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This is one of the worst RTS I've ever played, why are so many people saying it's good?
Because you're dumb, silly.
I fear to ask what do you consider a good rts
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Please be Battle Aces please be Battle Aces.
The concept carries the game for them
motherfucker you are more than 20 years later, game is amazing but it's a bit too "old" for the "new" generation.
It's shit and only dumbass people like it. It's not even a good game for its time like some of the idiots are saying. Here are some games that are better or similar and came out before nations:
Any C&C up to Generals
Warcraft 3
Warlords Battlecry 2
Empire earth
Age of empires 2
Age of mythology
Several Myth games
Earth 2140 and 2150
Knights and Merchants
Several anno games and impressions games
Original War
Battle realms
Shogun and Medieval total war 1
Empire Earth is already a janky game but I wouldn't be surprised if some preferred EE over this shitpile.
me too OP. i had the game as a kid in the mid 2000's and even then i saw that the game was utter trash. its a shallow age of empires 2 wannabe made exclusively for multiplayer battles. its so shit that the devs didnt even include a campaign. its one of the first e-sports wannabe game. the only good thing about it is the music and the intro cinematic. i dont know why people are saying this kusoge game is good.
>This is one of the worst RTS I've ever played, why are so many people saying it's good?
How so? Elaborate?
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>Total war
>all thrown into one bag and called "similar to RoN"
Holy fuck.
What's bad about it?
>why are so many people saying it's good
Because it is.
>why are so many people saying it's good?
The music is extremely soulful and the base building is comfy.
That's it.
It's a game you either love or hate.
I think it's okay
Rise of nations was fine.
Rise of legends was a true masterpiece.
It filters gookclickers
idk idgi either it's so offensively mid
it's like a worse more boring version of empire earth and that game is pretty mid too
rise of legends is dope though true facts
It's very appealing to "turtle against easy AI for an hour" fags. The gameplay itself is pretty badly put together and the rock paper scissors of the units is just a pain considering how awful the pathfinding is. Everything just exists as a blob to walk into each other. You can't do meaningful raids or flanks or feints.
OP I completely agree, it's good but overall overrated, especially when Empire Earth exists. No unit is unique because it's pure rock paper bullshit to the point where explosives i.e tanks bombers will barely even damage infantry. The attrition system is the stupidest anti fun addition to the game that makes fighting even worse. And it literally might be the most micro intensive game in the worst way. Every game is just building as fast as you can and getting the same exact upgrades needed to tech up every single game
this was a poor mans Empire Earth
this but world in conflict
never played it but shitters from /vst/ love it so it was guaranteed to be janky trash like half of the RTS recommended here
what about the game is "janky"?
you should be playing gold edition not steam's extended edition you dumb fuck. No wonder it was shit, balancing in extended is pants on head retardified
Because you're a pleb
I think of it not as a tactical rts like SC but rather simply a real time civilization game. It works well when you look at it that way. It's a game of civ that takes a few hours instead of a few days.
Unit groupings don't often make sense. Game is fluid as fuck when handling cavalry but it's ass with infantry because they can't seem to decide what to do half of the time when you order them to move. The 'advance formation' also keeps sending them in weird directions instead of what they're clearly facing.
It's also very weird how the attack animations don't synch at all with the damage being dealt, with units always dying before the horsemen swing their swords at them.
not even shogun 2 lol. You really are a contrarian for the sake of it
shogun 2 came out in 2011, did rise of nations come out before or after 2011?
Least retarded RoN fans
Kino mix of 4X and rts
Empire Earth
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You don't like it because it is KINO, has SOVL and fucking MOGS your gookclick multiplayer balance meta GAYmes
Too bad you weren't born with a personality, ya cocksucker motherfuckeeeeeeer
>age rushing
>age rushing
It isn't age rushing, it's the cost you mongoloid.
Retarded nigger bait thread.
>This is one of the worst RTS I've ever played
how come?
>why are so many people saying it's good?
because it has a mix of features from Civilization and AoE, some of the most popular RTS games
also, nostalgia I presume
>You can't do meaningful raids or flanks or feints.
Cavalry archers would like to disagree
Shame they ran out of budget and half the campaign missions were generic
>conquer this base in 90 minutes

The Vinci and Cuotl campaigns are like apple and oranges for the depth/effort they put into the Vinci one
Rise of Nations is decent, but I’m more into Rise of Legends myself. I’ve got a strong feeling Gates of Pyre is gonna be next-level.

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