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>resources not used are resources wasted
do you agree or disagree with this sentence?
>Surplus? Reserve? Who needs that
This is your brain after eating that 8th quarterpounder, you fat sack of lard
True in RTS where they're capped, not true in any other type of strategy game.
hell yeah dude the only REAL strategy game is getting you to suck my cock hahaha
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In an action strategy game where defeat can hinge on a single unit? Absolutely, floating resources is bad for a reason. In a slow strategy game where you have time to react? Stockpiles allow you to survive disasters, you always want them.
Yes. RTS games work like that. There is no pyrrhic victory - you aren't fighting the 100 years war, you're fighting the battle of Agincourt so of course you're spending all the realm's iron on knights. There is no tomorrow. Spend today.

Some games penalise going even as far as $-1 into the red, such as making workers quit if their wage isn't paid in full on the dot, or throwing random, expensive disaster events at you.
But most competitive games demand you to go into debt and run an unsustainable empire to win, at all costs, like image related.
Your fatty gut is the reserve.
resources not used are still resources denied to your opponent
>But most competitive games demand you to go into debt
uhhh no most competitive games have no form of debt
and yes floating resources is always bad because you should either be investing in your economy or investing in your army or w/e
if you never spent the resources then you manifestly didn't need them
Did you know simplifications of complex subjects are always wrong?
im a game like aoe or starcraft you should literally never float resources
warcraft has upkeep so that changes things
Bit off topic, but wasn't there an 2000s RTS where one optional victory condition for PvP is to turtle to reach the resource cap?
if your reserves are meant to be spent, isn't that just proving the point though?
especially in strategy games where the name of the game is converting resources into winning engagements.
Reserves are not important in most strategy games because there is rarely an effective limit on the force you can bring to bear. Most RTS titles will represent Lancaster's Square Law in near full effect. Even the ones with a lot of melee units have a partial effect and battles over quickly enough that you're still just blasting HP pools at each other in a linear fashion.
There are RTS games where reserves make sense, such as (certain) Total War games where the front line can only be so wide practically. Limited ability to deploy makes keeping units held back to reinforce where needed a valuable tactic, as opposed to investing all your resources into fewer more elite units, for example.
Similar dichotomies exist in non-RTS strategy games; look at the differences in combat between Civ 5/6 with their one-unit-per-tile combat compared to an Amplitude title or AoW or whatever.

As for literal resources it's only valuable when they let you quickly redeploy, like by buying something elsewhere. Just like resources in real life.
it depends on your timeline.
king solomons father spent his entire life amassing wealth and resources that solomon would use to build his temple.
he was bros with some other king too
we are on /vst/
By that logic Phillip of Macedonia is highly responsible for Alexander's sucess.
if alexander wasnt born to a king hed be an absolute nobody.
Yes and no. If you're not spending your resources as you get them, you're not snowballing, and strictly speaking that's wasting time rather than resources, since resources can be stockpiled to be used later in most games. Stockpiling isn't altogether bad, but there's a point where you may be stockpiling beyond its utility.
Agreed. In the context of wargames or any sort of strategy game that has the win condition of "kill everyone or make everyone submit at all costs". Because I always have a feeling of, If I don't spend my resources now and wait, I'm going to be behind economically and militarily. You only save resources for something you want to rush or focus on.

And I'm okay with that design. Makes games have a lot of tension but it's not realistic.
what the fuck
Fag's going from thread to thread posting pokemon vore because... Fuck, I don't know. Mental illness?
Thats a greedy algorithm mindset. Greed has worked better than I expected, but I still see it all heading for collapse. People who think like this are incapable of not driving off a cliff.
hey retard we are talking about video games
who cares about video games? Grow up, retard.
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"Resources exist to be consumed. And consumed they will be, if not by this generation then by some future. By what right does this forgotten future seek to deny us our birthright? None, I say! Let us take what is ours, chew and eat our fill."
CEO Nwabudike Morgan, "The Ethics of Greed"
Now that is some satanic shit
Is it though? Why?
Capitalists create gleaming towers surrounded by miles of ruin, until eventually the tower collapses & nothing is left.
>When income and property tax exists alongside forced diversity laws
>Capitalism is... LE BAD
Surface level midwit take. There is a distinction between consumption and waste. Consumption is a natural and unavoidable process of living things and even celestial process such as fusion. Morgan's entire philosophy is centered around consuming resources in order to acquire more resources to consume, which is blatantly obvious in pretty much all of his quotes, particularly the one where he notes that most of Centauri Prime's energy output is virtually completely wasted, and he has every intention of harnessing as much of it as technology allows.

Interesting to note is that the Morganites can in fact take green economics, it's counter-intuitive to do so, but not locked out.
In RTS yes.
>One player has thousands of stockpiled resources, one barracks and one stable
>Other player has army
The guy with army will win
Are you saving to invest in something that'll be an immediete power spike?
If no and are floating that's bad regardless of type of strategy
I thought it was universally agreed that he was since he did a bunch of the prep work for Alexander
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was there any doubt
>starcraft you should literally never float resources
every heard of blood lord switches or reactive warp-ins? the same goes for carriers in sc1, you need a bank before you can start switchiing
ok yeah protoss is a bit exceptional because of how they summon units but you should still only ever have so much banked
That isn't the only variable. In some games, using resources means committing to certain unit types or deployment areas. So often it's better to focus on Intel or maneuvering first to shape the battle you want in the future.so you can maintain flexibility and only commit when you know you'll win.

Sure in some of the more braindead strategy games then floating is bad. But any proper strategy game will have massive drawbacks for committing mindlessly.
>guy with an army spams one or two cheap early game units.
>he gets scouted by the guy who has stockpiles
>guy 2# makes counter to his army with his resources

Splurging this way is only effective if you rush down your enemies and even then depending on the game it could be a gamble.
Came here for this, good lad.
Exceptions to the rule
RTS training times usually mean guy 2 is boned. You're ignoring that part
miriam pls
yep unless you can carry them over to the next mission. What strategy games allow you to do this? I only know of Homeworld but surely there's more
>guy with stockpile gets his base trashed while trying to build his epic counter army
>He doesn't leverage resources to bypass the costs of obtaining them and expand to new ground
Fucking wasteful.
One of the best hidden gems. Shame about the server state.
RTS are action games bud.
no any proper strategy game will make it so spending resources takes time and by investing in more production for flexibility you sacrifice potential force now
moreover in what game are there no generic units you can apply to most situations? if you aren't sure what to exactly commit to yet then there is always some safe core strategy you can follow before investing deeply into something
no game lets you just insantly conjure an army
when people scout in actual high level rts games they do not do so while building nothing retard
Literally me playing every RPG ever made.
"Good" strategy games require you having resources to solve your problem on hand to avoid a disaster that would long term cost you more overall.
Compare it to firing a fireball not when you see the enemy forces, but when you see them pile-up. It is true that early advantages usually snow ball into bigger ones, but a well timed use of resources and risk-management should prevent you from neing fucked over.
Especially with games with upkeep, where you're actively paying for the advantages you have instead of them being one-and-done deal, so you really wanna time them best ("good" games would also delay effects of such, so that planning is more important than gooclick)
Reserves mean flexibility.
At least it existed in the first place, much better than having miles of ruin with nothing to show for it. Candle that burns twice as bright burns, half as long.
it is bad
its unstable system based on constant growth and exploitation
chasing profits destroyed nations and will destroy world
Yes. Use those resources to make more resources so you can use more resources to make more resources... ad infinitum
I always thought the whole point was "there is no tomorrow if we lose this fight" stockpiling as though there is a tomorrow is just asking to be rushed and plundered. The enemy camp will thank you for your donation.
>"If the next generation has anything left that means we lost, screwing over our children is our birthright."
>Actually this is a good thing because mindless overconsumption is perfectly natural. the more I consume the better I am! Fuck the long term consequences and pass me another cheeseburger!
And you wonder why people call you satanic.
Boomer quote lol

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