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ITT: your dream setting for a /vst/ game
>Russian Civil War
Yeah, you've pretty much nailed it. I'd be partial to something about Soviet Afghanistan and Vietnam that's not low-level RTT/TBT too. Cold War spook shit, anything 15th-19th century.
Either WW2 that starts at 1942 or US civil war that becomes a global conflict.
I haven't played it myself but there's this game
Looks cool, thank you! I'll check it out.
Do you know if the anti-Bolshevik left are playable? Or the more-weird Whites like Sternberg?
Finno-Korean Hyperwar
>the OP image
Someone ITT already mentioned the AGEOD game about this time period that I wanted to mention, so instead I'm going to bitch about how Wikipedia is once again writing fiction about eastern European flags. Much like how they insist that Russia had a different flag before 1993, they're now making stuff up about Ukraine having this pale blue stripe in the pre-USSR era during the civil war. The specifications for both flags only mentioned it being blue (without a specific shade of blue being defined), so the modern flags (which have been the same flags this entire time) could just be used, but instead they're making it look like everyone wanted darker shades of blue in the 90's for some reason. Maybe in ten years we'll see these clowns make Estonia's blue stripe pale too for whatever the fuck reason.

>ITT: your dream setting for a /vst/ game
● HOI3-style grand campaign from a few years before WWI to probably just past the Cuban Missle Crisis. Several world wars spawn throughout the campaign: the two OTL world wars, and a hypothetical third one in the 50's or 60's based on all the various close calls in OTL. It'd provide a good focus on the evolution of tank and aerial warfare IMO. I'd /agdg/ it myself, but my free time is currently very limited.
● Vic2-style game set between 1720-1820, so you could have all the fun of the Seven Years' War, colonizing India, the American Revolution as a scripted war instead of the scripted Civil War in Vic2, and towards the end of the campaign you have the Napoleonic Wars instead of Vic2's world wars. Maybe make the campaign start in 1700 so that you can fit in Europe fighting because everyone's favorite gigachad died.
● Fantasy bullshit Victoria 2 full of steampunk crap. Basically Gettysburg Armored Warfare but as a GSG campaign. Don't know how you'd make it fun, but it sounds interesting (this usually doesn't make for a good game)
>Either WW2 that starts at 1942
Darkest Hour has a bookmark like that

>US civil war that becomes a global conflict
How would that even work? From what I've read, Europe didn't really care about the US civil war. Some countries tried establishing relations with the South, but that's about it.

Not the hyperwar specifically, but I think a GSG about pre-history could be interesting, you'd play as a tribe and you'd have to deal with sea level rise and the climate changing. Not sure how blobbing would work, on the one hand there's not really evidence of large empires existing before writing, on the other hand we know based on genetic research that there were at least two other Genghis Khan-like figures that spread their DNA really far, which could be interpreted as pre-historical blobbing.
>Darkest Hour
I meant kick off WW2 at the start of 1942 instead 1939.
>How would that even work
How the Trent affair really botch.

>Itt your dream setting for a /vst/ game
Have the 13 colonies have their second revolution inspired by the French revolution.
>korea player activates the GMAA
>realizes too late that my army consists entirely of mecha nephilim and dinosaurs
the period certainly deserves more attention. The neanderthal shock troopers are inevitably, and anachronistically, depicted with crude spears instead of the period appropriate Lemurian particle lances they were equipped with IRL and it will always piss me off
BBC procurement simulator
Near modern gsg about first steps as interstellar civilization
Something kickstarts a new space race (aylmao invasion, unobtanium found in the asteroid belt, whatever), so nations start pumping billions into space exploration. Later on things like AI, uplift, cybernetics and genetic modification come into play
Preferably hard sci fi
>Inb4 terra invicta
You don't play as a nation
OP inquired about your dream game, not about your asshole.
>Cold war
>In depth pop system
>Arms market
Imagine the kino
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Last Train Home is a tactics game with Czechoslovak legions traveling along the Transiberian railway in 1920 Russia.

A good WWI game should by all means exist by now but nobody's released an actually enjoyable one yet. Also there aren't really any strategy games based around the Pacific Theatre in WWII besides Blitzkrieg 2 (IIRC), or even Vietnam
This OP is your closest thing, along with that game on Men of War engine
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we will never get proper chinese warlord era or yugoslav civil war kino.
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Postcolonial Africa
Everything you said sounds amazing. I imagine this as a Down of War 1 kind of game. Just funny/cool over the top retardation.
This. Something like tropico but for cold war Africa where you could be insane shit like bokassa , ZANLA, aparthied, or just some other warlord or revolution.
i would like a game wear you play as a Chinese warlord
Rise of the white sun
That would be based.
Instead of a tech tree where you discover new things, it's a tech tree where you have to choose which techs to lose every few turns.
>there's not really evidence of large empires existing before writing
Because the "minor" peoples at the time made sure to destroy every evidence of that empire ever existing. Playing as those empires would ensure their survival, maybe even into modern times.
>Spurdo I dies right as the space fight is in its climax
Genghis Khan mongol horde simulator, War Criminal Edition
an RTS with insane powerlevel swings from reinforcements and new tech could be fun if you could somehow prevent instant death. I mean korean war level turnarounds except instead of it being because you got some bigger power to foot the bill it's because you managed to recruit the tribal leaders of the liliputs or because you researched the man-portable RKV launcher.
I want a game about the Russian civil war from Nicky's perspective. Attempting to prevent, or at least survive the civil war with your family.
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Picrel/the qeng ho bits of vinge's slow zone

Imagine a 4x game where you'd potentially lose cities/population/technologies following disasters that can happen but are only able to advance beyond certain caps following a recovery or if you manage to create a faction of interstellar traders.

Think an unholy combo of the two call to power games/Civilziation 2 test of time with multimaps/Civ 4(in terms of complexity added on)/The caveman2cosmos mod for civ 4. As an option, you'd be able to potentially rebuilt on the same planet on a new safe if you get a game over. Maybe give some bonsues, or if you decide to do a fresh planet in the same universe.
I've played close to 200 hours of this game. The engine is broken, expect many crashes during the campaign. There are three playable factions in the civil war scenario: the Reds, the Western Whites (included are the NW Whites and the Northern Whites), and the Eastern Whites (Siberia and the rest of the far east. If you're looking for Sternberg, he'd be in this faction.) The anti-bolshevik left are not really in the game. The campaign ranges from 1917 to 1921.
This game is total utter shit, slav jank slop, purchased assets. Words can't describe how disappointed I was to realize how crap this game was.
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German train logistic simulator during WW2
you had me at train logistic
Never happened
Stop spreading Jewish lies
If you manage to not lose the Volga as the Eastern Whites you can avoid Kolchak's coup and keep the left-leaning elements of the coalition in play.
>Countries that got their independence, all by international agreements
What sort of Russoid larp is this?
The Wars of the First and Second Coalition. Underused because the later wars of Napoleon have the spotlight but it's a shame because the period is so interesting.
Would love an AGEOD-style grand strategy game where you have to take Paris and crush the Revolution all the while juggling the interests of the coalition's members.
Or playing on the French side, as the foreign armies (and domestic rebels) threaten the Revolution it spurns on the Reign of Terror and desperate measures to protect the homeland.
>The Wars of the First and Second Coalition
Great choice. The first 2 coalitions would be so cool because France was just way less organized that during the rest of them. You'd have rebellions in the Vendee to deal with on top of trying to win in Belgium, Italy, and Germany.
It reminds me of an idea I had for a French Revolution mod for Vic2. The game would keep track of the number of revolutionary and monarchist states in Europe. When there were more monarchies than republics, the republics would get an increase in reactionary rebel growth; and when there were more republics than monarchies, the monarchies would get increased Jacobin growth. This modifier would scale the greater the disparity in numbers. The idea was to incentivize regime change and puppeting over blobbing. Obviously as it's own game you could do a lot more with the idea. It could also work well for a Cold War mod
>german trains are jewish lies
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Closest you get is the Koei's Genghis Khan game from the 80s.
everyone knows trains aren't real
t. american
I want games based on althist like Land of Ice and Mice.
a good seven years war game
At that point you might do 18th century as a whole. So that you can have War of Spanish inheritance too.
Not really /vst/ but i'd feel like the yugoslav wars or 2014-donbass would be an amazing background for a shooter.
>High intensity small scale engagements
>Varied terrain
>No op air bullshit, limited amount of tanks
>Dudes just running around without a clue
>Everyone has different weapons and uniforms, lots of customization options
>Throw whatever vehicles you want into the mix lol
Instead i have to suspend my disbelief when i play america vs china and it the match instantly turns into a disorganised mess... Why not just take a disorganised mess of a conflict and turn that into a game?
Try Freeman: Guerilla Warfare? It sounds like what you're into, although I've played it many years ago and the combat was not great.
I also saw one called Conflict: Resistance, which is supposed to be the same game concept done "right". Looks pretty good from screenshots, I might try that one out soon.
How would this even work?

>Okay war started let's go on campaign!
>Whew, that was a lotta fun, now I have to sit on my hands for a year while I wait for the UK to give me enough golden guineas to do it again!

About the only nation which would actually be interesting would be Prussia since they are it's so over and we're so back constantly.
Prussia/France/Austria/Russia main game
Americas dlc
Anglo-Spanish war dlc
India dlc
Desu having to work out early modern logistics would in fact be super interesting. It would mean that battles would decide the war for at least a year while the loser tries to recover. I wish battles in GSGs were much more risky
Not to be pessimistic, but do you think a game dev can actually model logistics that require thought planning and depth while also not being a pure spreadsheet sim? I am extremely skeptical anybody can walk that narrow path.
Look anon, this is a dream thread. I know my ideas are impossible and/or unpopular
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New world colonial RTS that isn't a city-building or survival sim.
This game could be set in any other setting, the only mechanic that reminds you you're a colony is the home city screen. Not a fault of the game as it didn't set out to be anything more, though.
>American Conquest
Now we're talking. But it's got some shitty bugs and is lacking in mechanics that take you to a colony setting. Although it does have some good rudimentary features like diplomacy with natives.

I'm talking an RTS where you get the feel of entering unknown, uncharted land where you have to secure supply of scarce resources, navigate different groups on the map through diplomacy/trade/war. Realities like being stuck with limited tech and population growth for any newly trained soldiers or workers, having to divert soldiers to work and vice versa when called for.
Always thought it would be cool to send small expeditions on a few boats you've built from your base down a river to find new resources, pacifying or fighting natives or foreign colonists, setting up new posts around the map until you establish commercial and military dominance over the map.
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It's already here.
The logistics system in this game is actually quite good- you have to maintain a supply train carrying provisions/ammunition back and forth from your bases if you plan on taking the offensive. I've had to pull back and retreat after winning a battle, but exhausting my supply of ammunition.
Oh, and speaking of, something like American Conquest but set in India would be cool. A Robert Clive Simulator of relying on a small core of European professionals with larger contingents of native sepoys, playing the local rajas and nawabs against each other in a grand competition against your European rivals.
A modern 18th/early 19th century RTS in 2D isometric would be kino. Cossacks 2 tried hard to give you "proper" line combat and it had a lot of good elements, but there was too much micromanaging and the scope of the game was too small. A global-scale game spanning a century or so in this setting would be great if it include more than just a few Euro nations and is creative in making them distinctive.
I'd love something like the follow-up of Lewis and Clark, where you have a small budget and limited troops and need to feel your way west, building roads(eventually rail) and outposts and forts along the way. Heavy fog of war, probably more natives and more aggressive natives than historically occurred too.

Unfortunately 'colonize' is a nono genre currently.
That's pretty much what I'm thinking, where you have to tame the terrain, elements, and everyone on the map with more than just some buildings and killing all the enemies. Early Siberian expeditions would be a good setting for this also.
Oh man, you could even cross the Bering Sea and colonize Alaska.
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>Not sure how blobbing would work, on the one hand there's not really evidence of large empires existing before writing
blobbing would be cultural/genetic, you'd play as a 'volk', not united under any one government/tribe
Yep, Cossack games were kino.
already exists
Finally a strategy game for white male gamers!
>but there was too much micromanaging
It's indeed incredibly annoying to manually order each battalion to fire, but I can't say it doesn't feel good to cut the enemy down with a perfect volley and hear the announcer say
>They're running like rats!
USA is literally the country that embraced rail freight the most though. We built multiple continent spanning railroads that are only rivalled by the trans-siberian railway for distance.
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Gloryhammer setting
sorry to crush your bubble but there very much were distinctions between the various IE peoples. we don't know the details and can't know them but they didn't move in any fashion you imagine.
also that graphic is really fucking inaccurate. please actually read The Book (tm)
cavemen times when you rape and pillage except it's really nice weather so nobody wears clothes or furs or whatever
i dont know anything about the topic nor do i care
>barabarossa begins
>huge difficulty spike from soviet rail gauges
>We built multiple continent spanning railroads
>he fell for the union pacific psyop
Anon said "game". Cinetik fucked up in early dev, and it will never be fixed to be functional.
Mercenary medieval isometric turn based reverse-stealth game where you're hired by niggas to protect the goods with multiple points of entry for enemy but very limited amount of guards to cover them.
Very little actual killing involved in game.
Guess the closest I got was Invisible Inc.
An English Civil War game would be dope.

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