
>go back to the movement camp to resupply
>sell off excess
>end up with two ayybraps, three Brapleys
>a smattering of humvees
>three mover supply trucks, of which one is fuel
>a few technicals
>a bunch of infantry
>costs almost 70k supplies a day >mfw
>buy every single ounce of supply available in camp
>go to the integrators camp as it's on my opportunities list
>they just tell me to fuck off
>got exactly enough supplies to go to fort worth
>go back to the movers camp, thinking it probably refreshes between visits
>it doesn't
>now I'm two days short worth of supplies to get to fort worth
>already shaven off everything I'm comfortable with
>supply trucks
all noob traps
i thought the devs patched that shit so it was less punishing
you can either reload a save before you hit up the other camps, or edit files. last time i couldn't be arsed so i just made my abrams supply cost be 4 instead of 4 thousand and that was enough.

movement supply trucks are mandatory, it's the founder supply trucks that are noob traps, the fuel trucks are a bit iffy, you only need one and most of the time it's only if you want to salvage something that has no fuel
3-4 humvees are also good, if one is mortar and the others have TOWs, pure junk otherwise
technicals... eh maybe if you're using them to tow something. those little niggerrigged cannons you get in the first mission after haven base did a good enough job for me to keep them until the end.
i finished the game on realistic with 0 supply trucks of any kind in my army, aside from fort worth you get enough supplies on the map
and if you need them because you keep spamming artillery on everything, you should probably just get good instead
>i'm better than you (savescums so much a single mission takes 4+ hours)
>don't use a good tool because it doesn't fit my particular playstyle
Ever considered not posting anymore you insufferable shit
>get good
no, using artillery is more fun than getting good.
however sometimes i'm fairly sure i've expended other vehicles' ammunition too. doesn't the abrams get 16 shots with its default cannon? and rpg squads 8 shots?
>get enough supplies on the map
how? and how would i know that i'd get supplies on the map before starting the mission
>aside from fort worth
what happens in fort worth
>what happens in fort worth
0 scavengable vehicles
>doesn't the abrams get 16 shots
its 16 or 18 for both HE and AP
>rpg squads 8 shots
resupply them via their transport vehicles, your force is fully motorized, right anon? also get powerlifter
>its 16 or 18 for both HE and AP
yes but the point stands, if the abrams spends its 16 ap shots i'm left holding my dick against legion tanks.
so how are you getting supplies mid-mission? there's sometimes stuff like the supply vehicle in vega and the supply depots in oklahoma but otherwise?
>resupply them via their transport vehicles
kek, got me there, i only remembered that transport vehicles could resupply dudes after i started a second playthrough and the tutorial reminded me
>your force is fully motorized
well, i got a bradley and stryker as soon as i could and held on to them. but how would your fully motorized army look look, if techicals and humvees are noob traps though
there are always supply trucks/trailers on every map to top you off, and you should not fire your abrams main gun on infantry anyway, it has a coax for a reason, and there is not really a way to run out of ammo other than that
>but how would your fully motorized army look look, if techicals and humvees are noob traps though
(cartel) trucks, since its unarmed it doesnt bait you into using them in combat
I like that lore. I am not fun of SC2, this should be better.
>all noob traps

Nigga I will fight you to death from my Toyota!
I finished a run where I deliberately chose Balsano against Movement and then retreated. I didn't get any Abrams, Bradley or Strikers until Oklahoma later and sold everything Founder that wasn't a Rangers or Big Bob and really enjoyed my Anti-toaster ISIS
cant even imagine playing without the abrams
also you can buy a bradley from the integrators after the first mission
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>you can buy a bradley from the integrators after the first mission
I know
I just sold every one until Oklahoma
how the fuck did you beat santa fe without abrams, bradley or javelin teams? just spam mines? you almost have 0 anti-tank otherwise
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The special mission if you retreat gives you Guerrillas, Heavy Weapon Teams and RPG teams and some light platforms

C4 is much better than AT mines
Pick up Rev9 weapons with HWT and mount it on your technicals and vans
It's literally all you need
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>can make the run from oklahoma if
>i go with two abrams and two bradleys
>five light vehicles
>most of my core infantry
>and don't resupply
Maybe I should have helped the integrators some more......
Use the dragged 120mm you get and set it up at the tank map exit.
>it gets one-tapped and/or survives with everything broken and on fire
You're not playing on normal, right
i never said it was easy or to keep it aftherwards, the option is just there.
>1 heavy platform with a 120mm can take on 4 tanks who 1 tap it and have twice its fire rate, while needing at least 3 shots to kill one
hmm yeah dude maybe
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I'm not enjoying Fort Worth
you mined all the access roads, right anon?
Sorry, I had to sell all my Founders units just to get here!

Technicians with mine spec? Couldn't afford to resupply them!
your dumb ass doesnt even have the africanamerican hawk to pick off the tanks lmao
where do you get a blackhawk
after you save the rangers in oklahoma the ranger commander woman offers you one after the mission ends
Rangers? In Oklahoma I found the MLRS crews in the center, the artillery in the north and the small mechanized detachment to the east. Where the hell were the rangers?

They're not the first guys you meet, right? Because their objective marker never went away, and I only noticed that later. I'm suspecting there's supposed to be a trigger for them, and you lose the ability to talk once you bring the rest of your dudes in.
You are supposed to drive the western road up north until you are outside of jamming range (you didn't skip this explanation, right?) and then Ranger HQ will contact you and send rescue helicopters.

Bro? Your Movement Technicians? You did give them Tank and Anti-Tank training right?
Your C4 Rangers?
not him, but i don't like this posting style, where you spam passive aggressive questions. it reads like the written equivalent of uptalk
instead of "Bro? Your Movement Technicians? You did give them Tank and Anti-Tank training right?" which makes you sound like a fag, you should be phrasing your posts like this
>you should be holding on to your movement technicians and giving them tank and anti-tank training
>next time try holding on to your movement technicians and giving them tank and anti-tank training
>so much time passed that people don't recognize /fit/ posting
you think there's a lot of overlap between the fitness board and the strategy video games board?
also, that's not really a posting style reserved for /fit/, i'm sorry. it's just posting like a fag. maybe fit posts like that for purely heterosexual reasons but there's no way to convey that in your posts
>They're not the first guys you meet, right?
they are, im assuming you didnt bother to send troops inside their building so you didnt get the quest trigger lmao
But don't you have an entire quest about going inside buildings with question marks on the on this map?
that building doesn't have a question mark, though ...
Maybe I remember wrong and it was the ATGM Humvee that does it
Pro Tip of the day:
Drones and Dogbots have better stealth detection it seems
i dont think units have different detection per se, only different stealth levels
i just send sharpshooters with chameleon in prone to scout, it is fucking slow but you need spotters on higher difficulties
That cocksucker in Oklahoma is an infiltrating terminator right
I bet you haven't seen Gates of Pyre; its lite too. So many good RTS games this year.
Dead cope general
horrendously obnoxious units, easily the worst part of the game for me
Nothing personel, meatbag!
>kamikaze dives at you when you engage something else
>regular-ass random Spider wiping your super-expensive Founders infantry squad you've been babysitting since the start since they got unlucky
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do you like my army?
why big bob in a bradley instead of an abrams
because he is a bradley driver
Are you even able to spawn them all in?
yes this is for the last mission, as far as i know the max amount of abrams you could get throughout the entire campaign
It has one of the best units that I have ever seen. When it gets completed, it will make similar waves like Warcraft
i am also really big exterminator fan
commenters in this topic should purchayse gates of pyre, the trueful successor to varkraft 3
>8 Abrams
>Rocket Artillery
Normal difficulty or did you edit supply?

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