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Why is it almost 2025 and still not semi-accurate representation of the most KINO war in video games format?
since those games werent market successes and there isnt a lot of request for new napoleonic/late modern combat in TW we're probably never getting it again. i'd love it but we have to be realistic it's not going to happen
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There isn't a lot of request for it because people know that CA would fuck it up big time.
i think they have the capabilities to do it, it's just that the higher ups would fuck it up because it's a different kind of TW so they would poke their nose tryng to "solve" things making them worse. also nice pic
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But we have a shitload of WW2 games.
I quite likes NTW.
Bullshit, we don't have games like this because there are fags like you. Sega is making only rubbish from rome2, warhammer is for fat scum, while pharaoh and troy are utter shit
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>no horse archer hordes marching through paris
>french everywhere

anon this is a blue board
Scourge of War Remastered is coming out soon that covers the Waterloo campaign. It's a whole lot more accurate than Total War.
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Ridleys Scott Napoleon was more accurate.
>period of war between colonial empires, dawn of the industrial revolution and spread of Western civilization planetwide
There's nearly zero chance it ever gets done and if it does be prepared for unimaginable amounts of political shenanigans
CA couldn't make Empire right 15 years ago and things have got radically worse since then.
>make a whole new game engine for ranged line combat
>AI cannot do ranged line combat
Napoleonic wars are extremely hard to recreate. The incredible amount of smoke, the many small groups of men in battalion/regimental formations, the officers and messengers riding between them, the ambulance carts, even just the men limping back after receiving shrapnel in the leg and waving off the officers. Unlike TW games, real life Napoleonic battles took place in very large areas, covering entire provinces if you consider the screening hussars raiding and intercepting messengers. The only way to properly show something like this would be at a scale where you wouldn't be seeing individual soldiers and many decisions/tactics that were relevant back then would not matter if you can just fly around as an omnipresent camera.
I’d rather get drunk and watch War and Peace
>flying omnipotent camera
I know there would be almost no market for it at all, but a text based game in which the player writes field orders to distant commanders and they are transmitted by courier or semaphore, akin to a 19th century version of Radio Commander, would be fascinating. Aides in the headquarters tent could update a map with a time delay and the player could exit the tent and perhaps travel on the battlefield to observe the fighting directly at the cost of being away from the headquarters and not receiving messages. Basically VR Napoleon Simulator 2k24, although a similar sst up could work for any war from 1700 to 1900.
I think if AI gets good enough without killing us all first a game like this will be made for the choice few autists like us who would actually enjoy it
It would be nice to have some Bashkir horse archers in Napoopan
Check out the Scourage of War games. Waterloo was delisted but got a revamp from the devs that came back.

I played it for a bit back in 2022 but I never gave it much of a chance, apparently I had 6hrs in it but that was time mostly dicking around as a battalion commander.
The scale of the Wargame/Steel Division series would work well here, especially with line of sight and all that. You could even model the messengers running between units, so players understand when the units they control will get the orders they sent.
battle of borodino is so good in the soviet movie
That's some really weird copium
>This is your brain on ACW - American Culture War
We actually have a game for this, except it's set in Vietnam. You are a HQ officer and write orders, along with dealing with the battlefield situation, but all you have is written reports. It was super-successful for such a niche concept and mildly successful in general.
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That's not the Gallic Wars.
Which game is it?
I wanted to make a game that was arcade but also huge, it was set in another world in XIX century, from 1830 to 1920. And it was more like american conquest but on large scale, since you can't recruit people outside your main city you need trains and ship to manage the your army and the logistic. The main point was the logistic in this game, ospitals and ambulance and a little bit of ciberpunk, you can recruit large division and split in 4. There are 3 age, the first is the napoleonic, the second the victorian and the third ww1. Since i must pay 4000 euros to start a company i don't want to make this game
Every company with the resources to make a great game naturally has already become risk averse from having money and a formula that works. This is true for pretty much the whole industry
He already mentioned it in the post. "Radio Commander."
Is Napoleon the only example of 'pure' generalship in history? Each army had very similar technology and fighting styles, the differences were largely down to the organization and command of the forces involved.
>some retard modder makes his own game
>the AI is kinda bad
>it is leagues better than Total War's AI despite being worked on by a few retards instead of people who should be very skilled since they have high paying industry jobs
Noggles the boggle
There's a whole article by one of the former CA AI devs about all the issues CA has with AI.
Simply put, the management thinks AI is magic pixie dust you code once and then it magically orders anything from cavemen to battlemech squadrons on any map you can throw at it.
Those guys decide budgets and priorities.
It is then further excarbated by the game's designers who understand that a good AI is not what the game needs, since AI raping the player isn't fun. But instead of trying to letting AI staff do their work and fine-tune its effectiveness, they simply forbid them from implementing certain features to the AI. His example being Rome 2's siege pathing (not allowed to make the AI plan for multiple stages of battle) and vision (AI does not have a concept of line of vision), plus any and all DLC features.
Of course, these same people hear players complain about not being able to have shielded troops walk backward with their shields up and ignore them. (And then some autism project where fighting is like a third tier system in it has units being able to shield and walk backwards).
You know what? Unironically, I don't believe that. Purely because I believe management is filled with fuckers who don't even know what Ai is.
It should be a qualification to manage a company that you have worked previously in the industry and have a working knowledge of it. You could even pay them lower salaries than most managers make.
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There's also Radio General where you're in command of a Canadian corps/army in WWII and instead of written reports, you have sporadic radioed-in updates from your regiments. You have to manually update the map by asking for your units' positions and where they report enemy positions.
Radio General (the one in Canadian WW2 rather than Vietnam) is perhaps the best expression of radi o commanded troops.
I feel like the Vietnam one (I think it's Radio Commander) is weak, especially since it ends on a wet fart because Vietnam is, at least by traitors to the cause, viewed as a waste of life rather than a calculated sacrifice.
>some retard modder makes his own game
>the AI is kinda bad
If you mean Ultinate General: Civil War the AI is kind of impressive.
If you are talking about UG: American Revolution... Let's just say we'll see if the game is ever finished.
thats what niggas said and then graviteam delivered mius front and tuniesua 43
I said kind of bad. It mostly does what it's supposed to do.
But Kind of bad is like a D, it passes. If it's not a course in your major, you'll even get your degree,
Total War's AI showed up to school drunk and pissed on the teacher.
Its also easily forgotten that this was stil halfway medieval warfare.
Command chains got interrupted, units lost, 70% desertion rate was normal.
Those orderly ranks may look nice, but generally after the thrid or fourth salvo, self preservation would take over and sodiers went either full melee or ran away.

Add to that the rules of "gentlemanly warfare", based on the fact that burying valuable labour in unmarked graves is a stupid idea. That lead to most fights ending with negotiation or surrender rather quickly once losses started mounting.
Also muskets cant hit shit, so the most tiem of those battles was spent essentially blasting into thin air and maybe occasionally clipping a dude on the other side unless someone advanced in earnest.

Its all very chaotic and with huge elements of randomness, army organization and most importantly intel and communication were past their infancy at that point but still far removed from what you have in a 20th century army.
Even in more modern warfare (somewhat rare once you hit proper contemporary, but think WW2), it was not uncommon for retreats to happen before many men were wounded or dead.
WW1 being something of an exception because men who supposedly were educated could not contemplate the power of rapid fire weapons and gas that can steal life very swiftly, but hey.
>WW1 being something of an exception because men who supposedly were educated could not contemplate the power of rapid fire weapons and gas that can steal life very swiftly, but hey.

In aall fairness, in that situation there really isnt anything you could do besides conentrate men and material to throw at an enemy position. Its not like the combined arms warfare you need to effectively advance was possible at that point.
Also evereyone going a bit crazy and doing things we have since agreed to no longer do, like releasing massive clouds of chlorine and Sarin. Which is one of the few points of the Geneva suggestions that are actually kept becuase doing that is utterly insane if you look at it in hindisght.
Yeah but after like the first time it happened and I witnessed it, I'd be screaming about it at everyone who I could find. I'd be using every form of media to spread my knowledge. Anyone could hear me screaming would have to be retarded to not figure out that my idiocy got dozens or even hundreds killed.
How would you do that when you're a conscript in a trench? Any command knew the war would be a massacre after their first few engagements, but chose to carry on. The soldiers who witnessed it reported it in letters to family and newspapers, but that didn't change the fact that it still had to play out.

I still get the fuzzies when I watch this scene.
I mean as an officer.
The officers are the ones at fault.
Soldiers eventually got smart enough to mutiny and frag officers.
Officers kept getting them killed.
>The officers are the ones at fault

My point was, in WWI you have exactly two choices: Sit in your trench and get attritioned by artillery fire wait for the enemy to come to you, or start a costly assault yourrself. Thats it. Those are the choices available to an officer.

There really isnt anyone in particular to blame for the whole desaster, even the politicians in charge were driven by societal sentiment at that time which was largely pro-war, because evereyone expected the usual bit of comfy musket blasting for like half a year instead of the absolute hell that manifested instead.
Then make it yourself. There has never been a time in history where there are more free tools and tutorials available for you to use than there are now.

Corporations aren't going to make it because there's no money in it (According to them)
>There really isnt anyone in particular to blame for the whole desaster
If you look at what was achieved during and post war, there is a very obvious group you can blame. The same very obvious group that was behind most conflicts even 900 years back. the war was extremely beneficial for them, to name a few, with the mass conscription and mobilization there was a labor shortage back home which allowed women to be given the right to vote and work, taxes were increased "temporarily", Russia who could've been an economic rival was replaced by a puppet government, an entire nation that used to be an industrial powerhouse was enslaved to drain all of its wealth and resources, and said nation was used as a testbed for modern far left interests such as the degredation of social values, child prostitution, and gender change surgery.
If you want to know more you should watch "All wars are bankers wars".
>they were stupid guys
This is modern talking points and revisionism. In the British Army the highest casualty rates was amongst junior officers, and generals had a casualty rate similar to privates. The fact is that war is not you trying to outsmart a static and unintelligent enemy. It's both sides constantly trying out outsmart and equally intelligent and determined opponent, but at the same time the sheer scale of the conflict means changes to doctrine and strategy take a long time to implement. So you're playing blind chess against an equally skilled opponent but trying to plan moves months in advance.

This idea that it was just fools endlessly throwing men into a meat grinder because they were too stupid/arrogant/stubborn to figure out any better way is laughable and ahistorical as fuck
Colonial age is all a bit problematic mate.
The scale at which most Napoleonic battles were fought was larger than TW gives you. Really that's TWs weakness as a series, it fails to capture just about everything in a battle except the climax. There's relatively little scouting, maneuvering, skirmishing, and so forth. Just two armies show up at a predetermined spot and fight to the point of unrealistically high casualties.
Because this isn't the 19th-early 20th century when Napoleonic wars were the hottest shit and the be-all end-all for reenactors, grandpa
jews start a lot of wars but to attribute most wars and atrocity to them is retarded
It's too easy, though.
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