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It isn't fair
Why did it have to be them
Who else would you put in its place?
>less players than payday 3
that's deader than dead.
heads are going to roll
HW1 is shit. HW2 is shit. Why would you think HW3 would be any good?
Shut your whore mouth
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Death is nothing compared to vindication.
homeworld 3 never happened, that's my official cope
because established brand name
To be fair, it was perfectly okay to be huffing hopium up until demo's release. That's when everyone realized shit's fucked.
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>To be fair, it was perfectly okay to be huffing hopium up until demo's release
It has less players than the remastered collection. It's over.
dok: moderate disappointment, at least it was just a spin off, concerning amount of feminism
hardspace shipbreaker: huge disappointment, at least it was only $35, sold far more than is deserved but bbi credibility evaporating
hw3: huge disappointment, bbi is a laughingstock
>moderate disappointment,
i came in with no expectations and left pretty pleasing
Most likely he meant BBI making Rachel the main character and once again showing that the Kushan can't do anything unless a S'jet woman does it for them.
no one's left. everything's gone. kharak is burning.
why are S'jets only women? Do they lay eggs and breed via corporate incompetence?
After a S'jet lays an egg it releases phermones to attract a karen, the Karen fertilises the egg with her hair dye which imprinting herself on the unborn. When the new S'jet is born it has traits of the Karen and over subsequent generations becomes almost indistinguishable from a Karen, the main difference is because of a genetic quick the Karens ego binds to the S'jets pituitary gland which causes it to grow to a much larger size than normal.
well in all fairness until HW3 there were only 2 s'jet women and the first is specifically a case of "i wanna be like mom" iirc.
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>my post got saved by anon as copium

I had high hopes for BBI man
They had a very good track record with desert of kharak and being ex-relic employees and i was just tired of the typical /v/irgin negativity and constant desire to lazily nitpick things to bitch about them out of context, especially the part about BBI's layoff being important at all unless you gave a shit about all those unnannounced projects
Who's everyone?
I don't know a single person who had any hopes for HM3.
How are you feeling? Are you OK?
>i was just tired of the typical /v/irgin negativity
you're too young and idealistic if you perceived all the loud and glaring harbingers of HW3's shithood as "/v/irgin negativity"
It's okay. I wanted to believe too.
>They had a very good track record with desert of kharak and being ex-relic employees
investors are poison for your goals.

I don't think it was intentional. I think at some point they realized they crept too much past the original budget / feature plans and took the easy way out that was new investors calls. Investors wanted a "modern" game aka a game as a service system. With no choice but to cut corners on all non-server side essentials they just threw the tower and called a DEI to write the game.

Then baby inc dropped that turd of a story and morale within the studio simply collapsed. Hard focus on polishing gameplay when you are keenly aware your game is DOA no matter what.
The west is incapable of making anything good anymore, everything now is being driven by profit and woke politics and nothing else.
it could've just been another mediocre rts but then that story lmao, zero white men, pointless nigger nobody remembers, three dykes
sorry senpai but immersive gameplay is the exclusive domain of indies now. past a certain budget target investors start meddling hard.
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Here's an image with more context
So far this utter bitch has destroyed both Tales from the Borderlands and Homeworld as IPs, yet she hasn't been fired.


Eventually it would reach a point where investors realise she's doing more harm than good, and it could cut into their profit margins.
homeworld has always really relied on its story and presentation
the gameplay is fine but ultimately rather basic where you essentially train the right units, prioritize targets, and cheese salvage
and, as a picture speaks a thousand words, there's no better summary of what happened than this >>1795130
how hasn't it been there already and for years? the gaming demographic has barely shifted ever and particularly the strategy gaming demographic
i think they really just don't care and, much like with disney et al, poz is more important than good stories
it's painfully ironic with homeworld though because sjet is one of the best female characters in any game period but she didn't enough like a histrionic dyke hitting menopause i guess
How did they manage to create such great game as Hardspace, but failed to make HJomeowlr.d3 ?
Homeworld three whores
the story was horrible in hardspace as well but the gameplay was good and the story was in the background, here it's in the forefront and the gameplay sucks dick too
hardspace is shit
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>Summer sale started
>Expected them to put 50% off on the damn game just to save a shred of their dignity with it hitting mostly negative at 39% positive in reviews
>20% off also fuck you, it still has Denuvo
Why are modern game devs so completely in denial when this shit happens? You made a piece of shit that universally no one cares for and you don't accept reality and make the game an acceptable price relative to the quality of the product? Yeah it just came out and you need to show that it's worth playing but NO ONE wants to pay $50 for something that is guaranteed slop. $30 is BARELY acceptable for what this became and they still refused to do that. For fucks sake a few of the collector's editions of HW3 were selling for $100 on ebay and at least that comes with merch of said game no one cares for.
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immersive gameplay, immersive story, immersive worldbuilding, etc the higher the budget, the lower the competence of people involved (at least in this industry) and I wish I was joking
>20% off also fuck you, it still has Denuvo
this is Gearbox, what did you expect? A publisher not doing the greediest thing possible with a financial flop of this magnitude?
i think they're just incompetent because imo shitty games are much more price elastic
people will drop $15 on a badly received game they had interest in or is from a franchise they liked just to try it for themselves and give it a chance
they are much less willing to do that for $45
in fact just in general people will take a punt on almost anything if they see -70% but -20% is pitiful
>Summer sale started
>Expected them to put 50% off on the damn game just to save a shred of their dignity with it hitting mostly negative at 39% in reviews
>20% off
This is the sales department doing their job right. Everyone expects the game to drop in price for the sales and people are holding off buying the game until then, you sound like you're one of them. So they drop it a little, and you are now faced with the dilemma of a small reduction or holding off another 5 months for the Christmas sale in hope of a bigger reduction. Can you impatience hold out that long.

It also buys the devs time to fix the game before a swarm of quick sales floods the reviews.
>Can your impatience hold out that long.
This only works with a monopoly and no alternatives. And both assumptions are false considering a competitor (Buccaneerism) with a perfect substitute (literally the exact same thing but le free) exists.
>This only works with a monopoly and no alternatives. And both assumptions are false considering a competitor (Buccaneerism) with a perfect substitute (literally the exact same thing but le free) exists.
If that's your posistion then, as a consumer, there is no reason to complain that a 20% discount is insufficent.
>there is no reason to complain that a 20% discount is insufficent.
I ain't complaining about a shit game having a shit selling strategy. I am arguing that a bigger discount might work because piracy isn't actually "le free" (due to something something ease of acquisition something something opportunity cost something something digital dangers) so people will prefer to expend a couple of bucks for the convenience of acquisition through legal means (the amount of which depends on the quality of the product, the goodwill between the community and the creators, blah blah blah).
>I ain't complaining about a shit game having a shit selling strategy.
>I am arguing that a bigger discount might work
That's the same thing
It appears that "complaining" does mean that, and here I was thinking its meaning was closer to "whining", uh.
"complaining" implies I have a stake on the subject.
this is more of a commentary
good grief
>"complaining" implies I have a stake on the subject.
You do have a stake in the subject, if you didn't why are you weighing in?
my stake was on the game actually being good. Sales strategies to attempt to salvage the dumpster fire are merely academic on my part.
>Sales strategies to attempt to salvage the dumpster fire are merely academic on my part.
In that case keeping the game full price would be the desirable option:
>Game has mostly negative reviews
>Nobody buys the game
>Keep the game full price
>Devs now have time to fix the game
>Still nobody buying the game

>Christmas rolls round
>Massive reductions!
>People who were put off the reviews buy the game cheap
>Influx of reviews saying the game is good and to ignore old reviews
>Mostly negative becomes mostly positive
>Release free+premium DLC
>People who brought the game cheap buy the premium DLC
>People who left negative reviews are tempted to come back by the free-DLC/positive reviews and recant their previous reviews

This is far better than:
>Game has mostly negative reviews
>Nobody buys the game
>Massive Reductions!
>People buy the game cheap and add to the review bombs.
>Make the promise that "Devs will fix the game later"
>Devs fix the game
>Have 2x the amount of reviews to counter in order to generate positive average
>No new audience (they already brought the game for cheap)

The only case in which the latter is more preferable is when you have no dev team and you're just trying to milk the corpse before it goes under permanently...............
>The only case in which the latter is more preferable is when you have no dev team and you're just trying to milk the corpse before it goes under permanently...............
i guess you're an optimist then
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big discounts didn't save dow3
the discount should inflate to 80% immediately. But even then the game is beyond saving
it doesnt make any sense to start with 50% immediately. You start with 20% and see who's willing to pay up. In a month they'll go with 25% and see who pays up. It's always a slow milking crawl, the mythical "long sales tail" hunt, especially with a publisher.
>very good track record with desert of kharak
Deserts of Kharak was meh at best and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.

It had good bits but story and mission design was a lot of dooky, unit balance was miserable.
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>skibidi energy
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As soon as I saw this I knew. I didn't want to believe it. It was so very hard to fuck it all up and DoK, while shaky, had not. But everything came to pass as it was foreseen.
Starcraft 2:
>story is complete shit
>already has good gameplay and mechanics on launch
>devs (at the time) has a good track record for quality games
>game is cool, just don't pay any attention to the story

Homeworld 3:
>story is complete shit
>gameplay and mechanics on launch are also complete shit
>devs are mediocre at best and publisher is infamous for being a fuckup

Not looking good in any timeframe, desu.
It's political moron, video games are the biggest cultural lever to influence developing brains right now, no expense is or will be spared to make them think correct&approved thoughts
You're an idiot and should have seen the signs
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bbi took a game about spaceships, big metal object with armor and guns that shoot things and explode, an old IP almost forgot, and when deciding on that the story should be, came up with "a story about 3 girls".
how someone can start to a space cruiser and end into something completely unrelated to that it's beyond me. I buy the woke/ESG narrative to a certain point, the game could have been woke in a million ways and still be somewhat relevant to the gameplay, idea, focus, call whatever you what, of space battles. If you have some sort of book/video that explain this phenomena, please respond me.
I can see that BBI was really not interested in the title for some reason, and made a slop conscious of the poor quality just because, for the people involved in the game, it's just work, like doing insurance or auto repair. Dunno what they saw in the homeworld IP to choose to do so, again a big question mark.
>Starcraft 2:
>story is complete shit
>game is cool, just don't pay any attention to the story
>Another american basedboy anon who have shit taste in /vst/
Didn't she have a brother in DoK as well as one of the ops guys being a s'jet by name
>I can see that BBI was really not interested in the title for some reason
If you feel that way then it only makes this dumpster fire even worse. HW3 was a partially crowd-funded "passion project" with big involvement of fans, at least in the earlier years.
This was supposed to be THE big comeback and it was all wasted because they let some freak behind the wheel of one of the most important aspects of those games >>1795130
it's fine the first mothership had a strong dyke inside due to circumstances but every single one doesn't need that
its called the MOTHER-ship you bigot
>not made in Japan
>not made in China
>is shit
Checks out.
Current euro and burger devs can't even rehash things properly and artistic capacity of "creative" people doesn't go beyond some form of STRONK WOMAN drivel.
It's fucking OGRE, come back in 10 years.
This is what you get when TV rejects co-opt your writing process.

>I can see that BBI was really not interested in the title for some reason
can attest this is false. What happened is that a lot of money got put into the studio at a certain date and that opened the door to the usual industry vultures and undesirables.
of course leftists won’t subvert this metaphor because it’s judeo-feminist approved
I had hope too anon.

Still... I didn't go about arguing with people online about it.
yeah remember the last good rts made in asia? Back to your designated dumb retard space >>>>>>/v/
Remember the last good game made in the west?
Follow your own advice and piss off back to whatever loo you crawled out.
And into the fail hellhole that is the American-Japanese relationship you both go.
>the last good game made in the west?
they come out like every week, is this bait? Check out steam releases any week and it's full of western games full of positive reviews. The only time a "good" asian game comes out it turns out to be tencent gumigoy gachaslop or yet another anime sex VN forgotten in a weekend, I sense some deranged chinkoidism at work here
stupid sideways mothership was a dead give away
>full of positive reviews
4chan is a reddit of our time and I don't belong here anymore.
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>positive user reviews actually mean the game is shit!!!!!!
lmaoing at your autistic impotent rage ass. We the oldfags, huh? Row row, fight the powah!
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The premise for that argument is ad populum you fucking mouth-breather.
Good bait, made me reply. Now find a rope.

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