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new krimmod update just dropped my lads
Isn't this the mod that used hyper breast art as its explanation of concept?
File deleted.
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>decide to check the crimeamod moddb for first time in 6 months
>update released just 3(THREE) hours ago
>immediately go to /vst/
it's like i could sense the incoming 500 posts worth of butthurt and arguments

i think israel should be changed (if it's even possible). Instead of the jews only beginning to migrate to israel after the Balfour Declaration and israel becoming independent they should start to trickle in around 1880, then increasing after the Balfour Declaration then at some point they begin revolting after enough immigrants arrive, then the flood begins if/when they achieve independence from whatever overlord they have, then the neighbouring arab states should attempt to put them down.

How it's currently done in game is rather autistic and boring. The above would result in a much more dramatic situation in the middle east if the jews manage to reach critical mass in 1920
Putinoid mod. Merged Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian pops shortly after the two day SMO began. Claimed it was for performance reasons and because "it was ugly on the culture map" despite the fact Ukrainians migrating to other parts of the Russian empire was a historical fact. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_Ukraine
So true oomfie
Anyway hohol and Belarussian culture should be "releasable" if the country gets released
It almost never happens unless the player does it so no performance impact unless you want it
thank you krimmodder
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>the ai was always limited to 20% minimum education/admin spending and maximum 75%, which put them quite behind, and had to be slightly compensated by education efficiency/admin efficiency cheats. now, the player is also limited to minimum 20% and maximum 75%, except the price was raised, so that the current 75% costs the same as the old 100%.
What the fuck am I even reading.
actually, it was before the smo. putin was inspied by crimeamod
it can be summarized to "wtf were you thinking, johan?"
>i was a victim of anti-semitism as russia, so let me draw russians as stupid porcine creatures in my caricature
i really don't get cartoonists like this. sometimes i feel like i'm the only person in the world who has a working sense of hypocrisy
you come to fucking 4chan and the biggest anti-racist anti-fascist anti-eugenics argument is
>homophobic racists are fucking ugly short brown skinned dysgenic gay subhumans
am i the only one who sees a problem with this? do you anti-racist people think you're "owning the racists" by calling them brown or something? help me out here
This but unironically.
wtf is polemod
>am i the only one who sees a problem with this? do you anti-racist people think you're "owning the racists" by calling them brown or something? help me out here
it's either a hypocrisy thing, which is hilarious coming from leftist types, or it's some mental gymnastics shit like "racism = privilege plus power brown = no privilege no power ergo you're not a racist haha"
> madagascar is now an asian minor country instead of afrikkkan
Here's the live-action version
But... why?
Turns out Madagascar was actually colonised by indognesians and not africans, confirmed by DNA testing, in 2003 they even made a shitty replica of the kind of boat the indonesians would have used at the time and they successfully sailed it to Madagascar
we wuz indonesians
Madagascar was uninhabited until Indonesians sailed to it and colonized it, the people living there today are most similar genetically to Austronesian peoples and their language is in the Austronesian language family.
I mean that is pretty cool but in that case shouldn't Australia be considered part of Europe and stuff like that?
Abbos are like >5% nowadays.
What do you mean? Isn't the Australian culture already considered European in Vic 2?
>retards forgot to put the .mod file in the download
here just for op's pic
it's an update, retard
>randomly checking moddb, crimeamod update
it even runs with project Alice, kino will be happening
No it's labeled as "Full Version", they already fixed it anyway lmao
why else would Australia be allowed in Eurovision
Oh cool. Bases fun mod.
shut up esl
average /vst/ posters
Yeah but it's not considered an European country, so it does not get the benefits of an European empire.
There’s enough focus on this country whose founding sits beyond the game’s end date as is.
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but the fun in palestine started before the game end date and israels founding.
The possibility of israel being formed without player intervention and the consequences of that would make the middle east much more entertaining in game instead of the current snooze fest that dominates the area currently
sorry based crimeamod does not support Jewish fantasies
Well I fucking wish to be even half as chad as Sminem
Very nice.
Excellent, when can we expect his other work to be used to explain a concept in strategy game/mod?

>>homophobic racists are fucking ugly short brown skinned dysgenic gay subhumans
Not that leftists are observant enough to do this, but would you prefer it if people started deriding rightists as a bunch crypto-liberals and the online far/dissident right as a whole as unserious farce? Or would you rather keep the current kayfabe going?

a/vst/ists saved crypto !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
The lore behind these pics is actually hilarious, apparently 10 years ago some murrlogic-tier autist commissioned a bunch of artists to draw countrywaifu breast inflation art
>waifu universalis before waifu universalis, but with BE
This also happens on all other sites btw. It just means we're winning, although not exactly as intended.
People haven't cared about being called crypto-liberals since the Moldbug days (and those that do that have historically been even more of a political farce) and politics has been a farce since the Second World War. It's been judges ruling ever since anyway. Libtards developing a racial consciousness in response to the (real or imagined) overproliferation of bigoted browns is a positive development overall.
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Is there something wrong with me if I actually like these?
>People haven't cared about being called crypto-liberals
That wasn't really my point. Rather that the online right is little more than the DSA but for boutique racists, and like the DSA types, it's just a bunch over-educated and under-employed liberals pretending to be something that they're not in order to obfuscate the fact they just want to get cut into the establishment patronage scheme. Revealed preferences over the years has shown that its not libtards developing racial consciousness, but just middle class malcontents trying to grapple with their post-GFC economic anxiety.

Not really, though it doesn't do too much for me. I'm a titcow enjoyer myself, but this is just too disproportional for my liking. Though I am getting ideas for how you could mesh together /d/-tier countrywaifu art with strategy game autism.
>boutique racists
What does this even mean?
>it's just a bunch over-educated and under-employed liberals
Are there any other types of political subjects? I'd also like to hear your definition of "liberals".
>pretending to be something that they're not in order to obfuscate the fact they just want to get cut into the establishment patronage scheme.
I don't think anyone ever larped as a waffen-ss soldier for that, would be the first like I hear of it. Unless you're talking specifically about bigger names who are famously defensive of their circle (even when it includes trannies [B*P]), but even so I have reservations. Unqualified reservations, even.
>Revealed preferences over the years has shown that its not libtards developing racial consciousness
That's not what I meant. By "libtards developing racial consciousness", I meant specifically the hypocrites using brown as an insult. The original actors being mostly middle-class is obviously true (they are those who both felt and had the means to feel the effect of rapid social decay), doesn't really matter at the end of the day.
>if people
What people? Liberals? What's the point of deriding other people by claiming them to be the same as you? Leftists? They've been too busy trying to claim to be the real liberals since the French Revolution, plus they'd probably see grifting the fash to be a good thing. The only "people" who could realistically do it are other, more extreme right-wingers punching left.
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>What does this even mean?
"racist" but are highly selective and particular about it to the point where its may as well be window dressing.
>Are there any other types of political subjects?
Yes, there are plenty of people that are not urban, college educated, "strivers" looking for make work office jobs.
>Unqualified reservations, even
I hate to break it to you, but NRx is dead and has been dead for a long while. Hell even Spandrell said as much years ago, the only aspect of it that's still really around are those faggots now calling themselves e/acc.
> I meant specifically the hypocrites using brown as an insult
Well this part of what I was alluding too. The reason why even normalfags are now joking about how "never ask a white nationalist what his race his gf is" or that the racist community being surprisingly tolerant, its because its rather obvious at this point that cause of the online right isn't really about the white race per se.
>"racist" but are highly selective and particular about it to the point where its may as well be window dressing
So just normal racists?
>there are plenty of people that are not urban, college educated, "strivers" looking for make work office jobs
How many are effectively able to lead a movement, develop their ideas into a concrete plan and, in their case, not try and turn the movement into a vehicle for agrarian interests? I trust would-be bureaucrats more than farmer A, who probably employs a significant amount of illegals and is anxious about his domestic economy at the same time. Of course, STEM scientists and engineers would be the ideal.
>I hate to break it to you, but NRx is dead and has been dead for a long while
I hate to break it to you, but that was a joke. Of course it's been dead for a long time (perhaps it never even lived).
>"never ask a white nationalist what his race his gf is"
Different phenomenon, which new developments make obsolete. For better or for worse, the original image was made by a right-winger in a much darker time.
>its because its rather obvious at this point that cause of the online right isn't really about the white race per se.
Incomprehensible English aside, it is or, rather, should be. Immigrants trying to make it about them don't matter. Libtards calling would-be nazis brown is a positive, as it both links nazis(bad) and brown people in their mind, freeing them of their positive prejudices, and cleans up the sphere of wannabes and interlopers. It is a positive development in the right direction.
I'm not a homosexual, so I have no problems with big boobas
>I trust would-be bureaucrats
And that's what mean, the online right is more of less cut from the same socio-economic cloth as urban libs/progs they're supposedly against. Bi-coastal wannabe elites that merely orbit, rather than oppose, the current state of affairs.
>which new developments make obsolete
Only in the sense that its pretty much dead now and is only lurching forward because of inertia.
>wannabes and interlopers
Its all wannabes and interlopers, the purpose of a system is what it does, and without them the girfters wouldn't be able to make any money.

polite sage, because this is getting too off-topic
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Kek this based schizos posts
We need more based schizos here
>homophobic racists are fucking ugly short brown skinned dysgenic gay subhumans
To be fair, that's how football hooligans usually look like. And in my country at least they have a severe right-wing bent. So it becomes interchangeable.
The joke is the left are letting in homophobic brown racists while mocking the right trying to stop that by calling them that which they are bringing. That's your brain on leftism.
Why are tin tin and his relatives bullying cool adam?
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Why is the AI so fucking shit normally (outside of Crimeamod)? I was messing around with the starting scenario in HPM and I took most of India from Britain and gave it North America instead, then when I check back on what the AI has done 12 years later it's built basically no naval bases or ships, it's broke, it's struggling to even purchase beverages for some shitty Irish pop unit and is over 450k pounds in debt. What the actual fuck? It doesn't even have a lassiez faire party in power.

Should you just port countries, cultures, provinces, localisations and flags to Crimeamod if you want the game to work properly outside of a railroaded default scenario?
Did you actually think leftists really cared about all the body positivity stuff they spew? They just say things that they figure makes them seem morally upright because they are terrible narcissistic people deep down. The mask comes off whenever they want to mock someone they disagree with ideologically.
african minors
>and the consequences of that
The consequences of that would be I would annex pissrael and click the genocide button.
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Not Crimeamod, but
>finally get around to trying out Thrones of Lorraine
>pick Freiland
>game starts lagging like shit even though I'm on a fairly recent Ryzen build
>speed 5 almost the same speed as speed 4
>Veldleuwer attacks me four years into the campaign (saw it coming since I have some of their cores)
>don't even feel like fighting the war because the game is so slow

How do people enjoy this shit? Is everyone on some submod that removes most of the African tags so that the game doesn't lag so hard? This isn't even the worst I've seen out of mods; I ran into some clown's mod before that had over 600 tags on the map at once, what kind of people consider this playable?
play project Alice if your rig can't handle vanilla
It's far easier to port Crimeamod's """AI""" to other mods.
Are there any interesting formables in crimeamod? That are not in HPM I mean.
Modern politics is 75% poison and 25% argumentation. It's not supposed to make sense, it's supposed to incite or antagonize while at the same time being too nonsensical to create a discussion. That's also the precursor to violent civil conflicts.
Anyone know if crimeamod affects the start conditions for the American Civil War? I'm attempting to avoid it with HoD in mind, wasn't sure if crimea changed things
>decide to try the mod out
>those middle eastern borders
nope sorry
>flemish are dutch and wallonians are french
gay mod made by a tranny
That's the best part. It weeds out the liberals and other easily triggered fags.
nta but I've been meaning to ask about this
where are the files that govern vic2's AI?
I would like to test crimeamod AI on my converter saves
the drawing on the wall in OP says "beat up jews, save the motherland"
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>i was a victim of anti-semitism as russia, so let me draw russians as stupid porcine creatures in my caricature
you should see the sequel
There are idiotic racists everywhere, who would have thought?
>muh racism
>darling, let's take a shortcut through this isolated dark valley with a bunch of black fellas
i don't know what this reply is meant to mean, it only barely relates to my post
Fucking arsim
Contrarians still playing this old stuff? Vic3 has everything 2 had but better, I have no idea why you would still cling to such an outdated game
the state system is pants on head retarded
no good genocide mods still
economy is anno-tier, no wait, anno is actually good
war system is at least not as bad as it was on release but it's still pretty bad
AI had to be beaten with a barbell in order to get things to go slightly historically
"cultural communities" are retarded
migration is undertuned, unironically it was better when you could get mass migration to unincorporated provinces to simulate the settlement of the american west and facilitate the bleaching of african colonies
need i go on
>Vic3 has everything 2 had but better
It still has no unciv mechanic because that's "problematic and racist".
so Qing is almost unbeatable the second they research one tech and have a higher literacy than some European nations.
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why is the fan remake of DoD so bad? fucking scripted masochistic nigger mod
Is this real?
based ukroids are just polish rape mutts anyway.
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Name 5 differences between russoids and ukroids i'll wait
If anything I'd welcome more cultures merging, why do we need north & south italians as different cultures?
because the dev subscribes to pseudoscientific racism
i'm genuinely surprised he didn't merge south italians into the african monoculture because le sicilians are niggers tarantino meme
nothing pseudoscientific about racism
he fucking turned madagascar into "asian minor" for some fucking reason despite the fact that madagascans look like niggers, like the rest of africa
what's up with that
what's up with merging all of the new world's afro-diasporic population into the north american pavement ape culture
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But the malagasy are asian. They speak a malayo-polynesian language.
These people have sailed the oceans long before we did, the malagasy just happened to settle further west than the others.
I'm not saying they are geniuses, but they have absolutely nothing in common with mainland africans.
Can’t wait to see a video of azov beheading you, oh wait that won’t happen because you aren’t even Russian and you’re just some turd world shitskin Muslim or spic
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>Can’t wait to see a video of azov beheading you, oh wait that won’t happen because you aren’t even Russian and you’re just some turd world shitskin Muslim or spic
Aren't they mixed with mainland Africans?
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McDonald’s is yummy and based, kill yourself starving shitskin. While you eat the bugs in the dirt floor of your mud but in Brazil, I’m comfy eating a burger in an air conditioned mansion
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Just because you're made of McDonald's grease doesn't mean anything, L'Tyshawn Sanchez.
That looks like the average Brazilian or Muslim lmao
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madagascarans are pygmies (melanesians), while africans are niggers (bantu) (except the few mainland pygmies that avoided getting genocided by the bantu)
not terribly much. mainland africans are not great sailors. or even rowers.
i am VERY sorry, i forgot the board, but i meant "negro" or "black", please edit my post accordingly
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a solid comeback to the indian you wish i was, but as someone infinitely more aryan than your mublooded "heritage" it's just amusing. try again, sgt mutt (my ancestors were """"white"""").
They're long dead, anon.
>u is mublooded saaaaarr I am pure arya heritage saaaar
Can’t even make this shit up, kek.
Love how crimeamod threads always stay on topic.
Shart in mart and get back on topic
Not really aside from meme states
Please add Oregon Treaty without having to do Manifest Destiny and USA-CA Flavour
Posting in epic thread. Can't wait to play as Greece and genocide Turks.
Good morning sir
what does this fuckin mod actually do. everytime i look at vic 2 mods the details of what the mod actually changes are totally obfuscated behind some random bullshit like random meme quips
>beheading anyone
should I break the news to this /k/ tranny tourist, lads?
It does a bit of everything. balance tweaks, quality of life stuff, performance improvements, better ai, and meaningful flavor. It's basically vanilla+, like how hpm was.
It's a slightly "controversial" mod because it doesn't disable the genocide button like other big mods do and it condenses cultures if they have no reason to exist and uncolonizes most of sub-saharan africa.
>OR = {
> TEX = { in_sphere = THIS }
> TEX = { exists = no }
> invention = manifest_destiny
> any_owned_province = { is_core = MEX }

What did he mean by this?
Manifest destiny will always trigger given those conditions regardless of the outcome of the texan war. What's the point of the ceasefire event?
For reference, the vanilla decision required mexico not owning austin.
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rate my vgh
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If you consider R*ssoids to be white, Paraguay is the whitest nation in South America now.
t. Jose Ivanov
Post budget.
*and pops.
Never understood the preformance argument for various changes in singleplayer mods.
It's fucking vicy 2, you could run it on a fried potato.
I like obliterating Persia as Russia because of its southern ports (and resources), it's easy with the N&I cb after 1850.
It always gets slow after 1900, speed 5 is basically the same as speed 4 for me.
>USA owns all of Mexico
>heavenly kingdom somehow
>austrian germany and rump prussia
>independent alsace
>whatever is going on with brazil
interesting timeline
yes but it's 32bit app thus can't utilize more than a ~2.5gb of ram unless you push it to 4gb with patch which is still low

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