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Blainesweep edition

Talk about your favorite mods and your least-favorite devs
I like the Ted Turner mod
Mango can fuck off back to TNO
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Post your ideas and mock-ups you are too lazy to do
I'd like to see a mod where FDR's assassination attempt when he was President-elect happened and you play as a now incumbant Garner and trying to defend against his more restrained version of the New Deal
A figure from West Virginia who's willing to be on your ticket.
Legendary mod. It's a shame they removed it
burn this thread
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Mouths of the South is definitely my favorite campaign to come out this year. The Ric Flair path alone seals it for me.
>Plebbit fucking harrassd another modern to step down from lead dev because he's a righty who's making a Dixiecrat mod
We will never have anything fun and the mod will be trash when it comes out for sure now.
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also, new obummer mod coming soon. unfortunately, with help from QPQ and routevenus
If Trump had dropped dead DeSantis would've swept the primary.
It's amazing how one whiff at the people working on it you already know it's going to be garbage
"Written by QPQ" might as well be "directed by Seltzer and Friedberg"
what mod is this from
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It's the entirety of the running mate description in the old 1904 scenario.
Whole mod is a reskin of 1900, which itself was a rushjob.
Codes are still on the Reddit post.
How many endings are there?
>Actual Sunak Feedback - Part IX
The britbong is running his campaign in a way that feels like a deliberate attempt to lose as much as possible to get some kind of achievement in this game, but that shit is annoying. I bet good money we get a shitty mod about this a few weeks after the whole election ends
We already have one, Astro will just have to tweak his shit. He already announced a Davey side, Farage side probably never.
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As it stands you can currently return a hung parliament on normal with Sunak and finish with more seats than Labour. Britain finally gets the "coalition of chaos", 9 years later
How does RouteVenus/Laika0405 not get more attention?

Literally the same as quo, mango, and (to a lesser degree) ettingermentum but just... lower profile, I suppose?

- TNO dev
- Worked on W. and PWH
- Just as much as an asshole
- In the same friend group as the other TNO jackasses
- They all collabed (with the exception of mango) on 1972d

I don't get how people just ignore RV when they talk about this TNO jackass friend group, theyre literally every aspect of them but just fly under the radar due to their relative low profile.
>reaganfag got bullied into remaking TFC and taking down the old versions when the redux releases
My fucking sides
1952 Dwight Eisenhower vs Joseph Kennedy Jr.
It's actually fucking funny because even the reddit thinks that the idea is stupid, so he's not even doing something that's going to get the non-modders excited and just fucking himself over because the TNO crowd hates Reagan and he's trying to appease them lol.
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Lol that bitch definitely worked on the "Biden '92" mod. If you ever want a good laugh, skim through the comment history
this is the argumentative maturity of a 13 year old, what the hell?
looking thru RV's comment history, this shit is hilarious. Pro-palestine, leftist, extremely anti-conservative and anti-biden, similar to all of the other tno jackasses
And Jewish lol. Keep going all the way back to the Sailor Moon posts
Isn't what they're doing a textbook definition of a clique?
>haleymod releases
>every prominent modder runs to the comments at mach 1 to wank the mod off
it sucks ass too. like this isnt even the fringe opinion on 4chan like it was with W., people on discord and reddit are critiquing this mod as well
I haven't played it yet, how bad is it?
very biased against neocons (which tbf i hate neocons too), and it's a satire mod that... isn't funny. like i'd be fine with an anti-neocon satiremod that was funny, but this just... isn't
It's either a meme mod or some braindead political commentary. Threatening to invade everyone as Haley (including Mexico, North Korea, Venezuela, France) nets you a retarded landslide with over 500 EVs.
How does someone go from making Romney '72 to pumping out this crap?
It's a mod by the usual P/W/H team. It attempts to be a comedic satiric take on Nikki Haley but it fails on that. It literally one joke ("lol neocons love war and want to invade") stretched for the mod's length
The writing is piss awful
>Threatening to invade everyone as Haley (including Mexico, North Korea, Venezuela, France) nets you a retarded landslide with over 500 EVs
Its such nonsense. Like half of the maga shit is about not getting involved in forever wars, to say nothing of liberal states like cali and ny, but the mod acts like invading the entire world is the most popular position a politician can have in the year of our lord 2024. I figured the mod was going to be about how difficult it would be for a person like Haley to unite the various wings of the modern republican party, but really all you have to do is act like a SNL sketch of Dubya and you become the strongest candidate ever.
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post the full review
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this is a great review and more or less sums up my feelings on the mod.
Also literally nobody *loves* this mod. even the big modders that usually dickride the p/w/h guys dont even like it

on an unrelated note, any1 got the aoc 2032 codes?
also im fucking tired of these "culture endings" they are in every big mod
>even the big modders that usually dickride the p/w/h guys dont even like it
Not really. Most of the big names are running varying degrees of damage control. Not to mention the reddit and discord are starting to swing towards the incredibly comfortable position that the mod is both satire (so you can't complain about its retardation) and also really deep (because omg america is crazzzzy).
yupperdo deleted the Google Docs, so not unless someone downloaded them.
Except with W, they've always felt like they're slapped on at random.
This will probably be forgotten about in a week, its main sin is being incredibly dull.
i agree on ur first point but some big modders are still giving it 5s and 6s. The plebbit is doing the second, to a degree, but its also not. see >>1786263 . the discord has a similar position

agree with W, those were implemented well. shame about the docs, i wanted to see if it worse than swift2028.
I don't think that this will be forgotten, maybe more infamous for the P/W/H guys making a mod that... wasn't very well-received. The average review score in the discord is 5.4/10
>the reddit and discord are starting to swing towards the incredibly comfortable position that the mod is both satire (so you can't complain about its retardation)
They’re still trying to pull that shit after Mango flat out said W. wasn’t satire?
This mod is getting praised by the same people who ripped on Identity War for its nonsense.
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I can't believe that the same guy that made the Romney mods made Regime Change. Talk about a fall from grace
Culture endings are usually too isolated away from the actual game for my tastes. At least with W. they can usually be attributed directly to a candidate or choice made (Bush killing emo culture, Gore using leftover budget funds to make a new Captain Planet series, etc.)
It's what happens when a circle jerk forms.
That better be an ironic post, because Astro is fucking brain dead if he thinks this SNL skit stuff is anyway close to actual reality. Neo-cons are trash people, but they're not fucking stupid.
If he made this Haley thing like how he did Romney, it might work. But this is just a John Stewart bit stretched for too long.
I'm almost certain he's just mocking what Mango has stated about W, I don't think he's this stupid even if he liked this crap.
I don't understand how people can make spite mods almost exclusively and not get exhausted of it.
If we're going of this idea, we have W, W+, Biden 94/Dementia mod, this Haley/Neo-con mod, and the RFK mod that mango is working on which makes at least 5 spite motivated mods, maybe 6 if you count PWH; and throughout this, they've also spent their time harassing people to stop modding because they don't like them for personal reasons. At some point you have to ask yourself if these guys have any fun or even interest in playing this game at all.
trump 2012 mod coming from the definitely not washed modder obummer. ettingermentum is confirmed to have helped on it.
At least PWH filled the void that was a Nixon side to 1972. All instead of say, a redux of 1924 with all sides, 1824, 1856, any midterm race besides 2018, or almost any consequential statewide election that likely could've been just as interesting as this slop.
1976 Ford assassination with Udall and Reagan.
additionally, "ANOTHER announcement once that one releases, and another release after that!" as per obummer's twitter. and "in fact, there'll be some juicy on the Romney series as a whole in the release post for this mod! Big things coming very, very soon)." from his reddit announcement. So we'll likely see either some great mods and some expansion to the romneyverse or he continues to just suck.
>All instead of say, a redux of 1924 with all sides
This is supposed to be Astro's next mod
This one is definitely being worked on. The last update said the writing was finished for all three sides and they just had to do the coding
>people are freaking out that haleymod is pro-russian propaganda
Alright, this just keeps getting funnier.
Yeah I'm looking forward to historical mods. I saw that an updated democratic side of 1852 was in the works, plus someone was making a John Tyler mod too.
the modding elite slutted me out. the modding elite sucked my shit. the modding elite roofied me — all while not respecting the 43rd President of the United States
Go back to your discord.
>unfortunately, with help from QPQ and routevenus
Hopefully they won't dominate the project. They are experience in many ways which will help them, they know how to code well and their political history knowledge should help convey the tone I hear they're going for which is about Obama's mild mannered personality and mainstream liberalism juxtaposed to the fiery anger he stirred within the dissident right.

So they could help the project a lot if they stick to the vision and desires of the original project leads and work in a more supportive role.
However I bet people like them will inevitably dominate the mod and make it into their version of W. 2 and probably make Obama some horrible, heartless war criminal who smells like sulfur or some shit.

Granted Obama did kill a lot of people.
In some ways he was just George Bush 2 (3?)
You know America is fucked when Obama is considered the best president this millennium so far
Is this Laika person "non-binary" thing?
I think I called his/her (who am I kidding, his) whole identity bullshit Tumblr made up in 2011 directly on the subreddit.
Which it is. They/thems can misconstrue terminologies from random tribes all they want, there has never been a true third gender. Not even in animals or plants.

Oh wait, apparently fungi kinda have more than two sexes. Though 'sex' is a bad word for it since sex was basically made to refer to binary sexed species.
>It really hurt my feels and it was really mean
He typed it like someone would care.
Oh yeah it's exactly a clique, it's a high school clique.
None of those people are mentally past high school. Some of them aren't physical past high school.
They all share that mentality and so act childishly in one way or another.
1856 will a playable Fillmore would be interesting because of how many ways you could feasibly play out his 1856 campaign under the American Party/Know-Nothings. You could be a nativist moderate anti-slavery candidate and try to eat into Fremont and the border states or angle as a more Pro-comprimise candidate and try to stop Buchanan from office by appeasing the upper and deep south.
This Haley mod is really bad political satire.
Every other question has an option to randomly say "I will invade X nation" and when you pick it you just win.
And the rest of it is quite adolescent too.

I don't get this, do the people who made this think this is a relevant critique?
Militarism is basically dead. The GOP is broadly anti war these days, the Dems are more keen to send support rather than men. I guess people like Haley are big time warmongers, but they're at odds with the population and most of both parties.
Saying you want war is an easy way to lose support nowadays.

At best foreign interventionalism only wins support from certain demographics.
The dissident MAGA right likes hearing about war with Mexico's cartels, mainstream liberals like hearing about war with Russia, mainstream conservatives hate Hamas, and the far left aren't in favor of any war.
Supporting any one of those hypothetical wars appeases one group and alienates the rest
Neo-conservativism as an ideology died after the 2008 Recession and Dubya's Presidency overall, it's why Trump swept 2016 and the Haley-Romney types are getting primaried left and right; the current Republican base hates them. The Haley mod is the equivalent of beating a dead horse since it's making fun of something that nobody has cared or believed in for almost 20 years now.
Yeah it's very focused on the Bush administration and lingering Neoconism, but that's all dated.
Bush's impacts on the country have basically died. The impacts of his impacts still exist, in the same way the Cold War is tremendously important to the whole today, or WW2, but his direct administration is gone.

We aren't at war in the middle east.
We don't want to go to war.
Very few are advocating for war.
Terrorism isn't seen as a threat.
The right wing is more likely to be pro Islam for its perceived 'basedness'
People don't really care about government spying

That whole epoch has passed.
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>Mango/Nixon1960 attempted a witty remark to shoot it down and got downvoted
>Thread seriously discussing if the Ukraine question is a Pro-Russia dogwhistle
>More upvotes than the mod release thread
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looks like he's making a 1968 primary mod? but he has also posted about a redux before.
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going off the past teasers for this, Ettingermentum probably wrote most of it
A tranny and a jew, he's clearly competing in some /pol/'s least favorite person challenge.
Look at the fucking Hebrew text, it's all Hebrew words except for 'trans' which is in English since it isn't a real thing.

Most Jews I've met have been very obnoxious people, and that goes without saying for trannies.
This seems like a person I never wish to meet.

shitty astro post on 2024rc
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>Instead, I believe the message or principle it's trying to show is something like this: The rise of Trump has made us too willing to forgive the conservatives who came before him. People like Haley may seem "sane" compared to Trump, but at the end of they day both have large issues. It's a critique of the people in the center's willingness to rehabilitate people who enabled Trump's rise.
so it's just W. again
>its not about neocons = bad
>its about pre-trump republicans (neocons) = bad
Such insightful analysis
MOTS was good, why does the maker have to be a dipshit?
>writing all this just to run defence for his buddy
Stick to making historical election mods, Astro.
>captcha: XGAYYK
>>Instead, I believe the message or principle it's trying to show is something like this: The rise of Trump has made us too willing to forgive the conservatives who came before him.
The best part is that this isn't present in the mod at all. Theres not a single mention of (or even allusion to) Haley looking like a moderate compared to Trump. Astro is completely projecting his own feelings on Haley.
like i get they're a lib and really like ted turner who was pretty lib but theyre just an asshole
You can say "he" here, pal.
I don’t know if there’s a single good mod maker who isn’t a dipshit, seems like a requirement.
I guess I haven’t seen anything out of the 1993PC and 1930Weimar guy.
off the top of my head
>maverick series
>slick 88
>gardfeld seems nice
>raygun seems nice
>neither of the germany 2021 makers seem like dipshits but tbf neither of them are active

but still, most of the good modmakers are libs/leftists and they endlessly criticize the mods of conservatives/rightists (case in point: raygun). I don't get this phenomenon.
Niche internet micro-celebritydom corrupts many people. Especially in a community as autistic as tct.
Look if the gist of the mod is that liberals forgive pre Trump Republicans too much that's fine, but that doesn't make the mod good or clever.

2024RC is just a bland mod with some poor writing and only one real point to make, that neocons like war.
Even that point comes off incorrectly because the pro invasion answers always net support, which is stupid.
It assumes that America is this jingoistic machine eager for violence, when we haven't been that way for a decade or more.

And if it's about how terrible old school Republicans are/were, then shouldn't there be stuff about how the GOP don't like trannies or whatever
>1993PC and 1930Weimar guy.
He's one of Kaiserreich's main devs. I think he acts like a dipshit sometimes in that space.
>neither of the germany 2021 makers seem like dipshits but tbf neither of them are active
Not exactly a dipshit move, but one of them went on record today to say he didn't feel comfortable writing for AfD in that mod.
Have never seen anyone who has beef with the Bryanverse modman
Holy shit, does that mean >>1786296 wasn't ironic? Because if Astro is actually trying to run defense for a oversdone SNL joke, he's the only one looking like a clown then.
I'm pretty sure most people think Mitt Romney is a rich stooge and Liberman is an anit-video game old guy at best, from what I've seen its the modders that idolize the neo-liberals/liberal Republicans for some weird reason.
It's using over 100 words to say the same shit everyone else says in 10 or less, with the added layer of "No, but actually yes."
If anything it makes Haley look fucking insane for wanting to start a bunch of wars where Trump is so anti-intervension that the remaining Neo-cons openly hate him.
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I admit the Ukraine question surprised me a bit.
At least they're consistent about what their one note is I guess.
the modders absolutely do not idolize the liberal republicans unless ur talking abt the subreddit community
>The entirety of the George Romney mod series
>End of History, an entire mod about two 1990s moderate centrist politicians
>Constantly praising of Rockerfeller and other liberal Republicans like Wilkie or Dewey
>Actively discouraging mods about anybody to the right of Nixon
Whether they want to admit it or not, their style of modding has lead to them glorifying the liberal Republicans and centrists due to them deciding that mods with a focus on right wing subjects is discouraged. There's a reason that while a lot of people talk about making a CSA Victory election mod nobody does; they would have to write a pro-slavery side, and they don't want to be accused of 'glorifying' it and risk getting canceled. So they just make more 'le wholesome liberal' mods so they get praised. Turns out if you signal you'll cancel people for making something, they won't make it, who've thunk it.
Only the P/W/H team & friends are allowed to make mods based on evil bigots running for election, if you are not part of the cycle, any mods based on them is glorifying them.
Yup. So everyone not a part of the P/W/H team is just gonna make wholesome centrist mods, and that's who's going to then make up the audience of the game since that's who is going to be attracted to play it.
>>End of History, an entire mod about two 1990s moderate centrist politicians
Harris Wofford was not a moderate centrist. His clinching of the nomination is portrayed as the Democrats reverting back to liberalism after the moderate centrist Clinton loses to Bush in '92
>>The entirety of the George Romney mod series
about how even libreps sucked (pretty sure obummer said this)
>>End of History, an entire mod about two 1990s moderate centrist politicians
wofford was a liberal and wilson was a moderate. librep was dead by the 90s
>>Constantly praising of Rockerfeller and other liberal Republicans like Wilkie or Dewey
i wouldnt say that the P/W/H guys do this, tho ig the reddit does
>>Actively discouraging mods about anybody to the right of Nixon

>writing: ettingermentum
well hes a shitlib but at least the byrd path was fun in w
>about how libreps sucked
I don't remember that and the writing doesn't come off as that they're very flawed at best, which is a fair criticism. Then again maybe that's why he's seemingly doubling down now, since nobody is getting the messages he's putting in his mods, and he's now looking like a ham fisted hack because of it.
>wofford was a liberal and wilson was a moderate.
Fair, but the idea of dick riding the "moderate Republican" is still there and your average user isn't going to immediately think the costal republican from the 1990s and the costal republican from 1960s is radically different.
>i wouldnt say that the P/W/H guys do this, tho ig the reddit does
I'm pretty sure they've talked up those three, especially Wilkie and his idea of forming the Liberal Party with FDR
It's sucks too, because people follow the path of least resistance, so if you repeatedly show that certain mod subjects are off limits under threat of cancelation, people will just make safe, wholesome centrist mods which will attract more centrists and you'll eventually just have an audience of centrists who will obviously think you're crazy when you decide to made a blatent spite mod about a centrist even if you have a (already well-made) point. So now you either start allowing people to make mods about things you disagree with, or you will just wind up slowly dying as you drive the audience your moderation style has off since they quite obviously don't like spite mods and would rather have another liberal mod
>A sequal to 2008 DemTruml
It will either totally suck or be absolute kino, no in-between.
He is a Chapo-loving self declared member of the "dirtbag left", calling him a "lib" is the worst insult you could say to him.
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>ledditors think its going to be a fakeout after 2024RC
Lol, lmao even
>2024RC has unironiclly ruined the reputation of modders as now everyone thinks their mods are all bait-and-switches
lol, lmao even
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>he's not a lib, he's a lib!

Got sent Trump2012 codes by a friend. Seems fun. Too big for pastebin for the c2.
I miss when the biggest divas in the community were just the National Union Gang
The ettingermentum guy's writing isn't super hot to say the least but I guess I've seen much worse as far as Campaign Trail mods go.

2012 trump out. ettinger is braindead but the byrd path in W was really fun so we'll see how it is
I'm liking it so far
>The further reading section has a link to CNN 2022 House Election predictions under the link 'Das Kapital'
Ettinger's big claim to fame is that he predicted there wasn't going to be a red wave in 2022
He also predicted there wasn't going to be a debate this election and that the Stormy Daniels indictment wouldn't amount to anything.
Wasn't saying it's anything impressive, only explaining why he would bring it up in something completely unrelated.
Even his midterm prediction just amounted to "the polls are accurate."
yeah this is a pretty good mod. it has a few biased moments but overall it's pretty fun and funny
It's alright. I ironically feel like this could be expanded on a bit too (since this is basically a sequel to 2008TrumpDem) to a decent incumbent/president simulator, but I'm not sure they'll be able to pull that off without it looking like a spite mod then.
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I mean it already is an incumbent sim?

new obummer thingy
reading thru the post its a redux of 68 romney.
>looks to be more spiteful/critical of romney
huh I wonder if we will see how in a bit
>made with help from QPQ, mango, ettingermentum, neo
>releases this week
Yeah, but it's only covers a year prior to the election, I figure you could expand it to start at least at the 2010 midterms, or a far back as '09 so you can choose how to deal with the fallout of the 08 crash. You can also choose in more detail how you want to run ypur administration, from being a modern progressive populist to trying to resurrect the New Deal coalition or just your standard Third-Way neo-liberal, which how you act choosing which Republican you face in 2012.
Sounds to me like he's just going back and just remaking his older mods to be more spiteful of the focus. Which is pretty weird.
i mean its just the description criticizing Romney's tenure as gov of michigan. the og mod was alr critical in some spots but we'll see how on the nose it is
I didn't get that vibe personally, but it's definitely been a thing with the recent releases and announcements in general. And it's retarded, the mods should either portray the election accurately (if they're historical) or tell a story well (if it's alternate history). Nobody needs your retareded political statements, I get that you've wasted years on a polisci degree, I did too, but focus on the content, not "making a point".
what happened to the chris chan mod? i cant find it anymore
removed from the loaders
>captcha: RAGS
Romney hate mods are where he's most in his element.
Last time he made one, we got one of the best mods on the loader.
It looks like he is doing a expansion to Romney1972 after redoing 68. Spiteslop is his expertise with Romney, and Trump2012 did surprise me with how decent it was. He talked about another full scale Romney mod too, I remember him posting about a 1974Utah Senate mod. Could that be it?
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>He talked about another full scale Romney mod too, I remember him posting about a 1974Utah Senate mod.
Would that make pic related the canon ending to Romney 72?
Tis I, Tom, modman of Red, Declaration 1776, and 1498 Florence. I took a break from TCT and wanted a place to talk about it after a while. Ask me anything.
Can you layout the full plan you had for Red? Or if you didn't plan out that much, whatever you had made?
Also love 1498, was really cool idea, shame nobody else is doing shit like that.
>Tis I, Tom
In other news, one of the tctcord mods (probably Astro) got so tilted he wordfiltered 4chan. That's funny.
I've been baited, good show. That said
>4chan word filter
Lol, lmao even.
I guess Astro got mad that theres so much cross posting going on, to say nothing of the heckin racism and transphobia. t b h I'm getting pretty sick of the discord interactions myself. It reminds me too much of the TNO permathread. Not like theres much more to talk about with tct other than the gay ass drama thats constantly going on, or the annoying community figures, but still it gets annoying after a while.
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Top fucking kek, it's not even a damn screenshot, he fucking copypasted it lol
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Holy shit my sides
>I'm getting pretty sick of the discord interactions myself. It reminds me too much of the TNO permathread
Consider the fact that both TNO and TCT have a chunk of the same people being prominent in the community. This ties into the above complaint of people making mods to make a statement. The only discussion you have when someone (usually Astro) puts out a historical mod is whether it's good and/or accurate. Whenever someone makes a spitemod, it just makes you want to pick it apart and shit on it, and this fires up the thread. It's effectively engagement bait in mod form.
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He did screenshot it before, I just thought it was funny to show him trying to get help from the discord. The weird thing is pic related. He screenshotted my post #exposing him, and then asked for help in answering the earlier question, so I really don't know what hes trying to do. Other than getting attention on discord I guess, since everyone on the discord seems to be ignoring him. All in all, 1/10 troll.
TCT has the worst trolls, very sad!
This is a good, liberal answer that will motivate your base.

Folks, the modding elite, they're out to get me. It's sad, very sad. Little Quo and Mad Mango, those commies, they've tried to punish me. But I will remain. I'm the mole from the deep, the very deepest, of the modding elite. It's very sad. We're going to get rid of the modding elite, y'know, they're trying to ban me. But we don't back down. Mad Mango, he's really a not very smart person. I have heard from hundreds, hundreds of people that they really, really, don't like the modding elite. Believe me. But we can save TCT, it's gonna be amazing. Very amazing.
Folks, the modding elite, they're out to get me. It's sad, very sad. Little Quo and Mad Mango, those commies, they've tried to punish me. But I will remain. I'm the mole from the deep, the very deepest, of the modding elite. It's very sad. We're going to get rid of the modding elite, y'know, they're trying to ban me. But we don't back down. Mad Mango, he's really a not very smart person. I have heard from hundreds, hundreds of people that they really, really, don't like the modding elite. Believe me. But we can save TCT, it's gonna be amazing. Very amazing.
>He somehow double posted his post
Lol, you need to go back
Folks, the modding elite, they're out to get me. It's sad, very sad. Little Quo and Mad Mango, those commies, they've tried to punish me. But I will remain. I'm the mole from the deep, the very deepest, of the modding elite. It's very sad. We're going to get rid of the modding elite, y'know, they're trying to ban me. But we don't back down. Mad Mango, he's really a not very smart person. I have heard from hundreds, hundreds of people that they really, really, don't like the modding elite. Believe me. But we can save TCT, it's gonna be amazing. Very amazing.
whatever you say nigger
What's really funny is this is all over a free web browser game. Like, c'mon man, it's not serious, stop acting like it is.
how do i play it now?
It depends if you have access to the code, cause if you don't you can't.
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Alright, thats pretty funny
Also how in the fuck do you get Hillary as VP? I can't seem to do it.
It seems a lot easier to get her with Baldwin than with Geitner.
I don't know the exact answers, but these have all helped my odds.
>we need to tear them apart
>Jurassic Park (this one surprised me)
>I don't wanna look like a pansy
>President Deals
>we're not gonna embrace these guys
>Jimmy the Greek (and Greeks like me, okay?)
>corrupt hack prosecutor
>she likes the bullies

Generally, going with the most moderate response that isn't outright throwing your base overboard seems to be a good strategy for getting Clinton. I still haven't worked out how to get her with Geitner.
oh, and
>a smart person like me knows how to read between the lines
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>an actual trannymod just released
Lol, lmao. I literally just said nobody needs your deranged political whining and then they go and do this.
I just want a revamped 1860, guess we won't get anything fun ever again
I wondered at first why everyone in it was fictional. But by the end I realized it was because it would have been defamatory lol
>The mod is literally called woke
You cannot make this shit up
You play as a fictional republican governor of Mississippi and word gets out you're a crossdresser and trans and then the game ends with you kys'ing yourself
The saccharine purple prose writing on it is so funny. It's one of those works where you can just perfectly visualize the sort of person who made it: an underage reddit politisperg troon type who wants to become the manic pixie girl of his dreams.

Game about presidential elections? Heh, I'll make it all about my very compelling and moving issues instead. The guy kills himself at the end because my life is so, so sad.
I don't have anything good to say about the writing but the endings were genuinely a technically impressive feat.

The bitter edgelord prose on this post is so funny. It's one of those /vst/ posts where you can perfectly visualize the sort of person who made it: a sad lonely virgin campaign trail playing loser who wants to fuck his sister.

Someone made a mod for a game I like that I can play for free? Heh, I'll make a post on 4chan and show how cool I am instead.
>a sad lonely virgin campaign trail playing loser who wants to fuck his sister.
Blatant (and bizarre) projection
>a sad lonely virgin campaign trail playing loser who wants to fuck his sister.
The second part there is very specific, would you like to elaborate?
craziest thing about the mod is that obvious spelling and proofreading errors which would be normally be jumped on are completely ignored because it's about an uncritcizable issue. The very first question has an obvious capitalization error that nobody has brought up because criticizing the epic trans mod is heresy, stuff like this is in the entire mod
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I thought this sounded familiar
Weren't both sides mocking that guy for different reasons
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I was going to say, I swore I remembered there being more below the surface than just the trans thing

I never really saw anyone on the left make fun of him.
They mostly seemed to view it as tragic.
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pretty sure it was mostly over the fact his descriptions of being trans he used terms like "transgender curvy girl" which believed was more around self-machoistic trans fetishism which often trans people themselves try to distance themselves because of the already terrible optics

>t. ranny

this too lol
I would say the problem isn't with making it "about my very compelling and moving issues", since a lot of the good mods do a same thing.
If the mod is good, people are usually fine with being hit over the head with its message (i.e. Romney 72 being about how Romney sucked).
If it's a bad mod with something to say, it just comes off as grating.
It's pretty good for what it is
>The modmaker was inspired by someone both sides disliked because he was such a piece of shit
Top kek, says a lot about who made it then.
>neither of the germany 2021 makers seem like dipshits but tbf neither of them are active

Nina was fine. They're a real woman, they are not American, and most importantly, they are WAY in their 20's, so they don't fall for the pozzed bullshit that has plagued the TCT community.
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Somebody at least pointed this detail out.
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as part of the target audience it was honestly meh
did like what was done with the ending slides but honestly the inclusion of bubba copeland directly was probably a bad idea
in terms of mental health stuff 2000N does it a lot better, honestly might have preferred something in which maybe the governor has a child who realizes they are trans and the impending political/media meltdown imo
>t. ranny
>I did originally have a question referring to the fiction that Bubba wrote, but at the suggestion of playtesters, I removed it.
The site has gone the same way as deviantart did, it's full of trash stories and blatantly mentally ill people now while all the old users/creators have fucked off to other places with only a few posting shit out of nostalgia. So unless you're just going to read something from a long inactive account, someone deciding to actively use fictionmania is not a sign of someone who isn't a massive coomer with control and impulse problems.
Link? I can't seem to find the post.
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>Here's your hyper-always-accurate election analyst-and-foreteller slash mod-writer
Dunno, since CNN is refusing to allow the White House Press to be there, announced the stream will have a 2 minute delay instead of the usual 7 seconds, and plus Biden refused to do a pre-debate drug test, the debate might fall apart.
His current waffle about the debate is that calling an early debate is vital for Biden's keikaku to victory (as laid out on his paid articles) BUT It also won't change anything whatsover (as laid out in another paid article)
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Conspiracybros vindicated
Begging someone to release something historical and good. The recent mod releases have been killing me, aside from 1888.
that biden 92 mod was right on the money kek
I'm pretty sure he said Kim-jong-il at one point too. As much as I dislike the W crew, that was a funny as fuck bait and switch.
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What do you think the first post-boomer presidential election will look like?
Desantis beats Whitmer
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the position he swapped to after that one isn't aging well either
At worse you can claim it didn't help either of them, but if you think Trump lost the debate somehow you are huffing so much copium you're in danger of overdosing
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Played the new William Randolph Hearst campaign. Overall I'd rate it 7/10, good premise and decent writing, but sadly missing feedback for many of the questions. Also including not just one but two railroaded questions with only one selectable answer that both basically call you stupid is pretty dumb. There are some serious balance issues too, it's alarmingly easy to get a supermajority of EVs over Roosevelt.
Gottheimer vs Burgum, results in Democrat trifecta.
On the off chance that Biden somehow wins this year, it'll be Harris or Newsom vs Trump. Democrat president with Republican Congress.
Whoever Trump's VP is vs Newsom if Trump wins, I legit don't know what will happen if Biden wins because of how senile he is.
If Newsom is the nominee, dems are getting fucking crushed
Would his presidency even been good?
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It's not hard to see why nobody on the subreddit praising this mod has bothered to show screenshots.
holy mother of fuck those portraits are ugly.
god the writing is so bad lol
>You know, I bet Barry’s only so mad because Hosni, our friend, he’s a real progressive, fighting against the machine, not like Barry!
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A Party is Born is good if brief (still longer than Biden 1992 though)
It's pretty fun, I like how the CYOA is made.
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The ending you get for managing to win on your own terms after telling the socialists AND your bro to fuck off and stop bothering you is pure kino.
Is there a become the president ending?
No, because it's a state election, not a national election. Are you actually retarded?
I think he was asking if there was a ending where it implies of future presidency.
>democratic 1852 redux
Delicious, finally, some good fucking mods.
Elections that mattered:
Elections that don't matter and are just consequence of important elections:
>Everything else

Tldr fuck Jefferson and hail Centralized Banking and fiat money, which sadly came to US a century too late.
The ending slide needs a bit of a clean up, since the Win/Lose page seems a bit weirdly formatted, and I feel there could be a few more questions made during the election itself to round it out to 30. Outside of that it's a pretty good way to simulate the party politics of the time, look forward to the Whig side when it comes out, and the Coda slides are pretty plausible and show cool scenarios in their own right I feel.
1960 -> 1964NI is pure KINO. Liberal Nixon leaving Kennedy and LBJ with nothing but Dixiecrats is just too good.
Marcy is literally the good end we never got, he totally avoids the Civil War and the clusterfuck of Reconstruction with slavery just dying off naturally due to industrialization.
90% of Destiny Manifesters quit one expansion away from solving sectional divides
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That painful feel when you'll never live in this timeline
Make 1788 election where dies Washington before election.
It's an election year, you should expect this, especially from the commies that run NCT
How do I get this?
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2025NL was peak so it's no surprise that 2023NL is a super fun campaign too.
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The final result after concluding negotiations.
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Also lmao, there's an outrageously funny easter egg in the Historical Results screen.
It's the same with both 2002 and 2025 Netherlands.
And now that the debate was a disaster hes turned fully anti-Biden and pro-kamala (though of course he drenches all his kamala dickriding tweets in a safe amount of irony). It has not been a great week for everyone's favorite election analyst
Turns out that debate RNG question wasn't as implausible as one thought.
This is the most I've gotten as Marcy, you can basically almost 1972 the Whigs, I'm not sure if you can take New England and the Upper South at the same time though.
I don't think there's a way to win Massachusetts and Vermont on normal even with Pierce, who's a candidate from New England. All the other states can be taken by either everyone or almost everyone.
Yeah, Massachusetts is the one I can get closer, but it's not enough. Looks like that's the ceiling of the Dems.
Is Gardfeld done with his humiliation ritual in the discord? When's the next Midnight release?
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He's finishing up a 1972 Incumbent Humphrey Mod. Then after that he's making a redux of both '64 and '65
>humiliation ritual
Are they having him say Nixon was the evilest person to exist ever lol
Lol, astro has banned "off topic posting" on the leddit because too many people are posting about Biden's political collapse.
Top fucking kek, he's going to slowly kill the leddit when everyone eventually fucks off cause they can't post anything except how good his mods are lol.
they loved the twelve part Rishi Sunak advisor feedback series enough to mandate all posts be like that
Is it only me or did W. portrayal of Bush make him more sympathetic/relatable to the player?
It did, which is funny because that's not what they were trying to do apparently.
That was pretty funny ngl, and also creative. You can already see the plebbit slowing down now that they can't talk about anything too, it'll probably be dead in a month.
some fag became co owner of the tct discord and is trying to turn it into some pussy palace where theyre gonna punish comservatives even harder. even wrote a manifesto about it
desu its because they make him out to be an entirely incompetent pitiful dumbass with daddy issues

which i know its supposed to be a extra critical view of the bush admin but some of the events it feels like when a bill fails or something doesn't work it feels like you are kicking a puppy
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Someone ping Marge for this one.
Underrated post.
Wow, who could've guessed that people from the TNO crowd would start doubling down? Expect TCT to either split or die in a few months when the inevitable spiral happens.
Who is this and what are they doing?
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>Quit playing TNO because Mango & Co are fucking up America by remaking it from scratch
>Everything about it looks terrible and the presidencies/Congressional work will be less fun
>Start looking at TCT for my American politics meme fix
>The same retarded fags are fucking up this game too
How can one clique of talentless shits weasel their way into the leadership of multiple projects and ruin them in the same way?
Pic looks fun though.
Mango's hands wrote this post.
Hah, in TCT modding, Mango is only one of the countless arrogant stuck-up idiots who think they are better than everyone. EVERY SINGLE modder is like that. Even the scant conservatives weren't safe. The writer behind of the "1948-1956 Red" series, before being booted out the community after they found out he was a moderator for the Daily Wire Discord server, had a server that among other things had a channel where he would point and laugh at random redditors and loathed everyone who didn't love him.
The Guy hated Mango, but he wasn't a saint.
You know it's bad when this thing makes TNO's bullshit be the norm.

Unironic question, can you suggest something that I might enjoy based on US politics or should I just give up and just play Shadow President on Dosbox forever?
marge that's not what it says doe, all it did was tell jannies they can't apply double standards anymore
Try Cyberjudas
They made him so pathetic you can't help but want him to win against a system that hates his guts, which is why the "Poppy isn't proud" thing became a meme IMO.
I don't know why but W. Just reek of the Devs projecting there personal problems onto Well George W bush
Didn't like Cyberjudas as much. I really wish Shadow President was more modable. Would love being able to play as different countries for instance. The game just hit a sweet spot of being fun without being ultra clunky, obtuse and shitty like many others.
>>The same retarded fags are fucking up this game too
Fucking up how? Just don't play their mods.
Probably just found is surprising that the same people are infamous in both communities.
Quickly looked through the mentioned LARPdoc and anons here are pulling stuff out of their asses as usual. It was made by one of the Netherlands mods people and mostly goes about how the server jannies need to stop abusing their Pisscord privileges.
Have the continental congress choose a monarchy.
2020 election mod but with the frame-up that instead of covid-19 it a zombie virus and the goal is not to win the election but to prevent the fall of the united states or at least mitigate the damage (Ex. winning by a inch mean that while at firsts the survivors are push to the brink but at the end they ultimately win meanwhile losing in a landslide mean that the zombies quickly cause a apocalypse with the few survivors remaining being cannibal and psychopaths)
and you can only play as trump btw
So is it pretty much over?
Are people right of Marx allowed to have fun with political games anymore?
No fun allowed.

im pretty active on this board and hate the modfags and tno jackasses but this is a misrepresentation. the doc is basically against moderators (basically all libs btw) setting double standards with the rules and stuff. its not that bad.
It's the old issue with how the left treated Dubya, they considered him both this horribly evil man while simultaneously believing him to be this naive, well-meaning retard who was just being puppeted by his VP and cabinet.

If we consider Dubya fully aware of what he was doing, then he was a man who willfully lied to the country to put us into Iraq, killing 5k Americans and possibly hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, and destabilizing the region for the next decade and a half and tanking the US budget in-so-doing.
All for probably the ego and selfish desire to finish where daddy left off.
That makes Dubya one of the most sinister characters ever to inhabit the white house.

If you take the W. interpretation, he was a good guy just caught up in relatable human problems and insecurities.
Which is very charitable and perhaps even more sensible and even handed.
What am I looking at here?
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In the game HOI4 one of the main mechanics is a national focus. It's a group of connected decisions you can make that establishes what your country is doing the next several weeks and can range from getting better roads somewhere to declaring war on half the planet depending on what the developer put there. Each focus is accompanied with a (hopefully) descriptive text to explain to the player what's going on.

The anon you're replying to is just posting Mango's work from the other game that many people consider bad because it's a heavy-handed, forced narrative where a person he disagrees with can only fail which is replacing content in-game now where he can actually succeed.
>You can't win as a racist in 1960s America
He's historically illiterate too, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 wasn't something that was guaranteed to happen in that specific way, nor with that specific form of the bill. Hell, the Viva Kennedy mod has it delayed to the late 60s where it's still being debated during the 1968 election because the Dixiecrats aren't going to roll over and die.
It's not about historical literacy. It's about wish fulfilment. Mango wants his ideology to win so it's predetermined that it'll win or at worst his ideological success be slightly delay it. So no, it's worse and you're being too charitable. He's not some bumbling moron that just doesn't know that his views were controversial at the time. He knows that they were, but just can't cope with it so he just doesn't allow it to happen.

Truly, a sad and pathetic man.
So he is so obsessed with his wish fulfillment he's willing to actively fuck over others in totally different games who make things in it that don't fulfill his wish fulfillment? How... lame. Like, he sound like the looser neet who get isekaid because his life is such a failure.
A mock-up focus tree (which is a mechanic in Hearts of Iron 4) for TNO should Wallace be elected by the player or ai in 1964.

It's also something that I don't expect to every come out before either TNO collapses or HOI5 releases
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it's up
Man I feel bad for that Bolsonaro modmaker. Never got pinned and it’s already been overshadowed
It's a little rough around the edges but it's still a fun mod. Not to mention If you make a series of very specific choices you can end democracy in Brazil forever, which is based
At the very least, I commend it for being the only one of those W. copycat ideas that actually released.
From what I gather it also seems to be a one man job. I don't see anyone else credited anywhere besides the one guy.
Funny thing I saw: when the mod was put on CTS, one of the advisor feedbacks had the word "fags" replaced with "sodomites".
>the only one of those W. copycat ideas that actually released.
Aren't there not one but two Trump "W." style mods currently in development?
As far as TCT is concerned, I automatically assume "in development" translates to "not going to happen" until proven otherwise.
1996 election Robert Dole vs VP Ross Perot vs. Jerry Brown.

why is it so catchy tho
What was the reaction of these modding kooks to... recent events?
>recent events
Somebody posted on plebbit about the fact a mod with him actually getting assassinated is going to be made at some point. So I'm guessing they're all a bunch of ghouls who are unhappy that this is a 1984 Reagan moment
Guess what just released?
I guess this answers that question.
I checked their discord a few hours after, and it was about what you'd expect. Most of them were upset that he didn't die, and there were even some qanon tier conspiracies that he faked it, but the main thing was dooming about how a near assassination will help Trump election wise.
>near assassination
How many near assassination been during the elections?
The last sitting President to have an assassination attempt during an election was Reagan in 1984 against Mondale, and the last Presidential candidate to have an assassination attempt was George Wallace in the 1972 Democratic primary. So it's been a while.
>The last sitting President to have an assassination attempt during an election was Reagan in 1984
Who tried to kill Reagan in '84? Hinckley was '81
I got mandela'd, you're right. Swear he got shot and it boosted him in the polls
If surviving an assassination attempt is supposed to guarantee you an election, then Ford should've beat Carter in a fucking landslide since he did it not once but twice
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>Swear he got shot and it boosted him in the polls
He had a brief boost of sympathy approval at the time, then his approval ratings steadily went down as the economy continued to struggle. It wasn't until Carter's man Volcker fixed things by the end of '83 that his approval went back up
Ford had the Nixon association and actually was almost primaried before negotiations happened between the conservative and moderates of the party. Add in he wasn't even Nixon's original VP meant that 1976 was basically an unelected President with a lot of baggage running against a folksy guy who nobody knew about before that, and you can see why Cater managed to squeak out a win (he was still a shit president though).
If Carter had lost the 76 election would had happened to him?
Looks like the Reddit is gone, I’m assuming from the bullet mod?
Nigga what?
I didn’t screenshot it but it said the community was taken down like 15 minutes ago, looks like they took off all the assassination stuff though when it came back on
>I’m assuming from the bullet mod?
Can you even win?
Yes, funnily enough, but only on the last question. Which is stupid since he had ducked by that point, but this is a blatant power fantasy, so whatever.
Stop falseflagging you ape.
you can also start a civil war and probably kill millions of communists shitzillians which make the mod even more based
>Trump won't be able to die in W-team's slop, and probably won't be able to die in Astro's mod
>RFK is unlikely to be playable in either
Fucking pussies.
mango and the rest of the W.tards/1992 biden fags just announced their 2024 mod. cant wait for the 165 different ways to assassinate trump
I wonder what the reception will be. PWH and W. were obviously very well received, but Biden '92 and 2024RC were far more contentious. Seems like the closer they get to the present the less their doom and snark writing style appeals to ledditors, probably because the writing teams seems to be ironically stuck in a 2004 resist lib mindset.
>>RFK is unlikely to be playable in either
That's more egregious, especially since considering he got invited to the LNC and is currently the nominee for the American Independent Party, I wanted to have a path where you basically made a massive third party coalition ticket against the duopoly.
people hated biden92 because it criticized "the greatest president since FDR", their 2024 mod is probably gonna be just as controversial because it's mean to biden just from the candidate descriptions
Are you ready for the greatest piece of satire ever anon?
This is a nitpick, but the first sentence of the intro screen is written so awkwardly that it kind of spoils the whole vibe it's going for.
An assassination route would basically function as a clone of that Nikki Haley mod, so I get where they're coming from.
The TNO people's mod seems like it's going to be centered around a lesser of two evils narrative playing out with the major parties, so I see why an third party campaign wouldn't work for it. I think an RFK side would be a good addition to Astro and Martha's, though.
ok anons, do yall want a slightly democrat-biased 2024 mod, or a heavily democrat-biased 2024 mod?
from the looks of it we're getting both and the cynical leftie 2024 mod
One thing that Mango does a lot in reddit is to go: "UMMMM YOU POST AT A SUBREDDIT I DON'T LIKE" or "NO U" whenever something he or his Campaign Trail buddies did is criticized.
That's so pathetic.
Does someone have the code the assassination's scenario?
theres gonna be an incumbent John Kerry vs Ron Paul mod coming out soon but its a fakeout and the fakeout is that you play is Ralph Nader
Gayest thing I've ever heard if true.
Can't wait for more soulless le snarky commieslop from people who think that playing Disco Elysium and desperately aping its style makes them writing gods
>An assassination route would basically function as a clone of that Nikki Haley mod
It would be very difficult for it to be seen as a clone of that garbage unless it’s literally the exact same shit where you invade the entire world and win 532 EVs with a neocon platform in 2024. There’s plenty of space for an actual Haley route/mod if someone ever decides to make it
That's fuckig related, Kerry isn't even a Libertarian so the 1972d excuse doesn't work.
The considering how much she got boo'd yesterday, it would be a really hard mod to win.
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You can get some wacky maps in Regime Change if you pick the questions that boost RFK Jr.
Biden'92 sucked because it used fucking ellipsises every two words. Literally, go back and play it, it is outrageous how often you see those '...'s
Also it was broken, if you clicked on the map option past a certain point you had to reload the tab.
And some elements were a bit dumb, I think the secret WW3 option was really pointless and tacked-on.

2024RC is just laughable since it's the least accurate satire mod ever made.
Nobody wants war right now, sure Haley is a hawk, but if she came out in favor of starting wars, her support (of mostly moderates, centrists and never trumpers) would collapse.
The mod basically calls Americans warmongers who would froth out the mouth for anyone wishing to drop bombs, where the fuck did they get that impression?
It's a mod made by people who still think it is the early 2000s, it's trash.
I like the prose of these TNOfags, but there are some issues there structurally, which is a bad sign.
If they can't put together perfect paragraphs for the most read part of the mod, that should signal the quality of questions, endings, and adviser feedbacks.

There's also some weird politicization here, saying Trump will somehow change the constitution or end America as a Republic.
That retardedly paranoid and vitriolic rhetoric is why someone tried to murder him.
They also say that he's 'hostily taken over' the supreme court.
Trump appointed justices when they became available. How is that hostile? That is literally just the president's job.

You might say "oh well that's just the perspective of the narrator"
We know from the creators of W. that there is no 'narrator character' that is literally just what the devs and writers believe.
That's a lame waste of a good alt-hist election scenario.
Also, what, is Kerry too 'right wing?' The devs here clearly are trying to do a 1972D thing where two right wing candidates lead to a third party gaining popularity with the left.

But Connally was right wing, Kerry is a figure which would be too in-line with the average Democrat for a Nadar mod to make any sense.
Yeah, it's really depressing to see that the first Paul mod will be more commie larp.
This scenario sounds fucking awful. The Dixiecrats didn't do any campaigning.
>Campaign on progressive reforms
The modmaker is a decent guy but god the premise is so retarded.
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>theres gonna be an incumbent John Kerry vs Ron Paul mod coming out soon but its a fakeout and the fakeout is that you play is Ralph Nader
Hopefully this one also has a zero votes ending
"Progressive" can just mean forward-thinking and effective
why does writing have to be so hard bros

i've been trying to write a mod since longer than jd vance has been in government and i always find myself falling into a trap of writing a bit, paysing for months, coming back only to realize it was shit, scrapping everything and then restarting the cycle

any modmakers possibly itt with any tips?
First of all, lower your standards and stop being such a damn perfectionist. Any writing at all is better than no writing.
It can, but not in 2023.
Make a Dan Bryan-esque mod, keep it dry and simple. Also settle for "good enough" and don't try to match up with W or some big team mod, it's not worth it.
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the W.tards shared a new look at the 2024 mod and holy fuck these fags cant write for shit. this year is gonna go down as the worst year in tct modding history at this rate
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It's interesting for QPQ to describe himself as the "lead writer" of 1972d when this was mostly considered RouteVenus's project when it came out.
Credits just describe him as one of its four co-writers, which also includes RouteVenus.
Guessing he thought that advertising it as his and RouteVenus's project rather than as just RouteVenus's would get it caught up in TNO drama.
Just write. Vomit on paper if you have to.
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The boner the W. team has for Kamala is so weird. Like you can clearly see it in Biden '92, and in the toozer for this new mod shes getting set up as Joe's battered housewife, tragically cloistered in the White House when she could be saving America. You can even see it on the xitters for the team members, theres so much talk about Harris saving the election and how much americans would love her if they saw her. I just don't get what world these people are living in. I mean she would probably be better than Joe at this point, sure, but she preformed terribly in the 2020 primaries for reasons that should be obvious to anyone that paid attention. Shes annoying, condescending, and has no identifiable trait that sways voters towards her other than her race and sex. Biden's administration has kept her out of the spotlight because shes profoundly unpopular, not out of some conspiracy to deny Mrs Coconut her rightful place in the sun
My God, I imagine they plan to have a bait and switch option where you landslide Drumpf with Girlboss Kamala.
Given the company he keeps it's always possible that he's just a pompous cunt.

I don't get it either, it makes no sense. She had absolutely no support before the debate debacle and even people that wanted to replace Biden had her as a last pick for the most part. Feels astroturfed almost.

Vomiting rn.
The idea is that Trump is so bad and unpopular, any warm body can beat him. Kamala isn't a corpse, she's the next in line, so it's her.

If you hold an open convention, there's a very real possibility that Joe wins it anyway or the affair takes so long it humiliates the party, so you need ensure it's Kamala.
Dude, a 1968 repeat would be disastrous for even Kamala right now, and that's if she even wins. There's even a third party candidate with a big name running, so even if she gets it she won't come out looking good.
1968 wasn't bad because they changed candidates you retard, it was because there was a massive riot where like 850 people were injured.
>The idea is that Trump is so bad and unpopular, any warm body can beat him
And I'd say that idea is flawed. A boring white democrat with some name recognition (like Biden when the media is covering his ass) could probably beat him, but Kamala is way too unlikable. Being able to string together sentences is a big leg up from Biden, but its not enough to beat Trump
RFK Jr. Is not George Wallace. He would not split the vote like he did. If Wallace did not run in 1968 Humphrey would have won.
Is it really going to be a fakeout? They're posting a lot of toozers on plebbit, are they just bullshitting?
There's Kennedy, West, and Stein. I know Kennedy and West support reparations and other progressive policies, and Stein is a Green; add in there's already a protest outside the DNC location, it's not a stretch to say this resembles 1968 at least a bit.
I wouldn't put it past them to try and repeat 1972d. But since everyone expects that, you'd have to go the extra mile and fake some shit.
The south was never going to Humphrey lmao. Nixon would have had an absolute landslide if it wasn't for Wallace locking the south away from him.
He wouldnt have needed the south. It was the union and split democrat vote in the north that mattered. States like Illinois, Virginia, New Jersey, Wisconsin would have gone blue would have been close like 1960 tho
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Big Deal already has this, but considering this is going to be their fourth scenario that can be boiled down to pic related, I don't think they care all that much about whether they've done it before.
These guys did 1960 Kennedy, so they've done these fakeouts before. It's so bad.
constitutional convention simulation.
It's also quite odd considering that Kamala is just another mainstream democrat, the exact type of people the W. team hates.
She's pro Israel, loosely pro war, she was a fucking prosecutor which should be anathema for leftists.

When she was the DA for California she locked up people, mainly black men, for decades for truancy or smoking pot, and then when campaigning in 2020 she claimed to have been listening to Tupac while smoking pot for much of the 90s, the same time she was DA.
She's a lying politician, or a massive hypocrite.
She is terrible rhetorically, is a very uninspiring speaker, she sounds dumber than Dubya and only somewhat more intellectual than Dan fucking Quale.

It's crazy how quickly these people have forgotten the smack down she received by Tulsi Gabbard in the Democratic primary debate
There's a reason that nobody in the Dems is excited about their ticket, the current Pres is a dementia paitent being abused by his family while the VP is a known liar who is basically a less clever Hillary Clinton.
God I wish this was true.
>his family
Pretty sure it's just the wife.
>An assassination route would basically function as a clone of that Nikki Haley mod
No? If Trump died that wouldn't mean Nikki Haley automatically gets the nomination just because she technically came in second place in the primaries. Its much more likely that the Trump delegates would end up nominating Vance or maybe DeSantis, but Haley is too disliked and distant from Trump to snatch the nomination. It actually sounds like an interesting scenario, even more so if you paired it with a Biden drop out.
Theres no need to over complicate it, shes a brown woman and theyre libtards so ofc they love her.
Ford was unpopular his entire presidency, with the Nixon pardon and shitty economy he was very talented to put up as good of a fight against Carter as he did. Trump was already leading in the polls before the assassination, so even if it doesn't improve his standing in the polls, running out the clock while holding Biden to a draw is enough for him to win.
Same thing that happened to Dukakis, fade into obscurity.
It's mainly a Wilson situation, yes, but his son is apparently gotten involved now too. It's a fucking mess and I just feel bad for the dude at this point.
Do a squeal to ford assassination.
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Joe Biden withdrawn from the Presidential race. Will not resign from Presidency and has not appeared to endorse Kamala as the nominee
>they all announced their mods before biden dropped out
lol feel free to rewrite your whole shit wfags
Is there a democratic candidate that even beat Trump?
The amount of people saying they want Newsom is fucking hilarious
Jill Biden vs. Melania Trump vs. Michelle Obama vs. Kanye West
It's over...
Rewrite what? Going on and about how Brandon should and is going to drop out was what they did for the past two months, it's what the Big Deal thing was about, it's evident in the teaser for their 2024 mod, you dumb fucking faggot.
Kill yourself you clown, they already wrote the 2024 toozers from the perspective of Biden not dropping out, I'm not talking about their opinions on him.
I think whitmer is the best candidate but she give off a democrat desantis feeling
newsom is terrible and kamala is even more terrible
You are genuinely retarded if you think that's the case, yes clearly the circlejerk known for obnoxiously shoehorning their opinions into everything they make would write something going completely against what they've been saying since the work on their new thing started.
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took a minute but he endorsed her
How bad would she do?
As someone said
Kamala is possibly the worst candidate aside from biden himself that they could have chosen
from the republicans, she a black woke democrat
and for the democrat, she a AIPAC weed jailing mainstream democrat
and for independents, she a lying hypocrite that while she can string sentences better than joe she is a very uninspring and terrible speaker

all in all, i think the democrats will get a sudden realization of why joe kept kamala in the background for pretty much his entire presidency
>he endorsed her
And now Obama is saying there should be an open convention
no he didn't. he said "create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges" which does not in any way contraindicate a coronation of Kamala. Granted he didn't endorse her, but Hillary did.
Is that really a good thing though? Plus isn't Palmer still in the primary now? Harris does have people against her.
who tf is Palmer? I'd be astonished if the Dem bigwigs didn't silence any possible opposition to a Kamala coronation. an open convention would be suicide.
I think the only one who could would be Michelle Obama. But I hear she has no interest in running
The whole michelle obama should run crap was possibly the most hilarious thing ever
it really does tell how much democrats worship obama
Palmer is the guy that won the American Samoa caucus.
Pritzker would be my pick, but I'd be satisfied with Kamala
Whomstve are some good political analysts on x?
You don't seem to understand what I'm saying. They definitely had a certain angle of writing in mind (shitting on both Biden and Trump, pushing their prog shit, et cetera). Now that Joe is out, they'll have to rethink the "point" of their mod. It'll still be rife with biases, no doubt about that, but their original idea has been derailed. Hence, they'll have to rethink and rewrite their shit.
You clearly didn't understood what the "point" of their mod even was in the first place, anon, nothing is going to change over this because like the '92 Biden mod shows dropping him for Kamala was from the start going to be the intended path they wanted to showcase, either way the nomination business went.
Harris has now been endorsed by Gavin Newsom, Josh Shapiro, Mark Kelly and Roy Cooper among others. Gretchen Whitmer and JB Pritzker notably did not issue an endorsement of her in their statements regarding Biden
nate silver
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They did just oust their nominee over bad polling, so it makes sense that there are some who just support the one who performs best in hypothetical matchups.
Palmer endorsed Biden, then called on him to drop out because of his bad polling. Will probably fall in line behind Harris.
Besides that, American Samoa is where you go to snag some delegates when you have no chance of winning anywhere that matters. Four years ago, it was won by Bloomberg and Tulsi.
It's looking like Manchin is planning to throw his hat in the ring, though.
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Are there any good mods that were made recently?
That mod had a decent idea, but holy shit is the map ugly. The writing is also pretty bad. Half the time it seems to be going for a W. kind of "ur bad actually" narration, which it doesn't do very well, and overall its just bad at getting information across, which is probably the most important thing in a text based game. I have a feeling that it would benefit a lot from the textboxes that W. and a few other mods use, a little blurb explaining the various characters and bills and so on as they come up would go a long way towards making the mod more understandable.
Hey, JAIR modmaker here. I was forced to or the mod wouldn't be put up. The CTS/NCT jannies are very paranoid about any kind of mean words in a campaign clearly depicting a right-wing conservative, which is inexplicable to me lol.
I'm pretty angry they decided not to pin it. Was a lot of hard work. People seemed to like it a lot.
Goodbye Stranger, it's been nice
>You can't be Historically accurate in a mod because mean words are bad!1!!
I can see this being real sadly.
Sorry to hear, man. I loved your mod.
>2024 won't have a CYOA for the debate

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