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Angry about art edition
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I can't believe the wokists are putting black people into my rts!
What's the problem?
>have low res art from original game
>"Hmmmm, how do we get this to high res? I KNOW! We'll use AI upscaling! :^)"
>one problem, you could just use the original unaltered paintings that already exist
>you have made your product worse for no reason.
>for some images that the players will look at most 5 seconds before select the god for the next era
Wait maybe I'm misunderstanding. I thought you were saying the right looks worse than the left. Which one is which? Label this shit.
This one honestly isn't that bad, it is identical to the original. The only thing that is kinda bad is how smooth it is. Which is just an issue with all modern art.
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Right one is the original, left one is the new one.
They claimed it wasn't done with AI. If true, their artist is very bad.
The worst one is picrel, but op is still bad. One thing I hate is the fighting hoplites on his helmet being replaced by a flower.
NTA but I also though the right one in OP was the new one. Yeah I see what's the issue now.
Also that cat has to be at least partially AI generated.
if I was some flip artist on fiverr I'd just ai generate a picture and paint over the imperfections. I'm convinced this is what we're looking at here.
Interestingly this is done for IRL paintings too:
I once talked with a guy selling paintings to tourists in Paris, he explained that all his paintings were printed then slightly painted over
the funny thing is AoM community seems to be putting a lot of faith into this game, i expect it to be reforged level of a disaster
I don't see why it would. Just like AoE:DE (garbage) was an irrelevant remaster that was intended as a test run for AoE2:DE (awesome), AoE3:DE (kind of alright) will be used as a model for AoM which is very similar game mechanically. And 3 is far more complicated than AoM, so it's going to be hard to fuck it up after all they've learned so far.
I don't understand how the devs can claim that they aren't just running these through an AI filter. Unit models look fine, but seesh the portraits are awful.
But it's clearly not AI upscaled
This one isn't AI. It wouldn't be able to depict the patterns on his armour as anything but nonsense.

Now THIS one is a completely different story, look at the fingers of her left hand - that's clearly AI.
What's wrong with the fingers
It doesn't look too bad. They fucked up his eyes though
Why does it need a remaster
The search for more money
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Next time label the images, op
Wtf the new one looks like total shit by comparison. I thought it was the other way around
This is not an AI upscale nor enhance, you dumb fucking faggot. Can't tell if you're paranoid dumb, or just stupid in general.
They literally give the original arts to interns in the design department and told them to redraw them.
It doesn’t look like that was redrawn by a person, look at the helmet. An AI failed to interpret the hoplites.
they better not fuck up the soundtrack
Nah, AI would fuck up a lot more details on the helmet and armour.
Are they changing the soundtrack at all? Did they change it for AoE3DE?
>so it's going to be hard to fuck it up after all they've learned so far.
I have faith they'll manage to pull defeat from the jaws of victory
Or maybe a person only looked at the low res version and failed to interpret it correctly?
Or just didn't feel like doing hoplites?
the nu-ui looks like garbage
I don't get it. The picture on the right looks way better.
The picture on the right was the original which they decided not to use for some reason
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enough about the shitty art how bad are they going to fucked up the gameplay?
Holy shit
Why would they even do that?
We already know- by reworking the game to appeal to esports players who aren't game designers
This is what happens when you use contractors to save money. those contractors will subcontract your work out to indians or even north koreans (look up what happened with invincible) who will use cheap labor or even AI to get it done and call it good. but since nobody but the final contractor was aware that AI was used in creating the piece they deny that AI was used and now every single layer involved in the mess basically agrees that no AI was used even though everybody pretty much knows that AI was used.
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AI does for free what Indians did for a dime and a white man did for a quarter.
>North Koreans
Wait what
the cost of operating a sloppa machine 9000 is still not profitable enough to fully replace artists
if you're fine with objectively shit creations, then yeah, whatever, but if you want to pretend that what you're looking at is good, better invest in 4090s. And even the most commissioned furry artists will charge less in the end
Which patheon do you guys think the second DLC will introduce? I'm guessing a Mesoamerican.
My picks:
Could be interesting but would basically be clones:
Never ever:
>Abrahamic (you pick prophets/important figures instead of minor gods)
How are you missing Celtic? Or were they announced already
Celts would go in the clone pile with Slavs, I figure they'd overlap with Norse a fair bit
And Fomorians and Kelpies aren't high on my list of cool mythological creatures
American presidents
Do they get favour by getting a villager to thank a military unit for their service?
kino, what would the three major gods be?
My choice would be Washington (for obvious reasons), Jefferson (represents American populism and ruralism), and Adams (represents urbanism and elitism)
Nixon, Bush and Trump
>North Koreans
yes, they get subcontracts, mostly from chinese companies. the world of contracting is a black hole.
I am hoping for Slavs, Mesopotamia or Shinto.
>overlap with Norse
Not at all. Issue however is, that we don't really now much about Celtic gods. Even Romans were very sparse with the info.
But little we have, is quite different from Nordics.
It's a silly idea I had ever since AoE3 got an American civ out of the blue. I mean, there are some cool cryptids and folk heroes that could make it into the civ, and honestly I'd simply love to see some cowboys lassoing a hydra.
I also thought about a medieval Christian civ (a natural opponent for the Norse) where you choose patron saints - major ones being: St. George (cavalry and farmers), St. Maurice (infantry), and St. Barbara (artillery and mining). Myth units taken from European legends, while favor would be generated from relics that you put into mobile reliquaries that can accompany your serfs at work or your army in battle (you get an extra relic each time you pick a saint to age up).
Do the villagers all travel in chariots?
I don't understand what your issue is
Then your opinion is worthless to me
It's not mythological units I'd be worried about as far as overlap goes, it's the rest of the units and general playstyle
What would differentiate them from Norse mechanically and aesthetically?
One of the nice things about AoM is that each civ is very different compared to each other, Mesoamerican and Mesopotamian civs could easily follow that tradition, whereas civs like Japan and Slavs (and Celts) you'd see that overlap
Celts have little overlap with the Norse. Two completely different cultures.
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I'm not liking how the animation for the special attacks seems so quick and muted. In the trailer the medusas froze those gigantes instantly, I like how in the original they would struggle to move in place before being totally frozen. And from what I've seen of the gameplay from that spanish video, the mountains giants special actions seem more liveless too. In the original, they leaned more back and looked like they were bellowing to smash that club down with extra fuck you energy.

It really feels like they are trying to hard to make this speedy so special attacks happen more often, but the lose a lot of the charm. It could be ok if the animation was faster but at least make it more dynamic looking. Some of my favorite moments were trying to kill a cyclops before it could throw one of units.
Thracian would be based.
In a different game they could generate favour via the terrain by doing shit like sending druids onto hills to pray or tossing valuables into rivers as sacrifices
a 4090 is definitely an overkill. you can do away with a 3060 or even any modern macs/macbooks.
God powers recharge universally, for all factions. Also unit abilities are manually triggered instead of automated. And There's a 5th age now, which drastically decreases the cost of all units from the mythic age.
> unit abilities are manually triggered instead of automated
This is so stupid... Abilities will be balanced around top players who will micro these units well, meaning they will be worse for 95% of players
>AoE2 gets automated farming and scouting
>AoM gets manual abilities
It'll get rolled back or made into a toggled option, either by launch or in a later patch
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Now this is really shitty AI art
It will be a toggled option
But most powers will need to be nerfes hard for this, which auck for casual players who don't want to micro all their mythic units
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Minor god selection screen
Holy shit this UI looks awful. And the devs trying to tell people the art isn't AI generation is hilarious.
Why are the portraits sooo smaaaaall? Are they ashamed of their AI sloppa so much that they're trying to make it as invisible as they can?
we were orcs and shiet
I swear, this kind of people are the very reason of why stupid shit like Stormgate exist.
Winning like baby whores about pity shit...
>Winning like baby whores
uhh ... mods. we have a hecking yikes here
>One of the devs of Retold is a chink
Of course.
none of you faggots would know ai from non ai cause the only tell is if theres some fuckup or if its the same art station style that a million pros used to train ai to begin with.

glad its not going anywhere and i hope more companies use it more to free up funds for more gameplay development
>very bad
>cant even draw

looks good, youre just retarded
What mythology would Japanese be a clone of.
Did they make the new portraits so hideous so people would buy the premium edition that comes with the old portraits modded in, Ptah is literally a Martian.
That is why they can't innovate and instead make shitty demake
>What mythology would Japanese be a clone of.
The Chinese, but his reasoning is stupid, because no shit that the Japanese folklore is influenced for the Chinese...
>What mythology would Japanese be a clone of.
Greek obviously, Susasnoo killing Orochi is a retelling of Herk killing the hydra
>What mythology would Japanese be a clone of.
>the reasoning is stupid because it's logical
Also work on your English, ESL.
I struggle to imagine how any new civ could be designed to play in a novel way that also isn't shit.
maybe it has something to do with the website of the artist being shutdown
>bast is a goddess of protection and cats
and you people defend this shit
wonder what would you think if you learned that egyptians didnt give a shit about cats and bred them on farms specifically to be mummified
how does that stop bast from being the patron of cats? what the fuck are you trying to communicate here?
They're going to either be carbon copies with slight differences or extremely gimmicky but in a dumb way.
Do you like having autism?
All I know is the Aztecs would sacrifice people at their temples for favour
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>Bast, or as some say, Bastet.
You'd either have to kill your own units, which is shit, or you'd have to "capture" enemy units, which would play as the Norse mechanic but worse
Aside from persians I don't really want any of that
>decided not to use for some reason
They're selling the originals in game.
they're not the originals
that's the problem
Who cares if what I look at is good if the slopsumers will still buy it?
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What mythologies interest you, aside from Persian (and ones already ingame)?
i will forever hate Skyrim for making this kind of minimalist UI widespread
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>look at OPs image in the catalog
>"what is he talking about, right looks good compared to how shit top left looks"
>get a bad feeling that right is not actually the new one
>enter thread
>top left is the new one
Retard cattle will buy this shit.
>soulless minimalist UI
Mesoamerocan (specifically Atzec) seems so logocal, I would be shocked it doesn't appear before other options

> Plenty of myth unit variety
> Fairly recognizable
> An unique aesthetic
> Favor generation is easy to figure out: sacrifice units, whether by killing enemies close to temples or by outright having a prisoner-taking mechanic
> Adds an excuse to add Central and North American maps
Like, Mesopotamian would be cool too, but how would they even generate favour uniquely? By presenting ziggurats as temples-markets where you directly exchange resources for favour (thus mosy myth units cost only favour)? Seems dumb.

West African, particularily the one found in the Niger River area, would be cool and with plenty of unit variety, on top of easy favour generation mechanic (you designate trees/mines/bushes as sacred, you can't gather that resource anymore but you get a trickle of favour, that increases if an opponent tries to harvest from it); but then... who the fuck knows anything about it in the West?

Celtic would be an absolute pain in the neck to present, for opposite reasons as the West Africans
>people talking about the potential for lots of new civs/pantheons
Aren't they trying hard to appeal to the esports crowd with Retold? That's what I remember reading in previous threads about this game. They're already reworking how god powers function. AoM isn't like AoE where most of the civs are virtually the same but with a unique unit and with some techs in the shared tech tree turned on or off. Adding a bunch of new civs in a way that actually makes them feel unique will likely throw off the balance pretty hard. Competitive players are still mad to this day about the Atlanteans, let alone the Chinese, and their impact on things.
I am not so sure about the favour generation. It makes sense, yes; but human sacrifice seems too mature for AoM. And watering it down would only make it too similar to the Norse.
I agree but that isn't going to stop the devs from trying to sell you more factions to play as, that's just how xbox rolls. They would destroy the concept of factions being asymmetrical as long as it makes them more money.
Were Aztecs one of the native groups that got censored in AoE3?
Not really.
They were given the Community Plaza in place of the Fire Pit, but that's about it.
The catch is that, even in the original, they never directly reference human sacrifice: the closest they get to that is the Warrior Priest being very strong in melee (unlike other healers forced to attack) and referencing the Garland/Flower Wars by name.

In other words, the fact they didn't get censored much in the remake of AoE3 isn't really a sign that human sacrifice would be fine in AoM...
That being said, I do think "sacrifice captives" wouldn't move the needle too much in the rating.

>And watering it down would only make it too similar to the Norse.
Even if they did away with the captive sacrifice entirely, you can make them distinct from the Norse by having killing units, not damaging them, generate favour... including deleting your own.
>including deleting your own.
That would be fucking retarded.
Nostalgia bias
Fingers look passable to me. For me it's how every single part of the character and costume/props are redesigned, but none of it goes together or resembles the original.
It put an actual housecat head on a sexy female body when the original is just a cohesive cat creature. If they wanted to make the character sexy, then why use an actual kitty cat head? I think they manually did some of it as well, like the headdress and wristbands, because they look like shit. A zoomer furry who just got their first drawing tablet would have done a better full redesign.
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The shitty UI with the transparent/flat backgrounds, little icons, and complete lack of thematic stylization started before Skyrim, here's Civ V (2010). But no doubt Skyrim helped make it prominent. All game menus look like this now.
One of the best parts of Kingdom Come Deliverance for me was the UI, it was refreshing because the modern design was already stale back then. Yet games are still doing this 6 years later.
Abe Lincoln would be a good tier 3 but I don't see how you can balance around losing all your workers
Workers are "free" now.
As in, cost no resources
It doesn't change much
Beforehand: workers require food and shelter
After: workers require only gold
One thing really weird thing about this is that they decided to completely change deity portraits, but for some reason they reuse some of the icons art. If you look some they even just stretched the original icons (all those jpeg artifacts), and altered it slightly (i.e. giving them colored backgrounds for that WoW skill look).
Part of me wonders if they changed chief designers half-way, and the portraits were last minute decisions from the top or marketing...
Is this tax evasion? This is tax evasion right?
>closed beta this weekend for people who bought the premium edition
I guess we will know whether the remake is passable or a new reforged very soon
Yes, they would be quite different from the existing civilizations
They would be rather similar to the Egyptians. At least as close as the Norse would be to the Gaels/Gauls/Britons.
I'm surprised they have that much titty showing in the new portrait
the time of copium has come
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>graficscat is now a god(dess
I hate how it looks near identical lol
The time for the people who think that Reforged was """bad""", and want some cheap whoring attention has come indeed.
>unit abilities are manually triggered instead of automated
everyone praised autocast when it first appeared, and now it's verboten?
Go be revisionist somewhere else
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eat a dick mod porn addict
StarCraft had the right idea, just make it toggable and call it a day
but how else would microsoft monetize the game
Reforged was bad.
>The time for the people who think that Reforged was """bad"""
That time is always
beta for this just dropped a few minutes ago and it is a literal trainwreck flop holy shit
No wonder no one takes you people seriously anymore.
damage report
>being an unironic blizzard drone in year 2024 of our lord
>being an unironic anti-blizzard drone in year 2024 of our lord when anything else in vidyagames is way worsse
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Here's what I've observed so far
>they changed arkantos's and athena's VA, while all the other units are the same
>the new hydra model
>son of osiris is now a huge dude. The size of gargarensis
>they changed arkantos's and athena's VA, while all the other units are the same
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God knows
I didn't see any option to use the original VA, hopefully it's just a beta thing but eh..
Let me know if you want the art of any of the gods
Gonna laugh so hard for you poor anglos if they keep the other languages the same.
Did they change Gaia art and model?
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of course, we already knew about her Groot-ification
idk about the model since map editor isn't in the game yet, but I have to assume they've changed it as well.
Does a bear shit in the woods
Can you post Leto, Theia, Sekhmet and Odin?
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She looks like weirder version of SMT Danu
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I don't think the UI is that horrible honestly, at least it has some sense of identity and tries to match the theme of the civilizations. Compared with AoE4 for example that looks decent
That looks goofy as shit
It's not that it's a bad design it just doesn't fit a greek god
What was the actual reason for this change? The Greeks themselves depicted her as a human. Is this another case of some pudgy Anglo-derived bluehair deciding she knows better?
Tbf Ensemble depicted Kronos as a lava lizard monster so this isn't too bad.
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get in line pal
they had the opportunity to fix Kronos and keep Gaia the same but they just made it worse instead
What about Prometheus?
IIRC his titan form is was a giant mud kaiju but as a minor god he was depicted as a human

>What was the actual reason for this change?
The only practical reason would be to also change her titan model which was a woman in a leaf bikini,
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Fine, I'll wait
>The only practical reason would be to also change her titan model which was a woman in a leaf bikini,

Wait, did they removed the Helepolis from the missions A Fine Plan or was that only in Titan difficulty?
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Alright here I added them all to one image.
If it brings you any comfort I think Bastet is still the worst one.
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>Prometheus is still human
At that point why change Gaia's portrait to transgroot? they could just have changed the model itself.
Leto has man hands
The voice acting is bad
REALLY fucking bad
Go to about 1 hour and 10 minutes before live, and see the cutscene at the start of the game
Theia predictably censored hard
They wanted accents that sound more Greek.
These are downgrades compared to the originals, but not as bad as I expected. The originals had a very clear and fairly consistent 90s mythology encyclopedia style, while these seem a bit less cohesive.
i didn't remember TC being avaliable on classic age, the booming strat is so disgusting
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There is simply no way to compete with the original. The art was so iconic that Zeus, Isis and Thorr basically became stock images. No matter how much they try they'll never capture it again.
I still think the art could be better. Just because they can't compete doesn't mean they shouldn't try.
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Poseidon's AoM art was featured in a music video
>Wielding an axe
been trying to find any contact info on David Cherry to inform him of the travesty being inflicted upon his work
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here is a bigger picture
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>Holding the World
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Apparently they're adding new god powers that cost favor, for each major god
Griffth from Berserk really let himself go.
Bolt is 75 favor to cast again, I think its a bit expensive for gp spam
expensive recast in the early game is the right choice
the wonder age for late game spam is also the right choice
Atlas looks midly annoyed and his muscles look like they're made of play-dough.
That hydra looks terrible, holy shit.
Titans are supposed to be "monstrous" to the devs both now and back during the original launch, all while ignoring that Gaia isn't even a Titan.
Looks like generic fantasy garbage and nothing like a mythological character from ancient times. Its even doing flashy magic for fucks sake
That's not new, it's just buffing the original upgrade.
that's a tech
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Does Atalanta still have a huge rack? I assume not.
>Looks like generic fantasy garbage and nothing like a mythological character from ancient times. Its even doing flashy magic for fucks sake
Sounds like they nailed the original aesthetic. Nice.
Not only is that not even the same deity, that's a corpse.
even the worst art in the original is miles better than any of the slop in the rtold version
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It's a generic fantasy character doing flashy magic. Doesn't even have any of the aesthetic traits Nephthys was typically depicted with, like her characteristic headdress.
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Oh boy this is gonna ruffle some feathers
They added female berserkers
>Skadi looking like a WarCraft character
>Sekhmet and Osiris with glowing Marvel eyes
>Hathor, Nephthys and Ptah doing flashy magic
Nostalgiabros... avert your eyes...
lets not go that far
>not even bare chested
Female warriors were a thing in Norse mythology and people post genderswapped art of ancient warriors on this very board all the time.
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Correct me if I'm wrong but I think they made the pharaoh browner too
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The only thing I'll say that's good about this is how Hades has a bident like he's supposed to. Kronos looks like complete shit, though. Even worse than the AoT design, which was already bad.

To be fair, that was also like that in the original, but you would assume the devs would fix that here.
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why purple?
i hate the new hero aura
looks like a brapp gas cloud
hope its easy to mod
Damn... I... I haven't taken a look at some of them in some time.
Yeah, Nephtys looks like something out of 2003 Cartoon Network, seems fitting for the original release date I guess.
Oranus pls
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Also what the FUCK is going on with Hera's portrait, it's easily the worst out of all of them
>weird E.T. shriveled up arm
>holds her "staff" (?) between little and ring fingers
ummmm originalbros I thought those kind of mistakes do not happen without AI???
actually not bad
Twink death
kind of boring
like OG Oranos I guess
Well, at least female Gatherers don't change into men anymore.
she has that supremely annoying bitch energy Hera is supposed to have
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>no 200 favor cap
I guess it would have been busted with the recastable powers
I wanted another monster.
>hades - ranged units and buildings
>myth boost for some reason
>none of his buffs actually give building specific upgrades like in the original
What? It's more like Myth/Heroes + Ranged military and not buildings, ignoring how "Ranged fortifications +2 range" are not universally buildings and only include things like towers and fortresses.
it's dumb to update gaea and not oranos
further proof its was DEI crying about leaf bikini giantessess
I'm sure the Xumblr people will be getting very vocal about this in the next hours.
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ruined but expected
its all so tiresome
no need, just watch a few seconds or check the subreddit. it's in full fucking meltdown mode everyone is panicking
It looks like they gave Apollo the ship tech that Dionysus used to have. I wonder if that's a mistake or if it's a deliberate balance choice.
Have a pic of the new Skadi artwork?
>Norse have had the biggest shakeup on their core tech tree. There's a lot. Let me begin.

>Oxcarts are no longer trained, but instead constructed by gatherers for the same cost. Otherwise, they function identically as before.

>The Longhouse has been split into two structures.
-The Longhouse costs 80 wood and trains only infantry units. It no longer trains Hersir. The infantry it trains are: Hirdman, which is a new unit at relatively cheap cost that is ONLY good against Cavalry, Throwing Axemen, and Berserker (ie. the Ulfsark, just renamed, and described as "good against anything it can reach", which is absolutely true, they are even scarier than before).
-The Great Hall costs 160 wood and trains cavalry units and hero units. It trains Hersir, Raiding Cavalry, and in Heroic Age it also trains Jarls (which lost their anti-myth bonus, but Njord's Ring Giver tech brings it back) and Godi (a ranged hero unit that throws spears, very very similar to the Bogsiveir of Extended Edition in stats and cost, but considered Heroes and build buildings and don't have any line upgrade. They're very good, but cost 3 population.)

>The Hill Fort still trains Huskarls and Siege. It no longer trains Jarls.

From reddit
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You know the saying, go against your public...
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I didn't even register that this was Kronos, it looks fucking horrible. Holy shit I sunk thousands of hours into the original game on ESO. Why are they coming out with another clone? They already did extended edition, now they're coming out with another shittier version?

All anyone wanted was more expansions for new civilizations like the Celts, Scythians, etc. This is going to be the AOM equivalent of DOW3. Lmfao what are they thinking?

New art is absolute goyslop compared to original.
It's over.
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so the wonder is no longer a stall win condition?
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>I didn't even register that this was Kronos
its Prometheus actually

kronos does look like garbage too tho
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Bring back blue.
is it true Sobek replaced Hathor?
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It looks like the ai messed up and tried to make her hood the same as her hair.
>Lmfao what are they thinking?
That people will still eat it up and ask for more. You have to pre-order to even get into the beta so people are already paying for the game.
You can always refund though
Why not hire real actors at this point?
too much toxic masculinity
They aren't really that different, it seems like the changes are mostly shallow and only exist to make reaching their original standard take longer. The biggest change is the bogsveigr having a new name and hero status and the longhouse being split into two buildings, which I think is lame.
cheats are back on the menu
The God Power effects feel so boring. Meteor in particular.
but they're not one use anymore
You can convey their power without having to balance for the extra effects. That's what I'm saying. Meteor doesn't cause a flash of light. Big rock's hurtling through space but the shockwave radius is tiny.
Well it's not terrible since there's nothing to compare him to.

Do you have the bird gods?
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they look like myth units
Thick accents can be a bad thing see AC Odyssey
look closer both men and women got nerfed men with their muscle and women with their boobs troonification is real
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Stop shilling your shitty stream Jose
I saw a video of the Frost power and I didn't even know what it was at first because it was just wind blowing and nothing looked frozen.
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Closer to your heart.
that's a man
That's a man, baby!
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Hermes bootycheek
the nose knows
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Lmao that manface.
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Wait for the mod that makes the female berserkers topeless
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What the fuck is that design? What the fuck is the way he's holding it
This shit is 100% AI
they went with purple because muh thanos marvel slop vibe
The rainbow on Ra's GP is barely visible. Restoration is dreadful. What were they thinking?
>angry rock man with candy colored veins
>Arm with gems
Of course, not even trying to hide it at this point.
>Of course, not even trying to hide it at this point.
Not trying to hide what? What does having an arm with gems mean?
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he looks more like that one angry 'jak
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This one?
Infinity Gauntlet with the Infinity Stones.
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Lmao that artstyle.
yeah more like that
>don't talk to me or my son ever again!
I looked down at the unit portion of the UI before the other parts and thought "Le Monsieur Chug" was the titan's name for a moment
kek why is one tinier
If you construct a wonder you enter the "wonder age" which is a turbo mode where your titan gets stronger and bigger, your myth units get stronger and you generate a shitton of favor.
Age of Legology.
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The voice acting is so bad
Ayo dem chinks ripping our game off for some mobile trash
They sound like jeets it's over
>le monsieur chug
It's so weird because there are still Greek units in that mission at points that say stuff in their American accents. Really half-assed change.
Oh man.
>They sound like jeets
Not at all, they sound like average Greeks who were hired simply because they had Greek accents rather than being suited for the job
Some of the mythic units have new voiceovers.
I assume the old ones are just placeholders and they will change all the lines eventually
If the old voices aren't in the game as a toggle I am refunding.
>If the old voices aren't in the game as a toggle I am refunding.
They weren't for AoE3DE but maybe they'll do it here if people make enough stink about it. It could be that they're going to be having Arkantos and Athena etc going on future adventures in future expansions/campaigns and needed consistent VA work throughout.
Literally why change it? It's so fucking horrible.
They might have simply wanted it to sound more authentic. They hired people with authentic accents to redo lines for AoE2DE. The original AoE2 VAs were clearly amerilards with comical attempts at accents that many native speakers found grating.
>arkantos awaken... spoken in a heavy greek accent
That's totally the same mood as the original.
Gemmy gemmy gemjaks
Looks like she has a lazy eye.
>More authentic with worse voice actors
Yea sure, get fucked shill
They could have added just a bit of reverb or something to make it smoother.
More authentic in the sense that Greeks don't sound like amerimutts. These new actors actually sound Greek, even if their acting is wooden.
Dionysus's design is the only one that looks fine to me, he's the god of wine and revelry, what else should he look like?
Who in their right mind would rather have some stupid accent over some quality voicework?
The retards who demand the VA have the same skin color as the character over quality voice acting
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>at least this poop is Greek and not American

kek amazing priorities
I would rather have both honestly, amerimutt accents are grating to listen to in general, regardless of acting quality. Besides, Europeans kept AoM alive through custom maps and the competitive scene while you left it to rot, so you deserve to have your voice acting removed.
american derangement syndrome kek
They're speaking English , you fucking dumbass. If you really wanted authenticity every character would be speaking their native tongue, but that's not what's happening. Why bother having an ESL speak English instead of just getting an English speaker?
they want greeks to voice the dialogue, but they don't want the dialogue to be greek. pretty emblematic of american "respect" for the Other all around
What was happening was characters like Amanra spoke with a native accent while the Greek characters were going around with cornball amerimutt accents for no good reason. It was inconsistent and annoying to listen to. Your accent sucks.
no greek asked for this
>Europeans kept AoM alive

LMAO absolute horseshit. I played since the beginning and up through the closing of ESO servers and virtually everyone was American or from some Anglosphere country like Canada, Australia, or NZ. They had foreign lobbies and they were all dead. You rarely ever saw a Euro on that game.
>were going around with cornball amerimutt accents for no good reason
Poo in loo.
>poos shit in public places
>amerimutts shart in public places
not much of an upgrade mate
I never mentioned America, you schizo. If you think Athena had an American accent you are deaf.
Arkantos, Ajax, Chiron, Kastor etc had clear amerimutt accents. I would prefer if the new voice acting was better acted, but I'll take not having to listen to those awful shart accents anymore. Overall improvement.
oii blimey, time to bugger off mate
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PC game UI has been so soulless for the past decade or so
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the same retards that complained about the chernobyl hbo show not being voiced by ukrainian instead of the american actors
time to accept that nobody outside of shartistan likes hearing your awful accents, ty'reek
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The more you look at her, the more fucked her proportions become. Her head is too large, her torso is a barrel and both make her arms look scrawny, also her right hand is a claw.

There's way worse things, his left leg is way more muscular than the other, the right leg doesn't even align with his waist, there seems to be some kind of plant vein invading his pec and his face looks shopped on top of the body.

But seriously there's something fucked with the left leg, as if the AI tried to do an animal leg like a satyr or centaur.
anyone got the new portraits for freya/aphrodite/athena?
Based on all the footage I've seen, arrows can't miss just like in AoE4. Is this right? Everything does look extremely sped up, too.
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How can they do such a good job on 2, and fuck up this hard
>How can they do such a good job on 2
Trick question, I hate the samey art they did for AoE2's cutscenes.
The original art for the drawins and the backgrounds were kino. The new ones are just cartoons.
LOL look at how the ai just continued that net as a texture ober her bralette. Slop with zero human input.
>IU had a different opaque (nothing wrong with that) background for each civilization AND each main god in use
Possibly same minimalist background and only a symbol of the main god that player choose.
What a disappointment.
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Her attire is very close to the original, which might point to it not being AI. It's definitely not the worst of the portraits. It can't be just me who thinks she looks a bit heftier though? And her pose seems a bit more wooden.
Totally human-made rainbow and not by AI
I'm enjoying it so far. Only tried the campaign. Titan is retardedly easy but I think there's gonna be another difficulty mode in the full game. Art style is hit and miss. Voices are mostly a miss. I like the hotkey system from aoe4 and I don't miss the auto queue at all. Haven't tried the new auto gathering stuff but it seems like only massive noobs will bother with that. Pretty good so far.
I wasn't around at the launch of aoe2de but wasn't it also a mess on release? Team games are still a pain in the ass
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Here's Athena
Aphrodite was already posted >>1800208
What I hate is the stupidly designed decorations and jewelry that seems to be embedded in these designs. They're very detailed but also of nothing in particular.
There's no cap and a lot of the powers cost more than a 100
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Yeah, the UI is almost identical for every civ, just some very tiny decorative changes between culture/major gods. I was expecting this because every developer does this sort of thing now but I'm still disappointed to see it.
She looks like a dwarf.
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>no Aegis
>no spear
How did they fuck up probably the easiest one?
What's weird is that they actually did give Hades a bident. Odin is another one they should have given a spear to, but he has a vikang axe straight out of Skyrim instead.
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Can you give an example?
From all impressions, it's like a different game compared to the original title. Probably why they went with "Retold" for this one rather than "Definitive Edition". A lot of gameplay stuff was overhauled. Whether or not you'll like the changes depends on what you liked about the original and how much of a purist you are.
Why do they all have these weird dresses that don't cover their shoulders instead of something remotely resembling the clothes they're actually depicted in?
that's so retarded
art director is a shoulderfag
They've been working with esports players for game mechanics iirc, apparently they felt it was necessary to solve lategame stalemates and help pacing
It's decent. Some things are worse, a few things are improved. It's not a trashfire like some were expecting. At its core it's still the same game.
Why is the rainbow mostly yellow and blue? It looks like it's in fucking colourblind mode.
why he ain black?
That would explain all the micro implementation.
still has a twink face at least
For a Goddess of Marriage, Family and Pregnancy, she sure looks awfully thin. Should have given her more of that Milf energy.
tbhq she does look like an average greek milf
How to play BETA? Is it opened for everyone?
buy the premium edition
If it is any comfort I understand that it is easy to refund. That's what I'm planning to do after the weekend.
Nah, I am looking forward to play single player anyway. I don't play multi, and AoM had the best single back then compare to other RTS.
>Nah, I am looking forward to play single player anyway
They changed the characters voices with some awful amateur ones though..
You can dodge arrows now.
The beta has been crashing all the time, MP is almost unplayable
Fall of the trident was always an easy campaign even on titan, hope they do buff the difficulty
The balance of the original game was not perfect so I don't mind that
Why would you buy this to play the single player? Just play the original, the remaster is largely for multiplayer anyway. Also the remaster has worse voice acting on an almost comical level.
You actually can't, arrows lock on. You could dodge in the original but not here, it's following the AoE4 mindset for projectiles here they can't miss.
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looks like a furfag in a low effort fursuit
Probably that's why muh inclusivity
No they can miss, it only looks weird because of how fast everything fires.
This remake or whatever should've been at least 2 more years in development.
You say this from beta experience?
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Feels like a punch in the gut seeing yet another one of my childhood favorites getting ruined like that. When will it end?
Never. It will never end. You will see everything you ever loved destroyed, everything you love now subverted, and everything you might love in the future corrupted. The revolution demands it, comrade.
>laughs in pirate
gives off janny vibes
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Why is Athena with a sword and not a spear?
Why did they make Anubis look like he is stealing your lunch money? Shouldn't he have scales since his job was weighing your soul?
The Prometheus one is good. Rest are slop.
>Most gods get mediocre or worse art
>Atlantean gods Cronos & Gaia become literal cartoons. Gaia is just Groot, and Cronos is a mix between a memejack and Thanos from marvel goyslop
>Meanwhile, based Oranos stays the same, and his new art is one of the good or at least decent ones
Oranos bros, we are safe!
Of course you'd like art of Uranus, faggot.
>and his new art is one of the good or at least decent ones
Only of the few good ones
Prometetheus hand looks weird to me
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If they could have Aphrodite show skin they why couldn't they make the other goddesses like that? They have no ESRB rating excuse now.
I shit a lot on their ai slop art, and they did blackify the egyptians, but you have to acknowledge that they didn't black the greeks and norse. They could have easily done a black Heimdall and all the journos would have praised them for it.
>It can't be just me who thinks she looks a bit heftier though?
Vikings prefer a woman with a little meat on her bones.
>go "why is ptah green" when looking at nu!ptah
>look up ptah
>he's fucking green
the jokes write themselves, and buddy? i'm jokes.
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>rainbow is fucked up, only has yellows and blues
>visible artifacts all over the place
>that fruity pose
>mess of belts
>misaligned pommel on his sword
Mediocre artists have never had it easier, now all of their fuckups are blamed on AI
The new one looks like an ad for a fake mobile game with that character portrait shit.
what's wrong with her fingers
Nigg just see the other corner
>What would differentiate them from Norse mechanically and aesthetically?
Chariots, early steel, headhunting, etc
You're not listing anything substantial and only listed thing that are superficial. How would they functionally differ from the Norse on a macro-economic scale? How do they actually function at their core?
So fighting to gain favor? If that's what you're referencing then he's right and there would be too much overlap.
Actually, I would probably base the Celts' favor generation off of nature in some way. Build a shrine surrounded by as many resources (maybe just trees/bushes) as possible, it starts passively generating favor based on how many resources you leave on the vine.
It should. It has only four fingers.
Sounds like something that would be regulated to the Chinese if anything, Feng Shui and all that.
I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be the index finger, but it does looked very weird and I could easily see it being mistaken as a thumb. Oranos has a fucked up hand, too.
List as many ideas for new favor-generation mechanics as you can. NOW.
pillage and rape become a game mechanic and they increase favor exponentially
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>you play as a sub saharan civ
Maybe it could be based on how many resources there are total in the world, so you have fast favour generation at the start but slowly lose it over time
Then you hit Mythic Age and one of the minor gods gives you Nature's Revenge and the opposite case kicks in, the less natural resources there are the more favour you get
Gain favor for having thousands of resources unspent
Gain favor by trading
You know who's mythology
Then you revolt to the good or bad guy.
How does Hephaestus look?
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Like some guy
What's he smithing?
If they focused so much on the portraits....why not just make multiple versions (more than one besides the original) of each good, and let players choose which one to use? Hell, it would give an excuse to sell an small DLC/MTX for extra portraits, and also no backlash because besides the original ones, players would have at least more than one option of portraits.
But oh I forgot that im talking about retarded devs and pajeets coders. Thay wouldnt do a decent thing even if their lives depended of it!
>is canonically ugly with a limp
>they give you this art
Even the original art at least made him old.
>play the original
The one that you have to pirate because it's not legally available?
And what would be the problem with this? Hell you could just paly EE.
>Right hand
Clearly IA
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You wouldn't expect numbers to fall off like this over the weekend. Is it really that mediocre to play?
it's hot garbage
Team games are impossible to play with the crashes
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proof that they are AI
they oversaw that Osiris has 6 fingers
We already had proof with Bastet, bro.
Bastet just looks AI, no proof. Bro.
>no proof
The sistrum she's holding is completely messed up in the image in ways an ai would do it. People pointed this out months ago.
If that was "proof" to you, good for you.
If you couldn't tell that the bast image was AI then you might just be retarded, anon. It's extremely obvious in multiple ways.
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tf kind of horse is that?
One drawn by someone, or something, that has no idea how a horse gallops.
So outside it looking shit who cares if it was made by an AI?
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>why are you green
Reminds me of Commander Shepard
>put Osiris back together
>find out you collected six fingers for one hand
>just roll with it
out of everything to complain about, you faggots are complaining about AI art?
the lego one
Arkantos won't hunt you down for it
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game canon suggests otherwise
Real life is post Titans campaign so Arkantos has better things to do than fight old battles again
Though they never state what kind of god he is so maybe he is actually the god of anti-piracy measures
lmao his right hand
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because it make the game, along other things, feel very soulless
>why are you complaining about the visuals, the thing you obviously see before anything else?
Dumb question.
>find out you collected six fingers for one hand

>start woundering where his dick is, are fished ate it

>aoe2 style ranged units with a ballistics upgrade that makes arrows never miss
It's over....
One of the best
Will this ever get good or it will receive the imperator treatment like aoe1?
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>chest not nerfed
>actualy recived upgrade
Hera once again proving to be best goddes
needs image distortion
anyone here actually played the beta?
if so, what is your impression?
because they lied and said they didn't use ai
out of everything to complain about, you're complaining that we don't like the new art?
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I can't wait to replace all this marvelslop tier art with fanmade portraits.
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>runny eyeliner
has she been crying? what the fuck were they thinking
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>her characteristic headdress.
Nostalgiafags, we lost...
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>americans find out what real greeks sound like
>they're exasperated that they don't sound like exaggerated cartoon characters (with an american accent of course)
>"they're greek, it's only natural they speak with greek accents!"
>characters are still speaking english
based retard
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So you want them to be Greek, sound Greek, but also be American and sound American?
Where the fuck did I say any of that?
I pick English voice acting because I want to be able to understand the characters in English, and for that, I demand a clean pronunciation of English. I don't even care if it's England English or American English, I just want them to not struggle getting a basic fucking sentence out while also expressing the appropriate emotions.
If the rest of the world wants "representation" then the rest of the world should feel free to dub the game in their own fucking language instead of having this dishonest as fuck globohomo shit where "everyone is represented and valid :))))" but they only speak (broken) English.
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the dawn of AI truly has made everyone into art critics hasn't it?
>UHMM this tendon isn't ANATOMICALLY CORRECT!!! AI?!?!
shut the fuuuuuuuuuuuck up nerd
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Shitty artists don't exist anon. Just look at this drawing of a cat from the medieval ages. How did a human possibly think this is what a cat looked like? Did you know they had AI in the medieval ages? I sure didn't!
ai sloppa

soul. absolute soul.
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Theia looks like an anime character wtf
Well I Theia cumdumpster
if all the female god portraits looked like this flavor of aisloppa nobody would be complaining, i guarantee you that
Turns out people complain when stuff sucks balls
What I liked about OG Theia portrait was the symmetry, I don't like her headdress being so lopsided
It's not just lopsided, it looks like it was poorly cropped off another piece and pasted on top of this one. Just look at how off-center the little star (under the black gems) is compared to her nose.
gaelic/bretonic would be cool too imo
>Weirder than SMT
That's saying something. I mean I agree, but SMT is known to have rather odd (but arguably on-model) depictions of gods.
God the models look like something out of a porn game.
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That's not medieval retard, dude's a modern Colombian artist that died last year
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I just picked a random result for "medieval cat art", there's many others to illustrate my point.
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>AI so bad it's putting human faces on cats
AItards this is your mindset
The character design of most portraits (with the obvious exception of Kronos and Gaia, and maybe Hephaestus) is fine in my opinion, and I'm not too bothered by the artstyle of most of the portraits (again with obvious exceptions like Atlas) either. I don't even really care that AI was used at some stage or in some form. All I really care about is the end result. I wish they just swallowed their pride and fixed the issues the portraits have digitally, like correcting fingers, redrawing details and improving shading. It shouldn't be too hard if they truly have at least some real artists involved. Even with some small tweaks I'd be fine with most of them.
No one here actually plays strategy games
only premium preorders got access. nobody here - i hope - is retarded enough to hand over money considering the absolute fucking state of the game, least of all for the premium edition
Now this? This is kino
I challenge you to name one wrong thing with the game

impossible mode: no crying about the portraits
I know if I'll list just one you'll move goalposts because that's how these conversations always go in this cesspit of a website, so have several:
>the voice acting
>the soundtrack
>the cutscene animations
>the mobileshit tier ingame models
>the casualisation garbage disguised as QoL like automated economy
>the pathfinding
>the inevitable balance issues caused from allowing god powers to be recasted
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I mean in his in-game portrait in the OG game had his spear cut out but yeah. when will character designers realize staring straight at the camera is the most boring way to present a character
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>staring straight at the camera is the most boring way to present a character
So does that mean you think the new Isis portrait is better?
Only two of these things actually impact competitive play
>the pathfinding
Needs to be addressed of course
>the inevitable balance issues caused from allowing god powers to be recasted
Too early to say how the meta will shape up, it should be noted that AoM was always notoriously imbalanced which is one reason why it’s always lived in AoE2’s shadow, this is part of attempting to (re)shape competitive play and balance the game for the first time ever, and they’ve been working with longtime competitive players to try and achieve this.
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>muh competitive play
stopped reading right there, i see you're one of those bugmen who thinks playing AoE2 with no graphics because "maximum efficiency" so arguing with you will be a waste of time, go dilate with a cactus
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Nah, a lot of the body language in the new art is very drab and boring. Old Isis is about to chuck a shield at you while Nu Isis looks like she's about to give you a tour for the house she wants to sell. Another thing you see in a lot of the modern game art is that the background doesn't complement the character as well, which distracts from what is supposed to be just a small icon/headshot.
Compare Hotep Album cover to Furry MOBA hero as well
Competitive play is the only thing that matters in an RTS game. Playing games against AI that can't even understand the systems is ridiculously boring. You have to be ridiculously bad at video games to find it interesting.
Keep coping you blind retard shill
calling the models bad outs you as a disingenuous rose glasser.

say what you want about the voice acting and other nitpicks, but the models are a straight upgrade. being able to see what upgrades your opponent has immediately alone makes them better, that's even disregarding the fact that it's a fucking RTS and you'll be staring at these models zoomed out.
Why can't this just be the work of a bad artist?
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youre retarded lol
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>models are a straight upgrade
Be quiet, blind faggot.
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>mobile tier models
absolute trash
Because an artist shitty enough to make that kind of beginner mistake (i.e. not do a body sketch) wouldn't then be able to draw or paint the rest of the piece with that level of technique.
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This, great point
bad human artists often have make the mistake of drawing 6 fingers or broken anatomy then going through the effort of coloring and rendering without noticing they've drawn 6 fingers
the shit you people post, honestly.
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Fire Emblem fans can attest that this actually does happen, this was before the AI art boom. This same artist also had art of a main character with two left feet that was sketched, finished, coloured, rendered and released as a final product.
getting right/left limbs mixed up because you're looking at a mirrored rotation is not the same thing as fucking up the amount of fingers
hooly shit that's good
MAN if this worthless slop gets completely fixed with mods no joke I'll get hyped
I seriously hope modders fix all of this mess into something kino
they look cartoony af like they were made for a mobile game and some of the textures are even less detailed than the original despite being higher res and with more poly
>hooly shit that's good
No it's not, Kronos always looked like shit. Being worse now doesn't mean he looked good in TT.
>some of the textures are even less detailed than the original
Now this is pure fucking bait and if you actually believe this you don't even know what textures looked like in the original. The remake looking like shit aside, you don't have to lie to try and make it look worse than it already does. It looks bad enough as is.
they get bigger with upgrades
is there anything you whiny babies won't cry about?
Granted, but it still happens as that pic demonstrates. It wouldn't surprise me if this art was all AI but I do think >>1801227
is true in that studios are more inclined than ever to just hire cheap artists to save shekels, and a lot of sloppy work by artists is being deflected onto it being the work of AI.
I just like the innotation from the original, desu. It's more theatrical, which is NOT bad.
So yes, if you're gonna hire greeks voice actors at least make sure they get the mood of the scene and the emotions of the characters right.
I'll be interested to see the VA credits for Retold, to see what their other work is like. Bad voice direction could be the culprit here, I've heard talented actors give really flat/bad performances because of that.
A good game.
It's 100% bad voice direction. They probably had no access to a VA director and their first take was considered good enough.
No China yet, huh.
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nah it's true here's an example from shitforged the cartoony look makes it less detailed it also looks dull and pale due to less contrast modern devs are garbage at almost everything they do
Not really fair to blame the devs when they're subjected to working under Activision and Microsoft's notoriously shitty oversight and then left to be the punching bags
>Microsoft's notoriously shitty oversight
I agree on that the cattle should've been whipped into shape however if my boss lacked oversight to tell me how bad I am at my job then that isn't just on him faggot
Gamedevs are becoming less and less competent yet they insist on forming unions, demand higher wages, demand more time off. They can't even do their jobs and they want all these perks. Westerners are way too spoiled and incompetent and video games are shit now because of it. Of course the faggot commies rush in to blame the rich successful people for the failures of lazy workers. It's a race to the fucking bottom thanks to leftists making excuses for failure.
I probably played AoM before most of you said your first words. And while I do agree that the new art is worse compared to the old, I appreciate it for what it is; a new take on the art direction. The old art will be available if you purchase the premium edition, which I did.
Yeah why would a cartoony game sound cartoony. Welcome to the entertainment industry retard. Entertainment is supposed to be exaggerated, that's why it's entertaining. Is there anything left of Ancient Greece in modern Greeks? They lack common sense and seem completely passionless about everything except whining.
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Why is her armpit overlapping into her bicep/tricep area? Another ai slip up? Do they even review these images at all?
you have to be trolling at this point
Do you not know what an armpit looks like? You should have two, go check them out.
Never actually watched the aom mp scene, how was the balance? All I know on the subject is that day one chinese were OPAF and eventually nerfed to irrelevance, but nothing on before or after.
Oh yes, the classic appealing to mediocrity, if you aren't getting paid for posting this garbage, I strongly recommend you to reconsider your life choices and maybe even consider suicide.
Calm down, spergy. It's not that serious.
Imagine getting mad because they used AI to make new art.
consider suicide shill
The balance of retold has changed a lot, no hunting dogs, some god tweaks, all ships in feudal age
>still sperging over video games
I imagine so, that's why I would like to know how it was in base game to compare in the future.
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>I appreciate it for what it is

keep seething while i enjoy the game
This post made me curious about what plebbitors are actually saying about Retold. Current discussion there is dominated by threads bitching about the artwork and accusing them of using AI. That would make you the clown with the plebbit faggot membership card. As a 4chan native, I'm going to support Retold to spite tranny plebbitors like yourself.
i'd bet a tenner this poster does not play age of empires
yes you are right, it's been a few years since. i'm an old man now and i just want to casually enjoy good games without tryharding.
stfu faggot
suck my cock while crying over AI
poo in loo
here is a quick&dirty reconstruction of Set's portrait
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>I'm going to support tranny plebbitors

Do what you gotta do fag.
Goy of Goythology: Regoy defense shill force in full swing, I see.
This hydra looks like it's working in bank
Pectoralis major
He is not even knocking the arrow properly
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>best looking RTS since Starcraft 2
>now that the dust has settled
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kek the pajeets they hired to touch up their AI generated art don't even know how to count!
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There are far more posts whinging about the artwork and VA work and you know that, since you had to scroll past them all when trying to find posts for your collage. Very deceptive of you to crop out the part where the plebbitor who used AI upscale the old portraits was doing so to mock the portraits from Retold
Say the one who didn´t count the last vein, way down the hand...
>anthropomorphic cat
>furry head
>human skin on body
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Isn't that the norm for many Egyptian gods?
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>There are far more posts whinging about the artwork
>lists same number of posts showing that it's actually around 50/50

Meanwhile we have most people in this thread hating the new art with a few shills like >>1802540 who don't even appear to know what an armpit looks like topkek. Look in the mirror bro.
>>lists same number of posts showing that it's actually around 50/50
Quite a few posts from >>1802489 don't even mention the art, almost all of the posts >>1802645 are directly discussing the art with the exception of one shitting on the new voice acting
Feel free to correct me with examples I overlooked, but I only count two posts which are actually positive regarding Retold's art in that first image- one praising the Folstag model and the other which claims the new portraits look "sick".

One post attempts to deboonk the AI narrative without giving their opinion on the art, the other argues that the art isn't necessarily completely the result of AI but admits that the art could be AI assisted. One of them is actually a criticism that the person misleadingly cropped- it's mocking the Retold artwork by saying that AI upscales of the original art look better than the new ones. One of the posts has a title which makes it seem like he enjoys the new art as it says "Best looking RTS since Starcraft 2", but reading the post the guy admits he's going to be using the original artwork and criticises other aspects of the art like the UI and animations, so he could well be talking about the gameplay. The rest of the posts don't even mention the art one way or the other.
>muh conflating reddit opinion hit piece
take your false flag and go back shill not even worth the reply
So besides Freyr, any new gods to be added at launch?
At launch no, chinese are supposed to be "all new" and still come out this year so it will be relatively soon after release. Also a new civ after that
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Groundskeeper Willie but he a crocman
Dumb norse raiders in his marsh and bothering his 'gators
>the most talked about topic when it comes to retold is the portrait art
I guess everything else is fairly decent then. I wonder if we're going to get a statement in the coming weeks from the developers either reaffirming their position that AI wasn't used or a promise to improve the art before release.
Pathing is ass too, but so was the original
Balance is very much up in the air ATM, no point in commenting about that.
Did they showcase the editor?

If they improved it I might do a custom civ as a mod.
He's replacing Hathor?
Yes, which does make a little sense I guess. Obviously the Petsuchos is very much associated with Sobek, but the Roc thematically fits better with Hathor. If the speculations about Freyr being a new Norse major god ends up being true I could see them turning Hathor into a new Egyptian major god down the line, since she's easily the most prominent female deity after Isis and some of the other good choices for major gods overlap with Ra (such as Atum and Amun).
New majors? I suspected they'd add them to pad the civ count.
Yeah, fits into the exact same spot otherwise. They might reintroduce her eventually since it seems they have plans for new gods for existing civs too.

A lot of techs and gods were changed so how that affects the meta is yet to be seen. Though I was only ever a casual fan so I don't have a good idea what meta was in the first place anyway and EE was shit and had too small playerbase to push it forward.

One thing is that I think the god powers might be a bit overturned now. I remember in the original they could be pretty underwhelming but now they can be I win buttons. Maybe that just takes some getting used to.
is the beta client pirateable?

I'm struggling to think who the 4th major for the Greeks could be. Zeus/Poseidon/Hades always made sense.

Hathor as a 4th major for the Egyptians is fine by me. So is Freyr for the Norse, he was always glaringly missing for them.

Then the Atlanteans question comes by and I don't know who I'd name as the 4th major there.
It is true https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrThhBORw3c
Look at the textures somehow retold looks all muddy and pale.
>I'm struggling to think who the 4th major for the Greeks could be. Zeus/Poseidon/Hades always made sense.

Demeter probably, she's like the last Olympian missing and would give greeks a womyn major god so they are probably going to do that. Unless they upgrade someone existing to major and replace them as minor, most of the myth units and upgrades associated with minor gods are pretty arbitrary and it wouldn't be that hard to refluff it even without changing any mechanics.
>Demeter probably, she's like the last Olympian missing
Poor Hestia
>Demeter probably, she's like the last Olympian missing
The 12 main Olympians are not the only ones. There's maybe 1-2 dozen more Olympian deities in Greek mythology other than them.
Assuming that these new god additions are major ones and not minor ones, it would logically be Apollo, but that wouldn't work because he's already a minor god in the game and that isn't going to change at this point. If not them there's Athena and Artemis who, again, already exist. Repeating this for the rest until Demeter and Hestia
I would like Hestia as some kind of leader of the minor gods, would be a good foothold to eventually add them in the game instead of an olympian surprise party for Demeter, who was not invited.
Or just make Hera the 4th major, add Demeter as a Tier 4 and make Hera the leader of the minor gods, which makes slighty more sense.
Watching both AoM the Titans and AoE2 DE competitive play, I can say the former is both more varied and better balanced overall. It's not as popular and so not as autistic, but it's been a joy to watch for the past several years with the numerous strategies that are viable (and very little cheese).
Meanwhile AoE2 inevitably looks stale even when you compare individual things, like how much map control matters, or how rote the macro is.
>If the speculations about Freyr being a new Norse major god ends up being true
That's literally confirmed you major nigger
In my defence I was going off the 12 and there seems to be disagreement if Hestia or Dionysus is the 12th. On second thought considering she's actually first generation and not one of Zeus' bastards she probably deserves that title more, but I still think Demeter would be a better choice for a major god assuming we are not promoting anyone.
As far as I'm aware, there is no confirmation of Freyr being added as a major god specifically. Everything is just speculation.
I feel there is an argument for both Demeter and Hestia, Demeter is more known so she seems like the obvious choice, but feels like she may be too similar to Gaia (oh god, now I am wondering if they would use Gaia's old portrait for Demeter)
Hestia is more obscure but also feels like she could be a defensive-oriented choice for the Greeks and Hades lost its building HP bonus
Any source on them comimg out in 2024?
What's the /vstrdict on the beta?
>Though they never state what kind of god he is
fool! If you put Arkantos (god) in a scenario using the map editor you can read his information panel which calls him a minor god of titan-stopping
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On microsoft store the expansion 1 and 2 are listed at 2024 and 2025 and elsewhere expansion 1 is confirmed to be chinese.
they will have to put the AI disclaimer in the steam store page like other games right?
I thought about this as well but I think there will be a lot of woke backlash and they will not have the guts to put it into the game where your priest carves the heart out of idle peasants.
What about something like sacrificing available pop space (in lieu of setting a rally point from TC to Temple) in exchange for favor generation? You keep some semblance of sacrifice without the micro or the feel bad aspect. That plus some token extra on fights would be pretty on theme.
Or a multiplier for human unit popcost. You can search a balance or rise the multiplier so much you just go full MU.
How would the Aztec hero units work anyway?
There is a mod for AoM that add the aztecs. Maybe the devs of Retold will take notes from it. I still have to play it so I cant say anything about the faction.
Perhaps because of this mod I don't want Aztecs to be the second DLC culture. I'd rather see them introducing something totaly original. Aztecs could then still come afterwards whether it's an overhaul of the mod or a totally new iteration. I know it's not the same situation, but the same thing happened essentially with The Forgotten in AoE2, so there's a bit of a precedent.
>I'm struggling to think who the 4th major for the Greeks could be
Because she's already a minor god. Hera is the obvious greek choice. She's the one deity that is constantly challenging Zeus authority in ways his brothers never dared, she's a major active player in myths and the trojan cycle and she can doom nations on a whim. After her it's Athena (patron of Athens + involved in Troy + regular conflicts with Poseidon) and Apollo (Delphi + patron of Sparta + decimated the achaeans without opposition). Everyone else not already in the game like Demeter, Hestia, Persephone, the muses, the fates, etc. is clrealy not on the same league and it would be silly to have one of them as major with these three as minor.

It's the same with Horus, Osiris, Ptah and the egyptians and Baldr, Njord, Freyja and the norse, although unlike the greeks Freyr and Hathor do work as major gods and there's always Atum, Amun, Frigg, Sutr and Aegir if they need more.

For atlanteans, most of the titans are super irrelevant. Oceanus would have been the obvious choice since he is the ruler of his own massive domain and actually kinda important, but he is already a minor god (maybe Thetis can replace him as irrelevant as she is). There's also Iapetus a literally who but he is Cronus second in command and father of Atlas and Prometheus, and Nyx who is technically a primordial but so are Gaia and Uranus
>Nyx who is technically a primordial but so are Gaia and Uranus
Nyx is a good choice, Eris and Thanatos would make decent minor accompanying minor gods.
Sutr isn't even a god, he is just a fire nigga with a fire sword
NTA, but I see your points. Maybe that is why I hope for the devs to change some minor gods positions even if some autists get mad. If this is a remake, is the perfect opportunity to change things.
Maybe reintroduce Hathor.
>t. MIlk Enjoyer.
He is a jotun like Skadi, Aegir and Loki's father, just another faction of divine beings. But never mind, he is too much of a force of nature and in direct opposition to the other gods, humanity and the world so yeah scratch him. He would be cool as a new god power though, a fire nigga with a fire sword that can burn everything.

Yeah if they are actually doing it with Hathor and Sobek, might as well. Minor deities like Hebe, Nike, Asclepius and Thetys could easily take those gods spots with no other change needed than a portrait since their attributes are pretty similar.
I just want the game to be good
Not this timeline
>4th major for the Greeks could be
Yeah, I'd see something like Hestia/Pan replacing Hera and Hera being bumped up to that position.
Maybe Geb/Nut?
Everything looks more or less better than original
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Lol no
Are you suggesting that new (left) looks better than old (right)?
Hell no, Anon. If you're gonna complain about how something looks complain about what they did to Prometheus or some of the portraits, not this.

The new buildings look way better than the old ones.
Outside of poly count they're literally worse in every way.
How so? Just because the colors have lower contrast? Their readability is exactly the same, you can tell each building just by looking at it.

You're complaining about something just because it's different, not because it's worse There's actually bad changes that have been made which deserve more atention than this.
>reddit spacing shill already trying to detract this hard
It's not just the lack of contrast but the textures and models as well. 5 posts ago it was made clear now you pretend otherwise piss off microjeet.
No, he's right. The old ones look better. More triangles =/= better look.
The model looks better but the lighting is worse. Typical of modern gaymes.
>the lighting is worse.
It's literally just a different lighting, which AoM is known for having multiple different ones.

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