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I don't know why the other one was deleted

Post maps, post your campaigns, discuss stuff you hate about the game, etc
repost* I'm such a retard
Ok so jannies HAVE been deleting EU4 threads. I thought I was going crazy
Anyway, I'm at a point where I'm far too lazy to pirate the DLC and relearn parts of the game. I've stopped at Leviathan and just can't be bothered
it's not like they're any good anyway
Europa Expanded update coming out soon, what are you going to play bros?
I'm gonna play either Burgundy or France
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Since we're all posting Byz...here's my campaign from the Ante Bellum mod. I have Sicily as a vassal and Genoa as an ally, so I can demand Sicily's provinces back from Genoa in exchange for favors; but the cost is so high that at best I'll get Rome and a few others before Sicily's cores expire.
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They were made by a known ban evader getting a visit from their uncle and going on a shitpost spree to hide the rectal pain. Unfortunate crossfire but necessary to remind him of his place in the world.
>mission: improve relations with 4 countries
>reward: get PUs on half of Europe
>playing a*stria
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>we did not design the AI to target the player, pinky promise
>also the AI

Bravo Johan!
And sort out what your banners are telling you to sort out.
And send your diplomats out
Also wtf is the difference between an Idle and a Free diplomat?

Idle means the diplomat was sent on an automated task like improving relations with allies, but there's nothing left to do, because all relations are already maxed, or they're waiting a month to go to a nation that you just manually sent a diplomat to. Free means the diplomat hasn't been told to do anything at all.
>Save up 90 ducats to build that new workshop I always wanted
>Nonstop requests from all my allies to trade ducats for favours
I feel like a parent telling my kids "fuck off you've already had your allowance".
My bad. England declared war on Aragon to conquer aragonese provinces in north France (Aragon got the burgundian inheritance in my game).
For some reason they just felt like taking one province in Picardy and one random island in the Mediterranean despite neither having a claim or nearby provinces. The only reason I can think of is that they deliberately are trying to fuck with me since the islands are permaclaimed by me and stand in the middle of my expansion path.
Beyond Typus new version released yesterday
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Check this out guys, no idea how this transpired, but apparently there is a Jerusalem in the Moluccas. I've nothing to do with this, never even fought a single war versus the Ottomans or Colonized anything except North America.
Also the Lübeck mission tree is deceptively easy to complete. If I recall correctly - I was done before the Age of Absolutism even started and the hardest part was pausing any wars and waiting for the 60% professionalism.
project caesar means winds of change is the last dlc right?
I don't think eu5 is releasing anytime before late 2025, they still have time to shit out two/three dlcs
I hope they make a dlc focused on the crusader states
Need a more interesting Swiss tree too imho.
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Ming biting the curb in 4k
what map mod is that?
Can I use trade goods expanded with Beyond Typhus?
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heh, nothing personal kid
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ok ignore this It's got trade goods expanded built in. Looks like I have found a new map mod to tide me over.
this is one, no, the BEST map mod ive seen. can yu.. *ahem*... tell me where i can find it (please)?
I like how most anons here agree that this map mod looks great
Here anon >>1793128
It's seriously underrated, be sure to give it a thumbs up
>we have returned from the brink of destruction and reclaimed Hellas and the Asia Minor coast but the Turkish threat lives on in our ancient territorial core
>time to bee line for Holy Roman Italy and North Africa!!!
If you don’t RP and give yourself reasonable logistical and ideology limitations based on extensive study on the nation and period you play kys
what are you on about retard?
I have the entire Anatolia under my boot
What you have is a disgusting nigger blobfest and you should kys
are you replying to the wrong person?
or are you a literal shitskin?
should I get the base game and creamapi it or just pirate it outright? I’m guessing former is easier to mod
Which DLCs are just overpowered mission trees?
I went with the former, and yes, that's because of mods. Base game is pretty cheap right now and you can play this game for hundreds if not thousands of hours
I really need some help to deal with estates I don't like them at all and I don't know how to properly use, and they seem to be relatively important in trying to make Persia with ardabil...
Mission trees are scattered throughout. In terms of content you can use everything through leviathan and be fine as everything after is either fluff bullshit or mission trees.
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Is vanilla Morocco PUG MP-viable?
you want to get at least 60% loyalty and 60% influence for the estates during the early game as they provide the biggest buffs by doing so. Just get the privileges which you like and then grant some bullshit ones to get to the 60 stuff
what i always do (evendoe it's probably NOT meta) is completely kill my state-land by giving away estates that give me manapoints. i just really like to get techs as soon as possible early game even if due to all the "sieze lands" i will have to do the estates will hate me.
That's good if your country is small. If your country is big you're screwing yourself with autonomy gain.
I do this if I'm playing a small nation and I'm going to expand a lot, as getting new provinces while the estates have under 50% influence gives you crownlands
If I'm playing a bigger nation or the expansion is limited I grant 1 mana privilege and slowly get the other ones while seizing land. But I've seen people just getting 3 mana privileges no matter what so I don't think it's that offmeta
The autonomy is pretty bad though
if the autonomy gets too bad i usually just lower it and kill the rebels
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update of my current campaign
120 years into the game I've finally tard wrangled the economy and have a somewhat stable income.
I'm slolwly accelerating my expansion pace and juggling with aggressive expansion by attacking catholic and muslim nations alternately.
Also, Russia is strangely competent in this game, they vassalized first Circassia then Georgia and snatched them from me.
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Also the religious leagues finally formed.
Venice ended their alliance with a very powerful England because they joined different leagues.
I'm going to vore them next.
Russia was very competent in my byz run too (first post itt)
Too bad they never attack Poland, maybe they should make AI prioritize accepted cultures or something
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More than a million dead on both sides combined, just to make Austria release Burgundy, grim. Not even sure why I cared to fight this coalition war, something something balance of power?
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GL lol
Do you guys think is worth to buy the game rn rather than pirate it? I honestly wanna just focus in doing achievements, sounds fun desu even if I'm going to struggle because I still don't know even 1/6 of the mechanics of the game
Not at all no it's an utterly retarded idea
Pretty sure you can get them without buying or something
Buy the base game on sale, pirate the DLC. Makes getting mods much easier when you have it on Steam.
I mean I just want to do the achievements and I feel like is a chore to get mods working in a full pirate version, is fucking annoying

Using creamapi right?
>to get mods working in a full pirate version
Just pirate gog version you autismo
>I want to jump between eu4 versions for abandoned mods
Get a life
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>enemy AI when it spots a single unguarded fort on the other side of the world while I rampage through its country
Is just annoying to use mods, also you don't even know which mods I wanna use why do you even care, I'm just saying its much easier to add mods and i want to clear the achievements
buy the base game and pirate the dlcs, don't listen to those fags
Just say that you're mentally handicapped steamie cultist who can't imagine launching games without it
Gog version has launcher
Forum has mods
Thats it
how do you even use the mod, i downgraded to 1.37 and isnt letting me despite saying it works for 1.37.*
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you niggas still exist? i thought you died out when timmy stopped paying shills
...enable the mod in the launcher?
You don't need to downgrade the game
its enabled but isnt working tho
Try to uninstall the mod, clear your mod cache (Documents\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis IV\mods_registry.json) and reinstall it
Still says it's for version 1.37.* and when I open the game the mod isn't on
So I was playing Denmark in Ante Bellum. Never played as Norway but looking at the mission tree I don't see why anyone would pick Denmark over it. If you wanted to do Christian scandi Sweden seems like the better option. You do get a nordic culture england but its taking so long to spread I don't know if it's really worth it. Also you barely get any perm claim missions compared Norway and you can't use the era bonuses even if you form the north sea empire which is retarded. The mod doesn't fix the north american natives either, they took almost all of north America by the time I started colonizing
i always do that with all countries i play. how do you run into trouble? when you take all mana privileges and seize land on day 0 you start with 5 crownland and can click again every five years. that's 12 + 6 + 6 = 24 for 3 clicks/15 years. even if you are off by a few months occasionally it won't be much above 25% which is the amount you get back by lowering autonomy. at 20 crownland you stop loosing autonomy. it is also offset by being at peace.
so you have a growing 25% less money and manpower for the first 15 years. but that's no time at all.
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I haven't played it since Lions of the North.
What aresome big changes I should be aware and what are some countries you would recommend?
if your estates have over 50% influence you lose crownlands when conquering provinces. If your estates are below 60% influence you don't get their full bonus, also some countries start with an estate with over 50% influence.

But it all depends on the country, I play Russia/Byzantium almost exclusively and Russia starts with garbage provinces, losing 25% of their value is unbearable.
It also depends how much time you spend at war during the early game. Having below 10 crownland gives +0.20 per month so you lose some even during peace time. Don't forget you also get a -20% or -15% (depending on the crownland) when under 30, add to that your increased autonomy and will most likely fall into debt.

It all depends on the country. If you start as a big country, you will very likely hit your gov cap fairly early on (Muscovy, France etc) and losing 25% manpower/income is bad.
Remember, you can get +1 mana through advisors easily, so getting into deficit just to get +1 mana from the privilege is silly.

It is worth it usually, but not on the countries I tend to play. If I were to play Sweden I'd certainly go for the mana privileges. As Russia/France/Burgundy, I wouldn't
you also get a -20% or -15% tax*
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Not the most optimal Provence run but it's going well. I have Aragon and Naples as PUs and Byz and some Italian minors as vassals. I'm beating up Muslims while acting benevolently as HRE emperor in Europe. France is a dick. I hate France but I'm also scared of them. I've been getting practice against them whenever my ally Austria invades some Slavic minor, France tends to intervene, and suddenly France and I are sieging each other's capitals just so Austrians can annex a Belarussian hamlet.

sorry forgive the repeating bar at the top, I had posted over another image on a different mapmode
Those are insane numbers for 1505.
Is this a bad run?
>Florence 1560 (1.30)
>acquired: Parma & Bologna
>vassalized: Ferrara, Siena, Ragusa & Albania
>allies: Savoy, Austria & Aragon
>about to go for the conquest of Lucca then hold tight while I wait for an opportunity to strike against Venice to obtain my last mission province
just post a screenshot nigger
It was 1460*

Later, when I am back home and able to take screenshots.
Well, it sounds ok if it's 1460. It would be really bad for 1560
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france and otto game with a friend. It's 1546. It was quite naive to think that playing on very hard with historical lucky nations would provide enough challenge... I wish the ai actually tried to build alliances against players and attack, even if they didn't have an advantage.
Are there any console commands I could use to give ai a fighting chance? I'm starting to think we should have done a byzantium and provence game instead kek
kys tranime nigger
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I just discovered the localized country names and I just love it
It's 1650 and I still have barely conquered any of western Europe, can I still restore Rome in your opinions?
Keep in mind that Castile is my junior partner.
you most likely can but you would have to fight coalition wars, conquering high dev provinces in france/germany/italy will skyrocket your AE in the entire Europe

You have time, just make sure to max your absolutism.
Papal states has a centre of reformation next door and now all their provinces except Rome are reform, and they have a large stack of reform rebels who they can't seem to beat. I'm guessing the papal states can't switch religion to reform so what is going to happen here?
The false prophet will pay for his sins is what, the people have spoken.
Was it really easier to grind your way through italy than to just eat Egypt first?
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look at this absolute chad of an advisor. he's served 4 dynasties and 5 kings.
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Can I do WC?
Absolutely, I took down the Papal state and Naples both in two wars before 1500, and you can blob in Italy quite easily if you vassalize OPMs, feed them 1-2 provinces and turn them into pronoias.
I did this with pretty much every italian releasable.
The mamluks on the other hand were a though enemy for most of the early-mid game, they akmost always had more troops than me and lots of allies. Also they joined massive coalitions against me multiple times.
With all those notifications I'd report my pic too.
>I have far more left unattended, don't worry
You picked the easiest starting nation in the game; what the fuck did you expect was gonna happen?
Last time I played VH, the AI still acted as if they don't have all those boosts, esp. when it came to manpower. But if they detect their army/alliance is stronger--since yours manpower is still recovering or whatever--then they will definitely strike, esp. if warlike leader.
Problably an alcoholic.
Is this sarcasm? I'm detecting sarcasm.
Do you want some tips for WC as ryuku? I can show my current playthrough; which I've stalled because I'm right toward the end which has been sooo tedious.
Oh okay, yeah I just saw where you currently are.
Nigga wtf have you been doing for the past 300 years? You don't even have China!
When I saw this thread I launched the game, made a screenshot and quit, so all the pop-ups are visible
Goddamnit my apologies; the damn map mode you've used: I didn't realise you're showing, what I assume, are your daimyos.

My answer to your question is still a firm no.
Definitely impressive you got that far with your daimyos in this current version of the game
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I don't really want to continue. So have the final border of the Great Nihonjin-Osmanojin alliance.
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Understandable then.

You are reaching the infinite warfare era and you've decided to stop? Why, anon?
Exactly because I am reaching the infinite warfare era. It just isn't fun. It is just tedious.
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May I ask then, what you were attempting to achieve in that run? Or was it purely for fun purposes: for the sake of establishing a cozy Japan?

>It just isn't fun. It is just tedious.
Let me tell you something about tedious, anon. Since I'm Japan also:
>I had to turn off rebel notifications because of how bad it got; OE is virtually always over 150 at this point.
Well, I wanted to see just how different of an experience I can get as a northern unifier. Because Date was always my favourite.
WCs are for normalniggers
And was the experience any different? Aren't like a few of those daimyos more powerful than Japan itself?

Cope harder. I started out as Ryuku keeping in mind, and I chose the Japanese option instead of the Manchu approach.
It is kinda meh. I wish the dynamicity of the mission tree based on which Daimiyo unifies mattered more. Especially for Date, it is just weird. There is also nothing about getting bonuses to cavalry despite the northern japan being famed for its horselords.
>cope harder
what's the point of playing the game if you yourself said that it's tedious?
what's fun about painting the map and blobbing?
you have a goytuber-induced brainrot, normalfag
Fair. Did Japan's tree get reworked, in whichever dlc or mod that you've got active, or...?
I realised we could be talking about different versions entirely

Just because it's tedious doesn't mean I don't enjoy it, you esl. I never said it wasn't "fun", I just emphasised the exhaustion of trying to colour the map red.
>what's fun about painting the map and blobbing?
The satisfaction of going from an OPM off the coast of China, to complete WC
What's fun about doing whatever it is you're doing? The same concept applies: because you personally enjoy it.
Besides: I started the achievement and now I want to beat it, esp. since it's arguably the hardest achievement to acquire.
I did the same thing with Shogun2. I beat the game on Legendary after two weeks of headaches, had a moment of satisfaction and then moved on. . I picked the Khwarezmarian Empire in TW: Medieval2 Stainless Steel as well. etc. etc.
Perhaps you like to roleplay; I prefer to find the strategic challenge, wherever possible
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Shut up dumb faggot
Why ask then, you fucking clown? It was just an honest assessment from the intepretation of your map screenie. I underestimated just how many daimyos you already had under your belt.
I was going to say, "wow! how'd you do it?!"; but no, you can go fuck yourself since faggotry seems to be currently on your mind.
I know faggots like you, every time I post screenshot you say that I suck, that should restart, etc. I've had enough, I'm not going to take any shit from you because you've been proven to be a dumb retard who's also wrong.
>Why ask then
To bait you into saying some shit that I could easily disprove.
>I was going to say, "wow! how'd you do it?!"
No you weren't, you are a toxic loser who will never say anything positive ever.
yeah you enjoy brainlessly painting a map, just like normalniggers enjoy brainlessly shooting guns in cod/fortnite or whatever. what a fucking non-argument
What's the situation with Austria? I hear they're retardedly op now and get free PUs left and right. Is it possible to have a challenging and fun game or will I need to completely ignore the missions?
Are there any other countries designed around diplomacy and subjects? I'm feeling in the mood for vassal swarms.
not really, maybe Ashikaga if you want to play in Japan. I remember playing Austria once but I got powerful really quick and just quit.
I finally got a gotland game going after a few restarts. Beat Denmark in the war, got the free colony in Bermuda and started some more. Raiding all over the Baltic and the English channel, easy defeated Scotland and Sweden when they declared on me, my navy crushed them. Also allied Poland and Austria and but then Poland got coalitioned by the entire HRE after they PUd Hungary, I decided to stay with austria
Alright I'm France and am the leader of the HRE. There are 44 heretical princes and I can't enforce religious unity yet; what should I do?
quick google search indicates that you should wait for the league war
Wow I'm dumb thanks
How do you get motivated to play? I always dread starting it up and when I do I just don't have fun. What's wrong with me bros? The worst part is that I keep buying the dlcs because of sunk cost
for me i like creating alt-history countries but when i start getting too much land i lose all interest.
Faggots like me? I'm only here now and then anon; ironically becoming more exhausted from fucking clowns, like yourself, than from attempting EU4 WC.
Next time post a better screenie of your daimyos then.
I am actually curious to know how you completed it, since it is still impressive; I personally didn't like the daimyo approach because of the lack of control I had, but initially watching the daimyo swarm was funny.

Alright, what do you do then in your playthroughs?
Lol, I just realised I didn't read your entire post because I got sidetracked making a coffee.
>No you weren't, you are a toxic loser who will never say anything positive ever.
I literally gave you a compliment after my assessment: >>1797406
>Definitely impressive you got that far with your daimyos in this current version of the game

Unfortunately I'm no longer interested in what you have to say on the matter; nor do I expect you to tell me anyway, since it was apparently just a bait anyway.

Perhaps just create a goal in-game and then work toward it; enjoying the tactics/strat along the way?
I think that's partly why the achievements are there: to give you something to work toward if you haven't thought of a goal yourself. Some are very fun too. Others, are, a litte more headache than fun but if that's your thing--which from the sounds of it, I doubt.
Otherwise yeah, as the other anon said: create some alt-history, or try out the mission trees for something to do.
Just find a goal and run with it. Your attention-span will fluctuate either way.
>decide to stay in the empire during the Shadow Kingdoms because I am allied to Austria
>Austria decides to "le give back unlawful territory" one of his Elector allies (Trier)
>they accept, get mad and vote for Austria's other Elector ally (The Palatinate) as a result (which makes said other ally stop voting for Austria and start voting for itself)
>the emperorship ends up in the hands of goddamn Brandenburg as a consequence
>ffa buffet of Germany minors for Poland, France, Denmark and a giga-Burgundy
>now I have to abandon ship and suffer the consequences of absorbing my HRE vassals without the benefits of being inside the empire
Outstanding move, AI
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>Next time post a better screenie of your daimyos then.
I posted a normal screenshot retard. You want a full list? Here you go cunt
>I am actually curious to know how you completed it, since it is still impressive
I did the same thing I do in every campaign, abuse allies, conquer stuff, etc. The only unique thing I did was stack diplorep and abuse "offer vassalization" mechanic, I no cb'ed Picardy, dismantled HRE and got all of the princes as my vassals for free.
>I literally gave you a compliment after my assessment: >>1797406
That's not a compliment, saying "impressive that you got this far" is a passive aggressive insult in certain contexts, if we pair it with your previous messages
>Is this sarcasm? I'm detecting sarcasm. Do you want some tips for WC as ryuku?
>Nigga wtf have you been doing for the past 300 years?
>My answer to your question is still a firm no.
It's clear that you are an asshole and I'm in my rights to call you out on that.
Anon lmao
Wtf, yeah *previous messages* because I misinterpretted your map screenie. As I said here:
>Nigga wtf have you been doing for the past 300 years? You don't even have China!
When clearly you already had China under your control! In other words: a clear and obvious mistake.
And then, a self-correction:
>Goddamnit my apologies; the damn map mode you've used: I didn't realise you're showing, what I assume, are your daimyos.
>Goddamnit my apologies
To then make an asessment after underestimating your actual daimyo swarm size; and then an accompanying compliment. Perhaps the compliment should have come first before the guess, because you've misinterpretted entirely.

Even with all those save scums, I didn't even think the daimyo method was possible with the new mechanics of the AI, what with their upgrading of their development to then result in going over vassal dev cap.
Impressively done.

With all due respect, until you complete the achievement yourself, you can't be in a position to throw stones. After 12+ attempts, a number of which were out of my control due to ming collapsing before 1500, I've resorted to save scumming when a new era starts. It's there solely so I am not back at the goddamn beginning, fast forwarding for 40+years before actually getting properly started. I'm thankful I haven't used it yet, but that's what I've resorted to.
His are a bit excessive though; I wonder what they were scummed for.
Anyone knows if this army composition guide is still accurate for the current patch?
>Alright, what do you do then in your playthroughs?

I go for maximalist historical borders of my country or go further if the borders make sense and look good. Then I just build up and develop my country. I create vassals outside of my borders as a buffer zone. I then play with the international balance, sometimes I help this country, sometimes I fuck that country over. I even send gifts to the most powerful countries so they can pose a bigger threat to me. Depending on the country I may also colonize/get colonies off someone.
>Bro just continue playing after your king dies and Lithuania breaks PU bro
might as well just add achievements through editor at this point
i don't play game for achievements
>grub nihongo
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I shad a nice Provence run where I basically became burgundy, ate some of France with England, then got lucky with an early game royal marriage giving me a PU on remaining france .
Is EUIV an improvement over EUIII? All expansions/DLC considered
I've owned this game for 8 years and I'm still at 4 achievements
I never play with lucky nations on because its absolute bullshit so I think I'm at about 3
Anyone tried xorme ai mod?
Supposedly it should make the ai better at economy and way more aggressive.
Austria might get it back. It's always a gamble allying them.
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Even with only the burgundian lands they're putting up a remarkable fight
Help me understand how the AI spreads institutions in their countries so fast.
Do they just dev like crazy? I swear every institution just avoids my country like a plague, a decade in and the institution map is all green but me.
My guess, they embrace it as soon as they can, either taking loans or using ai haxx. HRE has a ton of opms who can embrace it very fast and then share knowledge to bigger countries. Also, the player isn't really incentivized to build universities and may skip out on manufacturies

I did. It does seem to make the AI more opportunistic. They'll often threaten war on me for a province while I'm distracted fighting elsewhere.
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Nice. Here's an update on my game: I am close to forming the Roman Empire but I'm pretty burnt out. At one point I was HRE and won the League War to make Catholic dominant, but I had so much AE that I got voted out as emperor. I ragequit the HRE so I could make my own empire and form Jerusalem.
Wow, I have never seen the ai threaten war
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Hey, I formed the Latin Empire. Neat. I needed the new color scheme badly.
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>ottomans collapsed
>polish anatolia
>hungary became unstoppable
>england has navarra
>france holds over a dozen hre provinces
>Lucca controlled a quarter of italy at some point
>Austria is kill
>It's the year of our lord 1444 + 56
yeah, I'd reckon that AI mod impacts the game slightly. Place your bets whether I survive the next 50 years
>Byzantium thread
Might as well contribute.
Ironman campaign and picked up a few of the new achievements like Pentarchy.
Pronoias are wild if you abuse the heck out of them.
I had a big Greater Armenia pronoia for a while in this game and they can complete some of their missions while a vassal, giving more CoT's in the Caucasus.

Didn't spend as much attention in Europe after securing south of the Danube fairly early, and I have been pushing everyone out of the East.
I want the entirety of the spice islands and Indonesia by 1700.
Easy culture converting almost that entire region since it's overseas for the -80% cost discount.

Spent a lot of manpower fighting the French since they have very high morale, but was able to bleed them dry since my manpower pool is ~700k and I'm only so low in the screenshot from rushing a lot of wonders after the war.
Selling land to estates gives almost 10,000 ducats right now.
I am also running encourage recruitment edict in basically every state all the time.

Went Offensive-Infrastructure-Expansion-Trade, probably defensive or quality next to shore up my military even though my forcelimit is over 500.
I take in about 220 ducats a month and am building manufactories and state houses everywhere I can, along with courthouses and everything else.
Infrastructure ideas definitely proved its worth this game. Governing cap has not been an issue at all. Just use pronoia to annex vast tracts of land for free.
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fug forgot image.
modding pirated version is easy. you can find everything on eu4 skymods
>pope sama
honestly peak
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place your bets
any1 tried the latest ante bellum update?
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It's been a couple months now since the lasy DLC.
Does this mean Winds of Change was the last one?
Beautiful map, what is it
Jotran has taken things mighty far friendo.
>all mentions of Jews controlling money removed from the game
>Holocaust educational pop up when you form Germany
>African counties get +10% discipline when fighting whites
>European countries get -25% tax and -20% morale due to being stinky and white
hi robbie what's up
Hopefully there will be one fucking DLC package for cheap or at least mercifully no more updates that requires getting a new cream api thing every six months
Does anyone know if there's still an up to date "no chain military access" mod around? All the ones on steam seem dead and I'm sick of having to fight Russians in 15th century Spain.
NII's Graphical Pack
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well, 40 years later and I only got attacked once by a coalition of Giga-Hungary and Mega-France. It's not a catastrophic loss but I've basically been cucked out of north Italy.
Still, I'm going to restart and disable ai aggressive expansion buffs. It feels a bit silly to get half of europe in a coaliton after conquering a few provinces while France goes ham on the HRE with no repercussions. If I kept playing I would likely just get bored in the next 100 years trying to sneak a conquest here and there, because it's unlikely any of the great powers will attack me now that they've reached their gov cap and I can't declare on them because of a lack of allies (spain fucked off to the new world with most of their armies and bohemia alone won't be enough).
>tranime nigger
>uses cheats
lmao, kys normalfag
How easy is it to move areas from one trade node to another? I want to move Taiwan from Canton to Hangzhou, do I just need to edit a text file?
Can you reiterate? Your post was ambiguous and slightly confusing.
Wdym "move Taiwan from Canton to Hangzhou"?
If I declare war with the humiliate rival CB, I obviously can't take provinces in the peace deal with the rival. But can I take provinces from their allies in separate peace deals?
Right now the Taiwan area is in the Canton trade node, I want it to be in the Hangzhou trade node
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how do i blob sweden as denmark in lions of the north
every time i cant get my liberty desire low enough and they get into alliances with my allies
yeah just edit the tradenode.txt file. you'll have to edit events and missions so its all in line with the changes
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First time playing England, killing time in France until I can colonize and try a pirate game.
>you'll have to edit events and missions so its all in line with the changes
Wdym? If a mission/event effects Taiwan, does it also check that it's trade node is Canton?
Damn. Well it's only Taiwan. The flight from Ming event has already fired, so there shouldn't be any more important events
Subject interaction to reduce liberty desire, Denmark's age bonus, grant Sweden 3 dev Karelian provinces. If it turns out Sweden decs anyways should be easy enough to block the straits while you siege down down Stockholm, and wipe the Swedish army and wait until everyone else gets bored and white peaces.
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Hellenic empire in 1519 in ante bellum. The Nizzarids expanded rapidly conquering Ethiopia and Arabia before the ai went bankrupt and they had a peasants war now they are just Egypt it was quite surreal to watch
Pretty gay desu
I did not restore Hellenism so buttsex will NOT be making a comeback
Nizzarids are jobbers, they bite off more than they can chew 100% of the time. If they don't go bankrupt they definitely end up behind in tech and are ripe for the taking by all their neighbors. Also, Hellenic Empire is OP as fuck, enjoy your permanent 100 army tradition.
>enjoy your permanent 100 army tradition.
I don't play ante bellum but that would be a minor QOL for me. Once I'm over 90 I go autistic about keeping it there. A few years of peace and the deep state are screaming that forts need to be sieged.
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>be Asturias in Ante Bellum
>Andalusia is very big and scary
>France is a disloyal PU under Holland, so they won't do jack shit
>I can at least ally Holland and Lotharingia as a deterrent
>go colonial to build up strength elsewhere
>Andalusia allies Timbuktu to deter me from further expansion there
>go further south and thrash the Congo
>Andalusia also colonizes and has a large Brazil as a subject
>suddenly Andalusia decs on me and my allies bail
>I have 60k hemmed up in Iberia, 30k scattered around Africa
>Andalusia has 150k troops along with massive colonies and African allies as well as better morale and discipline
>naval struggle is inconclusive at first but eventually I get the upper hand
>realize the AI is retarded
>like 100k Andalusias are dicking around in the desert and Caribbean
>siege all of their territories with 60k dudes
>fight a grueling 8 year war and 100% them
>do it gain much quicker 15 years later

I could go on to form Iberia and then West Rome but I'm already #1 so the campaign is pretty much finished.
>>realize the AI is retarded
Many such cases. [insert colonial power] always seems really strong until you realize that 75% of their army is overseas and the AI is really bad at troop management.
How do I best carry out the strategy of fighting AI on mountain forts? I'm playing Venice, and while I was taking out the ottos and expanding in mamlukes, Spain and Austria (allied to each other) got massive and now they've both rivalled me. I'm outnumbered 3 or 4 to one if I have to take them and their other allies on, but my navy can beat theirs plus I have mountain forts on all the alp crossings except one which is on hills. So far my plan is:
>upgrade all forts to highest level at the moment, bastions
>build ramparts
>no CB Spain's ally Portugal to get Spain into war without Austria
>wait for Spain to siege my forts
>dogpile them with merc armies and if necessary my own (full front row infantry full back row artillery)
>once Spain loses enough battles, peace on condition they break alliance with Austria
>persistently wear down Austria and Spain one at a time with some more wars, taking only provinces I can defend easily but otherwise have them release nations or pay huge amounts of money and hopefully bankrupt them

Am I missing anything here? One thing I'm concerned with is they might keep retreating when I try to fuck them on the mountain forts, and I won't be able to follow them. I also have an ideas slot free (currently have quality, innov, espionage, trade), I was thinking to take offensive since it looks like the best remaining military one.
new to eu4. how the hell do you manage that swathe of land and still manage to keep up in tech? I fell behind hard in tech and couldn't catch up. I don't like monarch points
Dont be stingy with burgher loans to help fund level 1 advisors on all three points. Also consider the estate privileges that give +1 points
aside from mil tech its fine to be 1 or 2 levels behind.
thanks. I learnt how powerful loans are I was way too scared to use them
also don't be afraid to go all in an idea group and ignore teching up, the game becomes easier as time goes on so getting an advantage right away is often the right move.
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>ottomans get a coalition
>32 year war
>almost 6 million dead
>10 provinces released and some reparations
Cool. At least they got completely destroyed, with devastation at 90% in most of their land. It's definitely fun seeing coalitions pop up naturally
what the other anons said, I try to get the estate privilege for mana asap. If playing a minor country, I recommend spending the very early game developing your provinces with adm or dip, unless you're planning large conquests or have vassals to annex. Early game techs especially are pretty useless.
even going all in military ideas?
it really depends. if your 5 years out from a war with someone that has great military national ideas and offensive, it would be a good idea to match them but getting diplo ideas and a bunch of allies is also good and lets you be equal or ahead of them in mil tech.
Well I don't know which year it is and how big you are
but if they aren't blocking your expansion then I wouldn't bother, get some allies and keep expanding
if you have to fight them then I'd rather try to fight austria without their allies than spain, since you are next to them. Getting to spain could be problematic, also if you are the one attacking you will get minus ticking warscore, I wouldn't rely on them just marching into me with their armies 24/7

But as I've said, if they aren't blocking your expansion just don't bother with them for now
I'm the first post itt and your 2nd (You)

Even though I've expanded a lot it took me almost 200 years to get there. You don't have to be at war 24/7 early game. An important factor are institutions, teching up without embracing them is not mana-efficient. That's a good time to use that admin mana to core new lands. Also, I dont full state provinces with non-accepted cultures. In my pic, only Greece, Anatolia, Albania (culture converted), Kosovo, Bulgaria and Italy are full cored. I've saved up both admin mana and gov cap this way. If you fall behind in admin tech you could also use vassals to expand and annex them using diplo mana later on. I also love to go for innovative ideas as the 1st or 2nd group, it lets you stack inno quicker (100% inno is 10% less mana used on anything related to it, tech included), it gives -10% tech cost outside of said innovativeness, gives +1 free policies and lowers your advisor cost by 20%. It allows you to get higher level advisors quicker by lowering their costs. Byzantium also get -10% advisor cost in their ideas, they have a great project Partheon which also lowers advisor cost and I think their missions also give reduced advisor cost, at the point in my picture I had -90% advisor cost. And as anons before have said, don't sleep on +1 mana privileges.

tldr; If you want to have a good time, maximize your mana income and optimize your mana spending.
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Took West Frisia, Been eating Ireland and Scotland when I can, and stomped Burgundy for some French lands. Spain got my Dynasty and I could have claimed throne and won as they are only allied to me and Portugal but still trying to spawn a pirate republic in the Bahamas to play as and don't want England having a PU over France, Spain, and soon to form Great Britain as I assume I'll be fighting them for the Caribbean.
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Colonizing has been painfully slow.
I'm trying to unite Italy for now, I'm at about 1100 dev and have the eastern Mediterranean and bits of Italy. Spain has some provinces in south Italy/Sicily/Sardinia which I can occupy easily as long as my navy holds. Also I'll need to take the Papal States and both Spain and Austria are catholic, so I'll be pissing both of them off badly plus all the AE. In all, I think I can't progress much without them attacking me at some point so I'd be better off having the war with them on my terms. France has also lost the last couple of wars and is now getting gradually eaten by Spain and Austria, and Spain has the whole benelux region already. Austria has PUed Bohemia and Hungary. If I don't deal with them soon I worry they'll both become unstoppable megablobs.
You have to colonize Tortuga or New Providence or take Jamaica from Spain if you want a pirate republic to spawn
god, in comprasion to project caesar dev diaries this game is so shite
This. So much this. Don't forget to preorder it for the preorder bonus /vst/bros.
Yeah just figured that out, tried with console a few times to figure out the spawn reqs. Thought I needed a to colonize all of the Bahamas + have a colonial nation in the Caribbean when I first started the run.
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I know I said I was done but Jesus, look at my map color.
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Might be done this run, AI Great Britain has in 20 years ruined everything I did for the first century in game. And New Providence is boring and not enough money in new world trade nodes to stay afloat currently.
>Wait for Spain to mass colonize an area
>build spy network and fabricate a claim
>wait for Spain to shit out a new Colonial Nation
>immediately attack with War Against the World CB
>annex land, war reps, and cash
>pay off loans with money from war
>defund army sit around losing money
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Oh Pirate Republics can raid coasts...
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Raided enough to get some money then GB and Spain attacked. Thought it was game over but the AI is retarded and I spammed heavy ships for no reason because they mostly let their colonies fight and when they did send over a death stack fleet I just waited 4 months and they'd leave.
Playing a meme country in the new world must be so fucking boring Jesus. I don't think I could do it for a full session
Timurid>Mughals>Confucian Mughals
Oirat>Timurid>Persian Timurids>Mughals>Confucian Mughals
Timurid>Steppe Timurid>Yuan>Sunni Mongols

Which one is best?
None. It's called EVROPA universalis for a reason, retard
if you want sandnigger flavor just play mamluks
Suck my Diwan dick
>open EU4
>oh man I can't wait to play as the Aztec/Inca and have a really hard struggle against European tech/disease
>start campaign
>remember that the first 100 years of gameplay is a waiting simulator
>close EU4
I'm always amazed at how easy of a campaign this is. Ming are so easy to beat as a horde
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welcome the twins to the family!
show teuton-chan
The first one. The rest is Reddit-tier and shouldn't be allowed. I'm glad EU5 will be more of a simulator so you arcade faggots will finally fuck off.
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Go back
>become strong
>playthrough is now identical to every other playthrough and you're just blobbing to restore the Roman Empire

I swear france has a hidden multiplier to aggressive expansion. All of north America is in a coalition against me just from conquering like 1/5 of Mexico. Never had problems with AE in america before.
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Probably won't play past 1650, I'm at 1603, and England just keeps attacking when the peace treaty expires and they never commit so I just wipe out their colonial fleets and occasionally they send a portion of their fleet. Last war they only attacked my only ally the Iroquois and I destroyed their 31 ship fleet and captured their flagship. If the AI wasn't retarded I'd probably have been fully annexed by now. It's not as fun as I thought it would be.
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bohemia turned orthodox and later became a junior in a PU with russia, who now is a military hegemon. Russia then got a coalition but it failed to fire because everyone was too busy fighting each other(me included).
Also I somehow managed to get thalassocracy back in 1550 while at war with ottomans.
you mean the flag? I'll pass, lest that one guy gets an aneurysm from seeing any more anime girls. The mod is called waifu universalis though.
that's why you have to set up the game so there is always a bigger fish. Use xorme on very hard. Be aware that it lags the game later on
You HAVE been improving relations with your neighbors, right?
fuck off already pedo, noone gives a fuck about your tranime garbage
you aren't a cute tranime girl, you are a fucking hairy 30+ hambeast
>bohemia turned orthodox
How? Ortho rebels?
Also, cute flag mod
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>tfw russia is so big the first letter isn't even visible from europe
at least I reached 700 force limit and my economy is far better, surely I could win against the green horde?
I have no clue. They were protestant and at some point I noticed that they switched. Some decades later Russia claimed their throne. Sounds like a glowie op to me desu
The R is visible tranime nigger, god damn that's some serious brainrot
Anime website
At that point in the game, deathwarring is the most fun you can have. Post the full Russia map, I want to see how big they are
you have 2 designated boards
would you want political cancer on /vst/? no? then fuck off with your low T pedobait
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Imagine being this guy, literally the most pathetic cuck in the history of humanity
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Here you go. Just fucked up spain and got dithmarchan as well.
Russia would be a bigger threat if they weren't constantly warring some opm in SEA.
Russia always sits in it's home region in my games. I've never seen them push into PLC or Central Asia
keep in mind I'm playing with xormeai which makes ai far more aggresive and better at managing economy. I haven't seen bohemia get this big in a normal game and spain conquered all of north africa up to jerusalem before I kicked them out. Not to mention that westphalia formed and usa is independent with half of NA under control. All of this happened with lucky nations off (though I manually added some recently because I figured the game is getting too easy)
I'll try it out then, thanks
Trying too hard to fit in newfag
holy fuck getting a Timurid as Oirat is a surprising challenge, I managed to get one by a month
At least they let him have some beaches.
Why annex down the West side of Ming rather than their richer coastal provinces?
damn thats a big ming
So no one can eat Ming up, I had money issues but I don't think annexing the East would have changed much
amazing catch-phrase, mouth-breathing drooling retard
You really made the arcadefag redditor mad with this post.
Confucian Aurangzeb will assimilate even your decrepit culture and demonic religion
Which is the more historically plausible French mission path, Kill HRE or Charlemagne's Legacy?
From what I know it's the latter but the mil hegemony in the other branch is pretty damn nice
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>Kill HRE or Charlemagne's Legacy
Anon, you already know the answer
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I thought Mingals got removed from the game?
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M&T won
The easy method of swapping did. I think they re still doable but it's a real chore to pull off.
the four elements necessary to make an european
Yeah it wasn't worth it lol, it takes so long to assimilate religions too
>an european
ESL alert
Yeah I don't know what he means either. This is a pretty good depiction of early eastern roman empire.
Just straight up murder Genoa...
I only get motivated to play playing my own country (Greek so Byzantium). When I play anything else I get bored after the first war I make. With Byzantium however I do different rp every time, one time it might be forming Alexander the Great empire, another SPQR, another forming Greece from Morea and playing tall, etc. it works for me like that.
Just gonna throw this out there, if you aren't playing M&T, you are objectively wrong. There is no mod preference. No mod comes even close. Sorry, it's just how it is. Disregarding mana points for organic province and economic development makes the game a 10/10 from a 6/10 that is the base game, or a 7/10 that are the various other mods
Just how powerful is the +2/+3 dice roll on mountains/ramparts? I'm having a hard time understanding from the combat formula how influential it is to the final number because there are so many other variables. What kind of tech/number/leader advantages have you seen it overturn?
Any good workshop collections for a comprehensive gameplay rebalance?
Btw, i have done 0 ideas so far and France has 14 already. Is this that bad or i can make it up at some point? France is strong, i can ally Otto. Also how do i get to vote in the HRE?
Yeah, it's that bad. What the hell are you doing? Also checked.
Let's see.. I have won battles with -50% troops with a good general and +3 from mountains. But it's not enough for rebels to actually win a battle.
Ah shit >>1805444 I was looking his post No. My bad. Unchecked.
Well... i developed some, i am spending MANA points on different stuff. I should try to put few ideas on... But first tech up a bit. I am doing fine, but fall behind Tech and Ideas.
And bad rulers. Not a single good one for all these years. Monaistic order.
>blobnigger having trouble with mana points
who could see that one coming?
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russia lost their hegemony to fucking ryukyu lol

>6468 ducats to Ryukyu
>causes 26.07 inflation

i'm dying.
Mighty Islamic empire goes *kshsh* *kshshs* (that's the sound of Christian babies being stomped on by Turkish janissaries)
Show tech map please.
fuck off already tranime filth
Why? Isn't it a thread about EU4? Why are you mad, because someone is using modded portraits with whatever tranime it is? I mean... what's the big deal?
If I attack and take provinces from the papal states, are my catholic allies going to abandon me? I wouldn't be completely annexing them. Also should I stop giving a shit about AE if the only two countries I'm worried about fighting me are already my rivals at -200?

Uhh, okay.
Keep posting already anime chad
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The first Papal-Russian imperialist war is finished, with 8 million casualties in just 5 years of fighting. Now Astrachan has been reborn and there probably won't be any more -chans for this game, since Horde chan lost all of their cores already :(
Oh, and the schism is over now, I own Moscow heh
fake god, fake empire, fake people. May God have mercy on your soul!
I don't think your allies will leave you, though there might be an event if you take Rome which gives you bad rep. Coalitions can form if 3 or more countries have >50 AE with you AND are below 0 opinion. If it's just your two rivals, you'll be fine.
If you really want to micromanage, you should always keep your diplomats busy improving relations with nearby countries and keep them over 50 opinion, that way you will never get coalitions unless you go for crazy conquests in the HRE or something.
>not posting the peace deal + casualties screen
Fuck you!!!!
>since Horde chan lost all of their cores already :(
Really? Does Russia culture convert the steppe? GH should be the primary tag of the Mishar
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>Fuck you!!!!
okay fine, here. I posted a later date because it took some time to release Astrachan and give away the provinces
>Does Russia culture convert the steppe?
yeah, found it out the hard way myself. Most of their country is Muscovite, except some provinces around the black sea, the one sunni province (Astrakhan) and recent conquests in central Asia.
I guess I have entered the last stage now, France broke the alliance and every country in europe has over 200 AE.
>i am spending MANA points on different stuff
Like what? I can't even find enough stuff to spend mana on most of the time. I just wait until I have enough to buy an Idea for all three dev points, then wait until I have enough for tech and if it costs more than -5% I'll just keep devving until you get the discount tech
>tranime nigger samefagging for an excuse to keep posting his worthless pedo campaign
yep, it's schizo hours
Anime website, you will never be an oldfag
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you guys should really just ignore the kid, he'll get bored eventually.
anyway, I'm not sure how but Caraibas owns land in Cascadia. That will be all for now, good night everyone.
Anyone tried out this mod yet?
muslim byzantium is cursed and there is almost no flavor text but overall seems fun.
Well, you can either make a simple mod that gives them more buffs and what not, install Xorme, or not play the two strongest countries in the game.
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Okay, I have questions. Why the fuck is the AI actually competent in this run? You never fucking see anything like this without the player interacting with the world outside of Europe.
dumb question maybe but is it worth forming Italy if you're Venice? I'm having a hard time weighing up the bonuses.
unironically having fun with third odyssey
im integrating all the indians and creating the brownest masterrace you ever seen
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vomiting emoji
Italy ideas are more for direct conquest. Vanilla venetian ideas are not as good but if you have most serene ideas it's about equal depending on where you want to focus.
AI is coded to punish the player for blobbing in a retarded way like yours
Latest updates improved ai significantly >>1806240
I did an indogreek run in extended timeline mod yesterday and Rome blobbed up everyone around it except for Britain(because celts blobbed up everyone on isle)
Rome barely stayed in its borders until falling apart in 3rd century on older versions
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latest conquest. My vassals did most of the dying, with 2 million casualties between them.
On an unrelated note, is there any way for a country to regain cores on their primary culture provinces after losing them? I want to release Catalonya, but they no longer have the islands cored. Spain has cores currently but will Catalonian separatists appear after they lose them?
Looking for a mod that expands on the default settings. Should I go for a collection with the Expanded family or Ante Bellum? Which has more flavor?

Also, are there any mods that do the following:
1. Reform the dev system to be, well, better
2. Add a pop feature
3. Disables ship capture mechanism

Not MEIOU, it's too bloated for my taste (also runs slow af in my pc)
Meiou and Taxes, it running slow is also normal especially during the yearly recalculations.
>the Expanded family
I think most of those mods have been abandoned and aren't compatible with the current patch.
If I don't want to play vanilla I go for Europa Expanded + Ages and Splendor Expanded + The Great Exhibition (coloured events) + a map mod
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Does anyone know a cheat to destroy rebels armies and occupations instantly? I swear 'annex REB' used to be a thing...
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nice timing, I have a slight rebel problem myself
Why is a gay posting in this thread?
What is the point of the anime mod? I thought only historylets (through LARping), power-trippers (through map painting) and accountants (through min-maxing mana) liked this game. What do tranime-fags find enjoyable about seeing "-chan" added to country names and mediocrely drawn cartoon girls in the flags of a modern era period game?
good thing is that a bunch of expanded mods work with AB
are you using any ai mods or the like? I'm suprised europe isn't 100 times more ugly looking
Why'd you lose interest, anon? Keep an eye on Gates of Pyre—saw a vid and it looked amazing.
Do the DLCs improve the experience in MEIOU? I'd like to play 2.53 instead of whatever they did in 3.0.
I like grand "strategy" and I like cute girls, why would I not combine the two?
typical pedo
When is the new EU4 DLC coming out? It's been months, how about they spit it out already that Winds of Change wasn't the last one?
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Anime website. Cute things are cute
>he's still seething about it
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debilitating autism or child, call it
>plan war with Spain
>plan is dependent on me being able to block them crossing into Ceuta across the straight of Gibraltar
>get big fucking fleet
>position it in straight of Gibraltar
>they waltz across anyway like there isn't a huge fucking navy in the way

this is a bug, right? First time I've ever alt + f4ed out of an ironman run.
>anime-girls lover accusing others of having autism or being childish

But the drawings aren't even good.

>there can only be one person with the same opinion here
who is the owner of Ceuta?
if they or their allies have control of both the provinces across the strait then they can freely cross
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almost all of continental Europe is under papal control, with 15 years still remaining. Jolof and Switzerland join the party, though they were kinda unplanned. I also succeeded in releasing Catalonia, but I had to really raise my unrest for the rebels.
The last decade will be spent in perpetual truce breaking war. No idea how that will turn out, since I already am conquering land faster than my vassals can core it lmao. I've been sitting with 400% overextension for a few decades now.
>But the drawings aren't even good.
their mediocre quality just improves the cuteness factor in my opinion. Probably wouldn't use the mod if they were any better.
that was me and yeah, I did install xorme. Sadly, my wingman ragequit after losing to Castile as Morocco so I had to continue alone.
post map. It's probably what the other anon said.
Yet another filtered by 3.0. Sorry you want to go back to blobbing.
>But the drawings aren't even good.
Fair, but it's the most comprehensive mod. None of the others cover as many tags
not him but I did manage to blob as Florence fairly early in game. I just had no idea what and when am I supposed to improve roads and canals and amenities and how the fuck industry works and everyone was emigrating lmao
>want to see the new Venice from the updated mission tree
>play up until the religious league war and get bored
man, fuck Johan for making this shit a mission reward instead of the new start, if the ideas are too OP he could tone them down, not that it matters since nations aren't balanced anyway lol
Knight-chan is going strong, also lol Ottomans are still going strong.
Knights will have over 2k development once I give them Egypt. I have released Otto as a vassal because why not, they're also Catholic now kek.
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Can't you more or less ignore overextension if you can core stuff by 10 months? Provided you have some unrest reduction modifiers of course.
Guys, haven't played the game since the 2019 and have forgotten everything. I have all the dlcs except the last one(is it a must have if i want to play for example Netherlands.). My question is how do I do Army? What is a good ratio of troops vs horses and later canons? Is there a tutorial somewhere to teach this?
not sure what you mean, why 10 months? I've been getting separatist sentiment events every month and later on the 90k peasant events too. At least my vassals handled the monthly revolts
>I've been getting separatist sentiment events every month
Anon, why are you clicking on the event? Two can't fire at the same time, so when you get Sep Sentiment, you just sit on it until it auto-selects for you. That buys you several months
holy shit, no way I'm such a retard
so many rebels that could have been avoided ;_;
Why not just use cheat codes at this point
I do
based YOLO retard
Revolts take minimally 10 months to complete. So if you can core stuff by the tenth month, and you have some unrest reductions like from religion, lower separatism and various other bonuses, you should be able to completely ignore the massive revolt wave bar the two (provided you hold the event of course) separatist sentiments.
I see. Thanks for the info. I did have like 14 tolerance for Catholics, didn't help much though
Having high tolerance of true faith isn't a bad thing, however when you're blobbing that much it won't offset much.
I boot up EU4 last night to try implement what I wrote and lowering unrest from newly conquered provinces was easier than I though. A combination of being reformed, full humanist and offensive basically neuters religious unity, intolerance and separatism as a game mechanics. CCR was a bit more tricky, you have
>25% off from admin ideas
>30% from absolutism
>10% from tech
>7.5% from the last government reforms and
>5% from the piedmontese mission.
That's 77.5% ccr, you can get an extra 10% from starting as moscovy and/or up to 20% from national ideas, or you can replace the piedmontese mission with the monument. I usually don't form countries for modifier stacking, so if there are some other ways to get ccr down further let me know.
>papal niger
dare I say...... based and christpedo pilled...
this game is so fucking flavorless i cant force myself
The Aztec one is fun, you have to figure out how to prepare for the tech advanced euros arrival. The way to fast track the "societal collapse" crisis is to colonize one of the carribean provinces that portugal colonizes. I forget if it needs to be right next to their province or just on the same colonial region. This way the crisis doesn't happen when spain/port (whoever) are right next to you.
In saying that, I played this without the DLC, so maybe its different.

It's to stop land grabs by neighbouring nations.
With all due respect, that's not even that many rebels. Going over 400% AE is when you get serious rebel problems.
You need to control at least one of the provinces on either sider; you don't need to own one per se, just control one during the war. Otherwise fleets blocking troop land movement won't work.
oh I learned that in the following decades. Never blobbing again.
you know you can just magically "spawn" renaissance if you spend enough mana and increase your "development"
hmmm... yeah, god what a trash game it is if you think about it.....i i think i'll fucking delete this scam shit once and for all
What's the best vanilla mod?
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Old campaign, some of the colonial formables have fun situations, but the absolute lack of content or real rivals really kills them
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Challenge run I did recently, the goal was to spawn Global Trade in the Samarkand trade node. It took two or three tries before I got it
EU4 is actually a game about powerful sorcerer-kings using their fell magics to aid their armies in the constant war against rivals
I've got Spain to zero manpower and I think I can gradually wipe out their remaining army. If I get them to no army at all and high war exhaustion will their colonial nations go independent? Is there anything else I can do to speed this up?

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