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This coming update will be the last update for Total War Pharaoh, as the Sofia team has already switched to making the Khorne part of the upcoming Orcs, Ogres and Khorne DLC for Warhammer
The CA main team is also working on Warhammer DLC, and all the "leaks" have been proven false, likely including the WW1 Total War leak and the Star Wars leak
CA is now totally committed to making Warhammer DLC, no history games appear to be in the works at all

It's beyond over, it's time to forget Total War ever happened
All the big strategy devs are about to go under from Relic to CA, the mainstream vidya crash is almost here
They're grasping at the only thing making them money, no surprise here.
All these niggas had to do was make Medieval 3 after Attila but they attached themselves to a line of toys that was inevitably going to stop printing money once the toy company tired of them.
I knew this was gonna be the last update when I saw that Assyria had cavalry. They were probably saving that for an Iron Age dlc but realized that was never gonna happen. Also all the shit they’re releasing together instantaneously like Mesopotamia and Mycenae was probably originally supposed to be separate dlc.
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I checked /twg/ to see if it was true and they don't even have Pharaoh in the OP anymore. F.
ca haven't made a decent game since 2012
>refuse for 15 years to make a new engine
>continue using the warscape engine nobody likes
>continue making bland neither historical nor characterful games with floaty shitty combat
>repeatedly try to patch over the engine designed for napoleonic warfare to make it work for melee combat
>fail and lie to your consumer base over and over again
>add magic spells to your historical games
>wonder why your historical fanbase abandons you
>more people play modded and even vanilla versions of your old games than your new ones
make a new fucking engine
i know they can’t because presumably all talent has evaporated from cb ca but ffs
at least medieval 2 mods are still bussin
i swear game companies just lost the ability to program and all they can do new is scripting and graphics
to be fair there is nothing left to add, Pharaoh is already the best Total War game mechanically and expanding the content will make it objectively the best Total War title
I can see why they'd want to move on after reaching perfection
How is it the 'best mechanically'?
RIP, I thought this studio had some potential if they got more budget and a good pitch. Being relegated to DLC mill #7 is a waste. Warhammer is a blight on the land.
I think I preferred it when this genre was dead, watching a bunch of kikes Marionette my favorite franchises around to make more shekels is very annoying.

And they're all trying to appeal to the StarCraft competitive crowd, which fails literally every time they try to do it.
If you aren't playing TW MP right now, you're missing out. The scene has never been more alive and active, and there's talk of a tournament with big prize pools.
It's not
>India: Total War was in the works as early as 2019, cancelled
>WW1 Total War was in the works as early as 2016, cancelled
>Pike and Shot: Total War was in the works starting around 2022, cancelled
>terrain that actually matters in battle
>unit mass actually matters, with heavier units being able to push lighter units out of the way
>weather having a noticeable impact in battle gameplay and changing mid battle
>the ability to burn forests to deny enemy cover/burn settlements to lower defenders moral
>the most detailed formation system in the series, only game where you can actually fall back without turning your back to the enemy
>best economy system with multiple resources to balance and manage
>first time in the series where victory conditions are ridiculously arbitrary and boring
it takes everything the series has done so far and improves on it, and the update adding back 1 hit kills and family trees reminiscent of earlier titles will only make it better
I had a Russian teacher's assistant in one of my university lectures last year who looked almost exactly like that except he had too long uncut hair
He was one of the most annoying liberals I've ever met, he bounced between complaining about racism in Russia, the U.S (where he currently was) and in Japan (where he apparently worked as a programmer in a Russian company)

But anyway, they all look like this because they're basically all the same whiney faggot
If you go to a real programming job that isn't something like video games or student teachers, you'll meet normal people, but the Slavs who come over here for this are usually annoying people and it shows visually
yeah the programmer at our company just looks like a normal metalhead dude
but it just gets under my skin how so many people can style themselves like exact clones of each other and it doesn't seem to bother victor here that he looks exactly like ivan from the next desk, who looks just like georgi from the next desk after that and he looks like 50 other dudes in his building and it's not making any bells ring in his head
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>arguments: none
>India: Total War was in the works as early as 2019, cancelled
и кaт ca бългapи вeднaгa щoм oтидaт нa зaпaд ce coйфopмиpaт
Everyone involed with the idea and the greenlight for hyenas should be shot. All the time, the effort, the massive budget allocated to that abomination..

They could have made medieval 2 twice, they could have a fully finished, bug-free warhammer game, they could have a 16th century world total war, but no. Instead they wasted ALL their profit and goodwill on this idiotic, completely retarded tranny shooter game.Just thinking about the waste makes me angry.What in the fuck were they thinking?
Don't worry anon, they all got raises and promotions while the Alien Isolation team forced to work on it all either quit over time or were fired when Hyenas flopped :^)
Yes thank you for illustrating how grim the situation truly is.
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Pic presented without comment.
Draw your own conclusions on the state of TW MP.
Now if you kindly enter the gulag, please anon...
>>continue using the warscape engine nobody likes
All most popular TW titles are on warscape, including historical ones. The only reason historicals after Rome 2 don't sell is because they keep making niche settings instead of mass appeal ones like Medieval, Pike and Shot or Empire.
Sofia keeps cleaning up after bongs so it's not a surprise. Them switching to Warhammer now is a bright future for fans of this title.
Star Wars was obviously always fake, Legend discredited himself for not outright dismissing it
Pharaoh was supposed to fill in mainline historical title slot so next is obviously a fantasy TW title - which is 40k.
wait what happened to adding all those new factions and expanding the map? Did they cancel all that shit?
That's coming sometime this summer, but Sofia has been confirmed to have already started work on Warhammer DLC so obviously nothing else is coming to Pharaoh afterwards
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One day Medieval 3 or Rome 3 will come and you fantasy kikes will burn under the fire of ROME.
Enjoy the ride will it lasts, because the roman legions of Aurelian are coming for you, and that time will be TOTAL FANTASY DEATH.
The historical domination will continue until morale improves.
yea nothing of value was lost...just reskinned rome 2 total war with shittier basic units
nta but 40k total war will kill off fantasyfags and historyfags way before then. 40k is going to hit total war like crack hit blacks in the 80s. none of this shit matters since it's all going to be swept away in 1-3 years when 40k launches.
>boot up old TW
>New shitty launcher
>Mods ask multiple times if i want to use them
>Takes way longer now
Reasons to roll back every total war game
Yeah pretty much this. Best case scenario is that some other devs take notice of CA's incompetence and decide to give the TBS-RTT hybrid genre a go, but I'm not holding my breath.
Manor Lords.
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Yeah idk if CA will be alive long enough and in a good enough condition to actually make a ROME 3 worthy of playing.

Aкo иcкaш дa cтигнeш зaпaдa, тpябвa дa cтaнeш зaпaдa(гeй).
If anything this supports the leaks. They're doing another Thrones of Decay after saying they wouldn't be doing that again and suddenly it's all hands on deck making a relatively simple DLC (Ogre rework aside). That's some plans change shit right there.
At this point the Sofia team should just split off, they are the only competent part of CA
>India: Total War was in the works as early as 2019, cancelled
Good, who thought it was a good idea? Nobody gives a fuck about India
>WW1 Total War was in the works as early as 2016, cancelled
They probably quickly realized that the engine has no hopes of handling it
>Pike and Shot: Total War was in the works starting around 2022, cancelled
CA is so incompetent holy shit
Bceки пpoгpaмиcт, кoйтo cъм cpeщaл изглeждa тoчнo кaтo тeзи coяджии
Let it go already. The franchise is dead.
Pajeets tw would have similar fate to Pharaoh as nobody in the west or east give a shit about India and pajeets don't buy or play games
First WW as Tw is retarded, how you even simulate trench warfare? Unless they would revert to risk style map.
Pike and shoot is real loss but it would be probably be shit even if setting is great for tw game
>Pike and Shot: Total War was in the works starting around 2022, cancelled
truth be told, that is pain
Fantasy VS. Historical is a false-narrative, CA pushes it because it avoids the real issue: the gameplay design since Rome II has been SHIT. Total War games are not made by people who actually enjoy playing the games, at all. They enjoy making numbers go up, but have no game sense. That's why 'historical' no longer sells: does anyone think Medieval 3, with Richard the Lionheart kicking down a castle gate and Saladin flying around on his magic carpet, would be a good game?
>Medieval 3, with Richard the Lionheart kicking down a castle gate and Saladin flying around on his magic carpet, would be a good game?
Yes that sounds kino
To an 'ideas guy', which CA is now full off, instead of programmers and competent designers.
>They could have made medieval 2 twice, they could have a fully finished, bug-free warhammer game, they could have a 16th century world total war, but no.
They couldn't. The way this ESG/DEI grift worked (before the bottom fell out of the barrel, and funding suddenly dried up) was that you got a shitton of money, but could only use it on wokeshit. The mpney spent on Hyenas was earmarked from the very begging JUST for Hyenas; if somebody had asked the ESG/DEI people to pls gib fundz for to maek new Medieval, they would've responded with a flat "no".
Still laughing how the historical game has a better system for God worship than any of the 3 fantasy games.
Is SFO fun?
Also should I get Champions of Chaos?
>Total war: pharaoh
What went wrong?
It was clearly a game where they cut out half the factions to sell as DLC also they should have included a mortal empires like mode that combined the map of pharaoh with troy
The setting
Sounds like what that Crusades game by the King Arthur devs should have been.
Setting and price. It is saga title for full price in era that nobody asked for. I would also add denuvo as it cut player base and make people who could be interested just straight ignore it.
Agree but for similar reason. The game systems are just bad and battles are not fun. The whole province and general, recruitment system just suck.
Which is tragic as Empire actually had pretty good take on it.
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Rome 2 happened.
DLC for TW:Troy sold at full price.
Who the fuck is Sofia
death to fantasy fags
The warscape engine is shit and you're a fucking retard for thinking 20 year old games can compete in numbers with contemporary ones. The fact that Medieval 2 still gets as many players as it does on Steam, not even counting elsewhere, is remarkable.
Which are all issues stemming from the warscape engine.
None of the modern games have ever captured the real sense of weight and momentum you have in the earlier titles because they are just faking it. Issues have just been patched over with duct tape and gum.
isn't the "warscape engine" the battle engine, not the campaign map? how does it affect things like provinces, one general armies, recruitment system, etc.?
Creative Assembly is a shit company run by morons and it needs to die.

With any luck the actual talent will then create a decent studio and make something actually worth playing.

I have absolutely zero hope for the company to produce another good total war game. They can't even make good warhammer DLC's. They are scraping the bottom of the barrel with a bloated DEI infested dev team run by genuine imbeciles and dysgenics, as hyena can abundantly attest to by itself.

Starting over with a new engine barely even scratches the surface. Modern day creative assembly cannot make a good engine. They don't even know why anyone plays their games. It's a diversity hire welfare studio.
In literal terms, 'warscape' is the graphics engine and 'Total War Engine 3' is the game engine. They are often used collectively as 'warscape'. The campaign traditionally in Total War is not the point of the game. The point is the battles; the campaign is a support feature to give contexts to the battles. This made them co-interactive: places that saw frequent battles had poor economies, making forever wars on any single front more expensive the more it expanded. These well-thought out mechanics existed until 'corruption' was introduced as a replacement and instead of wars being limited by intuitive economies, they became limited by the number of provinces owned as determined by the designer. That number can now be adjusted in a table, and if it's adjusted to be the same as what would always happen in that campaign as it played out then no one would notice. Thing is that the designer would have to know what that table value was actually for, and it would be very hard to guess just by testing it to see what happens. Unlike the system where 'region has more wars, therefore has major economic growth problems', which is self-explanatory and directly reveals the gritty realism and gameplay purpose: Sun Tzu says that no country prospers from a prolonged state of war or crisis. The campaign map was originally able to reflect that, without over-shadowing the battles but enhancing them with 'ludo-narrative harmony'.
>ludo-narrative harmony
Try again without meaningless buzzwords.
This is a Total War thread, you should be used to meaningless buzzwords as CA's marketing teams invented plenty of them and they worked: they sell shit games that do better than when they made their best games.
>rome 3
It will be full of women and niggers and the aesthetic and mechanics woll be borderline fantasy.
It's over through and through
this, the day that shitty company closes will be a great day.
hyenas was the product of CA, yes esg slop, but the core issue is that CA makes game on trends, perceived market preferences and no concept beside "numbers go up". Any product that they can come up with is a incoherent mess in term of concept, the fact that the most popular product now is based on a IP from a 3rd company is not by chance.
I'm not interested on what they can come up with next, even a med3 will not change that prospective in me, even if the critic and users will promote a new TW with 90% positive, due to the amount of shilling and retardation of the fanbase.
>Tfw we'll never get medieval 3
>muh medieval 3, muh rome 3
>on cringescape engine
It would be literally a reskin of ToB
You mean just like with ToB?
If CA made a Med3 or Rome3 it would be similar to ToB and AoC or Rome2. And the same tards that scream for a new historical title would give it the Pharaoh treatment.
they tried to pull a Paradox and sell an incomplete game for full price without the goodwill to back it up
>inb4 >Paradox >goodwill
their recent releases were bad and there's still a decent amount of "it'll get better with time" coping mental gymnastics even here
>One day Medieval 3 or Rome 3 will come
If CA survives for another decade, they will come, and they will be shit. Imagine thinking CA can still make a good game after 15 years of consistent garbage.
The Pharaoh weren't black enough that's why it failed. Putting in random crackers and arabs fucked the games historical value.
go back to /v/ with your retarded shitposting
So I'm someone who bought Rome 2 on sale as my first and only tw game. I see it constantly ragged on while still manage to have fun with it. Am I just benefiting from ignorance here? Are the other games that much better?
rome2 is a game that had a very bad launch, with bugs and stupid decision like capture point only battles.
that being said, today rome2 is much better, but has battles that are less clear and less enjoyable in the mele combat, a politic system just annoying. province system and army management that changed what was not broken into a more rigid solution, with tedious consequences like defending your settlement when your territory became large.
it's just a game that has the typical fun of a total war, the realtime and turn based, but shogun 2 was just more polished, less dumb in some ways to rome2.
Do mods fix it? I've been in the mood for new TW, but haven't bothered fucking with anything past Atilla, really. The Dominions 6 Warhammer mod is far superior to TW:W, I've found.
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Top Kek
yes and no, keep in mind that mods can't implement new mechanics or get rid of the bad ones, they tweak the existing but can be very impacful, try some. For me is a no because it's not a balance issue with rome2, but you have to judge by yourself
A pity. I might just buy CK3 to stop having to use the shitty workshop downloader sites for mods.
Two questions /vst:
1. Is Warhammer 3 worth playing?
2. Why did Pharaoh flop?
3. Is Pharaoh worth playing if I like ancient Egypt themed games, for example I played AC Origins because of it.
1. if you like warhammer fantasy yes
2. because it was basically a modified version of Troy and had a very small scope; the upcoming patches will be adding more content and increasing the scope
3. Yeah, at the end of the day it's still pretty enjoyable if you like the setting
What if the last TW game I played was Shogun 2?
Pharaoh's actually a decent game. If you like the setting I think you'll really enjoy it.
then you're in for a very different experience since the games post Rome 2 play differently on the campaign map. Still worth trying, worst thing that happens is you don't like it and refund it.
>1. Is Warhammer 3 worth playing?
Depends? I don't hate it, it arguably has some improvements of WH2 and can be fun but also has issues, both due to its age and the quirks of monsters and magic.

>2. Why did Pharaoh flop?
Multiple reasons.
>high price point
>sounded like a troy 2.0/small expansion
>era is arguably not that appealing to the average player and very close to troy
>didn't help that many considerd the map to be missing important parts
>historic fanbase generally being pissed and especially with troy and its mythological stuff
>community frustration with CA for previous decisions
>negative expectataions because the dev team made saga titles
>playerbase hyping themselves for the "inevitable" medieval 3 which didn't happen

>3. Is Pharaoh worth playing if I like ancient Egypt themed games, for example I played AC Origins because of it.
Bought it yesterday, so I only played it for a few hours thus far but I'd say yes, especially the 13 bucks I paid for it.
It certainly feels like a step in the right direction. Seems like the game is mechanically far deeper than I expected. Multiple resource system appears to be a nice way to encourage lower tier units and I appreciate that battles go on for a bit longer again.

Might be rough getting used to the newer titles. As >>1797763 correctly pointed out post rome2 tw is different. Arguably pharaoh feels like a move closer to shogun 2 but I might just feel that way because I played a lot of WH3 before it.
Pharaoh is a good game, and will be better once the map expansion comes, and they add sucession mechanics and other things the game lacks right now. It feels like they should've released it this year, instead in 2023. It's half backed, but will be better and polished in a few months.
Also, the Bronze Age is not for everyone. It's a very ancient kind of magic era where mythology and history tend to be mixed up. I alway liked Mesopotamia and Egypt as a child, therefore I am enjoying it, but I understand people who only want cavalry charges and magic spells.
Also, the game is highly moddable, so we are able to add other cultures like sumer or akkad. Pharaoh is a niche game, like Troy.
Multiple resource system, sack, burning down cities, destroy ancient civilizations, feel like an ancient caananite pillaging etc is a great experience.
Also, the game has cav, they are chariots and are devastating when used correctly. I don't know, I like the era and reading books about it, and will be better once mycenaeans and assirians are unlocked with the huge map expansion.
>but will be better and polished in a few months
Did they announce a dlc for it? Headliner says it's dead.
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They will add a huge map expansion including all Greece, Anatolia, and Mesopotamia. Also, they will introduce new batle mechanics and campaign mechanics.
All free.
2 more weeks
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>no new engine
>no medieval or rome 3
>even if they were to come out they'd be garbage
>no empire 2
>no victoria total war
>no pike and shot total war
>and again if by some miracle they do come out they'd be shit because CA hasn't made a genuinely good game in a decade. Warhammer would be fun but the province system is just straight up shit and anything that isn't fantastical units or lords are terrible when seen fighting
Sumer/akkad weren't around by then, and if you move the clock back options become even more meager. I'm partial to the idea of moving the clock forward some to 8th century BC. I am not sure if I will be able to do so myself but I plan to try and start small on a project for that - mainly to have a more plausible environment for cavalry. They've elected to have Assyrian cavalry which first appear around 800, maybe 900 at the earliest. Given it's 'dynasties' and lords can die off, I think if you accept Total war: Dynasties to be less 'bronze age collapse 1200-1100' and more 'bronze age to iron age 1200-800' then it's reasonable (M2 for example was at a minimum 1070 to 1492 or 422 years, meaning 1200 to 778 BC), even to perhaps include some more cavalry elsewhere (I'd say less so Greeks and Trojans, but Phrygians/Hittites maybe).
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madlads actually did it
It's not buzzwords, it's a jargon used to explain specific concepts. As the video game medium has developed terminology has developed to communicate ideas unique to the medium. Ludo-narrative dissonance vs harmony is a real idea and was entirely appropriate to his post.
>Pharaoh confirmed dead
wew lad, i thought you meant the impressions game
which would be true, i guess. the remake is shit.
If I can get Total Warhammer 3 for 80 euros, every DLC included, should I? Is it worth the money, /vst/?
Does that include WH1 and 2 and all their DLC too?
No, that's just the third game with all the DLC. I already have the first and second Total Warhammer games.
If you liked 1 and 2 then maybe. 3 has some improvements over its predecessors, like melee not being useless, and some of the dlc are neat especially the chorfs. 80 might still be a bit much of you don't care for all the dlc factions.
Warhammer is a proven moneymaker and keeping them afloat.

Using it to get money to justify a new engine and reboot to history is well worth it.
Star Wars was always fake, there's zero way of making it work with the current total war engine which is from 2009!

WW1 is still technically possible as contrary to normie opinion, it wasn't static warfare daily. It was a total grind of CQC horror, human waves, urban fighting, trench fighting, forest fighting, desert fighting, mountain fighting, long range bombings of foreign cities with early strategic bombers and zeppelins, early combined arms with artillery supporting the infantry attacks, brutal naval battles and later on the early tanks and close air support bombers. It needs to be treated to a new engine for the full experience. WW1 is sorely overlooked and that is tragic historically and morally even more so when all the leaders of WW2 were the sailors,soldiers,airmen and junior politicians of WW1.
Its a pivotal period between 1914-1945 that shaped the entire world and whose effects are still felt daily worldwide. Literally every event affecting us today can be traced directly back to the aftermath of that period in world history.

Imagine if they spent the £100mn from Hyenas on a new total war engine instead that is moddable for the community and easy to upgrade for the next 15-20 years to keep it looking and playing well with all eras of history or even fantasy franchises. Sega really fucked up with that one wasting time and money on an oversaturated shitfest of shooters with a developer whose niche is strategy.
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No one asked for Pharaoh.

Most common history requests are:
>Empire 2
>Medieval 3
>Pike and shot period
>Victorian era(1837-1901) which includes US civil war and that could be a standalone on its own.
>Shogun 3 with expansions into China and Korea.

Most common fantasy requests are:
>Warhammer 40k (Most likely with a surprise new engine, Warhammer 40k is next level money maker compared to fantasy)
>Lord of the Rings(great mod in medieval 2 already called Divide and Conquer, now working on Silmarillion)
>Game of Thrones (fun mod in medieval 2 already)
>Elder Scrolls(fun/great mod in medieval 2 already)
>Dragon Age (upcoming looking great mod in medieval 2, expected to be released by end of this year)

All of these need a new engine. All of these were listed on the official CA survey this year as well about what you would like to see next.
Good. More market space for indies.
If they made Empire 2 then you would write nobody asked for a sequel.
Not a surprise they put in way too many pasty whites in a game set in fucking africa. Shit was stupid as fuck.
This wouldn't have happened if you know these subhumans could make a good game.
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>Star Wars was always fake, there's zero way of making it work with the current total war engine which is from 2009!
>WW1 is still technically possible
Anon I... they're mechanically the same thing. If one can't work then the other is impossible too.
I did. I asked for it. I asked for a bronze age, ancient Egyptian total war. Suck my dick.
>It's beyond over, it's time to forget Total War ever happened
Are you fucking retarded? This is what we wanted. Pharoah was trash and never should've been made just like Hyenas. Now they're gonna focus on the game we actually want instead of splitting their focus to other shitty games.
The only part of that that actually makes the game any better is the unit formations. The rest is just bloat, like the other anon said.
Well you're retarded and, unfortunately for you and everyone like you, CA is learning not to listen to retards because retards don't know what's good.
I didn't say I was happy with what I got, dumbass.
Shows how much you know. Waterlooaboos are a huge community.
Empire starts over 100 years before Waterloo, thoughbeit
All they had to do was stop remaking rome fucking 2, but they can't and won't.
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a genuine real Elder scrolls game that covered all the continents eventually through DLC would be instant buy for me
would be my GOAT total war setting
Medieval 3 would have just been another rome 2 reskin, no point.
just out curiosity I searched elder scrolls total war and got this, is this any good?
i never played medieval 2 before
I doubt the world could handle the massive letdown that Bethesda and CA would create together.
this is probably the sad truth
Same fanbase.
I'm replaying Warhammer 3

I'm about 150 turns into this campaign and honestly I've come to the conclusion that the tech tree and lord skills absolutely fucking ruin the game.

My troops have so many fucking bonuses that I'm literally soloing multiple entire fucking armies with 3-4 units. This game is only fun for the first 60-90 turns where you haven't snowballed enough to faceroll everything.

What the actual fuck were they thinking with these skill trees, and why the hell has NOBODY fixed this???!!?!?!
Seriously I look at mods on the workshop and besides a couple rebalance mods that don't fix the problem, everything that even touches on skills and techs might as well be cheat mods that win you the game even faster

what the actual fuck is wrong with the warhammer 3 community, these drooling retards must be autoresolving 99% of their battles and sleepily watching the AI on autopilot for the last 1% how the actual fuck does anyone find this game challenging or engaging
>60-90 turns
your lucky anon, the only fun I seem to have is the very first battle of the campaign
I feel like this game would feel a lot better with a slider that could limit total units in your army
Real reason they want to keep making Warhams DLC is well because people actually buy it. New lords/mechanics and whole new units including new monster models is more often seen as worth it over the Humanii DLC for historical games. Back in the day when they were only making historical games there was resentment towards the DLC and people often just called them paid unlocks. Unfortunately for historical fans voting with your wallet does in fact work.
sounds like more fake leaks. wtf time period is "India TW" anyway. A real leak would at least reference Iron age, early middle ages or the 1700s+.
They added in 'one hit kills' with zero context or understanding for why they originally happened and how they got removed. It's just a percentage chance per hit, that the designers pull out their ass: the player has no input and can't influence it with decisions made in a battle. That goes for everything else; zero player agency beyond 'press button to make a stat modifier active for X seconds'.
Voting with your wallet also gets you unrepentant cookie-cutter goyslop. The lord DLC for Warhammer is stretching the absolute limits and none of it is adding anything of substance to the game. It's a huge turnoff as a potential customer to want to get involved in CA's warhammer only to find out there's $300+ of this fucking goyslop DLC bullshit on top of the $100 game.

Warhammer 3 now has just about every possible fucking lord and hero for every faction it could have. Another couple years of this and they'll have scraped so much of the bottom of the barrel they'll make a fucking hole in it.

This company cannot die fast enough.
India Total War was going to be the Mughal invasion. Nobody had an official title for it.
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Dude relic has been dead for over a decade. Everything made after that point was garbage. I'm not even optimistic that them going independent will do a damn thing. The old talent is clearly gone.
We will never go back to a time where we don't need generals in every fucking army just to move units on the map.
tbf total war sucks ass anyway. these games provide the illusion of strategy at best
sounds more like they finally got the chance to drop the dead fucking weight

guess we'll see how it is with their next title
Exactly why nobody should listen to retards like you
Hi, I'm contributing. Pike and shot or Victoria would also be comfy.
If mughals were the focus of india TW the poos would seethe and fling poo everywhere. Hindu nationalists are unhinged and very loud.
You're laughing? The last chance for this game franchise to redeem itself and you're laughing. Enjoy your last Total War game.
That ain't happening. It was way too overhyped for what it was: a pretty EA game made by one guy. Sadly, not all that glitters is gold.
DESU I don't think Pharaoh really needs THAT much more after the update. Though, playable Nubia would be nice.
>Good, who thought it was a good idea? Nobody gives a fuck about India
People like you are why businesses fail.
lacking common sense is why businesses fail
see total war pharaoh
>Pharaoh confirmed dead,
OH no no no on on
WE WUZ KANGZbros....
>India: Total War
rotk 2?
Their series was made wealthy and successful without pandering to the cow-shit-consuming denizens of New Delhi thus far.
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good. fantasy tw is better. historical tw sucks dick and I say that as a historical fan.
that line of toys kept the company alive till this days. WH3 is literally CA's sole remaining cashflow.
So... Anybody actually playing Pharaoh post update?
>added cavalry when they shouldn't even exist yet and defeats the entire purpose of the infantry dynamics the game revolved around
>expanded map with more samey, asset flip factions
theres no reason to reinstall the game just for a meh update
Playing Babylon
It's definitely bigger, a lot better, and there's more of a feeling of it being a real Bronze Age game instead of a small theater in a larger struggle. It might be a little same-y to some, but the game is still pretty good now.
Lethality needs some balancing though, wow
They haven’t learned a single thing from this. If they ever decide to make another niche setting game, the higher ups are gonna be breathing down the devs necks to make as little content as possible and sell the rest of it as “eventual” DLC so they can pat themselves on the back when it fails because they saved the company money by predicting that it would fail.
that's because cavalry was intended for an iron age update, but this game is dead in the water so they released everything they had lying around
tried it. The game feels cheap. I tried using chariot and it couldn't charge for shit. Refunded and went back to attila

My issue with the warhammer games is i play AOS and recently the TOW so everytime i try to play TWWH3 it just makes me want to paint my minatures and go to my hobby shop. If Sofia and TW in general focuses on fantasy games thats fine but id prefer them to do A Song Of Ice and Fire setting.

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