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>new DLC just came out
>no thread
is this game really that dead?
what do you mean new DLC, isn't this shit still in EA?
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I keep getting destroyed in this game, the tutorials for this fuckin suck. just like wargame, all they do is explain the most basic shit like how to use the game interface and control the units, and then just expect you to figure out everything else yourself.
This game is just not fun any way you play it.
Its biggest problem is the AI, it has exactly one move, fast move towards your spawn zone.
Sometimes it tries to take a sneaky back road, but make no mistake, it's still fast moving towards your spawn.

I'm playing it with RebsFRAGO and while I appreciate the added realism and the AI is much better with artillery, it still defaults to fast moving towards you.

You know, Regiments AI is praised for its ability to actually play the fucking game it's in, the dev said it's mostly smoke and mirrors with scripting but it works.
Shame Eugene can't match a single sanctioned Russian man.
oh yeah, the tutorials were unironically broken for a while when a top 20 player couldn't beat them due to some balance changes that made a previous easy enemy become anti-inf specialists and your own tutorial-SF become anti-vehicle specialists, leading you to lose every time.
so its just like act of aggression, refuse to support this dev because of that dumpster fire
Heard they didn't have custom decks like in Wargame-gay if true
It's a worse system called Divisions - you don't get "USA" and then perhaps build "Armored" and "Cat B", you get a pre-packaged division that could be US Armored or US Airborne etc, you choose the 2 bad units per tab you don't want to bring and decks of the same Division play pretty much the exact same - reducing the deck count from Nation/Coalition * Spec (* Cat) down to however-many divisions there are (and only airborne stuff is not dogshit as of when I last played, so three-ish?).
Having the ability to kit out your own division types with varying degrees of their technological power level could be so fun for casual play.
Divisions system is honestly the worst part for me. I lost hundreds of hours in Wargame just fucking around with decks while in Warno there are divisions that can't even be built in two different ways because of how specialized they are. The gameplay is fine-ish, the usual Eugen fare (so it's actually terrible but I can look past it having enjoyed Wargame) but their focus is on "E-Sports" tournaments and competetive play and selling OP Division DLCs because competetive players will want the advantage, the issue being that that part of the game is the weakest. It's just not fun and they even have to put special rules on the tournaments to curtail specific OP playstyles
People say you can still get the old system by using the freedom deck builders but the truth is they suck. There's fuck all variety and huge gaps in equipment rosters of countries simply because divisions using that equipment haven't been added yet.
All of this is a shame because in a way Warno is really promising with the supposed mod support and map editor but neither thing has really materialized as of yet, since modding can't even add new units using existing models like in Wargame and the map editor is a tech demo. I was also really interested in Army General but it kinda sucks, doesn't really create the same fun situations Red Dragon campaigns had and you still have to fight against zombie AI.
It's a terrible game and I regret buying it when it came out in EA.
already bought 3 games of that series and it didnt improved every new iteration, its not like they made some masterpiece it was a cool experiment that wasnt well managed.

i will not pay 30 dollars again for the same game, will pirate it later and maybe buy it when its like 5 dollars in the distant future if it still has a mp community
Broken Arrow waiting room.
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The issue with teaching new players how the game works is that many people who play have played Eugen games for many years and understand the core mechanics while newer players don't. You can always tell Wargame players and Steel division players because of what they do and how they understand the game. Wargame players will always try to scout you out with their vehicles and give you free points while Steel Division players will always make use of the visibility key to ambush you. If you want to get good at WARNO Steel Division is the best game to learn because it was the best game before WARNO released. It's also not that great to play against bots because those just drive towards your units and shoot at them when they spot you and don't use their assets properly, the only way to learn is to play often in very casual 10v10 matches where experimenting won't hurt. I've been actively playing their games since EE and I used to suck even back in the AB days.
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actually made me cringe so hard enjoy your PVE slop
What the fuck are you talking about???
Every installment of Wargame was better than the last and minus a few hiccups like SD:44 and AoA their games kept getting better with time, even with the whole clusterfuck of when Eugen fucked with the union and fired half the staff SDII is still the best pre-WARNO game and there's nothing a retarded neckbeard on 4chins can say about it.
They do and there are plenty of more options now.
>plays against AI
opinion discarded
It just one new division, what else to talk about? also the REAL DLC doesn't come out until end of the year.
>actually made me cringe so hard enjoy your PVE slop

>broken arrow

do you have brain damage sir?
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the problem with steel division 2 is world war 2 is gay. I like wargame red dragon which I'm also trying to learn simultaneously. I have to learn how to shut down the ai reliably before I can hop on multiplayer though.
you do know the game is made for PVE right? They slapped on PVP to appease the dipshits who can't play recent Eugen games because they suck too much.
>the problem with steel division 2 is world war 2 is gay
That's a fair opinion, I also prefer playing games set in the setting/aesthetic that I like, but I even went back to play SDII multiple times despite the horrible graphics and many UI issues just because it's so good as a game and so unique that no other scratches that itch.
>I like wargame red dragon which I'm also trying to learn simultaneously. I have to learn how to shut down the ai reliably before I can hop on multiplayer though.
You won't learn to play well if you're just going for W:RD, there are a lot of mechanics like the visibility key that aren't present. W:RD is an ancient game at this point, might as well be playing Age of Empires II or World in Conflict if you're going to go for older games. If you seriously are only playing with bots there's something wrong with you, you need to lose to get good and you'll feel much better when you start being good at the game.
The music rocks, the 10 V 10 are fun and while group pathfinding is broken, the game is still good and there are clear improvements compared to WRD, notably in term of feedback, the alerts are alot clearer.

what's the best pact div to build an arty/AA/Plane combined deck (in that order)
>arty/AA/Plane combined deck
how am I gonna TK with AA, fire pos on landed choppers?
no what I'm saying is that you're TK bait
>They do and there are plenty of more options now
Custom decks in Warno do not exist, you can only kind of modify some preset decks they call Divisions. Saying there's more options is a blatant lie.
in W:RD there was only one deck to play as each nation...
still didn't answer the question

best PACT Arty deck, go.
why the fuck would you play with arty as your focus? is this why you play with AI only?
cause im tired of retards not supporting my pushes and im too much of a dribbler to do infantry and arty at the same time.
Disingenious post.
Yes, America isn't broken up into preset decks in W:RD. You can put optional restrictions on your decks in exchange for different point distributions, acccess to different units and so on and that's the closest you get to Warno's divisions. In W:RD you can play America in total of 63 different "Divisions" (I'm ommiting Navy because even I agree naval isn't a real gamemode) so even in the mental gymnastic world of "only one deck for each nation" Wargame wins.
The reality however is that Warno just limits your choices for the sake of the imaginary competetive balance that is so weak they still need specific rules to prevent the most overpowered strategies from being used in tournaments.
>you do know the game is made for PVE right?
French hands typed this post.
The game has PvP and it functions well.

Far better than Steel Div 2.
Kda probably
Finally caved and got the game. Threw together a KDA deck without looking anything up. Managed a respectable 1.01:1 kd in my first 10v10. The next one was a curb stomp helo rush though. Should I have a plane to intercept them on round start or something? Just ask the whole team to scramble?
always have 1 AA plane in your starting lineup for that reason
You just hope the enemies aren't huge faggots and won't helirush you. There's no reasonable counter to properly executed helirush unless maybe you know beforehand they will go all in on helicopters. The only reason it's not done more often to curbstomb pubs is because forward deploy spam is even more braindead easy.
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As I said. Didn't look any specifics up before playing. Just liked the idea of a C type deck. I've been enjoying them for a few games now. The AA especially.
What's wrong with KDA besides maybe their weird conscripts?
>play meme deck
>get curbstomped
No one talked about getting curbstomped

beside KDA is a good deck with great MGTeams
After sinking 100 hours in Warno I'm starting to think that multiplayer was better in Wargame. Probably the biggest issue is that you can't capture spawn. Your teammate pushed far on his flank? It doesn't matter, because the opposite flank collapsed and he can't do much to help. So many games turn into brainless grind and waiting for the inevitable.
>No one talked about getting curbstomped
>curb stomp helo rush though
KDA is a meme deck.
The helicopter one was. But I think it suffered even more from being the map with bridges to a central island. Which I couldn't cross after losing the first fight.
Still, I have no idea what the decks do. I've kept with KDA and had fun with them still. Love the Buk.
Total Nato Death, that is all. I wish those French fagguettes would stop nerfing BMPs and simulate real Soviet ATGM accuracy.
Also speaking of which, just saw that they are nerfing the Dragons and the Metis (The latter is such a retarded thing to nerf to be on par with the Dragon) to an even shorter range now kek.
I tried the Brits infantry deck last night, and I gotta ask, why do they get to have all the unicorns?
SAS Squads are legit perfect area denial, and they get to have relatively cheap and good heli troops.
>infantry deck has good infantry
If anyone was wondering, you can sign up for a test of campaign in Broken Arrow
That company makes awful games
Kek super obvious paid shill for jewgen. Their games suck ass and I torrent all of them just as a fuck you.
>Total Nato Death, that is all. I wish those French fagguettes would stop nerfing BMPs and simulate real Soviet ATGM accuracy.
This happens every fucking game because NATO players are the Cold War equivalent of the WW2 Wehraboos (in fact the WW2 Wehraboos move over to NATO when they start playing CW games). Just like the Wehraboos they'll whine and shit their pants in all channels until devs start nerfing shit to appease them.

Your only hope is the devs being Russian, but then you might get "sekrit dokument))))" bullshit instead.
devs being russian mean you get the most paper of paper armies.
>ah yes, this cruiser (that we never laid the keel for) could've been converted in two short weeks into a Carrier (that never got past the sketches phases) which would have carried these Sub hunters (who's weaponry came to me in a dream)
The Soviets WERE hopelessly outmatched by '89.
If anything, the game goes easy on how shitty the Soviet military actually was.
>barely any choice in divisions
>others locked behind DLC
>can't even make your own
>shit setting with no interesting variety for doctrines within Pact
dead on arrival, wake me up for Broken Arrow
Since this is the only real thread for this genre, in Wargame RD what is a good place to start for a REDFOR deck for multiplayer skirmish?
With or without DLCs?
Honestly surprised to see how bad they are at using their own engine.
Random modders were adding 4th weapons, APS, all the way back in Red Dragon.
Without, so no Yugoslavs for me.
North korea got some nice, cheap units that can hold their owns in 10 V 10
Another reason why cold war games should be set earlier instead of trying to make tham about some 90s soviet revival
I'd be for this, as I actually really like the aesthetic of early Cold War stuff. Even some sort of Operation Unthinkable game would be interesting.
How are the modding tools on WARNO? Been getting the hankering to try to port some sci fi setting, probably warhammer, for some time now. Previous games didn't have the tools needed to pull it off though, and there wasn't much point with WARNO in early access. Now it's full release so I'm interested again
>How are the modding tools on WARNO
All of them are useless stat changes
Terrible. Forget about custom models, you cannot even add custom unit names - people actually figured out how to in Early Access but with full release it was patched out. Right now you cannot even do what you could in previous games.
Anyone working on cracking and editing the exe? I’ve had it with kikegen and it’s time to make a funner game out of their shit game.
>early cold war
Most militaries are still using WW2 equipment and fighting with WW2 tactics, or hand-me-downs from it. Jet aircraft were unreliable and lacked the optics and kill chain integration to provide effective all-condition CAS (hell, we were still struggling with this in Iraq), early main battle tanks had little to no electronics and were essentially just WW2 heavy tanks with better engines/suspension

Most of the cool stuff we remember the cold war for, like the rapid progression of electronic warfare and radar fire control, the breakneck pace of combat aircraft development, the emergence of the modern MBT, helicopter warfare etc. only really came about in the second half of the era. The US army fighting in vietnam was still mentally the US that had fought in Normandy--and in fact the lack of modernization was part of why they suffered so many casualties there compared to later conflicts.

But also in practice the late cold war is just an excuse to have a 'modern' military RTS while sidestepping a lot of the technical and legal red tape involved with trying to invoke ongoing conflicts or modern military hardware that are still being licensed and sold. You don't have to pay Porsche a licensing fee for putting their Tiger in a WW2 game because you're depicting history and that kind of content is protected, but it gets a little more complicated depicting a modern Leopard without paying Krauss royalties for it.
Good luck buddy
Yeah you’re fucking stupid and didn’t play RD
Divisions are gay and fuck Eugen
Faggot ass French ruining shit for no reason
If the PACT lobby looks like this, you're fucked. What say you /vst/?
>the problem with steel division 2 is world war 2 is gay
Your'e gay
where's SexyAhsoka?
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Nta but broken arrow is going to be DOA team stacking hell.
he's still trying, lmao
le realistic battle scale
The thing is, the battle scale isn't realistic.
WE ARE SO BACK it's Italy
>Warno is such a shit game they are going back to Wargame.
News made my day.
Neat, time to start getting back into RD
im sticking with Warno. the QOL changes from Warno compared to WRD are too good to pass on
If they added LOS tool and ability to give orders before deploymnet I'd return to Wargame and never look back. Multiplayer is just better there, because in Warno every match must ends with one side gathering more points than the other. So you either win by simply holding more zones than enemy and getting X amount of points or waiting till the timer runs out. It minimizes the influence of an individual player on a game. In Wargame a good flank could end up with a lost spawn and game being over, in Warno it's literaly impossible, because you can't capture or lose a spawn.
Do the controls differ, going from one game to the other? Or is there some way to easily control units a la aoe2?
What the fuck?
What is this clown shit?
What's next, announcing new Wargame sequel?
Controls-wise both games are really similar at basic level. Warno has some more "advanced AI" and complex orders but your mileage may vary - stuff like automatic counter-battery and automatic artillery in general works decently but trivializes a previously important layer of the game, while stuff like "Seize" or "Defend" orders rarely work because the AI is too dumb to mount attacks and set up good defensive positions without having the typical singleplayer advantages of superior numbers and knowledge of player's every move.
Warno has some minor quality of life stuff like the often requested line of sight tool - sometimes it might not be obvious what an unit can see and what it cannot especially when height differences and urban enviroments are involved, so Warno has a tool that lets you preview all lines of sight from a specific location. Otherwise I'd say the UI is worse because it's much less readable, which is weird because they pretty much got it right with Wargame.
For the most part someone familiar with Wargame can very easily find their way around in Warno. It's pretty much a sequel, although who the fuck knows anymore since Eugen is releasing a DLC to a game that's over ten years old at the time when they were complaining they don't have enough developers to put out content for their newly released game with extremely similar gameplay and setting in timely manner.
I'm torn because on one hand Wargame is a better game with a better UI, better deck system and generally is superior in ways that matter to Warno, Warno is much newer, has better graphics, has made some minor long-requested changes (smoke screens, 4+ weapon slots, EWAR, etc.) and has a much higher chance that the Holy Grail in the form of mod tools and (ESPECIALLY) map editor will be finally released, etc.
But instead of them fixing Warno or releasing Wargame 3 in first place, we get Warno and Wargame DLCs. French people are schizophrenic.

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