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Darkest Hour is 2€ right now on Steam.
Is it worth those 2 eurodollars?
This game is easily worth $20 so yes.
What makes it shine is Mods. I have 628.4 hours on Steam for this game.

The Fallout Mod is fun.

The Current Kaiserreich Mod STILL has the Mongol Lore
Is it worth it for free, anon?
Give me ypur opinion.
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I could never get it to run right on newer computers. Windows 7,10, doesn’t matter. It will launch and play but there is cancerous amounts of lagging and I imagine it will only get worse the more the timeline progresses. Weird considering base hoi2 runs perfectly fine on my computers, something about darkest hour. The game swallows razor blades trying to understand modern processors.

Definitely looks like a fun babies first war game sim. I’ve always been turned off by how few regions there are for maneuvering, in hoi3 naval invasions and flanks and utilizing terrain matter, in DH and 2 war just comes down to who can shove more divisions in a 2/3 region long border and who read up on the doom stack meta. Not fun for me. It would be much more rewarding and fulfilling to just learn hoi3 if you want something different from 4 playing itself while you watch.
>babies first war game sim
What would you recommend that is a little more complicated? I have played Shadow Empire a lot in the first months of 2024 and I had a lot of fun with it.
Worked just fine for me on both Win7 and 10.
>I’ve always been turned off by how few regions there are for maneuvering
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to "get" it.
>a little more complicated
Hoi4 unironically. It’s got really in depth mechanics but all the management is pretty arcadey
>hoi4 but more microintensive

Ah yes have fun manually attacking the whole soviet border.
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In DH the Soviet border is like 8 regions long it’s not difficult to manage at all. Hoi3 is the real filter get gud of the franchise.
This looks like a chore.
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Feels better when you win. It’s a much more accurate representation of how warfare was from the general’s perspective. You can’t put the game on max speed and AFK like 4. 3 is definitely not for everyone, but it’s by far the better game just not casual friendly.
>It’s a much more accurate representation of how warfare was from the general’s perspective.
Now that sounds like some bullshit.
>aaaaaaaa why do I have to play the game?
>why cant I just click on the map and let the AI do everything for le epic memes?
Why play strategy if you dont enjoy it?
Enjoy invading the URSS one click at a time.
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>Anne frank legion has steamrolled the enemy and conquered Berlin!! And since you pressed a focus button, the head of the US Air Force, Amelia eirheart, has bombed the chuds in Moscow while you were afk and won the campaign for you!


>the 15th motorized division just got bogged down in a fight with the 3rd highlanders corp in unfavorable terrain, we must scramble close air support and divert divisions from less strategic areas to avoid its total destruction and compromise of our defensive line. We also must act quickly to avoid a rout and breakthrough in the east, our heavily bombed 3 armored corp needs fresh units better suited to withstand the Soviet onslaught.
>still no proof of 34 sealion ITT or ANY other hoi2/3 thread.
Truly one of the best, and perhaps only VST meme

Is black ice mod worth downloading for it?
Try placing this inside your game folder
I think it's worth trying out.I've been playing it for a very long time,i had fun but i also grew tired of it.Air units are mostly useless unlike in hoi2,the only naval unit that matters is the carrier due to that shitty combat range mechanic,convoy raiding is very poorly represented so submarines aren't very useful,there are too few provinces,are some more shit i can't think of right now.
pro tip for sealion: land paratroopers in hull from amsterdam,it's not a beach province so it's never garrisoned by the ai,after that move your transport fleet there.
It's worth it for free. ANd what this anon >>1794141 said is true - FODD is the best thing ever. I've been playing it since the original build in the actual Doomsday, but DH amps it up. Hell, I scripted part of that game when 2.0 was about to be released and also proposed and play-tested bunch of ideas that got a pass, so it's a total win.

t. playing it ever since it came out, never bought any PDX game
>I boot a strategy game with massive fronts so I could draw the line and watch the game play itself
... why even bother?
No, seriously. Like I get it, HoI3 can be really a chore at certain cases, especially with mods (but I will defend the one with Chinese Civil War to my bitter end, fuck you, that's the best kind of autism!), but there is always 2/DH, where it's manageable level of provinces and the whole fun is about performing a good encirclement operation, rather than just watch the line moves on its own, because incompetent AI is fighting even more incompetent AI. Why fucking bother with 4's planner? If you just draw the line, the AI is incompetent as all fuck. If you plan to actually use it as a war planner, then it's 10 times more obtuse than even BICE for 3 is with Barbarossa.
I'm too lazy to play the big guys in hoi3, so I just play smaller countries or irrelevant ones. This way I can display my strategic genius by helping my faction win as Liberia
Italy and the UK are the perfect size desu
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Canada is a good sandbox campaign, you get enough IC to build cool shit, there’s no real threat to you with the USA so close, and you can piggyback off of whatever the British are doing and still be playing correctly. They’re in North Africa? Drop some divisions off. Burma/india? Go for it. Italy or they invaded German held France? You’re supposed to be there, good.

Hungary or Romania are good ones for axis too.

Once you start getting the hang of the game, Japan, Italy, maybe even Australia and comie/nattie china are fun rewarding campaigns before the big boys. USA is also a pretty easy one you just have to pull the trigger on big operations and flag down regions on the map so allies invade with you. I’ve been having fun with France. You’re a major power with a big handicap meaning you have to plan everything throughly and execute it with everything you can spare.
Just go play War in the East 2
>Windows 7,10, doesn’t matter.
windows 11 fixes it. Windows 11 seems to be able to run almost all old games
This does not include the last update.
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>You can’t put the game on max speed and AFK like 4
Who is paying you to make these posts?
It would be such a good game if it didn't have such a vomitive map.
If I downloaded it from steam unlocked do mods work?
Italy - maybe.
UK - you've got the fucking global empire to manage. And as France you have that AND a really shitty country to play as
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>Windows 11 seems to be able to run almost all old games
Is this really true or is it not yet another underhanded Bill Gates tactic to convince me to upgrade into his botnet OS
... do you seriously need to ask?
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Yes, but be aware it's a very serious mod. Some people find it a little too daunting.
I like it, despite the autism, simply because of the scripted invasions. Vanilla HOI3 AI can never pull of a naval invasions, but in Black Ice you will be D-Day'd as Germany with a million troops landing in France to keep you on your toes.
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I’ve seen plenty of vanilla invasions. Sometimes the UK will invade near Denmark and hold that river above Hamburg, and sometimes AI USA wins the pacific so quick they invade Japan.

Most of Italys attempts are laughable, but I have had a few games as an axis minor where I damaged the UK navy enough that Italy put all its troops in Gibraltar than invaded mainland UK and won.

Here is the result of my turkey play though.

Also in my Finland play though after beating the Soviets Germany took the UK with Italy. Conditions just have to be right for ai invasions.
once you get your naval stacks in order you only have to fight in north Africa and Burma for most of the playthrough and let the Americans and soviets do the heavy lifting.
its pretty much the only reason someone would willingly install windows 11
every game is in windowed borderless by default, no matter how old or shitty. Alt Tabbing is seemless for everything because of it.
Even DOS?
Why do you think they forcibly cut support for 7, despite releasing in the meanwhile 3 other OS and preparing to launch a 4th?
>Just let the AI play the game for you, bro
Is this the fabled GoY$ brain-damage?
Canada is a good all rounder for Allied sandboxing & Hungary is similar for the Axis although you won't get a navy. In DH/HOI2 both countries also have excellent tech teams, Hungary even has nuclear & rocketry teams to give you something to do once the USSR collapses.
Canada has enough IC but low manpower which encourages you to build a smallish but technologically advanced military, or to focus on the air war &/or naval war.
Hungary gives you the opportunity to gobble up a bunch of Yugoslavia & Ukraine and fuck around with air fleets as well
learn to read retard
>You don't need to fight the war, let the AI-controlled countries fight for you!
Learn to play the game, retard
not engaging with a retard sorry
I never told you to masturbate, anon. I told you to learn to play
If you need to ask then you are too fucking stupid to play it.
>You can’t put the game on max speed and AFK like 4
I put a small part of my army under AI control and it landed in india on its own when I wasn't looking. Not even hoi4 is like that.

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