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Tempest Risers we're winning so hard...
glad to see tempest rising is so popular among the perafilozof(?) fandom
>The least shitty new RTS is a cheap chinese copy of C&C
>Tempest Rising in the lead
Have these guys even seen Slipgate's recent track record?
The autistic cumsumer stupidity must flow.
>Not even putting DORF on the list
Good, it deserves better than being put alongside these three slopheaps.
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Dead and buried
Can't wait to see all the C&C fans absolutely shit the bed when they realise they bought a Starcraft mod.

I don't get the point of posting this continually? Can someone explain?
I been hearing bad things about it. Wonder how bad it will be on launch.
damn that third one looks horrible, like an ai generated cover
at least the first 2 are recognizable
tempest rising and menace are my most anticipated games
unfortunately, I believe both will be utter disappointments
>C&C fans absolutely shit the bed when they realise they bought a Starcraft mod.
How are D.o.r.f and Dying Breed starcraft mods?
>3 games i care nothing about
You don't even play RTS.
>literally who twitter poll
>3 shit games
wow the c&c marketing team really is grasping at straws to shill their game
zerospace has titties so im getting that.
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-C&C Generals remastered or Generals 2
-Total annihilation 2
-Supreme commander forged alliance 2
-Game of thrones totalwar
-LotR total war
-Conan the barbarian total war or total war
-ultra realistic physics based combat game
Now to back it up with sales.
Oh never mind RTS players are millennials that pirate everything and then whine why nobody makes games they want.
stormflop is still the most disappointed I have been in a game in a while
I learned to not get baited by "made by the makers of x now with their own studio"
>-Total annihilation 2
>-Supreme commander forged alliance 2
Wargaming has the rights of both and has done fuck all with them
They made a Master of Orion remake, but not a TA/SupCom sequel, remake, or just reuse their world of... stuff to make Supreme Commander WW2
Is just...why
>Game of thrones totalwar
>LotR total war
>Conan the barbarian total war or total war
fuck off, just make Medieval 3, not this garbage
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Goydon Cumsteal, lead designer of Tranny Rapist said that the main reason why they are making TR is to show EA how it’s done and force them to make a new C&C game, guess what happened afterwards, not even talking about the fact that every game Slipgate made were either mediocre at best or massive flops

But what's wrong with that, even if that was their intention?

What's wrong with a good new RTS with tanks and shit?
>I learned to not get baited by "made by the makers of x now with their own studio"
everyone should learn to do that. stop overstating people's accomplishment. that shit leads only to complacency
>"made by the makers of x now with their own studio"
a lot of people in gaming industry had just 1 great idea and thats it, not only that but its almost never 1 guys work but entire team of talented artists, music, story writers etc who make game special not a single guy who was managing all of them and often is credited the success.
>cheap chinese copy of C&C
The devs aren't Chinese.
Finally, people begin to reject the cartoony shit und start to embrace more mature/sober looking game.
I hope they also add an uncinventional fraction in TR

Worse, they’re eurocucks.

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