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Opinion on AOE4 best game ever created, ever!
I plan to buy it in the next sale, i will play it on thuesday since my data limit resets at the start of the month.
I just buy it because the setting and mechanics are familiar and i dont want to learn an entire new game, i will review it in 1 week in this thread, not having high expectations but it will be fun to be a noob again , i transformed in a sweaty tryhard in aoe2 and i dont like it
Wish you the best. I'll continue playing AoE2 while I wait on your report.
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t. Gold 3/Plat1
I wouldn't say it's the best, but I like it. Landmarks add a lot to faction identity and making modified units instead of a modifier helps make them stand out. Pathfinding is better than Age2 and there's a high focus on aggression, with some minor features like stealth woods and infantry building rams that allow for different approaches, as well as sacred sites influencing map control. I like building adjacency bonuses and helps me think about how I build differently for each empire.
One thing is that the differences between empires make it a lot harder to switch between than Age2 civs, so I'm stuck playing only a few instead of trying them all out.
compstomping/the campaigns and big team games are shit, all of the excitement comes from all of the aggro you can pull before the imperial age
worst game ever aoe 4 drone. Still has the path finding isssue, the graph looks like ass and the unbalance that is originate from the design of crappy civs that pretend to be assymetric but are symetric like aoe2 and not smth like aoeo or aom which are the true assymetric civ designs
copying ur wrong opinion, nostalgia drone
copying ur wrong copying opinion, shitty tasting drone
I liked III more desu senpai
I'd rather spend my time playing literally any other RTS, old to new, indie to AAA, anything has more fun potential than AoE4 which feels 50% busywork, 50% tedium
Even so far to play garbage like Stormgate?
evryone shits on this game but has 9/10 score in most sites, theres something that dont adds up
Nobody wanted another medieval AoE.
It's ugly compared to AoE2DE.
Too many brown people civs.
I think aoe4 is very fun and I enjoy it
Since its saturday i downloaded it anyway, played a skirmish against the ai and when i tried to send 6 villagers to farms and then the rest of the group to do another thing i couldnt alt click to deselect the vills i wanted to stay in farms to send the rest to do the thing (massive qol feature) also noticed lots of little things here and there that are a downgrade from aoe2 in terms of polish of the ui and controls.
Refunded it with 40 min played, shame i wanted to play it but i think that until it adds up every aoe2 ui control feature (it has 20 years of refinement i dont understand how they leave some things out) i feel like its a downgrade in controls.
There are things i liked like how the town looks like it grows organically and also little details like sheep running faster with the scout near. i will try again when its 50% off to check if they added all of that
too add to this pathfinding was so much better in general, i dont know if better is the right world but it looks better at least, it makes sense that 3d models would look better than 2d sprites but yea, its better, also seemed that infantry dont actually sucks thanks to that but im not sure i played only 1 game against normal ai
I did and it looks gorgeous imo
Im not an rts guy at all, the only rts i played was SPORE. a couple months ago i bought all AOE games to play with my friends. I loved aoe3, but also it's the one we played the most as a groupe so im biased, we didnt like aoe2 too much cause we started with 3 and it felt SOOO much slower, also i love old school graphics but i hate how every civs looks the same, now it's only 2 of us playing aoe4 and we love it even though is extremely hard and we get raped everytime we play 2v2 against strangers and online in general, i dont have much time to play it bc of uni but i want to learn the game properly cause i love the variety of the civs and bc of the civs and pacing. for me t its more fun than aoe2 , but im just a casual
There's a million obscure UI features. They'd probably add box-deselect if enough people asked.

I'm also surprised it isn't in, though personally, I've never used box deselection in literally any RTS.
The campaigns were terrible. I played a lot of multiplayer though. Problem was that I only played Mongols, so I couldn't cycle into other civs since all the build orders are so specific.
At first I didnt like the documentary style campaign shit but honestly I grew to really like it, but I def understand why people don't like it.
>They'd probably add box-deselect if enough people asked.
They are actually doing a survey right now that asks for exactly these kind of requests and feedbacks.
what camera option do you guys use? classic or panoramic?
im not talking about box deselection i didnt event knew that existed. (but it should still be there just in case)
the feature i use a lot is to deselect individual vills from a group by ctrl clicking in their individual portraits in the control panel so i can send a big group to make 5 farms then 5 to a mining camp and the rest to build something with relatively few actions since you can ctrl click to descelect from the list of the control panel really fast (in a fraction of a second)

(just tested its ctrl click to deselect individual unit and, shift ctrl click to deselect all the units of that type and shift click to select all the units of that type )
My opinion is French cavalry should get +1 armor for free.
The game is barely hanging on due to some nice theoretical gameplay implementations, but overall, it's just a badly paced mixed of aoe2 with aoe3. It could have been amazing if still entirely derivative if it was a successful release but it wasnt
wtf you guys didnt tell me this is actually good. that said, ive been playing skirmishes as mongols and doing okay. they arent op... are they? ive never actually play AOE games on multiplayer, just transferring what i learned from wc3 tft
bait used to be believable.
pretty much all newer rts campaigns have gone to shit. trigger events force one to play the mission a certain way instead of try to figure out different ways to approach the objective.
Crazy how it took this game 2 years to become decent. One more good DLC and it might actually be good.
Just bought it because it was on sale and its fucking ass. Looks cartoonish as shit. The detail and the map size compared to AoE 2 is a disgrace.
>wtf you guys didnt tell me this is actually good
AoE4 threads die fast but I always see people say the game is actually good.
At least I'm also having fun but I'm playing French in skirmishes.
teamgame maps used to be immensely huge, fortunately they fixed that long ago
update soon
if you have experience playing rts's against other players you could probably just jump into multiplayer. i played through the campaigns on hard and like 5-10 matches against the ai on hard/hardest and decided to try multiplayer quick matches. so far i have 4x/4x matches at ~48% win rate with the mongels. and this is after not playing ANY rts for like a decade.
Agreed and kind of a shame they didn't do the same with the expansion. Doing historical Japan videos would have been rly neat to see what sort of odd things feudal Japan or even the ottomans would of done. They got the lady thats the head manager for that French hand made castle thats under construction.

>French castle under construction - Lady does the AOE4 voice overs
>Cool docs from AOE4
I just noticed the rank season ends soon and I want the tattered flag cosmetic for being in silver so I'm going to play some mp 1v1 when I get out of work. I'll probably stop playing skirmish once I get into 1v1s more.
My rts experience is pretty casual, playing vs AI and campaign.
You can deselect units in AoE4. Instead of clicking the cards you click the unit itself, it's not that hard. I can understand it's annoying to change muscular memory though.
Melee armor would be useless. Ranged would be too strong. Making chilvary cheaper is the way to go imo.
Mongols ain't op. They're at their best in hybrid maps. Or if your opponent is french.
>Melee armor would be useless
Good. No reason to not give it for free then.
>make chivalry cheaper
Sure, i could go with giving every feudal knight in the game +1 melee armor for free. They will still die to exactly 8 hits from a feudal spearman. Just don't see how that helps. Can you explain to me your reasoning?
Could*. I really should read before posting.
I think French is the worst "knight civ" and making chivalry cheaper is about the same level as giving them free melee armor upgrades.
Sorry, I forgot to say my reasoning, I just wanted to name some worthless buff for French.
I just beat a hard AI 1v1, I like using Order of the dragon (just for the symbol).
Should I try online? Would anons here be interested in whatever kind of matches? I played maybe 10h of this game; only ever played one RTS online, at a decent enough level, and it was DoW2
Just queue up for 1v1.
Gilded knights look so fucking cool
Fair enough.
See you in ranked anon.
I could play with you, depending where you are from. I'm not a good player by any means and haven't played in a while
I agree French/JD are the worst "kinght civs", but I think it would help, albeit not enough to make the civ S tier. It was nerfed in season 2 for a reason and reverting the nerf wouldn't be OP in todays meta. Healing your knights makes it easier to reach critical mass (as long as you micro them). It also allows producing less knights and going for a second TC without stopping the pressure cuz you can just switch the knights in and out instead of constantly producing more of them. Rus still gonna be better though.
>Rus still gonna be better though
Forget Rus, Japanese is a better knight civ than French/JD
NA, EST timezone. I'm new so I don't expect to be anywhere close to good either
ah damn, I'm from EVROPA, there is a 6 hours difference between us. Also 1 of us would be lagging, it's pointless unfortunately
I still think anons on here should do stuff on the weekend, 2v2 or anything like that, especially those who can offer some tips. The games themselves can be a chance to mess around with stuff
Why is this game such a downgrade from Aoe2 DE? It lacks the detail and seriousness of Aoe2. The hastings campaign is so shit.
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post 'em
It's an official fangame at best, made by 0 of the original devs with 0 of the original vision
time to kill myself. i was hoping for low gold since i was pretty good at wc3 tft. macro is waay more complicated in aoe it seems.
All the campaigns are universally awful, but I do like some of the things that 4 adds like the neutral markets, or sheep following the scout, or the way unit responses evolve through the ages. Unit counterplay is pretty good.

Projectiles still look awful tho, and they never really solved naval combat.
I never played campings and never played offline matches. I only play ranked team games with my friends. %50 of the time having fun and the other %50 of the time getting angry since game promotes rushers to win.
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out of desperation, i grinded my way out of silver.
i'd be all about this but alas life is short and i'm thinken the last bout of rts enthusiasm went into coh3
what faction do you play brah
n1 anon
I'm such a shitter. I can only play HRE and MAA rush with the upgrade and flood. If I don't do that, I will certainly die.
uh am i understanding this thing right?
theres only a few THOUSAND ranked players TOTAL?
Yes. Quickmatch has a vastly larger player pool.
ranked 1v1 is extremely unpopular
i mean thats obvious but i didnt realize rts games were dead dead.
for what purpose? are you saying its no indication of skill in aoe4?
Most RTS players have no interest in getting good
i don't know how to win once we're both in Imperial Age
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The season just restarted, but am I reading this wrong? it's showing up to 10-12k players per skill slice. Where are you getting a few thousand players total?
are people still playing this game? how active is it compared to Age II?
has about half the playerbase of 2
the game sux and its new update make it clear that aoe 4 was a dead game bloated with goypass tourists
lol the hype died quickly
They need to buff Samurai. I find it super immersion-breaking that one single Samurai can't AT LEAST beat 5-6 European Knights. It should be more like 10-12, but I can make some concessions for game balance. Medieval armor is utterly useless against Nippon steel and the gameplay needs to reflect as much.
I think AoE4 is by far the best AoE so far. I can't go back to AoE2, I miss all the comfort features and civs actually being different.

>its new update make it clear
Last Wololo tournament, they released a massive update right before the tournament and pros got mad that the meta changed thusly right then.

That's why this time, they release it AFTER the tournament, that's why the big changes are coming in mid August, rather than at the start of this season.
One Mounted Samurai can beat 12 Man-at-Arms, if you kite long enough.

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