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Total World War 1 when?
why the fuck do you want this it would suck so hard
It was one of Legend's leaks, so it most likely isn't happening.
>it would suck so hard
they made a ww1 game that was a fairly decent abstraction of ww1 warfare. unsurprisingly playing it got real old real fast
tldr about his leaks?
he's hung like a horse and he likes fucking every tw eceleb up the ass but especially volound
volound shaved his long hair because legend preferred him to look like a twink instead of a tranny
needless to say, his scottish asshole was bleached either way.
For warhammer 3 total war he said the next DLCs were a Cathay DLC, Dogs of War and monkey king Cathay DLC. He also said next big TW games are Warhammer 40k and WW1. Unsurprisingly, the next DLC ended up being Khorne, greenskins and ogres.
you can't simulate WW1 with the traditional total war formula
Fans of both the people he mentioned are completely deranged. I notice in his video for the leaks that there was 1 person replying to every post saying his sources were clearly wrong. Then when it turned out they were wrong and people went to comment that, the same person started writing essays about how Legend made CA change the DLC.
No they didnt retard.
It would be fucking awesome you dipshit kike.
Yes you can dumb niggerbrain. Leave defense building and such on the grand campaign map. Leave the battles for actual parts of larger battles which occured. Easy to simulate in a fun way.

The war itself sucks because of the tactics but it would still be fun. Plus you could cheat woth mdoern knowledge and build tanks sooner to fuck up the lines.
Sure you can, it will just be very gamey and simple, like all the other TWs.
huh? no they didn't what?
Doesn't this already exist? Game's called 'The Great War: Western Front'.
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Need I remind you that other people can see what you post. Please refrain from being a complete retard. And if that is too hard at least don't show it to everyone.
How are you deciding what threads to post this in? You've posted it in 3 of the 5 threads I have open right now.
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If it was in any way accurate it would just be sitting in trenches with you constantly losing units to gangrene.
He's stalking, and he's lurking, when (you)'re least expecting.
hopefully never
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>France and Germany are one province
>USA sold as a dlc
>naval battles are auto-resolve only
>AI Russia blobs every time
I believe it, ww1 will be the next TW and will suck so much that CA will die, TW youtubers will kommit sudoku and TW fans will be persecuted by the law as rabid dogs
what are you even yapping about kek? have you tried the great war mod for napoleon? spoiler: its really fucking bad.
unironically the only fun ww1 games are battlefield 1 and isonzo
Lol imagine how retarded allied armies would act. The UK would probably never leave their island
How would this even work? Every trench is a building that you have to shove units in? Artillery is like calling in spells a la WH2? Sounds terrible to me.
Trench warfare really only developed on the western front. The eastern front was too wide to fortify and both sides largely fought in a traditional manner, with balls of violence hurling themselves over open fields into waiting machineguns and skirmishing combat through forests and rough terrain. Similarly the italian front was too rough to fortify, taking place largely in mountainous regions and instead just involved a lot of small unit tactics and occasional suicide-charges up cliffsides.
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>occasional suicide-charges up cliffsides.
>when the 5th battle at the same place is just warming up
I still don't understand how this guy was not hanged (or at least replaced) the third tinw he tried the same shit with the same catastrophic results.
Either the Italian state was some disfunctional apparatus or the Italian military was just lead by dumb fucks.
Battlefield 1 isn't a WW1 game.
>dude what if we steal Tolkien’s universe and make it really cringe
Total War was never good. It was promising for a while but never actually reached its potential.
>Either the Italian state was some disfunctional apparatus or the Italian military was just lead by dumb fucks.
They call it modern fantasy nowadays, thinking that making quips and referencesanother and "subverting" shit without understanding it to look different makes them look like geniuses criticizing Tolkien's work. Warhammer didn't even steal from Tolkien, they just stole from thieves who stole from other thieves that stole from Tolkien - no one can actually talk about Tolkien, only alternate between punching and sucking each others' dicks.
Meant to say "references to one another" instead of deleting half the words and putting the rest together, fuck my life.
that's literally every modern fantasy setting
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Cadorna gets memed on a ton and while I'd hesitate to call him a good general, the modernization of the Italian army that occurred during the war was in large part due to his efforts. The reason for so many Isonzo battles is that it's the only place along the entire front where an offensive could be launched, with terrain that heavily favored the Austrians. Despite these disadvantages, not all of the Italian efforts were failures.
Now, if you want somebody who really deserves the hate, look no further than pic related. Fucker had a hand in pretty much every single Italian military disaster of the 20th century, yet kept on falling upwards in spite of it.
>have you tried this terrible mod??? It means setting BAD
Idiot retard nigger
>nEeD i reMinD yOu
I wonder why the trannies (You) hate WWI so much. Many such cases.
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yeah youre a retarded nigger, you cant make a fun ww1 tw game using the traditional formula

>Leave defense building and such on the grand campaign map. Leave the battles for actual parts of larger battles which occured.

thats absolutely retarded and youre a retard double nigger if you think thats fun
All they have to do is slightly change the formula and they could make an incredible WW1 game... idk why people are so against it. Although knowing them they won't change the formula even slightly and the game would suck so I kinda get it. But WW1 was the last major war that I could see a TW game existing at all, anything later like WW2 would be impossible due to the tactics used, it wouldn't be a tw game anymore.
The leaks said it was going the next big historical title, not built upon empire/rome II total war
My people (the italians) are incredibly docile against tiranny. Considering that the guy did the right thing, using people that won't do shit to zerg
"Moreover, Badoglio was an opportunist well known for his sycophancy towards those in power, which led the king to choose him as Mussolini's successor as he knew that Badoglio would do anything to have power whereas Caviglia had a reputation as a man of principle and honour."
l m a o
Never post here again.
People are against it because they are lazy faggots. They dont want to set up troop placements or defenses. They are gamey arcadish niggers who want quick skirmishes and bing bang wahoo
If you're talking about The Great War: Western Front. It would have been great if they didn't abandon it only a few months after release. It feels like a tech-demo for a larger game that never came to be
What about WWI?
Mussolini was not a real dictator because he was subject to the Council of Fascism and you treated the Jews extremely well compared to other places, taking into account the pressure Germany exerted to deport and kill them all.
boy, I have 200 hours in mius-front, I'm a pro, fuck off with your casual TW lol
If you ever start a world war and italy spawns as an ally, just quit the game and re-roll.
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>game series is called Total War
>no games set in the actual 2 total wars that have been fought
Medieval 2 had the Mongols
nor the 30 years war
I guess in theory there's Empire with situations like 7YW
>they made a ww1 game that was a fairly decent abstraction of ww1 warfare
On the western front? I like it but it's mega autistic and appeals to very few.
do you think CA regretted picking the name "total war", given that it was Goebbels' term?

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