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You dont let Elfs and Goblins move into your fortress, do you?
>All is well. I'm getting married soon, which is great! Because there's an international move involved, stuff is still up in the air and dependent on nations.
What did he mean by this
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>it's real
What the hell
fat autistic tranny lover got catfished into a visa marriage lmao
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Shit. Yet another one where you don't want to be correct but it happens anyways.
So, gamely speaking, once the economy is re-implemented, will owning great wealth in gold coins outweigh all of a dorfs unattractive features and make the elven women throw themselfs at him? Will marriage reduce a dorfs productivity at his workshop?
Economy is so far in the future that it is hard to even hypothesize what is going to be like if it doesnt end up just being another trash fire like Toady first attempt at it.
Never played DF. Should I play the newest one or the old version before the steam implementation? I keep hearing that the latter was better
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Do you guys think some pussy will make him more productive, or the married life and possible future kids are gonna be over for our guy Tarn over here? and what truly really matter, good DF updates? what is gonna happen bros i am scared,
Oldfags itt will try to discourage you from the steam version. But the truth is that it's much more user friendly, especially for new players.
I would certainly hope so, I heard it took half a decade.
>Do you guys think some pussy will make him more productive
I-is that an honest question? Because if so the answer is No.
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Steam version is mouse only, has more music, comes with its own official tileset, and has a very limited version of adventure mode.
Pre-Steam is keyboard, has two whole music tracks, only has ASCII (but you can easily swap to tilesets if you arent lazy), and has a more complete adventure mode.
Both versions are absolutely riddled with bugs, with Steam fortress's main boon being that it had one major bug (involving LoS calculations and massive FPS drops as a result in Fortress Mode) getting fixed. Anyone that says the old UI was unintelligible cleary were illiterate themselves, given that the screen showed exaxtly what key buttona did what.

Tldr, try both out, the pre steam is free and post steam has no drm and can be gotten here
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For the unknowledgeable, the Steam version of DF REQUIRES a new gen every RAW change due to mods not being baked into the save anymore.

How to remove gays from all creatures
open all creature RAWs


Replace in all opened files



Replace in all opened files

How to remove black dwarves
>creature_standard txt
line 436 replace line with

How to remove bald dwarves
>entity_default txt
replace line 862 with

Leave the guy alone fags, DF has been his single-handed autism project for decades, if the dude wants a quiet family life and to stop development I'd say he's fucking earned it with this degree of getting shit done. I do hope he passes it on to someone else, hopefully not a studio.
How do I make them use quires?
Why do I care about removing gay dwarves?
Just produce them and stock your library with them? The scholars and scribes there should automatically use them to write. Then have a bookbinder make them into books and you're good.
The quires are made, a place is designated as a library, there are chests and bookcases there, but they aren't taking the quires out of the workshops to the library.
They have chairs and tables too.
Gays dont breed. Might not matter for dwarves.
But the calculations coding wise, despite it supposed to reflect IRL, accidently generates more gay/asexual animals than expected, meaning that an embark can fail from getting all gay animals.
Have you set up bookcases? Are the location settings set up to stock writing materials?
How do you stock writing material? I find no stockpile for that.
It should be in the library location settings, same as you might stock goblets in a tavern.
So that's why my boar wouldn't impregnate any of the four sows I brought! Damn gay pig!
I only let elf and goblin entertainers in, I like the idea of them serving as clowns for my dorfs.
Ive never heard of what that anon said about there being more gay animals because some error somewhere, but if you have dwarf therapist, I think it should tell you the preference of any craature/dwarf that is part of your fort
They're putting coding in the water, turning all the fricken hogs gay!
It is less that they are more gay, but more that due to the Orientation Token's default (as in undefined in a RAW entry) coding, every animal will have 25% roll on not being willing to commit to a "relationship" meaning they wont breed.
Can I make my dwarves exclusively gay so I dont have to deal with annoying ass children playing Weekend at Bernie's with the goblin skeletons in the waste depot?
Yes, your world gen will be ...interesting thoughever.
In what year AI is gonna start helping DF became a better game?
In year AI better will be.
Do it and post results
You can, I wouldn't reccomend it though.
Just toss all your waste into a deep pit so the little shits can't get to it(save the bones for crafting)
mentally touched post but then again a lot of homosexuals were molested as kids
Look I don't care about the gays I just want less children fucking up my efficiency
gay or european
German, obviously.
Old shit ui
Ascii or have to install community made graphics pack
Mostly keyboard with small optinal use of mouse
"Feature Complete"

New ui made to be less shit but half-assed
Ascii free or or paid premium graphic pack( + ost)
Can be almost entirely played with mouse if not entirely OR mostly with keyboard but some shit will require mouse
Adventure mode still in beta only the premium version
Runs much better
Oh god guys, you don't think the bride is putnam, do you?
Thanks guys. Guell I'll play the newest version then
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what in the fuck
holy shit, it's fucking over. hopefully he releases the source code soon
>you don't think the bride is putnam
would be the best case scenario for the game
That was the first thing my twisted brain thought of
Isnt putnam a bongstani?
Is toady the one doing the moving for a place with good national health care?
if he seriously got an asian visa wife he's getting divorced in 3 months top.
Nah, nobody wants to shag a tranny that doesn't pass, not even someone like Toady
the game doesnt tell who is who except their name and more specifically the name of their performance troop which can be anything. The only realistic way to maintain racial purity in your fort is to refuse everyone
>some pussy
boypussy or neopussy? hes got along with some gold digger troon whos planning to steal the source code and run, feel free to screenshot
otherwise i dont believe that a woman would voluntarily marry this autistic tard
this seems more plausible
some library item, dont remember the name, the one that is turning scrolls in to codices actually makes the book worse
theres literally a setting in the menu to change the number of possible children
>Age: 46
He meant as of June 08, 2001, right? ...right?
Thank you
>now I have to generate a new world again
>demigod talks
Magic update?
Kind of. The word from Toady is that he is going to abandon the old update "sagas" model, something about him stopping being a troglodyte and learning how to use github for source control iirc so that he can now devolop multiple stuff for df and merge them into the main branch once they are ready instead of sticking to larger updates as it used to be. All of this means that he is going to start dipping his toes on the myth & magic update while finishing the adventure mode.
What he is talking in that post is that he is working on the adventure mode starts so that demigods are actual demigods with superpowers and recieving divine help from their patron gods as well adding the randomly generated magical healing in the short future. So yeah it is the magic update but it is going to be a contenttrickle from now on instead of one huge update in 2035.
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These are my settings, they aren't using any scrolls or quires though.
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Also, I should avoid killing the animals he bonded with so he doesn't go full retard right?
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How do I stop cats from doing this?
You don't have any assigned Scholars or Scribes dumdum
People tend to get pissy when you butcher their pets yeah
turn them into stew

kek say goodbye to DF
I've said it before with the advent of the Steam fortress update, but with this news I'll reiterate that we should expect development of DF to move from a glacial pace to a tectonic one.

at this point i wish tarn would just give the code to the dfhack guys, everyone would be better for it. its clear tarn dosent give a shit about his game anymore and the dfhack people are the ones making the game playable. thats the best case scenario but as some other people said its more likely that some fuckup will mhappen with tarn/putnam and the thing will go down the drain even more than its already going
>becomes rich
>instantly gets married to some asian whore
anyway, is adventure mode ready yet?
Maybe the real adventure mode were Asian hoes we married along the way
It's over
A section of the cavern has collapsed. Billions must die
>post steam has no drm and can be gotten here
wait really? wonder why they don't just put it on gog then
anyone mind hooking me up with a link? been meaning to try the steam version
Its in the thread already
completely agree, a normal dev/company would have already hired these people
its within first few messages of every df thread
immersion more than anything. But it (random chance of every creature being gay) does fuck up animal husbandry which is already a pain in the ass.
Theres even a dfhack command for this called Gaydar
>anyone mind hooking me up with a link? been meaning to try the steam version
Have you tried using a combination of your eyes and the scroll wheel?
Now that the dust has settled, is the mouse-based UI an improvement over the old interface?
t. haven't played since 0.42 or so
>can't navigate main menu with kbd
>can't resize the embark area with vikeys
>d doesn't put you in mining mode
>designation/build menus don't display hotkeys without mouse hovering over the item
undwarfy and literally unplayable
I'll be back in another 5 years
No, now take your template post back where you came from.
Calm down
Nevermind, you're a faggot after all.
It's a side grade at best. If you're already familiar with the keyboard commands and shortcuts it'll feel clunky, if you never got the hang of them it's more accessible. I don't know why they couldn't just put both control schemes in.
I don't mouse over spoilers in fear of getting spoiled
there are spoilers? i wouldnt know
extension reveals them automatically
Literally just buy it faggot, toady deserves the money.
>giving kitfox money instead of directly to Toady
You retards don't even give money to toady directly so does it matter? he didn't become a millionaire until they published the steam version
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and so is steam and so is the grifting publisher
you can donate to him through patreon which he still gets 5k monthly from for doing jack shit
>donate? Nah it's free, why bother
>buy the steam version? I'd rather donate
You fuckers don't pay for anything
I actualy bought the steam version because at the time I was unaware of kitfox bullshit
That reminds me. The native extension has an option to reveal spoilered image thumbnails, but there's no option to spoilered text.
Wonder why that is
i pay for alcohol
>5k for doing literally nothing and letting a self sterilized manwoman do the work for you.
Must be nice.
Is the self sterilized manwoman his groom to be?
This is some weird shit.
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As cool as the concept of using giant animals as guards in DF unless they are deployed en masse I think that they are as flimsy as any other normal creature. They feel pain, get tired and can receive nervous tissue damage and or get bonked in the head by some lucky gobbo with a stick.
As for animal-people it will depend if they are ass big as their animal conterpart or not, If python-man are as big as pythons then maybe I could put it on the military for the cool factor
I don't understand how I can still see all these posts if they don't exist anymore. I'm not using an addon to display deleted posts from an archive.
Moot your site is broken again.
its better you dont
cache or whatever your browser uses to store the physical page (html + css)

irrc 4chan x saves a copy of it and compares it with the latest html it recieves. if one entry is deleted (iirc they all have their own hash) it copies it from save html and puts it back in place
Was it that snake vore thing that is being spammed about the site lately?
Or was it the shitposter that tries to merge /dfg/ with /rwg/ despite the former being dead for over a year and who likes to post those shitty ms paint drawings and spam shitty stale "jokes"?
You don't understand. It was sticking around even when looking in another browser that hadn't viewed the thread before. While it was also in private mode for maximum "make sure this is completely fresh"ness.
But it doesn't matter anymore. They actually have disappeared.
Pokemon snake vore.
Didn’t coins use to actually have a purpose, like dwarves would use them to buy food and drinks etc
Yeah, there was an economy system that used the coins that you can mint, and the dorfs would use it to pay rent or something like that. When I got into DF the system was already removed so I dont really know what it was like, but from what ive heard the coin stacks were pretty buggy and caused massive lag as coin stacks would get split throw all over the fortress, and the system itself was pretty broken and caused dorfs to inevitably go bankrupt because some bullshit or another.
Is there a difference between a paid version and a free one? Except for tile set.
I ask because I read through reviews and someone mentioned that paid version is not full or some shit.
Yes and no, the biggest difference in missing content is between Dwarf Fortress versions (50.xx vs 47.xx and older) and not between paid vs free, since both paid and the free are on 50.xx.
The paid version is indeed meant to be just a premium graphic set and ost for Dwarf Fortress 50.xx which is still free on DF website. However it is true that DF 50.xx is incomplete because the adventure mode isnt finished yet. There is an public beta branch of the next update which will bring back adventure mode on steam for people, but if you want to play the full adventure mode you will have to play the older versions which are all free
So I’m trying build a cavern fort, but every map I generate the caverns are stupidly deep why is this?
Graphical tiles and Music

Game has a GUI that's made of square tiles, traditionally represented with ASCII letters. Steam version comes with actual graphics plus a whole soundtrack.

The ASCII verison of the GUI is not good looking. At least no compared to the pre steam version.

After that, there's no difference. Free is published as a production fork of Steam.

>assuming you are not dumb:
advanced world gen, reduce the "minimum tiles of earth between caverns" values
>ur dumb
stop embarking on mountains.
yeah but the system was broken because legendary dwarves would not get a salary and therefore starve, or not feed their children due to room ownership bs.

not that toady is too brainlet to get it, but he became obsessed with physics and combat simulation and engine reworks and pretty much stopped adding gameplay features
Legendary dwarves were just exempt from the economy, so they'd get everything free. And children would usually use their parents' accounts until they grew into adulthood and could get jobs. But since legendary dwarves didn't have accounts, their kids would just build up debt for their entire childhoods.
The main problem, though, was that dwarves would spend inordinate amounts of time carrying coins around. Every time a dwarf wanted a drink, he'd have to walk over to his apartment to pick up the coins to pay for it. They didn't have purses, everything had to use the item hauling mechanic.
It’s a shame really, coins are one of my favourite things in the game. I usually just build a vault and amass massive wealth in gold platinum and silver coins like a true dwarf would
Coins are great, I love amassing those fancy shurikens with images engraved on them!
so you're telling me the economy could have been fixed by giving dwarves coinpurses
They have coinpurses.
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Coinpurses were only added several years after the economy was disabled.
There were other issues, but I don't think any of them were individually serious. I'm betting it was never an insurmountable problem as much as it was just not a priority.
The roadmap from I don't even know when, before the Steam release, was to do economy after magic. It's probably still coming, if Toady doesn't die or quit.
I used to play DF .34 version lazy noob pack, which had work flow or something like that so you don't have to check for socks every time.
Does the new version of DF contain QoL like that? Or are there mods for the new version or packs like lazy noob?
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this is the entrance to my fort. it looked a lot cooler in my imagination. first time ever i used stonesense, pretty neat. i think i need to extend the vertical spacing in between the roofs. i was going for two towers projecting out of a central bastion with little forward projecting mandibles guarding the approach.
at least the crossbow squad in working properly. i just have them patrolling a route that follows each fortification opening and they've bagged 10 or so goblins.
why the fuck have my miners stopped digging? i have picks, they area is accessible but all they do is socialize in the tavern
nvm, making them exclusively do mining made them get off of their asses
off the top of my head
>mining labour not activated
>burrow restrictions from military alerts/in general
>weird ownership bullshit with the picks (make more picks than miners)
>accidentally designating the tiles as a marker (blue)
Do you mean Work Orders https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Work_orders ?
If yes, then yeah it is still in the game.
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wtf do dwarves just stop using wheelbarrows after awhile? out of 36, 9 are being used, usually even less.
I remember there being a bunch of bugs related to wheelbarrows. I think that having to many of them assigned to a stockpile can cause some weird behavior and there were some conflicts with storage bins too.
It's embedded in the steam version and I don't have to install any mods, correct?
Its is literaly a game mechanic
Ok thanks. I ask because I played the earlier versions without automation and it was pretty crap.
What? Work orders have been in the game since fucking forever.
In .34 they weren't.
Nta, but im pretty sure it was a thing in 0.34 and even earlier, unless you are mistaking work orders for something else
I remember I had to use a mod called workflow to have something like that.
>unless you are mistaking work orders for something else
Here is what I mean: I set socks amount in my fortress to 10, if there is not enough in my stores workshops automatically add queue of socks until there are 10 socks in the stores.
This I don't have to care about socks ever.
That is what work orders are for and you can literaly do that with it
> every month/week/day IF number of [specific item] less than X THEN make Y amount of [specific item]
This wasn't implemented in .34 unless youused mods.
You're both technically right, the feature has been around forever but the GUI/Steam version was missing stuff when it first launched.
Do you use the DF hack quick fort and planning tools?
I’ve got all these goblins in cages what am I supposed to do with them, can’t sell them. Can’t let them go hecauss they kill people and I want the metal they are wearing too
Dump cages into magma
There is a way to disarm caged enemies but I never tried it myself https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Cage#How_to_disarm_hostiles_in_cages

For killing them you can make a pit/pond over a deep hole and then execute them by having your dorfs release them on hole, be warned that ive heard of cratures being escorted to a pit chamber sometimes breaking free right as they get released on a pit.
If you dont feel confident enough to do that, a more complicated way would be to build an execution chamber by using levers and mechanism to open the cages on a flooded chamber, and that drain the water to once the job is done
If you're making a big hole to kill them, then you might as well put some magma in the bottom too. There's really no reason not to use magma. It destroys the corpse to prevent miasma and it destroys the non-smeltables to prevent clutter.
Anon said he wants some of that goblinite
I want the steel they are wearing though, drowning them sounds like a better idea. Also I tried to build an atom smasher but when I tried to put the stockpile under the bridge it says ‘building present’
Steel and Iron are magma-safe though, they won't melt during immersion. Drain the killpit's magma every so often so you can reclaim the magma-safe goodies and smelt the melted slag.
>goblin princess, wat do?
target practice. construct the cages in a room where one wall is made of fortifications. attach them all to a switch. then station your marksdwarves opposite the fortification wall and flip the switch. levels them up pretty well too.
Shitfox is the death of DF.
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>no sex / shitting / pissing
delete thread game is shit
>he doesn't know about UNKNOWN_SUBSTANCE or FILTH
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this is my first migrant wave
all from a blessing of the game creator ofcourse
the funny thing is no matter how much wokeness toady puts in the game it will not save him from getting cancelled. One day he will say something autistic, then the mob will find out about Liberal Crime Squad and the hell will break loose.
They never learn.
What is it with leftist types and getting genuinely upset over fantasy racism?
The Anbennar devs want to remove purges because they're "unrealistic" (read: make them uncomfortable, everywhere should be like Insyaa, where racism doesn't exist and trolls and robots and not-Maōri live in harmony (do not look into what the Maori actually were))
Is it because they somehow think shitting on elves will lead to noticing differences between human groups or something?
>Is it because they somehow think shitting on elves will lead to noticing differences between human groups or something?
Probably that. Plus it demistyfies various stances that are anathema these days like nationalism, border protection etc
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>What is it with leftist types and getting genuinely upset over fantasy racism?
fantasy racism is fun to shitpost about but swiftly turns into a larp for /pol/fags who are actually racist. see >>1798134 connecting it with nationalism, border protection and so on - people of all vote-tribes can't keep their fantasy-politics in fantasyland.
>waah muh waycism
Lol, discord troon found its way here.
>What is it with leftist types and getting genuinely upset over fantasy racism?
Their ideas cant stand on their own without 24/7 hammering them into your skull from every side so every time/moment someone can let loose and just have fun with verbotten ideas is potential lethal danger to their entire ideology.
Their shit is so unnatural and fake that they literally cannot let go even for a moment or else people will revert back to the natural order.
Just killed an elven caravan and stole all their gear, they didn’t even fight back. Pathetic race
Don't you have some leaves to cry on, knife-ear?
>t.man upset at depictions of goblins
Massive bar fight lol my soldiers killed like 5 dwarves one of them my legendary armour smith
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>literally discover this guy like 40min ago and have been binge watching his videos
>see this post
The universe is not random.
No escape from the Algorithm.
How do you use the dungeon?
Look at this disgusting faggot elf lover
Look kids, a discord faggot.
Well I think Elves are pretty neat.
If an elf moves into my fortress, will he go insane when I assign him to wood cutting and wood burning only? Or is it OK when they do it.
If it becomes part of your fort, it wont care about wood.
Only elvish civs (even non elvish members) care about wood.
this will require some roleplaying. he will eventually go insane if you chain him in a room full of furnaces and/or wooden furniture.
What am I supposed to do with all this lead that I’m getting stuck with after smelting my silver ores
I think that the best non-mundane application for lead would to turn it into minecarts used to effectively crush goblins because of its heavy weight.
Other than that, like some of the other metals, it is pretty much unremarkable because its low value and because there is nothing you can do with it that cant be done with other metals who are about as useless or have a higher base value.
It does have a higher base value than common stone so if you want, you can use it to make things that you would normaly make out of stone for a small bump in its value. You could use it to train your metalsmiths before they work on your more valuable silver and you can sell that results for other more usefull metals. And if you happen to have some way of getting copper and tin you can used to make lay pewter which has higher base value than the copper, tin and lead used to make it
Yea I have access to copper and tin, I’ve been making most my tools weapons and armour out of bronze then fancy stuff out of the silver like statues and tables for the nobles. Unfortunately there’s no iron but I do have flux stone so any goblinite I get is turned to steel
Well, like I said you can use the copper and the tin with lead to increase their value with lay pewter
>2 tin (value 2) + copper (2) + lead (2) = 4 lay pewter (base value of 3)
But you can also use the same tin and the copper to make much more valuable bronze instead, which has a base value of 5 and is a weapon grade metal.
So, it is up to you.
Probably the best and safest option would to use the lead crafts to trade for iron bars/iron ore rocks with your main civ or humans if they show up with iron goodies that you can smelt
>A kea has stolen Dègvunom!
Fuck my life
fucking keas
make pipes
make crafts
Haven't played since about 2020 and went to go give it a spin.
What the FUCK
quote on quote from the 50.01 patch notes
"a lot of things have changed"
My dwarves keep drinking themselves to death
2 real
For the love of Armok, he needs to fix the squad/military system. Losing 40 of my greatest warriors to a glitch that doesn't allow them to return from slaughtering 100+ dogs ruined my last fort.
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Any clue why I can't assign a manager?
I'm playing as humans. Did I need to assign a tag to CREATURE:PLAINS to have a manager?
it would be an entity token, mate.
Anon didn't say it, but most entity entry changes need a regen.
You can try it once you fix yourself, assuming that is what you need, or check what ye need for a manager.
>Ah bugger it I'll just deal with not having job management
>Forgot that traders are a position
>And forgot that you need a keeper of the guard to make squads
I fucked up.
So I figured out that dwarves clad in steel armour who are trained are just terminators, they kill pretty much anything with barely any injuries. Did toady make dwarves op?!
lucky fucker
why don't you go eat each other, knifey.
The martial trance abillity alone puts dorfs above many creatures
>you don't need militia or traders if you don't inflate fort value by pumping out trinkets
Yes and no. Steel armor operates on the same values as real life. That means a properly concentrated or powerful blow can break it. Thing is basically no living creatire in it's basic stats can unless they are so large stell is pointless as they can just dislocate limbs on connect. Much like real life, what kills a knight in full plate is the force of the blow to the head breaking their neck.

Problem with DF balance is that it wants hero characters with super human stats. Trained Dwarfs can hit a same weight creature hard enough to break limbs from inertial force alone and have superhuman reflexes. Even an unarmored dwarf easily becomes unkillable.
have you thought about killing yourself?
rimjobbers dont want us there
Back again eh?
What do you mean by merge? This is just a thread talking about Dwarf Fortress. Why would that need to merge with a General?
I usually avoid trading with the first caravan or two for this reason and to avoid being overwhelmed by beekeeper migrants and or whatever before I've mass produced bedroom furniture.
Again, end yourself.
You do this on and off.
haha is that supposed to be the pic of Tarn and Zach and Zach's wife? cute, anyone have it saved?
Only that retard could possibly decode his own near-zero quality "art"
obvious samefagging is obvious
He really is a terrible excuse for a shitposter.
Could we get back to talking about DF?
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I think the shitposter is a faggot and should kill himself, in other news post maps.
>all that wasted space on oceans
I hope to live long enough to see boats
It's not a question of when you die, but when toady dies.

Or rather it was, development is over now. He will finish adv mode for steam some time next year, and that will be it.
>wasted space
>he doesn't appreciate civ isolation by continent or possible colonialism via air dropped player forts.
how does one even get to those continents not connected to mainland. tons of ocean to swim and you'd tire and die
I think you can literally chain forts all the way across 1-by-1.
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It's small. But it's mine.
So I’m getting a lot better at the game, thought I’d try to challenge myself and settle next to a necromancer tower. Built a fort got my boys kitted out with hammers years in and nothing, no raids no zombies nothing
Bro, just swim.
I'm not even that anon and I can see multiple points where the landmasses are close enough that it wouldn't be hard (unless it freezes, which based on his map it looks like the majority of the map can freeze over.
Necromancers are nerds and only rarely come out of their towers to play.
What you really want to do is embark on a haunted or terrifying biome.
I think that some necromancer towers can be unoccupied. Did you got a warning when choosing the embark location? Last time I tried settling next to a necro I would get invasions on the 1 year and had to savescum when a gang of intelligent undead showed up because they just raped all the dorf that I threw at them.
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uhh, help? I tried to save scum this guy, but my military isn't that strong and got completely annihilated. Will it go away by itself over time, or do I have to do something about this? I created a crossbow squad and am making a trap.
Most likely he will just hang around and kill anything spawns on the map if they cant path to your fort. Maybe it is possible for them to leave but it will be unlikely for it to happen.
If the situation is really dire then the best option would be to quickly all yourself up to buy time. Cage traps dont work on titans iirc, and for other traps you probably need a few of in succesion them to take him down unless the first one gets a lucky headshot.
I dont remember how effetive crossbows are against big monsters, but the quality of the ammo definitively will defitively play a part and you are going to need something to keep the titan away otherwise your dorfs will have to resort to meleeing it with their crossbows which wont end up well for them.
If you have decent melee weapons and animals, especialy dogs, that you are willing to sacrifice, I suggest that you do a flanking manuver by using you animals a bait for the webs while your dorfs attack from the sides.
>Comfy human fort with cottages for all my starting Us
>All very comfy
>Suddenly 6 million migrants
>Commie blocks required to house all these """""people""""" without giving myself arthritis
Thanks I hate it.
>Beware its webs!
Whatever you do, don't try to engage it in melee. Carve fortifications in the cavern walls and shoot it from behind them. It probably flies, so be careful to avoid holes in the ceilings or floors.
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Giving migrants individual rooms is completely optional.
How to find an interesting embark location
Define interesting
Regardless of that, larger worlds and younger means more chances for your "interesting location" to appear since not everything will have been occupied by other dwarf
Good terrain features for interesting entrances, I watch all these YouTubers and they get some well cool waterfalls and Canyeons and stuff but whenever I do it I just get the same looking thing everytime
waterfalls and canyons will form usally where two rivers meet and places with extreme height variation.
Look up for rivers and keep folloing them until you find a place where two meet and use the elevetion/inclination filters on the embark screen to help you visualize thing
haha cute, saved
When you think about it, a level 3 autist can easily recreate all of DF (or better) in a year of full time work.
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Good point, let us know when your project finishes.
Songs of Syx.
>40 posts in a day
>thought an update happened
>it's drama
is it really drama if it is just a shitposter trying to rile everyone up?
Okay so I’m using the advanced world settings to make some more varied worlds but what setting I’m struggling with is the mineral occurance. Normally I like to play on sparse, the default of everywhere just seems to easy and there’s no joy when I find metals on that setting. But in detailed world gen it goes from 100-100,000 lowest being everywhere, so you’d think putting it around half way of 50k would give you the ‘sparse’ setting but it doesn’t there’s practically no metal at all on 50k
Yeah, it's not linear. "Sparse" would be 2500, while 50k is "very rare".
The rimworld guy is very critical about anyone actually believing this. Since he is the guy who tried.
Oh please you want to be his bitch don't you?
I always get the values backward. Last time i only had obsidian and adamantite on my farm.
Fucking bed wetters who complain about the elf Xenophobia in the DF community
ive been thinking that i could get more things done if i just disregard farming and cooking completely and get food and cloth from caravans instead
I could see that working for importing cloth/leather instead of making it yourself, but food and booze Im not so confident about it
Cooking is great for keeping dwarves happy; because masterwork meals can be worth a lot, and can contain multiple ingredients. Better quality meals boost mood, as do meals that contain a dwarf's preferred ingredients; since roasts have 3 ingredients, that's more chances for a favorite to end up in the recipe.

No point in ditching farming really; a single farmer can handle at least 25 tiles of crops, more than enough to feed a whole fort. Buying meat and other animal products makes sense though; butchering animals results in a ton of hauling jobs. Plus the animals in your pastures incur pathfinding-related FPS costs.
Crossbows don't work very well against forgotten beasts it seems
I like to have a squad of spear dwarves specifically to fight beasts
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This is basically it and if there were more we won't tell you where, shitposter, now go back to what you were doing.
nigga are you high? Cooking is the most busted profession in the game and has been since 2014 at least. A legendary chef is literally a license to print money
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>recruits keep turning up dead for no apparent reason
>can't find them in the combat logs
>realize they always die in a specific militia position
>assign a new victim there and try following him around
>realize he's already bleeding somehow
>his hand is molten
>look at the weapon he's wielding
>covered in fire imp goo
I didn't even know this could happen.
Is there a way to clean the covering off? It's a common steel mace, so I can just stop using it and it won't be a problem again, but if it was a better weapon I'd probably want an actual fix.
Throwing it into water maybe
If all else fails I think that there is a DFhack command to clear contaminants
money is not a problem and doesnt even exist. Finding a goal to play towards is, like doing projects, that the usual management routine interrupts
money does exist though...
Well... A new adventure mode beta did come out on the day posted that

Patch Notes for Beta 19

Advancing the beta

- Composing poems, music, dances, and writing things down is back in
- Wrestle button now handles wrestling
- Encumbrance is visible in inventory screen and there are a few alert levels for being over-encumbered
- Speed is visible in the movement options
- Indicators for ongoing movement, attacks, and dodges during player's turn in combat

General bug fixing

- Throwing/shooting crash fixed
- Fixed input/display issues in kitchen menu
- Handled several issues with gifting pets
- Certain goblin torsos weren't being displayed
What the appeal of adventure mode, I don’t get it
Roam around, fuck up shit. I dont get it either but its absence from 50.xx release was enough to get some riled up
You either get it or you don't.
I get it, but cannot articulate it to you in a manner that would allow you to understand.
autistic combat system
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I think I'm retarded because I can't play adventure mode on Steam even though I downloaded the beta versions...
you need to generate a world first
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The fucked-up part is that is totally pointless in the sense that anything you do, have almost no effect in the world (even more in the butchered Steam version) if you go in a campaign for a lord it has no effect in your reputation and the world you just can brag about it in the castle and the rumor will spread but has no effect at all, just some features and pointers added would turn adv. and fort mode into the best game ever made, but seems like that will never happen.
>he doesn't know
This fool has never become king in adv mode, or had his adventurer produce children after removing their asexual orientation.
does nothing, nobody even recognizes you
>produce children
there's no action to breed and hte pc does nothing by itself.

best thing iirc was letting you crazy shit if you modded it since it lets you cast magic and race abilities.
Still to this day disappointed by the limited ability to necromancer the world to death. Wish I could've done more than blob an undead horde, then promptly lose them all to sprinting off screen after a random peasant farmer and despawning.

Would've been far happier if I could've at least caused tiles to turn evil or haunted and start auto-raising the dead.
why is the latest post so outdated
uploaded yesterday but only beta 13
>first migrant wave is entirely children
How do you respond without sounding mad?
don't they grow up in a year? what's the difference between a kid and a master cheesemaker with no useful skills?
Should I try this game?
Is it hard to learn?
Does DF have an option to control units?
I read reviews and people complain about some of your people getting mad for retarded reasons which led to your entire fortress demise - is that right?
I think I fucked up bros
It didn't look like the mountains fully blocked entrance to the area on embark, but...
Do you mean 18 years? Used to be 13, but someone got nervous about how the Steam audience would respond to them getting married.
How about a screenshot that actually shows the terrain?
It was 4 am nigga.

>Should I try this game?
Sure, why not
>Is it hard to learn?
No, everything is super well documented in the wiki, but there are lots of system you will be scratching your head from time to time to look up shit online

>Does DF have an option to control units?
The only time you control someone directly is In adventure mode
I fort mode the most control you have is with your militia squads where you can tell them to go to a spot as a squad or kill something but individualy they are still operating on their own

>I read reviews and people complain about some of your people getting mad for retarded reasons which led to your entire fortress demise - is that right?
You can do stupid stuff in this game that can effectively destroy your fort and leave everyone dead. Or the game can do it to you.
No you shouldn't, it's not a game, it's an interactive story generator.
It's not hard to learn.
There are no units.
This feature was unfortunately removed 5 years ago.
Since IGN says it's one of the most important games ever I'll give it a try.
1. I don't know, do you want to?
2. Yeah. It's not a hard game once you figure it out, but the learning curve is steep. There's a huge number of interconnected systems to tangle with, and the UI is pretty bad.
3. Yes, but it's a separate game mode. In the fortress, you just issue orders.
4. To some extent. Some people are just mentally unstable, just like real life, and it's only a matter of time before they see something that causes them to flip out. Losing a fortress like that is a skill issue, though. There's ways you can deal with it.
>UI is pretty bad
Didn't they fix it in steam version?
>Some people are just mentally unstable
Is there still a thing, where a dwarf occupies a workshop to make a figurine out of rare materials and then goes mad because it was almost impossible to get them?
Yeah, strange mood are still a thing, but like that anon said, this causing you lose a fort is skill issue.
I didn't like that feature at all.
Why? There is far worse shit that can happen to your fort.
It is really rare for you to not have the things that they want as I belive it does a check for shit on the map. And it is only dangerous if they go beserk instead of depressive or mad, and they also happen to be kitted out in full steel armor and weapons and be skilled at those. And even then you can just preventively wall them off and wait for them to die out of thirst in case shit goes south
It seems weird and unrealistic.
Its part of the lore that the first primitive dwarf had a strange mood and made the first anvil, since without an anvil you cant make anvils.
I didn't know this game had deep lore, I heard about dwarf expeditions and a magic number thou.
it is just community jokes and speculation from the forums.
Like I said if you dont have an anvil you cant make a forge which is the workshop used to make more anvils (many trying to min max the starting loadout figured the hard way by either forgeting to add an anvil or stone suitable for making a forge).
So where did the first anvil came from?
The only answer backed by the game mechanics is that a dwarf with a strange mode made it out of random shit.
>Didn't they fix it in steam version?
They changed it. That's not quite the same as fixing it.
Disable it, then. Remove the [TRANCES] tag from dwarves and they'll never have strange moods. They also lose martial trances, but life's full of tough choices.
>So where did the first anvil came from?
That's pretty obvious - they used makeshift anvils.
Because the latest beta branch update is still beta 13, moron
Mega anon here, what >>1806188
said is more harsh than what I would have worded it as, but he is correct that the latest update is still the beta branch for 50.13.
the latest steam update calls itself 51.01 beta 19
how could I possibly know that's equivalent to 50.13
I think you're a little man of even smaller intelligence
>how could I possibly know
by looking at the release notes a file changes .txts you retard.
says the idiot that lacks critical thinking, apparently
You mean something that I can only get by downloading what looks like an old version
Why would I do that?
knowledge =/= intelligence
The only information available to me is the version numbers
and going by those, the ones in the mega are outdated
I think your prefrontal cortex is underdeveloped
Anon I...even if you are basing it off of the version numbers from Steam update history, pray tell me how 50.13 released AFTER 51.01?
Just admit that you are actually retarded, don't know what you're talking about, and move on.
>how 50.13 released AFTER 51.01
I never said that
On steam the latest update is 51.01 beta 19
The one in the mega is 50.13
so the one in the mega appears outdated
did I spell that out slow enough for you?
>I never said that
I never said you did retard, pay attention, I said how could it(50.13) release after 51.01 ojn Steam, if 50.13 is "outdated"?
Do you have a discord by any chance I would love to talk with you in real time
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Just read this, you waste of neurons.

>april 23

>april 18

Do you understand, or are you too dumb to actually understand why your initial assumption is wrong?
You linked me the same thing twice(not really surprised at this point)
50.13 is indeed april 23 which is what is in the archive

this is 51.01 beta 19 which updated a few days ago, july 17
You stupid nigger, he is trying to tell you that 50.13 released after 51.01, making it more current.
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All this effort when you could have just told the retard that the 51.01 BETA X versions just encompasses all BETA versions regardless of actual release version, and that dividing it via the actual release and the most current beta version for that release (AKA 50.13 Beta) would make the most sense instead of 51.01 BETA 1-19.
So the thing released in april is more current than the thing released a few days ago
and this should be general intuitive knowledge that is in no way potentially confusing?
Is every single dwarf fortress player brain damaged by any chance?
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It is amusing to see the needless back and forth.
No friend, The beta build 19, is the beta build for update 50.13.
That is why it is labeled under 50.13 (beta).
>Is every single dwarf fortress player brain damaged
oh wait, I get it now.
Can you just kill yourself already?
Then why does the steam page call it 51.01 and not 50.13
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see >>1806270
Because Toady and Kitfox are retarded.
Does that answer your question?
Yeah mostly
not sure why you geniuses took so long in explaining something so straight forward
Didn't someone do this almost exact same song and dance in the last thread (or two) when asking for a download?
yes, down to pretending to be retarded.
almost like it's confusing when your version numbers don't match
anyone with an iq above room temperature would just call the archive download what the latest patch note says
51.01 beta 19
That's cute babe, let me know what the version says in the release notes and file changes in the game folder itself.
the release notes just say 50.13 the one i downloaded off the archive
which just further leads me to believe it's outdated and not the latest one from steam
to begin with you wouldn't download it because you perceive it to be outdated
the latest steam version says 51.01 beta 19
Seriously, how are you all so collectively stupid?
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Mega anon here, I'll just keep updating the Mega to reflect the latest release and beta version for that release (IE 50.13 and 50.13 (Beta)).
Rather than have 51.01 Beta 1-XX.
Mostly because I find obvious shitposters unfunny.
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nobody asked faggot
cool map
also, why are you all retarded niggers?
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Dwarf-anon stop brewing my family! You can have me!!
just forgot to leave a connection and crushed one of my miners digging out an indoor fishing area... at least no one had a breakdown because of it
where you doing ramps/channels on an already mined out area?
miners are the ultimate wageslaves, impossible to make any friends.
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I mean you can do whatever you want, but calling me a moron when everyone here has a collective iq of 100 is just baffling
look I opened your 50.13 mega download and what do I see on the bottom left
51.01 beta 19
You're either trolling or there's group hysteria going on
I wasn't the guy calling you a retard.
Though I do think you are a little funny
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Holy shit fuck off already
do we have any coomer mods that let me rape people in adventure mode for this? preferably for the steam version
it isn't that hard to mod in.
You just need basic knowledge of body tokens and how to add new parts to creatures.
DFHack also as you can use the impregnation script afterwords.
brother, if you played the game you would know you don't need mods for that.
how would I go about raping someone then please?
lol, newfag remove their clothing and wrestle until they pass out
I'm not sure you know what rape is...
>what do you mean, I had breakfast this morning
he's talking about modding in rape, which is possible
not imagining rape, which is also possible.
You clearly didn't understand the assignment.
If it's so easy, then why hasn't anyone made it yet
They have, multiple times, but it was always taken down in the past.
Bay12 may be autistic, but their autists are on the normalfag part of the spectrum.
you do realize that he is being annoying in the hopes that someone will spoonfeed him, right?
No that was a legitimate question. I am not the earlier shitposter.
But I do recognize that I could have worded it better.
I really wish my axedwarves would stop running past their post behind all the nice traps I set up and getting killed for no reason
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Design your entrance traps so that defending units don't have line of sight to the attackers until you're ready.
I'm new to dwarf fortress and got my first successful 200 dwarf fort going with the Queen and everything. I've already killed several ancient beasts, dragons, hundreds of gobbos, etc so I decided to start over in adventure mode (steam beta). Is it normal for it to be so laggy in cities/goblin caves that it becomes unplayable? I retired my massive fort and am playing with it as an adventurer now. Should I not be doing that? The lag is fine while I'm walking around in the forest but then I get 1 fps a second around cities. It's legitimately a slideshow.
>Is it normal
yes. Every person is simulated separately. Welcome to autism, enjoy your stay.
Damn, that sucks. I really don't want to start over in a smaller world without my fort but I want to experience a playable adventure mode.
you can increase your gait (movement speed) to mitigate the issue, walking around at night generates fewer interactions as well, and you can tab in the world map to see local features instead of going through the streets, but large settlements are often going to affect your fps anyways

keep in mind adventure mode is a broken piece of shit, dfhack and access to legends mode is recommended
no. it's a buggy mess and you will never recover spending all your time on this autismo project
>t. 300h autist
Well, I just found a horse and it has helped a bit. I'll mess around until I can't take the lag/I get bored but I can already tell that this mode feels way less fleshed out compared to fortress mode. Trying to walk around in my old fortress is absolute AIDs, though. It's odd because during fortress mode, there was barely any lag at all.
cities no, goblin pits and dark fortresses yes
>t,500 hours
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>created a world with the mod "More Vanilla Creatures"
>Select adventure
>Barrelman the construct
>go on an start exploring
>a cave has been discovered
>enter to find a angry mushroom ent
>decide to talk it out and it worked!
>ask to join in my adventures
>keep going down the cave until he reaches the first cavern layer
>another mushroom ent
>dance and perform to them
>ask to join in my adventures
>gladly accepts because they were bored of their life
>go out of cave and kill the wildlife to have something to eat
>climb the mountains to reach a volcano
>wrestle to death with the ent until one of us falls into lava
>barrelman gets utterly bodied by a giant mushroom ent
>the barrelman melts away...
It was inevitable
Reporting back in. Well, after about 10 hours of playing adventure mode, I checked back in with my old fortress and everything that I built totally disappeared. All of my old dwarves are just sitting in an empty field with all of the artifacts that they previously built scattered around next to them. Everything that I dug out filled back in and it's as if I had never settled in this spot. Is this just a steam beta mode bug or does that naturally happen after enough time has passed? It wouldn't make sense if this was intended.
Looks like a bug
Yeah, that's definitely a bug. Never seen that happen in the old versions.
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the photo i took before the brawl
sounds like a new bug for Steam Fortress, too bad the old bug tracker iskaput and you need to go onto the kitfucks dickscord to report it now.
>it's another episode of the mayor being a vampire
>All of my old dwarves are just sitting in an empty field with all of the artifacts that they previously built scattered around next to them. Everything that I dug out filled back in and it's as if I had never settled in this spot.
major bug. did you update the game with this save already made?
I still can't believe it's been more than a year and the game's UI and controls are still worse than the old version.
it is truly a shame
I keep feeling a craving for the game and a specific total conversion, so I boot up the game, get a world going, play for 10 mins and bounce off after realizing that doing anything at all is 10x more tedious than before. How did they manage this? How do you make the ui WORSE than before?
if that is the case, why not play the older versions?
I keep wanting to fuck around with modanon's mods, and I've already played a lot with them in the old version, but he's still releasing updates. So I either play the outdated mod, or play the new version while also experiencing cbt.
"racism (including fantasy racism) is not tolerated..."
what a bunch of limpdick wankers.
Lads, just make the leap to Songs of Syx already.
Completely different type of game; while good, it's a substitute not a replacement.
Just play 0.47.5 and continue forcing elves to fight monsters to the death naked for your citizens' entertainment.
i tried 3 times but each time in mid game theres a spike in research cost that slows the game down to a crawl with absolutely nothing changing for hours and i just drop it
is steam adventure mode good yet?
was it ever?

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