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Has anyone played this? Its free on steam. Warhammer Tabletop + a Roguelite
Ironically, Sovl is one of the most soulless games I've ever played, made by a developer who's never had an original thought in his life. Take a shameless ripoff of WHFB with all the names changed slightly, add a randomly generated "campaign", finish it off with some generic public domain elevator music and AI-generated graphics, and you've got something that's less of an actual game and more a game-like excuse to sell a AI-generated portraits as DLC.

It's not entirely terrible in multiplayer since you'll basically just be playing a knockoff of WHFB, but the campaign which I unfortunately spent my time on is awful. Most units are locked by default and you'll need to grind 2-3 hours for each unit you want to unlock separately. Balance is a concept that doesn't exist (for example Elves are OP as fuck even with just their free roster, while Orcs and Undead suck) and the whole thing is a tedious game of attrition where every battle has you outnumbered and outgunned and healing between battles is limited. Enjoy losing 30 units in a tough battle and only getting 5 of them back for the next battle. But the real problem (to me at least) is in all the little things the game does (or doesn't do) since it's seriously lacking in basic QOL. The way every menu has a fade effect that you can't skip or speed up. The way units that are in melee can't do anything except randomly attack and yet you still need to press space to roll the dice every time as if you have any meaningful input to give. The way movement and terrain are imprecise enough that you'll regularly get blocked by terrain that you can't move through but that the enemy has no issue charging straight through. The way you can only see how far you can charge from the start of your move and not from the spot you want to move to.

I know Warhammer fans will play literally anything that carries the brand, but you're much better off just getting a WHFB mod for Tabletop Simulator instead of playing this bootleg nonsense.
it's a bit janky and weak at points, feels like a mobile game, but for free it's an alright time killer and something that can give you a taste of tabletop wargames
at the same time it's also a shame, because it wouldn't need much more QoL and content to put it next to real video games than just mobile trash
I'm hoping the developer will update it, and not just release race DLC's or something
yeah, same
I'd be willing to pay for a better version of the game, but for free this is "ok"
If played only a little but the fact that you can move and shoot OR shoot and move with ranged units (even arty) seem to make them extremely OP.
The downside is that arty/ranged can't shoot any units in combat, so after the initial clash they can only target stragglers. Also, rotating 180 degrees costs more than half of an archers movement, and then they can only move a bit. Melee units can charge pretty long distances too.
>game called soul
>its actually soulless

Surprise surprise
Was about to try it out because I like the idea of the slay the spire campaign structure, but the fact it uses AI art for pretty pricey DLCs for what they are is fucked. If he uses that money to hire an actual artist so it doesn't look like Korean MMO slop, which all this fantasy AI art seems to look like, then I'll consider it.
Did a youtuber made a video about this game? It jumped from 40-50 player peaks to almost 1000 in less than a month
Quite a few have. I've had plenty of video recommendations about it. Generally if they have warhammer content, they might cover it.
yes, the dlcs are oberpriced but I don't mind the AI art that much in a free game, it's kinda whatever, you barely see it and fits the mobile game tier aesthetics of the ui
the dev, or rather (You), have posted here about that before.
It's as bad as it looks.
Kill yourself.
Ok fine bro, I've played your game: it's very, very, very... ok-ish.

As a videogame its kinda meh, it still needs a lot of flavour for all the different factions. the dicerolling DOES give a lot of clarity as to what is happening in a fight (the skill of my undead knights is too low so now they fumble all their attacks, good to know) but after a while it gets tedious to roll every single time for everything... seriously bro include some automation for shit like armorsaves.

You might be sitting on a goldmine with that roguelike mode though. Now its obviously just there cause making an actual campaign is hard BUT its unintentionally very fun and the thing you should focus on if you actually want to make big stacks of money (and not selling more underdevelopped factions). Slowly building up an army and getting it as far as possible through increasing challenge is fun and solves a lot of the problems i have with mapgame campaigns. Finding a upgrades or a new steed for your hero is fun. Maxxing your footknights so they can solo half the enemy army is fun. the roguelike is fun but needs work.

For example why am i fighting skaven, then empire, then undead, then gaints, then a dwarf bossfight in the same zone? (I know why: cause random generation said so) Have every zone themed towards certain enemies like how FTL does it and make me choose what zone I want to go into. For example a skaven zone were I mainly fight skaven, with skavenspecific events (get ambushed by rats, rescue some slaves) and optional harder fights, a skavenlord bossfight at the end that is affected by my previous choices (i burned the skaven mines so now they have less slaves in the final fight). At the end of that i'd actually feel some gratification cause there was some buildup n shit.
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A surprisingly fun "Quick and Dirty" warhammer tabletop game but the criticisms from other anons are fair.
Having to grind 2 hours to get pistoliers was a terrible addition and i don't see why would anyone waste his time on completing a campaign 5 times as every single hero, it's a pure padding and there is simply not enough content to keep it interesting for that long. DLCs are indeed pricey for what they offer.
Still, i hope that dev doesn't abandon this game. There is plenty of factions to play with even without the DLCs and plenty of room for improvement.
>For example why am i fighting skaven, then empire, then undead, then gaints
Honestly, the format and disconnected feeling of it all would fit Age of Sigmar much better. Warhammer Fantasy is better, but AoS has that sort of nonsense, anything goes setting that could make this work.
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Lots of good criticism from anons already .
It's decently fun for a f2p game, copying what is basically the WHFB formula makes something enjoyable.
But it also gets pretty stale with the limit of maps and the solved combat vs the AI. Pic related allows you to beat the campaign without losses, just get more arty and flying units. The campaign is also pretty lackluster with the game just being padded with tedious unlocks. All the samey fights and unskippable parts don't help.
I really can't stand the AI art, it lacks any coherent visual style and also looks pretty shit.
It's a neat game with potential and I can cut it some slack as a free game but it needs some work, especially the campaign and the dlc are so not worth it for what they offer.
>Pic related allows you to beat the campaign without losses, just get more arty and flying units.
The first time I beat the elf campaign I went with nothing but spearmen. I did end up getting a griffin mount for my noble but to be honest she did better work just being part of my spearline. Just get them all the longbow upgrade ASAP and you can basically just sit still and autowin everything. Being able to take a strong long-range attack as an early upgrade to a cheap melee troop with high stats is kind of insane.
True there are some crazy combinations, like depth guards with handguns but combining artillery with flying single entities just breaks the game.
The long range and lethal shot allows your artillery to shut down all single entities and units with high defense and/or multiple wounds. The flying entities can kite and threaten flanks to ensure you never have to go into melee. As a consequence you can also ignore unit replenishment and max for xp and gold.
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Ranged and artillery are undeniably op in singleplayer once you get some upgrades for them, yep. Not sure about multi.

I found legally distinct Chaos Warriors(DLC) to be the most viable melee faction in comparison.
Many of your units can easily turn into a murder machines if you get a bit lucky with +1 random stat level-ups and get something like +1 wound on your infantry. Getting that armor re-roll upgrade and slapping it on your highest defence dudes will outright make them immortal.
My friend group picked it up and we've played a decent number of matches against each other. Singleplayer generally leads to your army being really op in one way or another, but mp balance is a bit better.

I played elves and undead, another guy played humans and undead, another played dwarves, orcs, and the last played warriors of Chaos. All the factions felt different, and while I think I see why some people have said orcs feel really rough to play, elves/undead/chaos/dwarves all felt like they had strong units and distinct play patterns. Humans were, maybe, a small bit behind. So balance isn't horrid, but it's not perfect either. Warriors of Chaos in particular feel like they are really strong against most armies, but if you spam halberds then the WoC player is suddenly really hard pressed to do much.
I had assumed you were supposed to """"mod"""" the game and just play whfb or whatever else game you wanted to play without bothering with jews' workshop.
As far as I know the game has no mod support.

Unless by "mod" you mean just pirate the DLC, which yeah I guess that's a viable option.
I like it for the price, needs work
yeah $0 is hard to beat
To be fair, there is a ton of games that aren't worth playing even at a price point of 0$.
Sad but true.
Good for what it is despite the flaws mentioned itt. Anything else that captures the TT wargame experience -while handling all the dice, rulers and rulebooks?
What in the absolute fuck is that ballista?
it's an elf thing, your kind wouldn't understand
How the fuck do you effectively play Undead in this game?

Other "weak" factions like orcs have at least some strengths to make use of, but undead only seem to have weaknesses. Their units have lower base stats than equivalent enemy units and it's not like you get more of them to make up for it, the only purpose of Crumbling is that if you're losing you lose even harder than normal, and their resurrection spell doesn't seem very impactful unless it's a super close fight, but in that case you're probably fucked becauyse of Crumbling anyway.
Do they have Dark Elves, notDruchii?
No, only high elves and (DLC) wood elves.
Certainly seems like he's going to add them all eventually.
Most likely. Adding new factions is mostly a matter of adding a bunch of stats and AI-generated portraits anyway, so I can't imagine it takes more than a day's work. I wish he added mod support so people can add stuff themselves instead of having to get overpriced DLC.
> I wish he added mod
He's gotten a steady base paying him for low effort dlc that is stripped down WHFB armies and AI art. He's never going to let people mod.
I heard there's a Battletech game out there thats just tabletop battletech but with modern 3d graffix
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All I can think of is the HBS Battletech game but that's definitely not the same as the tabletop game, even with mods to make it more accurate. There's MegaMek of course which is great, but it looks like this and doesn't have 3D graphics.
Believe it or not SOVL is baby’s first Warhammer. Actual tabletop Warhammer is far more crunchy.

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