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>Divine Dragon
>Can't even use a Dragonstone or be an actual dragon
what's the point?
Wrong board retard, no gays here
strategy game, cope & seethe
It's a shitty LGBT+-friendly dating sim. Take it to /v/ or /vg/.
Man, this one feels like such a step down from Three Houses. I'm playing it at the moment, and so far it feels more like an anime game aimed at children. You just go around collecting princes and princesses to fight the comically evil dragon. The gameplay is fine though, hard to mess up that formula. Not a fan of the hub busywork though.
As someone who likes both old and new games (Have played every single game bar for the NES and SNES ones as I don't have those lol) this game was fucking awful, couldn't finish it
The story, plot, and characters feel completely non-serious, but if you look past that it certainly has the best gameplay of any modern FE. I think Engage filters a lot of people because its superficial aspects look retarded but the actual game is far and away the best one. Plus, it's basically a fanservice game with cameos from old characters so it takes itself even less seriously. Basically just stop taking the plot so seriously and accept that it's a cheesy shonen anime, complete with a saturday morning cartoon theme song and a lineup of super emblem power rangers, and you can enjoy the game itself more.
Three Houses is more accessible to a broad audience since it takes itself a bit more seriously, like a seinen anime instead, which is what I think western audiences expect from a weeb game about war in a medieval fantasy setting

I look forward to the next game because I imagine it won't have the anomalous plot or weird artist of Engage but will probably preserve the good stuff in the gameplay. (except emblems, rip)
>super emblem power rangers
Yeah I've definitely accepted that it's going for a super sentai theme. Even the corrupted you fight are just straight up sentai goons. It did definitely improve it looking at it from that angle, but I still prefer my tactics games to be gritty.

Gameplay-wise it just has so much fluff as well. Like you can walk around the battlefield after the battle to collect stuff, but it just doesn't add to anything. I hope they can incorporate that tech into the next game better. Also cut out all the hub mini games. I like being able to spend time with your units, but that shit is just time wasting.
so is hoi4
Feels like the games have been "stepping down" for a decade now. Awakening's repeatable battles. Fate's awful story in three pieces sold separately. Houses' removal of weapon triangle and dumbed down combat, replaced by fishing and gardening.
I'll take another fate/engage story any day if it means we never go back to the gameplay dark age that was GBA FE Gameplay, a String of 3 games in a row that people all act like were peak FE that have basic ass gameplay that was boring as fuck compared to the stuff that came before it and after.
3 Houses and Engage are like literally mirror opposites.

Do you want a game with terrible story told in a compelling manner or do you want a standard fire emblem story told as boringly as possible?

Do you want a pile of generic school student designs or a bunch of unique designs that are so unique it manages to make people's eyes bleed?

Do you want terrible gameplay with great character building or great gameplay with subpar character building?

And most importantly are you a Boobleth or Asslear man?
It a tactical game like Valkyria Chronicles, its not a strategy game.
>Do you want a pile of generic school student designs
The fun part is seeing their unique designs after the time skip.

Also playing Engage right now. Do I get to fuck any of these characters? I see no S rank relationships. I wanna fuck the Brodian granny.
I never understood this. Why does the theme/atmosphere matter when it's tactical strategic mechanics are so good? I love brain-testing challenges, i could care kess of superficial shit vet in the way of amazing mechanics. People miss out on such satisfying gameplay.
there goes the XCOM threads
So FE officially embraces tranny-ism/gender swap crap now?
Glad I was always more of an AW guy.
I’d rather get nothing than the slop FE consoooomers are expected to lap up.
The real question is why FE is so obsessed with dragons when we haven't had a proper dragon stone using dragon for more than one game now.
What am I fighting for? The gameplay and mission/map design in FE games is too simple to rely entirely on the gameplay. I need to be engaged in the story, setting and characters as well or it just ends up being very repetitive. None of the missions in Engage are particularly engaging. A few of the paralogues have interesting challenges.
Laughing at those who dismiss this game. It's seriously insane in the gameplay department.
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>strategy game
>step down
It was a step down in several ways, but thankfully the gameplay was interesting enough that I forgive that the story turned back toward 'Fates brainrot'.
>The gameplay is fine though, hard to mess up that formula. Not a fan of the hub busywork though.
This is a critic I'll never understand when in reference to Three Houses. 3H had way more hub world busy work. Even if you were skipping the busy work it still has a lot of menus and tutoring sections that drag down the pace. 3H had a pretty clean 50/50 split between actual battles and battle preps. Which is in stark contrast to every other Fire Emblem where it was closer to 90/10. How does one speedrun the monstary and then precede to spend 40 hours doing pushups wyvern riding, gacha in the Sommiel.?
Not sure if I'd call it Fates brainrot. Fates at various points, moreso conquest than any of the other routes, had unironic issues. Engage might be very plain, cartoony but atleast the premise isn't fucked from the very beginning. A la conquer Hoshido so that you can get the asshole king to sit on a throne. Iago being your biggest hater and sabotaging you. Lilith.
Engage has heavy issues, including Elusia worshipping someone whose spoken Goal is the death of the entire world.
It's not like the Death Dragon says, "I will grant you guys eternal life and kill everyoneelse," he says, "no I'm going to kill everyone, worshipping me will, literally, make your situation worse than being occasionally raided by Brodia" and they still worship him.
>including Elusia worshipping someone whose spoken Goal is the death of the entire world.
That's standard fair for fire emblem. And not even really an issue. Death Cults exists and are real.
But in this case it doesn't make sense.
All the other evil cults promise benefits to their follows, with the Lopto Cult being the best since, they literally die if they let the Crusader Descendents find them out and torture them to death.
Nergal's Cult makes the second least sense since Nergal's whole ideology shouldn't attract anyone.
Even Darin of Laus smiles when killed as a Morph because he realized how autistic he was.
>they literally die if they let the Crusader Descendents find them out and torture them to death
Wouldn't the same thing apply to Elusia. It's better to be with the cult since Brodia spends every day trying to wreck your shit?
>Nergal's Cult makes the second least sense since Nergal's whole ideology shouldn't attract anyone.
>Even Darin of Laus smiles when killed as a Morph because he realized how autistic he was.
Neither of these support the idea that their better. In fact you just made them sound more shitty.
And the reality of the situation is that these cults are not supported by rationality. They're supported by fanaticism or hedonism. Trying to look at them from a logical basis is futile.
>same things applies to Elusia
Not even remotely. They still exist as a nation. Basically all of Europe existed in a state of border raiding (and open warfare) until the 1800's, and no one started to worship an actual manifestation of Satan who said he wanted to kill everyone.
>logical basis
Elusia could have just traded with the other two nations and made up losses. That'd be the logical things to do instead of worshipping a guy who says all of humanity should die
>Elusia could have just traded with the other two nations and made up losses
Like just through immigration? That'd work numbers wise maybe but is definitely not sustainable, and wouldn't deal the other issues caused by routine invasions.
But Brodia was only producing military arms and warriors.
Most nations that survived doing that did so through mercenaries. What I'm saying is that Brodia bullying Elusia doesn't make sense on a lot of fronts.
Forget them saying, "hey, instead of praying to a God of Life, we're going to pray to the literal Death God."
Brodia shouldn't have the muscle to bully Elusia in the era they exist in because nations who literally hired mercenary armies to fight 90% of their wars existed before 1000 AD.
>literally hired mercenary armies to fight 90% of their wars existed before 1000 AD
You probably meant didn't exists. How are placing the Era Engage takes place in? Such that you can cleanly assume they don't have access to mercenary armies. Actually considering Ike is an emblem ring hire-able mercenary groups should exist.
Regarding Brodia. It's described as
>It's a wealthy and strong military nation ruled by a king who values pride and power.
They also have strong mining. Which is probably how they get the necessary materials for their munitions. So them finance their war efforts comes from their mining. Plus having the raw materials would make them pretty wealthy to begin with.
Problem is if you're selling raw materials you make basically no money compared to the people who produce the finished goods.
No? When you think back mercantilism the main reason that was even the case was because of the relationships between colonies and the colonizers heavily favored the colonizers. In reality the ones with the raw materials have complete control and can set the price at whatever they want. The ones producing the finished goods mark-up the price. This is why it was so common for countries to fight over raw materials to begin with. This wars were either for control over the source or control by proxy. And all of this is just ignoring that Brodia can likely produce its own finished goods.
Relationships between colonizers and colonies favored colonizers because, barring very few contemporary examples (the US, Mexico, and Canada), most Colonies would die in misery if their colonizers sent military interventions
That's my point.
It doesn't change the fact that, if all other things are equal, the guy selling the raw good will make less money than the guy who produces the finished good.
Brodia probably relies on war plunder to pay its soldiers.
Y'all hate fun, engage is a blast

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