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Let's talk about the most ambitious FERH game ever.
I remember playing it when it first came out. Couldn't get past the early game, not because it was hard(I even played on HM); But it got extremely tedious and a pain in the ass to be rushed every fucking chapter with either a timer or Game over reinforcements. Their approach to level design is also assbackward and lazy. The entire point of level design is to make the approach engaging and cannot be beaten by turtling. If your map can be beaten by turtling then it is by definition a mediocre map. Slapping on a timer is just a hack solution. A proper scripting, enemy placement and resource scarcity. Timers are only one small tool in making a good level. All they did was make mostly mediocre(not bad, mind you) maps and think that doom reinforcements or unusual/timed win conditions would change that. They build upon a good level, not make them.
Then what's your approach?
Like I said in my previous post. You need competent level design that works together with fine tuned enemy placement(type and number), sufficiently difficult enemies and proper enemy reaction to what you do. The third part is probably hard with the GBA scripting limitations, but still doable.

In AS, most of the enemies that I saw were either set to guard(and react if you move inrage) or dispersed reinforcements which have active(hunt). The problem is obvious, as there are very limited amount of actual enemy formations(and next to none who move in tandem, save for the game over reinforcements). That is the real reason they resorted to using timers and gimmicks to put pressure on the player in liue of actual red team threats. A map like that(and most fire emblem maps are patterned this way), lend to turtling "breaking" the map.

If the tactical situation turn by turn, is not forcing you forwards in order to avoid getting rekt; then the map is no good. Being fair to AS, there were some maps when this was the case. But that was mostly due to reinforcement spam across a wide front.

If you look at a game like FE6(which Mangs also likes), there are always several mobile squads which actively hunt the player or pincer pinch the map/or side objectives. Which are all self contained formations(ie more than one weapon tri type+healers+mages/ranged). Also, the clumped/ static formations follow this same pattern and sometimes go active.

They really are viewing the maps and enemy reinforcements in the wrong way. Instead of positional fighting or designing maps around a core tactical challenge(and several branching variations after the first "push").
Why is this dead? Also why no fan art?
Good hack, but it suffers from making snowballing way to easy and early through many actually manageable promoted/high level enemies. It also suffers from weird item distribution and cost with the way I see most people play being to nearly just ignore stores entirely and just go off of all the free shit the game hands you. The hack does a good job at making it so you actually want to use effective weapons that's something lots of hack's struggle with. 16 and 17 are by far the worst chapters in the entire hack with 16 having areas like the top left either handle themselves entirely on their own or be a panic button entirely off of random chance and 17 being literally based around randomly spawned enemy groups. The hack does suffer from only having 2 styles of maps for the most part. The here have a messy situation figure out how to deal with it in a timely manner good luck and you better keep pushing through these mostly static defenses or else this bad thing will happen. That's not to say it's even remotely bad by fire emblem standards, in fact it does it better than most of the franchise in that regard with it making it so engaging with a chapter beyond baiting a single enemy or 2 every turn then healing that so many vanilla fire emblem stages run into. I also liked the fact it actually included rescue and hammern staves as things you get to play around with instead of being so rare you will never use them unless you have a specific plan that involves using them.
Here you guys go. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNZPNZIdfpU
Overall I have to say it feels more like how Engage designed its maps than something like FE6.
Snowballing being so easy to do is part of why I go out of my way to try to not engage in death squad farming and such, having to rely on death squads is one thing but giving you boat loads of EXP for killing them is such an oversight I have no idea how it got past beta testing.
I think most of the maps are good but the stinkers are pretty big stinkers and they are typically due to being reliant on more levels of RNG then anyone is remotely comfortable with.
I say it's still a top ten romhack, but it had too much ambition and really should've scaled itself back so it could've been more about quality and less about quantity, which is something the creators have acknowledged in hindsight.
I loved it. I see that another anon was complaining saying the reinforcements and timers were bad, but I loved it.

It forced you to take risks, and split your army to gain treasure/villages/new recruits which I loved.

There definitely were crappy maps like chapter 6 or 7 where it's just a Baudimon/Aylanda solo or the Thracia fog chapters like the tomb of horrors (which can range from easy to impossible based on RNG).

But honestly I liked a lot of chapters with RNG like chapter 17, and the final one.

Final chapter was too fucking good with the hype music, fighting against ancestors, and the insane gimmicks popping off each turn.

I've probbaly played the hack over 3 times with 2 of them being on Lunatic just to focus on different units and support combinations.

Having A supports give new skills was also brilliant, and made it really fun to make some characters completely inflated with skills by killing off their support partners.

Honestly the game's a 10/10 to me even with the flaws of some shitty maps and being too long.

I'm hyped for rebellion saga since it seems to have taken lessons and is only 10 chapters long with a bunch of branching choices.
is this porn?
Nah, it's a GBA fire emblem sacred stones rom hack.
levels are cool, writing is embarrassing. tries to hard to be epic cool
How did you come to that conclusion?
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