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>Steam summer sale starts Thursday
What are you hoping to get?
Nothing my GPU broke because i decided to buy a shitty gaming laptop instead of investing in a longer lasting pc
there is no new strategy game worth buying anyway
What laptop brand?
Elden Ring.
Nothing interesting in RTS landscape atm.
>Homeworld 3
>3rd WH
Anything older than that I probably already have.
A modern shittop is probably powerful enough to run like 70% of strategy games actually worth playing.
t. owner of a 5-year-old Ideapad 330
Hearts of Iron IV and Warhammer 3 DLC.
I might actually fork out for Dominions 6 and HoI4 with DLC if I'm in the mood. Don't really feel the need to get new stuff because most of the games I already got have a very long replayability or take long to finish the first time already. I pirate a few games to try them out and most of the time I don't want to get them after demoing them anyway.
coh3 if it's on 40%+ sale
workers and resources if it's any good when the update drops
what update? it just hit 1.0
FUCK you're right it already drop, ill read the thread about it and watch a couple of vids then decide
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good news, comrades
communism is saved!
>citybuilders can be good actually
The only strategy you'll ever need.

>buying any modern slop
I wanted warno, gariviteam, aoe2 dlc and aoe4, but only have 20 dollars so i will just get one of them, what do you recommend from that list?
the only way you could get even more completely different games on that list is if you threw in a modernized SupCom-like like Zero-K, but that's free.

Do you want a historical milsim and don't care about MP? Graviteam.
Do you want modern designed tactical RTS in a modern-ish setting? Warno.
Do you want classic RTS set in the past? AoE
Is there really any chance Warno already goes for 20?
It's the only one I want strategy wise as well. Other than that it's Snowrunner.
Will probably grab Old World DLC
all eu4 dlc
Just the Paradox DLCs of the year
>only have 20 dollars
Just work a couple of hours for more money ...
jump off a bridge
i hope to convince my friend to get aoe2:de for the 50th time. i want to play more rts than dow and bw.
Sounds like he doesn't like historyslop. Try another sci fi game.
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Hoping for a good discount on any of these. Probably won't happen for most of them but hope lives eternal.

R8 my shit taste.
Also I'm aware half of these aren't any kind of strategy games, but I already own all of the strategy games I really want.
the factorio devs state on the store page that they have no plans on putting their game on sale.
If you're curious, here's their rationale: https://www.factorio.com/blog/post/fff-140
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I'm not in a hurry. If it doesn't go on sale I simply won't buy it, I've got other stuff to play anyway.
Robert Cop Rogue City
Terminator RTS
Might also get Brothers in Arms if it's like 5 bucks.
Weird, I'm not desperate for any strategy games at the moment. I mean, there's Cobalt Core, and maybe The Fertile Crescent and Mechabellum that I'm mildly curious about, but those can wait.
creamapi that slop and save yourself some cash
>but I already own all of the strategy games I really want
I have it and I regret buying it. Combat and Turret def never evolved beyond the basic shit (note, that feature development got cut short right after the guy started to rake in money, fucking kike).
>inb4 it's le hard engineering/logistic game
And to retards like that I kindly ask to neck themselves. It's literally combing two or more objects to create next one and passing it further. There's nothing hard or complicated about this fucking game.
anomaly should be very low priority. it's nice a few times but it doesn't integrate into general runs as well as the other dlcs. if you interact with anomaly stuff then you're pretty much doing an anomaly run.
>integrate into general runs as well
I partially disagree.
There's nothing stopping you for playing the game as before after completing anomaly if you wish to do so, the challenge lies in the speed one can breeze through the anomaly stuff unlocking what he needs.
With confidence:
Biotech > Anomaly > Royalty > Ideology
Pet peeve of mine, I wish there was anomaly specific gene-set/race. I mean, after facing all the anomaly critters there's not an ounce of new knowledge that could be integrated into colonist genome? C'mon, that's just lazy.
I gotta save right now. So I'm just going to pirate.
Why don't you work more to get the money you need instead of playing video games?
oh, look - it's another shitty steam summer sale.
weak discounts on the games that i want (if they even get them at all).
weak discounts on games that i don't want.
although i would be interested to see if grim dawn DLCs are finally priced decently, i'm not holding my breath on anything.
after getting burned by the shadow warrior bundle deal a day or so back, i may not buy anything anyway.
Bravely Default 2 was in my opinion way worse than Fairy Flies and End Layer, at least story-wise. It's played way too straight. If you like the series for build 'tism then I think it still suffices.
but anon, there's a new category this time called deep discounts
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I do work, I just don't have a project right now in my contract work and I want to save for a car instead. I also study full time.
Fair enough. Keep going anon, you can make it.
>Only for abandonware early access games with 40mins gameplay total
>Or else on games that have locked 90% of their content behind enough DLC that you need a small mortgage to purchase all of

>-5% on any full content game that people actually want to buy
I got the Through the Ages (digital) board game :)
56% off, bought it
Grabbed the Ascension (digital) game as well
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bought games on my wishlist that were on 50%+ sale
>30% on Elden Ring
I guess I'm waiting till winter sale then.
Winter 2034, sure.
It's not a good game anon with shallow open world exploring and ctrl-v dungeons.
Get Shogun 2 or prison architect on the deep discount section.
>Steam summer
A total whiff this year, that's a first for me.
Shogun 2 is cheap for those who don't have it yet.
Is Act of Aggression worth it 7,50 ?
Conquest of Eo with the DLC is for ~20$.
Play Act of War:Direct Action and its expansion High Treason instead.
Is Humankind worth 90% off?
>only 10% off
guess they don't need the money
Redpill me on TW Shogun 2 since it is 90% off
Last good TW game, make sure you grab FotS as well
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Everything looks ass.
and then
and then
Steam account gets deleted upon death.
Gabe won.
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Oh shit NWN is discounted that steeply? I might actually buy it
yes, on GOG
>NWN Enhanced Edition

EXTREMELY based. have fun
Is Gates of Hell any good?
I played it and honestly it was a bit annoying. I still stand behind regular MOWAS2
10% off is like "I want to be on the main page but I don't want to commit."
I'm torn between new version of DF ( I never really got into classic one), or Old World.
Book of hours also tempts me.
Joke's on you, I only get games that I then keep on a backup drive and play offline. I will then keep a copy of such a drive in my gave, and give another to my family.
I'm looking at Imperator:Rome at 12 USD
...Gameplay DLC adds an additional 11 USD for 23 USD total

I'm a huge Romaboo, and the devs made a surprise quality-of-life patch a few months ago
Worth at 23 bucks?

Also looking at Ixion at 18 USD
Mostly Positive reviews, but a fuckton of people that reviewed a relatively low-visibility game. But also basically completely left alone, devs done with it, and no endless/indefinitely long mode. Replayability zero, but i really liked what i saw of the demo two years ago.
Oh, also Shadow Empire at 20 USD
I'm not averse to this degree of abstraction and rough graphics and mega autistic, multi-tiered levels of control. But i still feel like i ought to pirate first to see if it's something that will really grip me..
>Also looking at Ixion at 18 USD
It's a shitty puzzle game.
Mm, so it's spess Frostpunk then
Is it at least engaging for the first run?
Anno 1800 is around 12 bucks, is it worth it? I love city builders and I'm an avid Tropico player.
Dunno, but keep in mind that it requires you to log into Uplay or whatever it's now called. At least for me it's a thing that always put me away from getting this game.
What post-Shogun 2 non-Warhammer Total War games are worth getting? I'm thinking about Attila with the Charlemagne expansion. Troy and Pharaoh also seem interesting, but their discounts aren't that attractive.
Fucking amazing game. Have over 100 hours of it myself, even tried the tournament scene for a little bit(quit because their format means you need to stay in the kiddy pool an extremely long time and I got bored).
It's worse than Frostpunk, building space limitations are the core game mechanic.
Endless remodeling and ressource grinding on limited space, gets annoying pretty fast.
What are some good non paradox GSGs?
I do remember the remodeling thing in the demo, yeah..
I thought it was fine because you get full resources back iirc, but you still have to have workers deconstruct then reconstruct everything..
Three Kingdoms is on sale for 20 bucks
I'm not sure about it myself but at that price point it could be worth
Imperator is either a love it or hate it game. You either love it for the internal systems, or hate it for the typical paradox flaws.
Imperator 1.0 was the GOAT. Literally my only wish for that version was more diplomatic options, like supporting a pretender in a neighbouring nation.
It’s the haphazard attempts at fixing what wasn’t broken that killed the game entirely and made it into a boring POP and mission tree slop.
Thinking of getting Troubleshooter and One Step from Eden (I liked Slay the Spire). Actually, has anyone played Chrono Ark here? The game looks good, but I don't know about the gameplay. Roguelike deck-builders are /vst/-core, right?
Jurassic World 2, I actually really enjoyed the first one and it's ~€5 so why not. Maybe some old TW:wh DLC that I never bought. Also not /vst/ related in the slightest but has anyone played The Isle? It looks pretty cool but how persistent is the world? Will my dinosaur starve to death if I don't log in for a couple of days?

I would have pounced on this if it had been 50% but that just isn't good enough

Attila for sure, I also enjoyed Thrones of Brittania Troy is trash imo but I haven't played it since it was free on Epic. I am considering getting either 3K or Pharaoh myself, I reckon that 3K is the mechanically better game but Pharaoh appeals more to me as a setting
>flower and journey
Ah another kino comfy gamer I see. Gonna play some Endless Space 2 rn
what a dumb reason for not having sales

i know people who got filtered by the tutorial
on the other hand i played the tutorial forever and therefore dont feel the need to play the full game
lmao you get better deals on third party sellers all year, why would anyone in their right mind shop on steam
Pirate Shadow Empire first, I give 0 fucks about graphics and whatnot generally but that game is so fucking ugly and retarded it put me off. Really solid concept though, just 0 effort put into the game beyond its systems.
Troubleshooter is great once you get through its slow start. The game is very, very long and its complexity literally increases exponentially as it progresses. It also doesn't really have any bullshit achievements so it's realistic to 100% despite the quantity of them.
flower, abzu, journey are all soulful comfy kino indeed
Civ 6
Perhaps something else
Is Spellforce 2 actually worth my time

thought SF1 was a bit slow.

Also what's the base version to get, there is like 10.
>thought SF1 was a bit slow.
That's an understatement, I used cheats to make throught this game.
Old World is great if you're at all into 4X, just give it a pirate first and try it out to make sure you aren't put off by any of its mechanics because it does a lot of unique stuff other 4Xs don't.
>new version of DF
Ehh if you bounced off of classic then I don't think it will appeal that much more. Even if you were someone just completely put off by ascii and didn't use tilesets, it's still basically the same game and shows its age compared to Rimworld in terms of tight gameplay. You basically need roleplay autism and get yourself invested in the world
Field of Glory Empires and Kingdoms, but I would wait before getting either until Kingdoms gets patched and its patches are applied back to Empire
I was thinking about getting the new x4 dlc but other than that... eh
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Need it or sneed it? Curious if anyone has tried Reus 2 in particular, haven't seen much discussion of it. I liked the idea of the first one but the tight puzzle gameplay felt a bit restrictive. And I saw they took combat/warfare out of 2 which concerns me.
Also aware Risk of Rain 2 isn't strategy related so feel free to ignore
Risk of Rain 2 is the only one on the list worth considering
dotage is fine if you don't mind the shitty art, the poor performance in late game, and same-sex copulation
1.0 was broken because it was just a mana cookie clicker
>what a dumb reason for not having sales
I think I get it. I often see games get like a 20% after just two months. It's like the game was never worth that much in the first place, and that the devs were playing chicken with impulsive buyers. Will they wait, or will FOMO be stronger?
Then the game might get even bigger discounts over time, or even free giveaways, but the base price doesn't drop. What a tease.
I don't know what this guy smokes:
But at the very least, it completely mogs frostpunk as a city builder.
The studio had some problems during development, so the quality of the game does drop a bit after 1/3rd point, but Ixion is still an amazing game.
It had some bad rep at the release with how buggy it was, but it received a fair amount of patching.
Oriental Empires is fun and has a nice aesthetic. I can't think of any other games that deal specifically with very early (pre-Qin) Chinese history, let alone in a grounded (if gamey) prevention.
Is that even the case on that "ambient horror" setting he added post-release where you don't need a monolith anymore and you just passively get anomaly events?
Anyone here play Hex of Steel? I've heard it described here before at modern TOAW.
I've enjoyed Shadows of Forbidden Gods. It's pretty rough however. Distant Worlds 2 didn't hold me despite being a big fan of number 1.
qrd on the geneforge games?
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>is it worth it?
If you are even remotely autistic then yes, it is worth it. It's a beautiful example of vidya in every way.
How jewish is it? Last anno I tried was some global warming nightmare bullshit.
Magnum opus of the Vogel.
Same say it was a fluke and that he's a hack. Both remakes made a strong case in support of it.
1st and 2nd are the peak.
The other 3 are alright but you might get burned out if you binge it.
In my personal opinion - very solid games. Great setting, great writing, serviceable combat. Has reactivity and multiple approaches are available to solve things.
What's honestly impressive, is that he's a solo dev and churned these out at a rate of one game per year at a decent quality.
Has anyone here played deus ex?
I was thinking of getting the bundle with all the games, are they any good?
I've played the first one. It's great if you can get into it but the first level is infamous for filtering people who didn't play or understand the tutorial. It's not a game where you can just run in guns blazing and expect to survive, at least not until your character is high level and you as a player know what you're doing.
The story and atmosphere are both peak, and the world has a lot of reactivity for such an old game though.
You're almost better off starting with mankind divided if you're a "modern gamer" and then going back to DE. The original is pretty rough to get into but is very playable and has a lot of community patches and upgrades.
I like to draw shit from games I play and would love some /vst/ to feed that habit. What's on sale that's got a good art style/design?
If you like animu then check out Troubleshooter: Abandoned Children.

>didn't buy factorio for half that price in early access
Retard. They even had sales back then. I got mine for like $10
>buying rimworld at all, let alone DLC
How the fuck do you justify buying a dwarf fortress clone and not factorio, an actual unique game? You're a massive fucking faggot.
>paying money for factorio
>and not factorio, an actual unique game
Mogged by all the knockoffs long ago.
Talking about uniqueness specifically,
-the unique liquid system soon to be ogre
-the only thing left is trains
Buy factorio, because you like trains, lmao.
If you really like trains fucking minecraft has a mod called create that has cool as hell trains. Way more enjoyable to interact with than factorio's trains.
Is Warno any good? I liked to play Wargame casually sometimes, is it an improvement in any way?
i thought they had a way to detect if youre using that and ban you now?
Let me guess.. LG or Dell
Check if Distant World works with your processor.
Oceania is not worth it.
Risk of Rain 2 is cool
Reus 2 isn't better than Reus 1
Is against the storm fun?
I like Anno and I like Rougelikes and Rougelites.
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Not opposed to it, and personal style takes a lot from it but that game looks pretty stock from the store page. Maybe the game itself is good, but it ain't inspiring.
Their store page is years old and they refuse to update it because they think they'll have to hire a professional video editor that they don't really have budget for. The game is good.
Not creamapi, no.
Also as soon as they can detect creamapi you will get a warning to remove it. At that point you remove it then you install the alternative that will appear the day after they clamp down on creamapi.
There is some girlbossing and some worship of how good the brown people in the colonies are. Pretty sure you can work out for yourself if this crosses your threshold within 2 hours and refund it if that's a game breaker.
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Current cart is
Castle Crashers
Budget is 10 dollars as i don't want to spend nothing more. Is there anything else i should cop, or is there something i should drop?
I already own
X-Com EU
Syrian Warfare
CoH 1&2
Supreme Commander FA
Civ IV
FM 23 & 24
Shogun 2
Send help
>Is against the storm fun?
yeah I'm really enjoying it
Urtuk is great but make sure to raise the fuck up of the animation /movement speed before starting.
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Well, it would've helped if you posted cart screenshot or at least price per game, but whatever, I can add my 2 cents on Xenonauts. There's roaming sentiment that it's "soulless X-Com clone", but personally I found it great. It adds plenty of QoL stuff, better air combat (though it takes time to get it) and some neat stuff for ground combat (Riot Shields, functioning suppressive fire, etc.). If you enjoyed OG X-Com, keep it. If you think that OG X-Com or one of its megamods is/are the best game ever made, skip it.
Is it worth getting Xenonauts 2 if I played 1? I heard middling things about how much of an improvement it is.
If you played Xenonauts 1 6+ years ago then yes
If you finished Xenonauts 1 within last 2 years then probably no
Most of the stuff I'd buy I already bought years ago sadly so I'm pretty limited.
Kenshi for 12 dollars is a steal though.
Is Age of Wonders 4 shit?
that's the most disgusting thing I've ever seen
>AoW4 still shit
Dunno, depends on what you disliked in the first place.
If you want an actual AoW game though, just buy Conquest of Eo.
No idea, but from what I've read, this Anon >>1792331 is on the money. They PLANNED to make use of the Cold War settings, having the player fight against the aliens and the X-Com equivalent on the other side of the iron curtain, but scrapped it and pretty much just remade Xenonauts. A bit of a bummer.
Yeah that is what has made me apprehensive to buy it in the past, turns out its not even very discounted so I'm going to hold off.
The air combat in Xenonauts is almost as shallow as in OG X-Com. Xenonauts also removed a few things from the original.
Also, Xenonauts is rather repetitive. You just do the same thing for each tech level
Took off Frostpunk and got Men of War AQ2
Anything else before hitting buy?
Should I buy Old World, with DLC?
>The air combat in Xenonauts is almost as shallow as in OG X-Com.
I disagree. Air combat in OG X-Com is barely a step above having it auto-resolve. Meanwhile, in Xenonauts, you can send multiple planes against UFOs, which leads to strategies like having one plane run as distraction while the others unload or sending fighters who outrange the UFOs to unload their missiles and then get back to base while you send fresh ones. It's not super complex, but gives enough wiggle room to come up with some strategies.
just buy the base game, buy dlc if you like it later.

Never happens. Just buy the fucking game anon, it's worth it.
I'm sorry Anon, shilling doesn't work on me. I exclusively use my wishlist for "only pay for this if it goes below €20" stuff. If it never gets a discount, I'm never buying it. Simple as.
Actually just pirate it. They keep raising the price and with the (((paid))) expansion coming out I'm sure they'll raise the base game price even more.
>Act of Aggression 50% off
Expect it to be mid as fuck
>Kingdom under fire games 50% off
Expect it to be some sorta musou button masher
>if it goes below €20" stuff
Other than cutoff point being 10 instead 20, I have the same approach.
Based and God bless.
it's early access so I wouldn't recommend buying, but Synergy has a great Moebius art style
It is a city builder for people who like the idea of city builders more than actually playing city builders.
I struggle to really call it a city builder.
It's closer to a supply chain management game like anno except that anno also emphasizes aesthetic city building. Don't get me wrong I like it, the city building elements are just not all that there especially since you're on a time limit.
>Phoenix Point
>Jagged Alliance 3
They seem similar in gameplay, which one should I buy?
The First NuCOM, not 2nd one, then Mechanicus.
Endless Legend (fantasy 4x) and Endless Space 2 (space 4x) I think have nice aesthetic and interesting unique universe. At least check out faction cinematic introductions from ES2 because they're really great. Here's some of them:

Disciples II is also a turn-based dark fantasy game that's known for its atmospheric art style. It's like a combination of Homm with jrpg like combat. Check out this thread for more info >>1746910 As well you might want to use GL Wrapper to make it run on modern system or just for better resolution https://heroes3wog.net/disciples-12-hd-mod-gl-wrapper/
Phoenix Point is not good, sadly, but I also don't like nuCOM.
Even in the huge community mod (which is mostly bloat) that hypes up "increased difficulty air combat" it is a joke. The AI is dumb as all hell and it isn't difficult once you figure out the correct loadout that takes care of everything up to and including end game dreadnoughts.

More clicking does not equal more depth.
Does Distant Worlds 2 have the mods of Distant Worlds: Universe? I still play DW:U, but never picked up 2.
What do we think about Interstellar Space: Genesis? Is it and the DLC worth $13?
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any Xcom(2) likes on sale?
already played
>Jagged Alliance 2-3
>Phantom Doctrine
>Phoenix point
>Aliens Dark Descent
>Mutant Year Zero
>Chimera Squad
not interested in open X-com derivatives
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Check out Showgunners. You probably won't play it through more than once, but it is great.
Mechanicus. It doesn't have RNG wankery and is something of a tactical puzzle game, where at the end when you are powered up and equipped you can clean almost the whole map in one turn if you aren't a shitter.
>mpreg in game
>the creators thinly "disguised" fetish
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more likely than not this dev is legally barred from living within a certain distance of schools
it's a game, anon.
a gay pedo game
>classic M&M
It's hard to get more based.
This is a strategy board, you should try asking /vrpg/ instead.
this is one mentally ill retard replying to himself over and over
Three Kingdoms is the only one that's fun
the tactical battles get stale pretty fast, but the strategy layer is the best in the series
I had the same question so I tried it, it's got some QoL improvements but the AI breaks on some maps
>the strategy layer is the best in the series
How so? Like the map is one big slop of landmass.
I feel bad about pirating this if they aren't even breaking even.
>Kingdom under fire games 50% off
These games are so fucking old that they are asking too much.
Couldn't get into dragon pass
Act of Aggression is reasonable priced.
Kingdom under fire on the other hand... :DD
bought supcom collection and creeper world 4
i'm trusting you here, anon
Spellforce enjoyers how do you feel about Conquest of Eo?
Not true. The map has chokepoints, mountains, rivers, etc. It has jungles in the south and desert in the north. It's perfectly varied.
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it is fun but gets repetitive after a dozen hours.
me neither on my pirated version, anon. Got filtered by a lack of tutorial and unwillingness to read a manual/guide. This time though if I buy it, I play it.
Game is fun as fuck. While the guy has the sniffles a lot, old internet LPer Kikoskia did a let's play which might be worth a watch just to understand how to get started. I can see how people might bounce off it though.
King of Dragon Pass is a classic for a good reason. It's really not that complicated at all, you just need to pay attention to shit and read because things change.
i always avoid games that use the phrase "hand-crafted" as a selling point AND doesn't include a level editor. seriously, why do these devs still exist?
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I'm finally giving up on Stellaris and need new 4xs to play. I need some recommendations, fantasy 4xs okay as well.

Also, is Star Ruler 1 or 2 the good one, I can never remember.
fuck off to /v/ with these threads, retarded fuck.
I like Interstellar Space: Genesis.
I got that in the winter sale, and need to get back to it.
I ended up buying a ton of porn games
Fuck my life
why would you pay for porn games of all things, they're the easiest to find for free
>What are you hoping to get?
i stopped buying games a couple years ago, i use the money i spent on games to fuck hookers instead.. to be honest, it's a way better way to spend your money, you can download games for free, you can't download pussy
>be me and need half the content dlc for anno 1800
>can't buy anything on steam sale because my game is loicensed with Epic Games
>I pay full price on epic store
>few days later Epic has a summer sale
Just use Epic's generous refund policy to request a refund.
Or does only Steam have a generous refund policy?
I fuck my gf for free
anon knows any neat city builders
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Ok, but are they also strategy games?
>i hope to convince my friend
I'm already hyping my bros to gear up for Gates of Pyre once it's out of Beta.

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