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Just came out today. Designated shill thread.
Suck my dick, bitchtits.
>Designated shill thread.
>Kingdom, Dungeon, and Hero - (Fantasy Empire Building Strategy & Wargame)
So what make this game special other than "we more fantasy than historical!!!"?
Look old school. What is with these ransom ware topics on steam forum?
This is malware. Don't launch it. Report it on steam.
this game has virus sirs wait for repack!!!
>this nigga fell for a false positive
Nah. The dev is known for putting adware in their last "game", but this one specifically has a keylogger.
I thought it was ransomware?
So it's a fantasy strategy game by a hex wargame dev? The concept is interesting but is it even fun? For some reason it reminds me of that similar jank game Wizards & Warlords that got abandoned, I think that even had hexes as well
It is fun.
Got just-one-more-turned into pulling an all nighter.

>hex and counter war game
>for once its fantasy

you know what I dig this
Why isn't this getting more attention? This is leagues more interesting than HOIslop
Because it's an obscure euro(?)jank game that retarded third worlders using third worlder antiviruses accidentally flagged as being ransomware.
Malwarebytes says it's clean btw
how jank is it? is it easy enough to figure out how to do shit or am I going to have to pore over a million submenus and bad UI?
The dungeon crawling adventuring stuff in particular seems crazy in combination with a hex wargame, but would be cool if actually pulled off
Tranny dev cope. Didn't even need to use an antivirus on this one, it's just plainly obvious from the files that there's a keylogger.
>tranny dev
laying it on a bit too thick
>obvious from the files
my brother in christ it's a fucking unity game
if it's so obvious fucking point out your proof, nigger
The UI isn't that good but it's fairly intuitive how things work. Fairly.
The exception is naval transport, of course.
torrent where?
How do I increase stability? It keeps going down, I am not losing battles and I have only declared 1 war (and won)
Not enough wood in the wizard kings lands. Sent a fleet to come take the jungle from the savages while they are busy invading somewhere to the west. Grabbed the port without a fight, and looks like their capital city is also ripe for the taking with their main armies away.
My reinforcement fleet will arrive on the next turn and I am confident nothing they can throw at me will be able to dislodge my hold once the second army arrives.
The jungle savages are attempting to revolt, so I cant send out large groups of my men at once.
I conscripted a few levies to have them hold the cities, but a storm has delayed the ships so we are just barely inching forward now.
Meanwhile I am now losing absurd amounts of money, from corruption I think. Also piracy along my coasts at home in Rusa. I also think the jungle savages are sending troops back this way.
But we are on track to capturing a good number of wood producing settlements so we will move full speed ahead.
>All of factions are human
>not warrick
Act like a tranny dev get called a tranny dev it's that simple.
Not holding your hand through something so basic. Look it up. Or don't. Have your keylogger for all I care.

tranny chatGPT poster
>just look it up bro trust me
And what if I don't know what to look up, retard? Could it be that you can't substantiate your claims and are just making shit up?
So is this game good or a keylogger?
Its good but jank. Dev is putting out multiple updates daily with QOL, bugfixes, and other changes.
This retard crying about keylogger has posted not a single shred of proof, and he even changed it from being ransomware to being a keylogger. It is a shitposter.
They managed to bring a full army back this direction. Our heavy cavalry took some losses to hold the enemy off at Agaba. Now that our Levies arrived to hold the port we can move better troops up to the frontline.
rusa is cool
Their heroes having been causing trouble in occupied lands. Now after many months my heroes have arrived from the north and are preparing to go city by city anally raping enemy heroes.
Is it like medieval shadow empire? That's the impression I get looking in.
this has to be one of the worst names I've ever seen
Nowhere near the depth of Shadow Empire, and the city managing is very barebones. Dev likes to let people know on forums that it is a wargame, not a 4x. Consider it more like Panzer Corps but fantasy and with some basic resource management to deal with unit production.
Also the maps are preset, not randomized. But there is a map editor so people will eventually start making some.
Oh okay, the posts in here were talking about securing wood so I thought there was some economy simming.
Each settlement provides resources. Iron, stone, wood, horses, etc. You can build improvements to the settlements to increase the resource gain. There is a market you can buy/sell resources on.
But it is all very basic because the game is centered on the wargame part
>depth of Shadow Empire
too bad that most of the ''depth'' and ''complexity'' of shadow empire add nothing or is actually detrimental to gameplay
its more a like a Warlord game
Build temples
Is there a reason to manually play through dungeons? I seem to get more level ups, and more gear when I just let it auto resolve the dungeon.
>Not holding your hand through something
Translation: I've no evidence, you just have to believe me, okay?

Also who fuckin cares. like anyone would want to log your life just to see that you masturbate to hentai and then whine on alt right forums about how it's the scary black man's fault you're single and your job is shit. One hour of this game dev's work is more than you've ever accomplished in your entire sad, fat life.
>unironically siding with warchud
>Try to take Citadel of Mentis
>land army on their island
>it is heavily fortified and on a mountain tile
>cant forage enough food on the island to keep my troops fed
>cant unload golems on the island because they need a port to unload
>both sides lose a few troops before my men start to starve in a few months
>cant ferry them out because you have to load troops from a port
>have to ask for peace
How the fuck do I take this shitty island? I had 3 units of war mages, magic archers, loads of men at arms with enchanted weapons. Couldnt take this shithole
>dev raised the cap on bureaucratic corruption up to 50%
>council halls still dont do jack fucking shit
siege weapons
anyway my game get bugged and cant progress
It's clearly the protagonist nation of the game.
inb4 muh blackiron conflict, Rusa deserves it for being named after r*zzia
Ok I am done with manually playing dungeons.
>manually play through dungeon
>maybe one character levels up
>dont get any gear

>auto explore it
>fucking everybody levels up
>gain multiple magic items
>can just save scum if I lose someone important (which is everyone now that we are past turn 100 and I dont have time to train anybody new to these high levels)
best way to level up heores is to stuck them as governors
>what happens if a Chud gets in charge of a feudal kingdom
>protagonist nation of the game
tells us more about you, to be frank
>No black kingdoms with shamans and witch doctor shit.

Don't care pass.

is it just me or is this AI art? not that I think its a big deal but it does look like it
He says he just pays for images from places like shutterstock.
He had originally planned on using midjourney for AI generated art for heroes/monsters/locations, but then steam changed their policy to disallow that. So he now just pays for images he likes the look of

In my experience sites like storyblocks have starting putting up AI generated stuff, so I would not be surprised if shutterstock has some of that too
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But Steam does allow AI content
If you use AI images, you must prove that you have rights to the content it was generated from.
heh, nice
Please, define chud
got this in my recommended and skipped because I thought it was lazy ai shit.
didnt realize this was someone's project
why did you neglect to make sure it looks presentable before putting it up?
>Greater GroB Warrickia Reich
The lore is nice but so far it plays like an inferior version of Master of Magic.
At least it got me playing Master of Magic.
Aaaand picked up
50 turns left, in the middle of a war with 3 large kingdoms. I think I will start one with Warrick as well because I dont like my borders and I want some of their land
>CHANGE enchantment only affects melee and range not siege
FUCK I used my spearmen in sieges thanks to enchantments, now I will actually need swordsmen in my armies
Looks interesting. I HOPE it's good.

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