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Personally as much as i love Shadow Empire it should be A, playing it feels like a job, Endless legend doesnt belong in S tier but fag who created that list loves it, Gladius isnt even 4X, in general list is kinda sad there almost no good 4X games released in last decade.
Stars in shadow and distant worlds 2 are both at least A if he's putting stellaris in A.
dw 2 is jank
stellaris is laggy but it's not jank
Compared to the rest of this tierlist Shadow Empire and Endless Legend are S tier. Never played Old World.
>Never played Old World.
I picked it up last week and it's the best 4x I've ever played. It does so many things right. They've really thought about what doesn't work in other 4x's and made every effort to fix those issues and they're really good at it.
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I enjoyed the simulation aspects of dw2.
it's a game of patience
Shadow Empire is always S tier. Doesn't matter if it's jank. I love it. It's a must include for any grognard.
Agree with you, was there when it first launched and brought it when it came to Steam
>its one of the best
no wonder, its done by the Civ4 guy

Also one of the best most unique in what it does, does pretty damn well

the only other thing I disagree is that DW is also a kino of its own kind, the best spess 4x with logistics elements
Old World is great but sadly it's pozzed.
I remember At the Gates. It's that game made by the Civ 5 main designer. Didn't he ended up living in a car and got diagnosed with mental illness or am I thinking about different indie dev?
i was never interested in it cause of setting and short time period, also i heard the game runs like shit
his tier list is fine. He put EL in S because it was the 4X that got him back into the genre and again this is a personal tier list not what he thinks is objectively the best. Case in point, I fuckin love EL but I still would rate it a 7/10.
>civ VI in B


awful list.
>let me just sprint this one unit across the entire map in a single turn
>retaliation attacks is not a thing and you can completely shit on everything with zero loses if you wipe them out in your turn
>let's sprinkle retarded ck events on top of it for good measure
Old World is shit and you are shit.
I did not enjoy age of wonder at all.
Why is DUNE unlisted? Is it not considered 4x?
Where's Aurora?
I've seen this schizo game mentioned occasionally, is it actually worth checking out? I don't want to play it if it's actually a schizo jump scare game or something crazy like that.
play with no female roles mod
yeah Jon Shafer, poor guy. It looked like he was going to fix the game a few years ago too but radio silence since then as far as I'm aware
the combat is unironically the best solution for 4X from the last decade or more
solves the slug that is dragging about large amounts of troops across the map
each unit is expandable while still being impactful
and requires actual use of strategy, working your environment and diversity of unit types to gain an advantage over an enemy
You can't do that unless you have an extreme abundance of orders, which if you're at war is very unlikely, a non-issue.
Certain generals can give units retaliation, the system is balanced around focus fire and unit preservation, play accordingly. Non-issue.
If you don't want some basic intrigue and leader management don't play the game, it's intended. Non-issue.
he said he didnt play it enough to rank it
Decent list but American Truck Simulator should be ahead of Stellaris
I still can't believe he thought sticking his name in front of that title made for a good name. "Jon Schafer's At The Gates, Would Somebody Please Let Him In?".
So is Stellaris good or bad? i see people call it best game ever or absolute trash no in between
It'd be great if you could get more than 5 frames in the endgame
so same problem as Distant worlds but x10 cause that game is stutter mess 30 years in
I am really hyped for sins2. I'd even buy it on epic if it ever went on sale there.
>/vsturds love Shadow Empire
>check it out
>looks like dogshit
>in a strategy centered board
Would you play a great strategy game with clown level graphics / sound?
NTA but it has appropriate art style for the game, i would much more hate it if it had civ6 or oxygen not included cartoon style. Also there are mods to vidcom and card art
I want to give the 4X genre a chance

I've only played Endless Legend (without dlc) and civ6. Endless Legend was very fun even though I didn't know what I was doing, I liked the race which lets you instantly heal units with money (dust iirc), it was pretty obvious to me that you are supposed to play aggresive with them.
Civ6 on the other hand felt like shit. The graphics, the narration, it felt like a game for children. I've tried 2 or 3 times to get into this game but got bored after several turns in.

What game would you guys recommend for me? I was thinking about Age of Wonders 4 and civ5.
Also I love strategy games, got over 1k hours in hoi4 and eu4 and I love vic2.
gameplay has always trumped graphics, slave
Graphics is a part of game.
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/r/ those seinfeld edits
Your assessment of civ6 is correct, the combat AI is also complete ass and can't handle the tactical combat at all. Civ5 is the same in that regard too, so I'd give it a pass for that reason alone, along with other terrible mechanics like global happiness.
If you're wanting to stay with 4X with a tactical combat emphasis, then Age of Wonders 4 will probably be good for you though I've never actually played it personally. Also look into Old World, some of the mechanics like orders are a bit gamey but they just work™ in solving late game tedium issues. More importantly, the AI can actually play the tactical combat decently in Old World.
same, I've tried searching the archive but the keywords don't pop up anything
>endless legend is S tier good game overall, with a shitty combat system
>aow4 somehow A tier, its superior predecessors nowhere in sight
>half the list are random mobile tier meme games or unreleased/EA titles
>civs that were actually good are missing
>alpha centauri missing
>no master of orion or its derivatives
what a fucking retard, at least he can differentiate between 4x and GSGs
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>ES in S tier
Great now I have to pretend not to like ES. Thanks a lot leddit.
i'm sure old world will be great when they fix the 5 minutes turn in the late game.
Time to buy a new PC, this doesn't happen for me.
oh, the classic "it's fine to me".
Looks is it strongest part. Gameplay is much worse
Try civ5
In terms of art direction it is the pinnacle of the series. There is a civil war of sorts between civ 5 enjoyers and civ 4 purists. Both are good games. Nobody likes civ 6, and when you play 5 or even 4 you'll understand why beyond what you noticed.
If you liked endless legend you'll probably also like endless space 2.
what is terstell space
Interstellar space
i would play a great strategy game in a spreadsheet.

If you think graphics are important in the slightest, you have 80iq sorry, and that's a FACT
whereas if you think posturing to the effect of "hurr durr i'm a big boy who don care about no graffix!", you have exactly 100 iq
If your willing to play real time you might want to give Sins of a Solar Empire a shot. It comes up on sale with all its expansions often. As others have said you will probably like Endless Space 2.

Personally I have felt that Age of Wonders in all its iterations I've played (3 and 4) feels like a tedious time sink where very little happens and I'm just doing rote activates every turn.
>shadow empire s tier
>none of the classic 4x are on the list
is this supposed to be some kind of joke
Can you redpill me on it? I like elegant mechanics that work and serve a purpose, but every time I started OW I just got super bored really quickly.
>boot up shadow empire
>spend 4 hours rolling a decent planet
>finally get to play
>start is fucked
>spend 4 hours rolling another planet
>it's getting late, maybe I'll start tommorow
>start tommorow, start is fucked
>just go play something else instead of wasting another day
I would appreciate SE much more if it let me do what I want instead of having to rely on the most ass backwards RNG system that seems biased to create snorefest scenarios.
I enjoyed OW a decent bit, pirated it multiple times. I don't think it's best but certainly enjoyable, however I refuse to give the devs a cent because I feel like their kikery with Epic already paid for my copy.
And the worst part is that all it would take to fix things like that is for rabid fans to stop idolizing an obviously incompetent dev and force him to fix his shit
>no Aurora
>Shitlaris higher than DW
>no MOO3
>Civ 6 instead of 4
What a fucking shit opinion holy shit.
I like X4
t. room temp IQ
>Master of Magic
>C tier
Reddit moment
>distant worlds c tier
>gal civ 4 when 2 is the best one
>no sots
its called plebbit 4 a reason
IMO it is somewhat absolving that they took Tim's money only after their original publisher Starbreeze fucked up their dinances so bad even by Starbreeze standards that they canceled all the publishing deals they had, leaving the game without further funding. They got a new publishing deal with Hooded Horse only almost a year after the Epic release was done.
Which Gladius dlc would you consider skips?
i read somewhere you can unlock them all by changing txt file in game folder, google it

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