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>ctrl F
>no steel division thread
Steel division thread. It's cheap
So is your mom.
It’s such a terrible game.
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you may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
I somewhat liked the first game, but the second is just too big in scale for me.
that's just a doorstop with tracks
It's okay, but ultimately inferior to the wargame series. Especially sad is how poorly eugen 'balanced' german units and decks, why would you ever want to play allies?
I can't even deal with easy AI lol (send help)
French capitalism pros decided that the ~15% of the playerbase who do ranked 1v1s are their core audience. Sad but common, and the rest of the game suffers for it. I gave up when the 2nd Guards Tank Corps lost all of its APCR shells and Yak-9Ts, since it looked like Soviets were just going to get gimped harder and harder with every patch. I remember doing some schizo calculations on the forums and finding out that Soviet and German fighters have their max speed derived from different altitudes, resulting in faster Messerchmitts and slower Yaks despite them having similar cost and availability, but it seems they delete forum posts after a time so I can't find it to confirm that it's real.
I can believe they did that. They may have taken each vehicles maximum speed, which would be higher than soviets for germans at high altitude, though lower below 3km(where most of any fight in these games would be). Germans had standing orders to not engage the later model yaks under 3km because they performed better down there.
I remember it being something even more retarded like 109s getting their speed from a comfy 4km, while Yaks get it from 4.5km, but my memory and methodology may both be faulty.
>they gave us TOO MUCH! I prefer empty games devoid of anything cool or complex.
Thats because you’re a sad little fucking cuck. A nu-gamer who ruins communities. Have you tried staying on your mobile phone and fucking off from PC?
They fucked up their latest Nemesis DLC pandering to those retards. Now we get yet another spammed German divisions with the exact same run up as all the others.
>Panther tank!
>Large tank destroyer!
Instead of actually interesting divisions they give us that shit. And I mean I am sick and tired of all the German divisions. There are way too fucking many. And I say this as a /pol/ wignat. There are so many German divisions in the game now that they are disproportionate to all of the other countries. My god if the Germans had all thsoe divisions IRL they would have won.

To make the game more fair and balanced they need to add more factions like Japan if they want to add more Axis. Literally sick of the German spam. It’s like ‘Nazi Germany: The Game’ instead of a WWII game. They also need to seriously alter tha way the battles work. Offmap is a terrible function. Inmean it’s literally so bad. They need to add some way of counter-battery for offmap if they want it to exist. Or maybe limit offmap to a strategic map or something. It’s unrealistic right now. You should be able to hit their offmap with aircraft or counter. Also, they need to add navy instead of offmap. I don’t really like how in the center of Poland, the 1st SSB British marines have access to battleship gunfire. Either limit it to the battleship itself to be deployed on coastal maps, or remove it entirely.

And that actually brings me to my fonal point. MAPS. Boy does this gane suck ass, BECAUSE THERE ARE NO MAPS! There is like 15 in total with some of them roatated sideways ro give you like 20 maps. They are ALL in central rural Poland. No Normandy, no coast, no cities, no desert, no mountains, NOTHING. It single handedly kills the game. So even if there were battleships you couldn’t play them unless these cretin devs made maps for them.
>shitting on tigers and panthers in Normandy maps in SD1 thanks to the shorter aim time
love me shermans
Easily the worst WWII rts on the market. I don't even know how they fucked it up so hard when there's plenty of good ideas and decent mechanics but they managed to do it. everything in the game is wrong or ass backwards it's almost comical.
>tank shoots HE at AT gun
>direct hit
>AT gun just eats it and fires back
>AT gun can out damage and out shoot tank regardless

>set game on eastern front
>dump a bunch of divisions from the western front so historicity is a complete mess
>never bring eastern front divisions up to snuff, balance is also completely fucked (but I guess they want that so you'll buy their overpriced dlcs)
The last time I played this game my IS2 got killed by a pak 40 hitting its sloped front armor from 2k away. Oh and then of course I got bumrushed by a bunch of shitty SS conscripts who never surrender and gunned down all of my assault and rifle squads while also coming in larger numbers than the fucking soviet union somehow.

Like why does germany get better tanks, planes, infantry and yet can still match the soviets in numbers? Even the most ardent neo-nazi will agree they heavily outnumbered the germans heavily sometimes even 10-1 in certain battles.
agree it's a trash game and should be ignored.
Don't forget there is a dice roll that affects armor penetration to an attack meaning the exact same shot in under the exact same circumstances can be very heavily skewed in one way or another leading to some battles being entirely dependant on RNG. Hell I think more than just armor penetration has dice rolls too.

Mega Fucking Gay
>im bad
>so im mad
you niggers suck at vidya lmao
>unrealistic mario bros tier gameplay
>u bad!
Uh huh.
How and why did they fuck up the soviet union so hard in an eastern front game? The soviets get zero diversity in terms of troops. I know for a fact their infantry was diverse. Sometimes squad compositions were changed up for the specific theatre, or offensive, or battle, or objective. Maybe they werent as diverse as german squads but goddamn it’s like we get three variants: rifle squad, smg squad, AT squad. It’s bland as shit and ahistorical. It alone makes the soviets harder to play which is the opposite of reality. Frankly they shot their game in the foot by doing them like this since the soviets should make up half the game.
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>MAPS. Boy does this gane suck ass, BECAUSE THERE ARE NO MAPS!
This is such a big stinker, I don't get how this game even has any paypigs left at this point. They churn out a bunch of Western/ Italian front divisions but can't make a single new map to go along with them? Fuck that.
I love 75mm Shermans. They're cute, affordable, pack a decent punch, and it's always entertaining using groups of them to encircle heavy tanks with smoke artillery.
Kek yeah it’s literally insane playing divisions purpose-built for the Appenines in Belarus. There’s also the fact that terrain differences literally dont do shit in tbis game and that there are no mountains at all. It’s literally such a shit game once you think about it. Kek even total war has terrain modifiers.
The Soviets do make up half the game. Half the allied divisions are copy/paste trash Soviet divisions. I think they just hate the Soviets, which is fine but why did they make an eastern front game. They might as well just turn it into a western front game at this point, you end up fighting western front German divisions most of the time anyway.
In the most recent community discussion they're still refusing to add western front maps. For the same bullshit reason of file size. Obviously making the devs actually do work past directly porting over assets is too much.
It’s embarrassing to be a company that is so hostile to people who ask for something as basic as maps. Eugen feels like a scammy mobile phone game dev tbqh. Providing less than the bare minimum, ferocity towards any request, permabanning and deleting all criticism
You spent 220 on Pak fodder instead of 11 rifle squads or 7 squads an 2 zis 3 pt. Even germans can afford 8 squads with that budget
Wargame: Red Dragon ONLY has Far East Asian maps where appearance of GDR, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Norway and Sweden is a headscratcher but understandable as a backport from previous game (kinda like Normandy divisions in SD2) but then you got Yugoslavia, Netherlands, Finland, Israel and South Africa as DLC (and substantial freeLC updates to aformentioned backported countries), all fighting over Japanese villages for whatever reason.
Never got Taiwan or Vietnam or anything though.
Eugen is just retarded like that.
French people are notorious for hating their customers and Eugen especially so - I believe the story went that originally they peddled their shit to militaries trying to get them to buy it as training tools, think Steel Beasts or Bohemia Interactive because that brings the big bucks, but they got snubbed and had to make actual games.
>It's cheap
Because it's shit.
>t’s like ‘Nazi Germany: The Game’ instead of a WWII game
It's not a WWII game, it's an Eastern front game with Normandy/Italian DLC.
And what war was the Eastern Front a part of?
Soviet rifle squads are complete shit unless triple vetted and have arty support. Or Strafniki, they're good. Unless you have shturmowhateverthefucki, any German div with SS ubermen will roll you. I've rolled entire forests with just StG sturm troops and a little microing. Is2 is good because it'll stop German tank spam and actually make them think instead of parking their asses at 2km. That or they'll spam planes which will temporarily waste their points.
First of all it was a preset deck because I was learning the ropes and foolishly thought the deck would be decently well rounded. Second of all gee I wonder why I'm bitching about the most heavily armored allied heavy tank taking a round to its frontal armor from 2km away being killed in 1 shot, little rediculous especially knowing that it only died thanks to a fucking coin-flip and tons of tanks in game can tank pak40 shells thanks to the retarded AP system.

Also this >>1805784
SS spam is genuinely fucking OP and will roll any infantry, I have also seen SS squads wipe out flamers+assault squads in forests.
Great Patriotic War.
This game probably creates hundreds of brand new wehraboos each month. Sad, since they were finally being put in their place after two decades of the history channel indoctrination.
So then why does the Soviet Union have zero diversity and hardly any divisions? Damn like they didnt even TRY to make it interesting, they did very little research at all. It doesnt feel like an eastern fromt game. It feels like a cobbled together wheraboo moneygrab.

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