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how do I get better?
by getting good
>early access slop
You know, other than some campaign missions being a bit iffy/under-cooked, it's one of the few early access tittles that delivered.
Other wise,
>looks good
>plays good
>sounds good
>even 'story'/backdrop is okay'ish
Almost forgot, they never really fixed path-finding which isn't that big of a deal, just occasional annoyance.

Now if we speak of Age of Darkness: Final stand...
Was a pretty okay game when it just entered EA, but each following patch makes it worse for some reason.
grow a second brain cell that will double your mental capacity
Watch Kensei on twitch or youtube
just look up the map beforehand. Scouting is a shitty padding hoop you're forced to jump through for no real reason.
i do this
my main issue i think is mid-late game with expanding to the edge of the map and defending at the same time from the small waves that come in between the big ones
My issue was that you kind of need to look up skill tree online so you could win.
It's not hard if as long as you're continually using your resources and expanding.
I just find it frustrating that it eventually just becomes a test of concentration as if you get distracted for a bit and one zombie reaches one house it's gg
>a test of concentration
And a bit of gambling with how fast you expand.
Greedmaxing in the beginning can snowball into eez-peez penis squeezee.
The gayest thing is that almost all missions force you to build houses. Which is massively retarded, why would anyone move into a zombie infested hellhole? I would paint the ceiling if someone forced me to go there.
It would've been wiser to make base expansion be tied to how much free space you mamage to wall off. Then, after the mission is over, you go back and build it up like a settlement. Zombies could attack the settlement, which would make defense even more epic as you are trying to stop the zombies from penetrating the walls and snowballing into a massive horde, which your next settlement has to deal with.
>a test of concentration
You do realize there is a PAUSE button. During which you can still do almost everything.
How else would you get, money and workers? How else would you have sort of vulnerability or risk of loosing for that matter?

>It would've been wiser to make base expansion be tied to how much free space you mamage to wall off. Then, after the mission is over, you go back and build it up like a settlement. Zombies could attack the settlement, which would make defense even more epic as you are trying to stop the zombies from penetrating the walls and snowballing into a massive horde, which your next settlement has to deal with.
So the exact same thing the game does right now just separated to 2 different games and made less challenging?
cool, how about not spawning 100000 zombies instantly when a single one touches a tent with its toe
>just stop playing the game bro
Great advice retard
Play Glory to Goo instead.
What are you even talking about? You can Pause the game anytime and look around the map to find any enemies, order troops, construct buildings, demolish buildings. It is a game where your main enemy is the timer you are supposed to use the Pause option. Hint you can press the ALT key to reveal health bars that way you can find enemies from the HUGE RED HEALTH BARS.

Cool how about you demolish said building before the zombies touches it? Or how about looking around and stopping said zombie before said zombies pokes said tent?

You two have basic Skill issues all around.
it's cool but
>must connect directly to every building
is annoying and mentally taxing for no real gameplay benefit
even before some of the stuff deliberately making it even more painful
>no diagonals just to be as annoying as possible
>connector exclusively occupies full square, if resources block all full squares of a path while being crossable like ore you can be doomed from mapgen
This game is the epitome of wasted potential to me. I hate being reminded of it.

>Cool how about you demolish said building before the zombies touches it
That's gamey and shouldn't be possible in the first place.
Eh it is a bit janky, but I got completely tired of TaB early game. Having to carefully extend myself to stone for a barracks while guarding my perimeter with 5 units is only part skill. Too much luck on whether an executive decides to charge in from the fog and end the game.
>Cool how about you demolish said building before the zombies touches it? Or how about looking around and stopping said zombie before said zombies pokes said tent?
That just goes back to what he said, which is that a single lapse of concentration and being distracted by something can allow for a zombie to slip through.
It's good. You get fucked over if you start playing the game with the campaign like I did however.
>but each following patch makes it worse for some reason.
Wait, really?
Can you elaborate more?
>Age of Darkness
>we noticed that people are having too much fun playing A so we feel that A needs to be nerfed right into the fucking ground
>we noticed that people are having too much fun playing B so we feel that B needs to be nerfed right into the fucking ground
The same old story, I think. It makes a lot of sense when the heroes of the resitance faction are a nigger and a woman (I'm implying that devs are turbo faggots).
Rehardless, AoD will soon have co-op though, so that's pretty cool and will, probably, draw a lot of people.
this post made me laugh, good one anon
this post is straight out of reddit
It fits the setting though.
If you're playing campaign, rush tesla towers. They make defense much easier. For horde missions, don't get fancy and just spam a fat stack of soldiers for all points. You can animation cancel by spamming "a" on rangers to massively increase their damage (and noise) output.
no because pathetic faggots like you would've already downvoted the comment I was replying to so you didn't have to see it, you absolute pussy
>bwaahaaaa this post maaade me laught
>drools over keyboard flapping his facial ass-cheeks
>good one, made my day
Fucking moron typing moronic posts. KYS.
Your posts aren't any better throwing a hissy-fit because they're laughing at you
They seem to have gotten the better of you
>letting them touch a tent
don't let them do that.
>points out a retard is retarded
>y-y-you stop throwing a hissy-fit
Stop bawling and KYS already, faggot.
Yes, because it has to breach the gap between being a game about zombie survival and an rts without being retarded.
>But how do they get they supplies en shiet nigguh and muh workers.
You have the train deliver supplies, armaments and soldiers. There are a million ways to increase the difficulty without forcing the player to set himself on fire. Maybe some of us don't have 4 hours to waste on a sweat gooclick so a single zombie doesn't rape my progress?

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